Consultation for parents “Children and TV: advice to parents. Child and TV: Tips for Parents Lag in Speech Development

  Marina Nikitina
  Consultation for parents “Children and TV”

Educator MBDOU №74, about. Samara

Nikitina Marina Anatolyevna

Nowadays tV, video, computer and game consoles are firmly entrenched in the lives of many children. The screen increasingly replaces grandmother's tales, mother's lullabies, conversations with his father. He becomes the main « educator»   a child.

According to UNESCO, 93% of modern children 3-5 years old are watching tV 28 hours a week, that is, about 4 hours a day, which far exceeds the time of communication with adults.

This harmless pastime quite suits not only children, but also their of parents. In fact, the baby does not bother, asks for nothing, does not disorderly, does not run the risk, and at the same time receives impressions, learns something new, joins modern civilization. However, this seemingly safe occupation can lead to very sad consequences not only for the child’s health, but also for his mental development. Currently, when the first generation is growing up "On-screen children", these consequences are becoming more apparent.

The first of these is the lag in speech development. In recent years and parents   and teachers are increasingly complaining about delays in speech development - children   later they begin to speak, speak little and bad, their speech is poor and primitive. Special speech therapy help is needed in almost every group of kindergarten.

The mastery of speaking skills at an early age occurs only in live, direct communication, when the baby not only listens to other people's words, but also answers another person when he himself is included in the dialogue. And not only by hearing and articulation, but by all their actions, thoughts and feelings. The child’s response statements arise solely on live speech addressed specifically to him. Speech sounds that are not addressed to the baby personally and do not involve an answer do not affect the will, do not induce action and do not cause any images. They stay "Empty sound". Speech coming from the screen remains a meaningless set of other people's words, it does not become "his". therefore children   prefer to be silent, and to speak with shouts or gestures.

Recently, teachers and psychologists have increasingly noted in children the inability to self-deepen, to concentrate on any lesson, and lack of interest in the case. These symptoms were summarized in a picture of a new disease. "Lack of concentration". It is especially pronounced in training and is characterized by hyperactivity and increased distraction. Such children   they don’t linger on any classes, quickly switch, feverishly striving for a change of impressions. At the same time, diverse impressions are perceived by him superficially and fragmentarily.

In addition, many children found it difficult to perceive information by ear - they cannot keep the previous phrase in their memory and associate individual sentences. Audible speech does not cause them any images and lasting impressions. For the same reason, it is difficult for them to read - understanding individual words and short sentences, they do not hold and do not bind them. As a result, they do not understand the text as a whole.

Another fact that many teachers note is a sharp decline in imagination and creative activity. Children   lose their ability and desire to do something with themselves. They make no effort to invent new games, to compose new tales, to create their own imaginary world. They are bored to draw designcoming up with new stories. They are not interested in communicating with each other. In general, communication with peers is becoming more superficial and formal: Children have nothing to talk about, nothing to discuss or argue. They prefer to mess around, push or push a button and wait for new ready-made entertainment.

TV is to blame?

But perhaps the most clear evidence of the growth of this inner void is an increase in child cruelty and aggressiveness. Striking is not only cruelty, but also the senselessness, unmotivatedness of these children’s "Pranks". Of course, the boys always fought, but recently the quality of children's aggressiveness has changed. Previously, when clarifying relations in the schoolyard, the fight ended as soon as the enemy was lying on the ground, i.e., defeated. It was enough to feel the winner. Nowadays, the winner gladly kicks the recumbent, losing any sense of proportion. Wherein children   do not realize their own actions and do not foresee their consequences. But is it really all to blame tV? Yes, if we are talking about a small child who is not ready to adequately perceive information from the screen. When TV absorbs all the strength and attention of a baby, when it replaces communication with close adults for a small child, then, of course, a powerful formative, or rather, deforming, effect on the formation of the psyche is found.

Children's age is the period of the most intensive formation of the inner world. Change or catch up in the future is almost impossible. Age of early and preschool childhood (up to 6-7 years old)   - the time of the origin and formation of the most common fundamental abilities of man.

In the history of pedagogy and psychology, a long way has been traveled to the moment when the originality and features of the first years were noticed and recognized. Only at the end of the last century was a qualitative uniqueness of childhood discovered, fundamental differences in the upbringing of the world of a child and an adult. Before children   regarded as small adults who still do not know much and do not know how. But now this particular originality and the fundamental significance of childhood is again being pushed into the background. It happens under the pretext "Requirements of the present"   and “Protect the rights of the child”. It is believed that a small child can be treated in the same way as with for adults: he can be taught anything; he can be explained the norms and rules of behavior. Putting the baby in front tV, parents thinkthat he, like an adult, understands what is happening on the screen. But this is far from the case. I recall an episode from a Western film in which a young father, left with a two-year-old baby at home, ineptly takes care of the housework, and the child sits quietly in front of tV   and watching an erotic movie. All of a sudden "movie"   ends, my child begins to yell. Having tried all possible means of comfort, dad puts the baby in front of the window. a washing machine in which colored linen spins and flickers. The child abruptly falls silent and calmly looks at the new "screen"   with the same fascination as before he looked in tV. This example clearly illustrates the peculiarity of perception of the image by a small child. He does not delve into the content and plots, does not understand the actions and relationships of the heroes, the baby just sees bright moving spots that attract his attention like a magnet. Accustomed to such visual manipulation, the baby begins to feel the need for it, looking for it everywhere. Primitive dependence on sensory sensations can close the baby all the wealth of the world. He does not care where to look - if only he flickers, moves, makes noise. Around the same time, he begins to perceive the surrounding reality.

The right to childhood.

The main right of a child is his right to childhood, to full living of all age periods. By planting a preschooler in front of the screen and freeing himself from unnecessary and tedious activities with him, adults rob him and violate the basic law of the development of the child's psyche. I will try to remind and explain this law, discovered by L. S. Vygotsky.

Its essence lies in the fact that the formation of the inner world of a child occurs in his joint life with an adult. All of the baby’s higher mental functions — his interests, experiences, ideas, images — initially do not exist inside himself, but in the space between the child and the adult. At the same time, an adult does not impose any ideas or values \u200b\u200bon the baby. Together with him, he builds his inner world, revealing new facets of reality that are not visible by themselves and therefore may go unnoticed. Objects surrounding a small child do not directly affect it. You can see many cats and dogs, but do not know that they are alive, that it hurts or is cold. You can see trees and flowers, but not notice that they are beautiful; You can come across cubes, but not have any interest in the construction of towers and palaces. The inner, cultural essence of the crumb things is revealed only with the adult, due to the fact that a loved one enters into a dialogue with him.

And only then, open and tested together with an adult human ideas, values, experiences enter the child’s mental life and become "Their". If the baby at an early age is deprived of full communication with adults, then the meaning of the things around him, and with it the whole human culture, remains closed, alien, unclaimed, and his inner world is empty.

The above does not at all mean a call to exclude the media from the life and upbringing of children. Not at all. It is impossible and pointless. But you can connect the younger generation to information technology only when it is ready for its intended use. When TV will be for children just a means of obtaining the necessary information, and not an overbearing master over their souls and not their educator.


“What a woe, TV! Eternal conflicts with children who are ready to sit all their time at the TV, who stop reading, because the TV is crowding out books ... "

“What a blessing - the TV! As he broadens his horizons, both children and parents. How many common interests it gives rise to, how much trouble it saves: no need to go to the cinema with children, for example. He often replaces the children of their parents - at least in terms of information. ”

Which of these statements do you support? (parents' answers);

How can television be used effectively in raising children ?;

Should you limit the time you watch TV shows for younger students?


Do I need to pre-select TV shows for children to watch?

A modern child can hardly imagine his life without a blue screen. Heroes and images of television broadcasts are very real images of his childhood. He uses a TV and a computer more freely than a book: you need to learn how to read a book, and you only need to watch and listen to TV. And if children come to school as novices who still cannot read and write, then the audience is already quite experienced.

Television affects a younger student, acting as a powerful engine of his education and development. For most children, television has become a great friend helping to learn a lot.and interesting. However, parents are saddened by the fact that children spend a lot of time on TV, watch programs for both children and adults. When we try to limit their sitting at the TV or computer, the children are angry with us and make compromises. They become hostile, forced to argue with them and even threaten them. Many behave as if the end of the world would come if they could not watch TV every day. Why is this happening? There are many reasons, and the first of them is that television is available. Just press the button to get any sight. No effort required. Further: television tales give children great pleasure. They allow them to easily fantasize, race on horseback, chasing bandits, etc. In addition, the series, which are repeated very often, force them to watch TV regularly to find out how this or that story ends.

So the guys are attracted by the TV screen itself. But the great responsibility lies with the parents, who themselves create the habit of constantly watching TV.

We doing this:

A) when we ourselves often watch everything in a row, disconnecting from the real world. Children want to share our privileges and imitate us. In addition, they are just as curious as we are.

B) when we are lazy and happy: while the children are sitting at the screen, they are calm and there is no need to deal with them. So we indulge them ourselves, suggest how to find a new occupation for ourselves, and calm down once they are happy.

C) when we use television or a computer as a reward or punishment. To watch this or that program, children are in a hurry to do all things as soon as possible. Parents use this addiction of the child to force him to sit down for lessons, to force him to do homework or his order. They say: “Notif you do it, I won’t let you watch a TV show. ” The child fulfills our order. However, whatever he does, his thoughts are absorbed in the upcoming broadcast, the desire to get the right to watch TV or play at any cost. This causes obvious harm to education, preventing the formation of a conscientious and responsible attitude to work and teaching.

When is TV necessary for guys?

When it expands the boundaries of experience, showing the edges and people who would not have been seen without it.

When it provokes for thought, it teaches the guys to think, argue, compete and offers interlocutors to smart, original-minded people.

Recognizing the undoubted benefit that television can provide in raising children, it must be remembered that this benefit must still be able to be extracted. And for this it is important to imagine what place in the regime of the day should take watching TV shows. For a younger student, this is 3-4 programs per week. Not all fathers and mothers will agree with this requirement and recognize it as appropriate. Our children watch 4-5 shows a day. Long viewing of television shows badly affects the nervous system and eyesight of children. The nervous system often does not withstand a large emotional load, hypersensitivity to flickering light. This is especially true for weak, impressionable children.

Many parents can say: “I’m at work all day and don’t see what my child is doing at home.” But it seems to me that each of you should enjoy authority from your son or daughter. And father’s wordor mother should be the law for them. This, of course, will not happen if parents are not interested in their children's day regimen. If certain hours are not set aside for walks and games, for lessons, reading books and watching programs. And the child who watches films after 9 pm does not have time to have a good rest. He comes to lessons sluggish, unassembled. The teacher listens inattentively, the answers are often given out of place.

The best way to prevent the habit of watching TV for hours is to remain the most attractive object in the house yourself. There are a huge number of games, fairy tales, fun that you can entertain children at the end of the day. If we neglect this, then the TV has nothing to blame. We are to blame for the fact that children push us away, trying to watch the program. As if in the future they did not neglect us in other cases.

What programs should our children watch? It is very important that parents watch the program for the week with their children and note the programs that the children will watch. Suggest viewing what is available to the child. Now on the air there are a lot of programs that the guys watch with great pleasure - "Starry Hour", "Lips of the Baby", "Field of Miracles", "In the Animal World" and many others. Younger schoolchildren can watch TV shows for adults, but only those that have great educational value: familiarity with music and art, programs that foster a love of nature, an interest in sports, in the past of our homeland. This helps not only broaden the horizons of the children, but also form their individual interests.

However, if you do not seek to discuss what you have seen with the children, then learning new information and facts will present certain difficulties for them. Most of the children after 2-3 days can not talk about the content of the program that they watched, since they can hardly independently comprehend the information received, they can hardly determine and express their attitude to those facts and events that he learned from the program. I want to believe that it is important for each of you to know that the childi liked that he filled out, that he understood what made a strong impression on him. And the children for a long time remember the programs that were watched by the whole family. “I really like when on weekends we in this family watch my favorite shows. I manage to watch TV and watch dad and mom. I want them to share my hobbies, laugh together with my favorite heroes, worry about them. I am looking forward to the weekend. ” Unfortunately, there are few such examples, since children are represented on their own, and they watch not only educational and educational programs.

Of little use and poor upbringing are the impact on the children’s videos, which are now shown by the "great multitude." Horror films, action films, saturated with swear words, are not developing our children in a good way. And again the lines from the letter, but already an adult. It was published in the newspaper "Culture" under the heading "Wake up!"

“.... These films are watched, first of all, by children! Horror films where they pull out their tongues, squeeze their eyes, saw them with an electric saw, feed people to crocodiles, become spiritual food, or rather, a spiritual chewing gum for our children. Why we do not have age limits, because in the same America, whose second-rate products are supplied by film distribution organizations, age restrictions are even placed on video films. Once practiced with us. Now unlimited "Freedom"; even shamefully shot from erotic filmsa plate for "children under 16", not to mention horror films. Cinema is now - though not the most important, but the most effective and intelligible sight. And it will no longer become a form of art, since a teenager will not go to the film if they do not kill anyone there, do not maim. What next? Adults, come to your senses! ”

Any of us is able to understand and comprehend these words, as they are spoken from the soul in which pain accumulated for our children, fear for their future, shame for our present. Even an adult, horror films have a negative effect, excite his nervous system. What about children? They are in the mornings, an idea for school, with an increase in tell each other about the movie watched, using"Obscene" words and phrases. And I do not want to believe that you hear these wordsfrom an 8-10 year old child who does not know how to independently, clearly and clearly express his thought in ordinary Russian. Children like the heroes of “imported” films and they speak little about those kind and instructive tales that they were fond of in childhood.we are with you.

Recently, I attended an art lesson, the theme of which was "My favorite TV hero." Of20 students in this class did not draw a hero from any Russian fairy tale. These were portraits - drawings of monsters, with evil faces, evil eyes, hung with chains, swords and pistols. All this speaks for itself.

And now please answer this question: - In the videos that you watch with your children, you often hear swear words and show fragments of sex. What is your reaction? (answers from the audience).

You will now see how teachers and parents answered these questions. - How will our children grow up? What will interest them in life? What will they be addicted to? All this completely depends on us - adults, on how we raised our baby, starting with diapers.

For all school years, children spend an average of 15,000 hours on TV, of which 13,000 violent deaths are seen.

Every parent knows that it’s harmful for children to watch TV and spend time on a computer or tablet. However, completely banning the baby from using these items is no longer realistic. Moreover, very often it is they who help out the parents in all kinds of situations. I WANT to tell you what to do in such situations.

Tips and tricks for parents of primary school students. What is important to consider and foresee? Equip a convenient place for classes: a table, a chair, proper lighting. All the necessary items should be at the child’s hand so that he doesn’t come off in search of something necessary. During the lessons, let nothing distract the child: there should not be toys, designers, entertaining magazines on the table. Or they need to get out of sight during class hours. Write to the student the schedule of the day and stick to it.

Children under two years old are not recommended to watch TV at all. This is due not only to eye strain, but also to a negative effect on the central nervous system.

For children over 2 years of age, the total duration of watching television programs should not exceed 30 minutes. in a day. Moreover, it is advisable for the baby to watch TV in the presence of one of the adults. This is necessary so that the adult controls what the baby is watching. By the way, programs about animals are most useful for children.

The TV has no place in the children's room. Accustomed to the TV, the child may lose interest in reading, playing games and other activities.

Watch TV only in a sitting position. It is better if it is a comfortable chair with a back or a chair.

In the evening, you can watch TV only with additional lighting in the room, and in no case in the dark.

The distance to the TV screen should not be less than three meters. Screen size should not be less than 21 inches. With increasing screen size, the distance to it should increase proportionally.

The main harmful factor for the eyes when watching TV is a long visual load. Visual impairment occurs gradually, so even if you do not see good reason for concern, still check the child’s eyesight once a year.

A good alternative to television is audio cassettes with fairy tale recordings: the child’s imagination and abstract thinking work violently, because he represents everything he heard.

The educational and developmental value of television shows is most effective when viewed together. In this case, watching television programs can be equated to a confidential conversation. The adult comments on what is happening, explains what is bad, praises the heroes of the film for honesty and courage.

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Tips and tricks for parents of primary school students. What is important to consider and foresee? Equip a convenient place for classes: a table, a chair, proper lighting. All the necessary items should be at the child’s hand so that he doesn’t come off in search of something necessary. During the lessons, let nothing distract the child: there should not be toys, designers, entertaining magazines on the table. Or they need to get out of sight during class hours. Write to the student the schedule of the day and stick to it.

How to excommunicate a child from a TV

Most children very quickly become TV people. Literally from the first cartoons, they are difficult to pull away from TVs and computers. Often the TV turns out to be such an emotionally charged way of spending leisure time that the child refuses even to walk and play for the sake of extra time for cartoons. The little teleman does not respond to any requests to stop watching cartoons. To direct bans answers either with open anger or with manipulation.

What to bring with you to the pediatrician?

Every normal child should recognize relatives, name certain objects and be able to communicate. As far as he copes with the task, it is not so easy for parents to understand his unlimited love for parents. So periodically it makes sense to show the baby to a specialist. If you are going to an appointment, take your pencils and a sketchbook with you. According to what and how the child draws, it is easy for a doctor to determine the level of his development. Dr. Komarovsky recommends not to panic, even if any deviations are found.

Exam time: how to help your child?

In order for the child to successfully cope with the exams, parents will also have to try. A lot depends on your behavior. How to help your child overcome the next challenges in life? Firstly, it is important to ensure that the child has the correct daily routine. It is built so that the child not only prepares for exams, but also has the opportunity to play and move around (active recreation gives the body the strength to deal with stress). Healthy sleep is also important, which helps to perceive and process data faster.

What to do if the child stops sleeping during the day

Many mothers complain that their babies at 2-3 years old refuse to sleep during the day. How to respond to such a change in the behavior of the child? How much should a baby sleep? The pediatrician and psychologist of the children's medical center "Ditina" Irina Yurkiv ( answers the question this way: from the 1st month to a year, the child should sleep 3 times a day; from 12 to 18 months the amount of daytime sleep can be reduced to 2 times; from 18 months to 4-5 years, children can sleep 1 time per day; at the age of 5-6 years, children should no longer sleep during the day.

The influence of gadgets on the child: expert opinion

Gadgets are firmly included in our everyday life. This happened naturally and children, along with adults, became active users of the gifts of technological progress. What parents should pay attention to when building relationships with a child in a family where literally family members are a mobile, computer, TV and tablet, etc., knows the psychologist Julia Donets. - Julia, how does the baby perceive the simplest gadget - mobile? - Now the newborn perceives the phone as a continuation of the mother. After all, mom is always with the phone.

Tips for parents "5 rules for watching TV" Good vision and eye health are very important. Scientists argue very much about children watching TV, but in modern life, many simply cannot refuse a TV. For this reason, the film company “XX Century Fox” and vision specialists for children decided to unite and derive five rules for the correct viewing of television by children. If you include cartoons for your child, then at least try to adhere to these rules in order to maintain your child’s vision. Rule number 1 On the day you can watch no more than one cartoon. You should not be deceived, in most families the TV works for many hours, and this adversely affects children's vision. But, despite this, in the first years of life, a significant development takes place in children's vision, and the television has a fairly significant influence on it. At this time, the eyes already experience quite heavy loads, and the TV only exacerbates everything. Rule number 2 To watch TV, you need to arrange the right conditions. You can watch TV under lighting, but not in the dark, as sudden changes in brightness and flicker will quickly tire the child’s eyes. Therefore, if you arrange a television viewing in the evening, be sure to turn on the light. The child should sit directly in front of the screen, in a sitting position. Behind the back should be a comfortable support for the spine. Do not teach your child to watch TV while lying down and do not make snacks. Rule number 3 If, of course, watch cartoons in reasonable terms, then they can even be beneficial, and affect the early development of the child. If the cartoon is in poor quality, this can contribute to the development of amblyopathy in the child. Amblyopathy is an inhibition in the development of an analyzer of vision. That is, by others, you need to make sure that the cartoon you have chosen is of high quality image. It is also important that the baby watches exactly those heroes who are really interesting and like him. They should be bright, bearing kindness and joy, liveliness. Rule number 4 Do not include the first cartoon. Choose good, instructive cartoons. Cartoons contribute to the development of imagination, fantasy. See that the characters are diverse: lively, active or vice versa passive. Avoid aggressive cartoons, however. Of course, it is possible that there would be negative moments in the cartoon, that the child would learn to share good and evil, right and wrong. Rule number 5 Watch cartoons with the baby. These moments will bring you very close together. Kids react to cartoons more animatedly than adults, so it’s important to be close by in order to be able to support such animation. Look from the side how your child reacts to this or that hero. How does he react to songs. This will help you choose just such a cartoon that will be of interest to your child. Group "Ship"

Consultation for parents of preschool children on the topic: "Mom, Dad, I and TV."

Author: Rusakova Lyubov Mikhailovna, Senior Lecturer, MBOU “Podyuzhskaya Secondary School named after V.A. Abramova "structural unit kindergarten" Ray ", p. Podyuga Arkhangelsk region, Konosha district.
Description:   This consultation is intended for parents of preschool children, teachers.
Goal:   give parents recommendations on how to properly teach children to watch TV.
Tasks:   introduce parents to the rules of children watching TV shows;
  to develop the responsibility of parents for organizing leisure activities for children.
   “The best decoration for the New Year’s table is TV,” once the postman Pechkin from Prostokvashino once said. Indeed, we cannot imagine life without a TV right now.
  Teachers complain that television negatively affects children's health, spoils eyesight, detaches from lessons, reading books, overloads information, violates the daily routine, etc.

  Why is the greatest invention of mankind so sadly affected family communication, raising children?
In the specialized literature stands out more than forty functions that are performed by television today. Among them - information, cognitive, communicative, educational, educational, entertaining and many others. Through a television screen, we can join the history, science, art, social problems of today. All this we can. But, alas, most often we don’t.
   Unfortunately, the infinitely rich possibilities of television are used quite primitively. Why? The trouble is that most often we don’t give ourselves a report, why we turn on the TV, what exactly we want to get from it. Simply, having come home, freed from household chores or at the same time with them, we habitually press a button and look. All that we are shown.
  Such omnivore not only does not form new needs, but often narrows the range of those that existed.
  The passive attitude to television programs is quickly acquired by children from us. If an adult, sitting out in the evenings on the TV, rests, distracting from his worries, then the children, on the contrary, get tired, do not go to bed on time, overload the nervous system.
  Often, television becomes a cause of conflict between parents and children.
  How to make television unite the family, develop its spiritual needs? How to learn for yourself, teach your children to watch TV shows?
  Start by planning. Schedule in advance what programs it will be interesting to watch for everyone, senior family members, and which children.
  It is important not only to tell the child what he will watch now, but to tune him to perception. For example, read something about animals, if you are going to watch a program about animals, re-read or just remember a fairy tale to be shown. This attitude is very important so that what you see leaves a mark in the soul of the child.
  After watching the program, it is useful to discuss with the child what he saw. This is much more important than it might seem at first glance. Let's take the program “Good night, kids!” Beloved by all children. In the life of our children, she became a kind of nanny, preparing the child for sleep. Maybe it's worth talking to the child, which was discussed in this program.
  A small man sits in front of the TV calmly, so everything is in order. But there is a cartoon, even very good and quite accessible to the understanding of the child, as if passing by. The kid picks up individual cues, funny cases, but why all this is shown, about which he does not understand. Only an adult can help him.
Moving away from joint viewing of children's programs, we miss the opportunity to familiarize the child with art, teach him to understand the language of artistic images. Yes, and we are losing the right path to a better understanding with him. Discussing something, a child and an adult begin to think together, open to each other with new faces.
  Communication after watching TV shows is important for the spouses themselves. The information that people perceive and think together, form common interests, brings them together. They even more bring together the common experiences that spouses experience when they jointly watch films and performances. Their emotional connection is strengthened, which makes marital relations more durable.
  It turns out that TV can disconnect people, and unite them, and take away free time, and provide rich food for the soul and mind. It all depends on how we watch it. We need to learn this.
  Simple rules must be observed,
  And you, mom and dad,
  Must know them well!
  1. The distance when watching TV should be at least two meters.
  2. It is advisable for a preschool child to watch TV a day for only two hours.
  3. Forbid the baby to watch adult films, and especially horror films, as this affects the psyche of the child very badly.
  4. Do not allow your child to eat in front of the TV; this affects the absorption of food.
  5. Do not allow endlessly switching programs with the remote control.
  6. Turn on the TV at home only when you want to watch your favorite TV show.
  I wish you to have the same as in this poem.
  We watch TV together
  Dad, mom, and me
  A program about animals,
  She is interesting to everyone.
  Watching, finding out
  We discuss together.
  It's great to watch everyone together.
  Because we are alone
  Very friendly family.