How to recolor hair from dark to light color? Several variants. We leave the dusk: how to get rid of the black color of hair after many years of basma staining? My story of color change in stages Hair dye from black to light brown

In certain periods of life, any girl and woman wants change. And they almost always begin with a global change in hair color. But it is one thing when a blonde wants to find a brown or chocolate shade of hair, and quite another - when a brunette suddenly decides to become blond. Getting out of black is always a daunting task. And above all, the health and integrity of the hair structure is at stake.

But what, in fact, is the difficulty?

Light brown shade is especially moody. When it needs to be achieved artificially, all the most subtle tricks of coloring are used. Otherwise, wanting to become a blonde nymph, a woman runs the risk of acquiring an ugly green tint on her curls. It’s almost impossible to change oneself from a brunette to a blonde on her own.

Such experiments at home are fraught with complete collapse, and even significant damage to the curls themselves. Wanting to find a certain color of hair, some ladies simply “burn” them with aggressive industrial colors, jeopardizing their continued existence.

It is not uncommon when, after such staining, the curls simply disappear. So how can one change from black to light brown, and is it even possible? Is it really necessary to grow the native color for a long and painful time, in order to at least get closer to the blonde and get it with minimal losses?

This is not entirely true. But it is extremely important to choose a competent and experienced specialist who can help you in the quest for radical change.

Ways of reincarnation

Any modern hairdresser will offer you several options for dyeing from black to light brown. A good master knows exactly how to help you repaint from black. But the trouble is that there are very few really talented hairdressers, and not everyone wants to evaluate individual problems before starting work. The result is an action on a template and a fiasco as a result.

The fact is that the structure of our curls is unique, and in order to minimize its vulnerability, it is important to diagnose the initial condition of the hair. Even the notorious wash may not suit every woman, let alone aggressive chemical discoloration.

In addition, a good master must definitely check with you for how long you dyed your curls in dark colors and what specific products you used. The colorist will immediately identify all the risks that await you on the path to success, and in advance choose the right restorative care that can help you reanimate your hair after the actions taken.

Let's look at the three easiest ways how to change from black to blonde, and detail what risks and nuances each of them carries.


Carrying out flushing is relevant only when the client is looking for an answer to the question - how to repaint brown from black. Naturally, from one, or even two washes, you will not become a fair-haired beauty. What is a wash? This application to the hair of a certain composition, washing artificial pigment from the cortex. As a result, you are guaranteed to get a red tone, and its intensity depends on the causticity of the pigment and the duration of staining in dark colors.

This is due to the fact that the paint is washed off, but enough red pigment remained in the hair.

Rinsing is always the first step towards clarification, but cannot replace it. If you want to become a bright brown-haired woman, you may need only her.

If you are looking for cleaner and lighter tones, subsequent discoloration as the final etching of the dark pigment will be necessary.

Contrary to common misconceptions, washing does not spoil or destroy hair, but it can noticeably dry the tips. One way or another, the main blow to them is not to inflict at all, but subsequent clarification.


Some hairdressers, when asked about how to recolor from black to chocolate, recommend the so-called "Gradual toning".

Literally, you regularly go to the salon and paint in a certain color on top of yours. Flushing may not be carried out, but it is better to refer to at least one procedure.

The application of a new color is not lightening, but the addition of additional pigment. Therefore, if you are offered staining without lightening, know - the maximum that you will achieve is a rich coffee, chocolate or chestnut tone.

Lightening paint can slightly (by a few tones) discolor unless the native light brown color. And then, insignificantly.

But if the paint is ammonia-free at the same time, you can really take advantage of such a proposal and step out of black gradually, but without losing the quality of curls.


This decision is the only true of all three. Discoloration involves the complete etching of the natural and artificial pigment from the cortex. However, together with its effectiveness, this procedure is also quite aggressive. It is traditionally and universally carried out after washing, and often immediately.

If the hairdresser has diagnosed the condition of your hair as unsatisfactory, he will recommend that you avoid washing off and prepare the hair in advance for the subsequent chemical exposure. Discoloration is also relevant when you are looking for an answer to the question - how to repaint from black to red.

In this case, you will not have any problems at all - it will be enough to apply neutral powder with a low concentration of oxidizing agent once, and then tint your hair in any chosen shade so that it becomes even.

If you persistently strive for light shades, you will have to perform 2-3 procedures with a certain time interval. And you should prepare yourself in advance for the fact that for several months you have to flaunt in people with completely unsightly hair color. As a rule, to exit from a brunette into light brown, two to three bleaching in a row is required in order to completely eliminate the pigment from the hair.

Only when your hair becomes a clean pale canvas without extraneous yellowness and red, can you start tinting in the desired color. But even if everything worked out perfectly, colorists add a special corrector to the paint - mikston, which “dampens” unnecessary shades. For example, for those whose hair gives a redhead, purple mixton is used. And for those who want to become ashen blond, having a slightly rusty yellowness, a blue corrector is added to the paint.

The appearance of a green tint is almost everywhere for those who decide to repaint from reddish to light brown. In order to “extinguish” Zelentsy, cherry or scarlet can be added to the tinting paint. At the same time, the final shade becomes truly unique and impeccably beautiful.

Steps for preparing to wash or discolor

Even if the master for some reason did not give you a detailed guide to the actions, we will help you to carefully prepare for the next procedure for switching from black to light brown.

Wash your hair with shampoo for a deep cleaning within a week. It removes not only dust, sebum and the remnants of styling products, but also wash pigment well, thereby neutralizing the subsequent aggressive effect. If you do not have the opportunity to purchase a professional product, use a regular dandruff shampoo - it also copes well with this task.

Style and appearance for every woman is an important moment in everyday life. If she wants to change something dramatically, then first of all it is how to radically, but without loss for hair, get out of the black color of her hair and repaint herself in another shade she liked.

   Many brunettes eventually want to try blonde hair.

Problems in lightening dark hair color

With this transition from the dark, these most serious problems are distinguished:

  1. Brittleness;

    Deterioration in appearance;

    Lack of shine.

It is not difficult to wash off the black, but you should do it so that then your head and face look beautiful and those who are used to seeing you are not disappointed with the transition. It turns out that before you start working on changing the image, you need the tools necessary for this. It is advisable to get out of black, made independently. For this, folk recipes, which are full on the Internet, are suitable, but we will pay attention to slightly different aspects of this matter.

Lightening from black: is it better to do at home or in the cabin?

To lighten and stop being a brunette, you need such elements:


    Paint selected tone;



In order for the way out of the black hair to go painlessly, first of all, you will have to destroy the dark pigment in the already existing paint. Professional hairdressers recommend. If you yourself are scared, then trust the hairdresser in the salon. Note that in reality, dark-colored hair is easier to lighten than to make an artificial blonde, for curls it is less harmful. Breaks between procedures are done for at least a week, but it is better to take two so that the curls have time to recover.

The desired tone, prepare the paint in advance, one that does not harm damaged hair. To keep the selected color longer after staining, rinse the curls with a weak vinegar solution.

   Rinsing in vinegar should be extremely careful.

Red hair: color without harm

With this shade a little easier, if you want to become a brunette, then feel free to start applying the paint immediately on top. It is applied well to the redhead and then even no trace remains.

Yes, you can often hear how a girl, on the contrary, went from black to red with peroxide, but this option will provoke a serious undermining of her hair health. Therefore, we recommend doing a wash in two or three steps, then the result of the procedure will be of high quality.

In this case, note that if you, and the rest of the tone is natural, then apply a clarifier on the painted part, if it gets on the other curls, then you will get an uneven tone. In this case, fresh paint is applied immediately after lightening, as in past cases.

   Red hair always bewitching

Hair dye brightening paint

If your hair is fair, but you want light brown, then choose a shade that turns out to be a couple of tones darker than yours so as not to lighten and not tolerate other costs of this process.

Keep in mind that cheap light brown paint often gives a greenish tint, so do not skimp on choosing, so you don’t regret it later. For the rest, the painting process is not difficult and every girl at home can cope with it.


When painting in light brown tone, pay special attention to the oxidizing agent, choose at least 9% so that the dye falls on the hair without problems. Accordingly, the larger the percentage, the higher the coefficient of durability of the paint. If the natural shade is light, then 4% of the option is enough, if you are a brown-haired woman, take 6% and remain dolny. But after such a coloring, do not forget that the curls need appropriate care.

It will not be difficult to turn from a blonde into a brunette, but getting the opposite result is much more difficult, sometimes even turning to an experienced stylist can only achieve the right shade from the second visit and get rid of the red tint. If the girl for a long time painted her curls in dark color, then switching to lighter tones for her will require patience and high professionalism of the master. There are several modern methods that will help radically change your image and get a blonde from a burning brunette. But how hair coloring in two colors occurs and what means should be used, this will help to understand

Methods of repainting in a light tone

In the salons, three procedures are used to lighten the tone of the hair: highlighting the strands, highlighting and rinsing with a special composition, each of them has its own characteristics and disadvantages. Their choice depends on the tone of the hair, their structure, whether they are natural or colored.


Immediately it is worthwhile to warn that this method is not applicable at home, to achieve the desired shade and at the same time not to harm the hair under the force of only an experienced master. The highlighting does not suit the owners of thin ringlets, prone to, due to prolonged and aggressive exposure, the strands can be irreversibly damaged, they can not be restored, the only way out is to cut off the damaged length.

The main thing is to use the product correctly, as you can damage the hair

Using this method, you can achieve a hair color corresponding to the 11th level of staining.

Initially, the master tries to achieve a basic light shade, which is subsequently applied with a paint of a certain blonde color. In this case, clarification can take from two to 4 months, during this time the hairdresser applies a lightening composition to the strands, after which they will turn yellow in speed. After that, the master carries out coloring, the result of which can be a muffled blond or light brown color.

If you succumb to dangerous persuasions and apply hydrogen peroxide at home to quickly lighten your hair, then you can seriously spoil them and all the hair will look scruffy and lifeless. But how hair coloring is done with onion husks and how effective this remedy is, is indicated

On the video - a description of the procedure for switching from dark to light:


This is an interesting and mild alternative to lightening hair. Choosing it you can change the dark color to light in a more gentle way. With this method, not all hair at once, but only selective strands.

A very effective procedure that will help lighten only the upper strands

There are several options for highlighting, it can be done at home with a certain skill, only you need to ask someone from your relatives or friends to help.

The procedure for this staining is as follows:

  • a special cosmetic hat with holes is put on;
  • through selective holes, with the help of a hook or other convenient tool, strands are pulled out from a common head of hair;
  • clarifying paint is applied to hair prepared in this way (it is better to choose a professional tool on a low percentage oxidizing agent);
  • separately, paint is applied to each strand, and then the colored hairs are wrapped in foil;
  • the exposure field for half an hour is washed off and washed with shampoo.

When performing the procedure, the next time previously unused strands are painted, and over time, all the hair is processed. Before the next procedure, at least 3 weeks should pass.

The process of transforming into blonde by highlighting is not as fast as the procedures analogous to it, but the hair remains healthy and it does not immediately “kill” with an increased dose of bleach. But how hair coloring after keratin straightening is carried out and how to perform such a procedure will help to understand this


The process of its application is similar to dyeing, a special agent is applied to all hair, which instead of darkening or lightening the strands returns their pigmentation to them. Usually, after applying it, the hairs acquire some kind of yellowish tint. Each hair is freed from the dye contained in it and becomes so loose that it quickly absorbs any paint.

Carrying out this procedure, you can effectively get rid of the old and dark hair color, giving your natural color

Although it is similar to staining, it is performed in the reverse order. First, the composition is applied to the ends, then the middle part of the strands is processed, and even at the end of the wash is applied to the roots.

You may also be interested in information on how

Having tuned in to wash the house, you can use folk recipes, and as a brightening agent use an old recipe consisting of glycerin and chamomile infusion. To prepare the latter, you should take 150 grams of dry chamomile and brew in 200 ml of boiling water, after 2 hours, the resulting liquid is filtered through gauze or a fine sieve, 60 grams of glycerin is added to it. In this form, the composition is applied to all hair and kept under polyethylene for 2 hours, then the entire hair is washed with water. Over time, dark hair will lighten, but to achieve the desired shade of the blonde will be possible only after additional coloring of the strands.

A longer method is to use light beer or kefir as a flush. After each application, the hairs will become a tone lighter. One of these products should be applied every time before the main shampoo 1.5 hours before. Lightening in this case may take more than two months.

But most often at home, and especially in the salons, a special industrial wash is used, which is applied and maintained strictly according to the instructions, otherwise all efforts may be in vain and the next morning the black color will return.

For especially patient ones, repainting is suitable, that is, each time it will be necessary to choose a coloring agent a tone lighter. To reach the light strands you will have to walk with sharp transitions for a long time, since the growing roots will be well clarified, but the long strands that have absorbed a lot of black pigment in themselves will be less susceptible to lightening.

On the video - how the washing procedure occurs:

When deciding to “get out” of black, it should be understood that the procedure cannot be performed at one time, and you do not need to spoil your hair with unverified means, since then it will take a lot of time to restore the curls. If you hasten and choose an aggressive brightening agent for yourself, then you can completely inflict irreparable damage on them, and then wait for new hairs to grow.

Good afternoon, dear ladies!

For a very long time, this time I gathered my thoughts in order, finally, to put all my experience into one big article-instruction. I wanted to not forget anything by phasing out all my steps in the process of changing my hair color, because it is long and laborious.
  The way out of black is always difficult, especially from long-term and obtained not with anything, but with herbal dyes. They are really famous for their stamina and moodiness!

Today, together we will go from a basmen brunette to a girl with copper-brown hair. What is especially pleasant - I did not lose a centimeter of hair, although I was afraid to stay with a short haircut.

If you are no longer tormented by the questions “How to achieve black with basma?”, “How to accumulate pigment and become a bright brunette?”. And you began to think more and more often: “Is it possible to wash off the basma and become brighter? To grow natural hair or make a wash? How to get out of black with natural dyes? ”, There is a way out!

For a better understanding of the situation (what my hair was, how and how many times it was colored, their condition before a cardinal color change) I will take a small excursion into the history of my experiments.

If at the age of 15-17 I dreamed about blond long curls and persistently sought them, then thoughts about the black color of my hair never visited me.
  I did not try it on myself and was completely satisfied with red, brown and red hair. I liked the fire. Henna was used, the usual paint shades of "Mango", "Paprika", "Red Volcano".

I don’t remember the reason for the transition to the brunette clan. If I don’t confuse anything, after a sore throat a good part of my hair suddenly fell out. I made a rather short haircut for me “Bob” and decided to “give visual density” to the hair in a very non-trivial way - to change the bright red hair color to a darker one, which is generally accepted to add volume to thin and thin hair.
By the way, this technique really works! They constantly ask me how to achieve a thick and smooth hair? How to make them thick and sleek at the tips? Girls, I have quite standard European hair. Probably, these are tricks of black color and mirror-like henna and basma. You think that I have a braid with a fist! I'm sorry, but it's not that!))

This is how I was when I began to actively use basma.

In total, I was a brunette on natural dyes for 4 years. Hair pleased: bright, soft, elastic, very shiny, with good growth and without section. But the color itself did not cause emotions.
  I never wanted to be a brunette, although the image of the fatal beauty is spectacular and bright. Contrary to the generally recognized "Gentlemen prefer blondes!"  male attention has increased markedly.
  And all the same, doubts visited me. Thoughts about changing the shade of hair were regularly visited. But their quality completely suited me and constantly stopped me from experimenting. It was a pity. Is your hair healthy, beautiful, suddenly I’ll ruin irretrievably?

I repeatedly tried to splice basma, cut my hair short. The last such attempt was last summer. I almost decided on a short square. And she didn’t touch Basma anymore, she used only henna.

When I finally tormented myself with a question "Go out of black or, nevertheless, stay in this color?", began to pester gray hair.
  Its quantity has increased. And painting gray hair with natural dyes, and even in a uniform dark color is a very laborious task! Long, hard and Marco. There is always little time for yourself with young children.
  In the hope that over time henna will block the basma and even the border of flowers, I began to use it alone and intentionally for 9 months (the entire period of pregnancy) painted the entire length with bright red varieties. But it was not there!
  The crown turned out to be red-orange. And the length as it was black, and remained, acquired only a purple-pink hue. Beautiful, but not even.

However, the hair is a pity. They are lively and soft. I didn’t want to cut again. And after childbirth, in the spring I threw myself safely and painted them with clean basma 2 times. It turned out, of course, spectacularly. But a week later (ha ha!) I wanted to wash it all away!))

Further developments prevented me plunging headlong into fatal hair experiments. The tongue does not turn to say: “Thank God!”, Because the next 2 spring months we were very sick with the whole family, and with the youngest daughter we went to the hospital. But for the hair, all this was in some way a salvation. I am sure that if I then decided to quickly get rid of the boring black, I would now be sitting with the same damned "Bob."

I at that moment was not at all up to the hair.  I forgot the balm. Yes, and shampoo use was not particularly provided. In a hospital setting, with a sick, capricious 2-month-old baby, you will not particularly wash yourself in your arms. I hastily managed to freshen up. My usual haircut was a neat French braid. How on time! The ability to weave braids was extremely useful.
I only washed my head with shampoo. Color shed well. Affected almost a year on pure henna. I was no longer black, but dirty brown. All my spring basma from the roots washed off well, remaining only on the main length of the hair.

Upon arrival home, I began to remove the pigment with alcohol-oil masks. Diluted alcohol was applied to the length and immediately warm (directly well-warmed, but temperature-tolerant) oil. I had avocados, mangoes and coconut. You can use any. Later I applied olive. She took fatter in the hope of thoroughly washing off the blackness. Although all, of course, will not be washed away. Do not even hope for it if you have painted for years! The pigment is already associated with keratin. But the color fades a lot. So I made masks 6 or 7. I was in no hurry. Its roots are already a few cm away and it all looked just “wonderful.”

After all the dances with a tambourine, I consulted with a friend-master. She knows my hair very well. They refused to do a wash a year ago, at the time of cutting. Argument: herbal pigments will not take, and the hair will spoil the rainbow washcloth. Reshino was to lighten.
  It is better to carry out the procedure on a small% oxide. But we were afraid that my perennial blackness, especially from plant dyes, powder simply will not lighten by 3%.
  I used Estelle powder, clarifying it 2 times with a break of several days by 6%.

The hair naturally became stiff and matte. At the ends they creaked straight. The roots brightened noticeably more, although I applied the powder first to darker areas and only later to the basal area. That's because there is fresh keratin, less blackness and more henna. After the clarification procedure, I used Kapous's low ph shampoo and balm.
After a couple of days, I tinted my hair with Indola 8.44x Light Blonde Extra Copper. As you can see, it came out very brightly, although not evenly.

My paint quickly washed off. And spots appeared. How am I upset! ((
  I completely forgot that artificial pigment (and even more so red) is washed off instantly from bleached hair! And she was not ready to walk bare after only 2-3 headaches.

And here I made a mistake!

Previously, I successfully combined conventional paints and henna to maintain a bright shade. Paint was washed off from bleached hair much faster. Henna was fixed tightly, although not as spectacularly as on natural hair. They looked less shiny, dull, but they kept the shade quite tolerably. After thinking that there was nothing to lose and in any case I would have to nourish my hair after all the bullying, I decided to dye everything with henna and basma of an expensive Iranian variety for mehendi. Henna is very soft when dispelled like a purchased paste mask. She should not have dried and tangled her hair. Basma was Moroccan with exactly the same fine grinding into dust.

I did not want to be orange at all. But copper-chestnut or chocolate completely suited me. From experience, henna, along with basma, always gave me red in various variations. I needed a softer brown. Having chosen separate staining with herbs as the most optimal, I started the process. But did not take into account the background lightening! After henna I turned out a bright yellow-orange. Immediately, without wasting time, she inflicted basma. And I almost howled from understanding my own stupidity! ((((Blue on yellow will give me green! With horror, thinking about the mistake I made, I began to quickly unroll the turban on my head and wash the composition off my hair. Imagine how I was afraid to look in the mirror! )) And there were bright green, frog roots and a red-chestnut length!)) I apologize for the unfoundedness, because I do not have a photo of this charm. I then simply burst into tears of frustration. The eldest daughter reassured me: “Mommy, don’t cry! I have you the most beautiful, even with green hair! Well, they are a little frog, of course ... "That's it, the curtain!)))

Naturally, I did not dare to play amateur performances anymore and called my friend with a request to correct what I had done.
  I screwed up a pretty tolerable result! That was the result. What I achieved by lightening and tinting the Indola 8.44x Light Blonde Extra Copper after many years of basma was quite successful in principle. But now I had to get rid of the green.

Here, a darker tone and a red corrector are already needed, otherwise the greens will constantly appear when washing. Took a different shade Indola Profession PCC 5.66X Light brown extra-red by 3%.

Hair became noticeably drier and tougher. The first week I was very upset. When washing, they stuck together in a hard-to-tear hard coiler. If earlier I could wash them just with shampoo and do not always apply balm, then after all these manipulations I began to need masks, strong protein balms and a necessary spray for combing. Of course, nowhere without indelible leaving! Nowhere without cream, fluid! There is no trace of the previous elasticity.

Now, after some time, I returned to henna again. Not ubiquitous Iranian. She will dry my hair in a brittle, dull broom. I have many varietal portions for painting.

Henna is soft, fine, very easy to apply. Hair after moderately stiff. Affects the use of nutritious cosmetics, masks with oils, protective cleansers. But the hair holds color, voluminous, supple and shiny. Hair without greens. Of course, not uniform in color. But this, let’s put it this way, is the best thing that could happen after Basma, given my independent fuss (because of that I didn’t take a photo of all the packages with paints and powder, being afraid to get carried and lose my hair).

I don’t use Basma anymore. Maybe for now. Too much lightened canvas. Too much effort to get out of black. But 5 packs with Aroma-zone are carefully stored at me)))

To summarize, I want to again give advice and caution:

1) if you are changeable in nature and do not tolerate uniformity in your own appearance, do not look at natural dyes!
The hair with them, with proper use and good quality of the herbs themselves, is very sleek, soft and healthy, but the color change after them is complete unpredictability, a risk, for the most part unjustified, based only on a strong desire to change. Hair goes bad and goes bad! The fact that I did not stay with a short haircut is more an exception than a rule. And then, up to this point, for almost all 4 years I just did what I tried to get away from black. I cut my hair, spliced, but again returned to basma, because she is incredibly persistent!

2) a color change hit my wallet. The reason is the deterioration of hair quality.My care companions again became heavy masks, balms, conditioners, creams, vibes. Last year I could neglect all this without losing my hair in appearance.

3) the hair has lost a significant part of the pigment. They became light, thin, porous. Their structure was damaged.
  There was stiffness, brittleness, increased fluffing. Together with color, softness and elasticity are lost. You have to saturate your hair so that it does not break and look decent. It is possible that I will adjust the length. I want a uniform persistent shade. After henna and basma, you don’t have to dream about it.

Nevertheless, I am pleased with the results and do not consider them fatal for my hair. You can get away from basma. Let not be in the ranks of blondes. But get chocolate. chestnut and even bright redhead is quite possible! The main thing is to really assess the condition of your own hair, all the possible risks and act clearly, with the knowledge of what you are doing, what and how.

I really hope that the information provided by me is of substantial benefit to you. This is not a guide to action, but just my experience, set out as a step-by-step instruction. Please note that the hair we all have is different and earlier experiments with color are not identical to each other. Unfortunately, I cannot guarantee you a 100% successful result. But if you have questions, I will be happy to answer them!

Have a nice day and gorgeous hair!

Pictures for the post with the image of brightening powder and professional dye taken from sites: and

Periodically, every woman has a strong desire for change. And in most cases, they start with a cardinal change in hair color. It’s much easier for a blonde to repaint herself in a brown-haired or brunette. But if a brunette decides to become a blonde or blonde, it will take a lot of time. Exiting black is a rather difficult task. First of all, you need to take care of the integrity of the structure and the health of the hair.

  What color to repaint from black - the choice of shade

If black hair was the result of previous dyeing, there are no special problems with the choice of color. Each girl knows her own light type, so she knows which shades suit her best. Natural brunettes need to be more careful with the choice of a new hair color, while always taking into account skin tone and eye color. You can repaint black eyebrows, but the rest of the natural data cannot be changed.

Brunettes can choose the following shades:

  1. Graphite- This shade is very beautiful, interesting and original, while it never goes out of style. However, this color is very insidious and not suitable for all girls. The fact is that he makes the girl older, differs from black only one tone. But gives the hair lightness, and the image becomes softer. Not the best idea would be to repaint this shade on your own. In most cases, it turns out to be dirty gray, so it is better to trust an experienced master.
  2. Brown and its different shades  - this is the best option. Coloring for brunettes will be safe and will not cause serious harm to the health of the hair. The difference from black can be one, three or four tones. For owners of black, gray or blue eyes and fair skin, it is better to opt for mocha, dark brown or coffee. For brown-eyed and green-eyed girls, various shades with a light redhead are ideal - for example, cinnamon, chestnut, milk chocolate.
  3. Redhead  color is very easy to obtain as a result of lightening natural black hair. The shade depends on the amount of natural pigment and its composition - from yellowish to saturated red. Brunettes with blue, brown and green eyes, this color is just perfect. In addition, it looks very interesting in modern dyeing styles - carriage, balayazh or ombre. But in this case, the basic black shade will need to be pre-lightened so as not to create a very sharp contrast.
  4. Light brown. Natural brunettes simply can not achieve its cool shades, which is explained by the peculiarity of the hair. Even if strong bleaching is performed, not the most attractive yellow shade remains. Using a tonic will help neutralize it, but only for a while. After about 3-4 shampoos, he will completely wash off and a yellow tone will appear again. To mask ugly yellowness, it is best to opt for a wheat, caramel or golden hue.
  5. Blondis an extreme option for brunettes. Experienced masters do not advise resorting to such cardinal changes. First of all, there is a risk of being completely hairless, because you need to lighten strands by 7-8 tones. In addition, after some time, brunettes begin to feel very insecure with blond hair and again dyed in dark. But spoiled hair simply cannot be restored to its previous health, while the paint does not last too long.

The technology of dyeing directly depends on the initial hair color and the shade that should be obtained as a result.

  How to repaint from black - ways to repaint from a brunette

It is worth preparing for the fact that quickly getting the desired result simply does not work, especially if the dark hair color is not natural and was obtained as a result of dyeing. In this case, hair brightening is required, the degree of which is determined taking into account the desired shade. To achieve a chestnut or chocolate color, black is lightened by 2–3 tones, to get red - by 4–5 tones, for light-brown - by 6–7 tones, and for blond - by 8–9 tones. Only a professional hairdresser should choose a method of repainting.


Decapitation or washing is considered one of the most gentle methods for lightening hair. In this case, a slightly concentrated oxidizing agent with a minimum percentage of acid is used. As a result, the scales of the hair rods are opened, the pigment is partially neutralized. If the pigment is natural, it cannot be completely neutralized - the hair structure becomes very thin and too susceptible to dyeing, therefore, the tone of the hair changes.

The washing method is recommended if black hair color is not natural. This procedure should be carried out only by an experienced master, despite the fact that on sale you can find funds for home decapitation.

The washing procedure is carried out in several stages:

  • hair is cleaned with a special shampoo, which not only removes impurities, but also reveals keratin scales;
  • strands are slightly dried so that they are not wet, but remain wet;
  • in the right proportions, the reducing agent and the catalyst are mixed;
  • the composition is applied to the strands and left for the time specified in the instructions;
  • at the end of the procedure, the hair is thoroughly washed with water.


Only the bleaching procedure allows you to completely get rid of black. To date, a fairly large number of bleaching agents are presented. Professional masters, as a rule, use powders, as they not only quickly destroy the pigment, but also penetrate the hair structure. The bleaching process takes approximately 20-30 minutes. Using powders is quite difficult, since only an experienced master can get a beautiful and uniform tone.

Apply at home can be a cream mask. This tool has a milder effect. Cream masks are very convenient to use on their own at home, as they can be easily and evenly distributed throughout the hair.

With the help of professional creams, you can lighten strands in 6–8 tones, but this process is better divided into several stages. Between each bleaching of hair there should be a break of at least two weeks, so as not to completely ruin the strands.

  Folk remedies

It is safe to lighten hair in several tones using folk remedies. In addition, after these masks, the hair becomes stronger and healthier, acquires an interesting shade.

To lighten dark strands in several tones, you can use the following recipes:

  1. Kefir is mixed with sea salt and the composition is applied to curls. After 30 minutes, wash the strands with warm water. It is necessary to carry out such a procedure twice a day until the desired shade is obtained.
  2. Lemon juice is applied to the hair and left for 60 minutes. Also, lemon juice can be used during rinsing the strands after each shampoo. Such procedures should be carried out every day.
  3. In 1 cup of warm water you need to dissolve 10 tbsp. l baking soda. The resulting composition is applied to the hair and left for an hour. You need to use this tool regularly until the desired shade is obtained.


After the base has been created, you can proceed to the next step - the staining procedure. When choosing a dye, it is necessary to take into account the fact that the color will turn out to be more saturated and bright on bleached hair, as the natural pigment no longer drowns it. That is why you need to choose a paint a tone lighter than the color that you would like to get.

For dyeing black hair in a chocolate tone, ammonia-free paint or a high-quality tonic will be quite enough. These funds have a milder effect. When choosing a brown shade, it will be possible not to tint the growing roots too often and it will be possible to completely mask the gray hair.

For red and light brown shades, it is best to take persistent paints, otherwise the new color will be washed very quickly. Before proceeding directly to the staining procedure, it is worth listening to the advice of professional masters:

  1. It is better to abandon monochrome staining, as already in a few weeks overgrown dark roots will be noticeable. The ideal option would be coloring, highlighting, gradient techniques (balayazh, ombre, etc.).
  2. The final result directly depends on how evenly the strands are dyed.
  3. It is very inconvenient to engage in self-coloring of long and thick hair, so in this case it is best to turn to an experienced master for help.
  4. During the application of paint on dirty hair, they are damaged much less.
  5. On the hair, before dyeing, there should not be any styling products.
  6. Do not exceed the exposure time of the paint longer than indicated in the instructions, since the color will not become brighter from this, but there is a risk of spoiling the strands.
  7. If the hair is clarified by more than 4 tones, it is recommended to add natural oil (not more than 0.5 tsp) to the mask, for example, castor, burdock, olive. This will help soften the effect of the paint on the strands.

After lightening and re-staining dark hair, they need additional care. It is recommended to use high-quality professional shampoos and balms designed for colored strands. These funds allow you to maintain color intensity longer and significantly improve the overall condition of the strands.

Using home remedies you need to be very careful. If the mask is oil-based, it perfectly moisturizes and softens the strands, but it provokes a quick wash out of the pigment. Once every 2-3 weeks, you can use a good tonic, thanks to which the hair color becomes more saturated and bright, the growing roots and gray hair are painted over. It is recommended that you minimize the use of hot trowels and flat irons to protect your hair from the damaging effects of high temperatures.

How to lighten black hair: