45 woman berry again a. Forty-five - a woman's berry again. The woman has no age

Women love flowers because they wither.


I’m only forty-five, and my husband is forty-five!

Female wisdom

Why do they say: "At forty-five, a woman’s berry again"? But because at this age, when the sexuality of many women rises, they are attracted to the "young." With an old man, will you really be a “berry” ?! A 45-year-old man thinks about his sick liver and angina pectoris, at best, about his work, but not about helping his 45-year-old girlfriend become a “berry”. Or he catches himself and begins to cling to the passing youth with the help of young girls. And what are we worse?

Alina, 46, once admitted to me that one 23-year-old man is expressively looking at her. When I advised her to encourage a potential fan, she was horrified: “What are you, Dilya Dardovna, he is younger than my son!” So what? She does not seduce him, he himself languidly glances at her. Alina is a woman, as they say, "in the juice itself," though it's a bit overweight. But maybe the young man does not like skinny peers, and he prefers women with Rubensian forms ?!

Alina for a long time did not dare to encourage him, consulted with me how to behave to her. She was very afraid that everyone would blame her, including her son. But the young man saved her from making a difficult decision and took the initiative. Under some specious pretext, he met Alina’s son and, apparently, confessed to him his secret love for his mother. The son then told Alina: “Mom, are you all sitting at home, one and one?” You don’t need to go to a psychiatrist, you need to invite Pasha to your place, the guy dries for you the second year. Why are you embarrassed? For example, I do not mind that I will have a stepfather three years younger than me. We’ll play chess with him in the evenings and watch football on the “box”. Maybe you will bite my brother to me, you are still a young woman. Giving, mummy, you spit on your hypocritical prejudices and take everything from life. ”

More than ten years passed after Alina’s divorce, and during that time she had only one random lover, whom she recalls with disgust. So Alina did not have experience of romance novels. Nevertheless, she gradually got rid of her stiffness and began to accept Paul's courtship. He is a shy young man, deprived of his childhood maternal affection, which, apparently, hoped to find in Alina. He did not encroach on her morality, everything was romantic with them and only at the platonic level. They walked for a long time, he told her about himself, his unhappy childhood, drinking parents, Alina felt sorry for him. He gave her flowers and small gifts, Alina carefully preserves them.

Alina did not dare to live openly with Paul under one roof, although her son does not mind, but they see each other every day. Running from work, Alina preens and eagerly awaits Paul's call, and then they go off somewhere. She says that now she has a second youth, she recalls how she once ran as a girl on dates. She is no longer afraid to look ridiculous next to her fan; she doesn't give a damn about public opinion. True, no one looks after them, shaking his head in condemnation. Our mores have become more liberal.

They haven’t gotten to bed yet. Alina, in principle, is no longer opposed, and she is not even embarrassed by her own completeness. As Paul himself told her, he was more attracted to the woman’s soul, not her figure and appearance. Perhaps he is a little soul-catching, but to hear this, however, is pleasant. Or maybe he doesn’t deceive her, and he is really attracted to Alina’s kindness, her gentleness and generosity.

How long such relationships will last is not known, and it is not worth guessing in advance. What for? A woman is happy, loved, feels young and attractive, so you need to thank fate for this unexpected gift. It is entirely possible that their relationship will eventually end in intimacy, or perhaps remain platonic. But this is not important. Even if they ever parted, the woman gained self-confidence, and this will help her in the future to find a life partner, which will suit her perfectly.

Alina began to look after herself, lost weight, became prettier, looks like a happy woman. She no longer needed my help, but sometimes she ran to me just to chat and once again say how I was right that I persuaded her to neglect conventions. “I myself would never have decided on this,” she admitted to me. “But you know life better than me.” You gave me self-confidence, and now I'm completely different. I love Pasha, but he is almost like a son to me. I'm not going to keep him near me always. He is a young man, he needs to arrange his life. But he is very shy, and the current girls are too lively, he is shy in front of them. But maybe he will find his happiness, marry a young one. And now I will not be left alone either. Already at work, one winks at me, says that every day I’m all in bloom and good. “I don’t need him, but there is another one, men now look back at me.”

The secret of eternal youth is to sleep for at least nine hours, be confident in your attractiveness and lie about your age.

My other patient, Tamara, without my advice, got herself a young lover. She is 48, Sergei 22, but this did not bother her. “I realized that if a man wants me, then he does not care how old I am,” she says confidently. - I do not hide my age, I do not make myself an innocent girl. He has eyes, so he saw what he was taking. I did not drag him to bed by force, I wanted to. Around full of young people, there are plenty to choose from. And if he is with me, then it means that I arrange him. ”

Their romance was stormy, with partings and reconciliations, scenes, tears, jealousy and reproaches. Tamara fell desperately in love and jealous of Sergei, even if he just looked at the other. He turned out to be a youth not a miss, and periodically cheated on her, but his affair was short-lived. Enraged, Tamara tore him out of bed of another lover, or he himself came to her with a guilty look, asked for forgiveness and assured that he loved her alone, but changed only "out of stupidity" or "out of drunkenness."

Sometimes Tamara says that Sergey tormented her, but nevertheless, they are satisfied with their relationship and she is happy. Emotions, passion, jealousy - all these stormy feelings are just what she needs and she will never exchange her stormy romance for her former lonely and boring life. “I love everything to be out of tune,” Tamara admitted. - That passions flew to shreds and the heart was torn to pieces from love and despair. But this will not happen with the old lover; he is no longer capable of such violent feelings and recklessness. She will slobber at everything, and then she will complain about her illnesses and life difficulties. Give men of my age young ones, with them he will also be younger, will feel like a frisky goat and forget about his illnesses and hardships. ”

Tamara and Sergey have been together for five years, and although during this time they quarreled more than once, cursed violently and even parted, but they were not going to "run away" yet. Tamara categorically rejects the possibility of marriage with him and wants to preserve freedom. “If he lasso me, then he’ll definitely sit on my neck,” she says. - Then I will immediately grow old from worries. And so I fool Sergey’s head that I have a lot of fans and lovers, and supposedly I don’t really cherish him. Maybe that’s why he is holding on to me for a long time, and he would have left him long ago and found himself young. ”

But even if Sergei abandons her, Tamara is now confident that she will not be lost without him. “You think! She snorts. “I will get another young one for myself, I now know the recipe, I know how to entice and tame them.”

A woman is older than a year every three years.

Maurice Donnet

The “berry” woman is already an experienced lover. She loves carnal joys and knows a lot about them. Sex gives her great pleasure. She owns the art of love, knows what she needs, what a man needs, and can give him something that he will not receive from the young. In terms of sexual needs and capabilities, a 45-year-old woman and a 20-25-year-old man are equal. A young partner can learn a lot from her experienced lover. This is nonsense, as if a woman is as old as she looks.

A woman is as old as she speaks.

What are our years!

Female wisdom

At any age, you can become younger.

There is an opinion that if a woman has already gone through menopause, now she has become a “sexual pensioner”. Nothing like that!

A woman is orgasmic until the end of her life.

After sixty years, sex drive is reduced, but not all. Gynecologists say that in the seventies the vagina becomes dry, because of this sexual intercourse is painful, and a woman refuses an intimate life. And creams, gels, petroleum jelly and other lubricants for what ?! In addition, there are other ways besides sexual intercourse.

I had a patient, 23-year-old Oleg, a handsome bisexual man. "For the soul," he had fun with gays, and for earning, he served ladies of a very advanced age. He had a pimp who accepted applications, called Oleg, and he went to the “client” at home. “Clientele” - only after fifty years. There are among his "clients" and 70-75-year-olds. He says they are still “wow!” - very much hunt for sexual pleasures. Some have young husbands. Obviously, even this is not enough for them, since they use the services of Oleg.

Oleg explains their preferences for the elderly “clients” by the fact that, firstly, they are very generous, they often pay much more than the prescribed fee, and if they like the “boy” very much, they will “get rich”, and secondly, such ladies prefer regular partners, therefore Oleg is always provided with “work”, thirdly, they treat him with maternal affection (Oleg grew up in an orphanage), are keenly interested in his affairs, ask about life, give practical advice, and help out in difficult situations. And fourthly, and this is the most important thing, he says: "I love them all." There you go!

However, dear ladies, do not get me this way. as if I advise you to turn to the paid services of “boys for sexual pleasures”. This example is given only as a confirmation of the fact that a woman of any age can have sex.

The main problem of an older woman is the lack of a suitable partner. Not from a good life do women have to use the services of male prostitutes (or prostitutes?). Their peers are either completely "unable" or "can", but "not enough", or they themselves are looking for confirmation of their masculine strength in the arms of a young lover.

More than half of women over forty divorced. Men, too, but it is easier for a divorced man aged to find a young partner (especially if the age difference is compensated by banknotes). And women also want both warmth and male attention. Yes, and sex too. And what's wrong with that?!

If you are married, but you haven’t had “intimacy” for a long time, if you think that at your age it’s time to “overcome the sting of the flesh” and think about grandchildren, and not about carnal joys, then you have the opportunity to reconsider your opinion. Read the book to the end, or at least the section “Sexual menu for spouses with experience”, choose the most optimal tips that “fit your heart” in relation to your upbringing, morality and range of acceptability, discuss everything with your husband and if he agrees, take a chance. Anyway, it won’t be any worse if you haven’t long had a sex life. But there is a considerable chance that your life will radically change. In my practice there are hundreds of such cases.

Recently, I talked with a friend, a 48-year-old woman who presented one of my books to her coeval neighbor, and then she came to her with a bottle of champagne, shining eyes, cheerful and even younger, thanked her and said that she and her husband both read the book and did not sleep all night - had sex, which had not been thought of for almost three years. Her husband is 50 years old, and he had a weak erection, his wife decided that both of them are already at the age when you can do without intimacy. They have two children and three grandchildren, and they thought other values \u200b\u200bwere important at their age. The wife would not mind, but did not want to injure her husband - what if he again turns out to be insolvent. And then her husband decided to take a chance, and it turned out that both were still quite capable of carnal joys. They were delighted and decided not to refuse intimate communication.

This woman asked how old you can have sex. I will answer for her and for all other readers - there are no age restrictions if you are both healthy and it is pleasing to both of you. And older people have sex, and even very old ones. Scientists say that it prolongs life and maintains health.

One friend of mine is at least eighty years old. Nobody knows her exact age, because she changed her passport several times and each time she “grew younger” by five or even more years. She survived three husbands, now three times a widow. She never refused sex and to date she has young lovers. Until now, she is one of the most beautiful women I know.

There are no age restrictions for love or sex.

No matter how old you are, even if before you were unlucky in love, do not lose hope. At any age, you can radically change your life and become happy. While you feel like a Woman, it's never too late to start all over again.

47-year-old Valya was not interested in either sex or men, she always considered herself “ugly” and “a mistake of nature”. This is actually not the case. She is very witty, with a lively mind, an optimist and a laughter. She herself says that everyone considers her the "soul of the company", not a single party can do without it, she is an eternal joker and a joker, she loves all kinds of practical jokes. When she tells funny stories and laughs infectiously, she has dimples on her cheeks, she becomes very pretty. Valya is very charming, although all her behavior is deliberately masculine, and in neglect of her appearance there is even some bravado. She dresses casually, does not use makeup, wears a short haircut. He loves men's companies, among men he feels “like a fish in water”, “drowns out vodka with glasses” on a par with men. He likes to drink, but drinks only in company. There is no craving for alcohol; it can calmly do without alcohol for months. “Drink and hang out” is her favorite pastime.

She was married twice, but divorced within a few months. She has no children, she lives alone.

Over time, I managed to convince her that in vain she had driven into her head the opinion of her external unattractiveness. “Eh, where you were before, doctor, when I was younger,” she once said to me, “now I am an old woman who will be ashamed of me.” I didn’t give birth to a child or live like a man. ”

Over time, she became softer. Once I came to the consultation, having tinted my lips and with a new hairstyle - a small permanent. Small curls did not go at all to her large weathered face, but nevertheless, I complimented her. It was encouraging that, at least, she began to pay attention to her appearance and she had a desire to become attractive. She simply blossomed with praise, saying: “And you know, no one ever told me compliments. They praised me for work, but no one noticed that I was a woman. Mother and brothers told me that I was ugly, and I believed it and acted like an ugly one. And the men at work didn’t care if I was ugly or not, if only everything was in order with the work. ”

When she had mental disorders associated with menopause, I did not see her for a long time. And after some time, she brought in a show of her fiancé, a pretty handsome widower man who was 12 years older than her and half a head lower. He looked at her adoringly, called her “cat” (with her height 175 cm and weight 95 kg), and she clearly liked it, so there was a complete idyll in her feelings.

Valya was not dressed as usual, in faded jeans and a jumper, but in a beautiful formal suit of a business woman, navy with a light white strip, with a white blouse and even a pendant around her neck, and her large figure looked very impressive. She no longer had small curls, her hair was tinted in platinum and lay in light waves, she obviously had just put them in a hairdryer or went to the hairdresser. From the shadows of the eyelids, her eyes seemed piercingly blue. She no longer had a tan of brick color, she was slightly powdery, but all the cosmetics were in moderation, and she looked just fine, which I immediately told her about. And her fiancé said that he considered Valya to be simply beautiful, and she had to see how much she liked all the compliments! Although she looked 47 years old, she was another woman. She was happy, and it was immediately evident.

“Youth lasts longer than it seems young”

duchess Diana de Bosac

The woman has no age

"Girls" - addressing each other women over forty "

Charlie jones

Do not take an example from those who say different things each time. Always talk. that you are 25 years old.

Ioannina Ipohor

Traditionally, human life was divided into certain stages: childhood, adolescence, maturity and old age. It was believed that each age has its own life priorities, its feelings and feelings, as if each age is a clearly delimited period that has a beginning and an end, each phase is unique. Figuratively compared a woman with a rose - in her youth she had not yet opened a bud, then a magnificent flower in the full bloom of her beauty, then it begins to fade ... In general, spring, summer and autumn of female life.

However, modern representatives do not want to put up with this and break all established stereotypes. Women no longer pay attention to their passport age. Any number of examples when a mother looks younger than her own daughter. She dresses like her daughter and youth, and behaves accordingly. Being a grandmother, she lives in anticipation of love and, naturally, finds it. Has a lover (or husband) younger than her daughter. The most interesting thing is that this does not shock anyone. Public opinion has become loyal and does not condemn couples where a woman is twice as old.

Several decades ago, marriages, where the spouses were separated by a large age difference, were extremely few. This was allowed only to movie stars or bright, extraordinary women who could afford to act contrary to established prudish traditions.

Emancipation has borne fruit. A remarkable achievement was that a woman now has the opportunity to choose a life partner herself. Her social status, material well-being, nationality and age do not play a role. The sad song of the seventies, in which there were the words "Girls are standing, standing on the sidelines" is about the fact that the stronger sex chooses, and the woman can only shyly wait for her to be elected or rejected. Weakness to God, now the fair sex can take care of their fate by making a completely conscious choice.

I don’t think that we and men are equal. We are higher.

Barbra streisand

Youth has become not an age category, which has a limited scope, but, figuratively speaking, a state of mind. The youth of the soul is appreciated and even exalted. It turned out that it can be extended beyond. reserved for nature.

It used to be that youth is a preparation for maturity. Young people lived in anticipation of future happiness, the girls dreamed of extraordinary love. The young creature was supposed to be helpless, naive, inexperienced, trusting, weak, with romantic ideas about the relationship of the sexes. And now the period of “budding” is transformed into a firework of beauty, which means entering a mature season. Since ancient times, maturity has been associated with procreation. In real life, maturity is no longer a firework of feelings, but dull everyday life. Marriage, husband, children, dirty linen, washing, porridge, pots, dishes, cleaning ... Br-r ...

Now the situation has radically changed. Being young does not mean that you are eighteen to twenty-five years old. And it doesn’t matter how old the woman is. It is important that she feels young, and those around her perceive her young. Moreover, she does not just look young due to careful self-care, but is actually young.

It has become fashionable to be young; everyone wants to be young. Youth conquers one position after another.

"Rejuvenated" not only our women, but also men. It is nice to look at a deputy who has not reached the thirty-year milestone, but already knows how to express his thoughts in a concise way (and thanks for that).

Social youth, in contrast to biological youth, is not limited by age limits. Hooray women! No wonder they fought for their rights. Now we have no age, after which we cease to exist as an object of courtship, as a standard of attractiveness, as sexual partners.

Sex is available to women at any age. And a young girl, and a young woman, and a fifty-five-year-old grandmother - all have the opportunity to be loved and desired.

Women have no age. They are either young or old.

Sasha Guitry

The word "girl" has become universal and, to our joy, has replaced the nasty word "citizen". Now the appeal "girl" does not mean that the interlocutor is at a young age. Ladies of late Balzokovsky age quite adequately respond to it. Many years ago, my dad told me that his mother once woke him up in the middle of the night to remind him: “Did you hear the man calling me“ girl “on the bus? And she was extremely proud of it, although she was then thirty years old, and she was just beautiful. And at my age I consider it quite normal when unfamiliar men turn to me “girl” (by the way, “madame” or “lady” only women call me ...). Any woman is much younger than a peer man.

So, we are all still girls. We stopped highlighting the change of stages in our lives. This means that the duration of our social youth is increasing. The word "girl" has lost its original meaning and has become a symbol of the fact that you can be young an unlimited number of years, having children and even grandchildren.

As my friend, a gynecologist, said: “Women think that 45 years and menopause is the end of the Indian age. Stupid! When they live to be forty-five, they realize that life is only just beginning! ” She herself is now 48 years old, her son is married, she has two grandchildren, and she looks like God forbid everyone!

One of my friends is exactly ten years older than me. When I turned 30, and I thought that my youth was already behind, she said: “How young you are! You are just starting to live! ” When I turned 40 and she was 50, she said the same thing. Now I am 48, and I understand how she was right. And she is 58, and she considers herself still young, and she is really young and looks great. She feels herself that way, and she is. Confident, beautiful woman who, as far as I remember, never even got on the subway, and when the men gave way to her, she refused with the words: “Thank you, but I don’t like to sit, I'm afraid to wrinkle the skirt.” Here is such a woman, and it's nice to see her. And the matter was not only in the skirt, although she was always impeccably dressed and elegant, she just always wanted to be in good shape, and not blur, “like a sour”, in the seat in utter prostration, although we both went from work, and the job was with a psychiatrist hard, you really believe me.

She is always lively, energetic, businesslike, her eyes are burning, always with a smile, and any man in her presence immediately begins to feel like a sort of nudity, preens, swaggers, and strives to impress her.

Her years do not bother anyone, including her, she always had any fans. But she is a very demanding woman and far from every man dignifies with his favor. Many tried to take care of her, but few were lucky, and she knows how to keep the rest at a distance, not pushing away, but not bringing closer. Not because they will ever be lucky to get her favor, but in order to "not lose tone." This is her retinue.

There are few women who know how to manage men like her, even those with whom she had no affair. This woman is sex appeal itself, for the sake of such men have always lost their heads. But her head is always on her shoulders. She had a single husband who adored her and always said: "I remember her 18-year-old, and she always remained 18-year-old for me." Unfortunately, she was recently widowed. If desired, she could marry as many times as she herself would have liked, but she herself did not want to.

Every woman has the age she deserves.

Coco Chanel

Love for all ages

We are already at the age when we like the young.

Natasha, my 48-year-old friend, is a doctor.

The famous singer and movie star Cher said: "I am as old as my companion." Got a hint, pretty women? To feel young you need a young man next to you.

43-year-old Larisa has always considered herself frigid. She is one of those women who are called a "man in a skirt" - strong-willed, decisive, inflexible, uncompromising. Her profession is also "non-female." She works at a construction site, leads a large team of men. She was married, divorced, she has an adult son. Sex never interested her, men either. After she became pregnant, she categorically refused an intimate life.

One winter, Larisa went to rest in a sanatorium near Moscow. I walked a lot, slept and rested. There she met a young man who was 18 years younger than her. She felt almost like his mother. He was very attentive, told her compliments, said that he was an orphan, grew up without a mother, his aunt raised him, and Larisa for the first time in her life felt tenderness and desire to take care of him.

Her fan was timid and indecisive. Even giving her hand to help climb the stairs, he was embarrassed and blushed. It was so unusual for Larisa, who was used to hearing, basically, rude words from men who worked at the construction site, that she really fell in love. She was the first to touch him, stroking his head, taking him by the arm, but both dared not dare.

She was so inexperienced that she did not even know how to behave, how to take courtship of men, what to say, did not know a single affectionate word, only once she had an involuntary break out of her “son”, - so she called her son. Her fan was even more embarrassed, Larisa was also embarrassed. There was no closer relationship between them.

When the vacation was over, both returned to Moscow, and the next evening he called her. They began to meet. Larisa was really looking forward to these meetings, began to monitor her appearance, she wanted to look younger.

She introduced him to his son, he reacted calmly to this, saying: "It's been a long time sincerely, mother, to you." Larisa was struck by the words of her son, because she did not think about marriage, but she was very grateful to her son for understanding.

Public opinion and the age difference did not bother her at all, since she had never considered anyone else's opinion except her own. She would not mind marriage, but remembering the sad experience of the first marriage, which crashed precisely because of her sexual coldness, she was afraid that the same thing would happen again with her new husband, whom she did not want to lose. In this regard, I asked for a consultation.

Her lover is gentle and affectionate, and over time she will be able to overcome her negative attitude towards sex. She loves him, he loves her too, and their tenderness with each other will help them achieve harmony in a sexual sense. Even if Larisa’s lover turns out to be low-potent or Larisa cannot change her attitude to intimacy, we can assume that they will find a compromise, and their union will be based on spiritual intimacy. The fact that Larisa is worried about her sexual coldness, and she seeks to change the situation for the better, inspires hope that they will achieve mutual understanding. All women are young. And some are even younger.

By the way, my beloved grandmother, at more than 60 years old, “beat off” her legal husband from another grandmother. He was 22 years younger than my grandmother. That was love! After that, they lived like doves for almost twenty years. Unfortunately, she survived it. She is now 92 years old, and I buy her good face creams and her favorite perfumes. She still feels like a woman, not a great-grandmother, although she has 7 grandchildren and granddaughters and 6 great-grandchildren! It is possible that if she wanted to, she could “recapture” someone else’s husband, but men do not live for so long.

So in the feeling of being a woman, perhaps one of the secrets of longevity lies. It will take another ten years, and you will get used to your age.

All women are young. And some are even younger.

I know one very bright, stunningly beautiful lady who was married four times and survived all four husbands. No one knows how old she is. Envious people gossip that she was born almost in the last century and changed her birth date in her passport five times. What amazing eyes she has! Fire - not eyes! She is sex appeal itself, and none of the men pay attention to her age.

Over the past twenty years, many lovers have changed her, and not one of them has been older than thirty years. Women, of course, envy her and say that she takes hormones, but this is not true. She just didn’t stop feeling like a Woman, and she is feminine.

She is not afraid of competition, because she knows her attractiveness. I was 25 years old when I first saw her, and in those days no one would call me a ugly girl. And she gave me an appreciative look, and on her face I read satisfaction: "I am better." And indeed it was.

I have never seen such self-confidence in any woman. I saw many self-confident, but not so sure of their attractiveness. She looked no more than forty-five, and the gossips then were told that she was about seventy. But she was thirty-five, because she felt thirty-five years old. Then we made friends with her, and the age difference did not bother us at all, although she was older than my grandmother.

She said that young men helped her to keep her youth. “You will be with the old man,” you yourself will grow old early, “she thought. - You will become his nanny, nurse and waistcoat, in which he will cry for his ailments. And with the young you will try your best to look at the level. A woman should be an energy vampire and draw energy from young men. May they live for us, and not we for them. ” Selfishness, of course, why not? Why should a woman bend her whole life to wash, clean and cook for a man? Why do not some men rise from the couch and create all the conditions for a woman to become happy, keep her youth and charm ?! Lazy, do not want to - well, so do not be offended that women will prefer those who have not had time to get lazy and swim in fat.

Many of my patients, who came with dead eyes in a state of depression, realizing that they were still women and not yet all lost, acquired young fans and relieved depression as if by hand. This is not a prescription, not a "doctor prescribed", but only the result of clinical experience.

Do not think that you are getting old, it is getting old.

Man and woman: the art of love Dilya Enikeeva

Forty Five - Baba Berry Again

Women love flowers because they wither.


I’m only forty-five, and my husband is forty-five!

Female wisdom

Why do they say: "At forty-five, a woman’s berry again"? But because at this age, when the sexuality of many women rises, they are attracted to the "young." With an old man, will you really be a “berry” ?! A 45-year-old man thinks about his sick liver and angina pectoris, at best, about his work, but not about helping his 45-year-old girlfriend become a “berry”. Or he catches himself and begins to cling to the passing youth with the help of young girls. And what are we worse?

Alina, 46, once admitted to me that one 23-year-old man is expressively looking at her. When I advised her to encourage a potential fan, she was horrified: “What are you, Dilya Dardovna, he is younger than my son!” So what? She does not seduce him, he himself languidly glances at her. Alina is a woman, as they say, "in the juice itself," though it's a bit overweight. But maybe the young man does not like skinny peers, and he prefers women with Rubensian forms ?!

Alina for a long time did not dare to encourage him, consulted with me how to behave to her. She was very afraid that everyone would blame her, including her son. But the young man saved her from making a difficult decision and took the initiative. Under some specious pretext, he met Alina’s son and, apparently, confessed to him his secret love for his mother. The son then told Alina: “Mom, are you all sitting at home, one and one?” You don’t need to go to a psychiatrist, you need to invite Pasha to your place, the guy dries for you the second year. Why are you embarrassed? For example, I do not mind that I will have a stepfather three years younger than me. We’ll play chess with him in the evenings and watch football on the “box”. Maybe you will bite my brother to me, you are still a young woman. Giving, mummy, you spit on your hypocritical prejudices and take everything from life. ”

More than ten years passed after Alina’s divorce, and during that time she had only one random lover, whom she recalls with disgust. So Alina did not have experience of romance novels. Nevertheless, she gradually got rid of her stiffness and began to accept Paul's courtship. He is a shy young man, deprived of his childhood maternal affection, which, apparently, hoped to find in Alina. He did not encroach on her morality, everything was romantic with them and only at the platonic level. They walked for a long time, he told her about himself, his unhappy childhood, drinking parents, Alina felt sorry for him. He gave her flowers and small gifts, Alina carefully preserves them.

Alina did not dare to live openly with Paul under one roof, although her son does not mind, but they see each other every day. Running from work, Alina preens and eagerly awaits Paul's call, and then they go off somewhere. She says that now she has a second youth, she recalls how she once ran as a girl on dates. She is no longer afraid to look ridiculous next to her fan; she doesn't give a damn about public opinion. True, no one looks after them, shaking his head in condemnation. Our mores have become more liberal.

They haven’t gotten to bed yet. Alina, in principle, is no longer opposed, and she is not even embarrassed by her own completeness. As Paul himself told her, he was more attracted to the woman’s soul, not her figure and appearance. Perhaps he is a little soul-catching, but to hear this, however, is pleasant. Or maybe he doesn’t deceive her, and he is really attracted to Alina’s kindness, her gentleness and generosity.

How long such relationships will last is not known, and it is not worth guessing in advance. What for? A woman is happy, loved, feels young and attractive, so you need to thank fate for this unexpected gift. It is entirely possible that their relationship will eventually end in intimacy, or perhaps remain platonic. But this is not important. Even if they ever parted, the woman gained self-confidence, and this will help her in the future to find a life partner, which will suit her perfectly.

Alina began to look after herself, lost weight, became prettier, looks like a happy woman. She no longer needed my help, but sometimes she ran to me just to chat and once again say how I was right that I persuaded her to neglect conventions. “I myself would never have decided on this,” she admitted to me. “But you know life better than me.” You gave me self-confidence, and now I'm completely different. I love Pasha, but he is almost like a son to me. I'm not going to keep him near me always. He is a young man, he needs to arrange his life. But he is very shy, and the current girls are too lively, he is shy in front of them. But maybe he will find his happiness, marry a young one. And now I will not be left alone either. Already at work, one winks at me, says that every day I’m all in bloom and good. “I don’t need him, but there is another one, men now look back at me.”

The secret of eternal youth is to sleep for at least nine hours, be confident in your attractiveness and lie about your age.

My other patient, Tamara, without my advice, got herself a young lover. She is 48, Sergei 22, but this did not bother her. “I realized that if a man wants me, then he does not care how old I am,” she says confidently. - I do not hide my age, I do not make myself an innocent girl. He has eyes, so he saw what he was taking. I did not drag him to bed by force, I wanted to. Around full of young people, there are plenty to choose from. And if he is with me, then it means that I arrange him. ”

Their romance was stormy, with partings and reconciliations, scenes, tears, jealousy and reproaches. Tamara fell desperately in love and jealous of Sergei, even if he just looked at the other. He turned out to be a youth not a miss, and periodically cheated on her, but his affair was short-lived. Enraged, Tamara tore him out of bed of another lover, or he himself came to her with a guilty look, asked for forgiveness and assured that he loved her alone, but changed only "out of stupidity" or "out of drunkenness."

Sometimes Tamara says that Sergey tormented her, but nevertheless, they are satisfied with their relationship and she is happy. Emotions, passion, jealousy - all these stormy feelings are just what she needs and she will never exchange her stormy romance for her former lonely and boring life. “I love everything to be out of tune,” Tamara admitted. - That passions flew to shreds and the heart was torn to pieces from love and despair. But this will not happen with the old lover; he is no longer capable of such violent feelings and recklessness. She will slobber at everything, and then she will complain about her illnesses and life difficulties. Give men of my age young ones, with them he will also be younger, will feel like a frisky goat and forget about his illnesses and hardships. ”

Tamara and Sergey have been together for five years, and although during this time they quarreled more than once, cursed violently and even parted, but they were not going to "run away" yet. Tamara categorically rejects the possibility of marriage with him and wants to preserve freedom. “If he lasso me, then he’ll definitely sit on my neck,” she says. - Then I will immediately grow old from worries. And so I fool Sergey’s head that I have a lot of fans and lovers, and supposedly I don’t really cherish him. Maybe that’s why he is holding on to me for a long time, and he would have left him long ago and found himself young. ”

But even if Sergei abandons her, Tamara is now confident that she will not be lost without him. “You think! She snorts. “I will get another young one for myself, I now know the recipe, I know how to entice and tame them.”

A woman is older than a year every three years.

Maurice Donnet

The “berry” woman is already an experienced lover. She loves carnal joys and knows a lot about them. Sex gives her great pleasure. She owns the art of love, knows what she needs, what a man needs, and can give him something that he will not receive from the young. In terms of sexual needs and capabilities, a 45-year-old woman and a 20-25-year-old man are equal. A young partner can learn a lot from her experienced lover. This is nonsense, as if a woman is as old as she looks.

A woman is as old as she speaks.

Ioannina Ipohor

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“I DIDN'T BURST YOU, YURI ANDREYEVICH?” OR WHAT CAN BE PURCHASED FOR FORTY FIVE RUBLES You and I talked about sports, and this topic, like a stormy river, brought us to the great ocean, to the problem of the fullness of human life. ... At least two - three weeks a year must be carried out

   From the book All About Conventional Eggs   author Ivan Dubrovin

“BERRY” COCKTAIL Rinse the fresh berry - raspberries and strawberries, taken in equal proportions, and sprinkle it with sugar. Crush the berry with sugar with a wooden mortar, set aside, wait until the sugar dissolves. After that, add whipped egg yolks and milk. Whip it all

   From the book All about ordinary cottage cheese   author Ivan Dubrovin

CEREAL PAGING “BERRY” Beat eggs with salt and sugar. Mash the curd and grind all the lumps. Mix cottage cheese and egg mass. Add semolina, melted butter. Mix all foods well. Add fruit syrup or liquid jam.

   From the book All About Conventional Honey   author Ivan Dubrovin

PIE BABA ROMA Mix 150 g of flour with the same amount of warm water. Add yeast diluted with water to the resulting mass. Mix everything and put in a warm place for 40-50 minutes. After this time add honey, margarine, eggs, sugar, salt,

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HONEY DRINK “RED BERRY” Dissolve honey in water and cook over low heat, constantly stirring and removing foam. Wash the cherries well and put them in a barrel, which is filled with a cooked solution (it should be boiled until the foam ceases to form).

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Again dysbiosis? A doctor who is professionally engaged in sick people - children and adults, knows the past, present and future of the patient, because he sees a great many such patients of different ages. And he knows that a five-year-old boy is cured

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Are your legs bothering again? For thrombophlebitis, try this recipe. Gather hazel leaves in June. Dry in the shade and brew like tea for 1 tbsp. spoon of leaves in 1 cup of boiling water. Drink a decoction of half a cup four times a day. With thick blood and the possible formation of blood clots

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Berry again? Climax Well what can I tell you ... My good ones! I endured this period quite easily. The tides quickly passed, the mood did not fall, and I quickly forgot about this period. My life and my condition have returned to normal. This is what I wish for you! Maybe this

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Berry Pudding Ingredients: 8 slices of rye bread, 6 slices of white bread, 100 g of red currant, 450 g of fresh raspberries, 170 g of powdered sugar, 1 tablespoon of corn starch, 1 teaspoon of vegetable oil, 100 ml of fruit sauce. Method of preparation: Currants and

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Caviar again ... Red and black caviar has always been considered a delicacy. In fact, caviar is fish eggs, a supply of nutrients for future fry, so it’s just a storehouse of vitamins and minerals. The product is not cheap, do not eat it with spoons. And at the same time it is one of the most

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Forty-fourth week Stormy activity of the baby is aimed at studying objects and toys, which contributes to the rapid development of his thinking. During this period, an understanding appears that certain actions lead to certain results.

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Forty-fifth week “Business” communication with adults contributes to the formation of the child’s personality. The child is a constant witness and participant in the "adult" life and sooner or later he begins to copy the behavior of parents in various situations, remembers how

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Forty-sixth week. The development of the child's speech continues to go at a rapid pace. The baby’s babble now becomes much more diverse and complex than the one he used recently. The baby already confidently pronounces his first simple words (for example,

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... Peptides Again After spending six years of hard work, J. Ungar and his group reported in 1972 in the English journal Nature the first success: “memory substance” was isolated from the brain of rats trained to fear the dark compartment of the chamber . Deciphering its chemical structure

   From the author’s book

Chapter 1 Another Forty Years

The day was wonderful. Since the summer this year did not spoil us at all, we were glad that the day off and that the summer had mercy and gave a warm day to humanity.

This year, like in no other, most often before the weekend the question was heard: looked at the weather, what was promised?

The hydrometeorological center promised a lot and colorfully, but, like a windy lover, I changed my promises, like gloves, three times a day. The people have already ceased to believe him. Tired of feeling cheated.

But today was a happy day: it was warm and somehow especially comfortable. And the aromas ...

We gathered at the cottage at Irishka, we still wanted to feel the summer.

We sat at the table as a female company and did something: someone was slicing salad, someone was drinking tea, Natasha and I sorted out cherries.

- Mom, what else do you need to buy there? - Lena, Irishka’s twenty-year-old daughter, was going to the store to buy everything that was missing.

Irisha looked around the table:

- So, write down ...

They stood nearby, a forty-five-year-old mother and a twenty-year-old daughter ...

“Wow, how did your atoms work out well, just like two sisters ... almost twins.”

Natasha expressed what was spinning in my tongue.

“Yeah, are we really mom?” - Helen kissed her mother on the cheek and pressed her whole body to her.

- True, only I am an older twin ... 20 years old with a ponytail. Okay, come on, get out of here, - Irishka slapped her daughter on the pope, - Don’t forget anything, or you’ll go again, you are the youngest here.

Natasha was interested, as if she had never seen, looked at Irishka.

- Well? - Irishka stared inquiringly at Natasha, - Speak already, I feel after all - now you’ll be setting forth the pearls.

- And will. I just now realized this stupid saying: at 45, a woman’s berry again.

- And what to understand ... they came up just for rhyme. Well, so that we, the women, can do pleasant things, they say, you already have a lot of things, but you still have nothing ... Fit for the countryside, - Irishka put on her apron and also took up the cherry.

“Well, don’t tell me ... I couldn’t understand everything why the berry is AGAIN.” It turns out that you were once a berry. That's just the age of your Lenka is the very first berry. At this age, you are happy with everything only because you have all your life in front of you, and you should supposedly be fine in this life. It’s like a vacation in the south, it’s a pleasure to wake up every morning.

Natasha picked up a handful of cherries and looked at them in surprise.

- And we, my dear, are already late berries, namely those that are “berries again.”

- Natasha, this is just folk folklore. They simply came up with such a rhyme for ditties and for verses for the fortieth anniversary.

“No, girls, here, let’s figure it out,” Natasha sat down in a swinging chair and picked up a cup of tea that was extended to her.

- I agree with you that you do not want to grow old. But where can you get away from this? I’m not talking about this ... I’m saying that I understand why at 45 a woman’s berry again. Just imagine ... I'm talking about myself now, so just listen ... - Natasha stopped the attempts of Irishka to object to something.

- Look, we are now at the age when you also want and can. After all, in youth it is not always possible, although one always almost wants to. But, then there is no money, then opportunities, then education. Well, it seems that I’m all such myself impossibly wonderful, but it turns out that I also need to make efforts. But in your youth you don’t really understand that without labor you won’t catch a fig from this stupid pond.

- And now? - Irishka put a cherry in her mouth and watched curiously the intricacies of Natashkin’s thoughts.

- And now I really understand my capabilities. And I am calm about my age, to be honest. And you know what I like at our age? She smiled mysteriously and raised an eyebrow inquiringly.

“Well, don't be Tomi.”

“I don't care what they think of me.” No, well, not all, of course. Well, that's just in my youth, it was somehow inconvenient for me to say something against it. I was uncomfortable when they pointed out to me that I was doing something wrong. I was uncomfortable from the words spoken out of place, from the fact that men were paying attention to me and that they were NOT paying attention. In general, these "uncomfortable" was just a huge pile.

- And now you have become a Batman and you do not care?

Natasha smiled triumphantly:

- Well, something like that. I think that people do not just come up with this proverb. It’s just that a woman’s life comes at an age when she is confident in herself, when she has received in life what she was striving for. And while it is still not old, men still like it. And you know, sometimes it seems to me that men don’t even like youth. They, too, are not fools and understand that this passes very quickly. Men like a mystery, a kind of unflappable self-confidence. Look here ...

Natasha turned to the fire, where men conjured.

She made a hazy look and made an almost elusive smile. My eyes wandered around the figures of men for about five minutes.

We watched the pantomime with interest.

- Girls, are you up to something? - Seryozha, Irishka’s husband, put barbecue on the table.

- We? - Irishka even coughed. - What are you talking about?

I sat looking down, trying to hide a smile.

- Well, I don’t know, and Bear says that you are some mysterious. And ... Natasha, there our neighbor asks if it is possible to join us. He is with a friend.

“But we don’t count, do we need to ask permission?” - Irishka tried to hide a smile behind ostentatious anger.

- Er, what are you yelling? He put his eyes on Natasha, understand?

Irishka stared at her husband:

“And this pulled the berries ...,” she whispered softly to me, nodding toward her neighbor, “All right, call me, let’s do it, right?”

The bear went to the men, turning from time to time to us, as if expecting a trick.

“This is what was required to be proved,” Natasha finished the tea and set the cup on the table.

- And tell me, Natasha, but the expression “gray hair in a beard - a demon in a rib” is an adaptation of the female proverb “at 45 - a woman’s berry again” is only for men, I understand correctly?

And we burst out laughing. We laughed so that the men, picking up plates, began to pull themselves towards us.

They were drawn by the smell of food, mysterious laughter, female unpredictability and spreading around like the scent of apple pie, the woman’s confidence that she could do anything. And what she cannot, her man can. She really takes care of this.

Who said at 45 -

woman - berry again!

He did not understand the essence of the matter,

It’s not a berry, but a rose.

Right Rose is the color of Bordeaux

Nobody will tear it.

All in thorns and thorns

Understands in men.

You can’t bring her noodles,

Knows the truth, feels a lie.

Proudly restrained but passionate

A little bitchy, a little dangerous.

If necessary, it’s cunning,

If he wants, then good.

If asked, can give,

Ile with a sneer to break off.

Then it will become clear to anyone -

45 is perfect.

I am always glad to see you on the pages of the site

If at exactly 45 a woman is a berry again, then how can a man be called a man at 45?

    I think at 45 a man is mature! First of all, mentally mature. IMHO, it is by this age that the most beautiful qualities: confidence, equanimity, poise, nobility. If they were before, then at this age they appear in a new way; and it is at this age that a man is incredibly attractive! (This is also IMHO.))))

    45 woman berry again, only 51 men again mandarin !!!

    And life is unfair:

    Here is a woman sun! And even berries!

    And here it is men  offended-

    After all, without title deeds!

    And without a man, what kind of berry?

    And neither grow nor taste at all

    Let and man all the same

    We will give the title for good!

    Well, what is there 45 years old?

    Yes for polt and prosperity

    This is youth, believe me!

    This is not a date for a guy!)

    But, as wisdom multiplies over the years

    And exposure will add notes

    He, like brandy: sparkles, plays

    Beckons to note with him all the nights!

    Sun! Solved! Kohl is noble

    The forty-fifth time they call

    Then add cognac to the berry!

    The tandem is better and you will not find!

    They say that at 45 a woman’s berry is again

    And who is a man at 45? We certainly do not understand

    After all, our entire feminine knows about this garden

    What man to this date

    The fruit, of course, is still the same!

    Lyudmila Vereshchagina, poet of Armavir 2016

    If exactly at 45

    Baba berry again

    Then at exactly 45,

    A man is the best whack.

    Loves picking berries.

    And savor for a long time.

    Here he is at 45,

    Man Whack, Whack, Whack, Whack)))

    Almost in rhyme turned out.

    In terms of meaning, it fits so exactly.)

    Yes, women will not be offended by me, but by 45 many of them already need confirmation that everything is in order with them, that I, they say, berry againquot ;. A man at THIS age needs such confirmation much less often, and therefore the saying did not work out.

    But later, about 10 years old, we observe the reverse process: the woman clearly found her place in life, set herself priorities that correspond to the new status, and the man suddenly hung between heaven and earth, and doesn’t know where to go: if you don’t swagger, you don’t a young man, but stubbornly does not agree to admit that he is already a grandfather.

    Well, at 45 ... who is he?

    Here, for example, I myself 41. Given all sorts of factors (service, work), just 45)))

    So who am I? On the one hand, a fairly successful person (achieved something in life, realized), and on the other, a gouging boy. Often I feel along with my son, who is 14.

    Well, how do you compose a saying?))) - Does not fit ...)))))))))

    The peasant is a little boar! I am only 35, but I want sex five times a day!

    If I follow my health, then at 45,

    I will surprise my peers

    Its fit and fresh appearance.

    And it will be bitter and insulting to them,

    That they didn’t climb mountains with me,

    And they hurried to the TV, for football, home.

    And I want to add that not only

    I will surprise my peers with a flowering view,

    The same age will also be envious

    What became more cool for them,

    And they will say (with reproach):

    • And he loves girls!

    But well done!

    What with bad habits, about 10 years old, tied up!

  • Talk about 45

    If only 35

    Hard and not familiar

    I will try to be logical

    If at his age

    Feeling baby

    I keep the feeling

    So 20 years. And I don’t know

    Feelings of another

    Tell me, what is it?

    If the guy is 45

    Boyfriend - they will call it that.

    Or Pepper - no offense

    Pepper - it is immediately visible!


    Someone’s son, and someone’s husband,

    father-in-law, dad, brother-in-law

    He no longer gives flowers.

    Though the salary is given.

    Maybe ponytail; wilt

    but the stomach is growing

    They love to give us gifts.

At first I turned, it’s scary to say how much, but at the risk of forty. Feast. Favorite mother-in-law pushes the speech: "Here, daughter, and you went to the fifth dozen." The mood is darkness. But - a smile on his face, mother-in-law - a kiss and "thank you so much, mom." As soon as the door closed behind the last guest, I ran to the bedroom. Undressed, turned on all the lamps, stood in front of the mirror, closed her eyes, exhaled, opened her eyes and began to stare at herself.

Waist.  In place, did not swim. Stomach. No stretch marks. True, there are no dice either, but it’s not disgusting to watch. Chest. Yes, my chest is beautiful, but whoever doesn’t like it, let it go ... In a word, wherever it wants, let it go there.

Now the face.  There are wrinkles. Reptiles pestering! Their eyes are especially numerous, and when I laugh, it’s all so ... My eyes would not have looked at this disgrace. And everything else is on par. Even now, when I’m tired and upset. And what, in fact, was upset? After all, the mother-in-law, sadly to admit it, is right - the fifth dozen put the right leg on the threshold.

And then I turned 45. Oh, there is something to remember. With the previous anniversary has already mentally coped. Until the sixth dozen another five-year plan. All parameters have not changed much: the mirror in the bedroom has not learned to lie. True, the wrinkles near the eyes have not disappeared, but I’m even used to them, or something like that. Most importantly, they seem to be gone. It pleased.

They weren’t particularly original at the table: about forty-five - a woman’s berry again, I was told, probably twenty times. Each guest considered it his duty to joke, recalling all the berries that he had learned since childhood.

  • They called me a raspberry - they said that she had become sweet because she had matured.
  • They compared it with a strawberry - they probably hinted at something not quite decent. I did not go into it. Today I am kind.
  • Then I was a cherry in a cocktail - a little bit hoppy and spicy. Nice, I liked it.
  • Blueberries were called, drawing an analogy with a forest dove, blue-necked. The main thing is not with a parrot, and thanks for that.
  • Grandfather, it was about the bones started. But then I got a jab in the side - my grandmother tried. And rightly so, there is nothing to hint at my weight. All these diets are hardly given to me anyway.

Husband connected.Here we have already made comparisons with the two most outstanding (in size, of course) berries in the world - watermelon and pumpkin. I had to give my face a formidable expression and protrude my lower lip. The husband understood everything as it should, and quickly rebuilt. Compliments fell from him, as if from a cornucopia. Many years of experience and instinct saved him this time.

The guests left, and I thought. And why has this forty-five-year-old woman been called a berry for a long time? Notice, not with a berry, but gently so with a BERRY. Conducted a whole study, spending on this business all night and a couple of days. And here's what I found out:

  1. At first,  almost all ladies at this age begin to look prettier. You can compare with the apple, which ripens all summer and only in late autumn is poured with thick and sweet juice. Hanging on an almost bare branch, empty around. An evil wind blows on a bull's-eye, pours cold rain on it. And he does not care. Hanging and waiting in the wings. You’ll take an apple in your hands, and from it the aroma goes, thick, rich, saturated in a sultry summer. You bite, and a mouthful of sweets, even flowing along the chin. Goodies! Exceptions, of course, do exist, but rarely.
  2. Secondly, scientists have long found an explanation for this phenomenon. The secret of such a flourishing of beauty lies in the physiology of women and, of course, in genes. And one cannot argue with these two - nature is nature. But there are some secrets. About them - read below.
  3. Thirdly,  at forty-five, a woman already knows exactly what she expects from life, from family, from a man, from love and from sex. She is ready to give and receive. And all this is only in full - a little bit, a little, and even half are not suitable for her. Everything is honest here, without shamanism, tantrums and unnecessary chatter. All this gives the woman a unique charm, in which the remains of young naivety, promising notes of perversity, slightly seasoned with pragmatism and life experience, generously sprinkled with passion and an incredible desire to like, are mixed in perfect proportion.
  4. Fourth,  a woman in forty-five is not going to give up on the coming years. She is active, doing yoga, running, Pilates, swimming, skiing ... Yes, anything, just to maintain the body in excellent physical shape. The woman has already acquired her own style; she knows very well what kind of clothes suits her, what makeup is appropriate in the afternoon, and which in the evening. In short, a lady at least where. You can have peace with her, and a feast, and good people. And in private she will not let you down; there is no doubt about that.
  5. Fifthly, a forty-five-year-old woman has already learned to value relationships. The time "go to mom" was gone forever. She has a house, her nest, which she loves to make. Next to her are her children and her man, with whom she created everything that surrounds her. Of course, this is an ideal option. More often than not, something is missing in the picture of life. Someone needs children, someone does not have a husband, and someone is still toiling in a rented apartment. This woman knows the price of what she has and what she lacks. There will be no mistakes, even if you have to give up something, she will make the right decision.

It seems to have listed everything, and immediately felt better on the soul. And let me be forty-five, but I’m a berry. Which one? I will decide this every day. I wake up, look in the mirror and choose which berry to please the world today