Caucasian love stories 18 completed read online. Patchwork of Caucasian love. Syrian Brides of War

A love story that really happened in life in Ingushetia, about the unhappy and strong love of two young people....

Ingushetia: There was a girl Elina, everyone called her Elya. . .girl, modest, neat, her parents and friends all loved her, her voice enchanted everyone, such a refined, delicate hair, like Angel's, she was often invited to conferences, the audience listened carefully, her every word, she was 17 years old, studied at 1 course, after the couple went straight home, did not like partying and all that. . .she had best friend Lizka, and then one sunny day Lizka ran to Elya and said: "Elka, Elka, I got the number of such a handsome guy, let's call him, only you will speak ... Elya:" Lizka, you're crazy, no, I'm not I'll call, what are you doing, and suddenly finds out, it's a shame. . Lisa: "please Elya, you have such a voice, he will immediately fall in love with you, please, please, please. . . . Elya:" well, but only once, and from a hidden one. . .Lisa (hugs, kisses) and now the beeps went. . . Hello? Yes. . . Elya: "I was given your number, I would like to meet you" He: "Well, since they gave me, let's get to know each other, my name is Mustafa, what about you? Elya: my name is Diana. . . . . . . . (she lied all about of his life) ... and now their conversation lasts more than 3 hours Mustafa: "Diana, why are you calling from a hidden one? After all, your number was determined by me anyway, Elya, in shock, began to say goodbye to him, saying that she had made a mistake with the number, asked not to call this number again, and hung up: "Lizka, I said no need! What will happen if He will find out who I am? It's terrible! I'm gone! Lizka went home. . . . Suddenly the phone rang. . . , we have the wrong number, or you stop writing here, or I will be forced to throw out the SIM card. . . . Mustafa: "No, no!!! Wait, please, give me Diana's number, I really need it, please give it! Lizka: "Sorry, it's impossible!!! She won't talk to you! Mustafa: “Please, I beg you! I need her number, or take her a SIM card!. . . . . . . . Eli's house. . . . . .Elya spent the whole night thinking about him, what a beautiful voice he has, how he communicates, how sweet he is. . . . That night he thought about her, What a beautiful voice she had, quiet and calm. . . The next day, Lizka ran up to her: Elya, Elechka, he wants to talk to you, he needs it, you should have heard how he asked me. . . . . Elya: "Lizka, are you crazy? I can't, I can't! (But with her soul she so wanted to hear his voice again) Elya, well, for my sake!. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . home... A little later, Elya dialed to him: Hello... Mustafa? Hi... Is that you? (Of course, a stupid question, but it was necessary to start a conversation). Hello, yes, Diana, this is me... How are you. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . handsome, tall, with dark hair and brown eyes, it seems like a guy like him will never look at one like her. . . . . She got upset. She thought about him all day. . . . Evening, they talk. . .everything goes so easily, as if they have known each other for ages. . . It's been 2 months since they met, they haven't seen each other, but oddly enough, he didn't ask for meetings, he was pleased to hear her voice
He did not ask for meetings, and it was to her advantage; she did not want him to see her. . . But one day he said: "Diana, I can't do this anymore, let's see you, I want to look into your eyes, I want to admire you, your voice will captivate me, please don't refuse me. Elya: "No Mustafa, please don't ask me about it, it's not enough for you that we communicate on the phone, I can not agree. . "But alas, Mustafa's perseverance knew no bounds, he achieved his goal ... she answered Yes! ... Lizka came to Ela. She told her about what had happened, and asked her to go to a meeting instead of her, supposedly she was Diana. . .DIANA: "How can you? After all, he hopes to see you, not me, he will know, he will feel! Elya: "No Lizka, he won't know anything! Please... Lizka didn't agree, all of a sudden, something was wrong with Elya... she grabbed her head, fell to the floor, everything swam before her eyes... she didn't heard Lisa's screams... there was no one at home, but now she began to come to her senses, and asked the crying Lisa to calm down... She already agreed to everything, if only Elya wouldn't scare her like that anymore... And then the one came the day they were supposed to meet Mustafa. . . .
The day of their meeting has arrived. . . He was waiting for her at the university under a tree. . . . . . .here he sees that someone is heading towards him. . .on looked at her askance. . . . Lizka: "hello Mustafa." . Mustafa: Hello. . They didn’t talk for so many minutes, and he asked: “Why does Diana think that I’m so stupid? Why does she think that I don’t recognize her voice, tell me why? Lizka:“ I told her that it wouldn’t work, she insisted, excuse me, I could not refuse her (she could hardly hold back her tears). . . I am sorry again. . .turned and ran away. . . At Eli's house: Lizka: "Did I tell you that it wouldn't work, did I tell you? You put me in such an uncomfortable situation that he is thinking about me right now, (crying) . . Elya:" please calm down, I'm not I knew this would happen, please calm down. . . Lizka calmed down and went home. . . . . Night: A call from Mustafa. . . .she is afraid to pick up the phone, afraid to hear how he will scold her. . . But she raised it nonetheless. . . . Hello, Diana. . .what did I do to you? Why did you treat me like that, did I distrust you? Was it like that? Elya: "I'm sorry, Mustafa, I'm just afraid that you won't like me, I know that I'm not one of those guys who run after me. . . I'm afraid. . . . . Mustafa:" Diana, how can you not understand I like absolutely everything about you! You are exactly the girl that I dreamed about so much, and it seems to me that it is you who are destined for me by fate! I am drawn to you Diana, how can you not understand this, please let's see each other, only this time You come!!! Do not send anyone, I still recognize your voice from a thousand, you can’t confuse it with a count, it looks like the singing of birds, the voice of an angel! After such words, she could not refuse him. . . She agreed, tomorrow at 5 o’clock their meeting will take place near Univer
All night Mustafa thought about what she was like, all night Elya was afraid to disappoint him. . . . But now the morning has come. . . . For some reason, the headaches started again, but again they disappeared. . . And now it's 5 o'clock. . . The couples are over, they should see each other. . . He waited where the meeting was indicated. . . She noticed him from afar. . . . He stood leaning against a tree, looking thoughtful. . . . . She appeared so quickly, he was dumbfounded. . . . . . He was exactly how he imagined her, a slender, beautiful girl. . . . With an angelic voice, he finally saw her, how much he wanted to hug her (but this could not be done, he would never touch this girl, would not dare to offend her with this) she did not raise her eyes, she just said: "here I am, Mustafa . . . . "These words spoken brought him to his senses, this time he knew for sure that his Diana was standing in front of him. . . . . But then she said: "I'm sorry Mustafa, all this time I lied to you, my name is Elina (ELYA), I lied to you all this time ... He thought again and said:" it doesn't matter anymore, I saw you, I I won't let you go again!
their relationship began to move to the next level. . . At the university they already knew that they were together, everyone was happy, there was white envy, there was black envy (everything is as it happens with people) on one wonderful wonderful day. . . At the meeting, Mustafa said to Elya: "Elechka, you know how I feel about you, you know that I love you, you know that I have no one but you ... I'm already graduating from the university, I'll find a job ... after. . . And after. . . . I would like to marry you! Elya Byta is shocked by these words, she wished it with all her heart! But something told her that it was too early. . . . just turned 18. I am just learning. . .understand me." Mustafa: "I'm not rushing you, darling, everything will be when you want, we'll wait, I'll send the old people to you (the elders of the family, of the whole family), I'm afraid that you will be given away for another, or they will marry you. . . Understand. . . . . .she agreed. . . All this time, Elya did not tell her mother about him, although she did not hide anything from her mother. And that evening she told her about his intentions. . . . Mom: "Daughter, are you crazy? What about studying? Have you thought about it?" Elya: "Mommy, he just wants to take the floor, and nothing else." Mom: "well, daughter, tell me his last name, maybe I know them?". . . . . After she said his last name, my mother dropped the plate, started yelling, screaming so that from now on this name and surname would no longer sound in their house! So that she forgets him, and does not dare to communicate with him, otherwise she will take her phone away from her, and a ban at home!
.... mom, mom, mom wait (crying) explain to me what is the reason, explain to me, I beg you! Mom, I can't live without him! Mom please! Mom: "our family has been at enmity for many years, so daughter, or you do as I say. . . . . Or I will tell everything to your FATHER! This will not end well. . . began to cry in the room ... Meanwhile, there was no less scandal in Mustafa's house ... having found out which girl their only son was talking about, on whom they pinned their hopes, in whom they saw the continuation of their kind ... And who upset them so much this. Father: "You will never marry this girl! NEVER!!! The foot of the enemy will not enter our house, you understand me !!! Mustafa kept his head down. . . . went to his room. . . . He called Ela: Hello, (heard her tears) beloved. . .
... my beloved, don't cry, I ask you not to cry, I'll do everything so that we can be together, I won't give you to anyone, you hear me to anyone! We will be together, do you believe me? Answer? Believe it or not, all he heard in response was her cry. . . .but then again the very thing that she was most afraid of (dizziness) happened and again everything swam before her eyes, again she did not realize anything, dropping the phone, she grabbed her head, the room narrowed in her eyes, there was nothing to breathe, that's it my end, she thought, mentally saying goodbye to everyone, saying goodbye to her parents, beloved, with beloved girlfriend. . .but thank God, she began to recover, somehow she got to her feet, remembering that she had spoken on the phone, found the phone, and heard screams. . . . "I'm here, here." . She answered in a whisper. . . : "Never scare me like that in my life! Got it?! I almost rushed to you!
Mustafa, why should we be responsible for the mistake of the past, why should we be responsible for THEIR hostility, why should everything come down to us. Mustafa: “My good El, don’t cry, we’ll still be together, I promised you!” She put the phone on and went to sleep, (although both couldn’t sleep that day) lay and looked at the ceiling for hours.: “Today I I’ll see him," Elka said to her friend, I’ll see! They left the house as usual, not showing any kind of joy, Elka walked near her mother with her head bowed ... A conversation started between her and Lizka, but then again these pains, Lizka had observed them before ... Elka fell to her knees, and began to beat the asphalt and scream, she was in pain, her head seemed to be torn into two parts, or even three ... Lizka lifted her up, took her to the bench, began to bring her to her senses, she was in a panic from what she saw , she had never seen such severe headaches ...: “Tomorrow we are going to the doctor!” Lizka said, and don’t you dare deny it! Elka: “Lizka, please don’t, you know how much I don’t like these doctors. Lizka: "I don't want to hear anything, I've said everything, tomorrow I'll ask your parents for you." . .
The whole day they did not see each other and did not hear each other. Meanwhile, horror was happening in Mustafa's house, a scandal ... no matter how he asked, no matter how he begged, but he could not melt the icy heart of his father, he brushed aside everything, shouted, spoke about the honor of the family ... Mustafa was left alone again alone with him (in the room) ... then his mother came in: "son, I see your suffering, I see how much you love this girl, but I also see and know that your father will never agree to this marriage (strokes his hands, face) Mustafa: "Mom, I'm sorry, forgive me if I didn't live up to your expectations, I'm sorry if I didn't turn out the way you would like to see me, but understand mom that I need Elina like air like water, I can’t imagine my life without it .... (tears filled his eyes) .... The mother’s heart trembled when she saw these eyes, because never before had tears been seen in these eyes ... from this mother in her soul it got even worse .... she left the room so as not to burst into tears in front of him .... Call: "Hello Elka, how are you? Sorry, I could not come today, I had business." Elka: "Nothing Mustafa, everything is the same at home, everything is forbidden" ... Mustafa: "Don't lose hope, darling, we'll be together!".. Morning of the next day: "Elka, get up soon, I asked your parents for help, let's go to doctor quickly ".. (With great difficulty getting out of bed, she got dressed and they ran home, not even having time to have breakfast ... Here they are in the hospital ... they said to come in the evening for answers ..
..evening came....they went for tests...both entered the doctor's office... Doctor: "Have you been suffering from headaches for a long time?" Elka: "Well, not so long ago"... (Lizka intervenes) "a long time ago a doctor".... Then the doctor lowers his head: "why didn't you come earlier? Why didn't you contact us earlier?" Elka: "Something wrong doctor?" Doctor: "You have a brain tumor, already quite developed, the chances of curing it in such a period is 1 in 1000. You need an operation urgently." . . These words sounded like a knife in the heart of both girls, they could not believe their ears. . . In shock from what she heard, Elka went out into the corridor, Lizka remained there. Doctor: "She has a few months left, and I'm afraid there's nothing to help." Tears welled up from Lisa's eyes: "how is the doctor? How? How could this happen, you're lying, it's not, my Elka can't die!!!
you are all lying! Doctor: "Unfortunately, you yourself observed her pain, you were a witness to her attacks." she could no longer speak, she left the office, Elya was sitting on the bench .... (crying): "Lizka, how much do I have left? How long will I live?" but she didn’t answer like that ... she just cried .... they came home .... Elka hands her mother papers (tests) Mom: "what is this?" .. Elka: "look, these are my tests
After reading this, my mother almost fainted, began to cry, scream: "my daughter, why did this happen to you, these tests are fake, I don't believe them!" Elka: "Mom, they are true, I have a few months left to live." . .mom: "no, no... I won't believe it, I'll tell my father"... By morning the house was already full of people... it seemed that she had already died.... Inviting her mother to her into the room, she began to beg in tears to let her meet with him (they had not seen each other for a month after receiving the tests)
Mom with great difficulty let go of her daughter ..... And so they met ..... Mustafa was in seventh heaven with happiness that he saw her again. Mustafa: "Elka, we will leave with you, you hear, we will not tell anyone and we will leave, we will live alone, and when they calm down we will return" ... Elya interrupted him ...: "no Mustafa, stop (holds out tests)" ... he looked at them for a long time, not understanding what it was ....: "what is it? What kind of tests." . . . Elka: "I'm dying Mustafa, I have a brain tumor, I have just a little bit left to live" ... These words sounded like a blow to the heart, the earth was leaving under his feet .... She stood and cried. Grabbing her by the shoulders, he hugged her. (He had never done this before) Elka: "Let go, let go, they can see us" ... but then I succeeded. Mustafa: "No, I won't let you go! I'll marry you anyway!
Elka was still crying: “No Mustafa, don’t ruin your life, before you get married, you will become a widower” ... but he did not listen to her, he turned and left ... Mustafa's house .... The house was full of guests. Ignoring them, Mustafa fell at his father's feet and began to beg him to send the old people to Elina's house, kiss his feet, he cried like a child! The father got angry and threw his son away...: “Are you out of your mind? How can you be so humiliated because of a girl? You are not disgusted by yourself, you are destroying lovers, for the sake of your enmity, for the sake of your principles .... (Everyone lowered their heads) .....
..... The poor children fell in love with each other, fell in love with a sincere love, and you are you doing? You are destroying them! ...... after long disputes and conversations, the old people gave in ..... Morning came: a knock on the gate: the gate was opened by Elina's father ..... Old people: "we came to ask your daughter" .. Father in anger: "Yes, how dare you come here, who told you that I will give my daughter to your family, we will never be related to people like you!" Angry Old Men: "We stepped over our pride! We came to ask for your daughter, and you. . What did you fool! You broke your daughter's heart! You broke a guy's heart!" With these words they left the yard...
.. Hearing her father's answer, Elka lost all hope, for several months tears dripped down her face, but that day killed her and him completely. They didn't know what to do, how to be. . . . . A few days later, a lot of people gathered in Elina's house, all were in black. . . . ELINA DISAPPEARED! SHE DIED! Hearing about the incident, the old people ran to their house. . . . Mustafa was with them, he doesn’t have a syntash (tombstone): “please accept at least this from us, at least I want to help her with something” .... Father: “we don’t need anything from you, get out of our Houses!
The shocked old people and Mustafa himself left .... Having reached the house, the old people opened the door: O ALLAH, what do they see. The stone crumbled, it really turned into small pebbles! (True) Mustafa was called to look at it, but he was not up to it, he went to his room, picked up the phone and began to look at Eli's photos. . . . . Meanwhile, the old men called the mullah. . .more precisely several. They explained this phenomenon ... they said that the stone here represents the heart of your son, like his heart this stone was broken into small pieces, your son's heart is broken forever, we have not yet seen such a great power of love that the stone was crushed by this force. . . With these words they left...
... that day Mustafa did not leave the room, all day all night long he looked at her photograph. . . He tightly gripped the phone, remembered her image, but her voice, all of her .... There were no more tears left, they had dried up .... In the morning, the mother knocked on her son's room, but he did not open, she entered, talk, but when she touched him, a chill went through the same body, he was cold as a corpse..........

Malika got married early - at the age of 15, so that even she herself did not have time to understand how it happened. During her wedding cousin, she liked a handsome guy from a neighboring village, and he came to the spring to see her. And her friend Marem, envious of the fact that such an enviable groom paid attention to Malika, carefully watched the couple a little to the side. Suddenly, quite unexpectedly for everyone, she shouted loudly: “Kug lazza! Kug lazza! (He took his hand! He took his hand!), although there was nothing like that. Why she did this remains a mystery. She probably wanted to disgrace Malika, but in reality it turned out that this involuntary “shame” was the reason that the stately handsome Shamil sent matchmakers to Malika that same evening. And the "dishonored" Malika married him, thinking that something terrible had happened.

Malika was pleased with her husband. Of course, rural life is not sugar, but Malika was accustomed to work with early childhood- and milk the cow, and bake bread - everything was done by her effortlessly. And her husband ... loved her, despite the fact that she had been married for 5 years, she could not give him children. Only chores around the house and yard allowed her to forget and forget for a while about her misfortune. But every night she fell asleep with tears in her eyes and a prayer to Allah for a child.

That evening she prayed especially earnestly. She decided for herself that if this time it doesn’t work out, she won’t torment Shamil anymore and will go to her parents’ house. She offered him more than once to marry another, but he reassured her as best he could, not even allowing the thought of a second wife. “Even if we never have children, I will not marry another,” he ardently convinced her, “... we have a large family, it’s okay if I personally don’t have children. Others have - and that's enough, the Salamov family will not end with me.

But, despite such words of his, Malika could not allow her beloved, dear, native person remained childless. Therefore, she firmly decided for herself - she would wait another month - and that's it, go home ...

Allah heard her prayers, and a month later she suffered ... At first she could not believe, and she was afraid to say, and she could not admit to herself that this had happened. Everyone listened to herself, everyone was afraid to say it out loud. And only when Shamil asked about it himself, noticing her slightly rounded belly, she answered: “Yes, it seems that I am pregnant.” Oh, how he circled her, how he rejoiced! What care and attention filled her days! He categorically forbade doing hard work and was looking forward to the birth of a child ...

What was the reason for the delay in the appearance of children is not clear, but since then, children in the family of Shamil and Maliki began to appear every year - as if from a cornucopia. Their house was filled with the voices of eight sons!

The happiness of Shamil and Maliki knew no bounds. In the depths of her soul, Malika dreamed of a girl, but she did not even dare to complain in private, as she was very grateful to Allah for the happiness sent to her!

The eldest son, Magomed, was the most playful and whimsical. Probably because his parents spoiled him the most, and all the other children were told that he was the eldest, he should be listened to, he should be respected and honored. He believed in his exclusivity and importance, and every now and then "pleased" his parents with his pranks.

His favorite trick was to hide somewhere for a long time and wait for his mother to start looking for him. “Moh1mad, k1orni, michah wu hyo? Hawad mother! Sa gaddella sa!" (Magomed, baby, where are you? Run to your mother! I miss you!) - Malika wailed, running around the yard, looking into all corners, but Magomed found a new place every time, and she never managed to find it. After tormenting her for some time, he jumped out of hiding with wild cries, and then they laughed together for a long time ...

... On the outskirts of the village of Goiskoye, the corpses of those killed during the “anti-terrorist operation to capture militants” in the village of Komsomolskoye were dumped into a huge pit. The unfortunate dug in this pit, looking for among the disfigured corpses of their loved ones and relatives, so dear and beloved, with whom they were yesterday ...
... Among all, a middle-aged woman stood out, with a face tied with gauze and mournful eyes, in which, it seemed, all the sadness of the world was reflected ... She kept pulling someone out of a pile of corpses, and saying: “Hara sa wu! .. Hara sa wu !.. Khara sa wu!” (This one is mine, and this one is mine, and this one is mine…) The women who stood at a distance shook their heads sympathetically and talked to each other, not believing that all seven corpses that the woman pulled out of the dump were related to her. In their opinion, the woman simply lost her mind and pulled everyone out.

“Moh1mad, sa k1orni, michah vu hyo? Sa sa gaddella!” (Magomed, my baby, where are you? I miss you!) - the woman began to lament, and those who watched her were sure that she had lost her mind. Someone was crying, someone who had no more tears left wanted to approach her in order to take her away from there, and one of the women was already moving towards her, but an elderly man standing aside stopped her with the words: “Leave her. These are our seven sons. She's looking for an eighth." He couldn't hold back his tears. In embarrassment, turning away, he quietly wept. He had no moral strength to approach the pit.

“Moh1mad, k1orni, ha guch wal, so kadella!” (Magomed, baby, come out, I'm tired) - repeated Malika. There wasn't a tear on her face...

... In the bloody massacre in the village of Komsomolskoye, about 2,000 people of the local population died. Including the elderly, women and children ...

Salam Alaikum everyone) this is my first time writing a story, so please don't judge too harshly.
Strictly strict +18 so that children and those who do not like such things Pass By.

Morning. The sun shines brightly. The birds are singing in the trees. Despite the fact that on the street in September the weather was hot.
The phone rang (It was my best friend Ferina)
A-Hello, I answered in a sleepy voice
F-Hello zai
A-hi baby
Are you still sleeping?
And just wanted to get up, you called)
F-You know that tomorrow is the first day that we will go to college.
A-Bliyin another headache(
F-Don't noah come on :D Today we are going to the mall for shopping
A-Okay, but come on in an hour, I want to sleep.
F-No, I'll pick you up in an hour,
to be ready!
A-Okay: D
(Aisha was 17 years old. Not much about her appearance: she had an elegant figure; the guys always rolled up, but oddly enough, she kicked them off.
The eyes were dark brown that even almost the pupil was not visible, long straight thick eyelashes and a neat nose, the lips were plump
Her hair was medium brown and fell to her back, as they say, she had everything with her.
Her family was rich. They lived in Turkey and came from Turkey. In her family, she had 5 people, including Aisha: Papa Revan (Strict was a man, but also showed his love and care to his beloved family and often did not go home because of work and therefore visited other cities;
Mom-Inel (the woman was kind and very hardworking, she also worked, but not because there was no money, but out of boredom and she worked for a wedding dress designer;
Maga (brother Aisha he loved very much and at the same time was strict with her he already had a daughter-in-law on whom he was engaged and the wedding should take place in 3 months;
Dinar ( little brother who goes to school a cheerful kid) I think I have described enough and you will learn about others in the continuation of the story.
Aisha still decided to get up from her favorite bed. She went to the bathroom and did all her water procedures and left. Dressed gently in a dress beige colour with a black belt at the waist that clearly showed her figure and 10 cm tall black heels. She straightened her hair and loosened it and Delicate makeup and ready) and at that moment Ferina called
F-get down I won't wait)
A-how cruel you are, I'm already running)
She went down to the table, the family had already been set. Everyone had breakfast
(Mom Papa Maga Dinar)
A- Good morning everyone
Mom, Dad - Good morning daughter)
Mom - Sit down for breakfast
A-mom I won't, I'm late for me Fidanka is waiting
Mom, what about food?
Let's go to the cafe
Mom - say hello to Ferina
A-Bon appetit everyone and bye)
Dinar stuck out his tongue
And Maga said, however, as always - for now, be careful and do not linger
Oh good
And her parents smiled at her.
Leaving the house, she saw a car familiar to her, it was
her best friend's white foreign car
A friend got out of the car and was not happy and it seems Aisha knew why) because she was late)
I will not tell you much about Ferina
(Ferina had long dark brown hair before the priests, everyone always thought that she had black hair. Her eyes were dark brown, like her friend's hair, they often said that she had black eyes, but if you look closely, it's completely different. Eyelashes are also long and thick raised up. The lips are not plump, the nose is neat. The ideal figure is shorter. Everything is with Himself.
She was wearing black dress which was below the knees and hugged her body and at the back of the dress there was a golden zipper that was full length to swim and 8 cm black heels and her hair was straightened and gathered in a ponytail.
She was good girl with Aisha they were friends from school and they were also relatives
Fidan's Family was Rich and was very good friends with Arinkina.
I think I dragged you with this and so on)
F-What's taking so long?
Ah, I'm sorry dear)
F-okay ;)
On the way, they made fun, laughed, chatted and did not even notice how they arrived at the shopping center)
Having done all the shopping, the girls decided to go to a cafe)
They went into a cafe and sat down at an empty table. And they took the order and finally the waiter brought the dishes.
The girls began to eat and at that moment

The girls began to eat and at that moment a group of guys consisting of 5 people entered the cafe. They laughed and talked loudly sitting at the table and all the girls looked at them and the table of Aish and Ferina too, but then they continued to chat and eat.
A guy from that company approached them and sat down next to them:
P-girl, I can meet you, he turned to Aisha
A-I don't date guys
P-Don't break down and don't show yourself touchy
A-Listen back off said!
All this was observed by a company of his friends and Fidan.
F-Listen, can you get out of here?
P-Shut up. How silent and silent.
Don't talk to her like that!
Get out!
P-I see a long tongue, yes?
Ah yes, you went!
A-easy! Yes-Fuck-You! - getting up off the table
F-let's get out of here Aisha
A-let's go, it's impossible to stand next to people like IT
She was about to leave when he abruptly grabbed her by the elbow and sharply pulled her to him.
P-Will you answer for what you just said? he said with a cheeky smile
They looked into each other's eyes and Aisha took a glass of Coca Cola
And I say it again, it's easy!
And poured on him to the last drop.
The guy stood in shock and watched her follow her as she left with her friend.
P-We'll meet again - the guy was furious
Friends looked at it with rounded eyes.
Coming out of the cafe, her friends quickly walked to the car and got into it. And they locked all the doors and, looking at each other, began to laugh and make fun:
F-you're so cheeky, I didn't know
Hahaha didn't expect that from myself.
F-but he really pissed me off
Ah, so I let him know how to molest a girl
And they started laughing and making fun of each other)
When they reached Aisha's house, they said goodbye and Aisha entered the house. There was no one in the house. The girl was glad about this because she wanted to be alone. She went to wash her makeup, gathered her hair comfortably and changed into pajamas she lay down on the bed time it was 21:30 she wanted to sleep she was tired.
She thought about today about the guy about how others looked and fell asleep with these thoughts.
Morning. Time 08:30.
The phone rang. Barely taking an iPhone, she clicked on answer and didn’t even read who it was calling.
Well, you guessed it Ferina was)
A-hello, a hoarse voice sounded
F-good morning
F-Do you know what day it is?
F-Stupid! The first day we go to college
Ah, I forgot! - jumping out of bed quickly
F-get ready, I'll pick you up in half an hour on the traffic jams so I won't wait quickly
Oh well, don't distract me!
She ran to the bathroom, put herself in order, washed herself, etc.
She quickly opened the wardrobe and took a black pencil skirt below the knees with a slit at the back and a soft pink blouse with black buttons.
I wore it all and it looked great
All that was missing was heels and a bag
She wore black heels 15 cm tall and a black Chanel bag, not much shorter.
And she pulled her hair up high, put on her make-up and finished looking cute
She left the house closed the door and went to the car.
Ferina was sitting there, they greeted:
F-how are you? well, what shall we eat?
I'm fine, I'm very worried, how are you?
F-too) you look gorgeous
A-thank you) you too)
(Ferina was wearing a sundress, well, like a skirt and blouse, but it was a black and white sundress all together.
Heels are white 10 cm and the bag is not as big as Aisha's and her hair was gathered in a bun, it also looked beautiful)
They got out of the car when they reached the institute. The institute was very large and the couples started in 10 minutes. The girls, without waiting for anything, decided to find an audience quickly so as not to be late. So far, they were looking for an office, everyone was looking at them, someone with envy, someone with admiration. The girls, not noticing anything, were talking, smiling at each other, they didn’t care)

It would be better not to give a fuck.
Passing by, the girls walked without noticing the yesterday's company of guys, there were also five of them. And the guy who remembered Aisha well.
Let's describe the guy so you have an idea about him.
(The guy’s name is Aylan, a very handsome and sexy guy, he’s tall and has a very sexy physique. His nose is neat and not a big mouth is not puffy, and the most important thing in him was His Eyes, they are either Golden or Light chestnut and from this everything the girls were blown away. Well, since you already know that the girls blew the roof, he is a terrible womanizer. He has a very rich family. His character is very strict but sometimes he is kind and he has no patience and he is cruel and quite selfish. And if he wants something, then this is he will just leave nothing and the smart guy loves to take revenge)
With the guy were girls who are called Barbie.
Aylan saw Aisha and her friend immediately recognized them. He was a little surprised, but still he did not forget yesterday and promised that he would simply not leave it. He decided to act. He went with his best friend from the company.
And I decided to make a plan.
(The best friend's name is Fariz, he was friends with him from the cradle. Fariz knew everything about Aylan. He had short haircut dark Brown eyes pupil is not visible. A neat nose and a neat mouth. The kid was also a good physique (m "Kachok"), well, well, in short.
Fariz was a very smart guy and when he got bored of something and he gets bored quickly he was rude. he always rolls up likes to touch girls.
Womanizer short.
He will also play a big role in this story) well, I described the main characters to you, I think it's time to start
And so the plan:
In short, brother, look and listen carefully:
1. I'll steal that bitch who doused Coca-Cola.
2. And you are different.
3. And in short, when she is next, well, that bitch and you on the other, you call me and I will put it on the speaker. In short, you threaten her that you will rape her, well, do it like pestering her but don't do anything, and let her apologize to me and then we will release them ok?
F-this is a bad idea, maybe not worth it?
And after what she did? embarrassed in front of everyone!
F-okay, but just let's skip class right now and go out and hang out to relax?
A-great idea) thanks friend)
Friends without thinking anything went to a strip bar. They got drunk there without thinking about the consequences. Parties, etc. And it was already time to leave.
F-Send Aylaaan)
A-Let's go)
And they were already on their way to the institute.
And this time girls.
We left the last couples and went to a cafe, well, which is at the institute.
We sat there and bought tea with all sorts of sweets:
F-I'm really tired
A-be patient.
so every day
The girls talked what came to mind and so half an hour passed)
The boys were already there and watching from the car. And everyone had their own car.
Approaching the girls to the car, the boys set to work.
Aisha got into the car and waited for Ferin, who was talking to her mother on the street.
Aylan quietly approached the car, opened the door and put her to sleep, she did not have time to understand what was happening to her. After that, Aylan, taking her in his arms, put him in the back seat and sat down himself and, winking at a friend, drove off.
And Ferina, not noticing anything, continued to talk as they grabbed her from behind and covered her mouth with her hands and dragged the phone somewhere, she fell out of her hands and the car also remained. Famil barely dragged her to the car and threw her into the back seat. She was already crying and wanted to get out as he closed all the doors and pressing the gas drove off sharply.
At this time, Aylan was drunk and was driving fast, not paying attention to the traffic lights, while Aisha was passed out at that time.
Arriving, Aylan stopped at a large house, one might say a mansion.
He went out and picked up Aisha and walked towards the house.
Fariz also did not lag behind on the road. Ferina threw a tantrum:
F-let go! who are you!
Fa-don't yell, and so the brains hurt just sit silently!
F-yes you went! She already wanted to break the glass
Fa-fool! I didn't understand something! shouted throughout the car
Fidan was silent for 30 seconds and began:
P-please take me home, she cried.
Fa-how I’ll do some business, I’ll take it
F- where is Aish

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Video Caucasian Love Stories: Ramadan & Leila

Many older people associate romantic relationships in the Caucasus with the film “Prisoner of the Caucasus”: with violent passions, beautiful traditions and customs. The younger generation has high-profile stories of violations of women's rights such as the "wedding of the century", court cases of kidnapping and "honor killings".

Generational differences in gender relations and attitudes are also evident in the North Caucasus itself. In the older generation, “arranged weddings” were common, when the young did not see each other until the very day of the wedding, and their relatives agreed on marriage.

Many of those with whom I spoke in the Caucasus tell such stories about the wedding of their parents with humor. For example, Mohammed from Ingushetia recalls the story of his father, who once, returning from work in the field, met his friends on the way, who told him that his relatives had found a bride for him and he had already scheduled a wedding. The young man was a little excited: who is this girl, will he like her? However, when he came home, he found out that this was a neighbor he knew well, and was very happy. Whether the father liked this girl, Mohammed did not bother to ask.

In today's younger generation, such stories rarely happen. Young people prefer to choose their own spouses for love. But even here there are exceptions, especially on the part of young men, who believe that it is better to entrust such a responsible matter as choosing a wife to mother or aunt.

Highlander romance

The theme of romantic relationships and love has always existed in the North Caucasus. All peoples have their own beautiful legends about local "Romeos and Juliets", many families have their own stories about the acquaintance and relationship of great-grandparents. True, sometimes these are stories about forbidden and uncompleted love, about a ban on marriage by parents, separation or a forced break with relatives (which often happened if a girl or boy found the other half of a different nationality or religion). And indeed, listening to these stories, it seems that you are watching a Turkish TV series, where passions are raging, tears are shed, jigits are riding horses, and women are yearning in the evenings under a mulberry tree.

At the same time, in real everyday life, many peoples retain an unspoken (and sometimes fixed by adats - local codes of conduct) ban on the public manifestation of feelings and emotions. This is especially true for the behavior of men. In public, it is not fitting for them to demonstrate love not only for their wife, but even for children. It is believed that emotionality is an exclusively female trait. The same rules regulate other areas of relations between men and women - courtship, acquaintance, dates, matchmaking and behavior at their own wedding.

A detailed ritual system developed in the Caucasus long before the revolution and lasted throughout the entire Soviet era. She determined how dates should take place, set the distance at which a man could approach a woman, and prescribed, among other things, the presence of separate tables (or even rooms) at weddings for men and women. In the past two decades, with the collapse of the economy and the ongoing armed conflicts in the Caucasian republics, the role of these rules has significantly weakened, giving way to either Islamic ethics or secular values.

Now gender relations in the Caucasus are a patchwork quilt consisting of different, not always compatible pieces: traditional ideas and rigid requirements of pre-Islamic rituals can coexist with European practices; Deliberately distant physical distances on a date organically coexist with whatsapp flirting.

Romanticism or pragmatism?

Dreams of "European" romance are more common among girls. They expect beautiful love stories, gallantry, attention, gifts and flowers. Foreign TV series played a big role in shaping new ideas about what relationships are like: in the 90s, these were Mexican TV shows. soap operas, then Indian films and finally Turkish series.

Men, however, only laugh at these expectations, and at the sounds of a loudly turned on series, they roll their eyes and rush to hide in the yard, where you can stand and talk in a male company. The code of Caucasian masculinity does not imply excessive sentimentality, and even sincerely in love young men are afraid to seem too sensitive. Some admit that they do not understand and do not know what these mysterious creatures - women - need, preferring the pragmatics of relationships to reckless love. Therefore, they ask female relatives to find them a suitable wife, meaning by this a girl from a good family, economic, with an impeccable reputation.


Norway allows immigrants to polygamy

Hegestorhaug.blogg 09/11/2016

Syrian Brides of War 11.02.2016

Putin likes polygamy

Foreign Policy 07/28/2015 One friend from Dagestan admitted in a conversation that he was seriously concerned about finding a suitable wife, because it is time to get married by age, and you want family comfort and a caring wife. I objected, noting that not all girls are eager to stand at the stove and be housewives, and said that my husband irons his shirts quite independently, and cooks himself, because he loves meat, and I love vegetables; and that in general I often go on business trips, so that the whole house is on it.

As I talked, the face of the interlocutor took on an increasingly dumbfounded look, and I felt how a sincere question was ready to break from his lips: “So why did he marry you at all ?!” I had to praise myself and convince him that my husband loves me not for housekeeping, but because I am beautiful and smart. My friend, however, was not impressed. It is understandable - beauty will pass, but khinkal is always needed on the table!

The pragmatism of Caucasian men lies not only in the fact that they get a wife almost exclusively for the birth of children and housekeeping. When I asked what they consider the most romantic gesture in a relationship, some interlocutors emphatically stated that it was very romantic to steal the girl they liked. But not a stranger at all, riding after her on a white horse and wrapping her in a brocade carpet.

Thefts are increasingly happening by agreement, and this is an alternative to an expensive wedding. The young man and the girl agree on when and where he will pick her up on the Lada Priore with his friends. There are hundreds of such videos on YouTube, where young men who arrived at the university by car grab a girl, push her into the back seat of the car, she screams and pretends to resist. After that, the parents of the bride are informed that the girl is with them, and if the girl herself confirms that she agrees to stay, everyone diverges from the world. On this, families save a couple of million rubles, which are supposed to be spent on luxury wedding with the invitation of all relatives. Of course, there are real thefts when a girl is taken away against her will, and then problems begin that can lead to years of enmity between two family-related clans.

The girls themselves do not really like the story of the kidnapping. They want beautiful wedding, white dress, and before that - courtship, flowers, grand gestures. But in the face of unprecedentedly high unemployment and low wages in the Caucasian republics, not many people have enough money for big gestures. Therefore, more and more often, girls discover a new romance for themselves, where the main value is the attention and care of a loved one. “I don't care about flowers and gifts,” says Madina, 30, from Chechnya. - But to bring medicine when I'm sick, or to say, "Go, rest, I'll take care of household chores" - this supreme manifestation romance that I would like to see from my husband. And a few more girls believe that men don’t give flowers sincerely, but because they “must”, and they say that they would appreciate such a gesture rather without a reason, and not on March 8 or February 14.

Woman's happiness

One of the main questions we asked interviewees during our study was whether they felt happy. To our surprise, it caused great resistance and misunderstanding, especially among older people. At best, we received a diffuse, general answer: “Well, of course, I have a family and children, what else do you need?”

The importance of the family in the republics is so high that an unmarried man and an unmarried woman have a lower social status, as if they had not yet begun to live. Therefore, with the approach of the 25th anniversary, relatives and acquaintances are increasingly beginning to ask the question “When, when, when, when?” The family is perceived as the main value and goal in life. Unmarried women are especially pitied, sympathetically shaking their heads. In some republics, a girl who does not marry for a long time is also a burden for her brother, who, according to traditional norms, must be responsible for her honor until she is handed over safe and sound to her husband.

In young modern girls, this situation is beginning to cause protest. After seeing the unfortunate fates and divorces of older sisters or other female relatives, they decide to get an education and become economically independent before contemplating marriage. As a result, many girls decide not to get married at all, despite strong pressure from relatives and public opinion. There are those among them who are fundamentally determined to look for the other half outside the Caucasus, so that the man shares egalitarian principles in relationships. But there are exactly the opposite trends, when girls get higher education just because a bride with a diploma is more likely to find a rich suitor, and investing in herself means expensive outfits and plastic surgery to improve the nose and "pump" the lips.

The rapid urbanization of recent decades has led to another trend - the destruction of the multi-generational family and the desire of the young to live separately. With this, individualistic values, autonomy, independence in building a life strategy grow. Public opinion - a formidable tool of social control - is increasingly difficult to penetrate into a single apartment where a young family lives. Consequently, the number of different “gender contracts” is growing, where there are also options for responsible fatherhood, a two-career family with a visiting nanny.

If I were a sultan

Men also found their life hacks for the implementation of romantic relationships. If earlier love was rather a synonym for gratitude and affection, or was separated from the family and existed in the form of ties on the side, then with the spread of polygamy in the Caucasus, the role of the beloved began to be assigned to the second wife. After marrying on the recommendation of relatives and having the desired number of children, a man discovers a romantic attraction to a beautiful young girl.

It happens that she does not know about the existence of the first wife until nikah (Islamic marriage). According to Sharia, a man can have up to four wives, provided that they all get the same amount of his attention and wealth.

For me, polygamy was one of the most controversial practices that I opposed, arguing that polygamy without polyandry is a clear inequality. But young girls pounced on me, passionately defending their right to be a second (beloved) wife. Many interlocutors, including a friend who at that time was the second wife and had a child from a man, also cited the following argument: “In Russia, men just make mistresses, live with them for years, and then they can leave without consequences. And the Shariah protects the second wife in the event of a divorce.”

And yet, although many girls say that they are not averse to becoming second wives, no one envy the fate of the first wives. While I was writing this article, my close friend was faced with the fact that after two years of marriage and the birth of a child, her husband confronted her with the fact that he had a second wife - a very young rural girl. To leave her husband or not is a question that my friend will have to answer for herself in the very near future. Our study showed that, along with domestic violence, the appearance of another wife is the most important cause of divorce in the Caucasus. In most cases, the first wife breaks off the relationship herself, not wanting to put up with new family, and returns with the children to the parents' house. In Chechnya, the story becomes even more dramatic: there is a tradition to leave children in the husband's family, and if dissatisfied with the sudden appearance new wife the woman leaves, then she leaves alone.

Today, North Caucasian love and relationships are more colorful than a patchwork quilt: traditional practices and rituals coexist quite peacefully with quite European ones, romanticism - with pragmatism, polygamy - with monogamy. Family relationships are already regulated not only (and sometimes not so much) by traditions, but also by new ideas about love, respect and justice. Increasingly, there are cases when a man, despite the rules prescribed by traditions, takes the side of a woman, stands up for her, protects her from attacks from relatives. And young men are increasingly striving to marry “for real”, with the girl they love, and not because the time has come. As 40-year-old Fatima from Dagestan told me, “People in the Caucasus have long been able to live as they want!” “The main thing is that it doesn’t come out,” she added.

The materials of InoSMI contain only assessments of foreign media and do not reflect the position of the editors of InoSMI.

Kumyk married an infidel. In a year life together the stolen bride tries to explain how she humbled herself and why she considers herself happy

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The kitchen in the Stavropol new building barely has enough space for four adults and little Safiya's stroller. Soup is cooking on the stove. So that the young mother does not fall exhausted at the end of the day, her sister and classmate friend help her. Olya is 21. She came to Stavropol from the Dagestan village of Kochubey three years ago, entered the university to study philology, thought to teach Russian and literature at school. Studied for two years. In 2011, her classmates came to the university on the first of September and found out that Olya got married, although she was not going to. They were even more surprised that it was not her boyfriend who became her husband, who was well known: he used to sit for hours in the corridors of the university while Olya was in pairs.

The fact that brides are kidnapped in Dagestan, friends heard. It seemed to be part of the mountain legends, the plot of the "Prisoner of the Caucasus", a beautiful, pre-staged performance. But that she herself, as a thing she liked, would be stolen and forced to marry - Olya could not imagine such a thing.


My boyfriend and I started dating in the tenth grade, - Olya recalls. We had such great love! Then I began to study in Stavropol. In 2011, I came home in the summer to change my passport. I am 20 years old. I thought I would quickly do everything, and we would go to rest. Maybe to Ukraine. Grandpa and grandma live there. But this man showed up.

Olga pauses. As if trying to match dates and events.

I was in my second year. We met at a party when my parents celebrated twenty years of marriage. He came from Makhachkala. Worked with my dad, they were very good friends. He is thirty one. As a friend, I liked him. He respected me, sisters, as the daughters of his friend.

Then Islam - that's his name - found Olya's phone number somewhere. Started calling.

I could not stop talking, - says Olya. - It seems that he is a friend of our family, and he communicates well with dad, and he didn’t do anything bad to me. Only: “Hi, how are you?” Then he began to call more and more often. I told my boyfriend. Of course, he wanted the calls to stop, but then he reconciled.

Olya talks as if she is not talking about herself, but retelling someone else's story, "Prisoner of the Caucasus-2". But as we approach the episode when her life has changed dramatically, under the influx of experiences, it becomes more difficult for her to say:

I don't know how it happened. We communicated with Islam in Odnoklassniki. And he wrote to me there: "Marry me." Before that, he started closer to summer: “I want children from you, marry me.” I said that I have a boyfriend. And he knew that I had a man whom I loved.

When Olya returned to Kochubey to change her passport, Islam promised to visit her. To the question "Why?", He answered without curtsy - "Steal you."

I would never have thought he was serious. It seemed that all this happens in fairy tales. She joked: “I’ll hide somewhere,” Olya recalls.

But it was not a fairy tale. No horses, no chases, no shooting, no happy hugs. Everything happened too casually.

I was at home. Mom knew that Islam was coming, but she didn't know why. “Come on,” he says, “put yourself in order.” I'm sitting, painting. Islam is coming. “Ol, and Ol! And I love you". I told him: “So what?” And he invites me to visit him. I say, "I'm not going." My sisters and their parents somehow rested at the seaside and stayed at his house, but I have never been to Makhachkala. He again: “You wanted to go to the sea?” I replied that I would go, only with my parents. And then my mother intervened: "Ol, go visit."

“Mom, I know that if I go, something will happen. I'm scared". And she told me: "Go." I agreed, I'm going. I'm afraid. Tears well up in my eyes. It calmed me down a bit when he said that he was not going to call me to marry there, to represent my parents as a bride. “Just go, relax as friends!” I believed. They got into the car, and he said: "What is stolen is not found."


Olya takes Safiya, who is starting to act up, in her arms, lisps with her. Then he continues the story of his kidnapping. It seems that stealing a bride is very easy.

We are going, somewhere near Makhachkala, he transfers back to me and says: "I stole you." How did you steal? But you promised! I panicked, threw a tantrum. It was like being under hypnosis. We are far away, the connection is bad. Behind the wheel was his friend, a traffic cop. They took spare numbers - in order to pass through the traffic police posts, if they had to steal by force. Olya starts talking more slowly. It's getting harder for her to remember. He gives his daughter to his sister. And continues:

We stopped at a lake. His friend says to me: "That's it, now you are husband and wife." I say: “I have a boyfriend, you know about it!” “I don’t know anything, we will walk soon at the wedding.” What if I didn't get in the car? “I would have stolen anyway, otherwise it would be a shame.” We arrive at his house, and there are a lot of people. My relatives were all waiting for me. Hugs: “Daughter-in-law! Daughter! And I roar. They ask me, what am I, when should I rejoice? I say: “I don’t want to get married. Nobody asked me!” But Olya was already being introduced to the groom's mother.

She gave me a gold bracelet, a chain. I stand, look in the mirror and do not understand what to do. I thought about my boyfriend. Find out what will happen? I had no idea that I would not be his wife. I never thought that you can get married without love. Until recently, I hoped that Islam would let me go.

Olya began to have thoughts of escaping. Her parents, contrary to the assurances of the new fiancé, were horrified by what had happened.

Mom cried: “Daughter, if you don’t want to ...”, and I said: “Mom, you yourself are to blame, you sent me.” And she - “I didn’t know that he would do that!” They really didn't know. Islam was constantly praised to me: “He is kind, faithful, so Russified all over, he will look after you.”

But Islam did not care, but put Olga before the fact: you will be mine!

He told me: “I stole you so that you would be mine. If your parents were against it, I would never have done this. But all your relatives are in favor. One you against. Humble yourself, it's okay, ”recalls Olga and stops for a second. Looks somewhere at the floor, then raises his eyes: - I don't know. It seems to me that if my boyfriend came, made a man's decision, I would leave with him ...


A few days later Olya was taken to woo. She knew that the theft of a girl in Dagestan ends either in marriage or dishonor: a stolen bride is not married a second time.

We arrived, the neighbors came running: “Well, what are you, how are you?” Olya continues. - And I stand and cry again. Say "unhappy" - how so? I'm getting married! He puts a ring on me, wants to kiss me, and I turn away. I never thought that I would be in a white dress with the wrong person with whom I imagined myself, that I could have children from him. All life was connected with others. I was very ashamed. Even though I didn't do anything...

Olya remembers her wedding day. Many girls believe that he is the happiest in life, but for her it was different.

I was embarrassed to invite someone to the wedding. Five hundred people of his relatives and a few of mine. After the wedding, the bride must cook khinkal. I'm so mean

tired. I think what kind of khinkal? But I stand, I roll the dough. And nearby young people, brothers, sisters, give advice: you don’t ride like that! Everyone teaches and is surprised: Russian, but I can.

Olya's sister puts Safiya to bed. Olya and her friend are discussing whether she could have escaped:

I would have left.

Where? Uphill?

Taxi would stop.

Would you run away or what? I would have studied in Stavropol, my ex would have worked in Pyatigorsk ... This would be the biggest mistake in my life.

After the wedding, Islam and Olga moved to Stavropol. He did not force her to change her faith, but insisted that the children be Muslims.

Over time, Olya came to terms with her forced marriage. What mental efforts it cost her, she does not say, everything atoned for and smoothed over the birth of her daughter:

Somehow I got used to it. And in September, when I found out that I was pregnant, everything changed immediately. I only have my child and my husband. I don't need anything else. I realized how dear he is to me. He took such good care of me during my pregnancy. He brought strawberries, even in winter. I am very happy. Is there a God in the world? As if someone was pushing me: go, go. Now I’m thinking: if only I could bring my wedding back, if only I could go for a walk! The soup is ready. The child is sleeping. We drink tea with cake. We are discussing that Olya will have to change her passport again. For a different name. She lives the normal life of a young mother. As if there was no kidnapping.

If Islam were here, he would tell his version, - Olya smiles. - How he and his friend came to visit Kochubey, and then drove home and felt that the car

goes hard. I went out to look, and there I clung to the trunk and begged him to take me with him. Yes, Islam loves to joke...


Bride kidnapping in the Caucasus is a custom that is performed with varying degrees of severity. In distant villages they steal for real, which often breaks the fate of young girls through the knee. Unable to survive the dishonor, they commit suicide or leave their small homeland forever. And failed suitors, at best, are waiting for the curse of the father of a defiled girl, and at worst - a bullet. Such tragic stories in villages are enough for a book. In cities, girls are much more often kidnapped for fun, by mutual agreement, knowing full well that kidnapping is a criminal offense. It's good that the story of Islam and Olga ended with a happy ending. The guy did not have to sit, and she did not have to climb into the noose. But everything could be different ...