How to sculpt sliders on nails. Gel polish sliders: application technique and how to fix it. Fashionable manicure with slider

Beautiful nails and perfect manicure is the dream of any woman. This is not only a sign of grooming, but also a way to stand out from the crowd, to show your individuality. Today, the nail industry market offers many original products with which any manicure acquires a special style and allows a woman to be in the spotlight. One of the most spectacular attributes of a perfect nail finish is the sliders. What are their features and how to glue such stickers on gel polish?

Features of the decorative element

Nail sliders are one of the most popular manicure techniques. This term in translation from English means "to slide". These are special stickers, which are thin films with a pattern of various subjects. Thanks to the special composition, such films are firmly fixed on the surface of the nail plate.

Slider design successfully replaces art painting; it looks perfect. Applied to gel polish and coatings on top with a fixative, it extends the life of manicure, while not losing color saturation and gloss.

The advantages of such a nail product include simplicity of work: it is possible to carry out nail design with stickers not only from a professional master in a beauty salon. Such pictures can become an adornment of all fingers or show off only on a few, which looks no less beautiful and spectacular. They can be of different sizes, completely cover the surface of the nail plate or only the part selected for design. Such pictures are also appropriate on the French if you stick them closer to the base of the nail.

Observing certain rules of use, you can decorate your nails with manicure and sliders on your own at home. This saves time on painting the nail plates, allows you to create a full-fledged manicure, as well as an emphasis on any one finger.

Decorative stickers are safe for nails. They do not harm their structure, are easily and rarely capricious when removed. In addition, sliders are sold freely in many specialized stores, so buying them based on your preferences is not difficult.

Such nail decorations have a wide price range, which allows you to choose both luxurious expensive (from 500 to 1000 rubles), and more acceptable designs (20 - 100 rubles), not inferior in beauty to expensive counterparts.

Depending on the type of stickers, they have different gluing methods. Each technology has its own nuances, the violation of which will lead to the loss of an impeccable type of manicure.

Theme of drawings

Colorful pictures can be bought at any cosmetic boutique. At the same time, their subject matter is often astounding and perplexing: you want to buy everything, so beautiful. The most popular motifs of images on such design elements are:

  • animalistic drawings (all kinds of kittens, dogs, snakes, tigers, panthers, leopards, bears);
  • birds (peacocks, gulls, birds of paradise);

  • ornaments (geometry, lace with scallops, stripes);
  • prints (floral, abstract patterns, compositions with butterflies, designs under the skin of reptiles and color of animal skins);
  • lace (cobweb, all kinds of lace patterns made in one or several shades, imitation of textile textures);

  • portraits (famous people, female faces, silhouettes);
  • cartoon characters (relevant for youth);
  • japanese patterns (sakura, geisha, anime sketches, etc.);

  • christmas theme (snowmen, snowflakes, bullfinches, deers, Christmas compositions);
  • fruits and berries (various patterns with one or more objects);
  • rock style (skulls, crosses and similar paraphernalia);
  • glamor (hearts, bows, stars, gold or silver letters).

Patterns can be colored, monochrome, flat, with a small relief. Some drawings imply symmetry, others do not need it. Today, a free theme is more often used, in which accents are glued to just a few nails.


Today, the selection of such products is quite wide. There are many varieties of stickers for nail design.


Water stickers are a thin film located on a white paper base. A feature of decals is the need to base on a translucent basis, so they need to be carefully selected shade of varnish. The background should be in harmony with the color palette of the pattern and not merge with it into a single incomprehensible spot.

The disadvantages of this type of sticker include the likelihood of damage to the workpiece in the process of fitting it in size and shape.

Self adhesive

Such drawings represent a photodesign (fragments with an adhesive surface located on a special substrate). Their feature is independence. In order to stick them, it is enough to separate the sticky layer and stick the fragment on the surface of the nail.

Stickers themselves can represent individual objects of a particular drawing or be a full-fledged object. They come in the form of a variety of sets of 10 plates, designed specifically to cover the entire area of \u200b\u200bthe nail. The sets created for the jacket are made in the form of stripes.


Stickers of this type differ in volume. They are slightly convex, unlike ordinary flat pictures. This kind of sliders can be a full-fledged decorative element or accent of the nail.

Such stickers come in water and adhesive. In general, they are not difficult to work with, although sometimes difficulties may arise (with the design of manicure over the entire area of \u200b\u200bthe nail). The presence of a small relief (bulge) does not interfere in everyday life, it does not scratch and does not cling to clothes and other objects.

The advantages of 3D-stickers include the possibility of combining them with other decorative design elements (for example, with ordinary stickers). They are convenient in work and often look more beautiful than their counterparts. The disadvantages include the difficulty of removing the sticker when removing the cover. Special gel polish removers are not designed for such procedures, so you will have to scrape such a sticker.

Application Methods

There are several methods for sticking nail stickers. Each technique is unique in its own way, so you can choose the best option. Performing a slider design step by step is actually much simpler than it might seem at first glance, it does not take much time.

Water based

Sliders are cut to the size of the nails, then dipped in water. You can use a napkin dipped in water by attaching a cut fragment to one nail to it. The film with the picture will peel off in both cases easily.

On not dried gel polish

One of the most reliable methods of slider design is the method when the pictures are applied to an un-dried layer of pigment. Experienced craftsmen advise using a brush when smoothing the sticker. So the picture will not tear and lie on the surface of the nail plate evenly. The brush allows you to tightly fix the sticker to the base without air bubbles and waves.

The advantage of this method is excellent durability, since the coating layer is dried along with the slider. The adhesion of the slider to the coating with this gluing option will be as strong as possible. Therefore, in this case, one layer of fixative (finish) is sufficient.

On top with a sticky layer

This method is very convenient and easiest. Sliders are applied to the topcoat after pigment. Unlike the base coat, the top has a more dense and thick consistency, which simplifies the procedure for applying pictures to the surface of the nail plates.

The sticker is spread out with a brush, and then fixed with a finish coating. It is necessary to try so that the size of the sticker, if possible, does not go beyond the lateral borders of the nail plate.

On the finished manicure

This method allows you to update an already finished manicure. If the nails are stained with gel polish, but after a few days you want changes, this is the perfect solution. At the same time, you do not need to remove the old coating to change the design of the nails.

In this case, in order not to create an excess coating thickness and an unnatural appearance, it is better to stick the slider design on the ultrabond (acid-free primer). He copes with fixing stickers and does not create obstacles to work. After completing the design, you need to fix the manicure with a top coat without an adhesive layer.

Photo design on long nails

In the process, you need to align the stickers in shape and size, the most suitable for each specific nail. However, it is not scary if the film protrudes beyond the edge of the end of the nail: then it can be cut with scissors and after drying it can be processed with a file.

Straightening the slider design with an elastic brush, you need to remove all voids. If the sticker does not fit well on the surface of the nail, you can make small cuts. Some experts use an orange stick to straighten the design film.

After gluing the film, it is fixed with a layer of topcoat without an adhesive layer. It is better if the top is with gloss: the appearance of the picture will be more attractive. In addition, you should not stick such pictures on a dark base if the picture is faded and made in translucent muted colors.

Work with the slider design will appeal to every representative of the fair sex, whatever the method of gluing pictures was chosen. The duration of the procedure will not take more than 10-15 minutes with the condition that the work will be performed calmly and accurately.

Not every experienced master can draw such patterns, and for much more time. The main rule of all stages of design is accuracy at every step. The technique for sticking water-based sliders is somewhat reminiscent of decoupage.

How much should hold on?

With proper execution of the design, the stickers stay on the nails for at least two to three weeks or more. The durability of such a manicure is affected by the gentle handling of the coating. This is especially true of homework, in which hands are in contact with water and aggressive detergents and chemicals.

In order not to have to wonder why the stickers do not stick on the nails for a long time and the beautiful coating peels off quickly, you need to follow all the rules of manicure with gel polish at each stage. It is important to perform all actions carefully, without defects. Any slightest imperfection of gluing will spoil the perfect appearance of the nails and ultimately lead to the fact that the coating will have to be removed.

In addition, the durability of the colorful design with stickers is affected by the use of quality components in the work. It is better to buy gel varnishes from reliable companies that are time-tested and have positive feedback from experienced craftsmen working with this type of coating.

Coverage can shorten the lifespan in the event of hormonal changes in the body during pregnancy. In addition, the stickers can stay on the nails less if the nail plates themselves are unhealthy and severely thinned. To help thin nails, a special firming gel can be used, which does not need to be subsequently removed using a sawing method.

How to translate at home?

The technology of gel nail polish slider design requires knowledge of the techniques of craftsmen working in the salon. In order to extend the life of a colorful design, you need to correctly and step by step follow all the instructions from the very beginning.

Before applying the base coat, it is necessary to process the nails and make a light manicure without soaking. In this case, you need to remove the cuticle, trim the shape of the nails, carefully process the free edge of the nail. Not only the quality of the coating, but also its durability depends on how smooth it will be.

In addition, you need to consider that an ideal manicure implies the same length and shape of all nails. If you used oil or cream when processing nails, they should be removed.

After that, the surface of the nail plate must be sanded with a soft file for natural nails (buff). This must be done delicately, removing only the gloss. If you strongly press the buff, you can damage the structure of the nail, removing not only its natural protective layer. The nails processed by a file will look opaque.

At the next stage, a degreaser (dehydrator) is needed. He will remove the residual sawdust after grinding and the remaining cream or oil, if they were used at the very beginning. At this stage, it is important to pay special attention to the end of the nail, the inside of the free edge and the side rollers. If there is an untreated area, it can lead to a violation of the resistance of the coating.

Having completely removed the keratin layer, you need to use an acid-free primer. It is especially necessary in cases where the nails are thin and soft. This component of manicure helps to improve the adhesion of coatings to the surface of the nails, strengthening their structure.

Having prepared the nails for coating, apply the base layer. It should be thin, evenly distributed over the entire surface of the nail plate. It is important not to forget about the end of the nail and the sides. The base coating has a sticky layer that cannot be touched: it makes the adhesion of the nail with pigment maximum. When working, you must try to do everything carefully so as not to violate the integrity of the coating.

A distinctive feature of the whole manicure using gel polish is the need to dry each applied layer on a gel basis. It is necessary to remove imperfections before polymerization in a UV or LED lamp. A thick layer can quickly crack, which will affect the quality and durability of further steps.

Buying a special lamp can confuse unenlightened shoppers. However, this is an important tool for manicure, because it is thanks to it that gel polish, base and top harden.

You can purchase a budget version of a compact size lamp. It is not necessary to buy a powerful device for drying two hands at the same time: at home, a neat device, purchased at an affordable price, is quite enough.

After the base coat, color gel polish is applied. Usually it has good dense pigmentation, so one or two thin layers will be enough for an even background without stripes and unpainted areas. After applying each layer, they are polymerized in a lamp. Drying time depends on the type of lamp.

The LED device is more powerful and reduces the overall manicure creation time. Drying one thin layer in such a lamp is 10-30 seconds. However, manufacturers often produce nail products that are not designed to work with it. In this case, it is better to buy an ultraviolet lamp, it is a universal device for all types of coatings. The polymerization time in it of one thin layer is 2 minutes.

Sliders are glued to the prepared surface. Their design can be the most diverse, it depends on the imagination and style of the conceived composition. The method of applying the stickers differs from their varieties. This process is very exciting and creative. By gluing pictures, they can be decorated with small rhinestones and a microbead.

After the slider design, you can apply the finish layer. Top is a fixative, it is applied in a denser layer, and therefore it dries a little longer. The polymerization time in the LED lamp of the top coating is 1 minute, in the ultraviolet - 3 - 4 minutes.

It is worth noting that UV lamps differ in power. When buying such a device for home use, it is better to choose a model with a power of 36 watts. This is the optimal value so as not to harm the manicure and not upset the water balance of the skin.

In addition to observing all of these rules, experienced masters working in the nail field recommend choosing the main shade for the stickers thoroughly.

  • If white color is chosen, it is desirable that it be clean, without impurities. On such a background, it is better to glue bright and attractive stickers. Such a framework is ideal for any slider design, as it can make drawings more saturated.
  • One of the actual shades of gel polish for pictures is flesh and beige-pink tones. Thanks to light shades, the picture will not lose expression and will be clear.

  • When choosing a contrasting background for drawings, it is important to consider the color combination. The shade of gel polish should be a harmonious basis for the pattern.
  • Before starting work, you need to prepare the necessary tools so as not to be distracted by their search during manicure.

  • When designing with water stickers, it is better to use warm water: this way the film will move away from the substrate faster.
  • If the picture did not lie in the same place as it was intended, do not try to move it. In this case, there are two ways: redo everything all over again or try to fix a defect with the help of other decorative elements (rhinestone, sparkle).
  • A fully prepared manicure should be protected from contact with water for at least half an hour after drying the finish layer.
  • In order for the slider to be a persistent and high-quality nail decoration, special attention should be paid to sealing the free edge of the nail. We must not forget about it with each coating layer, otherwise the stickers will begin to peel off after a few days.

Work problems

Sometimes performing all the steps step by step, it is not possible to achieve a perfect result. The reasons for this are usually as follows.:

  • If the sticker falls off together with the topcoat, the reason is that the top or varnish layer is poorly dried.
  • The formation of wrinkles on the surface of the picture indicates that the quality of the sticker is low or its film has a large thickness. However, the reason may be that the slider is too wet.

  • Chips of the top coating may indicate that he did not have a minimum clearance on the side rollers.
  • Peeling of the coating can be caused by insufficient sealing of the end of the nail. This is a mandatory step in manicure, which is needed to form a kind of pocket that holds the sticker.

This review will be useful primarily for beginners. After all, when you just start to master the profession of nail-master, often you do not have enough skills, and there are not enough materials for design in the arsenal. To make a beautiful high-quality manicure it is not necessary to be a guru. It is enough to take advantage of fashionable news for express design. Below we will talk about sliders. Let's see the time-tested sticker options and recent slider design news.

Varieties of design slider - must have and 2020 novelties

The slider, in fact, is an ordinary sticker. They are on an adhesive basis, like the strips that were popular several years ago when creating the jacket, or transferable ones that need to be moistened a little before use. Recently, it is translated labels that have become more popular. The slider design for nails can be found in both color and nude versions.

Metallized or foil sliders

Foil or metallized sliders are matte and glossy. This is a simple slider design, but the film is applied to the film using foil (hot stamping method). Stickers on nails can occupy the entire surface or only a small part, it all depends on the chosen design. Metallized sliders that stick to the tip of the nail and appear in the form of a jacket look very interesting.

Nail art with stickers is easy :

  • a manicure is done - a fingernail is filed, the cuticle is removed, grinding is performed;
  • base coat is applied;
  • it is better to heat a metal film near a light bulb, and not in water, otherwise ugly stains may remain on its surface;
  • stickers need to be cut off before the adhesive layer is activated;
  • the sticker is attached to the nail;
  • a layer of colorless varnish is applied and a beautiful manicure is completely ready.

Thick slider for gel polish

The advantage of this option of stickers is unlimited space for imagination and experimentation. Nail design with sliders is an excellent replacement for classic painting. Such a design is good when the master quickly needs to make some thematic drawing, for example, New Year's. In this case, one nail is completely sealed with a slider, and a similar gel polish is applied to the rest. You can use sparkles or rhinestones for additional decor.

How to quickly and efficiently make a slider design for gel polish :

  • nails are prepared, the cuticle is trimmed;
  • the surface is ground and degreased;
  • gel polish is applied and dried;
  • the sticker is placed in warm water and left to activate the glue;
  • the slider is attached to the fingernail, excess liquid is removed with a napkin;
  • a layer of colorless varnish is applied on top, due to which the manicure with stickers will last much longer.

New - airbrush nail effect sliders (AIR slider)

The effect of airbrushing is one of the latest innovations in manicure 2020. Using this type of sliders, you can get beautiful flowers or geometric patterns on the nails. Sliders will be a real find for girls who do not know how to draw or want to get some kind of original design.

Using sliders with an airbrush effect is very simple. :

  • standard preparation of the nail plate;
  • the desired pattern is selected and a sticker is cut to the size of the nail;
  • the basic shade of varnish is applied;
  • the slider is placed on a cotton pad, previously moistened with warm water (for 20 seconds);
  • the film is transferred to the fingernail and straightened, all folds are smoothed out;
  • excess moisture is removed with a napkin or cotton pad;
  • the nails are covered with a layer of colorless varnish.

Sliders with a transparent background

Designs with sliders on transparent film literally blew up this summer's internet. Thanks to a transparent base and a translucent drawing, the design looks like a real painting on nails. Just take a light base (white, beige or pastel gel polish), attach the slider and the beautiful design is ready. And try to distinguish watercolor painting from a fashion slider. With such stickers, you can easily embody various ideas of manicure in a tropical style, sweet-design, etc. The geometry looks great on white varnishes. Nail stickers can be bought at a specialized store for nail masters or ordered on aliexpress.

How to use trendy sliders with a transparent background :

  • manicure is done;
  • a layer of base varnish is applied;
  • it is better to apply varnish in several layers;
  • the sticker is placed in water;
  • a slider is applied with tweezers to the nail;
  • an orange stick smoothes a drawing;
  • a coat of colorless varnish is applied.

Screen design with monograms and drawings.

Screen slider for nails allows you to get a refined and unique manicure with monograms. You can also choose an option with other drawings. For the base, it is better to use lacquers in bright colors, since monograms, in most cases, are made in black. Young girls are more likely to choose a combination of red and black colors, because such a manicure is ideal for both parties and office work.

Water sliders

With water stickers it will not be difficult to work even for a novice master. A similar slider manicure is done once, twice. Beginners can be trained on tips once. The main thing is to carefully stretch the sticker during transfer to the nail and gently smooth it so as not to tear and distort the image.

  • warm water is prepared;
  • a sticker of the desired shape is cut out, depending on whether the entire nail or some part of it will be covered;
  • a nail is prepared - filed, the desired shape is attached, the cuticle is removed;
  • varnish is applied and dried;
  • the slider is lowered into warm water;
  • the sticker is pressed and a cotton swab removes excess moisture;
  • when the film dries, a layer of colorless varnish is applied.

Fashionable lettering.

One of the latest innovations in 2020 was a manicure with stickers inscriptions. It is fashionable inscriptions that allow you to get a stylish and original design. Most often, stickers imitating newspaper text are used. Also, inscriptions can be in different languages \u200b\u200band cover both the entire surface of the marigold, and some part of it. It is recommended to apply the slide on one nail so that the manicure does not look too lush.

3D sliders

No girl will remain indifferent when she sees a photo of a manicure with 3D design. To create it, special 3D sliders are used. In most cases, the entire surface of the nail is involved, and a peculiar design allows you to get the desired volumetric effect. There is another version of this design - the slider has a special ornament, on top of which gel polish is applied pointwise. You need to attach the sticker in the same way as the other sliders of this type.

Screen design with stickers.

Fashionable manicure with stencil stickers allows you to get an interesting pattern on the nails with clear and even lines. Even you can independently perform a complex pattern, it is enough to purchase stencil stickers. Templates allow you to not only create real masterpieces of manicure, but also get a 3D effect.

Fashionable Deep Design

Manicure design with stickers Deep design is a modern technology based on the use of special stencils. The advantage of the method is the ease of obtaining the original drawing. The stencil plate has sticky slots of various shapes and themes.

Create a deep design nail design as follows :

  • the nail plate is prepared;
  • the base is applied and dried;
  • the stencil is separated from the glue with tweezers and applied to the nail;
  • a layer of colored gel polish is applied and dried;
  • the stencil is removed;
  • top coat is applied and dried.

Design Slider Ideas

Below you will find examples of photos with slider manicure ideas. Now it is not necessary to have artistic talent to make a beautiful design. Using stickers, you can design your nails in accordance with the latest trends in nail design. For example, to make a metallic design, floral with translucent stains or clear and stylish geometrical ornaments. Even the 3D effect can now be achieved without the help of a gel paste. One sticker is enough!



Contour design



Slogans and motivators


Svetlana Markova

Beauty is like a gem: the simpler it is, the more precious!


What modern lady does not dream of a long beautiful manicure? The work of the whole industry is aimed at achieving the desired, and new fashion trends appear in nail art. These include the slider design, which suggests that artistic images are applied to the nails with a sticker. Its special composition fixes the picture for a long time, and some techniques of applying the “translator” make it easy to make fashionable nail art at home. Learn how to stick sliders on your nails.

What are sliders on nails, and what types are

The term “slider” is borrowed from English, in translation this concept means “slide” or “slide”. Before applying the finished design drawing to the prepared nail plate, the image with the image must be moved from the base. If you care, you will need to study the matter in more detail. With the seeming simplicity, making a fashionable manicure with your own hands will not be easy.

To decorate your nails with a sticker, choose one of three types. Modern application techniques are divided depending on the type of sliders that can:

  • cover the entire nail;
  • have a transparent foundation;
  • different dense pattern.

Full Nail Sliders

These stickers are applied to the entire surface of the nail. The decorative image is fixed due to the snug fit of the base to the base coating and thanks to the transparent varnish on top of the slider. The application technique does not limit the use of any shades of nail polish, and the "translator" will last longer than in other cases. When choosing this slider design, upon completion of the manicure procedure, the surface of the nail will be completely covered with a decorative image.

On a transparent basis

Transparent film sliders look impressive under certain conditions. A transparent substrate limits the use cases, since this view is not suitable for bright varnishes, but only for light or white for which they were originally created. But the stickers on a transparent substrate help to create original compositions on any subject, which makes the manicure noticeable.

Tight Pattern

To use a slider with a dense base, you need to carefully prepare the nail. The advantage of this type of stickers is the unlimited scope for experiments, they are often used for French manicure and as a replacement for hand-painted. The sticker will look equally good on light and bright shades of varnish. The combination with additional decor elements in the form of sparkles, rhinestones makes this type of sliders so popular.

How to work with translated sliders: instructions

To apply the slider, you need to make a base, which can be varnish, base coat, shellac, (gel, acrylic). Owners of natural nails can use the simplest technique, if they are built up, it is important to take into account some nuances. You can easily make a fashionable manicure with your own hands using decals if you follow the steps in this instruction:

  1. The application technology will depend on the base, so first select the sticker, and then the shade of varnish.
  2. Before the main procedure, do a manicure to bring your nails and hands in perfect condition.
  3. To apply the slider at home, you must have at hand: tweezers or an orange stick, a pusher, a cotton swab, a transparent nail polish-fixer.
  4. Depending on the type of stickers and the desired pattern, cut out fragments to create a spectacular manicure.
  5. Before applying, the slider is immersed in water for 40 seconds, and then carefully separated from the base.
  6. Place the drawing on the nail, leave to dry completely and cover with a clear varnish.

How to apply sliders to regular varnish

Drawing a slider on a regular varnish is an affordable technique even for beginners, it does not require much experience. The initial stage involves choosing a slider, preparing the nail and applying the base layer, which is the same for natural nails, and coated with gel or acrylic. If you are taking your first steps in slider design, wait for the second coat to dry before applying the sticker.

  1. To make the shade expressive, ordinary varnish, regardless of color, must be applied in stages in two layers.
  2. Take the sticker, use a stick or tweezers to apply it on the nail with the adhesive side.
  3. To fix the sticker, remove bumps and air bubbles, go over the surface of the nail with a cotton swab.
  4. To keep the slider tight and not ruin the manicure, apply a transparent nail polish over the sticker.

Under gel polish

Make a manicure with a decal under the gel polish will turn out at home. The difference from the salon procedure will only be the availability of special tools and experience for the master, which helps to complete the procedure faster. Otherwise, there are no obstacles. To, learn how to make a slider design for nails under gel polish according to this instruction:

  1. Carefully process the cuticle, remove the glossy layer with a file.
  2. Give the nail plate the desired shape, wipe the nail with a degreasing agent.
  3. Apply gel polish, dry it in a lamp, and then place the slider - the whole or a fragment - with the adhesive side. Wait until completely dry.
  4. At the finishing stage, it is recommended to apply a transparent layer of varnish on top, which will retain the sticker and at the same time fix it more tightly.

When building

If building is used first, there should be no difficulty with stickers either:

  1. After the manicure, when the nails are modeled, lightly walk along the surface with a pusher and brush off the dust.
  2. Complete the extension procedure by applying the finished drawing, but accuracy will be required here, since it is impossible to move the picture on the acrylic coating.
  3. When building with gel, be sure to dry your nails in a lamp so that you can then glue the finished picture on top.
  4. Otherwise, the application technique will be standard, but at the finish you will need to fix the slider with transparent varnish or top, if it is gel building.

Why sliders can quickly peel off or peel off

How to use a slider design for nails so that it does not peel off or quickly peel off? There are two main reasons that lead to the appearance of such unpleasant phenomena: a violation of technology or low-quality material. To avoid peeling, when applying the sticker, carefully walk along its surface with a cotton swab, leveling and removing bumps. It is better to glue the decal onto the dried second layer of varnish.

Sliders peel off or quickly peel off when they are not top-coated with a topcoat or transparent varnish. The durability of the decal is affected by the base film, elasticity, thickness of the sticker and how well the base is dried. The fulfillment of the last condition helps to securely fix the slider and eliminate the option when the picture begins to "creep".

Video tutorials on applying a slider design on nails

Those wishing to master the technique of slider design do not even have to leave home. Content workshops with professional recommendations, detailed instructions and illustrative examples are available in the video tutorial. With their help, you can learn: how to make a slider design for nails, which means foil manicure or slim, how difficult it is to apply iridescent pictures. A step-by-step mastery of the slider application technique and accessible explanations that will help to avoid common mistakes are the indisputable advantages of the video lessons presented below.

How to cut a slider design exactly on the nail

To make the manicure flawless, cut the slider evenly on the nail. How to stick a slider design on the entire nail, what tools do experienced nail art experts recommend using? You will receive answers to questions related to the technique of applying the slider exactly on the nail in the video below. With practical visual tips, you will quickly master the technique of slider design, learn how to cut pictures correctly.

How to make slider design with water stickers

Water stickers help to create no less effective manicure than sliders on adhesive tape. Against a light background, they look more advantageous, and thanks to the strength and ease of movement on the surface of the nail, the slider design with water stickers has become one of the most popular and favorite techniques among masters. The ultra-thin film that is convenient to use is also preferred because it is able to stay on the nails for up to three weeks. The video tutorial below will help you learn how to make slider designs using water stickers.

Photos of works with slider design stickers

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To discuss

How to glue sliders on nails

The trend of decorating nails with sliders today is one of the most popular in nail art. They are bright and beautiful, and sometimes even look like hand-painted. However, despite the fact that they appeared a long time ago, far from all can use them correctly. Let us dwell in more detail on how to properly glue sliders on gel polish.

Material Features

Often, sliders call all kinds of nail stickers that are on sale. However, these are just water pictures with a protective top layer and a paper backing. They are thin, in addition to a layer of protection, have a working film with a printed pattern. Depending on the variety, the film may have a transparent or color, as well as a monochrome background.

The sliders themselves can provide for the complete overlap of the entire accent nail or the decoration of any part. Therefore, they are divided into two types: photo design and applications on a transparent background. The process of transferring the image will consist in removing the film from the paper base and fixing it on the surface of the nail prepared for the design. At the same time, neither the color of the image, nor its effect, nor the size matters.

Sliders sell in sets, each of which differs in a certain color scheme and theme.In this case, often pictures are paired with a symmetrical pattern, which is convenient for choosing an option for emphasizing a specific nail plate. Trademarks produce separate sets for arms and legs, which differ in the number of sliders and their size.

Necessary tools and materials

To work with the slider design, you need a flat brush and tweezers. In addition, the master can prepare a special rubber hoof, which can wipe the leaked composition under the aqua sticker. It is worthwhile to understand that the work process will include the stage of hygienic manicure. Therefore, the mandatory materials and devices in the work will be:

  • drying lamp;
  • orange stick or pusher;
  • manicure wipes;
  • degreaser;
  • base material;
  • topcoat;

  • a pigment layer for a substrate;
  • decor (optional);
  • cuticle;
  • cuticle remover;
  • nail scissors;
  • soft grinder and file;
  • bath with warm water.

Cooking nails

It is useless to glue the sliders on unprepared nails. Hygienic manicure should be an indispensable step in the implementation of the design. First, the nails are given the desired shape and length, a softening agent is applied to them to remove the cuticle. After that, the fingers are lowered into the bath for several minutes, then wiped dry and the cuticle is lifted, the pterygium is cleaned.

Sticks pass around the nail, checking the quality of work, if necessary, again cut off what was bypassed for the first time. After that, the fingers are greased with oil. If you do not use oil, proceed immediately to remove the gloss buff. Next, the sawdust is removed with a brush, after the brush for the same purposes they use a napkin and dehydrator. In addition, the nails are degreased to enhance tenacity.

Create a background

Pictures are not glued on an unpainted nail. Immediately assess the condition of the plates and, if necessary, strengthen with a special composition. It is dried in a lamp. After that, they begin to apply the base layer. More often it is a transparent composition with a characteristic stickiness. It is applied in a thin layer to prevent leakage behind the lateral ridges and cuticle.

The base layer is dried in a lamp, and then the future substrate is applied to it.As a rule, this is a white gel polish, since other tones will distort the sharpness and saturation of the original slider tones. However, if the background of the aqua sticker is transparent, it is applied to a colored background, for which the pigment of the desired color is selected. The thickness of the slider also matters: if the film is thin, a white backing is required for it. When the sticker is a bit dense, one base is enough.

You can glue the slider into 4 types of material: a transparent base, white base, top and ultrabond. At the same time, all of them will give a strong and reliable connection, which will allow the sticker on the nail to hold out all the time while the hostess will wear a manicure. However, if you want to use a white base, you do not need to apply two preliminary layers, it will replace both of them.

Returning to the step-by-step instructions, we note that the standard process of fixing the slider will include, in addition to the base layer and pigment, another layer of base material. However, this time you do not need to dry it, because it is at the expense of it that the aqua sticker will be held. It is necessary to apply the material carefully and thinly, since with further expansion of the picture, its excess can leak beyond the limits of the nail plate.

Working with a picture

There are two options for preparing a slider for design. In the first case, it is cut out on one side according to the approximate shape of the base of the nail and the width, and then the protective film is removed and lowered into a container with water so that the working film is easily separated from the paper substrate. However, professionals in the field of nail art note that this technique is inconvenient in that you can wet the front of the sticker with it. This is undesirable, as it may affect the longevity of the mount.

The best option, in their opinion, is to moisten the cut out image on a wet towel for 30 seconds. This time is enough for the film with the pattern to move away from the substrate. In addition, its front side will remain dry, which is important for the durability of the design. It is tightened with tweezers and immediately transferred to an accent nail. You don’t have to worry that the length of the slider is longer than that of the nail, because after drying it will be possible to remove it by sawing the edge of the plate with a file. When straightening the slider, it is important to remove as many wrinkles that form during long work with the film. After that, the coating is dried in a lamp.

It is important to take into account the nuance that under the film the base, top or ultrabond will dry more slowly, and therefore the drying time can be doubled.

If you do not dry the decorative layer, the coating will begin to chip in a couple of days from the time of application.

In order for the slider to lie flat on the surface, you need to use a flat brush in your work, expelling air pockets that can form during transfer. In this case, a layer of an un dried layer will play a great role. It is necessary not to recess the picture, but to straighten it, achieving a uniform and even coating without wrinkles.

All excess is removed with a cutter (at the base) and a file (at the edge). In order not to cut the edge with the picture, you need to keep the file at an angle. If small wrinkles are formed during operation, you can get rid of them with a primer. However, this composition is not so simple and is able to dissolve the sticker completely. To remove only the folds, you just need to touch the brush with the composition of the working surface.

Decor and sealing design

Masters often prefer to give sliders the look of hand-painted. To do this, they use special acrylic paints in the form of a gel, as well as pigmented gel polish, which is diluted with top to obtain a more convenient consistency of the composition. Drawing is an emphasis on certain contours of the drawing, its spraying, for example, with pearl varnish, as well as the painting of individual fragments with paints.

After adjustments are made, the craftsmen dry the design in the lamp and begin to seal.More often it consists of two layers: base and top. In this case, the base will glue all previous layers with the top, and the top composition will be the final material in working with the sliders. Both the base and the top must be applied thinly, because the total number of layers is already sufficient. The thicker it is, the more likely it is to reduce the manicure's wearability.

The base is applied to the slider and dried, after which the same is done with the top. However, one and the other material must not forget to walk along the end of the nail. If you plan to place rhinestones in some places of the applied slider, they are placed on the nail before drying the top. After drying, you need to fix the rhinestones by applying another layer of the top.


Work with sliders for nails is not difficult, but requires accuracy. It is important to choose the size so that the substrate does not peep out on the sides. In addition, you need to correlate the picture with the available colors of gel polishes, achieving harmonious combinations. Even a novice in nail art can apply it, but if you fix the design without following all the steps of a consistent technology, you can not count on a good result. In order not to suffer with size adjustment, you can pre-prepare a template specifically for the size of your nail and cut the sticker exactly on it, adding length.

Three ways to apply sliders are shown in the following video.

Not all nail service masters are able to create a unique design with their own hands. To do this, you need to master the technique of painting with acrylic or gel, as well as have a rich imagination and imagination. When the master does not possess one of these skills, you can resort to the help of nail sliders. They can be used not only by a professional, but also by any girl at home when they will do manicures. To make each nail effective is not difficult, you just need to learn how to properly apply sliders to the nail plate.

What are nail sliders?

Slider (literally translated from English as "slide", "slide") is a thin film with an image on the inside of which glue is applied, which is activated using water.

The slider design is very developed among the masters of nail industry with its ease of application and a variety of patterns and drawings. Slides (or as they are often called - watermarks, stickers) can be located on the nails:

  • natural;
  • accrued (gel or acrylic - it does not matter);
  • having a coating of gel polish or shellac, biogel;
  • where the tips are pasted.

The length, size of the nail and its shape when using water stickers is not important. You can decorate them with both the entire nail plate, and its part, since there are different types of sliders for decorating nails.


Decals on the nail industry market are presented in the following forms:

Having finished decorating with a film, you can complement the design with rhinestones, attach broths, foil.

Industry news

One of the modern types of sliders for nail design are thermal stickers or thermal films (in common people - stickers).

The technology for applying stickers on nails is simple, no different from water stickers. But in order to stick them, you need a special heater (the girls have already learned how to replace this device using an ordinary lamp or hair dryer), which activates the glue on the inside of the film.

Unlike water-based adhesive design nail sliders, thermal stickers are easier to apply. This is due to the need to wait for the water-based slide to fully dry before fixing, while the thermal film can be immediately coated with a layer of transparent varnish.

New developments for the beauty of manicure are not limited to just sliders. The latest trend is rubbing, which provides a tempting metallic sheen, flicker or mirror finish.

Decorate both the entire nail and selective parts (to make three-dimensional drawings and patterns with gel polish or limited to an unusual jacket with a “smile” at the nail bed or decorating its tip). It is easy to apply at home, as well as remove from the nail plate. The only caveat - rubbing can be used if you do a manicure with gel polish.

Manufacturer Milv constantly keeps abreast of fashion trends and updates its product range and develops unique designs.

Amy's products also keep up and surprise the nail industry masters. In addition to high quality, the client receives fashion accessories for design.

You can buy well-known brands both in specialized stores of the “nails” direction and in Internet sites.

How to use sliders for nails?

Having decided to decorate the nails using the design slider, one should take into account the type of base for the coating - a natural nail that has been grown or coated with shellac (gel polish, biogel).

  1. Natural nails coated with ordinary varnish are the simplest basis for applying any slider (it doesn’t matter type - even decals, even thermal film), since after gluing only transparent varnish is required for fixing;
  2. A manicure coated with gel polish, biogel or shellac can also be decorated with a slider for nails and, after finishing the decoration, coated with a colorless varnish.
  3. Nail extensions are designed before applying the topcoat. After modeling, apply decal stickers or thermal film, supplement with additional elements (for example, strassik or broth).

Before starting work with different types of sliders, some preparation is required. You need to work not only on the processing of the nail plate, but also on the shape of the slider.

For decals that cover the entire surface of the nail

The slide blank must be “adjusted” to the shape of the nail. The width of the nail plate and the nail bed are taken into account. The length of the workpiece is not adjusted in advance, but is adjusted after gluing.

For transparent decals

Here it is important to decide how exactly the slide will cover - partially or completely. With the latter option selected, the same actions are performed as in the previous case. With a partial arrangement of slides, you should select the area of \u200b\u200bthe picture. Next, the size of the image and the nail are taken into account. The necessary area is cut from the workpiece and gluing occurs.

For dense decals

Two of the above methods are combined here, but it all depends on the selected area of \u200b\u200bthe nail coating - in whole or in part.

For high-quality execution of the design slider, there is a certain technique for applying it step by step. Water stickers last for a long time, they can be changed together with the subsequent varnish coating.

How to glue sliders on nails?

As previously mentioned, the process of performing design with decals is quite simple. If everything is done in stages, the effect will last a long time.


Before sticking the decor, it is important to prepare your nails. To begin with, a regular manicure is done (trimmed or hardware - a personal matter).

  1. The cuticle is tucked and trimmed, if there is an instillation, then with the help of a softening agent it is carefully removed. The same applies to the burr - if necessary, bite them with nail clippers. Most of them are on the index finger (it so happened in women).
  2. The nail plate is modeled. If one nail seems more outgrowth than the rest, then it is aligned to the same size. Next comes the file. The nail should not have sharp cubic angles, especially if it is not provided for by the chosen shape. The surface of the nail plate is polished.

If you have not yet chosen the design of what needs to be transferred to the surface of the nails, you should pay attention to the trends that are relevant this year - flowers, geometric shapes, fruits. It is better to choose transparent bases with images, so that the main color of the varnish is visible.


If the nails are short and the length does not suit, then extension is performed. There are no special requirements in form. If you think through the design correctly, then a fully trimmed nail will look very impressive.

  1. Use a colorless base, cover it in one layer. Choose the desired color of the varnish and, after complete drying of the previous one, cover them with nails.
  2. If you plan to cover with gel polish (shellac, biogel), then after putting the nails in order, this can be done and continue step-by-step execution.

Water stickers

Many manufacturers on their packages with sliders take care that there is the necessary instruction on how to use them. There are lessons on the Internet how to glue slides.

  1. Prepare warm water in a plate or bowl;
  2. Cut a slide of the desired shape (depends on the selected location on the nail plate - in whole or in part);

  1. Dip the slide with paper (base) in a container of water for 15-20 seconds until the film separates from the base.
  2. Take a manicure stick or plastic tweezers (metal can damage the film) and remove the picture from the water.
  3. It’s better to stick on the little finger first, since this finger does not take part in the process, and the film will gradually dry out. The sticker needs to be fixed carefully, releasing all air bubbles from under it, smoothly spreading it on the nail plate with a cotton swab in the desired direction;

  1. Having decided on the location, press for 5 seconds with a cotton swab (if the sticker is small) or a cotton pad (if the entire nail is completely covered). Thus, excess moisture will pass into the cotton material, and the adhesive will attach a sticker.
  2. After the film is completely dry, you need to fix it with a protective varnish.

Everyone can make a high-quality manicure with a stylish coating, the main thing is imagination and a desire to look irresistible.