Happy birthday to a girl on February 23. Happy birthday to a woman born in February. Options for short congratulations with humor on Defender of the Fatherland Day for women

Carry adversity on your shoulders
Protect from troubles, insults, treason.
A woman is an unquenchable hearth,
And the man is stone walls.

Congratulations on February 23

Kindness remains the strongest in You.

My congratulations - not an empty sound!
My congratulations - holy!
It is for you - our former hero,
Our protector in the form of a soldier!
And let the conquered world keep
Holy serenity,
And let all people, the whole world give you:
Love, gratitude and tenderness!

Today is a holiday for men
Defenders of the Fatherland and Peace.
There are many important reasons
For a joyful friendly feast.

After all, February 23 is not for nothing
Russia proudly celebrates
And a fiery heart with heat
Wishing everyone peace and goodness.

Congratulations to men today
So that we never have a war here.
We heartily wish the defenders of the earth
Good luck and health for years to come.

Congratulations on your holiday -
Happy Army and Navy!
Let the service and work
Not always easy, we will
We wish to live, love, work,
And if a lucky star smiles at you,
That and to the general to rise.

Even though you don't wear a uniform,
But we know that in difficult times
You, like all soldiers,
Save the Motherland and us.

You are a real warrior, I know!
You were able to conquer me
Without a gun, saber and horse!
I congratulate you today
My general, my love.

Happy holiday to you today
My love, congratulations.
After all, February 23 is not in vain,
Defender of the Fatherland is called Day.

You are the one who will protect me from troubles,
He will close his chest from adversity and grief.
I wish you a sea of ​​\u200b\u200bhappiness, I love you,
And I give you my heart without a fight.

In all ages, Russian men,
They won the wars with their heroism,
All - officers, grooms, pages,
They gave their lives for the honor of Russia.
And the Russian spirit has not weakened in you,
We see in you the heroes of the past, glorious,
You will do a lot of things
For lovely women and for the whole state.

On Defender of the Fatherland Day I wish
The sky is peaceful and the sun is warm light.
Congratulations to all defenders
Let the perky children's laughter sound around.

I wish you all great happiness
Long years, great love,
So that all misfortunes pass you by,
And sadness and grief are forever gone.

Congratulations dad
Happy men's holiday:
In my youth, I know
Served in the army.
So also a warrior
At least not a commander.
Worthy of a holiday
Protected the whole world!
For me, you are the main one.
Don't let me fall
I am the glorious homeland
Small part.

I have not been in the barracks for a long time,
Not in boots - leg.
But my own army,
As before, dear! -
Both on foot and on horseback
Rocket - trouble.
decent, legal
military environment.
So, not for the market
(And discipline is with her!)
I drink to our army -
There is nothing stronger in the world.

If you wake up in a parachute
In a cape, in a helmet, with a belt,
3 grenades somewhere under the pillow,
A familiar machine gun on the wall.
If the whole family is huddled in a corner,
With admiration looking at you!
So you met with dignity
Our favorite holiday is February 23!

Congratulations on February 23,
All worthy men.
Take from me today
A bunch of wishes words cool.

I wish you all health,
truly love the motherland,
Well, if you have to,
to protect her from the enemy with honor.

Darling, I want to congratulate you
Happy Men's Day - February 23!
You are the best, I'm sure
That fate brought us together for a reason!
Come to me, I want to be gentle with you,
The Fatherland will wait today.
And let February among the snowdrifts
The flower of hot love will bloom.

On the day of February there is a reason
Don't be afraid of winter
A real man
We can warm up
Let the frost add
Let the earth be covered with snow
Everyone congratulates you today
Since February 23!

Congratulations on the 23rd!
I wish all Defenders:
Health, Good Luck, Love and Luck,
Do not know when and in what defeat,
Confidently move forward
And reach ever greater heights.

All peaks are subject to you,
All the mountains are on your shoulder!
Like a real man
I want to wish you:
Do not doubt your strength,
And hold your head proudly!

Win without difficulty!

Happy Defender of Russia Day!
The best - always!
Happiness, valor and strength,
And good luck for all the years!

Beautiful word - "Man"!
We love the husband in him, and we love the son in him,
We love you different - both weak and strong.
And in something guilty, and in something innocent.

You are often like children, and often rake,
You are just different, and so interesting!
Trying to change you is pointless, stupid,
To accept you by anyone for women is a science.

We miss you, it's very sad without you,
Without your love, a woman's heart is so empty.
Men, our defenders and glory,
Sorry for being wrong.

For your love! For patience! For strength!
I want each of you to be happy!
Let there be less reasons for sadness
What a beautiful word - "Man".

The mind does not understand a man
You just need to believe in a man.
He has to prove
That you can trust him with your life.

The mind does not understand a man
It's made from a different dough
But he is destined to take
We have so much space in our destiny.

The mind does not understand a man
Here is the heart again gnawing resentment,
But I want to believe again
What will be difficult - he will help.

The mind does not understand a man
But without it how to live in the world?
Who can tell me
Then where will the children come from?

The mind does not understand a man
Women have a different mind
Would be a kindred spirit
And what is in the brain - we do not need to know.

The mind does not understand a man
You just have to believe in a man
We can trust him with everything
And he will be able to understand us!

Our dear men, congratulations on Defender of the Fatherland Day and from pure heart we want to wish you to remain calm and confident in any life situation, to do beautiful and kind deeds, to protect and love your loved ones, to take care of the future and successfully achieve great heights.

I drink for you and for love,
And for the fire in the hearts.
But I'm the first to drink a glass
For those in boots!
For those who at this moment
To the cold steel of the machine:
I raise my glass
For a man, for a soldier!

Every man is honored
And there is a turn for congratulations
On February 23,
I wish all women
Strong health,
To be successful with you
Aspirations, vivacity, mind,
And the bowl would be full of happiness,
Reliable, fighting friends,
Your salary is also big
Remain a brave man
Do not doubt yourself at all!

And I wish you all the best!
Let in big
amazing life
Every day that passes
Every step taken
Serves faithfully

On this February day
The people are celebrating
Bright, peaceful holiday,
Feast of all fathers
Holiday of grandfathers, brothers,
Holiday of all men
Those whom we believe, we believe to the end,
What kind of life is ours
Will give hearts.
We wish them happiness and earthly love,
They are for our happiness and for our peace.

Let in life, as in a song,
Men do not cry!
We wish you all the goals
Fight quickly
health wagon,
good luck cart,
love endless,
And true friends.

Today on Defender's Day I wish
To be strong, to cherish the honor
To be weak protection and support
And live like a man with dignity!

We congratulate you warmly
Happy Army and Navy Day
Let there be joy
That honors and loves someone.
And let the smile flash
And let the wrinkles disappear
And let spring sing in my soul
Today is your holiday, men!

Men are God's gift for the weaker sex:

And there are quite a few reasons

Happiness to you and health!

Congratulations on the Defenders of the Fatherland Day!
And with all our hearts we wish:
Work peacefully, love hard,
And loyalty to the Fatherland is worthy of keeping!

On the bright holiday of all defenders of the Fatherland
For whom the Russian land is sacred
From the beautiful half of humanity
Congratulations on February 23!
Silushka and heroic prowess
Let them not leave you in difficult times
We wish you all Siberian health
And love the Motherland and us!

Our selection will help you give a few beautiful lines to your beloved man, friend, good friend on this February holiday.

After all, everyone and even the strong half of humanity needs attention and care.

I congratulate you
Happy February 23rd!
You are my brave protector,
I'm just not scared with you!

May they be brought to life
Plans, undertakings!
Happy Defender's Day!
Peace! Prosperity!

Defender of the Fatherland
We wish you strength and joy
Health, a lot of wisdom,
And courage and bravery.

I wish you a good journey
Walk this path with friends
Health so as not to take
And never be discouraged.
Smiles, joy, good luck,
Live to a hundred! And not otherwise.

All peaks are subject to you,
All the mountains are on your shoulder!
Like a real man
I want to wish you:
Do not doubt your strength,
And hold your head proudly!
Whether in the game, whether in life - it's beautiful,
Win without difficulty!

We can't live without men
There are many reasons for this -
Well, who will give us a coat,
Help you get out of the car
A bouquet of flowers will present
Will she call herself beautiful?
We want to congratulate you all
Happy men's holiday!

We rush to congratulate you with verses!
Today is your day, men!
Let joy sparkle in the radiance of the eyes,
There are reasons for that!
Without you - we're nowhere, without you - we'll be lost,
You are our reliable rear, support.
And this, mind you, we all recognize.
Love you, good luck, enthusiasm!

I wish you powerful strength
Power - like a king.
Be successful and happy.
Since February 23!

May fate smile on you
Don't have to fight
The world will warm your souls
Life is getting better.

To become a man - it is not enough for them to be born,
To become iron, it is not enough to be ore,
You must melt, break,
And, like ore, sacrifice yourself.
We wish you health and good luck.
May joy and dreams be near.
And let of all male moral qualities
Kindness remains the strongest in you.

Our dexterous, recalcitrant,
Honest, brave, unyielding
Happy Defender's Day
And we wholeheartedly praise:
You are heroes anywhere.
Let the trouble bypass you!

Defenders, happy holiday to you.
Support and shield you are for us.
We wish you courage, success,
Health, smiles and laughter.

Congratulations dad
Happy men's holiday:
In my youth, I know
Served in the army.
So also a warrior
At least not a commander.
Worthy of a holiday
Protected the whole world!
For me, you are the main one.
Don't let me fall
I am the glorious homeland
Small part.

Success, good luck, patience and strength,
All troubles to always pass by.
After all, the country, the whole Earth is proud of you.
You are our heroes. Since February 23!

You are the man that means so much
You are strong and beautiful in everything!
Let life be a straight road
Lead you to your happiness.
I want green light
In beginnings, accomplishments, deeds.
So that life is warmed by caress,
To joy sparkled in the eyes!

Since February 23!
Be successful always.
I wish for you
Money, happiness and kindness.
Be strong like a wall.
Don't ever get sick.

We want to congratulate our beloved men -
Behind whose back we live in peace,
Under whose hand we purr pretty.
We celebrate our loved ones! And the most worthy!

On men's day I want health
Definitely wish
For the sky to be peaceful
You didn't have to fight.

Happy Defender's Day
I congratulate you, love
And with all my heart I wish
Happiness without end and edge
Suns in the blue sky
So that luck comes to the house,
For everything to be great
Both today and later!

Be the best man
Respectable, powerful!
Stay at the helm!
Happy twenty-third of February!

Congratulations, me, you
Happy men's holiday
I really want you to
Always stayed like this
Reliable, kind, sweet,
Smart, good, beautiful.

How much courage in this February date,
And how much strength, great courage,
And with a holiday in a military combat format,
I sincerely congratulate you!

I want to congratulate you
Since February 23!
I wish you
All success on Earth!
May you live happily
To not feel disappointed
Happiness lasts forever
And love will be eternal.
Let things take off
So that you are a pro at work!
Feelings bright for you
From the fate of great gifts!

Come on, buddy, brandy
Let's celebrate this day!
Let luck enter the house -
I wish with all my heart.

Let's celebrate this day!
Let luck enter the house -
I wish with all my heart.

February 23 - the holiday of all men,

Women have no reason to grumble today
In flower shops there is no end to women,
The flowers were all bought up and taken away with them.

A man is a protector, a man is a support!

So that women glorify men today.
And we just need the guns to be silent,
So that you protect a woman from sadness,
They radiated heat, stirring our blood.
And together we would protect - love.

I want to congratulate my beloved
I am from February 23,
I can't leave you...
You are the best for me.

Let your salary grow
I don't want to be sad at all.
I don't need much in my life
I just want to be around!

Eh, men, eh, fighters,
Remote fellows!
All ladies need a strong sex,
It would be us without you, oh, boring!
From February 23
I hasten to congratulate you!
Wish you money, good luck?
To solve all problems?
No, today is not that day
I want you to find a method
To become the pride of the whole country,
What you want to receive!

I wish you optimism
Love and magnetism
Health and wealth
Don't give up on the dream

To be mobile, active,
fit, athletic,
You are the best for me!
Dear, Happy February 23rd!

Love and magnetism
Health and wealth
Don't give up on the dream

Today is a holiday for men -
Day 23 February,
But I can't find any reason
Not to congratulate you!

You can protect too
From all hardships family and home,
I want to flutter like a butterfly
Let everything in life go the way!

In part twenty-three, girlfriends,
I raise a toast to you
Down with glasses! Here are your mugs! -
For this day and this hour!

February 23 - important holiday for you.
Remember, you must shine and congratulate all men.
Radiating positive, do not forget about the team,
Give everyone smiles, jokes, give at least a minute.
And then on March 8 you will be buried in gifts.

Congratulations dear
Strength, courage to you,
So that on "you" with a horse was only,
I set the heat in the hut.

Among the military there are ladies,
And you are the beauty among them!
Good luck kilograms
Always protect yours!

I wish you tons of victories
Bags with happiness and kindness.
May the world be in love with you
And let the house be full of various blessings!

Unfair men's day
February holiday is considered
Femin military personnel,
Country, you have a lot!

And everyone just like us
Girls, let it always be lucky!
Good luck to you, in the soul of spring,
And the rest will come!

Being a protector is an honor and not given to everyone.
You accomplish your feat in reality, and not in the cinema.
I wish a real Amazon on this day,
Peace, happiness and health, and also the love of fire.

Congratulations on the 23rd
For some reason, only men
But you are in the service
Your rank is worthy of honor.

On the day of the defender I wish
To build everyone in a row,
Let from a mischievous look
The warriors' ears are on fire.

For a military lady
Today is a special day!
Be the happiest on the planet
Let everything be good forever.

Congratulations on your 23rd!
You shine with a beautiful smile.
And let's celebrate this holiday
Stormy joy, so that over the edge!

There are many conscripts in Russia
Not necessarily just men!
And guided by this fact boldly
I wish that life loves and warms you!

To you female happiness, free road,
And everyday life, and holidays, so that without anxiety!
Be calm and peaceful, let it be
Good luck, luck will not pass you by!

Are you ready to defend the Fatherland -
Beloved, sister, friend, mother.
You can always create comfort
And you will stand up for beauty.
And if necessary, you will fight,
So that the enemy could not trample our land.
Let the angel protect you
Let him help you in all matters.

You are a military lady
So, this holiday is rightfully yours,
Congratulations to the important beauty,
Improve your character cool.

I wish that with a bewitching look
You stacked the men
Conquer with your strength and wisdom,
Since February 23 you.

Today the guys are all walking,
It's February 23rd, after all.
They are all heartily congratulated
And I congratulate you too!

Girl, let everyone protect
Tries to protect you
And the guy is prominent and brave
Will give the joy of good meetings!

Bold, loud, smart, daring,
Happy holiday to those who are strong and responsible!
Happy holiday to those who are famous for their defense!
Let everything go smoothly in your business!

Let not a man, but a young girl,
But you'll get everything you set your mind to
You won’t give offense to the weak - you intercede,
May everything work out in your life!

I want to wish you today
So that you can meet the protector.
So that you can live happily with him:
To love, create a hearth, raise children,
And the sky will always be peaceful.
Well, training anxiety is not a problem.

On the fronts of love and passion
You are still a rookie
May you be lucky in beautiful battles
Let the shoulder be nearby.

Congratulations on the 23rd
I, beauty, you,
May your battle be victorious
Let shooting be a mark.

Be the prettiest of ladies
Admire with a bright smile
With sparkling eyes!
Be perky, passionate, hot!

Not only solemn, but unusual,
We will celebrate your birthday decently!
After all, what a date! Defender's Day!
Good date, take my word for it!

Let everything turn out quickly and clearly,
You will be at the peak of events, beauty!
Hostess fabulously sweet smile
Let all the golden fish swim in your hands!

You were born with defenders together
And received such a great honor.
On your birthday, even though it's banal,
I wish you the sun, like in summer,
The attention of men, the warmth of friends.
And only peaceful and successful days,
So that you can create comfort,
Bathe in happiness and always shine.

What's happened? What's happened? -
Holiday menam, woe to girls?
Not suitable! Let's catch up!
Happy Twenty-three, dear!

Today is February 23rd

Protect us without fear.

You are courageous and strong
We say not without reason:
Today we congratulate you
Favorite men!

There is no man's holiday on earth,
And here we have great holiday is on the calendar.
As soon as February 23 comes,
So we immediately congratulate the defenders of the Fatherland.

We wish you, relatives, many years,
Let the world surround you, let's say to wars: "No!"
Let pride light up the face
We want you to celebrate this day!

In men we value courage and courage,
In love - not only fidelity, but also frankness,
Someone likes a colonel, but someone likes a private,
But the main thing is that he was his own.

I congratulate you today
With a great holiday - February 23,
Even if you are not a colonel, but for me a hero,
After all, you are the best for me, my dear!

A man is a gift from God for the weaker sex:
A man is a protector, a man is a support!
And there are many more reasons
So that women glorify men today.

And we just need the guns to be silent,
So that you protect a woman from sadness,
They radiated heat, stirring our blood.
And together we would protect - love!

You are courageous and strong
Praise not without reason:
Today we congratulate you
Favorite men!

I will praise strength
And celebrate courage.
I want to wish you happiness
And without love - not a step.

There is a reason to congratulate you
On a February day, in the middle of winter,
Just because you're a man
We are proud to be a defender!

Close your chest, if necessary,
Girlfriends, children, sister and mother
And you will not miss the enemy herd
In our house - beat, rob, kill!

You will pay for freedom with blood.
And - life. The enemy will be defeated!
Fatherland all with great love
Thank you for that!

In a beautiful name Man
Gathered courage and become
Ability to think and dream
Being inspired for no reason.

Know how to love, know how to give.
To leave, then to return.
To be so fickle
To seem like such a support.

guard his destiny
From lies, betrayal, deceit,
And always be kind
Give life full, without flaw.

And let the words intertwine
About the only, beloved,
Whom nature has named
Beautiful name - MAN.

We congratulate all men!
And we wish them love.
Let them be warm in heart
And in their souls the fire burns.

And let spring sing in my soul
Today is your holiday, men.

February, the last step of winter
She's aiming for the end
But let the heart continue
As in youth, fight.

Holiday today, the country is resting,
But who protects her from the enemy?
Day and night serving,
For this, ask nothing in return.

Happy holiday, protector!
You are a noble and prominent man,
You serve the Fatherland as it should,
We are very glad to congratulate you!

There is no day of men yet in the world,
Oh, those poor men!
The entire male half
Lives without a holiday!

Even on the twenty-third of February!

After all, the first lady was born,
As we remember, from Adam's rib,
That's why the fair half,
I want to exclaim:
Long live the men!

Today is February 23rd
And the country congratulates all the men!
After all, we know that in difficult times
Protect us without fear.
You are courageous and strong
We say not without reason:
Today we congratulate you
Favorite men!

Since February 23!
Our entire family is proud of you.
You are the best defender of the Fatherland,
The hope of all mankind!
Accept congratulations on the men's holiday
For the fact that you keep peace and tranquility!

A man is a gift from God for the weaker sex:
A man is a protector, a man is a support!
And there are many more reasons
So that women glorify men today.
And we just need the guns to be silent,
So that you protect a woman from sadness,
They radiated heat, stirring our blood.
And together we would defend love!

There is no day of men yet in the world,
Oh, those poor men!
The entire male half
Lives without a holiday!
The floor is light, tender and beautiful,
In a hurry to congratulate men is not in vain,
Smiles, happiness, giving them joy,
At least on February 23!

I know that if necessary,
You will go into battle, keeping calm.
And relatives who live nearby,
Always calm around you.

Your character is as if made of steel,
Confidence smells fatal.
You without a fight to award medals
I'm ready for what you are.

February 23rd
I give you congratulations!
I wish you victories without battles,
Prosperity and joyful years.

On the Day of Defenders of the Fatherland
I remember you.
You are the hope of mankind
Warrior in his own land.

But I wish that militancy
Wouldn't have to apply.
May our lives be peaceful
There will be no one to take away.

Behind our men
Not afraid of bullets or hail.
Today there are many reasons
For many odes and awards.

I praise you for your courage and intelligence,
For the courage of your hearts.
I wish arms noise
Finally forget it.

We congratulate the rocket launcher
Happy Defender of the Fatherland!
You are both a shield and a sword to all of us -
Do you know how to save the world:

Passed many garrisons
On the shoulder straps of the stars - like milestones.
Our country loves you
Well, we are the strongest!

Happy Defender of the Fatherland,
The pilot is a hero of the Motherland!
The enemy will immediately meet in battle
With a strong will - not with a game!

You are friends with MIGs and ILs,
MI, TU, SU - cars-class:
With such powers,
From the sky you cover us!

Let there be so many landings for you,
How many new takeoffs into the clouds!
Yes, you do not know sadness and sadness -
Your life will be bright, easy!

And the holiday, we know, is great! A man is a leader, a master, a warrior and knows how to help his wife.
He knows a lot about any job, as well as sports and wine,
Easily replace the president and make a holiday in the country.

Always stand up for the weak, always find a solution
And even if you really need it, he will bake pies for us.
Step forward to great victories, be strong in body and soul,
You should be an example for children. And gentle, affectionate with his wife.

Financially secure, always smiling, cheerful and fresh.
And the intellect is crippled and full of faith and hope.
We congratulate you with the whole world, uncover your glasses,
Come --NAME--, have a drink with us! On the day of February 23rd!

    You chose a difficult profession once,
    Now your duty is to be military and on a par with a soldier.
    I wish you safety in this difficult service,
    Find pleasure in a reliable, strong friendship.

    Let the platoon officers not be too strict,
    Let relatives visit, bring pies,
    Let the service be easy and sometimes pleasant.
    I wish to be feminine, beautiful, kind, stately!

    Since February 23, dear women,
    On this day, I want to congratulate you.
    Married with men by fate,
    How not to thank you and not to praise?!

    Let men appreciate your help,
    Tenderness, and care, and patience,
    Let them say thank you today.
    Happiness to you, kindness and inspiration!

    Protecting the Motherland is very noble.
    I congratulate women today nationwide.
    I give you a bunch of warm wishes:
    Tenderness, care, pleasant dates.

    Let your eyes burn like gems
    Let your family tell you all their secrets.
    Let friends not betray, and enemies are afraid,
    I wish from the bottom of my heart to take place in life.

    Since February 23, I hasten to congratulate you,
    A woman in whom there is a sea of ​​optimism.
    I want to say thank you now
    This is a feat - to defend your Fatherland!

    On this beautiful winter day
    I wish you care and attention.
    Let them give you roses and lilacs,
    And warm confessions of love.

    Service to the Motherland is not a woman's business,
    But you made your choice boldly.
    For this we respect you very much.
    And congratulations on February 23.

    We wish to cope with the routine of the military
    And look feminine, awesome.
    Colleagues so that you inspire feats,
    And at home, husbands so that their loved ones are waiting for you.

    Since February 23, I hasten to congratulate
    And wish you success.
    On a holiday to glorify this woman
    I am very pleased to say!

    Let sorrows and sorrows go away
    The surf is merrily making noise.
    I want to give men a head start,
    Let everyone admire you!

    A woman in uniform is a mystery
    It's excitement and a little fear.
    Even men in the service are not sweet,
    Men's service is not a sky in flowers.

    Happy holiday of the brave, resolute, firm
    I congratulate you with a pure soul.
    I wish you all, gentle and proud,
    Clear skies, great victory!

Today is Defender of the Fatherland Day.
Let's not forget the lovely ladies!
The lovely half of humanity
I will give honors and congratulations!
You are strong in character and spirit,
But sensitive, vulnerable inside.
In the service I wish "no fluff",
Open all doors to the top!

Day twenty-third of February -
Red day of the calendar!
We congratulate men
And beautiful women
Who once put on a uniform
And the military rank is worn with honor!
They not only have children
And they deftly spin in the kitchen,
But still proudly called -
Beautiful Defenders of the Fatherland!

Twenty third of February -
Men's day, almost,
But beauties in uniform
Forever on the way!
Congratulations girls!
Happy Holidays, beauties!
That you are protectors
People love it!
That you are beautiful
We don't doubt
Emphasize dignity
Yours we try!

What happiness - the holiday is over,
What takes away strength before March,
And, probably, the cry: "do no harm!"
Fine, every woman understands.
So, Happy Holidays, ladies!
Loving, we congratulate you on February 23!
And we sincerely wish the result,
Such, as it should, on March 8.

The holiday - Defender's Day, is over.
Women rejoice and sing
I want to enjoy life again
And forget about the bitterness of those minutes.
It's good that this day is only once a year,
Let February give the baton to March!
We are not too lazy to congratulate
After all, spring is already coming to us!

I'm waiting for February to come
Like a long-awaited salary!
Because you have a holiday
And this date the heart is happy!

You represent the female gender
In all its charm
A richly generous table is set,
Flowers - you and all the attention!

Let the snow sweep outside the windows,
We are not afraid of these frosts.
Spring blooms in your soul
And the laughter sounds special - summer!

In the February cold one day
A beauty was born.
Now this day is very important
For us. And, of course, special!

Accept these congratulations
At birth, your date.
Live the best life on the planet
Let all the praises sing!

I give you my congratulations
On the birthday of February sometimes!
And as a woman I wish you
So that all dreams come true to one!

May the soul always sing in the warmth,
Even if outside the window of cold
And love will find its way into the house
And he never leaves

On this cold February day
You celebrate your birthday!
I write congratulations for you
I wish a lot in verses from myself:

Let interest give every day
There will be many worthy roads
So that snowdrifts do not interfere on the way
Find women's happiness soon!

Happy birthday, February beauty!
You are as beautiful today as ever.
Even the sun in the winter sky smiles
A little warmer than ever

On a winter morning, on this birthday,
I want to warm your heart.
My wishes from time to time
Can't be erased from memory

In them, I wish you a lot of happiness,
Joy, love, earthly riches.
Complete everything please
And keep this verse as an incentive!

You are a miracle that February gave us
And for parents, joy and reward.
We do not regret congratulations for you,
After all, you yourself are more precious than words and treasure!

I love February because once
You were born on one of his clear days.
Becoming special in the fate of my truly important
And warmly gave her smile

Surrounded by its huge positive,
Settled confidence in friendship forever.
On my birthday, I wish immodestly
So that happiness always smiles at you!

Carry adversity on your shoulders
Protect from troubles, insults, treason.
A woman is an unquenchable hearth,
And the man is stone walls.

Congratulations on February 23
We wish you health and good luck.
May joy and dreams be near.
And let of all male moral qualities
Kindness remains the strongest in You.

My congratulations - not an empty sound!
My congratulations - holy!
It is for you - our former hero,
Our protector in the form of a soldier!
And let the conquered world keep
Holy serenity,
And let all people, the whole world give you:
Love, gratitude and tenderness!

Today is a holiday for men
Defenders of the Fatherland and Peace.
There are many important reasons
For a joyful friendly feast.

After all, February 23 is not for nothing
Russia proudly celebrates
And a fiery heart with heat
Wishing everyone peace and goodness.

Congratulations to men today
So that we never have a war here.
We heartily wish the defenders of the earth
Good luck and health for years to come.

Congratulations on your holiday -
Happy Army and Navy!
Let the service and work
Not always easy, we will
We wish to live, love, work,
And if a lucky star smiles at you,
That and to the general to rise.

Even though you don't wear a uniform,
But we know that in difficult times
You, like all soldiers,
Save the Motherland and us.

You are a real warrior, I know!
You were able to conquer me
Without a gun, saber and horse!
I congratulate you today
My general, my love.

Happy holiday to you today
My love, congratulations.
After all, February 23 is not in vain,
Defender of the Fatherland is called Day.

You are the one who will protect me from troubles,
He will close his chest from adversity and grief.
I wish you a sea of ​​\u200b\u200bhappiness, I love you,
And I give you my heart without a fight.

In all ages, Russian men,
They won the wars with their heroism,
All - officers, grooms, pages,
They gave their lives for the honor of Russia.
And the Russian spirit has not weakened in you,
We see in you the heroes of the past, glorious,
You will do a lot of things
For lovely women and for the whole state.

On Defender of the Fatherland Day I wish
The sky is peaceful and the sun is warm light.
Congratulations to all defenders
Let the perky children's laughter sound around.

I wish you all great happiness
Long years, great love,
So that all misfortunes pass you by,
And sadness and grief are forever gone.

Congratulations dad
Happy men's holiday:
In my youth, I know
Served in the army.
So also a warrior
At least not a commander.
Worthy of a holiday
Protected the whole world!
For me, you are the main one.
Don't let me fall
I am the glorious homeland
Small part.

I have not been in the barracks for a long time,
Not in boots - leg.
But my own army,
As before, dear! -
Both on foot and on horseback
Rocket - trouble.
decent, legal
military environment.
So, not for the market
(And discipline is with her!)
I drink to our army -
There is nothing stronger in the world.

If you wake up in a parachute
In a cape, in a helmet, with a belt,
3 grenades somewhere under the pillow,
A familiar machine gun on the wall.
If the whole family is huddled in a corner,
With admiration looking at you!
So you met with dignity
Our favorite holiday is February 23!

Congratulations on February 23,
All worthy men.
Take from me today
A bunch of wishes words cool.

I wish you all health,
truly love the motherland,
Well, if you have to,
to protect her from the enemy with honor.

Darling, I want to congratulate you
Happy Men's Day - February 23!
You are the best, I'm sure
That fate brought us together for a reason!
Come to me, I want to be gentle with you,
The Fatherland will wait today.
And let February among the snowdrifts
The flower of hot love will bloom.

On the day of February there is a reason
Don't be afraid of winter
A real man
We can warm up
Let the frost add
Let the earth be covered with snow
Everyone congratulates you today
Since February 23!

Snowflakes are spinning outside the window
The blizzard sings a song
I don't mind the February cold
It won't be long before the snow melts.
But my love for you won't melt
The only, beloved, desired,
I wish you a birthday
So that all your wishes come true.

Under the lucky star in February
My beloved was born
With all my heart I wish you
A lot of happiness, joy, kindness.
Always be so gentle and beautiful
Be always desired, happy,
May fate be kind to you
Let luck not forget about you.

At the beloved woman
Birthday in February
She deserves only happiness
And, of course, admiration.
May your personal holiday bring good luck
And a sea of ​​excellent mood in addition,
Let life flow like a full river
May the good angel keep you.

The last touch of winter is February,
The snow is melting, a little sorry
Sadness changes to joy instantly,
When I think about your birthday
I congratulate you, my love,
I wish you health, joy, good luck,
I wish you all the best, the joy of good,
IN good mood Be always.

Let winter, and snow, and blizzard,
Happy birthday my friend!
You were born in February
A star lit up in the sky!
May she keep you
And protect everyone from troubles!
In life there will be only success
You will be the happiest of all!

From February 23
We congratulate you for a reason.
Though you are a weak people,
But from year to year
You are doing a difficult service.

Not in the desert, not in the swamp
And not in the form of a machine gun.
you are a soldier
Near the kitchen stove.
You are soldiers of purity.

Laundry, ironing and cleaning -
Everything needs skill.
Even a brave general
There were no such battles.

And they seem to be very weak.
lovely creatures,
But they also serve in the army,
To spite the universe.

And if the enemy suddenly attacks,
To a peaceful country
He will get a rolling pin on the hat,
And run into his.

ranks armed,
Shine day and night
So that, slain by their beauty,
The enemies flew away.

So let it serve you peacefully,
Everything will turn out the way
And we will support affectionately
With your man's shoulder!

On the glorious Defender of the Fatherland Day,
It is necessary to congratulate, except for men,
That sweet piece of humanity
Beautiful women - our heroines.

Behind your fragile, delicate silhouette
There is strength, courage, a sense of duty.
In men's work, you are like a ray of light,
It happens that a man is less sense.

We wish you to be always happy
All difficulties, confidently solving.
And be as beautiful
Defenders, congratulations!

May you be rare guests in the army,
More and more at home, on borscht,
I wish you good health
So that you have enough strength for everything:

To stand guard over a strict life,
Be a reliable rear.
Knowing all this is just great,
For that I will congratulate you!

We are very happy to congratulate
Happy Defender of Men Day:
Awards are burning on the chest,
Their fighting spirit is one!

Well, we wish the wives
To be with everyone - one,
So that a salary to a penny
They brought you home.

So that the family is always sought
Warm up and save
So that always, not only on a holiday,
You were able to protect.

The merits of men before the homeland are true,
But no victories can be seen without women,
After all, the forces invested incredible.
She is a protector, she is also a mother!

Let's congratulate the defenders - women,
After all, Russian women - even in the ranks,
In war or peace, sparing no one's strength
They will sacrifice their lives to protect you.

Our dear boss, happy birthday! For us, you are a real star: beautiful, bright, alluring. Also, a guide. After all, it is you who leads the business of our company along the path of success and prosperity. Health to you and stellar success in everything!

And sapphires and diamonds
beautiful rose petals
Can't compare to your charm
The sparkle of the eyes, the warmth of the soul.
And I want to congratulate you
Happiness, joy to wish.
Long years, health is enough
You are twenty-five centuries old!

Happy Birthday dear,
I congratulate you
And whatever you want, I wish you!
The tenderness of morning roses and the sorceress-dawn,
I will give you happiness, I will give you love!
Just be you, dear,
All the time with me!
Be my lucky star forever!

I wish you happiness in your personal life,
Success in working life,
I want to be in great shape
And look to have the same combat.
I want to be always cheerful
Happy, joyful, healthy!

May your holiday be joyful
The sun is shining in the clear sky!
May this day, and any day
The mood will be great!

kind and warm words
Let them speak to you more often
And slightly dizzy
You are full of joy and happiness!

Let sorrows not enter your house,
Let sickness go away.
We would put the whole world in the palm of our hands
And they gave you one.

But even that wouldn't be enough.
To repay your kindness
All our life, our dear mother,
Indebted to you,
Thank you, dear, for raising

For not asking for anything in return
What grief and joy dividing in half,
In everything, you wished us the best.
Beautiful, caring, sweet, gentle,
We need you every day and forever!

We wish you to be always healthy,
Sorrows, sorrows do not know
Always be kind and cheerful
And ignore your age.

So that the life of whiskey does not silver,
Wrinkles, so as not to touch the eyes,
And happiness, so that there are many, many
And joy, so that there is no end!

be fragrant like raspberries,
What lives in
Wilderness forest,
So that unsatisfied men
They would salivate!

Hold on high
Like a cherry
Destroying your beauty
To all
Stretched higher -
Ah, to get to you!

How to be lingonberries
Like a currant - useful,
Like strawberries - dear!

So that on this day you remember
Not the sum of all the years lived.
And they forgot about sorrows.
God be with them who do not have them.

So that on this day you remember
About what life was bright,
About all the happy moments
About all the good things.

So be all the same henceforth warmed by fate.
And stay forever young.
May your Indian summer be long
How eternal is the sky above the earth!

I congratulate you from the bottom of my heart
With this bright and beautiful day!
I wish you the sun in your soul
Joy, fun full house!

Like today, always be beautiful!
Caress to you, tenderness, love!
So that in life, bright and happy,
All your dreams have come true!

And here's another year
But life is life.
Be radiant my friend
Always hold on
Believe in luck, create yourself
Make a dream
Rigorously loving
Only height.
May every step of the way
Warmed up with warmth.
We want you to bloom
Knowing no trouble.

Happy birthday congratulations
We sincerely wish you:
Clear days, like clear skies,
Sea of ​​happiness, radiant eyes,
And love is so big
Like a huge globe.
Be cheerful and beautiful
And always, always happy!

Such spiritual beauty
It is not often possible to meet.
We are happy that you are near
What a tremulous heart beats!
Eyes are beautiful and sad
They look at us with tenderness
And we confess on our birthday:
You, dear, we love!

Melted ice of predawn transparency
February morning was born.
And in the snow of stale gray inconspicuousness
Through the completion of winter victories.

Lights shop needles frosty
They stabbed passers-by through the glass of shop windows.
And at night the attempts of winter are not serious
Do not overshadow pre-spring pictures.

Do you feel the sun is not hiding in the snowdrifts?
And at noon we are pleased with timid drops.
And in us mischievous, funny childishness
Will fill the pre-holiday rigmarole.

I heard recently the girls were whispering.
Well, yes, the twenty-third is on Friday!
And we, men, got through to you again.
Looks like the surprise has already been prepared.

I know it's a shame when the birthday is
So aptly hit someone else's holiday.
No one will congratulate and without regret
Everyone is waiting to be congratulated by you.

And rose petals, and lily buds
May your righteous path be strewn.
Gifts today let them give wagons
And let the stars fall at your feet.

Just two more words to say goodbye
At the end of such a cumbersome tirade of his.
One, very small, but remark:
You are just one of the few people

Who do I want to write these lines so much,
To whom I so want to give happiness,
And with whom I so want to celebrate this holiday,
And keep it in my heart for a long time.

I hasten to congratulate you -
You became the February Man!
After all, you are strong, beautiful and brave
Always be the first - your destiny.

You protect every day
Me from a thousand problems
You help in difficult times
With you in intelligence even now.

You are unique, perfect
And sexually complete.
In the shoulders of huge broad,
Why the words - because you are priceless!

It's sad without men in the world
No mood at all
That's why it's the main
In the happiness of women is a tool!

May February be harsh and snowy
And let the character be cool.
We congratulate men tenderly,
So the roses will bloom!
We wish you good health!
Happy Defenders Day!
We look at you with love
We need you men!

Happy Defender of the Fatherland Day
We want to congratulate you today.
Since the beginning of mankind,
And wars exist with it.
No matter how calm the years are,
The Fatherland always needs warriors,
We wish you to be the most worthy
And protect the peace of his native country!

We, women, can't do without you,
And you without us, of course, too!
And if the enemy suddenly attacks,
Only the army will help us.

Today is your men's holiday,
I heartily congratulate you on it!
I'm glad to be always with you
When you're not around, I miss you.

I congratulate you today
On a February day, I wish
So that you are always strong, courageous,
Worthy, dexterous and skillful!

To show courage
And never get discouraged!
For February 23
Let your dream come true!

Men are brothers and friends
Fathers, husbands and sons -
We are glad in this bright hour
Congratulations with all my heart!

You are our happiness and support,
Our protection and peace.
The seas and mountains are subject to you,
We are behind you like behind a wall!

We, your faithful friends,
Thank you for being you.
We love you not for merit:
Male strength, valor, honor -

All this nature gave you,
So that you can protect us
Become a descendant
And be worthy of love!

Congratulations dear men
We wish you joy and happiness,
Inspiration, tender participation
And love from the heart, for no reason.
February is cold
Seems like winter will last forever
But remember - loved ones are always
You will be warmed by tenderness of the heart.

Man every woman is beautiful
It probably deserves the attention.
I wish you love, passionate wife,
Sometimes you don't even have the strength

Happy Defender's Day guys
Always be strong
Like brave soldiers
You go through the years.

May you have more fun
With every moment, every day,
There are no braver guys in the world
May you be lucky in everything.

May good luck accompany
May success come to you
Every day let, not otherwise,
There will be happiness, joy, laughter!

Happy Defender of the Fatherland Day
Let's congratulate you today.
For the happiness of mankind
The world must be kept strong.
May all wishes come true
Love and new victories for you,
Health, happiness, prosperity,
And many long bright years!

Men, women take care -
They will warm your hearth
And live righteously
Consider every step!

Respect and love
I wish you hello!
Be like you
I dream of the future.

To be respected by people
Like you, be a genius.
And today you accept

On Defender of the Fatherland Day
Allow me to wish
The sun is bright, the sky is clear,
May grace be everywhere!

Be strong and beautiful
Never give up.
And try to make the girls cute
We were always happy with you!

This is how it goes in life -
We expect support from men.
After all, you are the defenders of the Fatherland,
Keep your hearth and home
We love and respect you
Sharing all worries with you,
And congratulations to you today
We are from February 23!

Dear, Happy February 23rd! February, congratulations!
To be in life on a horse, dashing,
Well, in my heart I wish to be an angel!

Protector, be strong and brave
Please accept congratulations
Let everyday life be filled with happiness
And the days will be calm!

On the 23rd day of February, the holiday of real men, we congratulate our defenders! It doesn't matter whether they serve or not, they are always, every moment ready to stand guard over our freedom and our lives! Let me on this day, in addition to congratulations, also wish you a peaceful and most prosperous life!

Let's drink to all those guys who selflessly defended, defended and will someday defend our homeland. For the fact that they would always be strong in body and spirit, for their happy lives!

Today, on the holiday of all men,
I wish my own husband
Be the master of your life
Live without doubt

So that your words, dear,
With affairs suddenly did not differ,
To expect great success in everything,
So that your loved ones are proud of you!

I met a guy, the best in the world.
He is smart and kind, and he has a bright soul.
How I dream to be always with him
At this time, winter and under the leaf fall.

I want to congratulate my beloved husband,
And on a man's holiday I will cry out of love,
So that my cry now reaches the heavens,
So that God gives you a lot of miracles:

Health, which does not care,
So that we are always with you together,
Success in work, patience and strength,
And to love his own wife!

There are so few friends in the world
Everyone has their own path.
But I've been lucky in life -
We've been friends for a long time, to spite everyone.

I wish you on a man's day
Live with a smile, do not lose heart.
Always love your family
Be happy and content! And you should never be discouraged.

May every moment bring good luck
Let success accompany the quarry,
And remember - only those luck awaits
Who works with dignity is the best!

Down with working moments
All the best today is for you:
Flowers, gifts, compliments -
To our colleagues and friends.

Let there be frost and wind outside the window,
February blizzard snowfall -
The best men in the world
To congratulate you, there are no barriers!

Smart, confident, beautiful,
You are the ideal for our ladies,
So it will be fair
In verses in love to confess to you,

To wake up early in the morning
And experiencing culture shock
Soulful, gentle and unexpected
You have read our poem!

On this Day of Defenders
Boys - cheers!
We wish them good luck
Joy, goodness!

Good day! Traditional congratulations from the country's leadership are heard on this day by employees of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation, veterans of the Second World War and other military operations. Wreaths and bouquets of flowers are laid at the monuments of heroic warriors. Broadcast on television and radio holiday concerts And congratulatory speeches. In the evening, in the hero cities, as well as in the settlements where the headquarters of the military districts, fleets and combined arms armies are located, the sky is illuminated by festive fireworks.

We must not forget that among the beautiful half there are also many women who, risking their lives, protect their compatriots from various dangers and cataclysms. On February 23, not only men are honored, but also.

We tried not to offend anyone and prepared a whole collection of congratulations for the Defender of the Fatherland Day. Choose wishes for February 23 in verse and prose, congratulate you cheerfully and. In the selection of congratulations you will find a complete set beautiful words man, husband, dad, brother, son, grandfather and. And, of course, they did not forget about the smallest, making a selection of poems. And we offer to present all this variety of congratulations together with a beautiful card or a card made with love by hand. Well, on February 23, you can also do it yourself.

Beautiful poems

The merits of men before the homeland are true,
But no victories can be seen without women,
After all, the forces invested incredible.
She is a protector, she is also a mother!

Let's congratulate the defenders - women,
After all, Russian women - even in the ranks,
In war or peace, sparing no one's strength
They will sacrifice their lives to protect you.

Today is a test for you, however,
And set the table, and keep silent with a smile,
When your hero after a glass of fifth
Start talking about military affairs!

Well, well, your female share is
I already bought socks for my husband as a gift,
Let the husband rest, celebrating his holiday,
Once a year, let the peasants be the head!


We always congratulate women
On International Women's Day.
But here we kneel
Before those who go into the shadows.

In the shadow of unseen outfits,
Hairstyles, offices, parquet floors.
But who is invisibly next to us.
Let's thank them for that.

We know that under this form
There is a heart full of fire.
Defenders are our relatives,
You with the twenty-third of February!

The poet alone remarked for sure,
(Alas, it wasn't me)
There are women in our villages,
Capable horse
Stop at full gallop
Enter the burning house
And besides, in all the juice,
Beautiful at the same time!
Only the poet was mistaken in one thing:
They are not in the villages.
Those women have been
Reliable shield of the country!
And on the 23rd I want to congratulate them,
I wish you happiness, long years,
Kiss and love!


When women are tired
cook, darn, sew,
heroic profession,
Mastered - serve!

ranks armed,
Shine day and night
So that, slain by their beauty,
The enemies flew away.

So let it serve you peacefully,
Everything will turn out the way
And we will support affectionately
With your man's shoulder!

Defender of the Fatherland Day is partly a women's day,
Here is a list of reasons to prove it:
Without beauties, neither Paris nor Rome can be built,
Let the Viennese waltz play in honor of the woman.

There are girlfriends of officers, wives of the Decembrists,
There are ladies that have chosen the military path for themselves,
We wish the young ladies to be prettier in the fight,
May the sky be clear for the glorious Amazons.


Without women, men will all be lost,
They won't find their socks in the apartment,
They will flaunt in crumpled shirts
And for lunch, only chew noodles.

They barely survive
Temperature 37.2.
And the Earth is not sweet to them without women.
So, girls, from February 23!

So that you are princesses
Men always have their own.
To share the world with them
Definitely for two.

funny sms

Congratulations on February 23 to the beautiful half, women who, on a par with men, stand on the verge of order and the defense of our Motherland! We wish you blooming beauty, order in the service and in your personal life. Joy to you, smiles and realization!

A bright beam warms the heart
Kindness and tenderness
And help you find the key
Thankfully infinite!

In prose

Three cheers for the beautiful half of our Army! You need to have a lot of courage, endurance, strength and composure in order to choose such a difficult path and stand up for the Fatherland, being a woman. We wish our brave ladies health, respect from colleagues, family support and success in their careers.

Today everyone congratulates men, and I want to congratulate lovely women. Since February 23, ladies. You are our protectors, our beauties. store family hearth, give men inspiration, rule this world, always stay loved and happy.

Cool in your own words

Dear women who bear the difficult cross of serving the Fatherland! I wish you, along with the fulfillment of your duty, never forget that after all you are women! And I wish the beautiful half of humanity to be loved, loving and happy!

Although many consider this day an exclusively male holiday, you know that having chosen a service, you have no less rights than brave guys in uniform to demand attention and respect for yourself on February 23rd. You are an adornment of our troops and you will not think for a minute if the Fatherland is in danger. So let smiles and joy always be on your way, your beauty will not fade with time, and your kindness will not dry out even after half a century of life according to the charter.

On a day like this Nice words won't be redundant. I hope that you found what you were looking for, and this is where I end this article. See you, friends! I look forward to your feedback and comments on the publication!

In you February hardening,
But you're such a lighter
What makes you warm in winter
Our bright ray is mischievous!

Let your spiritual light
Will give a magical world on weekdays.
Live beautifully, like in a fairy tale,
No lack of sleep and affection!

When February rages
And we are afraid of the cold,
Your birthday is sad
Dispelled by warm winds!

I want female beauty
And enjoy yourself.
Let the birthday features
Soften with an unearthly smile!

You are a February mimosa
Beauty inexplicable.
You are not afraid of frost
And the winds that blow hard.

Bloom even more
Sweet aroma give.
And my great destiny
Regardless of the rudders!!!

One day in February
I hasten to congratulate you!
You are a woman of mystery
What rare will solve ...

Live always in abundance
Pamper yourself...
Let it be all right
All the way to you!!!

February is what I like
Which also brings joy
For example, you are beautiful
You celebrate your birthday!

I want to be alluring
Like the sun in winter
beautiful, real
And someone's dream!

You must be the goddess of winter
Or just a child of February
But we admire you
Praise for a long time and not in vain!

May your birthday be about you
Poems are composed on Olympus.
Find your happiness in destiny
And take care of it like crystal!

How beautiful winter women are
Not everyone understands...
I assure you, you are simply divine
And my reason for torment...

I adore your eyelashes
Beauty and length of hair.
Always be an independent bird
The one who is not afraid of frost!

February I look forward to
To see you again.
I hasten to congratulate you on your birthday
And wish you all the best in the future!

Let them come to you in packs,
To afford everything as a woman.
Neglect random handouts
And the king, at least, to wait!

On this day in February
I wish you
Live in warmth and prosperity
Be in perfect order!

I wish you from the bottom of my heart
Every month, not just in February,
Good and productive life
Allow yourself in full!

Let beauty not fade
There will be a very harmonious spirit.
Smallest dream comes true
And you will be as light as fluff!

I want to dress fashionably.
February is the time for new coats.
Do not give up to gray worries,
Live only with those who love your heart!

Beauty, the day has come -
February celebrates a new ball
In honor of the birth
You are the creation of the gods!

I wish you happiness and love,
But don't go with the flow
And build your destiny as you want.
Realize your dreams!

To you, who was born in February,
So much God is preparing in life.
Allow yourself some pleasure.
Drive away all cloudy thoughts!

Let the family boat in everyday life
Doesn't ride the waves
And floats in any weather
Perfect, in full sail.

You are a February lady
It means that luck favors.
Stay always hot
Generating a big appetite!

We congratulate today
Happy Birthday to You!
May February bring warmth
And warm the world, loving!

I'm waiting for February to come
Like a long-awaited salary!
Because you have a holiday
And this date the heart is happy!

You represent the female gender
In all its charm...
A richly generous table is set,
Flowers - you and all the attention!

Let the snow sweep outside the windows,
We are not afraid of these frosts.
Spring blooms in your soul
And the laughter sounds special - summer!

In the February cold one day
A beauty was born.
Now this day is very important
For us. And, of course, special!

Accept these congratulations
At birth, your date.
Live the best life on the planet
Let all the praises sing!

I give you my congratulations
On the birthday of February sometimes!
And as a woman I wish you
So that all dreams come true to one!

May the soul always sing in the warmth,
Even if it's cold outside...
And love will find its way into the house
And he never leaves...

On this cold February day
You celebrate your birthday!
I write congratulations for you
I wish a lot in verses from myself:

Let interest give every day
There will be many worthy roads ...
So that snowdrifts do not interfere on the way
Find women's happiness soon!

Happy birthday, February beauty!
You are as beautiful today as ever.
Even the sun in the winter sky smiles
A little warmer than ever...

On a winter morning, on this birthday,
I want to warm your heart.
My wishes from time to time
Impossible to erase...

In them, I wish you a lot of happiness,
Joy, love, earthly riches.
Complete everything please
And keep this verse as an incentive!

You are a miracle that February gave us
And for parents, joy and reward.
We do not regret congratulations for you,
After all, you yourself are more precious than words and treasure!

We wish you to live always in warmth,
Which will be given by everyone who is nearby ...
Try not to deny yourself
Nothing that you are happy about in this life!

I love February because once
You were born on one of his clear days.
Becoming special in the fate of my truly important
And warmly gave her smile ...

Surrounded by its huge positive,
Settled confidence in friendship forever.
On my birthday, I wish immodestly
So that happiness always smiles at you!