Beauty does not come at the expense of health: the safest hair extensions. Which hair extension is better

The visible effect after high-quality extensions of chic strands sometimes outweighs all women’s fears about the deterioration of the condition of their own hair. Few people with unattractive natural hair think for a long time whether hair extensions are harmful. Every lady wants to feel admiring glances, and this aspect is often decisive in making a decision.

You need to understand that any information about the benefits of curl extensions is false, unless you take aesthetic pleasure from a woman’s awareness of her irresistibility as a benefit. The harmlessness of the procedure is the same myth, since caring for your own hair after salon procedure becomes significantly more complicated, which cannot but affect their condition.

There are certain non grata factors under which a good specialist will not recommend the procedure:

  • increased sensitivity of the scalp;
  • allergy to adhesive components or other chemical elements for extended curls;
  • tendency to alopecia;
  • chronic migraines and cerebral circulatory disorders.

Even the most harmless extensions that they can offer you block the follicles, depriving them of healthy air exchange and nutrition, weakening and drying the ends. Depending on which hair extension method is chosen, the losses vary natural beauty natural hair.

The damage from hair extensions cannot be compensated for by urgent cosmetic procedures - restoration will take a lot of time, effort and money.

Difficulties in caring for hair extensions

The budget option to “improve beauty” by adding additional volume is not the safest way to correct the situation. From cheap glue, in addition to quickly losing it required properties and appearance, dandruff appears.

The best thing that can sometimes be done to save your natural curls is to remove the luxurious extensions before the falling off strands begin to take away tufts of weakened hair.

The damage from extensions cannot be eliminated, but it can be minimized:

  • choose a method without using clips to hold the extensions;
  • prefer Slavic curls as they are the least problematic to wash and comb;
  • and the structure of the material for maximum matching with natural ones - this will eliminate the need for touch-up and make it easier to select care products;
  • – the most harmless thing is to wash your hair while standing, with not too tight pressure from the shower diffuser;
  • At night, braid your hair loosely.

Remember - the safest hair extensions are those that do not require the use of high temperatures and toxic elements.

Hair extension methods

Implant modeling is divided into two main technological principles:

  • hot technique;
  • cold method.

The first method involves the use of special capsules, so the second name for this method is “capsule”.

Hot extension

Are capsule hair extensions harmful? Yes. But this technology is one of the most durable methods and therefore is popular. In addition, the capsules contain keratin, which allows you to come to terms with the general negative aspects of the procedure.

The process of attaching implant strands occurs after thoroughly washing your hair with a neutral product and. Then the required number of capsules and the nature of their distribution over the surface of the hair are selected.

A big plus of capsule extensions is freedom of action. You can treat donor strands as if you were your own - dye them, braid them into complex hairstyles, visit pools and saunas. Disadvantages - the capsules periodically “move out” if they are not firmly attached. They are uncomfortable to sleep with, especially in the first week. At very oily skin heads, the validity period of the capsules is reduced by one and a half times.

Hot mount methods:

  1. Italian technology using hot tongs and the formation of an almost invisible keratin capsule at the joint. The method is not considered the safest, but it is among the most durable. Implants are removed by chemically destroying the capsule with a special gel.
  2. English technology is considered less wearable and less comfortable due to the capsules big size. The organic resins used to attach the strands are quite strong, but their service life is half that of Italian resins - about three months.

Cold build-up

The absence of thermal effects on the scalp is the main difference that maintains the prestige of this technology, however, not in all cold modeling techniques this advantage outweighs the significant disadvantages. Good glue for hair extensions is very expensive, and an inexperienced specialist can ruin even the most priceless material.

Cold modeling techniques:

  1. It is not for nothing that tape fastening is noted as the most harmless hair extension, since artificial strands are attached to an adhesive tape element and are easily removed with the assistance of a low-toxic solution. They call it high serviceability - about a year, but with standard care: washing, drying, combing, real time much more modest - 3-4 months. The disadvantage of the method is the limited choice of hairstyles, since the adhesive element in the partings is still noticeable.
  2. Spanish technology also guarantees a period of use of donor curls of at least three months, but in addition to glue and a catalyst for it, this set includes a coloring pigment to mask the joint.
  3. Japanese technology is among the most exotic. You will be offered to grow strands using this method using various accessories, such as beads, tucks, and clips. The Japanese method is not very inventive in terms of endurance - after 1.5-2 months, artificial curls will need to be updated or completely replaced.

Ultra-modern methods of hair extensions

These methods include options that have not yet gained high popularity due to their rare use in salons.

Alternative methods to those already listed include:

  1. Nanogrowth. Planting the finest strands of hair on microscopic capsules can be considered a masterpiece of fine art. The procedure is long and painstaking, but the difference between natural and donor hair is impossible to notice. Shaping any hairstyle will not result in loss of implants, and your hair will amaze with its splendor for at least 6 months. If you answer the question of which hair extensions are worth the money and effort, then the answer is clear.
  2. Ultrasonic modeling has not yet had time to assemble large quantity reviews and has not stood the test of time, but in the future it will take its rightful place between the most popular and safe methods.

Modern cosmetology technologies allow you to get a beautiful appearance in just a few hours, and at the same time you do not need any special costs except for money. Take, for example, hair. Do you want to have a long luxurious mane? To do this, it is not at all necessary to grow your hair for years, you can... grow it in a few hours.

We decided to talk to you today about the hair extension procedure, which has become so popular among those who take care of themselves. Oh, the fact that the effect is obvious - and the hair really looks luxurious (if a real master worked!) - we will not argue with that. Well, what is the situation with this procedure? Doesn’t this procedure harm our health and our, albeit not so luxurious, but still our own hair? We will talk about all this below...

Hair extension procedure and its types

The very name “extension” already speaks for itself. They don't grow hair, but... extend it. Moreover, there are two technologies for such extension – cold and hot.

  • Hot hair extensions It is considered to be the most traumatic for our natural hair, since in this case the extension strands are attached to the root zone of our natural hair using a special hot resin. True, such extensions look very natural, and sometimes it can be difficult to distinguish such hair extensions from natural ones.
  • In case of cold hair extensions There is no thermal effect at all, and the extension strands are attached to our natural hair using special metal clips, sewn to braided hair or glued with special glue. And, although this method of hair extensions is considered to be less harmless, in fact, very often hair extensions in this way look unnatural, and you won’t be able to do every hairstyle with such hair. For example, you will definitely have to forget about your favorite ponytail...

What else you need to know about hair extensions

No matter what method or technology of hair extensions you use, it is always an unnatural procedure, and if the roots of our native hair can withstand “their” load, then they are not designed for additional load, therefore, do not be surprised if they decide to give in under the weight beautiful, but not natural hair.

Also, do not forget that in the process of hair extensions the natural structure of the hair is damaged, since additional strands interfere with their relatives. Well, we won’t write about the fact that after removing such strands (after all, hair extensions are a temporary pleasure), the condition of your hair leaves much to be desired, and it looks simply terrible.

How many beauties regretted that they once decided to get hair extensions, and then cried over their original remnants of hair, which became dull and sparse - they simply cannot be counted...

Well, is it really that bad, and is hair extensions completely evil? But, after all, someone is increasing it, and even remains satisfied with the results - someone can say. Perhaps, if you really want to, you can consider the benefits of hair extensions, and we decided to try to do this. Here's what we managed to find that was “useful”:

  1. A quick (2-3 hours) change of image that raises your self-esteem.
  2. Luxurious hair (so what if it’s artificial!).
  3. An additional percentage of attention from men (as you know, men like long-haired women more, and they consider long hair to be a manifestation of femininity).

That's probably all. Do you know about any other benefits of hair extensions - share this information with us...

Harm and disadvantages of hair extensions

But we didn’t have any problems with the points regarding the “harmfulness” of this procedure. To all of the above we simply added that:

  • There are restrictions on hair extensions such as baths and swimming in sea water.
  • They must be handled very carefully.
  • The cost of this procedure is not cheap, and correction must be carried out once every 1.5 months and it also costs money.
  • It is necessary to properly care for such hair that is not your own.
  • If you decide to save on hair extensions and choose inexpensive types of extensions, they will look too unnatural on your natural hair.
  • You will have to forget about using hair balms and masks, and also limit your choice of hairstyles to a minimum.
  • Many girls with hair extensions complain that they... feel uncomfortable sleeping, and they constantly feel discomfort and inconvenience, and besides, such hair gets very tangled.
  • Dandruff may appear.

Thanks to modern technologies girls no longer have to think about how to get beautiful, thick and long hair. After all various methods extensions will help you create a unique hairstyle in a few hours. Of course, you can grow curls on your own, but it will take a lot of time, and you want to be beautiful right now. And in pursuit of fashion, we don’t even think about what hair extensions are, whether they are harmful and what type is better to choose, so as not to regret what we have done.

How does extensions affect hair?

Before you think about whether it is harmful for you and how it will affect the health of your curls, you need to understand that it can be the most different types. Although they all belong to two technologies: cold and hot extensions. The second is more traumatic and can damage the hair. The fact is that this technology involves attaching strands to natural hair using hot resin. But it is popular because it looks more natural. With cold growth, the thermal side of the process is completely absent. The strands are attached to the hair using special fastening systems. This technology is not as beautiful, but it is less harmful to your hair. It is also worth understanding that any extension is for hair. The fact is that they may not withstand the additional weight and begin to fall out. Often hair extensions, the photo of which can be seen below, leads to the fact that your own curls look sparse and split.

Pros and cons of extensions

In order to once and for all decide what hair extensions are, whether it is harmful to our health and what the right thing to do if you want to have long and thick curls, you need to consider all the advantages and disadvantages of this process. Which positive sides extensions can be distinguished?

  1. In a short period of time you will get very beautiful hair, which, otherwise, you would have to grow for years.
  2. You will receive psychological and emotional satisfaction, because with thick and voluminous hair you will like yourself more.
  3. The opposite sex pays attention to girls with beautiful long hair.

Many ladies, believing that beauty is the most important thing in our lives, do not think about what disadvantages extensions can bring to their hair. And there are quite a lot of them:

  1. After some types of extensions, you will not be able to visit the sauna, pool, or swim in the sea.
  2. This procedure is very expensive, and you also need to do corrections once a month to make your hair look perfect. And this is also not a cheap pleasure.
  3. Often after getting extensions, girls realize that foreign hair in their hair is not a very pleasant sensation.
  4. Such curls need to be monitored more carefully.
  5. If you choose a cheaper type, it will be too noticeable. The best option is salon hair extensions, the prices for which are very high.

Is tape extensions harmful?

Tape hair extensions are the most popular type recently. The procedure is fairly quick and painless. It is relatively safe. But it is worth remembering that if the condition of your own strands is poor, it is better for you to refuse extensions. Their condition must be determined by the master, so find good specialist. Thin hair may not be able to withstand tape extensions and may break. Tape hair extensions do not allow the use of masks, balms, or complex hairstyles. On average, the procedure costs about 13,000 rubles.

Harm from capsule extensions: consumer reviews

It is considered no less popular. Although, despite this, it is quite harmful. The fact is that in this case the strands are attached using special capsules that are heated when high temperature. Due to its features, capsule hair extensions allow you to create more natural hair, but at the same time your own hair is subjected to too much stress. Reviews about the capsule form indicate that after it you can curl your curls without any problems, create any desired hairstyle, but it cannot be done if you are prone to allergies. Also, girls often point out that strands come out during wear, making appearance sloppy. Therefore, once a month you need to make adjustments, and this means new stress for your own hair. Many pointed out that this procedure is quite lengthy, it can take up to 4 hours. In addition, capsule extensions are quite expensive. On average, the procedure will cost about 16,000 rubles.


Many, having watched popular videos on the Internet, decide that they can attach additional strands to their hair at home, so as not to go to and pay extra money for hair extensions. Is it harmful? Of course yes. Especially if you don't know the basic rules.

It’s worth finding quality materials so you don’t regret your decision later. It's best to go to a professional shop rather than a market. What do you need to buy to do this procedure at home?

  1. The strands themselves.
  2. Special distributor.
  3. A razor to straighten the joints.
  4. Tongs that will secure the curls.
  5. Resin.

How to properly care for hair extensions?

So that after the extension procedure you do not regret what you have done, you need to know how to take care of the beauty of artificial strands.

Which extension method is better?

Hair extensions are a real salvation for women who cannot grow their own long, thick locks. Modern salons can offer several options for this procedure:

  • Japanese (cold) extension;
  • Italian (hot) extensions;
  • tape extension.

Let's take a closer look at each of these methods to determine which one is the safest and will not harm your hair.

Japanese hair extensions

One of the most common cold-type techniques is extensions using metal clips. For the procedure, both natural and artificial strands are used, which can be used again in the future. If your own hair is weak and brittle, then this method is prohibited.

The procedure is carried out using special copper clips that are attached to the natural hair. The extension takes 3-5 hours. After 4 months, it is necessary to carry out a correction, since due to the regular growth of your own hair, the clips are displaced.

The cold extension method is far from perfect, since the hair cannot be combed up - the capsules will be visible. In addition, the clips may become loose and the strand will fall off. In the place where artificial curls are attached, creases form, which damage the natural hair. That is why, after removing extensions, women often have to cut their hair short.

Tape hair extensions

Professionals call this procedure Hair Talk. It can be done in almost any beauty salon. The duration of the extension is from 30 minutes to an hour. It all depends on the skills of the master and the thickness of the client’s hair.

No special equipment is required for this extension. The tapes themselves are strands 4 cm wide. They are attached using a special safe polymer-based glue.

This buildup is expected to last for about a year. However, it is necessary to make corrections at least once every 3 months. This is due to the fact that your own hair constantly grows, which is why the extensions fall down, moving away from the roots. The correction procedure involves moving the tapes to their original place.

There is also micro-tape extensions, which do not involve chemical effects on the hair. The procedure takes no more than 30-40 minutes. Its essence lies in the fact that in the direction of growth of the native hair, the master attaches elastic and transparent micro-ribbons of the extensions. This method is suitable even for those who have very Thin hair. In addition, this method is as safe as hot extensions.

Increasing hair length using micro tapes is considered the simplest and fastest method. However, it is worth remembering that the result depends on the professionalism of the master, so there is no need to save on hairdressing services.

Italian (hot) hair extensions

This technology is called Euro Co Soap. She is rightfully considered the most safe procedure building up. In this case, the master attaches the strands using keratin and special thermal curling irons. It should be noted that keratin is very beneficial for hair.

The extension procedure lasts about 4 hours, after which you will amaze others with gorgeous curls for several months. The extensions are quite easily removed in a salon environment without harming your own hair.

Thus, if you decide to artificially extend your hair, choose the Italian (hot) or micro-tape method.

However, alas, not everyone has been blessed with such wealth by nature, so modern girls are forced to wait months or even years for their hair to grow back.

But fortunately today the beauty industry allows you to get the coveted long hair in a shorter period of time thanks to extension procedure, but you need to choose the safest hair extensions.

What is?

Hair extensions are a hairdressing procedure, the principle of which is to add additional curls to existing hair in order to make them longer.

Which hair extensions are safer? Extension may have different technologies depending on the method:

  • Hot a method that includes, for example, Italian and English extension technologies.
  • Cold method, which includes such types as tape, using metal beads, etc.

Harm from the procedure

Our hair is our wealth, so we try in every possible way to protect it from various external influences. But, unfortunately, in pursuit of healthy and long curls, girls often face difficult choices.

It is useless to argue about whether it is harmful to do extensions, because disastrous effect for hair it is obvious here. Meanwhile, it is worth noting that everything depends on various factors.

Therefore, this article will help you choose the most harmless hair extensions, indicating this procedure.

For example, it is important to take into account the qualifications of the master you contacted: it is obvious that a hairdresser with little experience will do a job of lower quality than a real one. Also sensitivity and hair structure: strong hair They will tolerate the procedure more easily and their recovery will be faster.

And, of course, the degree of harm during extensions depends on the method of the procedure you choose and the corresponding ones. When performing such a complex procedure as extensions, be sure to contact a professional.

Do not try deal with this on your own, especially when it comes to extensions.

The most painless hair extensions

In order to determine which hair extensions are the safest, you need to consider each one in detail separately.


Let's start with the most popular method - hot extensions. The popularity of this method was brought by a special technology (note that it was in Italy that this industry received a huge impetus in its development).

The name of this technology is capsule building up. It differs from others in that during the procedure itself, artificial ones are attached to natural ones using special capsules.

At the same time, hairdressers promise us hair lengthening up to 60-70 centimeters, which will last 2-3 months. But is it safe?

It is clear that hot extensions cause some harm, since thermal exposure is extreme stress for hair. However, it is worth noting that the capsules used in this method, are created on the basis of keratin.

Keratin– a natural fibrillar protein that is part of the hair structure. It is he who gives it the necessary strength.

Everything must be taken into account: date of manufacture, composition, brand, country of origin, etc. And, of course, if you want your hairstyle to last as long as possible, the capsules not to roll off, and the ribbons not to come off - choose a good one verified specialist

Tape technology

Now let's take a closer look at the technology. Since it refers to cold extension methods, the master will not use heating here.

And the complete absence of thermal effects makes this type completely harmless to your curls. New strands are glued using a special adhesive tape.

This execution procedure lasts not for long, and the effect, as experts say, lasts up to 2.5 months. Also, if you get tired of long hair, you can unfasten the artificial strands with your own hands whenever you wish.


In other words, extensions are simply rightfully considered one of the safest. The process proceeds as follows: first, the hairdresser weaves from natural hair thin identical braids.

Then tresses are sewn to each braid one by one. You should ensure that all tresses are sewn evenly and neatly, otherwise the hairstyle will not look natural.

The service life of this hairstyle is relatively short - 1.5 months, but no artificial materials, which can in any way harm the health of the hair.

Hair extensions with clips

And for those who absolutely do not accept any impact on their hair, there is another option - false hair on hairpins. This method cannot be classified as extensions, but the effect is the same - long, luxurious hair.

The method does not require any special skills or abilities, as it is quite simple to perform. You just need to make a backcomb from natural strands and attach false hair to them with clips.

But this also has its downsides. Wearing these for too long is not recommended, as your head may feel heavy. And it will take a decent amount of time to do the hairstyle. Although the effect is worth it.

When purchasing extensions, try to choose those that are as close as possible to your natural tone.


In conclusion, it is worth saying that this article analyzes the safest extension methods.

Which one is right for your hair is up to you and your specialist to decide. Remember that you need to approach this business wisely, and then your time, money and efforts will bear fruit.