Carnival celebration at school. Maslenitsa script for elementary school. VI. Saturday “Sister-in-Law’s Gatherings”

Olga Gudym

Phonogram of Russian folk songs. Holiday call signs.

Buffoon 1: Hello, good people!

Hello, beautiful girls! Hello, good fellows!

Good day to all good people May the holiday be happy!

If you don't know, let us know! Today we celebrate Maslenitsa!

We bid farewell to winter and ring in spring!

Buffoon 2: Now don't let us down,

Answer the questions.

Give me the answer

Only “yes” or only “no”.

Are you going to the fair? (Children answer)

Have you stocked up on enthusiasm?

Shall we sing, play, dance?

Are you by any chance a hundred years old?

Do you have a bag of candy?

Shall we compete with you?

How about achieving success?

Well then don't be discouraged

And go to the fair!

Buffoon 1: And now, kids, funny girls and boys, let’s get acquainted,

Let this day be remembered for many years to come.

Clap your hands together for Dima, Kolya and Alyosha.

Vladik, Yura, Nastya here?

If here, then don’t pull and stomp your feet.

Sasha and Seryozha, Ani and Natasha,

Lyuda, Irochka and Vicky, wave your hands to us.

We cannot embrace all our friends, we cannot name all their names.

We ask the rest of you to clap loudly in place!

Buffoon 2: End of February, beginning of March. People are tired of winter, of the cold. Are you tired? (children answer) Are you waiting for spring? Do you like warmth? Let's spend the winter and welcome spring. And this holiday is called... What? (Children answer) Correct. And they also call it Wide Maslenitsa. Because it lasted a whole week. Today is the first day of Maslenitsa - a meeting. We will sing songs, dance, play, and eat pancakes.

Come on, kids, turn left and right.

We celebrate Maslenitsa with jokes and fun!

Buffoon 1: And here’s the first fun - you need to smile wider!

Come on, Petrushechka, let’s see who’s smiling the biggest here. Show me your teeth. We're going to the Holidays.

Smile from the heart and clap loudly in your palms and stomp your feet in tune.

Round dance "Month of my friend"

Buffoon 2: Here, Petrushka, look, whoever stomps his feet in harmony and claps his hands louder, we will certainly reward him with a prize. Take a look and mark the best ones.

Buffoon 1: I'm a big prankster at heart. I love cheerful laughter

And I want this holiday to go well for everyone.

And we will not be shy in front of honest people

Let's hold hands tightly and dance in a round dance!

Boogie-woogie dance

Buffoon 2: And now, guys, guess the riddles about winter and spring, and about Maslenitsa. (Winter has just lurked, doesn’t want to leave, we need to solve riddles that will drive Winter away)

He grabbed the cheeks, the tip of the nose, and painted the window without asking:

But who is it? Here's the question! All this does. (freezing).

As soon as there is a breath of winter, they are always with you.

Two sisters will warm you up, their names are. (mittens).

She said goodbye to the last snowdrift

And smiled at the new grass (Spring)

We are happy to overtake each other.

Look, my friend, don't fall!

Good then, easy

Fast. (skates)

Two birch horses

They carry me through the snow

These red horses

And their names are. (skis)

There's a game in the yard in the morning, the kids are playing out

Shouts are heard: “Hit the puck!” So there is a game of... (Hockey)

Spring is in the air

Soon the brown snow will melt

Streams run here and there

They make nests (Rooks)

If the sun shines brighter

If the birds can't sleep

If the evening became warmer -

So it means that Spring has come to us

Dance "Ku-ka-re-ku"

Buffoon 1: Now we will test our boys. Whichever boy is the best and bravest will win the prize. Come on, is there anyone interested?

Tug of War

Buffoon 1: Listen, why are we wasting time? We need to call Maslenitsa. How is Maslenitsa called? Who knows? There are special spring calls.

Larks on straws. come to us. bring it to us. summer is warm. red spring. Just as Petrushka waves her arms, you shout loudly “GUUU!”, agreed? Let's rehearse, three. four.

Everyone: (loudly) GUUU!

Buffoon 1: Well, now it seems to be working out. We look at Petrushka. got ready. And. Larks on straws. come to us. bring it to us. warm summer, red spring.

All: GUUU!

Buffoon 1: The yard is full of guests, we’ve all been waiting for pancakes for a long time.

All: GUUU!

Buffoon 1: Louder “GUUU!”, three. four.

Music is playing.

The tallest girl is pushed out of the crowd to play the role of Maslenitsa, and they dress her up in front of the audience:

Our dear guest Maslenitsa (bows to her, Avdotyushka Izotyevna! White Dunya, rosy Dunya.

The braid is long, three arshins long (puts the braid on her).

A white, new-fashioned scarf (covers her head with a scarf)

The skirt is blue, satin (wears).

Buffoon 1: Here comes Maslenitsa! Meet Maslenitsa!

Everyone bows to Maslenitsa from the waist.

Oh, you, Maslenitsa, Oh, you are wide.

Stay for a week, Stay for another!

Maslenitsa is with us, which means spring is on the doorstep. Hello beautiful, hello wide!

Maslenitsa: Hello, good people! Give me a wave and show me how much fun you have here! Well, good people, I came to feed you pancakes and entertain you with games and funny dances.

Buffoon 2: Let's celebrate Maslenitsa

Let me treat you to pancakes.

Let's praise Maslenitsa

Yes, lead round dances.

Buffoon 1: In order to get a pancake, you need to celebrate Maslenitsa with a fun dance. Now Maslenitsa will dance, repeat her movements after her. (Addresses the guys.) Whichever of you manages to repeat the movements will certainly receive a pancake, and congratulations from Maslenitsa. So, are you ready to dance? Then take a closer look at Maslenitsa.

Dance with Maslenitsa

Buffoon 1:

The Russian winter must be spent

The old-fashioned way is fun and friendly.

You're not supposed to be sad here today,

So, our holiday continues.

Game - ball in a circle

Dance game “A goat walked through the forest”

Jumping over the broom

Dance "Friendship"

Buffoon 2:

Walk, round dance,

Have fun honest people,

On land open to the winds,

We end the holiday

In honor of the ruddy eminent

In a ringing song not forgotten

Our Mother Winter!

Buffoon 1: And what do we wish for Maslenitsa this spring day? Health, happiness, fun, prosperity! To come to us every year.

And we wish everyone happiness and health this Maslenitsa. Empress Maslenitsa, you and I boasted and had fun.


According to ancient tradition

We're in a round dance now

Let's spend the winter together

And we'll say goodbye right now.

Round dance "Farewell Maslenitsa"

Buffoon 2: Goodbye, Zimushka-winter,

Thank you for coming to visit us.

One two three four five!

In a year we will meet again at this place again. (Repeat all together)

Goodbye, Zimushka,

Hello, spring is red!

Maslenitsa holiday at school.


Leading . -Maslenitsa- great holiday in Rus'. Maslenitsa occurs at the end of February - beginning of March. It heralds the end of winter and the beginning of spring. People celebrate Maslenitsa with jokes, games, dancing, and hearty feasts, always with pancakes.

Leading.- People believed that by celebrating Maslenitsa, they were helping the sun to defeat winter. Hence the special meaning of the symbols used during the holiday: the image of the Sun in the form of a rolling burning wheel, pancakes, each of which looks like a small sun.

Leading-. First day Maslenitsa weekMonday – Maslenitsa meeting.


Monday - on this day

We are not too lazy to meet Maslyana.

The day is called “meeting”

All day from morning to evening.

Buffoon. It's coming! It's coming! Maslenitsa is coming! The wide one is coming!

(The music intensifies. Buffoons, merchants, peddlers, etc. appear.

They dance, make faces, amuse the people, sprinkle them with confetti and snowflakes. Maslenitsa floats out with them - a huge scarecrow. The buffoons shout invitations, move around Maslenitsa, bow to it, praise it, tease it.)


Buffoon .

Oh Maslenitsa - torticollis

We'll see you well!

Cheese, butter, roll

And a baked egg!

And we met Maslenitsa

They filled the bag with cheese,

They poured oil on the mountain,

They were inviting people into the wide yard.

Like on Shrovetide

Pancakes were flying from the table,

And cheese and cottage cheese -

Everything flew under the threshold.

Attention attention!

Folk festival!

Hurry up honest people -

Maslenitsa is calling everyone!

People are honest and lucky,

Come to our clearing.

All rows have been captured in the morning

There are all sorts of goodies on the shelves.

Hurry up, hurry up quickly,

Hurry up to borrow best places,

If you don’t borrow it yourself, your neighbor will get it.

Go ahead without hesitation,

No tickets or rubles needed -

Only great mood!

Run, jump, stretch your bones,

Today Maslenitsa invites you to visit.

Maslenitsa, darling,

You are welcome, make yourself at home -

The whole territory is familiar to you

Together . Hello Maslenitsa!

Leading. Tuesday is a time for games and entertainment.

We'll play on Tuesday

Let's play before the post.

Show yourself to us Maslyana,

Shanga, pancake, pie.

At Vanyusha Gate

The round dance winds and winds.

People are gathering at Vanyusha's Gate.

Buffoons. Wow, you Vanya - simplicity.

Opening the gate.

A chest.

Silver patch.

A poker and a rolling pin.

With a grip and a spinning wheel.

A new thread under the gate.

(Games, round dance “Ant and Dragonfly”.)

Leading. Wednesday has a sweet tooth, a gourmand.

Wednesday is reputed to be delicious:

Cook it, bake it!

Maslenitsa pleases,

He seats all the guests at the table.

Leading . They indulge in pancakes all week, and especially on this day. And they serve sour cream, jam, honey, fish caviar, and melted butter with the pancakes.

Eat, enjoy, and don’t offend the hostess - praise her.

When you hear the good news -

Clap your hands.

And if not very good -

Stomp your feet.

It's Spring's birthday today! (claps)

Let's enjoy pancakes and cookies! (claps)

We ask you to leave winter quickly! (claps)

Here they are ready to spend their last ruble! (Stomp)

I'll give you a box of chocolates for playing! (claps)

You open it, and there’s nothing there! (Stomp)

Women and girls have lit all the fires! (claps)

Pancakes for everyone, pancakes baked for everyone! (claps)

Pancakes with honey and jam! (claps)

Not pancakes, but delicious food! (claps)

Sweet pancakes with filling! (claps)

All with down feathers! (Stomp)

And others even with pillows! (Stomp)

And others with shells! (Stomp)

Folk song "Pancakes".


Here are the pancakes!

Baked in the oven

And juicy and milky,

And grainy

And crumbly,

With smoke, with steam,

With a headache!

(Treats everyone with pancakes)

Leading . Thursday is a riot, a turning point, the most fun day.

Take a walk - Thursday has come,

I set the table in the morning.

Pancake-eating Maslenitsa

Everyone will be fed until lunchtime.

Leading. This day marks the middle of the butter gulba. They celebrated the revival of sunny days. On the eel, behind the village, they stuck a long pole with tied rags. And starting from that day, the peasants demolished all the rubbish there. This continued until Sunday.

(A group in Russian folk costumes comes out. The sound is “Barynya”)

How to dance let's go - put on your heels!

Go out in a circle and dance a little!

(They sing ditties to the melody of “Kalinka”)


How early I got up,

She cleaned up quickly.

Chorus. (everyone sings)

Maslenitsa has come to us,

She brought pancakes and butter.

How I stood by the hot stove,

I baked pretzels and rolls.

Chorus. (everyone sings)

Pancakes with pretzels

For my dear friend Vanyushka,

For beloved Pakhomushka

Hit the head with a ladle

(Everyone laughs and dances)


She was white and gray

She came green and young.

(Winter and Spring)

What grows upside down?


A peahen flew in and sat on the lava,

I loosened the feather and everything became green.


The old grandfather will shake his beard,

Everything will be covered with snow.

(Father Frost)


Oh look where the fly comes from!

Aims Vanka right in the ear!

And what a crocodile

As if she didn’t kill Vanka!

So in winter where does the fly come from?

Look, he's aiming for Styopka's belly!

And what a hippopotamus!

I want to kill her!

Does a fly understand

What is the Oil Can in front of her?

It's stuck, nowhere!

I clicked it then-

Oh no way, no way again!

Hey, motherfucker, is that so!

Let me tell you, it doesn’t work...

The fly seems to be laughing!

I'm her pillow now!

What's missing, you evil fly!?

Here you go again, get it!

It will be summer - come.

In the meantime, we are waiting for spring,

I'll eat on Thursday.


Leading . Friday - mother-in-law's evening (sons-in-law go to visit their mothers-in-law for pancakes)


Mother-in-law runs in . Mother-in-law. Vanka!

Son-in-law. What is mother-in-law?

mother-in-law . What are you Vanyusha, thin and skinny! And you can’t see your cheeks at all from the back. Well, let's go to my place for pancakes!

Son-in-law Guard, save! They'll feed you to death! (He tries to escape, but his mother-in-law intercepts him and throws him backstage, and she goes to the front of the stage)

Mother-in-law. I baked a cake for my son-in-law

There are three octopus flour in that pie,

Four rubles worth of salt and cereals!

Luchka and flour for seven rubles

Butter with eggs for eight rubles!

Is this the twenty ruble pie!

The son-in-law sat down... Ate it in a sitting!

(The pot-bellied son-in-law appears)

mother-in-law . How did your son-in-law not get torn apart?

Son-in-law. (pats himself on the stomach) and I have a rubber stomach. Give me the same amount and half as much, I’ll sweep that too!

mother-in-law. I’ll take a brand new baton, a velvet baton! (The mother-in-law is chasing the son-in-law with a club. The son-in-law pulls out a pillow from his bosom and fights off the mother-in-law. The mother-in-law leaves)

Son-in-law. Let me mother-in-law get home. I'll give my wife all these beatings!

mother-in-law .(Appearing unnoticed) What you said!

Son-in-law. Ah-ah-ah! (runs away)

Leading. Saturday is a sister-in-law’s gathering, but also a parent’s Saturday called.

Wide Maslenitsa helps daughters-in-law

The sister-in-law collects, treats her to pancakes,

Gives gifts.

(The girls sit on benches, everyone has spinning wheels in their hands, either knitting or embroidering. They do needlework and sing.)

Once upon a time there was Dunya, Dunya the fine weaver

Lyuli - lyuli, Dunya, Dunya the fine weaver.

Our Dunya spun neither thick nor thin,

Neither thick nor thin, thicker than a rope,

Thicker than a rope, thinner than a shaft.

Our Dunya began to wear little canvas,

She went back and forth and broke the stakes.

Our Dunya began to weave canvas,

She walked through seven villages and didn’t get a reed.

In the garden I wove and nailed it with a stake.

The boyars were driving

God help us - they said -

God help me they said -

Did you weave a horn?

Your face is lying -

This is not matting -

Thin canvas -


Buffoon . Hey daughters-in-law, come forward! Maslenitsa is calling you!

Sisters-in-law. We are listening to you Maslenitsa!

Maslenitsa . Oh, what beauties! The sixth day of Maslenitsa is “sister-in-law’s gatherings.” Are you young daughters-in-law?

Sisters-in-law. Young!

Maslenitsa. Unmarried life, perhaps, haven’t you forgotten?

Sisters-in-law. (Sigh) How can you forget it - your unmarried life?!

Maslenitsa. And then invite your family - friends and relatives - to your place.

In the house of your father-in-law and mother-in-law today you are the mistress!

Sisters-in-law. Thank you Maslenitsa! (Run away)

Leading . Sunday – Forgiveness Sunday, farewell, kissing day.

Sunday - farewell, and also forgiveness of all!

We will ask for forgiveness and kiss you last.

Leading . For their guilt on the eve of the Monday of Lent, with a pure soul they asked each other for forgiveness, begged to forget the insults, and not to keep the evil in their minds. This usually happened in the evening, before bed after dinner. Forgiveness was concluded with a kiss and a low bow, and before dinner they burned

Maslenitsa outside the outskirts:

Goodbye Maslenitsa.

Goodbye, my dear.


Goodbye, Maslenitsa, our guest,

Great Lent is coming.

Everyone in the village has eaten up.

Herring tail is served.

Lent is coming

They will give us radish tail.

But we don’t take radishes,

We pull the cat's ears.

Maslenitsa - Erzovka, the cheat deceived us!

She left us with sour kvass.

For empty cabbage soup, for hungry grub.

Oh Maslenitsa - beauty, left us with half a piece,

She brought me to the point of fasting - she ran away herself!

Oh Maslenitsa come back!

Show yourself to us again!

Take the cold winter away from us,

Don't leave hungry for grub!

Maslenitsa is gone, goodbye!

Come visit us next year.


Goodbye Maslenitsa, goodbye!

Come visit us all again.

(The Maslenitsa effigy is taken out and burned in the yard)


In the hall where the holiday will take place, Maslenitsa stands on a special stand on the stage (large straw or Ragdoll on a stick, which will later be burned on the street). Guests enter the hall.

The buffoons run out:

All buffoons:

Hello, guests, you are welcome.

We open Maslenitsa wide and let the fun begin!


Maslenitsa is coming, dear,

Our annual guest,

On painted sleighs,

On black horses.

Maslenitsa lasts seven days!

Presenter 1:

Each day of Maslenitsa week had its own name and its own special traditions. Monday is called MEETING. In the morning, snowy roller coasters are raised, swings and booths are built, and pancakes are started to be baked.

Presenter 2:

A scarecrow of Maslenitsa is seated on one sleigh. A pillar with a spinning wheel - a symbol of the sun - is placed on another sleigh. A sleigh train drawn by mummers passes through the streets, inviting everyone to the holiday.



The meeting is an inviting day,

But here we have a dance competition.

2nd Buffoon.

Come here, people, the one who dances goes ahead.

1st Buffoon.

Warmed us up many times cheerfuldanced

Dance melodies “Barynya”, “Lezginka”, “Yablochko” and “Rock and Roll” are played. The teams are dancing, the best are great.

Presenter 1:

On Tuesday, various kinds of entertainment began: sleigh rides “in the sun” (clockwise) to help the sun drive away winter; settled down folk festivals…,

Presenter 2:... performances with Petrushka, ice slides.


Tuesday – PLAY!

1st Buffoon.

We continue the program

For guests, for friends, for everyone!

2nd Buffoon.

We begin a panorama of amazing fun

1st Buffoon.

We'll play on Tuesday

It's great to greet the sun!

2nd Buffoon.

We have one idea for the most dexterous and skillful.

Presenter 1:

Everything is ready here now for this fun.

Presenter 2:

Try to run a relay race in a bag.

The game "Sack Run" begins.

The music “Barynya” sounds

Presenter 2:

On Wednesday, mothers-in-law invite their sons-in-law for pancakes,

Presenter 1:

sons-in-law bring gifts - painted gingerbread cookies. Every family sets tables with delicious food and bakes pancakes.

Presenter 2: Relatives gather. To come visit for pancakes, they stocked up on proverbs and sayings.


And here is the third day of Maslenitsa -GOURMMAN!

1st Buffoon.

Maslenitsa is walking on the ice,

Carrying pancakes in a frying pan.

2nd Buffoon.

Take the young -

Take it apart!

Presenter 1 :

And pancakes are magical, with proverbs. Disassemble the “pancakes”, you need to complete the proverbs

1. It’s time for business, ...... an hour for fun.

2. The sun paints the earth, and man......... labor.

3. Patience and work...................... everything will grind

4. Measure seven times, ................... cut once

5. Don’t have a hundred rubles, ............... but have a hundred friends

Presenter 1:

The fourth day of Maslenitsa, Broad Thursday - RAVE A WALK!

Presenter 2: From this day on, Maslenitsa unfolded in all its breadth. The people indulged in all sorts of fun: the capture of a snow fortress, fist fights, all kinds of brave fun.



Presenter 1:

Maslenitsa spread out!

Well done - fight!

Presenter 2:

Come, old and young,

Tug of war!

“Tug of War” is organized

We had fun with the heroic strength!

Presenter 1:

Friday is mother-in-law's evening. Parents go to visit their children. The young housewife is preparing pancakes.

Presenter 2:

Sons-in-law treat their mother-in-law. The mother-in-law was obliged to send everything necessary for baking pancakes in the evening and teach her daughter-in-law some old secret recipe and a good song

1st Buffoon.

I’ve already walked around the world, there’s no better Russian song!

2nd Buffoon.

Where the song is sung, life is easier there!

2nd Buffoon.

Sing a Russian song, a sonorous, soulful song!

They sing Russian folk songs and hold a competition of ditties.

Presenter 1: on Saturdays there were “SISTER-IN-LAW’S Gatherings”

Presenter 2: Sister-in-law is the husband's sister.

So, on this Saturday, young daughters-in-law hosted their relatives, and tried to introduce unmarried sisters-in-law to unmarried guys from their relatives or friends.

Presenter 1 : A whole series of Maslenitsa customs were aimed at speeding up weddings,

to assist young people in finding a mate.

1st Skomorokh

Come, honest people:

And boys, and girls, and well done, and well done!

Presenter1: Now we will play the game of jumping rope.

Game jumping rope (big jump rope, who is bigger)

Presenter 1:

The last day of Maslenitsa week was called " Forgiveness Sunday" Relatives and friends did not go to each other to celebrate, but asked forgiveness for intentional and accidental insults and upsets.

Presenter 2: When meeting (sometimes even with a stranger), one was supposed to stop and bow three times to ask for mutual forgiveness. On this day, all insults and insults are forgiven, because it is necessary to meet spring with a clear conscience.

One line:

Forgive me for whatever I have done or sinned against you.

Another line:

May God forgive you, and I forgive you.

Everyone bows to each other.

1st Buffoon:

It's time to call for spring!


Spring, red spring!

2nd buffoon

Come, spring, with joy,

With great mercy:

With tall flax,

With deep roots,

With plenty of bread!

The appearance of Spring with the Sun by the hand.

The song "D" is playing i beginning-spring"


We go with abundant bread,

With high sheaves,

With raspberries, currants,

With every garden,

Spring and the Sun together:

With the sun, with the showers,

With wondrous songs,

With difficulty, care,

With fun and treats!



Presenter 1:


Presenter 2: A straw effigy is solemnly burned as a sign of the victory of life over death; the ashes are spread across the field to give strength to the crops and the future harvest.

1st buffoon

Goodbye, Maslenitsa - cheat,

You stayed with us for a short time,

2nd buffoon

I only stayed for seven days,

And we thought you’d stay for seven years!

1st buffoon

Ay, Maslenitsa, come back!

IN New Year ride!


Goodbye, Maslenitsa, goodbye, Broad!

Presenter 1

Well done, you did a good job, and now let’s all go into the yard to burn Maslenitsa.

The song “Goodbye Maslenitsa” is played.

Maslenitsa, which stood on the stage, is taken out into the street and burned. You can also invite everyone to write down all the bad things on pieces of paper, for example: illness, bad mood, bad marks etc. and throw these leaves into the fire. And after Maslenitsa is burned, you can already go drink tea with pancakes.

Goals: introduce children to the traditions of the Russian people,

Develop students' speech, enrich vocabulary,

teach the rules of hospitality, cultivate respect for elders.

The leading children come out.

1.Attention! Attention!

Have a fun party!

Get ready soon, people!

You see, Maslenitsa is coming to us!

The annual Maslenitsa has arrived,
Our dear guest!
She doesn’t come to us on foot,
Everyone arrives on horseback.
Her horses are black,
They have golden manes,
And the sleighs are painted.

2. Maslenitsa, be healthy,

We'll see you well!

With pancakes

With loaves of bread,

With dumplings!

3.Maslen week

I came to visit.

Sat down on a stump,

Ate some pancakes

I snacked on others

I trotted home.

4. Come visit us for a holiday

Both quiet and prankster.

Our tea will be hot...

There will be a pancake and a roll,

There will be games and laughter

There will be a holiday for everyone!

Hurry up, dress up,

Come join us for the holiday!!!

Presenter: Hello, dear guests!

Welcome to our wide yard

On Broad Maslenitsa!

We always welcome good guests!

We welcome them with sweet tea

Let's treat you to pancakes!

Maslenitsa is one of the most beloved holidays of the Russian people, the most cheerful and riotous. He was awaited by everyone with great impatience. Maslenitsa was called honest, wide, cheerful, they called it “Boyaryna - Maslenitsa”, “Mistress - Maslenitsa”. They talked to Maslenitsa as if she were a living being: she was either “dear guest”, sometimes “a crooked woman”, sometimes “a pretty maiden”, sometimes “Avdotya Ivanovna”.

In many places in Russia they made a stuffed animal out of straw, but it did not have a face. It was believed that if there is a face, then there will be a soul. And we walked around the village with her - glorifying Maslenitsa. She was honored as a rare guest.

So we have “Mistress – Maslenitsa” (straw doll).

Children presenters:

1. Our dear Maslenitsa, Avdotya Ivanovna,

Annual Maslenitsa.

Our dear guest!

She doesn't come to us on foot,

Everything comes on horseback,

Her horses are black,

The servants are young.

Oh, Maslenitsa is a torticollis,

We'll meet you well

Cheese, butter, roll

And a baked egg!

2. Attention! Attention!

Have a fun party!

Maslenitsa! Wide Maslenitsa!

Come on, let's all have some fun,

Let's spin around in a quick dance!

We need to get up in a round dance,

Celebrate Maslenitsa!

Round dance around Maslenitsa (to the tune of “Tomorrow is Saturday for us”)

And we met Maslena,

We visited the hill,

We've been, soul, we've been.

They lined the mountain with pancakes,

They filled the mountain with cheese,

They laid it out, soul, they laid it out.

They stuffed, soul, they stuffed.

They poured oil on the mountain,

And we met Maslena,

They watered, soul, watered.

We met, soul, we met.

Presenter: Maslenitsa falls at the end of February - beginning of March and lasts a whole week. Every day has its own name.

Children presenters:

Maslenitsa Monday was called “Meeting”.

On this day, all guests had to be greeted with pancakes. Pancakes are a symbol of the sun (also round and golden), and the sun is a symbol of regenerating life.

Presenter: Russian people ate a lot of pancakes on Maslenitsa, but they made fun of themselves, they made up a lot of funny sayings about pancakes.

What sayings about pancakes do you know?

  • It’s not Maslenitsa without pancakes,

Without pies, it’s not a name day.

  • Damn is not the only one who is kind.
  • A pancake is not a wedge, it won’t split your belly.
  • The first pancake is lumpy,

The second one is with butter,

And the third - with kvass.

Tuesday at Maslenitsa was “Flirting”.On this day, fun and various festivities began, the construction of a snow fortress, playing snowballs, and sledding down the mountains.

Presenter: We've been sitting too long for some reason. Isn't it time to play?There is such a folk game “Boyars”.

The game takes place on a flat surface. The players are divided into two teams, which line up opposite each other in a chain at a distance of 10-15 meters.
The first team goes forward with the words:
-Boyars, we have come to you!
And returns to its original place:
-Darlings, we have come to you!
Another repeats this maneuver with the words:
-Boyars, why did you come? Dear ones, why did you come?
The dialogue begins:
-Boyars, we need a bride. Dear ones, we need a bride.
- Boyars, which one is dear to you? Dear ones, which one is your favorite?
The first team deliberates and chooses someone:
-Boyars, this one is dear to us (pointing to the chosen one).
Dear ones, this one is sweet to us.
The selected player turns around and now walks and stands in a chain, facing the other direction.
The dialogue continues:
- Boyars, she is our fool. Dear ones, she is our fool.
- Boyars, and we whip her. Dear ones, we will whip her.
-Boyars, she is afraid of the whip. Dear ones, she is afraid of the whip.
- Boyars, we’ll give you some gingerbread. Dear ones, we’ll give you some gingerbread.
-Boyars, her teeth hurt. Dear ones, her teeth hurt.
- Boyars, we’ll take you to the doctor. Dear ones, we’ll take you to the doctor.
- Boyars, she will bite the doctor. Dear ones, she will bite the doctor.
The first command completes:
- Boyars, don’t play the fool, give us the bride forever!
The one who was chosen as the bride must run up and break the chain of the first team. If he succeeds, then he returns to his team, taking with him any player from the first. If the chain is not broken, then the bride remains in the first team, that is, she gets married. In any case, the losing team starts the second round. The teams' task is to keep more players

They choose a driver using a little counting rhyme. And he gives himself a command:

game "Poker"

The name of?

Poker (If the child answers “poker,” then he takes a step forward. If he says his real name, he takes a step back)

What did you have for breakfast?

Who do you like to talk to at night?

What do you use to brush your teeth?

Who are your grandparents?

What do you pick your nose with?

What is your friend's name?

What will you write a report about?

What's your favorite toy?

Where do you live?

What do you eat for lunch?

What do you use to sweep the floor?

For each “correct” answer to a question, the child takes a step forward. If he made a mistake (answered with the wrong word or in the wrong number/case/declension), take a step back. The first player to reach a pre-designated point or line wins. In order not to cause offense or ridicule in children with incorrect questions, the game can be led by an adult. But usually, playing this game causes a lot of laughter and fun in children

Wednesday – “Gourmand”.This is a family day. Mothers-in-law invited their sons-in-law for pancakes, and for the amusement of their beloved son-in-law they called all their relatives.

Presenter: Let’s sit side by side and talk well. Is everyone here smart? Can you solve riddles?


Agripina stands in the corner,

Big mouth open.

The mouth opens

What they give, he swallows.

In winter she eats and snorts,

And in the summer the hungry one sleeps. (Bake)

The fat guy is standing

Akimbo barrel.

Hisses and boils

He orders everyone to drink tea. (Samovar)

What do you pour into a frying pan?

Yes, they bend it four times? (Pancakes)

Black, little baby,

They'll collect a little

They will cook in the water

The guys will eat it. (Porridge)The beauty walks
touches the ground lightly
Goes to the field, to the river,
Both the snowball and the flower.

The snow is melting, the meadow has come to life.
The day is coming. When does this happen?

I open my buds
into green leaves.
I dress the trees
I water the crops,
Full of movement
my name is...

The streams rang,
the rooks have arrived.
Bee in the hive
I brought the first honey.
Who's to say, who knows
when does this happen?

She comes with affection
And with my fairy tale.
With a magic wand
Will wave
Snowdrop in the forest
It will bloom.

I open the buds into green leaves.
I dress the trees, water the crops,
There's a lot of movement, they're calling me...

The streams rang and the rooks flew in.
The bee brought the first honey to the hive.
Who can say, who knows when this happens?

She was white and gray
A green, young one came.
(Winter and Spring)

loose snow
Melts in the sun
The breeze plays in the branches,
Louder bird voices
She came to us...

The sun is burning,
Linden blossoms.
The rye is ripening
When does this happen?

The peahen has arrived
Sat on the lava
Let down her feathers
For any potion.

The snow turns black in the clearing,
The weather is getting warmer every day.
Time to put the sled in the closet.
What a time of year it is.

Green-eyed, cheerful,
The girl is beautiful.
She brought it to us as a gift,
What everyone will like:
Greens - leaves,
We are warm
- So that everything blooms.
Birds flew after her
- All craftswomen sing songs.
Can you guess who she is?
This girl is...

At the snow-covered hummocks,
Under a white snow cap
We found a little flower
Half frozen, barely alive.

The first to get out of the earth
On a thawed patch.
He is not afraid of frost
Even if it's small.

In a blue shirt
Runs along the bottom of the ravine.

Housewarming party at the starling's
He rejoices endlessly.
So that a mockingbird lives with us,
We made...

There's someone's house on a branch here
There are no doors or windows in it,
But it’s warm for the chicks to live there.
This is the name of the house...

The mother is fat, the daughter is red, the son is brave - he has gone under the sky. (Oven, fire, smoke)

If I give you something to eat, he cries and grumbles; if I don’t give you anything, he remains silent. (Pan)

Four legs, two ears, one nose and belly. (Samovar)

I'll take the dusty one, I'll make it liquid,

If I throw it into the fire, it will be like a stone. (Flour, dough, bread)

The sun is baked on the hot bottom. (Crap)

Into the frying pan as a stream, from the frying pan as the sun. (Crap)

Tongue twisters (competition).

Each tongue twister must not only be pronounced, but done cleanly and beautifully. It’s not for nothing that people call tongue twisters also pure tongue twisters.

Mother gave Romasha whey from the yogurt.

The bristles of a pig, the scales of a pike.

The wasp does not have whiskers, not whiskers, but antennae.

Half a cellar of turnips, half a container of peas.

The crested little girls laughed with laughter: ha-ha-ha-ha-ha!

Thursday was called "Wide".On this day they had fun and arranged all sorts of fun. In the old days thisthere were fist fights, but without blood and bruises (Barmins?), troika riding (boys with bells), taking a snow fortress (snowballs made of padding polyester).

Presenter: And we are not blind!

Come out, honest people. The ditty calls us to dance!


1. We begin to sing ditties,

Please don't laugh:

There are a lot of people here -

We may get confused.

3. Listen guys,

We will sing to the awkward:

A pig grazes on an oak tree,

A bear is steaming in a sauna.

4. Early in the morning, in the evening,

Late at dawn

Baba was walking

In a chintz carriage.

5. Between heaven and earth

The little pig was rummaging

And accidentally tail

Clings to the sky.

6. Look, guys,

What's happening on the roof:

The sparrow plays the horn,

Clings to straw.

8. I rode on Maslenka,

He broke three sleds.

Crow tortured the horse

And I took the cutie for a ride.

9. Auntie, buy me a horse

Crow's feet,

I'll give the girls rides

Along the big path.

10. Like during Shrovetide

Pancakes were flying from the chimney.

Oh my pancakes


11. I sewed a dress from cabbage,

Finished with cucumber.

She got angry and ate the dress.

What have I done?

12. My girlfriends told me:

Don't dance, just sing!

I can't stand still

Temperament is not like that!

13.I have four shawls,

The fifth is down.

I'm not the only one fighting,

We're all miserable here!

Come, come in
For rosy pancakes.
Today is Maslen week -
Be happy like us!

I'm ready for Maslena
Eat 50 pancakes.
I'll eat them with some baked goods,
I'll try to lose weight.

Bake, godfather, pancakes,
Yes, so that they are magnificent.
Today is Maslen week -
You can eat too much.

The Martians have arrived
We were satisfied.
Their plates are not empty
And full of pancakes.

I ate the fifth pancake,
My skirt burst.
I'll go sew up my skirt
To eat pancakes again.

Play more fun, accordion,
Maslenitsa, don't be sad!
Come soon, spring
Drive winter away from us!

We stop singing ditties
Until another evening.
You sit until the morning
If there is nothing to do.

Wide Maslenitsa,
We boast about you
We ride in the mountains,
We'll overeat on pancakes!

Spring is not spring
And we said goodbye to winter
I baked pancakes
But you refused.

Let's start singing ditties,
Please don't laugh:
There are a lot of people here,
We might get confused!

My friend and I were walking,
They stuck cheese on the mountain,
They covered everything with pancakes,
They poured oil on top!

Like on Shrovetide
Pancakes were flying from the table,
And cheese and cottage cheese -
Everyone was flying under the threshold!

Girls, the oil can is coming!
Who will take us for a ride?
In Parsley's yard
Sivka disappears.

Maslenitsa - white legged
Stay with us a little,
For a week, for a day,
For just one hour!

On Monday from a clear dawn
Everybody's going down the hill
They chew all sorts of dishes,
They sing songs loudly.

The boys are resilient in trials,
And in the cooking the girls are lively -
They bake sweet pancakes,
Treats are served.

Across the village to every yard
The children's choir runs in.
They bring old things from houses,
All sorts of rags.

They take everything outside the fence,
Making a big fire.
It's Maslenitsa,
Glorious Maslenitsa!

For my beloved for a scarf
The guy climbs onto the pole.
And the pole is doused with water,
That's why it's icy.

People are smiling
They lead a round dance together.
It's Maslenitsa,
Good Maslenitsa!

Son-in-law runs early
To please your mother-in-law,
Invites her into the house
He treats you to wine there.

My son-in-law without an invitation
Came running for a treat
But he was also mistaken in strength,
He didn't finish all the pancakes.

Have fun, honest people,
Filling your belly.
It's Maslenitsa
Maslenitsa is festive!

Eating cheesecakes to your heart's content,
The girls sing ditties.
All the people around are dancing,
And his soul rejoices.

Come Sunday
We ask everyone for forgiveness.
Our good aspirations
They inspire admiration.

Farewell to all the people
Maslenitsa will be set on fire.
Warm up quickly
May our life be more fun!

They drove the diva around the yard,
Oh, yes, I’m stately and beautiful.
It’s a pity for me to burn this one,
Yes, my wife won’t let me sleep.

A face is drawn
We'll cover it up with a pancake.
Let it burn completely
Everyone is tired of winter.

I rode on Maslenitsa,
He broke three sleds.
The crow tortured the horse,
And I took the cutie for a ride.

Girls, Oiler is coming!
Who will take us for a ride?
In Petrunya's yard
Sivka disappears.

Dad, buy me a horse -
Crow's feet.
I'll give the girls rides
Along the big path.

I have four shawls
The fifth is downy,
I'm not the only one fighting -
We're all miserable here.

Presenter: During national holidays it was customary to tell

"boring tales."

And there are many such fairy tales; in fact, from each fairy tale you can make a “boring” one:

“Once upon a time there was a king, the king had a court. There was a stake in the yard with a sponge on the stake.

Shouldn't we start the fairy tale over again?

Fairy tales are called “boring” from the word “to bother” (to bore).

Two students say:

A tale about a crow.

I was walking across a bridge,

Lo and behold, the crow gets wet.

I took the crow by the tail,

I put it under the bridge -

Let the crow dry!

I walked across the bridge again,

Lo and behold, the crow is drying up,

I took the crow by the tail,

He put it on the bridge -

Let the crow get wet!

I walked across the bridge again,

Lo and behold, the crow gets wet.

I took the crow by the tail,

I put it under the bridge -

Let the crow dry!

I came to the bridge again,

Lo and behold, the crow is drying up.

I took the crow by the tail,

He put it on the bridge -

Let the crow get wet!

I came to the same bridge

Lo and behold, the crow gets wet...

Presenter: Stop bothering us

We need to celebrate Maslenitsa!

Friday – “Mother-in-law’s Party.”Now the sons-in-law received their mother-in-law at home with rosy pancakes.

Jokes are an integral part of the national holiday.

(children act out skits)

Fedul, why are you pouting your lips?

The caftan burned through.

You can sew it up.

Yes, there is no needle.

How big is the hole?

One gate remains.

Foma, why aren’t you coming out of the forest?

Yes, I caught a bear.

So bring him here!

He's not coming.

So go yourself.

Yes, the bear won't let you in!

Son, go to the river for some water.

My belly hurts.

Son, go eat some porridge.

Well, since mom says, we have to go!

Presenter: Let's continue to have fun,

The stream is already flowing.

Russian folk game "Rucheyok".

To the song of N. Kadysheva “A stream flows, a stream runs...”

Russian folk game "Burn - Burn Clear..."

Saturday – “Sister-in-Law’s Gatherings.”The daughter-in-law gives gifts to her sisters-in-law (her husband's sisters). Sisters-in-law came to visit their young daughters-in-law, tried their pancakes and received gifts.

Game: “Braid your hair” (girls participate).

Sunday is “Forgiveness Day.”The last and most important for Maslenitsa. Relatives and friends come to visit each other. And before the festive dinner they ask each other for forgiveness for large and small offenses.

Presenter: In the meantime, while Lent has not yet begun, we invite you to try rosy pancakes and aromatic tea. We wish everyone pleasant communication!

Tea party.

Grandma, grandma, grandma.
Bake pancakes, pancakes -
Hot and curvy
With raspberries and cherries,
With raspberries and cherries.

Grandma, grandma, grandma.
Bake pancakes, pancakes -
Fragrant and tasty,
With mushrooms and cabbage,
With mushrooms and cabbage.

Grandma, grandma, grandma.
Bake pancakes, pancakes -
With jam, with sour cream,
As rosy as a grandmother,
They're rosy-cheeked like a grandma.

My friend and I were invited to fun party
We took part in quizzes and crossword puzzles.
And when we got hungry, what did we see?
How did your favorite pancakes appear on sale?

Pancakes, pancakes, pancakes are good
Pancakes, pancakes, pancakes are delicious
Pancakes, pancakes, rosy pancakes
With butter, honey and strawberries, and even bananas.

I remember this day with my girlfriend
Time flew by quickly, we weren't bored
And I really liked everything about this holiday.
Because they sold pancakes and butter.

We led round dances, played with streams
Accordion players played merrily for people
Everyone looked at the tables and clapped their hands,
And when we finished playing, we devoured all the pancakes.

Scenario for the Maslenitsa holiday for teens. classes

Music Fanfare

Leading: Hello, dear guys, dear adults! Today we celebrate Maslenitsa - the most joyful holiday in the old days. On Maslenitsa they say goodbye to winter and welcome the spring sun. Spring overcomes Winter, but Winter does not want to leave, it resists. Let's greet our buffoons with friendly applause.

Buffoon 1: Boyars and noblewomen! Sirs and ladies!

Hurry up to our holiday, sing and dance with us!

Buffoon 2: What kind of holiday? What kind of holiday?

Skomorokh 3 :You haven’t heard of him, have you?

There will be a big holiday here!

Winter will meet Spring.

We spend the winter singing,

Let's dance with her in a round dance.

And let's meet spring with fun,

A kind word of greeting!

Skomorokh 4 : How will Spring come to you?

Will it be possible to get there in the snow?

No, you've got something wrong!

Skomorokh 5 : Tell me, are you hungry?

Will I see this meeting? (YES!!!)

Well, then you'll have to call!

This meeting will take place.

Who's there, racing in the troika?

Winter rides in on three horses to the music “Under the Arc the Bell Sings.” (rhythm)

Winter: Hello, all honest people!

Today is a difficult day!

On a sleigh, and with bells.

I came to say goodbye to you!

Time flew by quickly

I didn't have time to notice

That my turn is over.

Spring is following me!

Skomorokh 1 : Wait, Winter, say goodbye and part with the people!

You and I want to dance, sing songs and play.

Spring cheerful song

Leading: During the whole week of Maslenitsa, people said goodbye to winter, welcomed Spring, had fun, rode downhill, danced in circles, sang songs and ditties.

Skomorokh 3 : Call, people, spring,

Blue and red!

Children call for spring:Spring-spring, come red!

Spring appears to the music of "Spring"

Spring: Hello, dear Winter!

I have come to replace you!

Winter: Hello, dear Spring!

It's time for me to go home to the north!

Spring : You, sister, don’t rush, dance a spring fly with me!

Rhythmic Dance

Winter: Goodbye, people, and forgive me, you bear no grudge against Winter!

I wish you goodness and light, and only goodness in spring and summer!

Spring: We wish winter a safe journey,

Let's leave Winter in peace to the north.

Winter is leaving

Leading: You and I should shout,

Invite the clear sun to visit.

1 "B" : Sun, sun! Look out the window!

2 "B" : Sunshine, appear! Red, dress up!

3 "B" : Come out, come out, sunshine

To my native pole!

On a spike of bread.

The boys are playing there

They say goodbye to Maslenitsa.

The sun comes out to the music

Presenter: The children shouted together and called for the red sun!

The clear sun has appeared, the red sun has dressed up!

Guys, let's play with the sun together. When it's daytime, the sun rises. That's how high it sits in the sky! (show – hands up). When night comes, the sun hides behind the mountain (show - sit down).

In the morning the sun rises higher, higher, higher!

At night the sun will rise lower, lower, lower. (2-3 times)

Leading : Now listen to ditties performed by 6 “A” class.


We are composing ditties, we can sing them now.

We will sing and play for you, just ask us.

Dad bought me a horse with black legs.

I'll take the girls for a ride along the big track.

I have 4 shawls, and one is floral.

I'm a fighting girl, just an angel!

Samovar, samovar, thin leg.

I sowed peas and potatoes grew.

We sang ditties for you, whether it’s good or bad.

And now we ask you to clap for us.

Leading: (praises the artists). Like during Shrovetide Week

Pancakes were flying from the oven.

Oh, my pancakes, buttery pancakes.

A rosy pancake meant spring sunshine. And nowadays they bake pancakes for Maslenitsa. This is an old Russian custom - to welcome spring with pancakes.

Song "Oh, pancakes, pancakes, pancakes"