How to date a Kazakh girl: instructions for use. The most beautiful Cossack women Kazakh ladies

My name is Asia, I'm 24 years old. I am from Almaty, I work as a dentist. I really like to swim. What else can I tell you? I have many Russian friends, and my closest friend is also Russian.

A beautiful Kazakh woman with an unusual name for Russia struck me from the first words with her largely stereotypical thinking about a Russian person.

The most famous stereotype about Russia?
Russians love to drink.

I wouldn’t say that everyone in Russia is an alcoholic, but one of the national traits is an excessive love of alcohol. Moreover, regardless of location. Here we have a large number of Russians will never turn down the opportunity to have a glass or two.

What do they say about Russia in your homeland?
Russians have nationalism and no love for visitors.
In my city you can often hear that in Russia many people do not like visitors at all, and in some cases manifestations of nationalism are very frequent.

Popular Russians in your homeland?
Gennady Golovkin.

Three main qualities of a Russian person.
Simplicity of behavior, stubbornness, ability to have fun.

The most striking feature of Russians is their ability to have fun. I often celebrated with them. Although I am cheerful and like to relax, there is so much of it with them that sometimes you get tired of the entertainment. Russians behave very simply. Basically, they do not have such a thing that they create a “fog” around themselves and walk around with an aura of mystery. They are extremely simple. On the other hand, Russians are very stubborn people. If they want something, they will hurt themselves, but they will do it. But this is also a bad trait, because their desires are not always correct.

Three associations with Russia.
Vodka, frost, the Kremlin.

What is good about Russians, the most important traits?
Courage, ability to enjoy life and hard work.

What's wrong with Russians?
Drunkenness, envy, arrogance.

There is also a lot of bad things about them: compared to the Kazakhs, a very large part of Russians turn out to be drunkards or envious people. And when arrogance is added to this, then it’s better not to meet with them at all, otherwise they will ruin both your mood and the whole day.

I met some of these Russian tourists when I was on vacation in Turkey.

By the way, Russian tourists are bullied there. There have been cases.

What can you say about Russian men?
Intelligent, cheerful.

Russian men are a separate matter. Mostly, of course, they are smart and intelligent people. And at the same time, many of them are strong and always ready to protect, even if you are not on friendly terms. Another plus is their positivity. They are very funny. Moreover, everyone shows this gaiety differently.

How do you like Russian traditional cuisine?
I love Russian cuisine and cook it often.

I decided to write about our girls from Kazakhstan, I think many will be interested. My name is Asel, I'm 23, I live in Almaty.

Many ethnic groups live in Almaty - Russians, Tatars, Uighurs, Koreans, Germans, but to make it more “authentic”, I will describe Kazakh women specifically.

Of course, we are all different - appearance, way of life, habits may vary depending on the place of residence (in the South Kazakhstan region, for example, stereotypes about the humiliating status of an Oriental woman are quite justified), upbringing, family well-being, and environment.

Girls from the regions come to the former and present capitals (Almaty and Astana), as elsewhere, in search of a better life.

Since childhood, we spend a lot of time with relatives; a girl is supposed to be modest and hospitable. Pupil primary classes She may well receive guests herself, for example. She can go to clubs for playing the dombra (national instrument), dancing, ice skating (at the Medeo skating rink) and love forays into the mountains, since Almaty is located in the foothills of Alatau. And some get a good education abroad and adhere to Western values.

Of course, like all girls in the world, Kazakh girls get married. Kazakhs believe that you need to get married early - before the age of 25. For “kyz uzatu” (seeing off the bride) they dress up in a combination of what is traditional for the West White dress and Kazakh national costumes.

Typically, the bride's farewell is organized by the bride's family, and the subsequent wedding is organized by the groom's family. At a wedding we are no different from other brides in modern world, so there is no point in posting photos.

On weekdays, Kazakh women wear casual clothes; the most common uniform is ballet shoes, jeans, and a jacket. It happens that there are dresses, but of a simple cut, scarves, pashminas, cardigans, ankle boots, a clutch. But the notorious national motifs are sometimes introduced into the everyday life of Kazakh women. Of course, fashionistas stand out from the crowd, wear more interesting clothes. And believe me, these are not the girls who will marry with a high national headdress with rhinestones.

Five or six years ago it was fashionable to lighten hair. It looked different... Craving for everything European or what else was to blame for this - I don’t know. However, you always want something that is not given by nature. But I didn’t notice any radical measures to eliminate everything Asian in my appearance. Except for girls who are interested in anime, Japanese and Korean culture.

In general, I repeat, our city is inhabited by the most different girls and women, Almaty is a city in which there are many parallel worlds. However, I hope that this article and photo will help readers get a little idea about us.

A very good addition was left in the comments:

Almaty is not all of Kazakhstan, just as Moscow is not all of Russia. The urbanized part of the Kazakh population is strikingly different in appearance from the inhabitants of the villages, especially the northern Kazakhs from the southern ones. Representatives of northern Kazakhs, unlike their aul compatriots, often have long slender legs, white skin, high cheekbones and general sophistication. Including the photos in the article reflect exactly this part. :)

Among Russians in KZ, the type of “Russian beauty from the plow and from the plow”, so common in the Russian outback, is practically NOT found, characterized by nondescript facial features and general rudeness. The Russian population of KZ are the descendants of several waves of resettlement of the Russian intelligentsia both in the pre-revolutionary and Soviet periods, which determines the “thoroughbred” appearance of the Russian Almaty women.

First of all, the absence of fat citizens and good color faces, which can be explained by a much better and more varied diet than in the Russian Federation, as well as 300 sunny days a year.
Regarding the manner of dressing, it is Asian with a pretense of being European. That is, in Almaty stores it is almost impossible to buy a SIMPLE T-shirt or SIMPLE trousers. All “ala dolchegabanna”, the most expensive brands at a price 5 times higher than the world prices.

If you have basic wardrobe and you want to add a zest in the form of a little pretentiousness, or just find something like that, then in small stalls called “boutiques” this can be done, although spending a lot of time, effort and money. But if you need an ordinary gray blouse for 300 rubles, then this is not here. Well, or the same, but for 3000. :) Progressive :) some of the townspeople fly to Moscow, Europe or the Emirates for shopping.

In general, the urban population looks more well-groomed and elegant compared to the megacities of the Russian Federation, but, most likely, it will soon sink into oblivion, in the same place where the native Muscovites and Leningraders sank, under the influx of new arrivals, since the urbanization process has not yet been completed and the ethnic and social composition of the city is undergoing significant changes.

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Often my friends ask how to date Kazakh girls, what traditions THERE have, and how to attract them. I’m honestly tired of answering everyone with long letters, so I’ve compiled a short excursion into the world of Kazakh dating and relationships. Please add more if you have anything, I’ll be glad!

1. Avoid Borat jokes

The first point is the most important! We have all seen this film. But, to be honest, I didn’t find it super funny. But in some places vulgar and tasteless - yes. But what cannot be taken away from him is advertising Kazakhstan to the world. True, not the most successful.

In any case, even if you thought this film was so funny that you could tear your stomach, you definitely shouldn’t joke with a girl on a date using quotes from it. Wounded national pride will bring her to the slap, and not to bed.

2. Repeat her name. In front of the mirror. Repeatedly.

Aigul, Altynay, Botagoz, Nurgul-Guinur... Among my Kazakh girls the names are very interesting and funny. So it’s better to repeat her name twenty times so as not to get into a puddle.

By the way, it would be a good idea to ask on a date about the meaning of her name - such attention will be flattering. Of course, no one has canceled the classic “fishes”, “suns” and “bunnies”, but on the first date it will look strange. This is Kazakhstan, baby! :)

3. First step: pull yourself together, wimp!

She can be endlessly in love with you and just melts under your gaze, only you will never know about it, because Kazakh girls are more secretive than James Bond. So the first step depends only on you. Otherwise you will have to sleep not with her, but with the window open :)

And yes, don’t forget to buy a flower broom before your date! Without it, a date is not considered a date - just a walk or a get-together. She might also think you're greedy. And that's it - the doors to the bedroom are closed forever.

4. Take care of yourself!

“I don’t know how it is in London, I haven’t been...”, and in Kazakhstan a girl will closely monitor your manners. So you’ll be left biting your nails, swearing dirty, burping and scratching at the painful places at home, alone with yourself. On a date, you should be a gentleman, even if you are not: hold the door, move the chair, ask about drinks and entertain the whole evening!

5. 15 minutes and two hours are the same thing!

Yes, come to terms with it and accept it - if you made a date at 19:00, and she is 15 minutes late - you can go drink coffee, read a book, and sometimes you will have time to watch a movie.

In Kazakhstan it is national women's tradition- take time for yourself to better prepare. A joke from the people: “if you are invited to a party, it doesn’t matter what time you arrive - it’s good if it’s on the same day.”

However, the lady most likely will not be late for the plane - she will start getting ready in a week.

6. Come to terms with national cuisine and traditions

Yes, the Kazakhs were the first to domesticate the horse. They are also one of the top three countries that consume horse meat. Therefore, be prepared to try beshbarmak, kazy and kumis made from mare’s milk. Whether you like it or not is not the question. The main thing is to try to make your lady feel good!

7. In the dark, but not offended.

I already wrote about that, but in this case she will most likely be shy. But everything changes under the cover of night and under the covers. Just don't drag her there right after dinner on the first date - you'll get a turnaround.

8. Only you are responsible for dinners

And don’t even think about jumping off by offering to “split the bill the European way.” You're not in Europe. A Kazakh woman is proud and independent, she can pay for a taxi if you are dead drunk, she will sit with you until the morning so that you don’t die, and present cute things for different dates. But you pay for dinners on dates. Law!

9. Don't be a snob!

You shouldn’t think that Kazakhstan is the wilderness and the ass of the world. Google it, have a look. Yes, at least in the pictures! This is the country of the first cosmodrome, one of the largest countries on the planet, developing by leaps and bounds. Many have higher education and speak several languages ​​(at least two: Kazakh and Russian). In general, it’s a normal country. She will be pleased if you know more about her country than the average tourist who has been blown to Kazakhstan by a fair wind.

10. And she is most likely literate too

At least if you didn’t meet her in the wild steppe. Therefore, there is no need for condescension - the girl can easily communicate with you as an equal. Yes, of course, some narrow topics are new to her, but that’s why you’re a man, so that she’s interested in you.

Women of the East have long captivated us with their femininity, sweet smile and bewitching slyness, peeking through shyness and curiosity. What does the most beautiful Kazakh woman, a girl from a neighboring country that was part of the Soviet Union for a long time, look like?

Features of the appearance of representatives of Kazakhstan

The special status of Kazakh women, who have been respected in society since ancient times, makes them equal to men, whether they are guardians of the hearth or excellent warriors. They are distinguished from others by their confidence, strong character and special dignity. oriental beauties, while maintaining a soft gait, natural flexibility and the charm of femininity. That is why the most beautiful Kazakh women in the world are among the world’s successful celebrities:

  • Gauhar Berkalieva (Goga Ashkenazi) is the General Director of MunaiGas Engineering Group and the owner of the fashion brand Vionnet (Paris), permanently residing in Europe.
  • Gulzhan Moldazhanova, one of the most successful top managers with an income of $7 million in the company of the “aluminum king” Oleg Deripaska.
  • Altynay Asylmuratova is the head of the creative team of the Vaganova Ballet Academy in St. Petersburg.

Kazakh beauties have silky hair dark hair, dark skin and wide face with high cheekbones. Their appearance is influenced by the region in which they were born. Thus, northern women have more light shades skin and more tall. Nature is favorable to oriental women, preserving youth and beauty for many years. Among the mature beauties: Roza Rymbaeva, Saule Rakhmedova. Unique appearance and national color do not require additional use decorative cosmetics to highlight your facial features.

Beauty contest in Kazakhstan: the most beautiful Kazakh woman - 2015

For 19 years, the country has been holding a beauty contest, the purpose of which is to identify worthy representatives of the fair sex to perform from Kazakhstan at the international level. Girls applying for the title of first beauty must go through a registration procedure, casting and a complex system of qualifying rounds in order to appear in the finals, held in Almaty in December. Despite the existence of a professional jury, for the last two years the finalist has been chosen by popular vote by counting votes in live. The winner of 2015 was given their preference by 27,138 people.

Photos of the most beautiful Kazakh woman can be seen in the article, as well as on the official website of the competition. She became a seventeen-year-old student from Aktau, Aliya Mergembaeva. The girl grew up in large family, where, besides her, three more brothers and a sister are being raised. Aliya donated one million tenge from the total prize fund of five million to charity. Traditionally, the winners are given a dowry from a fashion house (pillows, blankets, traditional dastarkhan), which is absolutely logical, because girls have a positive attitude towards starting a family. In the last year alone, three beauties got married: Aidai Isaeva (2013 title), Ainur Toleuova (2011 title), Zhanna Zhumalieva (2010).

Performing on the world stage

Representatives of Kazakhstan do not have outstanding achievements in the international arena. The Miss Universe and Miss World contests annually bring together dozens of beauties whose appearance is impeccable. Each winner is separated from the crown by a subtle advantage in temperament, charm, and ability to present herself. Latin American women have much more achievements in this regard compared to representatives of other countries. The most beautiful Kazakh woman, Aigerim Smagulova, who sent an application for the Miss Universe 2015 competition, never appeared in Las Vegas.

At the Miss World show, Kazakhstan was represented by Russian national Regina Vandysheva. She became only 13th. The mixing of nationalities, which is considered a phenomenon of globalization, has become the norm in recent times. So, in Russia in 2013, on the contrary, Elmira Abdrazakova, a native of Kazakhstan, who has Tatar roots, won.

Métis girls

It has long been known that the most beautiful girls are mestizos, where the blood of different nationalities is mixed. So, Shaira Kulzhabayeva’s mother (information about her will be in the article) is Uzbek, and the beautiful Albina Dzhanabaeva from the VIA Gra ensemble is the daughter of a Russian mother and a Kazakh father. The famous singer Lido has the same situation. In 2012, the title of “Miss Almaty” was received by Farida Malik, whose father is Indian. The exotic beauty of the 18-year-old girl captivated the jury members. The most beautiful Kazakh girls often have the most unpredictable roots. Alfina Nasyrova (2007 title), one of the owners of the most beautiful eyes, has Tatar roots.

Top ten beauties from Kazakhstan

Fashion magazines, websites and sociological laboratories conduct their research, thanks to which the best representatives of the fair sex of Kazakhstan are determined. The list usually includes actresses, TV presenters, models and other representatives of show business. The TOP of the most beautiful Kazakh women according to the proposed version of is headed by:

Actress, producer, TV presenter

The whole country is worried about the green-eyed beauty today. In June 2016, a young woman born in 1974 was beaten by own husband, businessman Bakhytbek Yesentaev, taken into custody. A native of Uralsk, Bayan grew up in an artistic family, making her debut in the 1993 film “Station of Love.” After the star role that made her famous, a period of downtime began. The most beautiful Kazakh woman studied at Kazakh State University to become a television journalist, becoming the host of a number of highly rated television programs. Being a real style icon for women in Kazakhstan, Bayan also took up production activities, creating the successful team “Kesh YOU” and the boy band “Alau” (seven projects in total).

After the young woman, at the age of 36, played herself in the film “Cocktail for a Star,” she became mega-popular in her country. The woman has been married since she was 20, raising two daughters, remaining the standard of beauty for her fellow citizens. The number of her followers on Instagram is approaching one million.

Who would the Russians include in the TOP 10?

In 2015, Timati’s video (“Lada sedan, eggplant”) was released, which literally blew up the Internet. More than 15 million views indicate the amazing success of the video, which starred a native of Taraz (Kazakhstan) Shaira Kulzhabayeva. The fantastic beauty of the girl in an eggplant-colored dress is one of the reasons why viewers are drawn like a magnet to the desire to watch the video again and again. The most beautiful Kazakh woman lives in Moscow, where she works as a model.

According to the original version, Vera Brezhneva was expected to participate in the filming, but Shaira became a completely worthy replacement for the familiar beauty. She not only captivated the country with her beauty, but also performed her vocal part wonderfully.

In 2016, the country launched new competition"Miss Virtual Kazakhstan" The winner was mother of many children Ainur Aitimova, who gave birth to twins a few months ago. The competition has become truly massive, gathering about two thousand participants, which indicates that in Kazakhstan beautiful girls doesn't get smaller.

We probably shouldn’t try to film another new “Quiet Don” anymore. After all, indeed, each time we get a new and new interpretation, which moves further and further from the real one.
To say that directors and actors see the work in their own way and try to present it understandable to the modern young viewer, but why then name their series after the great work?
For those who truly read “Quiet Don”, saw in it not only love, or, as they say today, “relationships”, but the whole tragedy of the Russian people in the fratricidal war, only the film directed by S. Gerasimov is worthy of the name “Quiet Don” " Viewers are already fed up with cheap TV series by bad directors and the same actors and actresses. The novel tells about the tragic events in Russia at the beginning of the twentieth century, about the destinies of people broken by the First World War and the revolution. “Quiet Don” is one of the best works, and it must be filmed as intended by the author. And this was done so far by S. Gerasimov and the actors he chose. And therefore there is no better Aksinya than E. Bystritskaya, there has never been and there is unlikely to be any! This was proven by two subsequent films.

The same can be said about Grigory Melekhov, who is shown in the work not only good guy from Central Russia, near Ryazan or Kaluga, and that Don Cossack, in whom there is fire, hot blood... This hero is a reflection of the entire Don Cossacks, a symbol of the entire people.
And such “quiet dons”, in which Grigory is a cute, fragile actor with an unconventional orientation, only humiliate the dignity of the Don Cossacks. In any case, it is a pity that insignificant and mediocre films based on famous novels the younger generation will watch.

The only drawback of S. Gerasimov's "Quiet Don" is the number of episodes - only four, and therefore much remains behind the scenes. However, the actors who played not only the main characters, but literally everyone, turned out to be at the highest level. And there will be no more better Aksinya, Natalya and Daria.
The writer Mikhail Sholokhov himself, having seen Elina Bystritskaya at the audition, chose her for the role of Aksinya. S. Gerasimov called “Quiet Don” a folk epic, a dictionary of the Russian and Cossack languages. And when they started filming the film, he gathered all the actors and said that they would have to become different people, that is, similar to those who are accustomed to working on earth.
He demanded that the actors achieve complete reality in their images, and therefore they had to learn a lot from the inhabitants of the Cossack farm, and above all, work, so that both the body and hands could do all the work with ease and ease. Before some scenes during filming, Gerasimov forced the actresses to first wash a mountain of laundry, and then not powder their faces, so that everything would be believable.
He said: “Do more laundry, clean the dishes, scrub the floors, clean up the house. If you do everything at home, help your neighbors...”
In her communication with Don Cossack women, Elina Bystritskaya remembers one of them, Grandma Ulya, who taught her to carry buckets on a yoke: “And you carry it with your hips... carry it with your hips... You understand, the enta must not just carry water, but so that Grishka likes it...”.

And the fact that Elina Bystritskaya, Zinaida Kiriyenko, and Lyudmila Khityaeva became real Cossacks can be judged by the huge flow of letters that bombarded them after the film was released and the memory of the audience, although about 60 years have already passed. The Cossack actresses were “real”, because the audience subsequently began to call them among themselves Aksinya, Natalya and Daria. And E. Bystritskaya, and Z. Kiriyenko, and L. Khityaeva had to live with a middle name for a long time.
Cossack women, surrounded by steppe expanses, the beauty of which was shaped by nature itself and hard work, are strong, desperate and fearless, “these are amazingly proud, freedom-loving women.” Aksinya - wonderful black, burning eyes, slanted shoulders - a strong, beautiful woman desperate in love.
Aksinya, Natalya and Daria came from the pages of the famous novel onto the screen and became real Cossack women. Is it really possible to replace reality with props, which new directors with newly minted actresses and actors are trying to impose on the audience?
When M. Sholokhov was shown the first and second episodes, he sat silently for a long time, with a “hat” of cigarette butts in the ashtray next to him. Finally he turned around, his face looked tear-stained, and he said hoarsely:
“Your film goes hand in hand with my novel.”

Cossack pride, nurtured over many centuries, and how could it be otherwise, since the entire Cossack family arose from the most fearless and freedom-loving people. Much later, the command of the Don Army awarded P. Glebov the rank of honorary major general of the Cossack army with the right to wear a uniform and weapons.
Aksinya came to people from the pages of the famous Sholokhov novel, and then from the screen - lively, passionate, proud, beautiful. “Here she turns her head, mischievously and lovingly, from underneath she stinks with the gaze of her fiery black eyes,...”
The Don Cossacks awarded Elina Bystritskaya the rank of colonel of the Don Army, presented her with the appropriate certificate and uniform, and began to call her “Elina Donskaya.”

Until now, Lyudmila Khityaeva considers the role of Daria her favorite. While playing her, she learned to plow, mow, reap, cook Cossack dishes and, despite the fact that she was afraid of water since childhood, swim beautifully. The stately and beautiful Cossack girl Daria with a proud carriage of her head and a slightly mocking, sly look in her expressive eyes is exactly how the audience remembered her.
For Zinaida Kiriyenko, the role of the emotional and devoted Natalia has become a calling card. For a long time, some people came up to her and looked closely to see if there was a scar on her neck, which allegedly remained with her after filming.
Russia can be proud of such actors; they remain not only in the history of cinema, but also forever in the hearts of viewers. And many subsequent film adaptations of “Quiet Don” make one admire more and more the film and the actors of S. Gerasimov.