Nails with adhesive tape. How to make manicure with scotch tape: practical tips. Ways to use manicure tape

Well-groomed female hands are beautiful by themselves, but girls are constantly looking for ways to become even more beautiful. For these purposes, paint nails, coming up with new designs. You can diversify your usual manicure using ordinary adhesive tape. With its help, neat straight lines are created, as well as intricate patterns.

Scotch tape manicure


Features of manicure with scotch tape

The main advantages of this manicure are the simplicity of its implementation and the availability of materials. Using adhesive tape, you can paint the nail with several colors so that a clear border stretches between them. Manually achieving the same accuracy is much more difficult.

To make a drawing on the nails with adhesive tape, you will need:
  varnishes of different colors, combining with each other;
  adhesive tape, preferably not too sticky;
  clear varnish or fixing agent.


Almost any adhesive tape is suitable for manicure - both masking tape and ordinary stationery. Both options are convenient to use and do not stick very firmly to the surface - this is an important point, because if the adhesive tape is too sticky, then when peeling it can remove the varnish or even damage the nail.

But for tenacious adhesive tapes there is a trick that will make them suitable for manicure. To make the tape less sticky, you can glue it 1-2 times to the skin on the back of your hand.

On sale you can find a special adhesive tape for nail design. This is a narrow ribbon painted in different colors, which can be used both as ordinary tape and as an independent decoration for manicure. In the latter case, the glued tape is coated with a transparent varnish on top.


How to make manicure with scotch tape

Explain how to make a manicure with scotch tape, the simplest example. For the classic jacket you will need varnishes of white and beige (or light pink) colors, adhesive tape and fixative.

First you need to wipe the nails with nail polish remover to clean and degrease them. Then you need to apply 2 layers of varnish of the main color (beige or light pink) and wait until it is completely dry.

Now you can do the preparation of tape. For a French, it is better to take not even stripes, but slightly rounded - so the manicure will look much more attractive. To make them, you need to stick pieces of adhesive tape on some small round object, for example, a coin, a jar lid or a cork. Then circle with a pen or marker and cut along the contour. The result should be small strips rounded on one side.


Important:   adhesive tape needs to be glued only on a completely dried layer of varnish, otherwise it will come off with the adhesive tape when peeling off.

After this, you need to paint over the area not covered with adhesive tape, white varnish. It is not scary if the varnish gets on the adhesive tape - it just serves to ensure that the area under it remains untouched.

After the top layer of varnish has dried, you can remove the adhesive tape and cover the nail with a fixative or clear varnish. The result should be a perfect French manicure with a neat “smile”.

Sticky Nail Design Ideas

Cutting strips of different widths and various shapes from scotch tape, as well as combining colored varnishes, you can experiment with designs endlessly. Here are just a few ideas:

1. Lunar manicure. To make such a design, you need to tape over the nail hole. It looks like a French manicure, just the opposite - the “smile” is not on the tip of the nail, but in the lunula.

2. Geometric patterns. Having pasted several thin strips of tape on the nail, you can get an ornament in the form of a grid, triangles, etc.

3. Strips. Segments of adhesive tape can be placed on the nails in parallel - a neat manicure is obtained.

4. Chess, mosaic design. Connect your imagination and act!


A manicure with scotch tape is an affordable option for those who like to add to their appearance and try something new. Thanks to him, you can please yourself with original drawings on the nails.

Manicure with scotch tape: features and practical tips   updated: April 20, 2019 Posted by: Evgenia Sokolova

Abstract drawings and geometric compositions can be not only in the elements of clothing, but also on nail art. Curly details on the nails will help to realize a manicure with adhesive tape.   Also, abstract nail art can be done with duct tape or stencils. Scotch manicure as a way of decorating nail art appeared 10 years ago, and today it is no secret for many how to make a manicure using such materials.

To make a manicure with adhesive tape at home, you need to use not very sticky material so that it does not leave stickiness on the manicure. In this case, a medical adhesive plaster and electrical tape are not suitable. Stationery tape, designer tapes, stencils are the best materials for this design. In addition to them, you need to use: straight and curly scissors, a transparent base, nail polishes of your favorite colors, topcoat.

See how to make a chess manicure with adhesive tape.

How to make sticky nail art: instructions

  • Nail art with colored adhesive tape - geometric design, looks avant-garde and neat. You need to start with simple shapes, ending with more complex compositions. On a small piece of duct tape, paint three parallel lines using different colors. The coating must be painted on the non-sticky side of the material. Wait 10-20 minutes for the varnish to dry. At this time, paint your nails with a transparent varnish base, so that the design with tape has straight lines. Apply a basic tone on the nails (beige or white).

When the coating is dry, cut strips and triangles with scissors. Stick the figures from colored tape on the nails so that a geometric pattern forms. Fix the result with a top coating.

  • Manicure with scotch tape with a zigzag pattern - for its implementation you need ribbons or scotch tape, curly scissors. Paint the nails with a transparent base, then apply the main color (choose light shades). When the layer dries, take some curly scissors, and cut a few pieces of adhesive material, vertically gluing them to each nail plate, touching half of the nail.

Do not remove the material, but paint the open part of the nails with varnish of a different shade. When it sets, carefully remove the adhesive coating from the nails. Brightness will be given to the design by the top cover with sparkles.

  • Lunar nail art nail design - stencils, nail polishes are required for its implementation. You need to make a manicure according to the same instructions as the previous ones, but you need to fix the stencil on the nail hole so that it covers the lower part of the nail plate. You get a “linear” hole, which can either be painted over or left colorless.

Geometric Manicure Options

At this, the ideas of curly manicure at home do not end there. Using adhesive tapes, you can create many more varieties of nail design. Manicure with scotch tape “Chess Design” - the original design, which is simple. Instructions for implementation:

  • Paint your nails with a transparent base, when the layer dries, apply the main color on it (choose black, blue, red, plum or go another dark shade).
  • Using two pieces of adhesive tape, select ¼ of the nail, painting the free part with silver, white or gold varnish. After a few minutes, remove the material, and do the same with the diagonal part of the marigold. As a result, we get a “chess” pattern on the nail plate. Fix the result with a top coating.

Manicure with vertical stripes. It is quick and easy. For it you will need three colored nail polishes, a thin brush for manicure, adhesive tapes, base and top coat, scissors.

  • On the prepared nails, apply the base, wait until it dries.
  • Scissors cut vertical thin strips 2-3 mm thick so long that they completely cover each nail.
  • Stick each of the tapes so that there is a gap between each, squeeze them well.
  • Apply multi-colored varnishes to the free part of each nail using a thin brush. When the coating dries, you can remove the tape.
  • Fix the result with a topcoat or glitter varnish.

French manicure with scotch tape or stencil - for its implementation you will need a white varnish, transparent or top-coat varnish, a thin brush, scotch tape or stencil, scissors. If you buy a set for a french, the set already has screen paper. Step-by-step instruction:

  • Apply a transparent base. When it dries, cut out strips of adhesive material that would completely overlap the edges of the nails.
  • Attach tape to the edges of the marigolds. With a clear or topcoat, paint them, wait until they dry.
  • Remove the adhesive tapes, secure the result with a topcoat. French design can be decorated with sequins, patterns or rhinestones.

Look at three ways to create a French manicure using scotch tape.

Heart manicure ideas - figured design for which you will need sticky paper or a stencil. Using a nail scissors, carefully cut a small heart on 10 pieces of paper. Apply base on the nails, then light pink polish. When the coating dries, attach paper to it so that the heart-shaped pattern is at the edge, or in the center of the composition. Paint the figure with varnish of white or red. You can cut several hearts on paper, and if you have a curly stencil, then nail art will turn out faster.

Designer stencil for figured nail art

Using a manicure design tape as a stencil - with its use you can create a figured figure of any shape. Stylists invented this material to make it easy to apply varnish and paint over the boundaries of free space. In appearance, the tape is thin, reminiscent of the New Year's rain. There is a sticky layer on the inside of the material. You can use it in two ways: the first - as a decor, the second - as a stencil. If you decorate nail art with a shiny ribbon, then it will quickly wash off under water, so this decor is enough for once. But if you decide to create beautiful lines, applying it as a stencil, the pattern will be persistent and saturated.

Ribbons are sold in different colors: gold, silver, pink, blue, yellow, purple, blue, green. Try to make the following composition according to the “cell” pattern. Design can be applied on 1-2 nails, the rest can be painted with a bright color. Use varnish of any shade you like, choosing the right tone for the tape. For example, a dark pink decorative ribbon is suitable for a light pink coating.

Apply the base on the nails, then the base color. When the layer dries, cut 8 small pieces of tape. Diagonally, place 4 pieces on one nail plate, and 4 more pieces perpendicularly. Then, with nail scissors, adjust the result. Apply a layer of transparent fixative to the result and wait for it to dry. It will turn out beautiful and even lines, the figure depends on how you glue the material to the nail plate. The thin, sticky tape can make the contours of vertical and horizontal lines, squares, rhombuses and triangles, the borders of the smile line on the jacket.

Have you ever wondered how easy it is to create nail art with perfect geometric shapes? The answer to this question is to use scotch tape to extend a manicure. The photo tutorials presented in this material will help you understand the basic techniques.

1. Thin color lines

Apply three layers of colored varnish. When the varnish dries, we stick on the nail sticky strips for manicure. Then on the nail you need to apply a layer of another varnish, in our case - black. When the varnish dries, remove the tape and get a creative image.

2. Manicure with adhesive tape - rays

You can also use scotch tape to decorate the nails. We apply varnish to the nail when it dries, cut out a stencil in the form of rays from a piece of scotch tape. First, clim the tape on the hand to get rid of excess stickiness, then on the nail. We apply black varnish, after it dries, we remove the stencil. Again we glue the adhesive tape and emphasize the pattern with silver varnish, remove the stencil.

Such a bright manicure, in addition to evening makeup and a beautiful outfit, will become a little highlight in a festive way. During the fun itself, do not forget to smile, radiate positive emotions. If you have not yet figured out how to entertain guests at the table, follow the link and find new ideas for table games.

3. The original moon manicure with tape

Mysterious moon manicure. Especially for those who love experiments, an eccentric moon manicure came into fashion this fall. The essence of this nail art is the contrast of the color of the nail plate and the hole of the nail. It is especially fashionable if the nails are covered with a dark matte varnish, and the hole with a light matte varnish of a similar color shade.

To create an original lunar manicure, you need to make a stencil from scotch tape using toothed scissors. Paint the nails black. After drying, glue the adhesive tape, leaving the space of the hole free. We cover the hole with golden varnish, remove the tape.

4. Manicure with leaves of grass

Professional stencils for applying images have long been in stores and beauty salons. They are used to obtain an accurate, clear pattern. Apply the stencil only on the dry plane of the nail. After applying the varnish, you must wait until it dries, and later remove the stencil. Without doing this, you can ruin everything.

But if there is no professional stencil at hand, you can make it yourself using tape. How to make a manicure with leaves, see the photo tutorial.

5. Nails with hearts

The stencil can also be cut from a soft but dense fabric. For example, in the shape of a small heart. A layer of pink varnish is applied to the surface of the nail, then when the enamel is dried, the fabric is applied to the nail and a layer of white varnish with sparkles is applied to the heart.

And another great French style idea.

Photo ideas manicure scotch tape

Video manicure lessons with scotch tape

Triangle shaped

3 ideas of nail art with tape

Scotch is not only a breed of dog and a variety of whiskey. Under this name, many types of adhesive tape are combined, used both for small and not very small repairs, for fixing all kinds of announcements, in painting practice. Fashionistas also chose him. In this article, we’ll talk about how to make a manicure using adhesive tape.

What beauty begins with ...

Whatever design option is chosen, you should always start by giving the nails the desired shape, removing all burrs and eliminating other problems. The nibbled edge of the nail will look disgusting, even if something is depicted on it. Unless, of course, this is a carefully thought-out image that not everyone can understand.

  • align the length of the nails;
  • give the nails a conceived shape;
  • remove the cuticle;
  • to polish a nail;
  • apply a base coat.


At home, you can use ordinary single-sided tape. It is suitable for simple drawings.

  1. A base coat is applied.
  2. It is waiting for complete drying.
  3. Stencils are cut from pieces of tape.
  4. To get rid of increased stickiness, adhesive tape is glued to the hand.
  5. The stencil from the hand is transferred to the nails, in the intended sequence.
  6. On top of the tape, a second color is applied.
  7. After drying, the stencil is removed.
  8. A new stencil is glued, on top of which a third color is applied.
  9. After drying, the adhesive tape is removed.
  10. If desired, the nail is covered with a fixative.

Geometric patterns

The principle of operation is very similar to the one described above, only a special thin manicure tape is used, or the usual one is thinly cut.

  1. On top of a well-dried base coat, many narrow strips are applied in a different order.
  2. The “tails” of the strips must necessarily hang down so that it is convenient to remove them.
  3. The nail is covered in the following color.
  4. After drying, the strips are removed, if necessary, a fixative is used.

Geometric manicure with scotch tape can be made multi-color. Stripes set boundaries, and decorate to your taste and skill.

Moon manicure

This type of manicure, along with a French jacket, is very convenient to do with tape. If the holes are not rounded, but sharp. Then just set the shape with ribbons. In order not to spoil the manicure, to remove the tapes, it is strongly recommended to use tweezers. In the photo below, just a variant of such a manicure is examined.

In the case of rounded holes, the form is cut out of tape and the nail is stained before and after the stencil is applied. Moreover, the stencil can be both a bed and a nail outside the bed.

Decorative tape

Until now, we have been disassembling techniques in which adhesive tape was removed. But now decorative adhesive tape has appeared, and now we will consider manicure with adhesive tape, used as an independent element.

On a well-known Chinese site, there is a lot of manicure tape option. Moreover, at very reasonable prices. You no longer need to cut strips from ordinary scotch tape. Everything is ready. And given the variety of colors, shooting it now is not necessary at all. As well as worrying about increased stickiness. With him, such a problem simply does not exist.

  1. The base color is applied to the prepared nail.
  2. After drying, the surface is degreased with alcohol.
  3. Adhesive tape.
  4. The excess is trimmed with a razor or sharp scissors.
  5. Covered with a layer of fixative.

The video contains ideas for manicure with scotch tape.

In general, with the help of such a simple tool as adhesive tape, you can implement almost all designs. In some cases, it works as a stencil, and then the next color is applied simply on top of it, in some borders, and the jewelry master can draw the plan, or maybe the decor itself.

Even the beginner will cope with the first method, especially if the design chooses easier. The second method requires certain skills. The third is suitable, if not for everyone, then for many. In any case, the main desire is not to be afraid to make a mistake. In the end, nail design is good because you can try it again and again. These experiments with hair can have consequences, and everything that you draw on the nails can be washed off with a special liquid. So go for it! And use different types of tape in your life and in different ways!