How the nipples increase during pregnancy. Causes of darkening during pregnancy. Nipple Swelling During Pregnancy

Changes in the breast during pregnancy are not only the norm, but I have the opportunity to learn about the processes in the body, according to the term. For example, according to the condition, color and size of the nipple during pregnancy, you can find out the amount of the hormone, whether the pregnancy is normal, and how the baby develops. Nipples during pregnancy are a conditional indicator of the norm and abnormalities of all ongoing processes.

An increase in nipple sensitivity is observed long before a woman finds out about her position. Part of this change is due to the fact that the amount of progesterone and prolactin in the blood increases. Estrogen, which is now in a slightly smaller amount, does not block the effect on the mammary glands of the pregnancy hormones, which are now in a slightly smaller amount in the blood.

The manifestation of the sensitivity of the nipple is expressed in the form of swelling, however, characteristic manifestations are from other sides. So, one of the first manifestations of a normal pregnancy is considered to be an increase in the sensitivity of the nipple zone, the nipple itself. This feeling literally annoys the pregnant woman: the most delicate touch of the nipple's snow swollen skin causes discomfort, provokes a surge of aggression, irritability.

In most women, the nipples acquire the hypersensitive sensations characteristic of PMS, therefore, at this stage, many girls are not aware of anything, labeling this as a sign of premenstrual syndrome. Visible changes are observed much later when the pregnancy test shows two stripes.

But when a woman is aware of the situation, then the sensations become more colorful: the nipples hurt at the slightest pressure, touch. It is recommended to change the old bra to a more spacious and comfortable. The bra cup should be even, smooth, made of natural fabric and without seams, which will irritate the nipples with existing decorative elements. Doctors recommend constantly wearing underwear, regardless of the size of the bust, while at the same time placing pieces of tissue in the lower part of the cup, which will raise the chest slightly up.


Air baths have beneficial effects on the nipples, reducing soreness. Every day, you can apply before or after bathing air baths for 15 minutes. This will help harden the mammary gland, preparing it for feeding.

Nipple swelling

Swelling of the papillary zone occurs in parallel with how the entire breast increases in size. Edema, which initially causes pain, stabilizes after three months, the woman notes a decrease in discomfort, but the mammary gland is still increased in size.

Doctors recommend monitoring how the chest swells: if it began to deflate during the first trimester, and the sensitivity disappeared, this is an occasion to seek help from a gynecologist. Perhaps this change is the first alarming sign of a reduced pregnancy hormone that threatens to miscarry or freeze the fetus.

Nipple swelling is most often observed during the first trimester, when the body is the most intensive progesterone production. Due to the fact that hormones increase every minute, the mammary gland becomes large, swollen. A woman notes edema and the nipple itself, which literally becomes stretched and very thin to the touch. Stretching the skin does not have time to adapt to new sizes, and therefore, against the background of such a change, the manifestation of itching of the skin is also noted.


The greatest feelings of discomfort are noted in the first trimester and before the birth itself. All the rest of the time, the breast of the pregnant expectant mother remains swollen, but pain symptoms are not noted.

Nipple darkening

A change in the color of the nipple is also a possible manifestation that a woman notes already at a later date of gestation. Progesterone, which now provides the child with the necessary life support, the right amount of elements necessary for growth, provokes changes in the nipple, which becomes darker under the influence of the hormone.

However, if changes in color have not occurred, you should not think that this is a pathology. Perhaps this feature is due to the individual genotype of a woman who, by nature, has blonde hair and skin. As a rule, if the nipples are very light before pregnancy, barely distinguishable from the primary color of the entire skin of the breast, then during pregnancy the woman will not notice any special differences, as, for example, in girls with dark skin.

Part of this feature is due to melanin, which is present depending on the genotype and skin type, and partly the absence of a change in the color of the nipple is explained by the fact that the action of prolactin does not change the concentration of melanin substances in the juice itself. But, in any case, it is not necessary to talk about pathology.


Changes in the nipples and x color are observed at the same time when the strip from the navel to the pubic bone of the woman darkens. most often visible changes occur in the last months of gestation.

Bubble formations in the form of pimples near the nipple are the so-called Montgomery tubercles, which develop during lactation and pregnancy. Such development is due to the same hormone for pregnancy, as well as oxytocin, which is produced in large quantities before the birth itself.

It is with the onset of fertilization that a large number of women in position note an increase in the size of such formations, which causes fear and fear. It is believed that such tubercles are of particular importance at the time of pregnancy and lactation. The purpose of such entities:

  1. The allocation of a special secret, which provides antibacterial protection of the nipple and breast during pregnancy or during menstruation.
  2. Moisturizing the nipple halo, which becomes “waxed” to the touch. This is a normal phenomenon, moreover, such a property is extremely necessary when preparing the nipple for lactation.
  3. Contribute to the baby’s quick getting used to the chest. It is such tubercles that form a special secret, which the baby distinguishes by smell first, rather than the smell of milk.

Such tubercles begin to swell and increase in size in some women in the first week of pregnancy. This symptom is the main for most gynecologists, who determine both the duration of pregnancy and its normal course. However, if changes do not occur for a long time, it is also not worth worrying, perhaps such changes will appear during lactation.


In 10% of women during pregnancy and lactation, Montgomery tubercles do not stand out and do not develop. This is explained by the individual characteristics of the body. Moreover, such a factor does not affect lactation. .

Montgomery tubercles, which enlarge and swell along with the nipples and entire breasts, are not cause for concern. However, if they become reddish, pink, hurt when touched and there is itching, burning, then this is a cause for concern and additional consultation with a gynecologist.

Treatment of pathological formations on the chest, including inflamed Montgomery tubercles in a pregnant woman, is carried out exclusively by a doctor who conducts pregnancy in a antenatal clinic. Since the circle of drugs during pregnancy and lactation is limited, the most acceptable and safe one is selected from all possible options. Preparations are usually used by homeopathic exposure, with herbs (herbal remedies).


Anxiety in the nipples during pregnancy should cause redness, swelling, pain and tingling. Also, alerts should be highlighted nonspecific greenish or pink.

Since the main task of the mammary glands in a woman’s life is feeding her baby, providing him with proper natural nutrition, nailing colostrum and milk is one of the most important issues that concern most women in an interesting position.

Colostrum is released from the moment of prolactin concentration in the mammary gland. Throughout pregnancy, its concentration gradually increases, while prolactin also increases, which provides the necessary milk supply in the future after childbirth.

The first signs of an existing colostrum can be noted by a woman at the period of 5.6 or 7 months of pregnancy. However, if this did not happen, you should not worry: the amount of colostrum is limited, for feeding the baby in the first three days it is a few drops of colostrum that envelop the walls of the stomach. Colostrum is not milk that comes in large quantities, it is a kind of concentrate that helps the baby go through the period of adaptation.

Interesting fact!

After birth, the baby is applied to the breast, not only for feeding, but also for hormonal exchange between the mother and the baby. The first drops of milk help the baby understand that his mother is nearby, and the mother to feel the first minutes of motherhood in full. At this point, oxytocin is produced, which helps to contract the uterus and stimulates milk production in the future.

Nipple stimulation

Many gynecologists recommend nipple stimulation throughout pregnancy so that lactation continues without complications. However, the stimulation of the nipples should be carried out carefully, since with this procedure, the contraction of the uterus is possible. Normally, if there is no threat of miscarriage, then even constant stimulation e can provoke a premature birth, but if a woman has a risk of premature birth, then it is possible to carry out stimulation after consulting a doctor.

What is the stimulation of the nipples, and why is this necessary? First of all, stimulation is carried out so that the nipple is ready for lactation. A woman should remember that the capture of the nipple is made completely, most of it is under the lower jaw of the baby, the upper lip half captures the nipple from above. If the baby takes the breast incorrectly, then cracks appear that over a long period of time bleed and hurt.

Nipple stimulation during pregnancy:

  • a contrast shower every morning, while the coldest water should not be lower than a degree of room temperature;
  • rubbing the nipples with a harsh cloth, preferably from unpeeled flax;
  • stretching and slightly scrolling the nipple forward, clockwise and counterclockwise.

The female body is a complex system in which everything is interconnected. The monthly cycle is a consequence of the sequential production of different hormones, which lead to various changes. Fluctuations in mood, the condition of the skin and hair, sexual desire, all this is the body's response to the activity of the endocrine glands.

Separately, it should be said about the female breast. This is a very sensitive organ that responds to the release of hormones and changes along with metabolism. Therefore, age-related features, diets and stresses, pregnancy, and other events significant for the body do not pass by it. The physiological response may be darkening of the nipples, as well as an increase in their sensitivity. In most cases, this is not evidence of illness. Today we’ll talk about why nipples can darken and whether to do anything about it.

Natural cycle

If the nipples darkened right before the onset of menstruation, this is due to changes in the hormonal background. This is not at all dangerous. With the onset of menstruation, the nipples will become less sensitive, return to their normal state. These are not the only symptoms. At this time, the chest usually increases in size, becomes painful. However, all this is very individual. Someone complains that walking without a bra is uncomfortable even at night. Others, on the contrary, do not feel any changes. Symptoms of PMS - it is very individual, for some it is a real torment, and for others it is a completely invisible phenomenon.

Different periods of the month

The second phase of the cycle is usually marked by soreness and swelling of the chest. The reason lies in the increased concentration of progesterone, which leads to such symptoms. Similar processes occur in the epithelial layer of the uterus. If the nipples are darkened, then this may be an individual reaction to hormonal changes. Usually, after a few days, their condition will return to normal. Maximum discomfort occurs on the 7th day of the second phase of the cycle.

The second point that women celebrate is ovulation. At this time, estrogen is released, which also lead to a number of necessary changes. In particular, the egg ripens and enters the fallopian tube, where it can meet with the sperm. Usually the reaction of the breast to ovulation is not noticeable, but some women claim that their nipples have darkened. This can also be attributed to individual changes in the body.

The third stage, as a rule, occurs in the very middle of the cycle. It is characterized by a decrease in estrogen levels. Small nipples most often increase during this period. At the same time, tension in the chest intensifies. These are completely physiological symptoms that do not indicate the presence of any pathology. If tension in the chest, enlargement and darkening of the nipples are observed regularly, at about the same time, then this is considered a normal reaction of your body.

What to do to alleviate the condition?

Experts recommend reducing salt intake a week before the start of menstruation. This will alleviate the symptoms of PMS. When the next peak is approaching, discard lace underwire. Better to take a sports bra. For severe pain, you can take aspirin or Ibuprofen. Doctors recommend diuretics - parsley or celery, green tea. If improvement has not occurred in the next few days, then do not pull further, consult a doctor and undergo an examination.

Nipple discharge

This is a normal occurrence not only during pregnancy. Before menstruation, many women note that small crusts appear on the nipple. If discharge appears, then you need to wash your chest more often with warm water, while trying not to injure it much. Sometimes peeling and dryness of the nipples may occur, which is also not a pathology. This can be easily dealt with in safe ways. You can use creams against stretch marks or sea buckthorn oil.

You should be alarmed in cases where the temperature has risen sharply, and the nipples not only darkened, but also began to bleed. Constant nipple pain or its concentration in one breast are suspicious symptoms that require a doctor’s intervention.

Changes in puberty

This is the first stage when changes occur with the body of a young girl. Suddenly, the nipples become very painful, they swell slightly and rise. Most girls note that during this period even a light touch causes severe pain. At this time, it is worth starting to wear special underwear, which will reduce the contact of swollen nipples with clothing.

Pregnancy Changes

Quite often, you can determine your new interesting position not by delaying your period, but by changing the sensitivity of the chest. Here, too, every woman has a different course. Some say that long before the delay they felt that the chest began to increase. Other patients attribute this to yesterday’s pastries and weight gain, but in any case, such drastic changes should alert. Experienced women often have an alarming thought: "The nipples have darkened, is it really pregnant?" In order to find the exact answer to this question, you can take a test in a pharmacy or go for a consultation with a gynecologist.

But these are only the first news. Very soon, a woman notices that her nipples are dark. Once tender and pink, they not only change color, but also become rude. Moreover, it is easier to determine it by sight, but to feel them during this period is very difficult. Sensitivity increases so much that it can even turn into pain. Let's look at what happens to the nipples of a woman, what anatomical changes lead to such consequences.

Physiological features

From the first days when a fertilized egg takes its place in the uterus, the body begins to actively produce an important hormone - prolactin. It is he who is responsible for the preservation and further course of pregnancy. The woman's nipples at this time significantly increase in size, as well as the breast itself.

Prolactin is necessary in order to ensure successful lactation in the future. Despite the fact that while your baby is only a few millimeters in size, the body knows well that there is not much time. Therefore, hormones cause breast tissue to change, starting from the first days of pregnancy.

Blood begins to circulate actively, as a result of which areoles rapidly increase. Even small nipples become larger. Why does a woman feel pain? Because areoles and nipples begin to grow rapidly. The skin does not have time for them, and therefore a feeling of tension and discomfort appears. To weaken it, it is recommended from the first days to lubricate the chest with a special cream. And when the pain recedes slightly, you need to start rubbing your chest daily with a towel. This will allow in the future to avoid cracking of the nipples. This is a normal condition, and you should not worry about this.

Rapid changes

The size of the nipples continues to change rapidly. Of course, much depends on physiological characteristics. For some, the areola becomes only slightly larger, while for others it stretches like a platter. Sometimes women worry that they will remain so. No, this is a temporary phenomenon. After feeding, they will gradually begin to lighten. True, some note that the size of the nipple after pregnancy has not changed.

The main reason that the small nipples are enlarged is the proliferation of the mammary excretory ducts. This process occurs because the newborn should be able to easily and conveniently capture the chest from the first minutes of his life. And why do nipples become dark? Another mechanism works here. Color change occurs due to the active work of melanin - a pigment that is produced under the influence of sex hormones. This is also normal and does not require correction. Most often, very dark nipples are dark-skinned women by nature. Natural blondes and women with delicate, very fair skin indicate that they have become rather reddish.

Change continues

We examined how they change. It remains to be added only that the increase in soreness will continue until the third trimester. Now you can notice that a clear fluid is leaking from the nipples. This suggests that the body is seriously configured for the appearance of the baby and its breastfeeding. It is not necessary to squeeze it out specially, as this can provoke a contraction of the uterus and lead to premature birth.

Another change is the appearance of small pimples near the nipples. This may excite a young woman, but, in fact, nothing bad happens. The sore nipples enlarge and the glands that were still hiding now look out. Very little time will pass, and they will again disappear without a trace.

Diseases and pathologies

The mammary glands respond to any changes that occur in a woman's body. Therefore, if the breast has increased, the nipples have darkened, but there is no pregnancy, then you need to look for another reason. This may be a sign of certain diseases. Let's list the main ones:

  • Polycystic ovary. This disease causes an increase in estrogen production. As a result, the breast becomes painful, sensitive. The disease is diagnosed by the attending gynecologist.
  • Uterine fibroids. This is not just a benign tumor, but a complex disease that significantly changes hormonal metabolism.
  • Endometriosis With this disease, the nipples of the mammary glands also become more sensitive.

Systemic hormonal diseases

Our body responds to any changes in the secret that the endocrine glands produce. And the body will respond to any violations with a change in the tissues of the chest. Therefore, if the nipples are enlarged and darkened, this may be a symptom of a pathology. If you suspect this, you must definitely visit a mammologist. It is especially important to seek help if there are other symptoms, for example, a change in the shape of the breast, retraction of the nipple or its redness.

Inflammatory diseases

This is a fairly large group of pathologies, which is primarily characterized by redness and fever, darkening and engorgement of the nipples. Often there are discharge. Be sure to carefully examine and tell your doctor about the nature of these secretions. If blood is present in them, then we should talk about the pathology of the ducts of the mammary glands. This may be an intraductal papilloma or something even more serious. Pay attention to the appearance of the nipples. If they lost their shape and seemed to be pulled in, this may indicate the development of oncology. In any case, if you undergo a consultation with a doctor, it will not be worse.


Statistics is inexorable. Today, one in three women seeks help in connection with suspected breast swelling. Most of them confirm the diagnosis. Fortunately, benign tumors that do not pose a danger to life and health are much more common. But they can be reborn and lead to oncology. In this case, a change in breast sensitivity may be the first symptom that will lead to a doctor in time.

The best prevention is a timely call to a qualified specialist. Even if nothing bothers you, you need to visit a doctor regularly. A healthy lifestyle, regular self-examination and consultation with a mammologist are the best way to avoid complications. Women over 40 should pay special attention to their breasts. It is at this age that the risk of developing hormonal diseases increases.

What is not worth doing?

Often women postpone visiting a doctor. And since unpleasant and painful sensations persist, they use improvised means to eliminate them. It can be painkillers or antibiotics. Often, herbs, tinctures and lotions are used. In fact, it is impossible to cure an unknown pathology with such methods. Therefore, take the time to visit the clinic.

If you are firmly convinced that the cause is not ovulation or pregnancy, then you must additionally undergo an ultrasound or mammogram. Important information is provided by a blood test for hormones. After the examination, the doctor will make a decision and prescribe treatment.

Instead of a conclusion

As you can see, the darkening and enlargement of the nipples does not always mean that the woman is pregnant. There are a number of other reasons to consider. It is no secret that it is possible to diagnose pregnancy using a test with high reliability and a minimum of costs. You don’t even need to go to the doctor for this. In addition, every woman knows that every month she is followed by the same sensations, including increased breast sensitivity. It is a completely different matter if you first see that the nipples have darkened and become sick. Excluding pregnancy, you need to look for the likelihood of developing inflammatory or tumor processes.

Doctors consider pain in the nipples, their swelling, darkening, enlargement, and other unusual symptoms as a normal option for a woman during gestation.

But to launch or ignore these manifestations is not worth it - when the pain in the nipples is constant, severe, when they peel, prick, dry, crack, itch, blacken and cause the pregnant woman inconvenience, you need to see a doctor to find out the causes of the condition and relieve symptoms.

Why do nipples hurt during pregnancy?

In medicine, there is a concept of subjective, objective and probable signs of pregnancy. For example, a change in the emotional state and soreness of the nipples are classified as subjective symptoms. Do nipples swell and hurt during pregnancy? Not.

Breast swells and nipples hurt:

  • in the middle of the cycle, before ovulation;
  • in the premenstrual period (PMS);
  • if protected by oral contraceptives.

Gynecologists often come across complaints of pregnant women about pain in the mammary glands from the inside and outside. Although this problem is not deadly, it significantly reduces the quality of life. After all, a pregnant woman is also a wife.

Physiological reasons

The woman’s body prepares for pregnancy every month. As soon as conception has occurred, the concentration of some hormones increases and others decrease. Progesterone, or the “pregnancy hormone” in the people, affects the skin, adipose, nervous tissue and blood vessels. Its influence is needed to prepare for bearing the baby.

The woman notices that she often runs to the toilet, that she is sick in the mornings, and in the evening she suddenly wanted to eat chalk. This is not a breakdown, this is pregnancy!

Remember! Hypersensitivity of the chest and pain in the nipples, heaviness in the lower abdomen, morning toxicosis are the first signs that you are in a position.

Thanks to prolactin and progesterone, the breast increases by 2-3 sizes. This is especially pleasing to women with small sizes. Many ladies even take photos of their breasts and pregnant belly during pregnancy or arrange a candid photo shoot.

However, enlarged breasts add not only sexuality, but also discomfort. Nipples in the early stages may not change in appearance, they will simply be hypersensitive. And at the end of the second and beginning of the third trimester, under the influence of prolactin, colostrum begins to be produced - blood flow in the chest increases, milk ducts expand, the shape of the nipple changes. Receptors can perceive an increase in pressure and tension as a pain impulse.

Colostrum is a few droplets of yellow color, pre-milk. The chest, as it were, “trains” before real feeding. Shower twice a day and the use of a moisturizer (oil or cream) prevents the formation of dryness and crusts on the nipples.

Since colostrum can wet clothes, we advise you to buy a special nursing bra with absorbent pads. It is only important to regularly change gaskets and arrange air baths so as not to create an environment for the growth of bacteria.

Pathological causes

Dryness and stretching of the skin on the nipples and around leads to cracks, pain and infection in the milk ducts. The sensation of itching and burning prompts the woman to touch the skin and comb it. When pressure is applied to a painful area, blood is sometimes released. All this creates microcracks of the epithelium, the protective barrier of the skin collapses and a bacterium or virus penetrates inside.

So unpleasant sensations in the mammary glands can signal serious problems.

Infections that most often cause gravidar, ie “pregnant” mastitis:

  • streptococci - fluid flows from the nipples of a honey color, with an unpleasant odor;
  • staphylococci - signs of intoxication, prolonged course;
  • herpes type 1 virus is manifested by vesicles (they look like acne on the chest), which then collapse and a crust forms on top;
  • e. coli - classic signs of inflammation;
  • fungi of the genus Candida - cheesy discharge with an acidic smell, which occurs also in immunocompromised states (for example, HIV).

Laboratory tests will help determine the source of infection.

External factors of influence

Besides infections and hormones, can there be other causes of pain in the mammary glands?

Of course:

  1. Shower gel dries the delicate skin of the areoles and nipples.
  2. A bra with a seam in front of the nipples or just made of rough fabric. If before pregnancy you did not pay attention to it, then due to the increased sensitivity you will now feel discomfort.
  3. An allergy to moisturizers and lotions is manifested by itching, burning, redness of the skin, nipples “burn” as if they could peel off.

Change the manufacturer of the bra, wear special underwear for girls in position.

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Why do nipples get dark and itchy during pregnancy?

From posts on topic forums: “Why do I have black nipples?” “My husband said in surprise that my nipples and areoles began to darken. Is that how it should be? ”

No need to worry!

Nipple pigmentation is a normal physiological process. In some women, they become almost black, while in others they are slightly brownish. This usually occurs at 4-5 months.

But why are they getting dark? The endocrine organs - the pituitary gland, the adrenal glands and the placenta produce hormones, and they in turn affect the biochemical processes in the body. Melanocyte-stimulating hormone and estrogen stimulate the production of melatonin in melanocytes.

Melatonin is produced not only under the influence of UV rays, but also under the influence of heat. During the period of gestation, the belly and breast of the expectant mother is stretched, blood circulation is enhanced - and the synthesis of melatonin in melanocytes is stimulated. In addition, it is an antioxidant that protects the epithelium from harmful effects.

The immune forces of the body are reduced, making it possible for the embryo to take root. Therefore, you need to carefully monitor hygiene during this period. Darkening and swelling are often accompanied by unpleasant symptoms indicating inflammation.

The signs are as follows:

  • yellow nasty smelling discharge from the nipple;
  • painful cracks, peeling;
  • swelling, fever, nipple burns;
  • protrudes blood when pressed;

Symptoms clearly indicate that you need to see a doctor.

Treatment of a bacterial infection is carried out with antibiotics that do not cross the placenta, that is, they do not harm the fetus. On the Internet you can find many myths about the treatment of mastitis with folk remedies. But antibiotic therapy is the best way to cure mastitis, unless it is phlegmonous or gangrenous. Severe mastitis can only be treated surgically. So consult your doctor in a timely manner.

There are infections that manifest intoxication, and there are those that do not cause an inflammatory reaction, but have peculiar clinical manifestations. For example, the human papillomavirus. The clinical picture is as follows: small papillomas on the nipples, in the armpits, in the inguinal folds, on the skin of the genital organs.

Does this virus always manifest itself? Of course, not 100% of pregnant women have papillomas. Some confuse them with white towering dots. They are especially noticeable when the shape of the nipple changes to cylindrical. These are the glands of Montgomery. It is believed that they secrete a lubricant that protects the areola and nipple.

How to prepare breasts for feeding

  1. If a woman has hypersensitive nipples, then the doctor may advise to carefully massage the nipples with a cotton glove during a shower. This is necessary so that the baby does not cause suffering to the mother when sucking the nipples.
  2. You can do massage without a glove - you need to stroke the chest in a circular motion, without pressure.
  3. If the shape of your nipple is flat or retracted, it will be difficult for the child to take the breast. If at the beginning of pregnancy, the nipples have not changed their shape, consult your doctor if you can buy special stretchers to stimulate the nipples.
  4. Buy in advance a cream with dexpanthenol or lanolin. For example, Bepanten. Domestic analogues - Panthenol Evalar, Dexpanthenol, Pantoderm.

There are special gels, ointments for nipples during pregnancy and lactation. Do not neglect them. In the old textbooks on obstetrics, you can find recommendations to smear the nipples with green or even alcohol. We strongly recommend not to do this, dry the skin and mucous membrane even more.

There is one disease that worsens the life of both the mother and the newborn. This is mastitis. It is easy to avoid if you take good care of your body.

Why nipples should not be touched during pregnancy

During pregnancy, the hormonal background changes significantly. Almost all organs, including the brain, are aimed at bearing and preserving the fetus. At the same time, there are hormones that are conventionally called hormones of childbirth. One of them is oxytocin. You may have heard of it as a hormone of joy, but in fact this substance has other functions. It reduces striated and smooth muscles, inducing labor and reducing blood loss.

This hormone is secreted if you long iron and twist the nipple. Therefore, in the third trimester, in particular at 36, 37, 38 weeks, it is better not to touch the nipple. Sexual rest in the last three months before birth is recommended.

In obstetrics, there is the practice of rubbing the nipples if a woman has a fetus (more than 40-41 weeks) or labor has slowed in childbirth.

Prevention of pain - how to avoid them

Here are tips to help you survive your entire pregnancy without any problems:

  1. Observe the water regime - clean water 10 ml per kg of body per day. If there is no edema.
  2. Change fragrance gels to liquid baby soap or gels with a minimum of surfactant additives.
  3. Do not neglect breast hygiene and nursing bras.
  4. Ointments with dexpanthenol, lanolin and zinc will be relieved of dryness and crusts on the nipples.
  5. If cracks have already formed, then the epidermis cream with vitamin A will be restored. But it can not be combined with oral administration of retinol.
  6. The chest reddened and sharply fell ill, pus flows from the nipple? Bad smell comes from the chest? Contact your gynecologist immediately, he will prescribe an antibacterial ointment.
  7. Air baths are needed for the chest. But no more than 15 minutes a day and not under a stream of air.
  8. And avoid hypothermia. Sometimes it’s easier to spend money on a taxi if there is no transport for a long time, than to buy drugs from the temperature that will harm the baby.


Take care of yourself. Set yourself to live these 9 months joyfully and gratefully to your body.

Try not to get sick, and if you get sick, do not delay the visit to the doctor.

Healthy mom is a happy baby!

From the first weeks of pregnancy, the woman’s body begins to prepare for motherhood. The breast is also preparing for the upcoming feeding of the baby: the mammary glands swell, the nipples begin to darken gradually. First, they acquire a light brown shade, which every day becomes darker. This happens due to the fact that the production of melanin sharply increases in the body of a pregnant woman. By the way, in fair-haired women, in the first weeks of pregnancy, the darkening of the area around the nipple is not so significant, you may not even notice it. In dark-haired, this process is more pronounced.

Namely, seeing that the areola of the nipples has darkened, it is worth asking yourself the question "Am I pregnant?"   Already at 5-6 weeks it will become noticeable that they change their color. Many are interested in whether the nipples after childbirth will become the same as they were before. Answer: after the woman stops breastfeeding, the nipples will lighten, but not to pink.

Nipple Sensitivity During Pregnancy

Often, the sensitivity of the nipples during pregnancy increases, in some to such an extent that touching them causes unpleasant pain. In many future mothers, the breast begins to hurt, becomes larger and denser. All of these symptoms are signs of pregnancy. More in detail about the first signs   pregnancy

Want to know why in the early stages of pregnancy, nipples become so sensitive? It turns out that everything is simple. In the body of the expectant mother, in order to maintain pregnancy, the hormone prolactin begins to be produced. It enhances blood circulation in the chest and makes the nipples more sensitive, and the size of the area around the nipples (areola) is much larger. Changes occur quickly, and the skin of the nipples is greatly stretched. This fact also affects the sensitivity of the nipples, provokes painful sensations. So do not be alarmed, this is quite normal.

There are women who are lucky, and they don’t feel the changes that occur with the breast, they don’t feel any unpleasant sensations, and all because their body does not react so violently to an increase in prolactin levels.

What to do if the high sensitivity of the nipples is very worrying? Pick up a cotton bra, taking into account the changed breast sizes and start using stretch marks.

When the areolas of the nipples of a pregnant woman darken

The area around the nipple during the period of bearing the baby varies greatly. Areoles darken and significantly increase in size. When will the darkening of the areoles become noticeable? Everything is individual here. On average, discolouration of the areoles around the nipples occurs at 5 weeks gestation.

Credible fact:   nipples during pregnancy darken in all women. In the early stages, the darkening of the areoles is not so noticeable. With each week of pregnancy, this area becomes darker and eventually reaches a peak - a dark brown color.

Some pregnant women note that in late pregnancy, their nipples become similar to the nipples of black women. The change in pigmentation of the nipples is due to hormonal changes in the body of the pregnant woman and the active deposition of melatonin. A lack of folic acid, vitamin D, stress can accelerate the process of darkening of the areoles and give the nipples a darker color.

Can nipple halos darken not due to pregnancy?

There are many reasons why nipples darken.   The main one is pregnancy.   We’ll talk about the rest now.

  So, why nipple halos can darken:

  • in transition   from one age to another (from a teenager to a girl during menopause);
  • hereditary factor: if a mom at a certain age, the nipple halos darkened, then a daughter can also experience this phenomenon;
  • may cause pigmentation hormonal disordersdue to illness or stress. Purple or blue nipples can be with some diseases;
  • the cause of increased pigmentation of the nipples can be hormones   (birth control pills);
  • affect the color of the nipples in some cases improperly selected bra.

Since the level of sex hormones rises sharply with the onset of pregnancy, changes in the breast are not considered to be something special. However, some of them may alarm individual women. In addition, if the fascination of the mammary glands, the pouring and rounding of the breast are positively perceived not only by men, but also by women themselves (if only the breast remained so after childbirth!), Then metamorphoses with nipples practically do not please anyone: they darken, enlarge, and even and can be very sick.

The good news is that after some time after giving birth and the end of lactation, the nipples will practically return to normal, unless their size is completely the same: they will remain slightly enlarged (but still not the same as they are now). But pigmentation, swelling and soreness will disappear. By the way, men like elongated nipples, and the baby is much easier to grab such a nipple.

However, during the period of carrying a baby with nipples, not only these changes can occur. Can any of them be considered the norm and when to worry?

Nipple Swelling During Pregnancy

Changes in the breast and nipples are one of the earliest and most reliable signs of pregnancy.   From the first days after conception, the preparation of the mammary glands for the upcoming feeding of the baby begins, and it continues throughout this period: the glandular tissue grows - the chest becomes fuller, heavier and enlarged due to this. Naturally, the nipples also become larger: wider in diameter and longer.

The increase is due to the arrival of additional blood volumes in this area. The milk ducts expand, and the nipple “learns” to properly respond to irritation, that is, to the infant sucking it. To do this - so that it is convenient for the child to grab the chest - he becomes larger, and the skin on the nipple becomes a little rough so as not to react so sensitively to the upcoming sucking.

The breast and nipples increase in almost all pregnant women, and compared with the pre-pregnant state, the weight of the breast by the end of the gestation period can increase three times!

But in some cases, everything can remain without any changes. By the way, in few women, with the onset of conception, the nipples even sink inward instead of stretching: in this case, you may have to specially prepare the breast for lactation, which we will discuss below.

Nipples hurt during pregnancy

The processes described in the previous section are often accompanied by unpleasant sensations. This is not surprising, because the mammary gland grows very quickly (this is already felt in the first days and weeks of pregnancy), and the skin is not keeping up with it. The nipple reacts most of all: the skin is rapidly stretching, it can even crack, which provokes increased irritability, burning, and sometimes very severe pain. Many women complain that any movements cause indescribable discomfort in the nipple, and sometimes they hurt, tingle or itch even at rest.

To minimize discomfort, you need to wear a comfortable cotton bra on wide straps - it fixes the chest more firmly and prevents its fluctuations while walking. The cup of the bra should be made of solid fabric - without scars, seams and decorating elements.

Hypersensitivity and chest pain, as a rule, passes by the second trimester, although in some cases it can persist until the very end of pregnancy. Do not worry: this reaction is somewhat protective: any stimulation of the nipples can tone the uterus, and increasing their sensitivity minimizes such an undesirable effect on them.

Dark nipples during pregnancy

If the previous two signs - enlargement and soreness of the nipples - often accompany the premenstrual syndrome and can not always be considered separately as a reliable symptom of pregnancy, then the darkening of the areoles and nipples will almost certainly indicate to the woman her interesting position. Indeed, after conception, the production of dark pigment melanin increases, and in the places of its greatest accumulation, darkening of the skin is noticeably pronounced. Pigment spots may appear on the face, many pregnant women have a dark strip on their abdomen, the labia darken, but it is the nipples that are the first to respond to the increase in the amount of melanin, because there are receptors sensitive to it.

For this reason, nipples darken during pregnancy, turn brown. The intensity of their color can be different - it's all individually. In some women, the nipples and areoles become saturated brown, almost black. Owners of very light skin by nature, they just blush.

The near-nasal areoles that grow in diameter and change their color sometimes turn out to be a cause for excitement and frustration of women carrying pregnancy. However, there is no need to despair: after the termination of breastfeeding, these manifestations will disappear.

Nipple Cracks During Pregnancy

But what you should pay attention to is the cracks in the nipples during pregnancy. Normally, they should not be. The cause of cracking on the skin in this area is its excessive dryness. Nipples also crack due to mechanical impact on them. In particular, in pregnant women this happens if a woman is intensely preparing her breasts for lactation, intensively performing various manipulations. Refuse all sorts of similar procedures: if the nipple does not sink inward, then feeding problems are unlikely to occur. With the approach of childbirth and the natural preparation of the breast for feeding, the nipple will take the necessary size and shape.

When isolating colostrum from the breast, the hyena must be observed even more, because it irritates the nipples, which can cause cracks on them.

If peeling and cracks are formed due to dryness, then its cause must be eliminated. This may be insufficient breast care (it should be moistened with oils or special creams) or a deficiency of vitamin substances, in particular vitamins B, A and E. Discuss the feasibility of additional intake with your doctor.

Papillomas on the nipples during pregnancy

More problematic if there are moles or papillomas on the nipples. Now, during pregnancy, they may not pose a serious danger. But difficulties will arise after the birth of the baby, because he will swallow the nipple along with the formations, annoying them all the time.

Flat small moles on the nipples, as a rule, are not an obstacle to breastfeeding, but the hanging papilloma will most likely have to be removed soon after birth: consult a doctor on this issue.

In addition, more attention needs to be paid to improving immunity if papillomas begin to appear during pregnancy. Their formation is caused by the activation of the virus, which was simply in the woman’s body in a dormant state. Now, due to hormonal changes, it has intensified - and papillomas have appeared.

The virus significantly weakens the immunity of the expectant mother, and therefore it is necessary to discuss preventive measures for complications and diseases with a doctor.

Nipple discharge during pregnancy

Even in the early stages, a woman can notice a discharge from her chest. If they are transparent, whitish, yellowish or with impurities of white or yellow, then it is colostrum. There is no reason to worry about such secretions, they also appear due to changes in hormone levels. From a certain point (most often after 20 weeks of pregnancy and especially often in the third trimester), colostrum begins to stand out in many pregnant women. This is a sign of the readiness of the breast to feed the baby.

The most important thing to consider when doing this: in no case should you squeeze colostrum out of your chest! Just regularly wash your breasts with warm water (at least twice a day) and moisturize with cream. It is useful to lubricate the nipples with a drop of colostrum: this will prevent the appearance of cracks and better prepare them for feeding.

White acne on the nipples during pregnancy

Very often, pregnant women find that small white pimples resembling pimples appear around the nipple, on the paranasal areola. They do not hurt and do not cause any other unpleasant sensations, but they look ugly and alarming with ignorance: is this dangerous?

These are the glands that are always around the nipples, but they come to the surface, usually during pregnancy and breastfeeding. They are called Montgomery tubercles and are the absolute physiological norm. It is possible that these tubercles, speaking on the surface of the nipple, will remain here (in most cases they still hide back), but this poses no danger to health.

It is believed that the more pimples crawled out, the better sign of good lactation in the future. Most often, pregnant women have about 10-12 such tubercles on each breast.

Nipples do not change during pregnancy

It should be noted that in each individual woman only those or other changes with nipples can occur, and in different pregnant women they are expressed to varying degrees - all options (with the exception of some pathological conditions) may be the norm. But it also happens that the breast with the onset of pregnancy and until its end does not change at all! Only with the beginning of the arrival of milk after childbirth does it become heavier, harden, fill up.

The absence of visible changes in the breast does not mean at all that there will be problems with breastfeeding. Just such a woman is less sensitive to hormonal fluctuations. What breasts and nipples look like during pregnancy in different women can be compared to numerous photos posted on the network.

Nevertheless, even if there are no changes with the breast and nipples during pregnancy (and even more so if there are any), any woman should know when to urgently see a doctor:

  • if a sharp severe pain appears only in one of the breasts;
  • if Montgomery tubercles become inflamed during pregnancy;
  • if the discharge from the chest has a greenish, pinkish tint, contains impurities of pus or blood, it smells unpleasant;
  • if the nipple acquires an uncharacteristic color;
  • if the skin around the nipple becomes inflamed, reddens, its temperature rises.

Nipple preparation for breastfeeding during pregnancy

And finally, about the preparation of the nipples for the upcoming breastfeeding. Contrary to popular belief, it is needed quite infrequently. Moreover: nipple stimulation during pregnancy can be extremely dangerous! It provokes uterine contractions, which leads to fetal rejection. Therefore, it is not recommended to massage the nipples without indications, and with the existing threat of abortion, any effect on the breast is prohibited!

Only if the nipples of the pregnant woman are sunken, very small, flat and short, can they be specially prepared by “pulling” and lengthening. To do this, it is recommended to rub the breast with a terry or waffle towel, as well as massage the nipples, pinching them between the fingers and scrolling. It should not last more than one minute. To reduce the sensitivity of the nipples to irritation, it is recommended to put shreds of hard tissue into the cups of the bra. But the admissibility of such stimulation can and should be judged only by a doctor!

Especially for - Margarita SOLOVYEVA