Regrets about death. Condolences on the death of a person: a short mourning speech to the family of the deceased. Short examples of funeral mourning speech

Loving you ...

They don’t part with loved ones,
   Only close to be stopped.

You sleep and we live
   You wait and we will come ...

You left us early, our beloved.
   Carried away our happiness and joy.

Great tribulation cannot be measured
   Tears of grief do not help.

You are not with us, but forever

You gave us life in this world,
   In another peace you have found.
   Gone, leaving a trace of sadness
   outbursts of sorrow and longing.

Remember me Lord
   Visit me with your salvation.
   Blessed are those who mourn: for they will be comforted.
   Remember me God
   And do not leave those who love you.

Like drops of dew on roses
   There are tears on my cheeks.

You are already gone, but we do not believe.
   In our hearts you are forever.
   And my pain from that loss
   Do not heal us ever.

Love for you, dear son,
   He will die only with us.
   And our pain and our sorrow
   Do not express in words.

Our pain cannot be measured
   And do not pour out in tears.
   We live like you
   We will forever love.

Love you, proud of you.
   In our memory
   You are always alive.

Great tribulation cannot be measured
   Tears of grief do not help.
   You are not with us, but forever
   In our hearts you will not die.

What a pity your life
   Was so short
   But the memory of you will be eternal.

Sleep, my beloved daughter, calmly.
   You have come your short way
   Honestly and joyfully.

To your untimely grave
   Our path will not grow.
   Your native image, cute image
   Always lead us here

No one could save you
   Passed away very early
   But the bright image is your native
   We will remember constantly.

Words do not say
  Tears do not cry out our grief.
  You are always in our hearts. It's so easy to imagine you alive
  What's in your death
  It’s impossible to believe.

Hush the leaves, do not make noise
   Do not wake my friend

The question is over with life.
   There will be no more grief or tears.

Native angel
   I'm sorry to blame
   What was not at the hour of death
   Next to you.

My heart went out like a lightning
   The pain does not dampen the year.
   Your image will forever be kept
   In our memory always. You have lived your life with dignity
   Leaving us memory forever.
   In a silent world, sleep peacefully
   Our favorite person.

You won't come back, don't look back
   You will not become wise and gray.
   You will remain in our memory
   Always alive and young.

Passing, stop
Pray for me, a sinner.
   I was like you
   You will be like me.

The dust will return to the ground
   What he was.
   And the spirit will return to God,
   Who gave it.

K.N. Batyushkov:


I don’t need inscriptions for my stone,
   Just say it: he was and is not him!

A.S. Pushkin:

My epitaph

Here Pushkin is buried; he is with a young muse,
   With love, laziness spent a cheerful age,
   He didn’t do good, but he was a soul,
   By God, a good man.

Epitaph to the baby. Prince N.S. Volkonsky

In radiance and in joyful peace
   The throne of the eternal creator
   With a smile, he looks into the exile of the earth,
   Bless the mother and pray for the father.

M.Yu. Lermontov


The sincere son of freedom
   For the senses, he did not spare life;
   And true nature
   He often liked to write off.

He believed the dark predictions
   To the talismans and love
   And unnatural desires
   He sacrificed his days.

And in him the soul kept the supply
   Bliss, anguish and passion.
   He died. Here is his grave.
   It was not created for people.

Epitaph of Napoleon

Yes, nobody reproaches your shadow,
   The husband of rock! You are with the people that rock above you;
   Who knew you to proclaim, only he could overthrow:
   Great nothing changes.

   V.S. Soloviev

Vladimir Soloviev
   Lies in place of this.
   First there was a philosopher,
   And now it has become a skeleton.
   Other kindly being
   He was an enemy to many;
   But loving crazy
   Himself plunged into a ravine.
   He lost his soul
   Not to mention the body:
   Her devil took
   Dogs ate him.
   Passerby Learn from this example
   How destructive love is and how useful faith is.

I.A. Bunin

Graffiti inscription

Sorrow, Lord, sins and atrocities
   Above Your Mercy!
   Slave land and vain desires
   Forgive sins for his sorrows.
   I kept a covenant of love in life holy:
   In the days of longing, contrary to the mind,
   I didn’t have a snake of enmity against my brother,
   I forgave everything according to Your word.
   I know the silence of the grave
   I, perceiving the sorrows of darkness,
   From the bowels of the earth to the gospel
   Verbs of Blissful Beauty!

M.I. Tsvetaeva


Anyone here lying under the spring grass
   Forgive me, Lord, evil intent and sin!
   He was sick, exhausted, alien,
   He loved angels and children's laughter.

I didn’t crush the stars of snow-white lilac,
   Although he wanted to overcome the Lord ...
   In all sins he was a gentle child,
   And therefore - God forgive him

Often a person is not ready for the death of relatives or close people. For such cases, you need to know how to express condolences by doing this sincerely. Condolences are a mutual experience of loss, a desire to share this pain. Sorrow is shocking and devastating a person, therefore, at such a moment he needs support, even with words, and he will decide whether to accept it or not.

The right words of condolence will always provide the necessary support.

How to express condolences

Be sensitive, alert, try to understand what the mourner needs.

Since the person is shocked at this moment, he probably will not pay attention to what you say. It’s more effective to hug the mourner, press him to his chest, stay with him, offer help.

An important aspect of expressing sympathy is sincerity. When choosing words, remember hypocritical expressions and attempts to imitate feelings that are not unacceptable.

If a person gives you feelings, be quiet and listen.

It is worthwhile to be careful about the form of expressing condolences in verse, not everyone will understand this.

Do not give the grieving person advice and warnings such as: “Do not be wasted for nothing”, “Do not worry so,” at the moment this is pointless.

It is worth abandoning an attempt to instantly reassure a person with the words: “he has gone into a better world”, “we are not all eternal”, “weaned” and so on.

Regarding the death of father, mother

  • This world has lost a great personality ...
  • We all shuddered after the news of his death. He was a righteous and courageous man, an honest and reliable friend. I have known him for so many years, I grieve with you ...
  • Our family is gripped by sorrow, like you. It is difficult and painful to lose those who have been with us for so many years.
  • Your father was always ready to help. You can count on our help too ...
  • This is an irreparable loss. Together with you, it hurts us too. He has done a lot for you, was a pillar, but now his desire is for you to quickly experience this tragedy.
  • Your loss is irreplaceable. But he left in our souls his immortal light and fond memories of days gone by.
  • Having gone into eternity, his last desire is for you to live happily, no matter what!
  • How painful you are in this difficult moment. After all, parents invest so much in us! Their bright and kind deeds will not be forgotten! This is the best honor for them.
  • Closer to our parents we have no one in the world! A deceased person continues to live in his righteous deeds.
  • May he be an example to all of us in difficult times. I sincerely empathize with you this loss!
  • May our memory and gratitude be the best honor. And now we have to stick together, count on my help. Parents are an image of God for us.
  • The loss of a mother is the loss of a part of herself! Let me share your pain! Everlasting memory!

It’s impossible to prepare for death. Each person faced the loss of loved ones, relatives, so many are familiar with the pain of loss.

But often we do not know how to calm, support the mourner, how to express condolences in connection with the death of his loved ones, relatives.

note! Condolences to the grieving person must be mandatory. This is a tribute.

But it is worth remembering that people after the death of loved ones are in a stressful, shocked state. The words of condolences for death are chosen carefully, carefully.

Examples of condolences on the occasion of death in your own words to the family of the deceased:

  1. “I was shocked by the event. It is difficult to accept and accept.
  2. “Let me share with you the pain of loss.”
  3. "The news of the death was a terrible blow."
  4. "I feel sorry for your pain."
  5. “We empathize with your loss.”
  6. “I offer my condolences.”
  7. “I was struck by his demise. I will pray for his soul. "
  8. “The deceased meant a lot to us, it’s a pity that he left us.”
  9. “Woe cannot be expressed in words, but you can always count on our support in difficult times.”
  10. "We grieve with you."

Sometimes it’s better to briefly express sorrow.

Short and sincere words of sympathy:

  1. "Hold on."
  2. "Strength."
  3. "I'm sorry".
  4. "Condolences."
  5. "Sorry".
  6. "This is a heavy loss."

If a grieving person deeply believes in God, then the following words of sorrow are spoken:

  1. "The Kingdom of heaven".
  2. "Rest in peace".
  3. "Gentlemen, repose with the Saints!"
  4. "Peace be upon him to ashes."
  5. "Rest in the kingdom of heaven."

Table: Condolences Word Rules

What is not worth saying

Everyone wants to support the mourner. But there are a number of words and phrases that are not appropriate at the funeral. Expressions can cause anger, aggression, resentment.

What can not be done:

  1. Comfort the future. When the baby dies, do not say "you are still young, give birth yet." This is tactless.

    It is difficult for parents to accept the loss of their own child, because they rejoiced in him, dreamed about the future.

    The words "do not grieve, you are young, still getting married" sound "like saying goodbye to your beloved." It's cruel. For people who have lost children, spouses, parents at the time of their funeral, there is no future.

    They are not ready to think about it. Their pain at the time of loss is severe and painful.

  2. Look for extreme. If there is a guilty person in death, do not remind about it. It is forbidden to say what would have happened if they had acted differently. It is not recommended to make the deceased guilty.

    Examples: "he is to blame, he drank a lot of alcohol," "this is his punishment for his sins." Do not discredit the memory of the deceased, because it is not in vain that they say that only the good should be talked about the dead.

  3. Ask to stop crying. The grieving must mourn the deceased and calm the soul.

Prohibited Phrases:

  1. « She took her death, not tears". A person in the phase of acute shock does not completely understand what happened, that his loved one and deceased died forever. Such words sound cruel.
  2. « Don’t worry, everything will work out"- sounds like a fairy tale or cruel mockery. A person is not ready to accept such a statement, he does not believe that the pain will let him go and life will improve.
  3. « Time heals". Even time will not be able to heal spiritual wounds. The pain of loss will always be. This will be confirmed by any person who has survived death.
  4. « So he got tired, he feels good there". If the deceased was seriously ill, then the words are unlikely to calm the mourner.

    He has one desire - to see a loved one nearby, and not to think that he is good in heaven.

  5. « Think, but to others it’s even worse, you still have relatives". Do not use comparisons. Respect the pain of man.
  6. « I understand how it hurts"- a common and tactless phrase. It's hard to understand the mourner.

Never discount a loss with the words “it’s good that you didn’t suffer”, “think about children, parents”, etc.

For those who mourn, death is a shock in life. He is not ready to look for positive moments in the loss of loved ones.

Important! It is worth remembering that condolences are brought from the heart. But this does not mean that it is allowed to say everything that has come to mind.

Grieving people do not perceive reality well, their subconscious is obscured by grief and resentment, so you should not provoke a person.

During the shock phase, one should not be interested in the details of the death of the deceased.

Condolences in writing

Do not condole:

  • In verse.
  • By SMS

This is neglect. A funeral is not a place for poetry, but it is better to replace SMS with a phone call. If there is no way to call, then you can express condolences in writing.

Sample text:

  • « Deeply mourn the death of the deceased. He was an amazing, kind and well-mannered man, surprised with his joy and spontaneity.

    It is difficult to write, the hand does not hold a pen from grief, but still it is necessary. We are sorry that this happened, but we are happy that fate brought us together with such an amazing person. Peace be upon him on earth and in heaven. ”

  • « The news of the loss struck my mind. I convey my condolences and express deep respect to the deceased. "
  • « It’s hard to find words when a storm rages in the soul and the bitterness of loss. I can’t believe that this happened. Our condolences. We pray for him. ”

Choose delicate phrases that go beyond morality. The text should briefly acknowledge the loss, support the relatives of the deceased.

When writing a letter to relatives, describe the memories associated with it. When writing a text to a colleague, remember his business, personal qualities.

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Autumn, warm, tender day.
It would seem that there is no place for sadness ...
But suddenly a shadow came upon her face:
I’ve met you this day ...
The heavens are wide open
They called us on the road.
An ancient thunder grumbled in tears
And showers from sins washed us.
Someone today will call the sky
Picks up someone on a snowy path tomorrow,
Someone further will carry time,
Someone will be told: “I’ve already lived, that's enough!”
Remains without an account of important matters,
Which did not have time to finish.
But the angel of death did not want to wait,
We could not avoid meeting him ...
The soul rushed off to infinity, up
She cannot return to this world,
Behind her, the inaudible gates will close ...
The soul rushed off to infinity, up ...

We are losing family
We are losing friends.
But we know that
Always near
That they left a mark in our hearts
And their souls will always be alive.

Please say a few words
And you are silent in peace
Please come back from the world of dreams.
I beg, wake up!
Tell me, where did you go early?
Answer what happened?
Yes there was a time, suddenly gone
It is so inconsistent.
The flame of a burning candle died
Not letting me fix anything
Taking you from us forever
By stealing you and nobody.
Of us you will no longer see
And you won’t shake hands with your friends.
And do not tell about the problems
You will not be happy.
Yes, under the verdict of a large system
Relentless life scheme,
And here they bring you flowers
Those with whom you were once friends.
Oh evil life holding
You took away, to dreams.
Do you remember your friends
But you come to them only in dreams.
They will not forget you
You can't be forgotten
And in memory forever will be -
Your kind smile.

You cry ... You were gripped by sadness.
In vain now you drop tears ...
Though you know you won’t return it,
Resentment, longing - all the past dreams ...
Know that he is alive, he is really with you!
It will be in memory as long as you remember ...
And in a dream in trouble he will cover his back,
It’s a pity that you don’t remember ...

A particle of our heart is carried away
Hearts gone from heaven to us
The inexpressibles hear voices there
And in that bliss they are not asking for anything.
The earthly lamp of life here is extinguished,
But life in everything is Holy,
Souls go to the Heavenly Golden City,
Their way to heaven is decorated with faith.
The soul of the Lord is warmed by grace
And the spirit of God makes his peace,
And the singing of angels flows like a holy river
All the glory of Heaven is sung with awe.
A particle of our heart is carried away
Hearts directing the way to heaven
Realizing the whole mysterious essence,
Earthly souls are asking for unity.

Only herbs rustle over my head
Yes, barely breaking through the sunlight
I lie all in the ground
All covered in land
Understanding only that
That I am no more
What was wrong then the doctors came
In vain trying to find out where and what hurts
In vain trying to find out, in vain trying to heal
I am free
Damn handsome and killed
Damp earth whispers lullaby
Roadside willow leaves
My eyes opened for the first time today
And it makes me sad, sad, sad.
How could I exchange my life for coins
Not to notice everything that fate has given
Missing the most important moments in life
Spend years flirting, cigarettes and beer.
But probably not the time to regret the past
About the minutes that merged into one silent film
And now I have to entertain myself with reading
Repeating again and again: LOVE, REMEMBER, SORROW.

Life takes us far and we don’t notice
what she gives us
we love pity, we groan from sorrow.
we don’t know further what, where it will turn.
and then it happened we suddenly lost
love and youth binding.
we groan from what if we knew ...
that would bring back. it’s not our turn anymore ...
let them blow away in the sky.
their spirit will remain alive on that earth.
and it all seemed to be fiction.
all this was somewhere there in a dream: "(:" (

Death comes unnoticed
All of a sudden
Everything was safe
But then, and not now.
Suddenly the man was gone. . . . .
It was. . . Instant. . . And no. . .
And only in the memory of his relatives
Will leave a trace forever ...

Why is death so ruthless?
It takes all that is native!
And spit on her that you are a man
and there are no wings behind you!
It takes their souls indifferently
Somewhere in paradise, where there is no sea and land.
Where we are not, where we cannot say
those words that they could write ...
Why is the Angel of Death so fast
It takes all that namm is near,
Makes us cry, suffer
Here are such lines to write?
Only Death doesn't give a damn
Making everyone close to sob .......

In treasured cuffs we don’t wear on our chests,
We’re not writing poetry about her,
Our bitter dream, she does not rage
Doesn't seem like a promised paradise.
We do not do it in our souls
The subject of purchase and sale,
Ailment, misery, unwillingness on her,
We don’t even remember about it.
Yes, for us it's dirt on galoshes,
Yes, for us it's a crunch on our teeth.
And we grind, and knead, and crumble
That ashes of nothing.
But we lay down in it and become it,
That's why we call it so freely - ours.

Relatives leave .....

Relatives go, go far ...
It becomes so lonely in our lives ...
How sad birds fly away ...
Familiar faces in the cloud are melting ...
Do not cry, it hurts them to see you like that ...
They feel sorry for themselves and strangers ...
You look at the memory, they are forever
They see and hear everything, they will help when
Call to yourself, remember good ...
Ask - they will answer when you wait for them ...
They always watch you ...
They are our judges, they want us well ...
Do not believe that they are not there, they are with us ...
And check life against their strict gaze ...
Live honestly for them and yourself ...
So that we would never be ashamed.

"Forgive me that I have made up my mind to you
Write. Pen in hand - grave
In front of me. But then what? everything is empty there.
All the dust that she once beckoned
To yourself. Around me a crowd of relatives
Tears of pity covered his face.
And I write - I write - but not for them.
The tomb does not chill my love.
Love - but you did not know my torment.
I feel that this work is insignificant:
He will not sweeten the last minutes.
But so be it - I am writing - while it is possible -
This labor of the soul is my favorite work!
Accept my letter. Your gaze will see
That I could not restrain my soul
To silence - so terrible is the power of passions!
The letter of the sufferer will not offend you ...
I’ve experienced a lot in life,
Mistaken in friendship - oh! keep my torment
Words - sorry - and no more worries,
Sorry, my friend, "and signed:

Grave orphans ...

Abandoned grave orphans ...
Mourned by the wind and rain.
Rest in them those who are sweet to the heart,
The paths to them were overgrown with moss.
Relatives left, taking only a memory,
And a small handful of earth ...
Alas, they had to leave the graves,
Taking with him only an ocean of love ...
And they wrap around their weeds like paws.
Although the inscription is hidden - anyway, she shouts:
"To our native, from mom, sisters, dad,
Sonny, imprisoned in granite "
And a bird flies up into the sky
Although to return, even for a moment, to that grave.
But hopelessly lowers her wings
Crashing his head against obstacles ...

I look into the sky, not looking up ...

I look into the sky, not looking up, and I see there a painfully dear look.
The soul hurts and believes, suffering that the garden of paradise will warm you there.
Having taken you on Easter week, the Most High has illuminated your holiness.
And with a rainy heavenly drop, a grave hill with flowers irrigated.
It is light and hard at the same time, to pray for the repose in the image.
I want to believe that the soul is imperishable, but a tear is bleeding in memory ...

A string of beads crumbles for days ...

A string of beads crumbles for days - do not collect, do not raise.
My memory about childhood, about my mother, everything is trying to take time.
Thorny snow. prickly rose hips. and prickly from old age eyelids.
Do you remember the furry Christmas tree? I remember! Christmas tree in apples - and fireworks.
How they laughed. How to warm themselves by the stove -
and fate did not want another.
We thought: life is eternity, It turned out - a sparkler ...


Suddenly a bench was emptied, a quiet courtyard without any undertakings.
Rain draws snakes in the sky ... there is no my grandmother.
Do not spin, do not dance in the hands of knitting needles ...
Who will say the good word? I have no granny ...
Your smart eyes will not look directly into the soul.
Never listen to your tales until morning.
Do not run outstretched arms towards me kindness.
So separation came to us, lurking in the dark ...
She will not sing me a lullaby for the night ...
Dive into memory and I will remain awake.
How I want to be a granddaughter and live with you for a hundred years!
I promise to be obedient ...
But you are no longer there.


We tell you - goodbye!
The last word.
We met and leave, goodbye - Again and again.
Broken cups do not glue.
Do not return gifts.
Do not spare the living enemies
Do not resent the dead.
Babies play the stars
And play in years
Do not build palaces
Do not argue when the mountains die.
Let the clouds rise and cry with spring snow!
May all who go to earth go on a date with heaven.
Walk without turning around!
Do not touch the stars with your hands.
We have not lost our memory
But this is a different memory.
In the image and likeness of your return dream.
But the clouds called us - to ask forgiveness for all.
Goodbye We're leaving like rain through the desert sand.
Farewell! In the name of heaven, goodbye, as everyone forgave.
Farewell! Live and rejoice - do not promise to remember.
Let the sun intoxicate you and warm you love ...

For some reason, today she’s crying ...

For some reason, today she’s crying ...
Just crying for no reason ...
The wind in the field with grass is fooling around ...
Clouds collecting in pictures ...
A river rolls, ducks swim
Cats bask in the sand ...
And it follows in me, the main thing ...
Someone whispers to me about longing ...
Why am I crying today
After all, I don’t see the reasons ...
It's him ... hiding behind a heart ...
Apparently my love is crying ...

Mom is no more ...

I will write a long letter to mom.
And I will put my smile in it
I will write about my husband, son and daughter
And I’ll ask my mom for advice.
I’ll write to my mother where and how I live,
About his work, about his life.
I don’t want to write about my problems -
Dear mom, so as not to upset!
I’ll look for a bouquet in the field of lilies of the valley
But I won’t give -
Mom is no more ...

When people close to us leave

Counts in life begin from scratch.
And only in this terrible moment
We understand that we lived perfectly!
You can’t swear and hold a grudge,
Pronounce spiky words
Especially for those with whom not to say goodbye
In this world, never again!
You can’t live with your loved one
Do not tell him that he is loved,
Then to reproach yourself forever
How callous or blind you were.
You can not when he is dear to you
Do not pay attention to him,
When an image pops up in conversation,
You cannot forgive yourself.
Therefore, you need to appreciate in life,
About the fact that we like to talk more often,
Everything depends on this in the future -
Who, how, and with what heart will live !!!

I will never forget you,
Even if everything is different.
With a kiss from here
I would like to mean something.
For you and the distant sea.
Where warm winds diverge.
Where are the scarlet dawns born
Above the sea desert, kilometers.
Where the sunsets burn
And thunderstorms break through in the mountains.
Where the storms and the coasts rage
Where the tears fall on the stones.
I stand and breathe in over the abyss.
From all immense frets.
How lonely and cramped I am.
How little do I need in life ...

It is immortal that lives in Eternity

With the death of Time and Death will die.
Bury me, bury me, the wind!
My relatives did not come,
The wandering evening is above me
And the breath of a quiet land.
I was, like you, free
But I wanted too much to live.
You see, the wind, my corpse is cold,
And there’s no one to lay down their hands.
Close this black wound
Veil of evening darkness
And led the blue fog
I must read the psalms.
To make me easy, lonely
Depart to the last dream
Proshumi high sedge
About spring, about my spring ...

Sliding and crunching underfoot

The wind blew, the snow began.
Oh my god, what a sadness!
Lord, what a pain!
Your heavy moonlit world
Yes, and You are not merciful.
And why so wide
If there is death in the world?
And no one will explain
Why in the declining years
I want to still wander
Believe, stiffen and sing.

   In our newspaper, people can write obituaries. Question: Can I use the word "condolences" in the plural? For example, the management and the trade union committee of the enterprise express sincere condolences on the death of an employee. And to this topic: is it possible to use the phrase "in connection with the death"?

Combination sincere condolenceswith the plural form is perfectly correct.

Combination in connection with the deathcorrect but pretext in connection withbetter to replace.

Question No. 274553
   Good afternoon.

  "I offer my deepest condolences to the families and friends of the victims"
  Is it possible to use the verb "bring" in relation to "condolences"? Or is it better to express?

Answer of the Russian language inquiry service

Both options are possible.

Question No. 269938
   I express my condolences on K. - is that right?

Answer of the Russian language inquiry service

Right: i condoled about something, about something. I'm sorry for someone  - wrong.

Question No. 269805
   Hello! How to write in an obituary: "the team expresses deep condolences or deep condolences to anyone"? Thank you for your reply!

Answer of the Russian language inquiry service

Usually used plural form. numbers: deep condolences.

Question No. 247258
   Hello. First of all, I want to express my condolences on how they mock the Russian language in the body and on the air. If I, the old d-league, are cringe at the statements of some announcers, then what do Russian language experts experience ?! Especially goes to the numerals. It would be possible to understand and forgive such a speech by the “new Russians,” but when the television announcer says “in the two thousandth sixth year,” this is already too much.
  Now the question. Recently, he listened on the radio to a report that a producer of dairy products contaminated with melamine had been arrested in China, and managed to produce "about six hundred tons of products." I think that "about six hundred tons" will be correct.

Answer of the Russian language inquiry service

You're right. Should speak and write about six hundred tons.

Question No. 236562
   Good afternoon. I would like to know in what cases can a person express condolences? Can it be considered correct if the son, whose mother has just had surgery, moreover, successfully expresses his condolences on this fact? Or will it be inappropriate? Thanks in advance for your reply. Tatyana

Answer of the Russian language inquiry service

We do not consider this appropriate, as I am condoled with sympathy for grief, misfortune, suffering of smb.

Question No. 236492
   Hello! Tell me, please, in what context is it appropriate to use the combination "express condolences"? Is it permissible to express condolences to the relatives of a living, but seriously ill person? Or do they express condolences only in connection with death? Thanks in advance for your reply.

Answer of the Russian language inquiry service

Yes, such use is correct.

Question No. 222542
Please tell me whether the composition of words is correct in Russian, - "condolences over the demise," otherwise I got confused in the languages. Thank you for your reply, kira

Answer of the Russian language inquiry service

It is better to use the plural form: _condolences about the death_.
Question No. 216136
   How correctly: - “I express my condolences to Andrei and Sergey Levon” or - “I express my condolences to Andrei and Sergey Levon”?

Answer of the Russian language inquiry service

The first option is correct.