DIY wire pendant. DIY pendants made of wire. Pendant made of pins

Wire pendants with stones

Wire is a durable and pliable material that takes any shape. The unique properties of thin metal threads were successfully used by ancient jewelers who wove filigree patterns, creating an amazingly beautiful decoration. The material holds its shape well, has a noble luster, is this not a paradise for the modern jewelry industry? Modern masters can, as if by magic, turn a bundle of ordinary wire into spectacular and stylish accessories. Want to learn how to make exclusive jewelry from wire with your own hands? Then we propose to master the simple alphabet of mastery, and learn how to create real miracles using the example of master classes.


The names of ancient jewelers who successfully embodied fantasy in wire jewelry are unknown to contemporaries. The art form “wire wrap”, which means “wire wrapping”, went down in history under the name of craftsman Alexander Calder. From an early age, the master learned to weave original products. He made the first crafts as a gift to relatives and friends, and later an unusual hobby turned into a life-long affair. Original, original, openwork works inspired many to accomplish creative feats.

Alexander Calder and his work

The main principle of such needlework is to use thick wire for the base and thinner and more flexible for braiding products.

  Wire wrap pendant

In the weaving, you can add beads, stones, all kinds of decor. By the way, if the wire is braided on top with a thin thread, then such needlework is called a ganutel. To learn how to create beautiful wire accessories, you need to know a few simple secrets:

  • Selection of tools. Work requires a small arsenal of tools. Beginners will need round-nose pliers, several types of pliers with sharp, nylon, rectangular tips, a needle file or sandpaper. To create complex weaves of patterns, experienced craftsmen use anvils, a shperek and a hammer, a crossbar and a drawing board.
  • So that in the end, home-made jewelry made of wire has, as they say, “store gloss”, you can use sulfuric liver to cover it. With this material, products from copper, aluminum, brass, bronze wire are patched to create the noble effect of antiquity.
  • It is enough to master the creation of several elements to make an author's masterpiece. The simplest elements include a spring, balls and rings.

  Wire tools

To make a spring, it is enough to wind a piece of wire on the crossbar. Such an element can be used for braiding or as an independent decorative part. To make a ball, you need a burner or gas burner. To make the droplets perfectly smooth, you need a drill. By the way, from the ball with the help of a hammer and anvil, you can create new interesting elements. Rings are connecting parts, indispensable in creating beads or bracelets. It is enough to wind the wire around the crossbar, “bite off” the excess and remove the perfectly even ring. The diameter of the ring depends on the thickness of the crossbar. Having received the necessary knowledge, having prepared the necessary tools and materials, you can begin the creative process.

  Using improvised wire tools

Jewelery master classes

Unusual jewelry made of copper wire, bronze or brass, can take many different forms. For example, you can make original hair jewelry, rings and bracelets, openwork necklaces or pendants. Beginners should not worry about the lack of practice and experience in creative work, a simple and detailed master class will help in creating the author's collection of luxurious jewelry.

  Turquoise Copper Wire Earrings

Hair ornaments

In anticipation of graduation parties, such a master class is especially relevant, because many girls are in a creative search for their image. I want to be the brightest, most beautiful, exclusive. There is a sure way to create an unusual look by decorating a stylish hairstyle with a hand made hair clip in the shape of a flower with an elegant curl. The operation algorithm is as follows:

  1. On a piece of paper we draw a sketch of the future product, schematically noting on it the arrangement of beads and the pattern.
  2. We begin the work with a round, smoothly moving to the outer circle of the product. Place the end in a spiral, which is slightly higher. The result should be a round element with a mustache. We work with pliers continuously so that the product is neat.
  3. We twist the place where the two curls touched in a few more tight turns, weave the beads, and then we braid the base of the hairpin with a thin wire.

  Stylish hair ornament

To make it easier for beginners, we offer an auxiliary scheme:

  • six curls between beads;
  • ten curls between large elements;
  • eight curls between smaller elements.

  Simple hairstyle with spectacular decoration

To make the hairpin tender and have a finished look, at the beginning of weaving we string small beads, and large beads can be woven into the middle.

Similarly, you can do more than just a hairpin. There is an original way to decorate hairpins - just braid with a thin metal thread, adding a few beads or beads to the weave.

  Delicate hair jewelry based on hairpins

Luxury pendant

Copper wire has high ductility, it can be easily cut, heated, soldered. Due to its unique properties, budget-friendly and externally beautiful material has become a favorite in needlework. What can you do with copper wire with your own hands? Yes, all that fantasy tells you - bracelets, rings, pendants and much more. Luxury pendant made of wire master class:

  1. We will prepare the tools and materials. You will need a coil of copper wire with a cross section from 0.1 mm to 1 mm, pearl beads, wire cutters, round-nose pliers and a drill.
  2. The main part of the product consists of two segments 16 cm long and 1 mm thick. We make turns with a thin copper thread of 0.1 mm around thicker segments, then bend the two braided parts into a ring. The remaining tips are bent by a snail.
  3. We wrap a thin one on a segment 0.3 mm thick, the length of the base is 12 cm. We will extend its end between the wicker parts, we will fix it. We make a small kink, envelop it with the frame several times.
  4. In the upper part we make the same kink, and wrap the remaining part on the base. We make a snail from a wire 1 mm thick, we wind it to one and the other break.
  5. A thin wire thread is attached to the upper part, pearls are strung on it, the ends of the wires braid the workpiece, and bite off the excess with wire cutters. So add all the prepared beads.

  Copper wire pendant with pearls

To make the product have an elegant glossy shine, polish the surface of the pendant with a drill, and then wash it under warm water. Luxurious, intricate, in the spirit of oriental jewelry of the Magnificent Century, the pendant is ready to decorate any lady's outfit.

  Sweet heart

There are many workshops on making stylish jewelry from wire, on the example of which you can learn how to create magnificent author's collections. But a few simple tips will help beginners get the job done at a decent level:

  • In order not to patinate the wire, non-oxidizing materials should be used. For durability it is possible to varnish a surface.
  • After the wire is heated over a fire, rub it with warm baby cream, and then wash it off with soap and water. Patina - effect, as they say, on an amateur. Many craftsmen prefer to cover the jewelry with gold, silver or bronze paint, and to open with varnish on top for shine.
  • Be sure to draw a diagram and a sketch of jewelry before starting work. Work with wire is thin and filigree, requires attention and perseverance. When you see a jewelry made of wire that you want to repeat with your own hands, mentally divide it into components, so it will be easier to work.

Each master has his own imagination, creative ideas and vision of a future masterpiece. All kinds of decor, such as beads, beads, stones and even buttons, perfectly blends with the wire. For beginners, you can use ready-made master classes for practice, and in the process of weaving, supplement the idea with your own details.

  Funny cat earrings
  Copper bracelets for every taste

Video of a master class in making turquoise copper wire earrings

Video rainbow heart master class

My favorite pastime is making women's jewelry. All my girlfriends know this is my hobby. And almost every one of them has at least one handmade accessory donated by me.

Most recently, I met one girl - a fan of wildlife. She promotes a healthy lifestyle, is fond of vegetarianism, reads a lot. We became friends quite quickly. Today I thought that it would be time for her to give my sign of friendship. On the YouTube channel “Masterpieces of needlework” I found a suitable master class, this is a pendant made of wire and beads - a tree mascot.

I always liked wire jewelry, there is something provocative or informal in them, but I myself have not worked with wire. It seemed to me that this is a great workshop for exploring the manufacture of wire jewelry. It is not complicated, that is, I can handle it for sure.

How to make a pendant of wire with your own hands - briefly

I needed:

  • Thick copper wire;
  • Thin copper wire;
  • Beads;
  • Round pliers;
  • Rope
  • Bubble from under the medicine.

Operating procedure:

1. I take a piece of thick wire and round it around the medicine vial. The size of the mascot depends on the bubble.

2.   I use round-nose pliers to round the ends of the wire. I cut off the excess. I got two identical hooks, for which in the future we will hang the pendant on a rope.

3.   Now I’ll take care of the tree. One cannot do without pliers. Around the circumference of the pendant blank, opposite the hooks, I begin to fasten a thin wire. This is the first root.

4.   I twist two “tails” of wire with each other into the trunk of a tree.

5.   The trunk bifurcates into branches. I string yellow and red beads on them.

6.   I twist the ends of the branches on one side of the hooks of the workpiece.

7.   I create the second root, trunk and branches. I repeat the actions, only the branches are fixed on the other side of the hooks.

8.   I twist the third root. The trunk is harmoniously interwoven with the first two.

9.   The pendant "Autumn Tree" is ready. It remains only to tie a rope to it.

Women's jewelry made in this style looks fresh and original. Pendant "tree of wire" can be made for different outfits. The complexity of manufacturing varies from simple, with rare branches and large beads, to complex - using thinner wire and beads.

Now on a 0.3 mm wire we wind a thin wire round to round. The length should be 10 cm. We pass the end of this wire between the braided two, and fix it. We make a slight bend, and wrap the frame twice with this wire. Then again, we do not bend much, approaching the upper part. We wind the rest of the wire onto the frame. Then we make a small snail from 1 mm wire. Finger fix on the front of the left. At the other edge of the wire we make two turns on the frame, and we also make a snail.

We carry out the same process on the right, where the coiled wire should again turn out to be a snail in one bend, and in the second bend. Now we will make another part. We bend a 1 mm wire in half and start weaving with a thin wire, one turn on one side. On the second side we wind the wire under the bottom, make a coil on the second wire. On the second turn we start a thin wire also under them. This system may seem heavy. You just need to peer at the photo as done. Do not reach the end, leave 1–1.5 cm and have a bite where there is a narrowing and peel off a thin wire of about 1 cm. Where we let the wide part of the part down, start it from underneath and make snails. The top of this part is also wound from underneath and we twist the pendant.

Now we fix the pearl beads. We attach a thin wire to the top of the last part. We put on a bead, pass this wire between the weaving of the last part. We also put on a bead and poke through weaving. Now that all the parts are assembled, we need to polish the pendant. We will do this with the help of a bor machine, and a felt nozzle. Turns should be small, otherwise copper will turn black. After polishing, wash and clean the pendant under hot water with a brush.

That's all the pendant from different wires and parts is ready. If to wear chain with a pendant, it will look very nice. Good luck and see you soon.

DIY pendant made of copper wire - photo

We have repeatedly made jewelry with wire and beads, and even studied the basics of such combinations. Now it's time to think about such ideas again and make such an interesting pendant from wire and beads. And our master class will help you with this.

Tools and materials Time: 3 hours Difficulty: 8/10

  • thick and thin wire;
  • two large beads with holes on the side;
  • large beads;
  • small beads;
  • nippers;
  • round pliers;
  • paper and pencil.

Step-by-step master class

The basis of the pendant will include wire, two large beads with holes on the side. If you do not find such, you will have to surprise your husband, and ask him to make you a few holes in the selected elements. And do not forget about the wire - thick (main) and thin for weaving and decoration.

Step 1: sketch

To begin with, everything is built on a sketch. You draw it on paper, guided by the proposed option. A little later you can make your jewelry using the same principle.

Step 2: forming parts from wire

After the sketch is ready, we figure out what details we may need. We form them from thick wire, and apply them to the sketch. Everything should match.

Step 3: connect the details of the pendant

And after the parts are at hand, you can assemble the product together. For this we will use a thin and flexible wire designed for weaving with beads. We begin with the fact that we sew beads through holes to the base. We do it carefully and slowly, the stitches should be even, neat, and the same. Do not worry, if for the first time it turns out not so neatly, nevertheless, you are still learning.

Gradually attach the remaining parts. And a pleasant picture begins to emerge in us - a pretty pendant made of wire and beads.

Step 4: decorate the pendant

After all the details are assembled together, you can proceed to the decorative design. For this, we also use thin wire, beads, and beads. We place them as shown in the photographs-instructions in our master class, or at our discretion. A pendant made of wire and beads is ready.

10 pendants made of wire and beads   - a workshop on weaving from wire and beads pendants. In each "step" is presented instructions for weaving a new pendant. Pendants are simple and using this technique you can create your own pendant.

Materials and tools:

  1. weaving wire;
  2. beads and beads;
  3. pliers and nippers.

Step 1

To make this pendant, we will form a square frame with loops on the corners. Without cutting the wire, we will continue to wind the wire around the frame, gradually closing the inside of the frame, we will leave a small window in the center of the pendant (see figure). After that, we hang beads at the 3 corners of the pendant, we also hang the bead in the center of the pendant. The pendant is ready.

Step 2

Cut a piece of wire, make a loop at one end of the wire, put 3-4 beads on the wire. Then we make a round around the beads and continue to make turns until we get the desired result, leave a small tip of the wire and wrap it around the turns at the bottom of the pendant. Now cut 2 small pieces of wire and, also, wrap around the coils from the sides of the pendant.

Step 3

Heart shaped pendant. Cut a piece of wire, twist it from one end into a spiral, put on 3 beads, make a loop and twist the other end into a spiral too. Let's make it in the shape of a heart and connect the two spirals with wire.

Step 4

A very easy to make pendant, to make it, follow the steps shown in the figure.

Step 5

A more interesting pendant, before you start making it, we advise you to draw on paper "steps" of twisting the wire. It will take a big bead. which will be located in the middle and 5 small pieces of wire to fix the design of the pendant at the indicated points.

Step 6

This pendant is very similar to a nest. It is also done very simply, and the technique is similar to that used in the second "step" (second pendant). Cut a piece of wire, put on it 3 large white beads and begin to wind coils around these beads. When the turns are finished, cut off small pieces of wire and fix the turns of wire.

Step 7

Pendant "Musical Key". Cut a piece of wire and roll it in the shape of a musical key, add beads. The pendant is ready.

Step 8

Weaved a similar pendant in the "first step" (it was square), using the same technique, weave a pendant of a triangular shape and add 3 beads.

Step 9

Simple, but at the same time interesting pendant (abstract). The weaving pattern is well represented in the figures.

Step 10

Butterfly pendant. We cut a small piece of wire, fold it in half and extend both ends into a large bead, bend the ends, making the antennae of the butterfly. Then we wind the wires on the “body” of the butterfly, making it thicker. We will also make butterfly wings from wire and the inner part of the wing from thinner wire. Butterfly pendant is ready.