Pedagogical councils in the dow on the topic of legal education. Legal education at school. Teachers Council: “Every right has a right” Students Leading teachers council. page. “Law Academy”

Political and legal tournament "A man among people" Two teams participate in the tournament: "Idealists" and "Themis" Contests: Politics Through the mouth of a baby (concept of state, law, law, legal responsibility, crime) Mini-presentations Mini-debates "What form is board better? ” Discussion of the phrase: “The state is us” Workshop - legal advice State symbols Law The concept of law Law and types of laws Work with the text of the Constitution of the Russian Federation and the Republic of Tajikistan Workshop on the analysis of various situations

Forms of work Forms of work Detachment "Young friends of the police" Work with children at risk groups Prevention council Joint work with the police Work with parents Mass educational work Psychological and pedagogical assistance Organization of legal education book exhibitions Providing methodological assistance to teachers (seminars, pedagogical councils) Programs: " Teenager "" I choose life "Project" We are responsible for our life "

Family living room “The whole family is together and the soul is in place” They love me without any special reason For being a grandson, for being a son Forms of work: Crossword - Family relations To find synonyms for the word –– House Psychological game “Little Board” Good Do we know our mom? Do we know our child well? Hobby Family Album Piggy Bank of Wisdom Cartoon about a Mammoth

Psychological - pedagogical support of UVP Directions of work Preventive work Psychological education of teachers, students, parents Diagnosis of UVP Psychological counseling Psychological support of children with deviant behavior Career guidance

The Law and Order Detachment for the Prevention of Offenses Always help, Help everywhere, Help both in joy and trouble Song of the detachment Our work is both dangerous and difficult And at first glance, as if it were not visible. If someone here and there, sometimes we honestly do not want to live. So with them we wage an invisible battle. So assigned fate for us and you - Work days and nights.

Sections: Work with preschoolers

  1. Raising and expanding the legal consciousness of teachers and parents, increasing the cohesion of teachers and parents.
  2. Protection of the rights of the child at all stages of its development and prevention of the correction of asocial behavior of parents, applicants to the “risk” group.

Form of carrying out:

Discussion club "Conversations by the fireplace"


Teachers of MDOU 18 people; Chairman of the Parents' Committee Zaitseva O.A .; members of the parent committee 10 people .; Head KPO Center for Social Assistance to Family and Children Shishkina G.F.

  1. Providing informational, psychological, pedagogical, methodological assistance to teachers, parents, children, with the invitation of specialists from the Center for Social Assistance to Family and Children through business games, trainings, consultations.
  2. The formation of common approaches to education, a joint study of the personality of the child, the development of common requirements, the organization of assistance in the development of moral principles.


1. Normative legal documents on the protection of the rights of the child:

  • Convention on the Rights of the Child of September 2, 1990
  • Declaration of the Rights of the Child of November 20, 1959
  • Constitution of the Russian Federation of March 25, 2004 No. 1-FKZ
  • Family Code of the Russian Federation on 01.10.2005
  • Regional Law No. 28-OZ “On the Protection of the Rights of the Child” dated 10.23.95
  • The Law "On Education" dated 07.08.2000, No. 122-ФЗ
  • The Federal Law “On Basic Guarantees of the Rights of the Child in the Russian Federation” dated 08/03/98.

2. Cards of a family with minor children for recording in the data bank of families in the city of Krasnoturinsk (for each pupil of the MDOU).

Preliminary work:

A number of consultations were held on the regulatory framework for protecting the rights of children of the head of the advisory and legal department of the Center for Social Assistance to the Family and Children of Krasnoturinsk G. Shishkina G.

Open events “Constitution through the eyes of children” in the preparatory group, educator Koval I.A .; “Journey to Prostokvashino” (under the articles of the Convention on the Rights of the Child) in the preparatory group, teacher N. Svintsova; “Funny adventures of Kolobok” in II ml. group (based on the Declaration of the Rights of the Child) educator S. Kazantseva

Information stand for parents on moral issues;

Educational and leisure activities, etc.


  1. The role of the Center for Social Assistance to Family and Children in increasing the responsibility of the family for raising their child
  2. head KPO Shishkina G.F.

  3. The relevance of moral education of the family of a preschooler and pedagogical team.
  4. head of MDOU № 32 L. Kiseleva

  5. Interactive business game with educators on the knowledge of the Convention on the Rights of the Child and the Declaration of Human Rights
  6. senior tutor Danishkina N.N.

  7. Acquaintance with positive experience in the Bragin family.

The chairman will give birth. Committee Zaitseva O.A.

The tables are arranged in a semicircle and are oriented to the main table of the chairman of the council. On the tables are regulatory documents, profiles, cards describing problem situations. To the right of the chairman are the Teachers tables, to the left are the Parents tables. At the table "Administration" - the head of the MDOU, senior educator, representatives of social protection.

Head of the Consultative Legal Department of the Center for Family and Children Assistance Shishkina G.F. spoke about the work of the Krasnoturyinsky Center for Assistance to Family and Children. It was noted that a program was developed to collect data from families, minor children, for entering the families of Krasnoturinsk in the data bank. All this is necessary for operational tracking and conducting corrective work with families, applicants to the “risk” group. The cards of families and pupils of MDOU were studied: out of 187 families, 6 applicants to the “risk” group were identified - 3 families of guardians, 2 families of a single mother, 1 family with a dysfunctional family atmosphere. A plan of corrective work with families contending for the “risk” group was read. (Appendix No. 1)

Head of MDOU № 32 L. Kiseleva spoke about the relevance of moral and legal education of the family of a preschool child and the teaching staff (Appendix No. 2).

Senior tutor Danishkina N.N. held a business game "Discover Yourself" on the knowledge of the Declaration on the Rights of the Child. The solution to all problematic situations must be connected with the principles of the Declaration of the child’s frames, so that adults recognize them and try to respect the rights of the child regardless of his age. The senior educator reads out the problematic situation, teachers and parents independently find the right answer based on the principles of the Declaration. The result was the head of the MDOU on knowledge of the Declaration of the Rights of the Child by the participants in the game. (Appendix No. 3)

Chairperson of the parent committee of MDOU No. 32 O. Zaitseva I acquainted those present with the positive experience of the Bragin family with two children, pupils of the MDOU. Were presented: family videos, albums with photos about the family, the genealogical tree of the family, etc. The positive experience of the family was approved and taken as an example to follow.

The debates were:

psychologist Ilyinykh G.V., speech therapist Smirnova T.V., nurse Vasyunina O.V., senior teacher Danishkina N.N., music director Trushkina M.A., parents: Reish E.M., Ovsyuchenko N.S. ., Chic S.M., Pokalo L.V.

The decision of the pedagogical council:

1. To continue the moral and legal education of preschool children of the pre-school educational institution for the formation of humanism, moral qualities and law obedience through propaganda, the foundations of Russian and international legislation among teachers and parents through:

  • local television “Grad”;
  • the city newspaper "Evening Krasnoturinsk", "Dawn of the Urals";
  • local radio mdou

2. To organize a club-colloquium “When the soul speaks with soul” to transfer the positive experience of the MDOU families.

3. The experience of the positive upbringing of the child in the Bragin family to bring to the city pedagogical readings.

Chairman: Head MDOU number 32 Kiseleva L.G.

Secretary: Trushkina M.A.

Purpose: implementation of the rights of the child in the practice of educators.


  • to increase the level of professional literacy of teachers on the prevention of violations of the rights of the child
  • contribute to the social adaptation of the child through the formation of legal knowledge
  • improve approaches, search for effective forms of interaction with parents and influence on them.

Teachers Council Plan

1. Introduction by the leader about the relevance of the problem.

Head of d / s.

2. The results of the thematic audit

Senior educator.

3. Speeches by speakers on the topic of the teacher council:

  • Features of the realization of the rights of the child through social relationships (Educator)
  • Features of observing children's rights to childhood in different age groups. (Carers)

4. Results of a survey of parents

Senior educator.

5. Pedagogical training.

Senior educator.

6. Business game “We know the rights of the child” .

7. Discussion of the draft decision of the teacher council. Reflection.

Head, DOW team

Preparation for the teacher's council

1. Workshop “Legal education in a preschool educational institution” .

Senior educator, educators

2. Consultation "The introduction of preschoolers to the origins of national culture through Russian folk outdoor games"

Instructor FIZO

3. Theoretical consultation for educators on the protection of the rights of the child and legal education. Art. educator.

4. Thematic audit "Organization of the legal education of preschool children"

Head, Art. educator

4. “Legal Knowledge Week” .

5. Competition for the best didactic game in legal education.


6. Conversation with educators “The use of fiction in the legal education of preschoolers” .

Teacher speech therapist.

7. Questioning parents “What do you know about the rights of the child?” , a festival of outdoor games with the participation of parents “We are Russians!”



The most important criterion for determining the values \u200b\u200bof any society is its attitude to childhood. Child protection is one of the strategic priorities of the economic and social policy of Russia, the solution of which is constantly paid attention to in the programs of socio-economic development at all levels. Over the past decade, in the difficult period of socio-economic reforms in Russia, a number of measures have been implemented aimed at solving childhood problems. Constitution of the Russian Federation (1993)   secured the provision that childhood is under state protection. A favorable trend is the strengthening of interaction, constructive cooperation of preschool educational institutions, educational authorities and parents of children attending and not attending kindergartens. That is why the need to study and accumulate materials in the field of protection of childhood rights in a preschool educational institution is an urgent topic. Improving the legal culture of preschool teachers and parents of preschoolers is a condition for the formation of the rule of law and civil society. The legislative framework for the protection of childhood rights began in the 20th century, especially during the First World War and in the post-war years, when the first laws on the protection and protection of childhood were formulated in a number of countries. In the second half of the XX century. An international childhood protection system began to take shape:

  • in 1946, the United Nations Children's Fund was founded (UN)   - UNICEF

- in 1989 - UN Committee on the Rights of the Child. The main documents protecting the rights of children have been adopted:

  • Declaration of the Rights of the Child (1959)
  • Beijing rules (1985)
  • UN Convention on the Rights of the Child (1989)
  • World Declaration on the Survival, Protection and Development of Children (1990).

Hopes that the new century will be the century of the child did not materialize. Modern childhood needs protection just as it did centuries ago. UN data confirms that forty thousand children become disabled every day from hunger and disease. The number of working children aged 5 to 14 years, according to the International Organization of Workers, in 1996 amounted to 250 million.

However, childhood is not only threatened by war, disease and poverty. Peace and prosperity in industrialized countries are not an automatic guarantee of the best opportunities for respecting rights and protecting children. There are attacks on childhood at virtually all levels and in all areas of life - public, political and private. The needs and rights of children are relegated to the background or forgotten about them altogether.

The results of a number of sociological studies allow us to identify five groups of the most common types of violations of childhood rights:

  • physical impact, the so-called physical oppression;
  • moral prohibitions, restrictions, humiliations, hypocrisy, a lie in relation to children, caused by the inability of parents to build relationships with children and educate them;
  • neglect by the parents of the interests of the child that does not correspond to the ideas of adults about them, neglect of friends and acquaintances of children, negative assessments of the interests and actions of the child outside the home, neglect of the views and interests of the child;
  • lack of living conditions (restrictions and prohibitions in food, health care, in the purchase of essential things);
  • violation of sexual norms in the family circle both in communication with children and through demonstration by parents of marital infidelity.

Thus, the stated topic of the pedagogical council is relevant and requires close attention from the staff of the educational institution.

Trusting the eyes of children
And angels guard their souls.
May serene that peace
Nothing will break forever.

And don't let the tear roll
Neither from insults, nor from sorrow,
And like the sun, always
The smile on his face shines.

Sensitive children's heart
Open your heart
And a feeling of miracle
Will always be with you.

Calm mothers will leave
A day full of affairs, hassle, worries,
With hope they look into the eyes
Saying goodbye to you at the gate.

Don’t lie to hope
Don't be strict with the kids
And the hearts of tender sprouts
Do not touch your hard hand.

We hope that the chosen topic is interesting and relevant for you and you will become active participants in the discussion. You will be able to learn about how legal education work is carried out in our preschool educational institution, what forms are used and not only about it, during the teacher's council.

Since ancient times, mankind has understood that life begins in childhood. A child comes into the world helpless and defenseless. His life is completely dependent on adults. Many philosophers, thinkers raised in their works the problem of protecting children. So, Antoine de Saint-Exupery wrote: “You are forever responsible for those you tamed” .

A presentation on the legal education of preschool children is offered.

Then the results of the thematic review are summarized. “Organization of the legal education of preschool children in a preschool educational institution” (Appendix No.).

3. Speech by the educator on the problem “Features of the realization of the rights of the child through social relationships” . (Appendix No.)

Educators of all age groups represent the experience: “Features of the observance of the rights of the child to childhood in different age groups” , accumulated material on the problem of legal education.

4. Senior teacher summarizes the results of a survey of parents “What do you know about the rights of the child?” (Appendix No. __).

Parent questionnaire analysis “Children's rights” . MDOU "Kindergarten number 235"   October district of the city of Saratov, October, 2011.

The survey involved 100 people.

To the first question of the questionnaire: “Do you consider the problem of the rights of the child relevant for our country and city?”   the answers of parents were distributed as follows -Yes - 75%; No - 10%; Hard to say - 15%.

To the second question of the questionnaire: “In your opinion, is it better to consider the legal status of a child in the family from the point of view of his interests or the interests and duties of his parents?”   the answers of parents were distributed as follows - From the point of view of the interests of the child - 40%;

From the point of view of the interests of the child and the interests and responsibilities of parents -60%.

To the third question of the questionnaire: “Have you ever met the Concept of the Rights of the Child?”   parents' answers were distributed as follows - 40%; No - 60%.

To the fourth question of the questionnaire: “Which of the following children's rights do you consider important to respect in the family?”   parents listed almost all the rights that are given in the questionnaire.

To the fifth question of the questionnaire: “Please formulate what the phrase“ happy childhood ”means to you ? " the answers of the parents were as follows -

Health, love, understanding - 35%; Parents' love - 40%; Full loving family - 20%; 35% do not need anything; Refused to answer - 20%.

To the sixth question of the questionnaire: “Can you, in your opinion, consider the lack of time for parents to participate in the life of the child in kindergarten as a violation of children's rights?”   answered so -Yes - 45%; No - 25%; Hard to say - 30%.

On the seventh question of the questionnaire: “In your opinion, can it be considered a violation of children's rights when they see their parents quarreling every day?”   answered so -Yes - 90%; No, 10%.

On the eighth question of the questionnaire: “Please tell us your opinion: are the rights of your child in kindergarten always respected?”   the answers of parents were distributed as follows - Yes - 65%; No - 5%; Hard to say - 30%.

On the ninth questionnaire of the questionnaire: “Please tell us your opinion: are the rights of your child in the family always respected?”   the answers of parents were distributed as follows - Yes - 65%; No - 10%; Hard to say - 25%.

Answers to the tenth question of the questionnaire were distributed as follows - “All people are literate and without classes know what is good for the child and what is bad” - 10%;

“It would be interesting to participate, be sure to invite me to these meetings” - 60%; “I would love to, but ...” - 30%.

Thus, most families are somehow familiar with the concept "Rights of the child" , try to take into account the rights of the child in the family, would love to come to the meetings of the training cycle on the problem of the relationship of adult rights and the rights of the child in the family.

5. Pedagogical training for educators “What do you know about the convention?”


1. When the Convention on the Rights of the Child was adopted:

a) in 1924;

b) in 1957;

c) in 1989.

2. When the law was passed “On basic guarantees of the rights of the child in the Russian Federation” :

a) in 1990;

b) in 1998;

c) in 2000.

3. A child is every human being:

a) before reaching the age of 16;

b) before reaching the age of 18;

c) until reaching the age of 21.

4. From birth, the child has the right:

a) on citizenship;

b) equality;

c) to freedom.

5. From the age of six, a child is entitled to:

a) independently enter into small household transactions;

b) change the name or surname;

c) express their opinion when deciding a question affecting his interests.

6. A child has the right to attend educational institutions:

a) from 1.5 years;

b) from 3 years;

c) from 6 years old.

7. A child has the right to go to work:

a) from 14 years old;

b) from 15 years old;

c) from 16 years old.

8. A young man may be involved in military operations:

a) from 15 years old;

b) from 16 years old;

c) since 18 years.

9. The state minimum social standards of the main indicators of the quality of life of children include guaranteed, generally available, free of charge:

a) initial general, basic general, secondary (full) general education, primary vocational education;

b) secondary vocational, higher vocational education;

c) education in educational institutions.

a) from 6 years old;

b) from 8 years old;

c) from 14 years old.


Purpose: to form a knowledge system for the protection of childhood rights.


  • reveal the creative potential of teachers
  • teach professionally assess pedagogical situations for the protection of the rights of the child

To give an opportunity, working as a group, to unite it with a common initiative idea.

Creation and adoption of the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child

On November 20, 1989, the UN General Assembly voted unanimously “World Constitution of the Rights of the Child” . And on January 26, 1990, the Convention on the Rights of the Child was signed by 61 countries.

The Supreme Soviet of the SSR ratified the Convention on the Rights of the Child on June 13, 1990, and on July 14, 1990, it entered into force for the Russian Federation.

After 6 years, it was accepted by almost all states of the world, with the exception of two - Somalia and the United States.

The document contains 4 basic requirements that should ensure the rights of children:

  • Survival
  • Development
  • Protection
  • Ensuring active participation in society

It has two fundamental principles:

  1. the child is an independent subject of law, i.e. possesses the full range of civil, political, economic, social and cultural human rights.
  2. Priority of the interests of children over the needs of the family, society, religion.

The significance of the Convention lies in the fact that its articles first bring together 38 rights of the child, previously dispersed in a large number of documents relating to various areas of rights.

Rights proclaimed in the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child

In accordance with the document under discussion, the child has the following rights:

  1. Child's right to life (Article 6, paragraph 1).
  2. The right of the child to know his parents (Article 7, Clause 1)
  3. Child's right to parental care (Article 7. Clause 1)
  4. The right of the child to the name (Art. 7, para. 1; Art. 8, para. 1)
  5. Child right to citizenship (Art. 7, para. 1; Art. 8, para. 1)
  6. Children's right to preserve their individuality (Article 8, paragraph 1)
  7. The right of the child to family relationships (Article 8, paragraph 1)
  8. The right of a child separated from parents to maintain personal relationships and direct contact with parents (Article 9, Clause 3)
  9. The right of a child whose parents live in different states to maintain personal relationships and direct contacts with both parents (Article 10, Clause 2)
  10. 10. The right of the child to leave any country, including his own, and to return to his country (for the purpose of non-separation from parents) (Article 10, Clause 2)
  11. The right of the child to freedom of expression (Article 12, Clause 1)
  12. The right of the child to freedom of expression; this right includes freedom to seek, transmit and receive information and ideas of any kind, regardless of borders, orally, in writing or in print, in the form of works of art or by other means of the child’s choice (Article 13, paragraph 1. 2)
  13. The child's right to freedom of thought. Conscience and Religion (Article 14, Clause 1, 2)
  14. The right of the child to freedom of association and freedom of peaceful assembly (Article 15, paragraph 1. 2)
  15. Child's right to privacy (Art.16.1)
  16. The right of the child to the inviolability of the home (Article 16, paragraph 1)
  17. The right of the child to family life (Article 16, paragraph 1)
  18. The child's right to privacy of correspondence (Article 16, paragraph 1)
  19. The right of the child to protect the law from unlawful interference and encroachment on his honor and reputation (Art.16, p.1.2)
  20. The right of the child to access information and materials from various national and international sources (Article 17, paragraph 1)
  21. The right of the child whose parents work to use childcare services and facilities (Article 18, paragraph 3)
  22. The child’s right to protection from all forms of physical or mental abuse, abuse or abuse, neglect or neglect or exploitation, including sexual abuse (Article 19, Clause 1)
  23. The right of a child deprived of a family environment to special protection and assistance (Article 20, paragraph 1)
  24. The right of a mentally and physically disabled child to special care (Article 23, Clause 2)
  25. The right to use the most advanced health system services and the means to treat diseases and restore health (Article 24, Clause 1, 2, 4)
  26. The right of a child placed in care by the competent authorities for the purpose of caring for him, his protection or physical or mental treatment, to a periodic assessment of treatment and all other conditions related to his care (v. 25)
  27. Child's right to benefit from social security benefits, including social security (Article 26, paragraph 1)
  28. The right of the child to the standard of living necessary for physical, mental, spiritual, moral and social development (Article 27, Clause 1, 3)
  29. Children's rights to education (Article 28, Clause 29)
  30. The right of a child belonging to an ethnic, religious or linguistic minority or indigenous population to use their native language, their culture, practice their religion and practice its rites (v. 30)
  31. The right of the child to rest and leisure (Article 31, paragraph 1. 2)
  32. The right of the child to participate in games and recreational activities appropriate to his age, to freely participate in cultural and creative life and to engage in art (Article 31, paragraph 1)
  33. The child’s right to protection from economic exploitation and from performing any work that could be dangerous to his health or an obstacle to his education, or damage his health and physical, mental, spiritual, moral and social development (Article 32, paragraph 1)
  34. Child's right to protection against illegal use of narcotic drugs and psychotropic substances (v. 33)
  35. The right of the child to protection from all forms of sexual exploitation and sexual abuse, from other forms of exploitation that are detrimental to any aspect of the well-being of the child (Art.34; Art.36)
  36. The right of a child deprived of liberty to immediate access to legal and other appropriate assistance (v. 37)
  37. The right of a child deprived of liberty before a court or other competent, independent and impartial body and the right to make an immediate decision with respect to any such procedural action (v. 37)
  38. The right of a child who is considered to have violated criminal law, is accused or found guilty of violating it, to such treatment, which contributes to the development of a child's sense of dignity and significance, strengthens his respect for human rights (Article 40, paragraph 1)

Teachers are divided into 2 teams.

Break down the rights enshrined in the Convention into groups:

For 1 team:

  • Survival Rights
  • Development Rights

For 2 teams:

  • Protection Rights
  • Rights ensuring active participation in society

Think and answer (Who is faster):

  • In which fairy tale is the right to personal inviolability, life, freedom violated? Prove that the selected literary work is chosen correctly. ("Red Riding Hood" , "Gray neck" , "The Tale of the Dead Princess and the Seven Knights"   and etc.)
  • What literary characters could complain that the right to inviolability of the home was violated? ("Three pigs" , “Zayushkina’s hut”   and etc.)
  • In what famous fairy tale of Marshak the child’s right to care and care is violated? ("Twelve months" )
  • In which fairy tale is the child’s right to rest and entertainment violated? ("Cinderella" )
  • What right did the witch violate in the fairy tale "Sister Alyonushka and brother Ivanushka"? (The right to live)
  • What right did the frog use in Garshin's fairy tale "The Traveling Frog"? (The right to freedom of movement)
  • What rights did the brothers violate in the tale "Ivan Tsarevich and the Gray Wolf"? (The right to life and security of person)
  • What right did the Tsarevna violate by the Immortal Kasha, taking her to himself and deciding to marry her, in the fairy tale "The Frog Princess"? (To marry by free and mutual consent)
  • What right did the talking cricket Pinocchio advise to use in A. Tolstoy's fairy tale "The Golden Key"? (The right to free education)
  • What right did Pinocchio violate by grabbing the rat Shushera by the tail? (Right to Personal Immunity)

"Magic chest" (for 2 teams, in turn)

From the chest, items symbolizing familiar human rights are taken out in turn.

  • Birth Certificate - What kind of document? What right does he recall? (About the right to a name).
  • Heart - What right can a heart stand for? (On the right to care and love).
  • House - Why was the house here? What right does he recall? (On the right to property).
  • Envelope - What does an envelope look like? (No one has the right to read other people's letters and peep).
  • Primer - What right did the primer remind you of? (On the right to education).
  • Toy Bunny and Bunny - What do these toys resemble? (On the right of the child to be with his mother).

Solve problematic situations.

For 1 team:

Situation 1

4 years old boy sitting at the table, talking during lunch. He distracts other children, who also begin to actively discuss new toys bought by his parents. At another table, the children had already eaten and began to prepare for bed. The teacher constantly makes comments, trying to make the children eat silently.


Does the teacher violate the rights of the child?

What are you doing in a similar situation?

Situation 2

The teacher offers children to do drawing. The topic is free. One girl goes after the doll and begins to rock her. The boys are rolling cars between the dice.

Other children draw.


What right does the child exercise in this activity?

For 2 teams:

Situation 3

There is a lesson to familiarize yourself with the outside world. A story about different professions. The child speaks about the profession of teacher (or doctor), what is it "The profession of the poor" . Question:

How to react to this opinion of the child?

Situation 4

The child, having come to the group, says to the teacher: “Mom violated my rights today, she spanked me” .

Assignment: Describe the procedure for protecting the rights of the child in this situation.

Situation 5

The teacher took the belt from the child, whom he waved during undressing after a walk, and put it on the cabinet. In the evening, the boy’s father demanded an explanation from the second shift educator, because, in his opinion, the rights of the child were violated.


What do you think?

Was the right of the child violated in this case? Which one?

Show the sequence of steps in your conversation with the boy's father. Confirm your arguments with articles from the Convention for the Protection of the Rights of the Child.

Senior teacher summarizes the business game, reflection.

Using these games as an example, we became convinced of how an adult's personality affects the psycho-emotional state of a child and acquired the skills of constructive interaction in the educational process.

Thus, in the classroom and in everyday life, it is necessary to play situations in which children make independent decisions leading to the idea that all people have the same rights.

The draft decision of the pedagogical council

  1. To improve the use of knowledge on protecting the rights of childhood in everyday work with children and parents when creating in the DOE a subject-developing environment in games and educational activities of children.
  2. To develop the theme of business games, workshops, and trainings with the aim of solving complex pedagogical situations that arise in everyday life.
  3. Coordinate the interaction of all specialists of the preschool educational institution –psychologist, medical worker, music director, physical education instructor — in the implementation of the rights of the child in kindergarten.
  4. Organize discussion clubs for teachers and parents on the protection of children's rights in different age groups on the topic "The rights of the child in our kindergarten" .
  5. To collect, with the help of parents and educators, a video library and a library for children to get acquainted with the Declaration of the Rights of the Child, the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child, etc.

Enlightenment of teachers of a preschool educational institution on legal education begins with drawing their attention to this serious issue. Educators. Kindergarten must ensure that children grow up in legal security.



Teachers Council “Legal education in a preschool educational institution”

The theme of our teachers' council is “Legal education in a preschool educational institution”.

We hope that the chosen topic will be interesting not only to us, but also you will become active participants in the discussion. You will be able to learn about how legal education work is carried out in our preschool educational institution, what forms are used during the teacher's council.

Since ancient times, mankind has understood that life begins in childhood. A child comes into the world helpless and defenseless. His life is completely dependent on adults. Many philosophers, thinkers raised in their works the problem of protecting children. So, Antoine de Saint-Exupery wrote: "You are forever responsible for those whom you tamed."

With the onset of the XXI century. all over the world this problem has become especially acute: the socio-economic situation of the modern world is reflected primarily in children. Understanding that children are the most precious thing that exists in any society, educators are faced with a crucial problem: how to protect the rights of the child, thereby preserving the nation’s gene pool. At the beginning of 2006, 33.1 million children lived in Russia, which made up almost a quarter of the country's population. Our future and the future of Russia depends on what kind of upbringing, education and development the children will receive, how they will be prepared for life in a rapidly changing world. For our society, there is not a Day and not a Year for the protection of children, but the Time to work on raising a generation that should replace us. The child believes in love, strength, kindness of adults. Fortunately, mankind did not remain indifferent to the troubles of children. The UN General Assembly adopted the Convention on the Rights of the Child. And it happened like that.

In 1923, in Geneva, the League of Nations adopted the Declaration of the Rights of the Child proposed by the International Union for the Salvation of Children. This was the first international legal instrument to protect the rights and interests of children. For the first time, the Declaration emphasized that all of humanity must take care of protecting the rights of children. Despite the significance of this event, the final system of protecting the rights of the child took shape much later.

The Declaration of the Rights of the Child, adopted in 1959, was the first document to recognize and respect the rights of children through legislative and other measures. The declaration was the semantic basis of the new major international document - the Convention on the Rights of the Child. This is how its adoption took place.

In June 1989, the three-masted ship “Envoy of the City of Nantes” sailed off the coast of Brittany (France) with the Dakar-Ford-France-New York course. On board were about a dozen young people of different nationalities aged 12 to 16 years. On the island of Gore, near Dakar, 15 more young men and women joined them, and on the islands of the West Indies, the ship took on board another group of youth.

Boys and girls represented five continents. They embarked on a journey with two symbolic goals: to follow the slave trade routes from Africa to America, and with joint efforts to reflect on the main articles of the draft Convention on the Rights of the Child. At the end of the journey, young people visited the UN headquarters in New York, where they handed it to Secretary General Javier Pérez de Cuellar and petitioned him to ratify, finally, the Convention, the discussion of which began back in 1959.

From this historical moment, all progressive mankind has learned about the “world constitution of the rights of the child,” as publicists call it.

Global changes taking place in the political and social life of the country necessitated the search for new approaches to raising children. We must educate an active citizen, and such a person is when he has a self-esteem, the ability to resist cruelty, when he knows how to defend his rights. It is at preschool age that the child’s relationships with other people, culture, nature and religion of his and other peoples are laid. And here they act as guides for him


Dear colleagues! When teaching others, learn for yourself. Everyone in the modern world, and even more so a teacher, educator, must know their rights, observe and protect them. Otherwise, we will not teach others without knowledge ourselves.

So, you are familiar with the Convention on the Rights of the Child and the Declaration of Human Rights. We offer a small workout, during which it is necessary to answer questions. Each of them has four possible answers. You must choose the correct answer and pick up the card with the selected letter (a, b, c, d).

Warm up

1. How many articles are in the Convention on the Rights of the Child?

a) 45;

b) 37;

c) 54;

d) 53.

2. What are the rights of the child to respect and ensure?

states Parties to the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child?

a) The right to life, citizenship, education;

b) the right to life, family ties, education;

c) the right to life, to free expression of one’s thoughts, rest and leisure;

d) the whole range of civil, political, economic, social and cultural rights.

3. Who is responsible for providing the living conditions necessary for the development of the child?

a) governing bodies of the Russian Federation;

b) local authorities;

c) educational institution;

d) parents and other persons raising a child.

4. Who should participate in decisions affecting the present and future of the child?

a) Parents or other persons responsible for life

children, their development and protection;

b) a child and parents or other persons replacing parents;

c) parents or other persons replacing parents and educational institution;

d) parents and local authorities.

5. Does the child have the right to income received?

a) Yes, if they are obtained with the consent of the parents;

b) yes, if they are not obtained as a result of an offense;

c) no, parents should dispose of the property of the child;

d) no, the child should not work.

6. Who is responsible for creating the necessary conditions for the education of children in an educational institution?

a) Founder;

b) educational institution management bodies;

c) officials of an educational institution;

d) educational institution management bodies and all education management bodies within their competence.

7. Who will be summoned to court as a defendant if the rights and freedoms of children are violated in an educational institution and the case comes to trial?

a) Head as a representative of an educational institution;

b) the head as an official of this institution;

c) an employee of an educational institution who has committed a violation;

d) the founder of an educational institution.

8. How should the health care of pupils be respected in an educational institution?

a) Teachers of an educational institution are required to regularly undergo a free medical examination;

b) in the OS necessary properly organized diet, classes for pupils;

c) it is necessary to ensure that weakened children are sent to special health facilities;

d) it is necessary to create conditions guaranteeing the protection and strengthening of the health of pupils.

Every child must know their rights, be legally literate. Educators, the entire teaching staff are the main participants in the legal education of children. In our preschool educational institution, work with children and parents on legal

Activities include:

Conclusion of contracts with parents;

Conducting a series of conversations, classes, leisure activities for children and adults on this topic;

Creation of a databank of families of pupils of a preschool educational institution, a social passport of a preschool educational institution;

Design of visual information stands in groups; questioning of parents; holding consultations and pedagogical councils on this topic; exhibitions of family and children's works. The main is the joint activity of an adult and a child.

For the formation of elementary ideas about rights and freedoms in children, a sense of respect and tolerance for other people, it is important not only to give knowledge, but also to create conditions for their practical application. We choose the main types of activity for preschoolers: play and art-productive. In the preschool educational institution, role-playing, theatrical and didactic games, exercises on the development of the emotional sphere, empathy, communication skills, psychological training are held. Educators

children’s problem-searching activities are organized (work in a group to resolve problem situations, development of joint projects with educators, conditions for productive activities are created (emblems, posters are made, their presentation is held).

As illustrative examples illustrating a particular right of children, a legal concept, we use fairy tales, poems, proverbs, sayings. However, we familiarize children with human rights on the material of fairy tales carefully - because in fairy tales there is a completely different assessment of the actions of the characters. The use of the legal system of ratings can lead to a distortion of children's perception of fairy tales, to the condemnation of good heroes and the justification of villains.

We offer you a quiz.


1. In which tale is the right to personal integrity, life and freedom violated? (“Gray Sheyka”, “Little Red Riding Hood”, “Thumbelina”, “The Tale of the Fisherman and the Fish”.)

2. What literary heroes could complain that their right to inviolability of the home has been violated? (Piglets from the fairy tale "Three Little Pigs", a bunny from the fairy tale "The Ice Hut.")

3. What fairy-tale heroine used the right of free movement and choice of residence? ("Frog traveler".)

4. In which fairy tale did the heroine exercise the right to seek and find refuge and persecution in other countries? ("Thumbelina.")

5. What literary heroes exercised their right to freedom of peaceful assembly? (Bremen Town Musicians, Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs, characters from the Quartet fable.)

6. In what fairy tales is the right of a worker to fair remuneration confirmed? (“Moroz Ivanovich,” “Madame Blizzard,” “The Tale of the Priest and of His Worker Balda.”)

Agree that the work of the teaching staff will be nullified if it does not find a response in the family. It is close people who have a special role in the formation of the personality, physical and mental well-being of the child. If alienation occurs between a child and an adult, children feel unloved and suffer greatly. Psychiatrists believe that most often their patients are people who have experienced abuse, a chronic lack of love in childhood.

Child abuse: what is it?

“Problem parents” is not the child's fault, but his misfortune and misfortune. Child abuse is not only about beating, wounding, sexual harassment that adults physically cripple a child, it is also humiliation, bullying, various forms of neglect that injure a child’s soul.

Neglect can be expressed in the fact that parents do not provide the child with the necessary food, clothing, hygienic care, and deprive of sleep. In addition, neglect is manifested in the lack of respect, attention, affection, warmth on the part of parents.

Child abuse makes people socially maladaptive, unable to start a family, to be good parents. A dangerous social consequence of violence is the further reproduction of cruelty. Abuse of children can be allowed not only by parents, but also by other family members, guardians, trustees, educators, etc.


1. Physical abuse - the intentional infliction of physical damage.

Sexual violence (or corruption) - involving a child with his consent and without it in sexual activities with an adult in order to obtain the latter's satisfaction or benefit. The child’s consent to sexual contact does not give grounds to consider him non-violent, since the child cannot foresee all the negative consequences for himself of this.

3. Mental (emotional) violence - periodically prolonged or constant mental impact on the child, inhibiting the development of his personality and forming pathological character traits.

Mental forms of violence include:

Open rejection and constant criticism;

Threats against the child in verbal form;

Offensive remarks degrading the dignity of the child;

Intentional physical or social isolation;

Lies and the failure of adults to fulfill their promises;

A single gross mental impact causing mental trauma.

4. Neglect of the needs of the child - the lack of elementary care for the child, as a result of which his emotional state is violated and there is a threat to health and life or its development.

Neglect of the basic needs of the child include:

Lack of adequate food, clothing, housing, education, medical care adequate to the child’s age and needs;

Due attention and care, as a result of which the child may become a victim of an accident.

According to European and American studies, in recent years the number of manifestations of child abuse and neglect is steadily increasing.

There are risk factors that can trigger child abuse in the family:

Incomplete or large families, families with foster parents, the presence of stepfathers or stepmothers;

The presence in the family of patients with alcoholism, drug addiction or a person who has returned from prison;

Unemployment, ongoing financial difficulties;

Conflicts between parents;

Status of refugees, internally displaced persons;

Low level of culture, education, negative family traditions;

Unwanted child;

Mental or physical disabilities of the child;

Difficult child.

The decision of situations.

Situation 1

Irishka was playing by the open window. On the windowsill was a pot with my mother’s favorite flower. From the courtyard, Irishka's friends called out, she raised her hand to wave them, and. the flower pot was on the ground. Hearing the noise, mom ran into the room. Without understanding, she scolded and spanked the girl.

What rights have been violated?

Situation 2

Tanya loved to clean up in her puppet corner. She moistened a cloth with water, wringed it and wiped the furniture. Inadvertently, the girl stepped on a basin. Water spilled over the carpet. The girl looked at the puddle in dismay. Mom approached her.


Describe the situation from different perspectives.

Task 2. "A worthy answer."

The goal is to find a way out of a conflict situation.

Instruction Participants are divided into two teams - “Teachers” and “Parents”. Each team receives a card that contains a statement. Alternately, changing roles, a representative from each team reads out the phrase - “lunge”. The task of the rivals is to adequately answer it.

Card number 1. You have too high an opinion of yourself.

Card number 2. Why do you look at everyone as a wolf?

Card number 3. You have such a terrible look!

Card number 4. You always shout at everyone.


Was the task easy?

Have you taken to heart an unflattering remark about your team?

Business game

“Do we know the rights of children? "

Each team will be asked questions in turn within 30 s. It is necessary to respond clearly, quickly, loudly. Questions that are left without the correct answer will be offered to another team.

Questions for the first team

1. What is the name of the main document on the rights of the child adopted by the 44th session of the UN General Assembly? (Convention on the Rights of the Child.)

3. How many articles does the Convention on the Rights of the Child include? (54.)

4. In what year did Russia ratify the Convention on the Rights of the Child? (In 1990)

5. How many countries have ratified the Convention on the Rights of the Child? (191 countries.)

6. What highly developed country in the world has not yet signed under the Convention? (USA.)

7. In what year was the universal Declaration of Human Rights adopted? (In 1948)

8. At what age is a person considered a child, according to the UN? (0-18 years old.)

9. To whom does the Convention have the primary responsibility for raising a child? (To parents.)

10. What rights were violated when a child received transfused blood in a hospital? (The right to live.)

11. What rights were violated when a 15-year-old was banned from attending church? (Respect for freedom of conscience.)

12. What rights were violated when a 17-year-old girl was not allowed to take exams at a military school? (Equal rights for all children, regardless of gender.)

13. What rights were violated when a 14-year-old was allowed to participate in the fighting? (Do not take part in hostilities up to 15 years.)

Children have only one right: to do what their parents and carers tell them. All other rights come at the time when the law gives a person full legal responsibility. (According to Article 2, all rights apply to all children without exception. The state is obliged to protect the child from any form of discrimination and takes the necessary measures to protect his rights.)

Questions for the second team

1. What is the name of the Polish writer who in 1929 published the book “The Child's Right to Respect”. (I. Korcha K.)

2. Is raising a child a parental right or obligation? (Both right and duty.)

3. At what age is the child able to make independent decisions. (Since 3 years.)

4. What parenting style is incompatible with the rights of the child? (Authoritarian.)

5. Who is responsible for raising a child in case of divorce? (Both parents.)

6. Who should do everything possible to exercise the rights contained in the Convention? (State.)

7. What are the rights of the child? (Protection from all forms of abuse, the right to protection of health, to education, to play, to preserve one’s personality.)

8. What rights were violated when a teacher read a note addressed to a student? (The right to privacy of correspondence.)

9. What right was violated by the witch in the fairy tale "Sister Alyonushka and brother Ivanushka"? (The right to live.)

10. Why did the inhabitants of the courtyard in the tale of H. H. Andersen “The Ugly Duckling” offended the ugly duckling? What right did they violate? (He was not like the others. The right to preserve individuality was violated.)

11. What right was violated in the tale "Zayushkina hut"? (The right to inviolability of the home.)

Additional question (for discussion 30 s)

Try to refute the following statement using the articles of the Convention on the Rights of the Child.

The child must live in his family, despite the fact that this is contrary to his interests. (According to Article 9, the child has the right to live with his parents, unless it is contrary to the best interests of the child. The child has the right to maintain contact with both parents in case of separation from one of them or both.)

Additional questions

1. Who violated the right and who helped restore it in the fairy tale “Zayushkina’s hut”? (Fox, cock.)

2. What right did Ivan Tsarevich violate in the tale "Ivan Tsarevich and the Gray Wolf"? (The right to own personal property.)

3. What right did the brothers violate in the tale "Ivan Tsarevich and the Gray Wolf"? (The right to life and security of person.)

What right did the frog use in the fairy tale by V. Garshin, The Traveling Frog? (The right to free movement.)

4. How far could the frog travel using its right to move? (No limits.)

5. What crime did geese-swans commit in a fairy tale of the same name? (Abduction of children.)

All people, young and old, have rights and no one can violate them

You can live differently in life:

In sorrow you can and in joy

Eat on time, drink on time,

Time to do nasty things.

And you can do this: At dawn, get up

And thinking of a miracle

Nude sun

And give it to people.

A. Voznesensky

Pedagogical Council "Legal education of preschool children" Warm-up 1. How many articles in the Convention on the Rights of the Child? 2. What are the rights of the child to be respected and ensured by the states parties to the UN Convention on the Rights of?

  • The right to life, citizenship, education;
  • The right to life, family ties, education;
  • The right to life, to freely express one’s thoughts, rest and leisure;
  • The whole range of civil, political, economic, social and cultural rights.
  3. Who is responsible for providing the living conditions necessary for the development of the child?
  • Governing bodies of the Russian Federation;
  • Local government bodies;
  • Educational institution;
  • Parents and others raising a child.
   4. Who should be involved in decisions affecting the present and future of the child?
  • Parents or other persons responsible for the lives of children, their development and protection;
  • A child and parents or other persons replacing parents;
  • Parents or foster parents and educational institution;
  • Parents and local governments.
   5. Does the child have the right to income received?
  • Yes, if received with parental consent;
  • Yes, if they are not obtained as a result of an offense;
  • No, the property of the child must be managed by the parents;
  • No, the child should not work.
  6. Who is responsible for creating the necessary conditions for the education of children in an educational institution?
  • Founder;
  • Educational institution management bodies;
  • Educational institution officials;
  • Educational institution management bodies and all education management bodies within their competence.
   7. Who will be summoned to court as a defendant if the rights and freedoms of children are violated in an educational institution and the case comes to trial?
  • Head as a representative of an educational institution;
  • Head as an official of this institution;
  • An employee of an educational institution who has committed a violation;
  • founder of an educational institution.
   8. How should the health care of pupils be respected in an educational institution?
  • Teachers of an educational institution are required to regularly undergo a free medical examination;
  • Properly organized diet, classes for pupils;
  • Referral of weakened children to special health facilities;
  • Creation of conditions guaranteeing the protection and strengthening of the health of pupils.
   Quiz "Rights of literary heroes"
  • In which fairy tale the right to personal inviolability, life and freedom is violated ?
  • What literary heroes could complain that the right to inviolability of the home is violated?
  • The heroine, what fairy tale used the right of free movement and choice of residence?
  • In which fairy tale did the heroine exercise her right to seek and find refuge and persecution in other countries?
  • Which literary heroes exercised their right to freedom of peaceful assembly?
  • Which fairy tales confirm the right of a worker to fair compensation?
  • Who violated the right and who helped restore it in the fairy tale “Zayushkina’s hut”?
  • What right did Ivan Tsarevich violate in the tale “Ivan the Tsarevich and the Gray Wolf”?
  • What right did the brothers violate in the tale "Ivan the Tsarevich and the Gray Wolf"?
  • What right did the frog use in V. Garshin's fairy tale “The Traveling Frog”?
  • How far could a frog travel using its right to move?
  • What crime did the geese swans commit in a fairy tale of the same name?