What is important to know about the pulse in children. Normal heart rate in children; Heart rate of a 9 year old child at rest

Blood pressure and heart rate (heart rate) are one of the most important indicators for assessing human health.

To correctly interpret the results of pressure measurements, you need to be well-versed in the standards of indicators, as well as take into account the age and gender of the patient.

It is worth remembering that hypertension in a baby can cause a serious illness.

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Topic: I got rid of hypertension!

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My hypertension was hereditary - from my mother, now by the way I am treating her as well.

As you know, blood pressure indicators are recorded in two digits, for example, 110 to 70 mm Hg:

  • The first, a large number, denotes the value of systolic pressure, and displays the force with which blood acts on the walls of blood vessels at the time of contraction of the heart.
  • The second, smaller number denotes diastolic pressure, and shows the force of blood pressure on the vascular walls between the beats of the heart.

Another important number - the difference between systolic and diastolic pressure - pulse pressure, normally should be 20-40 mm Hg.

The normal pressure in a 9-year-old boy may differ significantly from the norm for an elderly woman.

Such a scale will help parents evaluate the work of the cardiovascular system of the child and take action if necessary.

Age Blood pressure, mmHg
Systolic Diastolic
Min Max Min Max
Up to 2 weeks 60 96 40 50
2-4 weeks 80 112 40 74
2-12 months 90 112 50 74
2-3 years 100 112 60 74
3-5 years 100 116 60 76
6-9 years old 100 122 60 78

It can be noted that blood pressure indicators in children of different ages differ and increase as the child grows. This is due to the fact that with age, blood vessels become toned, their walls thicken, the diameter of the lumen decreases and, accordingly, the blood acts on the vascular walls with high pressure. In contrast, the heart rate in children decreases as they grow.

A higher heart rate in infants is associated with a low vascular tone in the newborn.

The heart, in order to ensure proper nutrition for all tissues and organs in such conditions, has to beat more often. As the cardiovascular system develops and the tone of the vascular walls increases, the pulse becomes less frequent.

Age Heart rate
Min Norm Max
Up to 1 month 110 140 170
1-12 months 102 130 162
1-2 years 94 124 154
4-6 years old 86 106 126
6-8 years old 98 108 118
8-10 years 68 88 108

In 9-year-old girls and boys, blood pressure and heart rate are almost close to those of adults.

The age standards for newborns, as well as 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 and 8 year old children, depend on the degree of maturity of the circulatory system of the child.

In case of deviation of blood pressure indicators from average age, other factors must be taken into account to assess the situation:

  • Weight and height of the child. For example, if a child is significantly ahead of the physical development of peers, it can be assumed that blood pressure will correspond to the age for which its individual physical parameters are characteristic. Being overweight will also cause a higher pressure score.
  • Gender of the child. Studies have confirmed that boys have higher blood pressure than girls-peers.
  • Child's lifestyle. High blood pressure is characteristic for children involved in sports.
  • Low blood pressure, for example, 80 to 50 in a child from 3 to 6 years old can indicate a slowed development of the blood supply system, and normalizes with age.

The difference between the indications and the average age may be due to incorrect measurement of pressure.

To avoid significant errors in the independent measurement of pressure to the baby, you need to follow a number of rules:

  • Measure at rest, at least one hour after eating or training.
  • Tighten the cuff of the tonometer in the middle of the naked left hand. The size of the cuff should be such that it closes ¾ the distance from the elbow bend to the armpit. The pinky should pass between the cuff and the skin.
  • Pressure measurement with an electronic tonometer must be carried out at least 3 times. Errors of this device require rechecking.

A prerequisite for obtaining the correct result is the use of a special children's cuff.

In the case when the result of the correct measurement of pressure in the baby is consistently high blood pressure compared to age norms, we can talk about the presence of the development of hypertension in the child.

This diagnosis must be confirmed by a doctor, requires a thorough examination of the child.

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It is necessary to establish whether high blood pressure.

Pulse is an important indicator of the health status of every person, especially children. After all, deviations of the parameters of the heartbeat from the norm can indicate the development of rather serious diseases. In what cases should the alarm sound, and when changes in the pulse indicate the correct course of physiological processes?

Pulse and the need to measure it

Pulse or heart rate - jerky fluctuations in the walls of blood vessels caused by contraction of the heart muscle. It is the main indicator of heart function.  The pulse is evaluated by several parameters:

  1. Frequency - The number of heartbeats per minute. This value is the most significant in assessing the state of the body. It depends on many different factors, and girls beat their heart more often than boys.
  2. Rhythm. The length of the intervals between heartbeats is measured. If they are equal, the pulse is considered rhythmic, otherwise - arrhythmic.
  3. Filling - the amount of blood in the vessel. It is determined at the peak of heartbeat. Distinguish the pulse:
    • moderate - the norm;
    • full - above the norm;
    • empty - barely audible;
    • filiform - poorly defined.
  4. Voltage. Assessed by the force with which the artery is pinched. Distinguish:
    • moderate;
    • solid;
    • soft.

The obtained indicators allow us to assess the quality of the cardiovascular system and the body as a whole, as well as suspect the development of a number of diseases in the early stages. In an absolutely healthy child, the pulse is rhythmic, full, moderately intense.

We recommend annually conducting a test of Ruthier, that is, calculate the coefficient based on indicators at rest, after 30 squats and a 5-minute rest. It allows you to determine the permissible physical load for a particular child, because exceeding it can lead to sad consequences.

Measurement rules

The measurement is carried out by three methods:

  1. By palpation. The method involves evaluating the main parameters and counting the number of heart beats in 15 seconds by applying the index and middle fingers to a large blood vessel. In newborns and infants, the carotid or temporal artery is chosen for measurement; in older children, it is already possible to count on the radial artery. In the second case, the fingers are located 1–2 cm above the skin fold at the wrist, since it is at this point that the radial artery passes closest to the skin. The calculated results are multiplied by 4, thereby obtaining the number of heartbeats per minute.
  2. Special devices. Heart rate monitors and a sphygmograph can be used to determine heart rate, giving a graphical result.
  3. Auscultation. The pulse is heard with a tonometer.

If a child is diagnosed with arrhythmia, the calculation of the number of heart contractions is always carried out within a minute.

The indicators in children during sleep, immediately after waking up and during wakefulness are different. The most suitable time for making calculations is considered to be the moment of waking up.  To accurately determine the heart rate in a child, you need to take measurements for several days in a row at the same time.

Also, indicators are affected by body position. When a person is standing or sitting, the pulse rises, therefore, to obtain reliable data, measurements are carried out by laying the child in bed.

Heart rate is not counted immediately after eating and in a cool room.

Heart rate in children of different ages - table

Age year The average heart rate at rest, beats / min The limits of the norm, beats / min Bpm for physical activity
Girls The boys
First days after birth full-term babies 140 144 110–170 220
First days after birth premature babies 140 144 100–180 220
0–1 130 126 102–162 220
1–2 124 120 94–154 218
2–4 115 111 90–140 216
4–6 106 102 86–126 214
6–8 98 94 78–118 212
8–10 88 87 68–108 210
10–12 80 79 60–100 208
12–16 75 75 55–95 204

What should be the heart rate of the fetus

In cases where doctors have doubts about the health of the mother and the fetus developing in her womb, a pregnant woman may be offered an absolutely safe study - cardiotocography (CTG). It involves the attachment of two sensors to the stomach, constantly taking readings of the heart rate of the child for 30-60 minutes.

CTG is usually performed from 32 weeks of gestation.

A decrease in the child's pulse rate to 70 beats per minute or less indicates hypoxia, that is, oxygen starvation. In such cases, a woman is hospitalized, depending on the cause of the disturbance in the flow of oxygen to the fetus, she is prescribed treatment. With its failure, they raise the question of stimulation of labor, since prolonged hypoxia leads to developmental delays.

Causes and symptoms of a slow heartbeat

A low heart rate may indicate bradycardia. It is diagnosed if the pulse is stably less than the age norm by 30 beats per minute or more. This disease is often accompanied by a decrease in blood pressure and is manifested:

  • pallor of the skin;
  • frequent dizziness;
  • weakness
  • fatigue.

If a child’s heart rate is constantly below the norm, you should definitely contact your pediatric cardiologist and undergo the necessary examinations, since the lack of timely correction of the condition can lead to heart failure.

Bradycardia often accompanies:

  • hypothyroidism;
  • autonomic disorders;
  • myocarditis;
  • congenital heart defects;
  • brain damage;
  • poisoning by heavy metals, nicotine, drugs, etc.

The only case when low heart rates are considered the norm and even a sign of fitness of the cardiovascular system is among athletes. But if, against the background of regular sports, the child feels weak, complains of dizziness or faints, this is an occasion to contact a cardiologist.

Causes and symptoms of increased frequency

Continuous excess of the norm of the heart rate at rest by more than 20% is called tachycardia.  This may indicate:

  • anemia
  • thyrotoxicosis;
  • diseases of the cardiovascular system, in particular, myocarditis, endocarditis, cardioneurosis, rheumatic heart disease;
  • infectious diseases accompanied by fever;
  • pathologies of a pulmonological nature;
  • vegetovascular dystonia.

The pulse is always quickened by stress, emotional stress, overwork, overheating and dehydration.

Also, the heart always beats more often with active physical work, and the greater the load, the higher the heart rate, which is the norm. But if he goes beyond the upper limit of acceptable values, this is an occasion to abandon the chosen sport or reduce the load.

Normally, after physical activity, the pulse returns to normal within 3-4 minutes.

At high rates of heart rate can be observed:

  • strong but painless strokes in the chest;
  • feeling of rapid heartbeat;
  • dizziness;
  • headache;
  • darkening in the eyes;
  • noise in ears.

Ways to normalize the condition in children

If the heart rate deviates from the norm in children, it is necessary to ensure peace for the baby, but it’s better not to do anything on your own, since there are many reasons for increasing heart rate or slowing down, and incorrectly selected medications or folk remedies can provoke a sharp deterioration in the condition. The only thing that can be done with tachycardia is to close your eyes, take a deep breath and try to exhale through your nose and mouth held by your hand.

Pulse in children - video

Thus, although the pulse in a healthy child can fluctuate over a wide range, its performance is an important diagnostic sign. Any deviations from the norm, observed for some time, are the reason for contacting a pediatric cardiologist and undergoing a comprehensive examination.

Heart rate (HR) is the number of heart beats per minute. The definition of this indicator provides important information to doctors about the state of human health.

Normal adult ECG heart rate

Due to the anatomical and physiological characteristics of the body, in children, normal heart rate is higher than normal in adults. The smaller the baby, the higher the heart rate. As they grow older, the rate of heart rate in children gradually decreases, reaching normal values \u200b\u200bfor an adult. Also, children's heart rate is highly dependent on age, stress level and physical activity.

Sometimes, babies can also develop heart rhythm disturbances, manifested by irregularities, an increased or decreased heart rate. To assess the danger of these conditions, you need to know the heart rate in children of different ages.

Pediatricians and pediatric cardiologists are involved in problems associated with the wrong frequency of heart contractions in children.

Normal heart rate in children

The table will give an idea of \u200b\u200bheart rate by age.

In most children and adults, the heart rate is regular, that is, when determining the pulse, rhythmic beats are felt with different time intervals between them. However, respiratory arrhythmia is quite common in children, during which the frequency of contractions increases during inspiration and decreases during exhalation. As they grow older, this phenomenon disappears. The exact cause of respiratory arrhythmia is unknown, but its occurrence is associated with the close relationship between the respiratory and cardiovascular systems. Such a violation of children's heart rhythm is a physiological norm, therefore, does not require any treatment.

How to calculate heart rate in a child?

To determine heart rate, you need a watch with a second hand or a stopwatch on the phone. If the baby immediately before the measurement was active (running, jumping, crying), you need to wait at least 5 minutes, since this time is needed to normalize heart rate. To feel the pulsation, you need to press two fingers - index and middle - to the baby’s large artery. You should not use the thumb for this, since the pulsation of the measuring arteries of its own can be mistaken for a pulse.

Places where it’s easiest for children to feel for a pulse:

  • On the neck (on the carotid artery). Carotid arteries pass from two sides on the neck, on the sides of the larynx. To detect them, place your fingers in the middle of the neck, to the left or right of the larynx, and gently press until you feel a ripple. You can not click on the Adam's apple in boys. If you can’t find the pulse, try to do it on the other side of the neck.
  • On the wrist (on the radial artery). At this point, heart rate is measured in most adults. Place your fingers on the base of the baby’s thumb and slide them towards the wrist, where you can easily push until you feel ripple.
  • In the armpits (on the axillary artery). Place your fingers in the armpit so that you can feel the baby’s humerus beneath them. At the same time, it is also possible to feel the pulsation of the axillary artery. This method is well established for determining heart rate in infants.
  • In the elbow (on the brachial artery). This place of definition of heart rate is most often used in infants. Place the baby on his back with an outstretched arm along the body, up with the elbow fold. In this crease, place your fingers on the inside of the baby's hand and feel for a ripple.

If this method of determining heart rate is very difficult for parents, there is another option. There are smartphone apps that can determine your heart rate. To do this, just press the baby’s finger to the camera lens.

When to see a doctor?

If the heart rate is within the age norm, there is no need to seek medical help. Also, there is no particular reason for concern if the heart rate is not very much beyond the normal range. For example, rapid heart contractions can be explained by activity (running, jumping) or fear. Unexpressed slowing of the pulse can be observed in children involved in sports.

If the baby’s heart beats too fast, you need to wait a few minutes and count the pulse again. If the results are still beyond the age norm, you should consult a doctor.

If, in addition to increased or decreased heart rate, other symptoms are observed (fainting, shortness of breath, chest pain), you must urgently seek medical help - call an ambulance or take the baby to the emergency department.

When do you need to monitor the pulse in children?

Normally, heart rates in healthy children are not necessary. But there are diseases in which parents have to regularly determine the frequency of heart contractions in the baby. You need to read the heart rate if he complains of an accelerated heartbeat, a feeling of interruptions in the work of the heart. Some babies describe a buzzing, vibrating, or fluttering chest. Most often, these sensations are not something serious and are not related to the heart at all. Pain or cramping in the muscles of the neck or chest can lead to their appearance. However, you still need to count the pulse in such situations.

You also need to determine heart rate in children in the following situations:

  • fainting
  • chest pain;
  • breathing problems not related to asthma;
  • sudden onset of pallor or gray skin;
  • blue lips.

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Pulse in children - normal (table)

The proper functioning of the cardiovascular system is an important component of a child’s health. Her indicators: blood pressure and pulse, which in children should correspond to the norm. Heart rate (HR) can be easily measured and controlled at home.

Pulse measurements should be taken when the child is in a calm state, in the same position (for example, sitting) for several days, so that the picture is clearer. It is better to do this in the morning, after breakfast. To measure the pulse, you need to find a large artery on the wrist, in the temporal region or neck. Track one minute on the stopwatch and count the number of strokes during this time. You can detect 15 seconds, and multiply the number by four.

The pulse rate in children changes with age. The younger the child, the more often the heart rate. The rate of heart rate in children by age can be seen in the table.

Over 15 years of age, the figures are equal to the heart rate of an adult and amount to an average of 70 beats per minute.

Pulse and pressure change throughout the day. This is normal and necessary so that the human body can adapt to the world.

Significant deviations in heart rate indicators may indicate any abnormalities in the body.

If the pulse in children significantly exceeds the norms of the table, according to age, this can happen for various reasons:

  • overwork;
  • emotional outburst;
  • the room is hot and stuffy;
  • any diseases of the child (respiratory, cardiovascular system, endocrine disorders, low hemoglobin).
  • When the baby’s pulse is above normal and at rest, this is called tachycardia.

    The opposite situation is when the heart rate is less than the average, which is often the case with athletes. This indicates good heart function and fitness of the body. An important condition here is the well-being of the child. If he feels bad, complains of dizziness and weakness, then it is better to seek the advice of a specialist. It must be borne in mind that slowing the pulse in a child in a dream is the norm.

    Heart rate in premature babies

    Let's talk about what heart rates are the norm for premature babies. When a baby is born prematurely, it often has a certain immaturity of some organs. Therefore, the time of its adaptation to life outside the womb occurs somewhat differently and viability indicators may vary. So, for example, the pulse in a premature baby can reach 180 beats per minute and at the same time not be a pathology. In some cases, the heart rate of such children remains within the limits, as for other babies. It should be borne in mind that children born prematurely are more sensitive to external irritations, which significantly increase heart rate and blood pressure. Therefore, a premature baby needs to create a calm environment and try to protect him from too loud sounds or bright light.

    Heart rate in athletes

    As mentioned above, trained children have a lower pulse and this is good. A child who plays sports should know how to calculate the maximum heart rate, which is normal for him. To do this, you can use the formula: 220-age. The answer will show a valid upper bound. You also need to know that the heart rate should return to its normal values \u200b\u200b10 minutes after the end of the workout. This is an indicator of good heart function.

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    What should be the pulse in a teenager: norms and causes of deviations

    In the teenage period, the human body experiences significant changes. They are associated with processes of intensive growth, puberty, and the formation of social relationships.

    Different organs and parts of the body develop at different speeds, these are the so-called imbalances.

    It often happens that a fifteen-year-old boy has a height of 180 cm, while his heart is twelve years old.

    Such anatomical and functional features impose a certain responsibility on parents and teachers, it becomes necessary to control the amount of physical activity. The pulse rate in a teenager is a significant indicator of the maturity of the cardiovascular system.

    To reduce pressure, preserving blood vessels, it is better to add to tea in the morning before breakfast ..

    Resting heart rate

    For teenagers (ages 13 to 19 years), normal heart rates are in the range of 50 to 90 beats per minute.

    In connection with the structural features of the adolescent's body, these values \u200b\u200bcan undergo pronounced diurnal fluctuations.

    For example, individuals who experience frequent psycho-emotional experiences that consume nicotine or caffeine may have a heart rate at the upper limit of normal (90 bpm). While trained teens, especially those involved in swimming, rowing or jogging for long distances, often show a pulse in the range of 50 to 60 per minute.

    If the cause of tachycardia could not be identified, it is necessary to carefully monitor the behavior of the adolescent. Often, under this innocent symptom is the use of drugs or psychotropic substances (marijuana, cocaine).

    Maximum heart rate during exercise

    For the heart at any age, there is a limit to productive activity. After exceeding this threshold, it no longer copes with its function, suffers from a lack of nutrients (including oxygen).

    Such a rhythm often borders on pathological conditions and is potentially life-threatening.

    No matter how terrifying it sounds, the heart of a teenager with high physical activity can be reduced with a frequency of up to 200 - 205 beats / min, while maintaining a good stroke volume.

    Such a rhythm is very energy-consuming and can be maintained for only a few minutes (sprinting spurt). Interestingly, with each decade, the maximum value decreases by about 10 strokes. So in 20 years the threshold will be 190 bpm, in 30 - 180 bpm.

    Target heart rate during training

    This definition refers to the heart rate at which the maximum efficiency of muscle tissue and utilization of energy substrates will develop.

    To burn fat cells, a person must maintain a heart rate during exercise within 50 - 70% of the maximum.

    For example, in a sixteen-year-old guy, the optimal frequency is 102 - 143 bpm. The fitness of the body is of great importance here.

    With the help of constant dosed loads, the maximum myocardial effectiveness is shifted to the level of 70 - 85%. The same young man after a year of training in the pool will be forced to maintain a heart rate from 143 to 173 beats / min for good fat utilization and muscle growth.

    Functional disorders in the heart of adolescents

    Due to growth imbalances, stress, underdosed physical activity or against the background of complete well-being, young people may experience a feeling of discomfort in the chest or a malfunction in the heart.

    The vast majority of problems with the pulse do not have serious organic or functional causes and completely pass to adulthood:

    • precordial catch. It manifests itself as a sudden attack of acute chest pain, which is accompanied by tachycardia, cooling of the skin, excessive sweating. An in-depth examination of the heart and endocrine system does not reveal any abnormalities;
    • respiratory arrhythmia. Heart rate fluctuations during the respiratory cycle. The most common finding on a teenager's ECG, an increase in heart rate on inspiration, is associated with an increase in blood flow to the atria (suction action of the chest);
    • sinus tachycardia. An increase in heart rate at rest without provoking factors. It is explained by an increased concentration of hormones of the adrenal glands and the thyroid gland. No treatment required;
    • Cardiac type VVD (NDC). The diagnosis, which exists in the ICD-10, is made for disorders of the autonomic nervous system. Common clinical manifestations are: headache, fainting, panic attacks, tachycardia, increased blood pressure.

    All of the above scenarios are accompanied by tachycardia, a teenager must be comprehensively examined to exclude organic pathology.

    Arrhythmias and conduction disorders

    Unlike functional conditions, arrhythmia is a pathology and requires treatment:

    • supraventricular tachycardia (with narrow ventricular complexes, paroxysmal). It is characterized by sudden heart attacks, heart rate exceeds 200 beats / min. In this case, the teenager may complain of discomfort in the chest. The most common cause is an abnormal cardiac impulse;
    • ventricular tachycardia (with wide complexes). Potentially life-threatening condition that requires immediate medical attention;
    • atrial fibrillation (atrial fibrillation). Often accompanied by congenital and acquired heart defects, which are accompanied by chamber hypertrophy. This type of rhythm disturbance in children and adolescents is quite rare, but can be the cause of thromboembolic complications;
    • ventricular and atrial premature beats. The borderline state between norm and pathology in adolescents. Against the background of an excess of pressor hormones, a teenager can normally observe up to 3 extrasystoles per minute. Dynamic follow-up by a cardiologist or family doctor is recommended;
    • atrioventricular block. When a cardiac impulse passes through the tendon ring, which separates the atria from the ventricles, its delay is normally observed. In infectious endocarditis, heart defects, myocarditis of various origins, an abnormal signal slowdown can occur. Grade 1 AV block is considered by many clinicians as a variant of the norm in children and adolescents. More pronounced disorders require examination and treatment.

    The line between the norm and the disease is very thin, any negative factors can shift it in favor of pathology.

    So, alcohol, household stimulants (caffeine), various energy, tobacco and drugs cause irreversible disturbances in the cardiovascular system.

    Such a frequent physiological phenomenon as mitral valve regurgitation normally goes unnoticed and does not require correction.

    It is important to note that excessive training is also not beneficial, the heart does not have enough time to restore energy resources.

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    The pulse in a child of 9 years is normal

    When a heart contraction occurs, this is the impetus for periodic fluctuations in the arterial and venous walls of the blood vessels. A similar phenomenon is called a pulse. If we talk about the heart rate of children, then you should take into account the age of young patients, which varies depending on how old the child is. For example, if a baby has just been born, the heartbeat of a newborn is very different from an adult - its heart beats twice as often.

    But gradually, from year to year, the pulse becomes slower and only somewhere at the border of adulthood, the heart rate begins to compare with adult normal rates, which amount to 80 beats per minute.

    Not only age-related, but also gender factors can affect the frequency of contractions. As you know, boys have a lower heart rate than girls, and at any age. But especially such differences are visible during puberty.

    It is also necessary to note a feature that affects the heart rate, like normal sleep. In young patients with sleep disorders, the heart beats more often. And in general, by half a day, the pulse becomes higher than immediately after waking up. The ripple frequency is also affected by:

    • intensity of physical exertion;
    • the presence of emotional components. For example, finding a child in a state
    • fright or in great excitement, can contribute to increased heart rate;
    • blood pressure indicators.

    An important role is played by the position of the child. For example, a state of rest and a horizontal position reduces the pulse rate, and if the child is standing or sitting, he, on the contrary, rises. If you follow the advice of specialists, then you need to measure the pulse in children of any age to carry out in a lying position.

    • immediately after eating a small patient;
    • if the room is cold enough.

    All these factors can affect the reliability of the testimony, since in such situations there is an increase in the pressure of the walls of the arteries.

    How to measure

    The child should be in a calm, relaxed state. In the case when measurements are often taken, it is recommended to do this in the morning, when the child is still in bed. It is desirable that at the same time, without changing the position of the body. Strict implementation of simple recommendations will allow you to measure your pulse much more accurately. During this procedure, one should consider not only heartbeats, but also how rhythmic they are.

    If they alternate unevenly, then this phenomenon is commonly called an arrhythmic pulse or arrhythmia. It is clear that any norm has its allowable boundaries of deviations. For example, in small patients, the acceptable limits may be heart rate indicators with deviations both upward and downward within twenty beats per minute.

    In order to be able to more accurately determine the heart rate, it is advisable to buy a finger-type heart rate monitor that is convenient in everyday life. It can be used to measure how much oxygen is in the blood and the pulse rate. The indicator, which serves as the norm for children, will need to be compared with those results that the device will show during five days of measurement. That is, to derive the average result by dividing the total amount by five measurements.

    Also, the pulse is measured in a simpler way, without the use of instruments. To do this, the clock is suitable (it is imperative that it is with a second hand) or you can use the stopwatch.

    For each age, you need to choose the best option for the measurement site. Practice shows that in infants, the pulse is best measured by finding the carotid or temporal arteries, since probing it in this part of the body is carried out more clearly.

    To do this, find the location of the carotid artery. First, you need to slightly press the thyroid cartilage with your fingers, then slowly moving them, find a small depression, here the pulse should be felt. When carrying out these manipulations, caution should be exercised, since if the artery is pinched, the child may experience loss of consciousness.

    As noted above, palpation of large arteries is most convenient for determining arterial pulse. The radial artery lying on the surface (lower part of the forearm before articulation with the wrist joint) can be easily pressed to the bone. At the same time, it is necessary that the muscles on the arm of the one who is being examined are relaxed, since tension will complicate the sensing of the pulse.

    With two or three fingers laid on the artery, it is necessary to squeeze it to the limit until the flow of blood stops; after that, they begin to gradually ease the pressure while evaluating the main parameters of the pulse measurement: frequency, rhythm, voltage. The latter property is characterized by the intensity of the arterial resistance to compression.

    It is not difficult to count the pulse, for this you can take 15 or 30 seconds by the estimated time, multiplying the result, respectively, four or two times. But, as a rule, it is traditionally customary to summarize the pulse per minute, this is especially recommended in cases of a child with arrhythmia.

    • if the child is under the age of one - you can consider the pulsation on the chest or fontanel, for this you need to put in these places;
    • for babies who are older than a year, the pulse can be controlled in such parts of the body as the neck, in the temple area, elbow, groin, and also behind the ear;
    • if the child is seven years old or older, then the radial artery is a more convenient place that does not cause any difficulties for calculating the pulse.

    It is necessary that the child’s hand is located at the level of the heart, while it is necessary to monitor the state of the muscles, they must be in a relaxed state. To find the place of pulsation on the arm, put your fingers a little higher than the carpal fold - about one and a half centimeters. If you are having difficulty finding a pulse, then try using the index, middle and ring fingers to expand the area of \u200b\u200bcontact by placing them along the radial artery. Then press the artery to the radius and begin to count the pulse.


    If we say what the pulse rate in children is, then it is not possible to name just one figure. Since, firstly, for each age there is a certain norm, and it differs very much, for example, in a newborn from a child who is over 12 years old - almost twice; secondly, there are many other factors that affect the heart rate. An example of how a child’s age affects the pulse is shown in the table. In the first line - how many months (in parentheses - years) for a young patient, in the second - beats per minute:

    Cause for concern

    If the child complains of pain in the chest area, shortness of breath in a calm state and during exertion, he has a rapid heartbeat, a cardiologist should be consulted.

    Particular attention should be paid to the performance of the heart by the parents of nervous, excitable children, also after infectious diseases and during the period of active growth.

    Often in young children, especially the first month of life, the pulse rate fluctuates, there is a violation of the heart rhythm. For many, this goes without any consequences. But we must remember that in children there are the same as in adults, cardiac arrhythmias. The pulse helps to track the onset of a possible disease.

    What is arrhythmia?

    Arrhythmia is a disease characterized by heart rhythm disorders, and can be present in children of any age, but in most cases in older children. It can have a congenital form, and acquired. When an automatism disorder of the heart function occurs, symptoms of bradycardia or sinus tachycardia appear. These two diseases are characterized by a deviation from a normal pulse, expressed by an increase or decrease in heart muscle contraction by an average of twenty beats or a little more per minute. Specific indicators are specified according to the number of years of a small patient.

    As we have already said, the rate of children's heart rate depends on many reasons and among the determining factors, for example, such as the age of the child. With age, as a rule, it becomes smaller. In addition, the pulse rate is influenced by:

    • general health of a small patient;
    • the degree of physical fitness of the body;
    • body temperature also affects this indicator;
    • environmental conditions,
    • other factors, such as previous illnesses that affect heart rate;
    • genetic predisposition factors.

    This circumstance can be explained by the fact that such fluctuations assist the children's body faster and easier to go through the period of adaptation to the changing conditions of the internal or external environment.

    The pulse is a kind of reflector of the state of health of the child’s body, the work of all organs, but to a greater extent, of course, the work of the heart and blood vessels. In view of this, it is extremely important for parents to regularly measure the heart rate in a child and, if abnormalities are found that can signal the development of pathologies, take appropriate measures.

    High and low ripple

    The heart is the main organ of the entire circulatory system - it tirelessly works in the interests of the entire human body throughout the entire period of its life. For this reason, even the most insignificant malfunctions of the heart rhythm, among which both a rapid and slow heartbeat, should cause due concern and alarm. It is desirable that the causes of such phenomena be identified as soon as possible, so that the cardiologist can take measures to eliminate them. All this will help to maintain calm and the parents of the small patient, and himself.

    Rapid pulse

    What can a small patient have a rapid heartbeat? If the child’s pulse exceeds the normal number of contractions by twenty percent or more, then this phenomenon is considered to be tachycardia. The reasons that affect the heart rate are, as already mentioned, very different, some of these reasons are listed below:

    • as a consequence of the anemia that developed in the child, the low hemoglobin content in the blood;
    • as a result of intense physical exertion;
    • stressful situations, emotional overload;
    • increased temperature due to colds;
    • due to physical and mental fatigue;
    • individual cardiovascular disorders,
    • respiratory diseases;
    • difficulties working in the endocrine system, various disorders;
    • as a result of infection of the body;
    • anemia.

    With all this, it should be noted that the mere presence of a child with a high heart rate is not enough to immediately talk about any deviations in the functioning of the vascular system. Since such a phenomenon can be quite normal, for example, when a child performs any physical activity. And only in the case of tachycardia in a calm state or when it is inherent in a permanent nature, is this a cause for concern and seek the advice of an appropriate specialist.

    Low heart rate

    Ripple in the arteries tends not only to increase, but also to decrease. When this happens, experts speak of a similar phenomenon as bradycardia. However, it does not necessarily indicate the signs of any disease. Very often it can be observed in younger and teenage children who regularly engage in sports exercises.

    In short, the manifestation of bradycardia with the general well-being of the child indicates good training. In the case when a low pulse is accompanied, for example, by fast fatigue, this should alert.

    And not only this undesirable sign should excite. Symptoms of the disease may be different. It is expressed, as a rule, in the following most important manifestations:

    • the child has a feeling of general malaise, often dizzy;
    • a small patient quickly gets tired even from a slight load;
    • the child complains of a bad mood, weakness;
    • blanching of not only the face, but also the rest of the skin;
    • often with a decrease in heart rate, a decrease in blood pressure is also noted.

    Parents should always remember that bradycardia is not a short-term decrease in heart rate, which sometimes takes place and can even in some cases, as mentioned above, be a completely normal condition. This is a formidable disease, which, if you do not take urgent measures, right up to surgery, often leads to serious complications, one of which is heart failure.

    During physical activity

    As already noted, normally the teenager's pulse should equal approximately 75 beats. Slight fluctuations are allowed, as a rule, in some cases it can be 60 strokes, in others - 80, which, in principle, corresponds to the patient's norm in adulthood.

    Parents should monitor the pulse rate of a child not only when he is in a calm state, but also when he is doing any physical activity. In such a situation, this procedure is also of great importance for controlling the general condition of the body. When performing physical exercises or work, the heart rate indicator can reveal how optimal this type of load is for the child, and parents will be able to clearly verify this.

    Yes, and the teenager himself can and should, during training or performing physical work, learn a simple procedure for controlling the state of his body. And one of these, the easiest ways to self-control, is precisely the calculation of the pulse. It is advisable to do this before and after training. In this case, you need to learn to count not only the number of beats per minute, and pay attention to the rhythm of the pulse.

    You need to know about the direct relationship that exists between physical activity and the frequency of pulsation - that is, about their increase. It is important that exercise does not affect the permissible value of the pulse, for the determination of which there is a special formula:

    That is, in order to obtain an indicator of the optimal heart rate, when a child performs certain physical activities, it is necessary to subtract the number of years of a teenager from 220.

    In the case when the pulsation in the arteries drops lower than it should be normal, you can try to increase the loads without fear for health. But when the pulse jumps to twenty or more beats per minute, here you should think about reducing physical activity. Since the work of the heart muscle directly depends on physical activity, you need to exercise caution and often control the pulse, approaching it comprehensively, and check the pulse not only before and after training, as mentioned above, but during them.

    You need to know if the pulse beats without disturbances, does not have any pathologies, then, in order to return to normal, for example, after running, it will take him no more than five, a maximum of ten minutes, but more often it takes less time. Otherwise, it is necessary to revise the load standards and, if necessary, reduce it. It may also be a gadfly to consult a doctor for advice.

    Therefore, when engaged in physical activity or sports training, a young patient should understand both the upper and lower limits of the heart rate. The very minimum heart rate during training is calculated according to the formula below:

    • X \u003d ((220 - Y) - Z) x 0.5 + Z
    • Y - means the number of years of the child;
    • Z - The frequency of contractions of the heart muscle before exercise, recorded a minute before it.


    To ensure that the pulse is always normal, the following measures should be taken:

    • Lead an active life, strive for a healthy lifestyle, engage in moderate exercise, temper the body. Try to be more with the child on the street, do morning exercises. Swimming helps a lot. Easy running and skiing is an excellent prevention against arrhythmias.
    • Follow a diet. If the child has a tendency to arrhythmia, it is necessary that the diet was more saturated with plant foods, and fatty foods were present in it as little as possible. It is advisable to eat in small portions, avoid eating at night. Try to keep the menu varied and include foods rich in magnesium and potassium.
    • Try to keep the child as little as possible exposed to emotional stress.
    • As far as possible, rest during the day, and a night's sleep should be at least eight hours.


    Parents bear full responsibility for their children, including their health. Therefore, they should regularly engage in prevention, ensure that the kids are protected from harmful factors that can cause significant harm to their fragile body, and regularly take the child to physical examinations. Parents should know that one of the indicators of the child’s health is a normal pulse. Timely measuring the pulse in children means avoiding unnecessary problems, and if such a need arises, visit a specialist in heart disorders on time. And then it will be much easier to deal with any disease.

    Pulse or heart rate (HR), demonstrates how fast the organ, the main function of which is pumping blood, works for blood supply to the whole body. How well the cardiovascular system works and whether there are problems in the work of all its components determines precisely the pulse in children. By age, the table will show how often the heart should contract, depending on the age of the child.

      Change in the frequency of contractions is a normal state of the body. The heart adapts to the loads of the body. It speeds up or slows down to do its job efficiently.

    Absolutely accurate numbers of how much a child should have a pulse per minute do not exist; there are approximate values \u200b\u200bin the interval of which the heart rate fits without pathological changes in the functioning of the system.

    The following factors affect your heart rate:

    • the baby’s age, the younger he is, the smaller the numbers, the older, the greater the speed of the heart will be close to adult values, so 120 in a child of preschool age will be considered normal, and 80 will be normal for a 10 year old child;
    • temperature in the room - the thermoregulation in babies is not ideal, it needs time to start working, if the child gets into a very warm room, then at first his temperature and pulse will be raised, in a few minutes everything will return to normal;
    • body temperature of the child and the presence at the moment of an acute condition of the disease;
    • emotional state - fear, anxiety, joy, depression;
    • physical activity or dormancy;
    • eating
    • from the regime of the day - there is a measurement after sleep or during prolonged wakefulness.

    Normal values

    Indicators when the heart rate is 20% higher than the norm can be considered an increase in heart rate, this is the reason for the doctor to examine the child. For example, in a 9-year-old child, the pulse should not exceed 88 beats per minute at rest.

    Table number 1. Heart rate in children of different ages:

    Age Rate of beats per minute Allowed rate of beats per minute Respiratory rate
    Few days from birth 140 110-170 40-60
    Upon reaching the age of 1 year 130 102-162 35-40
    1 to 2 years 124 94-154 30-35
    2 to 4 years 115 90-140 30-35
    From 4 to 6 years 106 86-126 30-35
    6 to 8 years old 98 78-118 25
    From 8 to 10 years 88 68-108 20-25
    10 to 12 years old 80 60-100 20
    More than 12 years 75 55-95 16-18

    As can be seen from the tablet, the pulse of a one-year-old child is very different from the teenager's heart rate at 14, when the figure already corresponds to the heart rate in an adult.

    You can also see that there are permissible deviations from the norm that arise in response to increased activity of the body. For example, in the age interval - 4 years - 5 years, the average normal indicator is the number 106.

    If a baby of this age plays outdoor games, then his heartbeat can rise to 126 beats per minute, and at rest or during sleep, it will be 86 beats.

    Conclusion: the older the child, the slower his pulse becomes, the size of his body and organs increases, the metabolic rate slows down.

    How to measure your pulse

    The speed of the heart can be fixed using the apparatus for measuring pressure or in a standard way - by feeling the heart rate in special places on the body.

    Features of palpation of the pulse in children are as follows:

    • in the neonatal period - it is best felt in the region of the carotid artery;
    • in older children and adolescents, the area of \u200b\u200bthe radial, axillary and brachial arteries is used.

    Where to find the pulse

    Table No. 2. The main points where the pulse is most successfully palpated:

    Place for palpation of the pulse Finger Overlay Features
    Carotid artery on the neck These arteries are located on the sides of the larynx, passing along the sides of the neck. They can be found by placing fingers on the midline of the neck, to the right and left of the larynx.
    Radial artery on the wrist It can be felt by placing your fingers 1 or 2 centimeters above the first carpal fold. Here, the pulse in adults is most often measured.
    Axillary arteries in the axilla Fingers are placed directly in the axillary region until pulsation is felt. It is also used to determine the pulse in an infant. The rate of beats per minute does not change depending on the part of the body where the heart rate is measured.
    Brachial artery, in the ulnar cavity The child's hand should be located upward with the ulnar cavity, there are the fingers of the adult to measure.

    Important: before you measure your child’s pulse, you’ll have to find it, but you shouldn’t use force when searching, you should gently feel it, avoiding pressure.

    The video in this article will demonstrate the most successful ways to measure heart rate in babies.

    How to measure

    To get reliable information, it is worth observing a few simple rules that are useful for measuring heart rate in both children and adults.

    The algorithm for measuring the pulse in a child is as follows:

    • the index and middle fingers are considered the most successful for measurement;
    • it is not recommended to use the thumb, as its pulsation can cause the measuring person to mix up the heartbeat;
    • the heart rate is estimated for 15 or 30 seconds, in the first case the result will need to be multiplied by an additional factor of 4, and in the second - by 2;
    • pulse rate in children who have arrhythmia, the measurement is carried out for a whole minute, in which case the result does not need to be multiplied by an additional factor;
    • it is not informative to measure the speed of the heart immediately after eating, it is better to do this either before eating, or an hour after;
    • the temperature in the room should not be too cold, the stuffiness should not be the same, the optimum temperature for the baby is 21-23 degrees.

    Like body temperature, the most informative information on the heartbeat is obtained immediately after the child wakes up. The most complete picture of the heartbeat can be made by measuring the pulse at rest of the child every day at the same time. When measuring, it is important that the position of the baby’s body is taken into account, if the child is lying when his pulse is measured, he will always be lower than if he was sitting or standing.

    Causes of an increased heart rate

    The heart beats more often than standard values \u200b\u200bin response to the state of the body in the child. The rapid pulse never arises for no reason, there is always some reason behind this phenomenon. A heartbeat above normal is called tachycardia.

    Table number 3. The reasons why the heart beats more often:

    Types of causes What happens in the body
    Normal physiological conditions Normally, the child’s heart rate should increase with physical activity and active games, during and after meals, especially hot, while taking a bath
    Normal emotional states Joy, anger, cry, scream
    Pathological conditions Long-term emotional stress, anemia, disorders, including chronic, in the work of the endocrine, respiratory or cardiovascular systems
    Acute illness Acute infectious, viral diseases, in such situations there is a high pulse at a child’s temperature. The higher the body temperature rises, the higher the pulse can increase.

    Heart rate at temperature

    If the baby is at rest, does not engage in any highly active activity, and you can feel the high pulse in the child, what to do in this situation in the first place is to measure body temperature.

    If it is not elevated, and the pulse is above normal, then it is worth starting to measure heart rate every day at about the same time. Together with daily measurements, you should make an appointment with a cardiologist to come to a specialist with already available data on monitoring the condition of the child.

    Important: the cause of the pulse increase must be identified in order to exclude pathological conditions that require treatment.

    With an increase in body temperature, the speed of the heart will increase - this is a natural process.

    If the child's temperature is elevated, then it is worth calling the local doctor at home. If the temperature rises above 38 in a child, it is worth resorting to the use of antipyretic drugs designed specifically for babies. In children of 7 years old, 38.5 is considered a critical indicator for lowering the temperature, the same figure is valid for adults.

    Important: if the temperature does not decrease and continues to rise, it is worth calling emergency care, high temperature very negatively affects the development of young children.

    Despite the fact that the pulse will naturally increase with increasing temperature, it should not exceed certain safe indicators. If the temperature rises above 39, on the advice of the emergency dispatcher, it is worth using means to reduce the pulse.

    Also, instructions for reducing heart rate can be issued by a local physician. The specialist will tell you what pulse the child should have at the temperature and what indicators are life threatening.

    Causes of Low Heart Rate

    Pulse (NPV) in children can change not only upward, but also downward speed, this condition is called bradycardia.

    A pathological decrease in heart rate is accompanied by the following additional symptoms:

    • dizziness
    • blanching of the skin;
    • general weakness;
    • drop in blood pressure;
    • fatigue and decreased performance.

    If bradycardia is not controlled by a specialist and the necessary treatment is not carried out, then the development of complications is possible - heart failure.

    At the same time, some experts say that if the pulse rate is slowed down in children, the rate of which is set for each age, and there are no additional pathological symptoms, then this is a sign of a developed cardiovascular system. Often this occurs in athletes, as their body is more prepared through training.

    Important: only a doctor can determine if there is a deviation from the norm of the baby’s heartbeat rate from the pathology; the cost of not having medical supervision in such a situation is too high.

    As mentioned earlier, the pulse should increase during physical activity, this is a normal process providing support to the body.

    Causes of increased heart rate during activity:

    • muscles and other tissues begin to use their own reserves intensively and take oxygen and other substances from the blood, the more often the heart beats in order to strengthen the nutrition of tissues;
    • in order for the blood to be better saturated with oxygen, along with an increase in the heart rate, the number of breaths is also increased, so the breath and pulse in children are inextricably linked.

    Tip: you can build a chain of communication - breathing, heartbeat, temperature, this is very useful in the case of young children - you can understand that the baby has a temperature that has risen at a distance, this becomes noticeable by increased breathing.

    You need to understand that the heart rate even with physical exertion should be within its own norm. What pulse is considered normal in children can be calculated using the formula: 220 minus the age of the baby. The result obtained is a reference indicator of the allowable pulse in the process of physical stress.

    If the heart rate exceeds this indicator by 10-20 beats per minute, then it is worth reducing the intensity of the session.

    Important: excessively intense classes wear out the cardiovascular system and provoke the development of problems in its work.

    Measurement during physical activity is used in several cases:

    1. It is necessary to control the quality of physical activity when the pulse should not be lower and higher than the necessary mark. The heart rate in children during exercise is measured before training, during training, if necessary, the intensity of the load decreases or increases. Final measurement - after exercise, this result will show how quickly the body adapts and returns to normal. Typically, heart rate reaches normal values \u200b\u200b3-5 minutes after the end of classes.
    2. The measurement is carried out with the aim of medical control of the reaction of the cardiovascular system to stress. Metering to the load is also done. Next, the child needs to perform an exercise - 5 squats, a second measurement is made. After the necessary time, the final measurement is carried out. If the heart does not return to normal rhythm in the necessary time of 3-5 minutes, then additional examinations are prescribed to exclude serious pathology.

    To exclude the pathology of the cardiovascular system, the doctor may prescribe to record the pulse and blood pressure in children for several days. Blood pressure data is more informative than heart rate when there is a suspicion of any serious problems.

    Why do I need an examination

    If the child suspects problems with the cardiovascular system, the doctor will recommend a study in a hospital setting, for this a referral to the institution will be issued. To perform an examination of this kind, a clinic in which there is a department specializing in cardiac problems is suitable.

    It is especially important to conduct an examination at the age of 11 and in a 12-year-old child. The norm in this age period is as close as possible to adult indicators, and the child himself enters a very important age - puberty.

    At this time, there is a restructuring of all the basic systems of the body, violent hormonal changes begin, the emotional background and attitude to the surrounding world are changing.

    Important: often at this age the child has complaints about the work of the heart.

    Such strong changes in the puberty can provoke some disturbing symptoms, but there is no real physical reason beneath them, an examination is needed to find out.

    In the absence of health problems in the baby, parents do not need to measure the child's heart rate. But in the presence of chronic ailments or acute conditions, it is necessary to periodically monitor the pulse.

    The norm table in children will vary depending on the age of the child. So for a child at 3 years old, the norm will significantly differ from the recommended indicators at 13 years old, this information should be known to caring parents.

    Heart rate is the most important physiological indicator that displays the state of the human cardiovascular system. Normal values \u200b\u200bof this indicator in adults and children are different. In this article we will consider what the pulse of a child should be like.

    Pulse is a palpable oscillation of the walls of the arteries that occur in response to the release of blood by the heart. Rules for determining this indicator in children:

    • The most accurate information about the pulse can be obtained in the morning, while the child has not yet eaten and is in a calm state, since both emotional excitement, any physical activity, and even food intake affect the heart rate and, accordingly, the heart rate. These two parameters are interrelated and differ from each other only in pathological conditions when, after a contraction of the heart, the pulse wave does not extend to the vessels.
    • During the measurement, the patient must either sit or lie down. In a standing position, the heartbeat is always a little quickened.
    • After active movements, crying and emotional outbursts, at least 10 minutes must pass before the heartbeat recovers and the obtained indicator is objective.
    • It is advisable to determine the pulse in turn on two hands in the wrist joint by probing (on the inner surface of the hand from the side of the thumb). In young children, measurements can be made on the carotid and temporal arteries.
    • Doctors recommend counting arterial tremors in 30 or 60 seconds (when measured in 30 seconds, the obtained value must be multiplied by 2).

    Normal age

    In newborns, the pulse is much more frequent than in adults. With each year of life, the frequency of heart contractions is increasingly approaching the adult norm. This is displayed more graphically by age:

    For children, as well as for adults, it is desirable that the pulse be of an average value. When the heartbeat is for a long time at the upper limit of the norm, the load on the heart, blood vessels and the whole body increases.

    Heart rate

    Frequency is the most important characteristic of the pulse that every person should be able to determine. However, there are other characteristics of this physiological parameter, they are always evaluated by doctors. So, the normal pulse in children should be rhythmic, of normal tension, filling and size.

    It is also worth mentioning such a concept as respiratory arrhythmia. Among children aged 2 to 11 years, this physiological phenomenon is quite common. Its essence lies in the fact that on inspiration, the heartbeat becomes more frequent, and on exhalation it becomes more rare. To exclude pathological arrhythmias, the doctor asks the patient to stop breathing while assessing pulse waves, auscultation of the heart, or conducting an ECG.

    Pulse in a dream: which is considered normal?

    Parents of young children are often worried about the fact that it is normal that when a child is sleeping, his heart beats more slowly. From a physiological point of view, a decrease in the pulse in a dream is considered quite normal: for children of the first year - up to 80, for older children - up to 50 - 60 per minute.

    Permissible changes in heart rate in a child

    Various factors influence the frequency of arterial pulsation: both physiological and pathological. Permissible physiological deviations of the pulse rate are 10% of the norm in one direction or another. If the heartbeat is much more often or vice versa less than expected, you should understand the causes of this phenomenon. The following physiological factors affect the pulse:

    • Gender In girls, the heart beats more often at 3-5 beats per minute.
    • Hormonal background. Practical puberty is always accompanied by an increase in heart rate by an average of 10 - 12 beats per minute, when compared with normal rates. And this happens in children of both sexes.
    • Fear, intense excitement, prolonged crying, physical stress (even intense breast sucking) - these factors accelerate the heartbeat, increase blood pressure, increase breathing. However, in a healthy child, all indicators should return to normal within 2 to 3, a maximum of 5 minutes. If this does not happen, you should look for another reason for heart palpitations.

    It is also worth noting that children over 12 years of age involved in sports (athletics, swimming, cycling, football and other aerobic sports) can normally have a lower pulse than it should be in age, and this does not affect the well-being and functioning of the body generally. It is just that physically active children, like adult athletes, have a trained heart, so it can pump more blood in one contraction and, accordingly, can beat less often than ordinary children.

    Why does the heart rate in children increase?

    The most common causes of tachycardia (heart palpitations and heart rate, respectively) in childhood include the following:

    • Elevated body temperature.
    • Vegetative disorders.
    • Hyperthyroidism.
    • Anemia
    • Dehydration.
    • Heart defects.

    Causes of a rare pulse (bradycardia) in children

    A heart rate significantly below normal may indicate the development of a number of pathological conditions:

    • Electrolyte disturbances.
    • Some infectious diseases.
    • Hypofunction of the thyroid gland.
    • Vegetative disorders.
    • Congenital heart disease.
    • Myocarditis.
    • Poisoning with toxic substances (nicotine, lead, drugs, etc.).
    • Brain lesions, etc.

    Thus, the pulse can serve as an important diagnostic marker of various diseases. Therefore, at each examination of young patients, the pediatrician evaluates this physiological parameter. Of course, to determine what happens to a person that caused bradycardia or tachycardia (some kind of illness or banal excitement and fear of a white coat) only by heart rate is not possible. For this, other data are also needed - the results of examination, instrumental and laboratory studies.