All precursors of childbirth. Signs of premature birth. Preparing for the birth process

However, sometimes the safety of the mother and baby can only be ensured through medical intervention.

Changes may occur in your body that indicate that a crucial moment is approaching. Women feel them several weeks before giving birth - with varying degrees of intensity - or do not feel them at all.

The duration of the difficult process of the baby's birth can be very different. For the first birth, it averages 13 hours, for repeated births, about eight. The beginning of childbirth in doctors is considered to be the opening of the cervix with regularly recurring contractions.

Over the past 50 years, the average duration of this process has been halved, asin severe cases, a cesarean section is now done in a timely manner. Often spontaneous contractions begin at night when the body relaxes. Many children prefer to look at this world for the first time in the dark. According to statistics, most births occur at night.

What exactly causes labor pains is a question the answer to which is not yet known. It is only clear that the child himself plays an important role in this process. But exactly what mechanisms give a decisive impetus, while remains a mystery.

Recent studies suggest that contractions begin under the influence of a protein substance produced by the child, the so-called protein SP-A, which is also responsible for lung maturation.

Gynecologist consultation. Typically, Brexton-Hicks fights are difficult to distinguish from true tribal ones. In the third trimester, false labor pains become more intense and frequent if you live an active life or have dehydration. If you feel them, sit in a cool place, raise your legs, drink something and rest. If the intervals between contractions increase, and their intensity decreases, then they are false. If they become more frequent and strong (especially if they occur every 5 minutes), call your doctor. I always tell patients that no one else, giving birth to a child, described their feelings as “spastic”. As a rule, the intensity of labor pains, during which the child passes through the birth canal, is described as follows: “I can’t walk and talk.”

You have seen this in countless films. Sudden realization: a woman in labor must be urgently taken to the hospital! A woman becomes a real fury, belching curses ("You did this to me!"). Bent over in half from a terrible pain, she stops moaning only to give another round of curses to her unhappy, panicky husband, who suddenly forgets everything he learned in Lamaz's courses, loses his bag, prepared for a trip to the hospital, and inevitably sends the car is right in traffic, where he eventually has to take birth himself.

The truth is that most couples have plenty of time to understand that childbirth really began. No one knows for sure what triggers this mechanism, but they are approaching fast enough. Here are some signs that tell you that it's time to grab a bag and woman in childbirth - and get into the car.

Childbirth begins - signs of childbirth

Most women give birth to their children sooner or later than the estimated date indicated on the exchange card.

Moreover, most often the deviation in either direction does not exceed ten days. In the end, the estimated date of birth plays only the role of a guide. Only from 3% to 5% of children are born exactly on this day. If the doctor said that your baby will be born on December 31, you can be sure that you will not give birth on New Year's Eve.

Loose stool

The hormonal changes caused by prostaglandins are to blame.

And this makes sense: your body begins to cleanse the intestines to free up more space inside the body for the child.

Estimated Date of Delivery (DA)

This is the day your baby is born with a statistical probability. Most give birth somewhere between 37 and 42 weeks. Although many women do not give birth exactly on the expected date, you must know her in order to be ready. The closer it is, the more attention needs to be paid to your bodily sensations and possible signals of the onset of labor. Turning over the calendar sheet and seeing the month in which the birth should take place, you will feel excitement (and a slight panic). Soon!

Contractions - first signs of approaching childbirth

In 70-80% of cases, the onset of labor manifests itself by the appearance of true labor pains. They can not be immediately distinguished from the training that you may have noticed for the first time a few weeks ago. At these moments, the stomach hardens and the uterus contracts within 30-45 seconds.

The pain caused by contractions is well tolerated at first: you can even walk a little if you want. As soon as a certain regularity is established in the abbreviations, without any prompting you will postpone all things and will listen to what is happening inside you.

With a gradual increase in contractions, it is recommended to perform breathing exercises that you were taught in preparation for childbirth. Try to breathe as deep as possible, take a breath in your stomach. Your baby also has to do hard work during childbirth. And oxygen is very useful to him for this.

Brexton Hicks Fights (Preparatory). These uterine muscle contractions begin early, although you may not notice them. You will feel tension in the uterus. Such contractions are brief and painless. Sometimes there are several, they follow each other, but usually quickly stop. Closer to the birth, the Brexton-Hicks contractions help prepare the cervix for the process.

Immediately to the clinic!

Regardless of the onset of contractions, when you stop moving the baby, opening the fetal bladder or vaginal bleeding, you should immediately go to the clinic.

Brexton-Hicks fights - “warming up” before the start of real fights. They can start and end several times and often stop when you are active (for example, when walking). Early labor pains will be uneven in intensity and frequency: some will be so strong that you will catch your breath, others will just remind you of cramping. The intervals between them will be 3-5, then 10-15 minutes. If for 15 minutes you talked with the doctor, discussing whether childbirth began or not, and never interrupted, this is most likely a false alarm.

Learn to recognize contractions

In the initial stage of labor, contractions lasting about 30 seconds can occur every 20 minutes.

  • The first contractions are similar to spasmodic menstrual pain (radiating pain). The muscles of the uterus begin to contract, so that the cervix opens all 10 cm.
  • The late sensation contractions resemble severe menstrual pains or reach such intensity that you could not imagine.
  • When the contractions become very strong, and the rhythm of contractions becomes regular, it means that it has begun for real!

There are no mandatory norms when you can come to the hospital. But if contractions occur every 5 minutes for an hour and cause you to freeze from pain, no one will interfere with your appearance in the maternity ward. Make an action plan with your doctor, taking into account the time taken by the road.

  • If you live near the maternity hospital, then wait until the bout rhythm is 1 time in 5 minutes for an hour, and then call and tell your doctor that you are going.
  • If the hospital is a 45-minute drive from you, then most likely you should leave even when contractions are less common.

Discuss this with your doctor in advance so as not to panic during childbirth. Remember that with the onset of the active stage, the cervix in most women opens 1-2 cm per hour. So count: 6-8 hours before the start of the effort. (But if at the last doctor’s appointment they told you that the opening was 4 cm, it’s better to arrive at the hospital early.)

Gynecologist consultation. I warn future parents, especially if this is the first pregnancy, that there may be several “false alarms”. My wife is an obstetrician-gynecologist, and she forced me to bring her to the hospital 3-4 times, being pregnant with each of our three children! If she couldn’t recognize for sure, then who can? I always tell patients: it’s better to let them come and check them out (if it’s premature, they will just let them go home) than give birth on the side of the road.

Time is everything

How to calculate the time and rhythm of contractions? There are two ways. Just pick one and stick to it while observing the development of events.

Method 1

  1. Note the start time of one bout and its duration (for example, from 30 seconds to 1 minute).
  2. Then mark when the next bout begins. If within 9 minutes it was not felt, then the regularity of contractions was 10 minutes.
  3. You can get confused if the contractions occur more often. Always mark the time from the start of one bout to the start of another.
  4. If the fight lasts a whole minute, and the next starts 3 minutes after the end of the previous one, then the fight takes place once every 4 minutes. When their frequency increases, it is difficult to concentrate on counting. Ask someone close to calculate the fights for you.

Method 2

Almost the same, but here you start to count the time from the end of one fight to the end of the next.

Disclosure and smoothing of the cervix

Imagine your cervix as a large, puffy bagel. Before giving birth, he begins to flatten and stretch. Expansion (disclosure) and thinning (smoothing) can occur within a few weeks, one day or several hours. There is no standard time frame and nature of the process. As the date of birth approaches, your doctor will make conclusions about the condition of the cervix in this way: "Disclosure 2 cm, shortening 1 cm."

Abdominal prolapse

This happens when the fetus descends to the entrance to the small pelvis and, as it were, “gets stuck” there, i.e. no longer moves inside. During the contractions of Brexton-Hicks, he is even more shifted to the lower region of the pelvis. Imagine a child moving into a “starting” position. This process begins in all women at different times, in some - just before the birth. For many, a message about lowering the fetus is both good and bad news. It is now easier to breathe and eat, but pressure on the bladder and pelvic ligaments makes you run to the toilet more and more often. Some expectant mothers even begin to think that the child may just fall out, because he is now so low. During the examination, your doctor will determine how low the baby is in the pelvis or what its “position” is.

Abdominal prolapse occurs when the child as if "falls", falls to the entrance to the small pelvis. Head first, the baby moves into the pelvis, thereby preparing for a journey through the birth canal. However, for women whose abdominal prolapse occurs several days or weeks before giving birth, this symptom is a “false evidence”, and for some this does not happen at all before the onset of the active stage of labor. The contractions of Brexton Hicks are becoming stronger, the child gradually moves lower into the pelvis, the pressure on the cervix increases, and it softens and thins.

Rupture of the fetal bladder

In 10-15% of cases, a premature rupture of the fetal bladder, which occurs before the first contractions appear, announces the beginning of childbirth.

If the baby's head is firmly established in the small pelvis, then the loss of amniotic fluid will not be so massive.

You will learn about the rupture of the fetal bladder by the abundant secretion of a clear, warm fluid from the vagina.

Rupture of the fetal bladder does not cause any pain, since there are no nerve fibers in its membrane. Sometimes the amniotic fluid may have a green color: this means that the child has already allocated their first stool in them. Record the time of rupture of the fetal bladder and the color of the effluent, report it to the midwife or the maternity ward of the clinic. Here you will receive instructions on how to proceed.

Very rarely there is a rupture of the fetal bladder in its upper part, while the amniotic fluid leaves only dropwise. Then they can easily be mistaken for urine or vaginal discharge, especially with a slight bladder weakness. If you suspect that amniotic fluid is leaving, immediately call a doctor or go to the hospital. A short inspection will clarify the situation.

As a rule, rupture of the fetal bladder does not lead to dramatic consequences. Usually in the next 12-18 hours contractions occur spontaneously, and childbirth occurs naturally. In the absence of contractions, they are artificially stimulated with appropriate medications to reduce the risk of infection for the mother and child.

Water discharge

Sometimes the fetal bladder is called the strange, biblically-sounding term "baccum-fetal sac." When it bursts (naturally or a doctor pierces it), this means: childbirth will occur within 24-48 hours. As a rule, the doctor decides not to take risks and not wait more than 24 hours after opening the bladder, especially if the baby is born on time, because there is a danger of infection.

If the water has moved

When the fetal bladder bursts, something like a small flood occurs, and it is impossible to predict when and where exactly it will happen. In the third trimester, the fetal bladder, a soft and comfortable “place of stay” for the baby, already contains about a liter of amniotic fluid. (Pour a liter of water on the floor - this might look something like this.) But remember:

  • for some women, the “leak” is very small.
  • The fluid will continue to flow out of the fetal bladder even after the water has drained away, because your body will continue to produce it.
  • Some women do not spontaneously drain water, and in order to stimulate the birth process, the doctor performs an amniotomy by piercing the bag with a long plastic hook.
  • The liquid should be colorless. If it is dark (greenish, brownish, yellowish), this may mean that the baby defecated directly in the uterus (such an original stool is called meconium). This may be a sign of severe stress in the fetus. Call your doctor right away.

Gynecologist consultation. Abundant vaginal discharge in late pregnancy is absolutely normal. V 10-20% of women at this stage are so significant that they have to wear pads all the time. The inflow of blood to the vagina and cervix in the third trimester increases, so vaginal secretion also increases. Immediately you can not understand whether it is a discharge or water flow. If you feel "in a wet place", wipe yourself and walk a bit. If fluid continues to leak, call a doctor.

Signal bleeding - a symptom of the onset of labor

Usually, throughout the pregnancy, the uterine pharynx remains covered by viscous mucus, which protects the fetal bladder from inflammation. With a shortening of the cervix and the opening of the uterine pharynx, the so-called mucous plug comes out. This is also a sign of an approaching birth. However, labor pains do not necessarily occur on the same day. Sometimes before the appearance of real fights, several days or even weeks pass.

Closer to delivery, the mucus may lose its viscosity and withdraw as a clear liquid. In most cases, this is accompanied by a small, so-called signal, bleeding. It is much weaker than the menstrual and completely harmless. And yet, to be faithful, you should talk to your doctor or midwife about this — you must ensure that the bleeding is not caused by other causes that could threaten you and your child. Very often, a woman does not notice the separation of the mucous plug at all.

Small spotting, or daub

May appear due to changes occurring in the cervix - it is preparing for disclosure. The contractions soften the cervix, the capillaries begin to bleed. Contractions intensify, and spotting occurs. Any pressure on the cervix may cause slight bleeding (due to exercise, sex, straining during bowel movements, or muscle tension in the bladder). If you are not sure whether this bleeding is normal, call your doctor.

Cork mucus discharge

The cervix softens and begins to open, and a mucous plug is released. Sometimes mucus flows slowly or the cork may come out in the form of a knotty thick flagellum. Up to this point, mucus plays the role of a protective barrier in the cervix and is constantly produced by the body, especially a lot of it closer to childbirth. It is not a sign of an approaching birth, - in some women, mucus is released a few weeks before them - but it is definitely a sign that something is starting to change.


Pain can occur if the child is facing forward, and not towards your back. If the baby does not turn to the back, they may intensify. Pain can also occur due to the pressure of its head on your spine at the beginning of contractions.

A cozy nest: not only for birds

Pregnant women even before the onset of labor often have a strong desire to make a cozy nest. The surge of “nesting” energy, which contrasts so strongly with the exhausting fatigue of the last trimester, forces future mothers to equip their habitat, turning it into a cute and clean “incubator”. Another sign that you have begun a period of "nesting" is the speed with which you are trying to do all things, how demanding you are asking your family. "Nesting" is usually expressed in:

  • painting, cleaning, arranging furniture in the nursery;
  • throwing out trash;
  • organizing things of one kind (food in the buffet, books and photographs on the shelves, tools in the garage);
  • general cleaning of the house or completion of "repair projects";
  • purchase and unfolding of children's clothing;
  • baking, cooking and stuffing it in the refrigerator;
  • packing bags for a trip to the hospital.

An important caveat: in some pregnant women, “nesting” never happens, and even if such impulses appear, the expectant mother feels too sluggish to do anything.

Birth symptoms

False contractions are a pulling pain in the lower abdomen, similar to pain during menstruation. If such contractions are not strong and regular, you do not need to do anything on purpose: this is only preparing the uterus for childbirth. The uterus, as it were, is trying its hand before the upcoming important work, gathering and relaxing its muscles. At the same time, you can feel the tone of the uterus - sometimes it gathers in a lump, it becomes harder. The uterus can be toned without pain, since the closer the birth, the more sensitive and irritable it becomes. This is normal.

The third important harbinger of childbirth may be the passage of the mucous plug. This is the mucous content that "lives" in the cervix, as if clogging the "house" of the baby. The mucous plug can leave in the form of thick and sticky secretions of a transparent pinkish color.

A woman may not feel the precursors of childbirth, although most often the expectant mother still feels the preparatory contractions.

Normal first birth lasts about 10-15 hours. Subsequent births usually occur somewhat faster than the first, but this is not always the case. I am an example of such an exception, since my second birth lasted 12 hours longer (20 hours) than the first (8 hours).

If the woman has amniotic fluid, then you must immediately go to the clinic. Amniotic fluid protects the baby, and he should not be for a long time without them. Therefore, if you feel a tepid clear water flowing out, call a doctor and get ready for the maternity hospital.

Usually, after the water has passed, contractions begin (or they sharply intensify if you have been in labor before). If contractions have not started, most likely in the maternity hospital they will try to cause labor activity (with the cervix ready), so as not to leave the baby for a long time without protection.

Typically, labor begins with labor. Usually, pains in the lower abdomen and aching in the lower back of a woman often begin to feel about a couple of weeks before giving birth. But how then to understand what it is: preparatory contractions of Brexton-Hicks or the beginning of labor? Such a question and concerns almost always arise in women who are faced theoretically or practically with precursors of childbirth.

It is not at all difficult to distinguish preparatory contractions from the onset of labor! When your stomach begins to sip, be a little more attentive to yourself: is this pain as usual, perhaps the painful sensations have dragged on a bit, or does something else intuitively seem unusual to you?

If you feel that these painful sensations are regular (appear and disappear with a small frequency), it makes sense to start time tracking, counting contractions and recording them.

Suppose, at about 5 a.m. you decide that your stomach hurts a little in a special way or for quite a long time. Stock up on a stopwatch (it is on the phone) and start counting.

At 5 o’clock in the morning pain appeared, the fight began, it lasted 50 seconds, then for 30 minutes there was no pain.

At 5:30, the stomach begins to pull again, the pain lasts 30 seconds, then for 10 minutes nothing bothers you, etc.

When you see that the pain is regularly repeated, intensifies, the duration of contractions increases, and the interval between them decreases - congratulations, you have started labor.

When a pregnant woman carefully analyzes the symptoms that the body presents, she realizes that the onset of labor has arrived. And this means that a meeting with the baby will soon take place.

In women, a few weeks before birth, the hormonal profile begins to smoothly change. The placenta is gradually aging. The amount of progesterone that it produces is reduced, and estrogen levels begin to rise. Progesterone provides safe gestation, and estrogen prepares the body for the onset of labor. Before the onset of labor, estrogen reaches a maximum amount in the blood. Therefore, the brain sends signals to the body, and childbirth begins.

When women begin to show signs of childbirth

When, under the influence of hormones, the body of pregnant women begins to change and prepare the way of childbirth for the birth of a baby - this phenomenon is called signs of childbirth. This is the last stage of pregnancy, during which the fetus is gently promoted (with minimal injuries) through the birth canal.

Usually, before birth, signs appear in the final two weeks of pregnancy (with a normal course). Some women feel signs of labor beginning a few days before they begin. With repeated pregnancy, symptoms usually appear immediately before the birth of the baby. Signs can be explicit or hidden.

What symptoms does a pregnant woman experience before giving birth

If the expectant mother experiences changes in the state of the body, similar to obvious signs before the baby begins to appear, then it is time to call an ambulance.


First, women experience pain (similar to menstruation). The pain can be endured, and the expectant mother is quite capable of doing everyday household chores, even before childbirth. Then in the lumbar region there are sensations of a pulling and unpleasant character. Contractions are of two types: real, in which the cervix opens, and false.

During false contractions, pain is absent, although the ligaments are tense. Such fights are called training / preliminary.

They arise a week before the birth of the baby in order to prepare the uterus. But the birth does not begin. Real contractions become more frequent and lengthen when the birth begins. First, the duration of the bout is up to 15 seconds with a rest interval of 20 minutes. Before the baby is born, the duration of the bout and a break for rest are 90 seconds. It is necessary to count to determine whether or not the real ones. Contractions with the onset of labor occur with a certain period of time.

Another way to find out if labor will begin or not. You need to take the No-Shpa pill, lie down and relax. With real fights, unpleasant sensations will intensify, with false ones they will pass, and childbirth will not begin. It is advisable to devote more time to rest during the period of false contractions.

In true contractions, the sensation of pain in women is characterized by wave-like manifestations.   The onset of pain occurs in the back, then moves to the hip area, then to the abdomen. When the fight begins, the stomach tightens, the uterus is in good shape.

It is advisable to fix the time before the start, end and interval between contractions, so that you can later inform the doctor who will be giving birth.

Urgently need to go to the department of the hospital with a break between contractions in 5 minutes. When the contractions begin, it is advisable not to panic. You need to stay calm, try to relax, slowly and deeply breathe. Be sure to talk with the baby, as he experiences great stress during this period.

You need to listen to the prompts of your body, as the body knows better what it needs at such an important moment. Walking helps many women to simplify the course of labor before giving birth.

A similar process is considered the first sign of the onset of labor. If the water is diverted at home, you must immediately go to the department of the hospital. After leaving the waters, the interval should not exceed 12 hours. It is necessary to inform the doctor about the time of water discharge, their smell and color.

In an ideal version of the beginning of labor, there must first be contractions, and before the start of the attempt (when the cervix is \u200b\u200balmost completely opened), water should flow. But they can pour out at different times. Sometimes doctors open a bubble to stimulate the onset of labor.

Water flows in different ways: it leaks or immediately pours out. There is also the option of water discharge during low water levels in early pregnancy, and a woman may not notice them.

Changes in the body that indirectly indicate the approach of childbirth

Belly lowering

The abdomen descends when the baby begins to descend into the maternal pelvis and prepare for the birth. This occurs after the 35th week of pregnancy. In this case, the pregnant woman ceases to feel discomfort, since the uterus exerts less pressure on the diaphragm every day.

Now sitting and breathing is much more comfortable. Sometimes the navel protrudes, and the skin of the abdomen stretches even more.

With the growth of the baby, less free space is felt in the uterus. A few days before birth, the baby practically does not move. But a woman needs to monitor movements at this time especially carefully. If the baby's movements are felt less than 10 times a day, you need to inform the doctor about this.

Weight loss

Expectant mother can lose weight up to 2 kg. In addition, swelling can pass. The body is freed from excess fluid in this way. With daily weight control, a pregnant woman will notice changes in weight.

Increased activity

A woman becomes more lively the day before the birth. She begins to do a lot of homework (cooking, washing, cleaning, etc.), although before that she had more rest. From a psychological point of view, the expectant mother is trying to complete the unfinished and important matters. They even suggest that labor will not begin until it redo all the planned activities.

The cork performs a protective function for the uterus so that all kinds of infections do not penetrate into it. It consists of a lump of mucus with streaks of blood. Departure, as well as discharge, are possible with the onset of contractions, a few weeks before them. Sometimes the cork departs during the birth itself.

Cervical softening

This process warns of the readiness of the body for the onset of labor. Only a doctor can fix this symptom with a vaginal examination.

Vomiting, nausea, diarrhea

Before contractions and at the beginning of the opening of the cervix, women in labor may experience similar symptoms. Doctors comment on this phenomenon by the presence of food in the stomach, which is trying to get rid of excess. It is believed that in this way the body retains strength for childbirth so as not to expend energy on the digestion of food. When contractions begin, it is best to avoid eating food.

Rapid urination

A few days before birth, the hormone prostaglandin is secreted. This hormone prepares for the birth process and softens them. He intensively gets rid of fluid in the body, and cleanses the intestines. A similar process takes from a week and a little more before the future birth.

Emotional condition

1-2 weeks before the birth, the mood changes dramatically. If the pregnant woman laughs, then after a couple of minutes she may suddenly burst into tears. In such minutes, you need to maintain the mental state of the future mother.

Posture Change

The center of gravity shifts because the uterus has lowered. A pregnant woman's gait becomes like a duck walking.

What are the signs on the eve of childbirth in primiparous women

Often primiparous women explain birth rates as a painful condition. Of distinctive importance is that in women without experience of childbirth, the symptoms proceed smoothly. They can occur up to 2 weeks before giving birth. The abdomen descends in primiparous women a week / two before birth. The discharge is not very large.

The main thing is to learn to distinguish training fights from real ones. After all, if a woman gives birth for the first time, then she can take a false fight for a real one. It is important to note that the symptoms before labor in primiparous women may be asymptomatic, or may be manifested not by all, but by several symptoms.

What are the signs on the eve of childbirth in multiparous women

The second birth is different from the first. At the level of anatomy in the multiparous cervix, it responds faster to hormone stimuli and has a wider lumen. Signs of repeated birth can occur at an earlier date, and proceed more pronounced.

In multiparous babies, the mucous plug and discharge are more voluminous, which are becoming increasingly stronger towards the end of pregnancy. Training fights appear earlier than in primiparas.

The second and subsequent births are much faster than the first. It should also be mentioned that the time between symptoms and childbirth is significantly reduced. It happens that the signs in multiparous appear 1-2 days before birth.

The expectation of the second in the early stages does not raise special questions - the woman already has a similar experience. But with the last weeks of the term, the matter is more complicated: it often reacts faster and more sensitively than on the eve of the first birth. It’s better to prepare for this in advance, any doctor will say. Consider what signs and symptoms indicate a close onset in multiparous.

Abdominal prolapse

This happens with most women in childbirth, although not with all. If the stomach is clearly “lowered” - get ready, it will not be long before the birth.

In terms of physiology, this is due to the fact that many babies in the womb are located upside down, and before birth, their head sinks lower, fixing in the so-called lower pelvis.

At the same time, a little descends to the bottom and top, and the expectant mother feels the following:

  • It becomes easier to breathe.
  • Fade or burp.
  • Due to the displacement of the uterus, its pressure falls on the urinary tract and rectum. There is discomfort when sitting and walking, as well as during (it is difficult to find a comfortable position).
  • Pain in the pelvis and perineum intensifies.
  • The urge to the restroom is becoming more frequent.

Important! It is impossible to “transfer” the experience of the first birth to the birth of a second baby: almost all prenatal processes in the body occur much faster. Therefore, it is better to take care of the visit to the hospital in advance.

Gynecologists emphasize that omission of the abdomen (as well as its invariable position) is a purely individual matter, and it is impossible to calculate the baby’s birth date on this basis alone, pay attention to other features.
  True, in almost all such mothers, their stomach lowers the day (or even several hours) before giving birth.

Throughout the dense and thick mucus closes the cervical canal, thereby protecting the fetus from infection. At the final stage, the neck itself begins to smooth out and slightly open, pushing this “shutter”.

That's how this cork leaves before the very birth in multiparous:

  • Mucus is secreted in small volumes (2 to 3 ml).
  • By consistency, it is denser than ordinary vaginal, colorless or with minor blood streaks.
  • Exfoliation can be instantaneous, but even with a partial exit of characteristic lumps, you should not be scared.
  • There is no clearly designated time for its descent, but keep in mind - a few hours remain.

   If such discharge went more than 2 weeks before the calculated date and has a bright bloody color, consult a doctor immediately.

Weight loss

This is one of the surest signals. About 2 to 3 weeks before, dialing stops and a small “reset” begins. Usually it is 1 - 2 kilograms, but the woman in labor feels their loss.

At this time, the body increases the amount of secretions, thereby getting rid of excess fluid.
   This is expressed in a decrease. There is a simple way to verify this: just look at your feet. If earlier gum from socks stuck into the skin, now now from these strips there will be no trace.

Posture Change

They immediately catch the eye of loved ones. It is difficult not to notice them: the gait becomes even more sedate and similar to a duck - you have to move around, as if shifting from one foot to another. The head is slightly thrown back.

Important! With such changes in gait, it is better to limit walking (and indeed movement in general). The load on the lumbar and cervical segments of the spine at this time increases sharply, and already after childbirth pain may appear in these places.

  The fact is that the movement of the uterus down, which is characteristic for the completion of the term, changes the whole “weight distribution” of the body: the center of gravity is temporarily lowered, which makes it difficult to walk normally. The head plays the role of a counterweight.

Such sensations have a pronounced "aching" character: there are no sharp pains, but nevertheless they are quite unpleasant. It was noted that in women before the second birth they are less common than in less experienced “colleagues”.

  Here are their main causes and manifestations:

  • Stretching the muscles and ligaments that hold the uterus.
  • Irregular false contractions, which increase the load on the muscles of the back, lower back and abdomen.
  • The bottom sharply "stony" and stretches painfully. If before this came out of the mucus, be prepared for the next start of labor.

Heavy discharge

With repeated birth, they come out in much larger quantities than with the first. The lower half of the surrounding baby's fetal bladder exfoliates from the "uterine" walls and indicates an imminent visit to the hospital.

Such fluids exit through the urogenital tract. This moment also frightens many women in childbirth - they begin to worry that amniotic fluid is leaking.

Did you know? When a baby is born, he pounds 120-160 beats per minute. For comparison-   in adults, such figures appear only at times of increased activity (for example, after a game of tennis).

Do not panic: the discharge is easy to check for the presence of amniotic fluid, which is determined by the results of an express test.
  But if it is detected, then no more than an hour remains before the fights (1.5 hours is already a rarity).

In the third trimester, especially closer to its completion, toilet visits become more frequent. This is logical - the uterus simply presses on the bladder, causing a quick exit of fluid.

Now about the chair. Of course, in pregnant women it is far from ideal, but still it can be stable. A sharp disorder of the stool for no apparent reason is a sure sign that 1 to 2 days remain before delivery.
   For women in labor expecting a second child, such manifestations at 38 - 39 weeks are very unpleasant: they are often accompanied by severe and frequent vomiting.

There is only one solution - running to the hospital. Some, fearing poisoning, flee to the "infection", but this is not the case, moreover, in this situation every minute is precious.

Baby behavior

Pay attention to the activity of the child. Before his first "appearance" even violent crumbs subside. But this lull is just a respite.

Important! Having noticed several signs from this list, get ready for the appearance of crumbs in the next day   two. Longer delays are rare.

If the baby has developed excessive activity in the womb, be aware: he is already preparing, looking for the best position for childbirth. The wait is short.

Surge of activity

It became easier to breathe, the pains subsided a little - why not do something about the housework or clean the room. So many mothers argue.

We already know that a feeling of lightness appears due to the “unloading” of the lungs and part of the gastrointestinal tract. At this time, you need to be ready.

   A purely psychological factor is also added. At the instinct level, a woman begins to prepare a home for the reception of a new tenant - cleans up in the nursery, spreads or mixes something endlessly. Psychologists call this behavior "nesting."
   This is where the loved ones come in. If the future mother hardly walked around the apartment yesterday, and today she is busy at home, glowing with happiness - prepare her for a voyage to the hospital.

Perhaps this is the first thing that comes to mind before answering the question, by what signs to understand that the birth of multiparous has practically begun.

There is one caveat: in such cases, the water begins to come out before the contractions begin (unlike the first birth, where the fluid comes out after them).
   The volume of such discharge may be very small, but this should not be misleading. If the deadlines are already "running out", then this means that childbirth is about to start.

Did you know? The common belief that the sex of the baby can be determined by heart rate-   it is a myth. There is no connection, although many stubbornly believe that if the heart beats faster, then there will be a girl (and eventually a boy appears).

In cases where pregnancy is accompanied by background diseases or complications, water often comes out suddenly and in large quantities. This should be taken into account long before visiting the hospital.


Everything has been heard about how the contractions begin, including in the multiparous, and the sensations are really strong and memorable.
   It is important not to confuse birth contractions with training fights. It turns out this is not for everyone, so we list the features of real fights:

  • They are regular (while false ones appear periodically and unevenly).
  • Gradual gain.
  • The painless gaps between them only shorten.
  • The contractions are accompanied by discharge of a brownish color.
   With such symptoms, it is better to put the woman in labor on her side, placing a pillow between her legs, and immediately call "ambulance". No massages, enemas, showers and rubbing - they stimulate uterine contractions, and therefore are contraindicated.

Important! Many women in labor recall with horror how, during the first birth, the medical staff tried to speed up the process of increasing contractions. With repeated “entry” into the maternity hospital, the probability of this is very small- everything happens very fast.

You can go to the hospital and in your car or taxi, but then you have to put the woman in the back seat (always sideways).
  Such a rapid development of the situation should not scare - this is natural. But protracted contractions alert doctors: the baby may not be located correctly or the pelvis is deformed in the woman in labor.

Other harbingers

Among other precursors of early birth in multiparous children, it is worth highlighting such manifestations:

  • Appetite can change until the complete rejection of food. Food during this period causes even disgust and vomiting.
  • Chills appear. Most often this happens in the late afternoon or at night.
  • The temperature rises slightly.
  • Many people feel not particularly painful, but rather unpleasant bursting from the inside, which grows daily.
  • If the situation in the house is far from ideal, it can even reach a slight dizziness. It is important to understand and care for loved ones.

Did you know? Before giving birth, a real hormonal “explosion” occurs in a woman’s body-   the level of estrogen production in one day reaches 3 "ordinary" annual rates!

We found out what distinguishes the last stage before the start of the second birth. We hope this data will help in practice. Do not forget about medical consultations either - specialists will warn about the reactions of the body in a particular case. Health to kids and patience to parents!

All pregnant women often think about the date of birth. The excitement is justified. Those who give birth for the first time are afraid not to recognize the signs of such an important event and confuse the main precursors with the usual malaise. More experienced women, those who are pregnant a second time, remember all the precursors very well. But even they are often lost, faced with their rapid course. In order to avoid unnecessary unrest and be prepared for all the changes taking place in the body, it is necessary to study what are the signs of early birth in multiparous.

How long should wait for precursors?

It is difficult enough to correctly predict the period when the body begins to prepare for childbirth. Even experienced obstetricians and gynecologists cannot tell the exact date. However, doctors distinguish average values, when the signs of early birth in multiparous babies most often appear.

In the second pregnancy, childbirth occurs, as a rule, earlier 1-2 weeks from the established date. Thus, the birth of a child at the 38-39th week is a frequent occurrence. This is especially true for those women whose interval between the first and second pregnancy is less than 3 years.

Sometimes a second birth can begin even at the 37th week. In this case, the baby will be born completely healthy. The causes and signs of early birth in multiparous depend mainly on the structural features of the mother's body. If at the 37th week the pregnancy is already fully terminated, then it is quite natural that the baby was born at this very time.

Speaking about the reasons and timing, doctors analyze the readiness of the uterus and the maturity of the fetus. As soon as these indicators reach the norm (and this can be observed even at the 37th week), a woman should prepare for the birth of the heir.

The readiness of the uterus is determined by the following indicators:

  • it acquires sufficient dimensions and gains the necessary mass;
  • complete maturation of the placenta is observed;
  • the neuromuscular system of the organ is completely ready for contractile activity.

So, having figured out the terms, let's consider what are the signs of early birth in multiparous.

The instinct of "nesting"

A few weeks before the important date, the woman stabilizes the hormonal background. In this regard, the following signs of imminent precursors of labor in multiparous appear:

  • surge of vitality;
  • increased energy;
  • a sharp improvement in well-being;
  • feeling of happiness.

A woman always seeks to use such a state with benefit. General cleaning is started in the house, a children's room is urgently arranged. It may start washing things or ironing.

As a rule, such a "nesting" syndrome is observed at the 36-37th week in multiparous.

Training fights

These signs of early birth in multiparous occur around the 32-37th week. In this case, they may manifest rather weakly. Most women do not even notice them.

Sometimes appear in multiparous several weeks before birth. Such symptoms can easily be mistaken for true uterine contractions.

False contractions are characterized by such features:

  • they are short-term and irregular;
  • eventually subside, but do not increase;
  • accompanied by a slight pain, reminiscent of discomfort during menstruation;
  • after a short rest, the contractions disappear.

Abdominal prolapse

This precursor is one of the important first signs indicating the readiness of the body for childbirth. The woman has a prolapse of the abdomen, as the baby in the womb lowers to the entrance to the small pelvis. He is preparing for passage through the birth canal.

Women who become mothers for the first time encounter such a harbinger 2-4 weeks before the birth. Multiparous babies observe prolapse of the abdomen much later. They have a baby begins to prepare for childbirth approximately a couple of days before birth. But such a harbinger should not be considered completely objective, evaluating the readiness of the female body. Some are already in the process of giving birth.

After lowering the uterus, the woman's condition changes somewhat. There is a little relief, but with it other inconveniences appear.

Pay attention to the first signs of early birth in multiparous, provoked by the omission of the abdomen:

  • heartburn goes away;
  • the breathing process is facilitated;
  • urination becomes more frequent (the uterus can now put pressure on the bladder);
  • difficulty in moving;
  • there is pain in the area

Baby behavior

The fact that childbirth is approaching, you can guess from the behavior of the baby. A few days before the momentous event, the baby subsides. It becomes inactive. His movements are quite lazy.

Such a temporary lull suddenly gives way to violent activity. These are signs of early childbirth in multiparous women. Indeed, in this way, the baby "works out" the technique of behavior during childbirth. So, he does not plan to stay in the womb for a long time.


Analyzing what signs of early birth in multiparous, you should pay attention to the condition of the mucous plug. Her departure indicates that it is time for mom to go to the hospital.

A cork is a clot of mucus of a brown or beige hue, which covered the fetus from infection throughout pregnancy.

The process of departure may be different:

  1. The cork may come off completely. In this case, the woman will see a lump of mucus. After leaving, a woman often has pulling pains in the lower back and lower abdomen.
  2. The cork may drift in parts. Mucous discharge will be observed periodically. They have a dense structure and do not have an unpleasant odor. Sometimes mucus may contain blood streaks.

In most cases, the cork departs in multiparous several hours before the onset of labor. However, in some women, this phenomenon can be observed a couple of days before the birth of the crumbs.

Eating disorders

The appearance of a woman with loose stool can also be attributed to the forerunners of early birth. This sign indicates the cleansing of the body. If a multiparous woman is faced with an unreasonable disorder, then it is most likely that the baby will be born in the next day.

Many pregnant women perceive diarrhea as poisoning. After all, this symptom is often accompanied by the appearance of nausea. And sometimes women even vomit.

Similar precursors may be accompanied by other signs indicating the imminent approach of childbirth:

  1. There is a slight weight loss. As a rule, it is 2-2.5 kg. Weight loss occurs 2-3 days before birth.
  2. Puffiness subsides.
  3. Digestion may be accompanied by a change in appetite.
  4. The woman notes the frequent urge to empty. But they turn out to be false.
  5. The appeared pain in the lumbar region and pubis is pulling in nature. She is accompanied by a feeling of pressure in the perineum.

Faced with such harbingers, you must understand that childbirth is already on the nose.

The most important signs

Do you observe Do you have all the signs of ambulances described above? The birth of multiparous births can occur rapidly. Therefore, you need to go to the hospital as soon as possible.

The onset of labor activity is signaled by two characteristic signs:

  • bubble rupture and water discharge;
  • the occurrence of regular contractions.

Amniotic membranes must rupture precisely during childbirth. At the norm, the water departs when the cervix opens 7-9 cm. However, in most cases, everything happens differently. Water leaves much earlier than a woman begins labor pains. And more often than not, those who are born again are faced with this.

The fetal bladder may begin to slowly leak. Sometimes it bursts suddenly, and the waters "pour in a stream." A woman does not feel pain when the amniotic membranes rupture. But the hospital should go immediately, even if rhythmic contractions of the uterus have not yet been observed.

Contraction is the main sign of the onset of labor. They indicate. It should be known that in multiparous contractions can occur much faster and more intensively. Therefore, you should not delay a visit to the hospital.

You can determine the start of fights by the following features:

  • pain occurs at regular intervals;
  • gradually they begin to become more frequent;
  • contractions increase in duration;
  • discomfort does not subside with a change in body position;
  • pain is increasing.

The opinion of women

Persons preparing to become mothers for the second time testify that they observed all the same harbingers as for the first time. But still there are some differences. During the first pregnancy, all signs of childbirth occur gradually and rather slowly.

The second pregnancy is characterized by a rapid course. It is not always even possible to notice signs of early birth in multiparous. Reviews of women show that often the whole process of the birth of a baby begins with the discharge of water. And at the same time, as a rule, ahead of schedule. Childbirth most often passes very quickly and quite easily.

Pregnancy is the period from the moment of conception to the birth. On average, it lasts 40 obstetric weeks or 10 obstetric months. In gynecology, the start date of pregnancy is counted from the first day of the last menstruation. In fact, the period of bearing a child lasts about 38 real weeks.

Births occurring in the time interval between 38 and 42 obstetric weeks are considered normal. Using modern technology, doctors can calculate their approximate date, but far from always they manage to do it with high accuracy. Future mothers who already have children can themselves guess about an imminent meeting with the baby, watching their body.

Harbingers of birth in multiparous   - a set of symptoms that appear in a re-pregnant woman some time before the birth of a child.

The difference between the precursors of childbirth in primiparous and multiparous

Anatomically, the uterus of a woman who has given birth is different from a pregnant woman for the first time. The fact is that at the birth of a child his head stretches the neck, which makes it more elastic, wide and supple. That is why the first period of labor in pregnant women a second time is much faster and less painful - in about 3-7 hours. The opening of the cervix in a primiparous woman lasts from 6 to 12 hours with strong contractions.

Due to the readiness of the body in most cases, the precursors of labor in multiparous babies come later - about a week before them. For the first time pregnant, this phenomenon is observed 15-20 days before meeting the baby, and sometimes even a month. Also, precursors of childbirth in mothers “with experience” may have a more vivid clinical picture.

Sometimes, especially in mothers with many children, signs of impending birth can occur a day before them. Therefore, multiparous need to carefully monitor their feelings from 35-36 weeks of pregnancy. It should be noted that the first period of childbirth can last about 3-4 hours, so you can not postpone a visit to the maternity hospital.

Attention! When contractions appear that have a clear cyclicity, the multiparous should be sent immediately to the maternity ward, since the first stage of labor is not always accompanied by pain and other symptoms.

If more than 10 years have passed between the last birth and a new pregnancy, it should be noted that the precursors will appear about 2 weeks before them. This phenomenon is due to the fact that for such a long period the woman’s body is fully restored and returns to its original state.

Also, expectant mothers should in no case be guided by how the previous birth took place. There are many nuances from which the complete picture is built - the size of the fetus, the condition of the uterus, concomitant diseases, etc. Therefore, the onset of precursors of repeated birth can be observed both earlier and later in comparison with the previous pregnancy.

The precursors of childbirth after a planned caesarean section are flowing as in primiparas. This is due to the fact that the cervix does not stretch when the baby passes through it. The onset of generic precursors after an emergency caesarean section depends on the features of its passage and the period of delivery at the time of its onset.

Possible Harbingers of Childbirth

It should be noted that some of the listed symptoms may not appear in a particular woman. This is not considered a deviation, the body of each expectant mother is unique.

Abdominal prolapse

The omission of the abdomen is associated with the movement of the fetal body into the lower part of the uterus - to the pharynx. This is due to the fact that the child is preparing for the birth and takes a position in which he will pass through the birth canal. In multiparous, this symptom is usually observed 3-6 days before meeting the baby.

Sometimes abdominal prolapse in a woman who is pregnant is not the first time can occur a day before delivery. In rare cases, it is not observed at all, so you should not focus on this symptom. When the abdomen drops, shortness of breath decreases, heartburn disappears - the uterus ceases to squeeze the diaphragm and organs above it. However, the appearance of this harbinger can cause problems with sleep, since it will be difficult for a future mother to find a comfortable position.

With the beginning of the third trimester, many women suffer from edema - the accumulation of excess fluid in the body, which leads to a slight increase in weight. Sometimes a couple of weeks before giving birth, the body of the expectant mother begins to intensively prepare for them, removing the accumulated water. Due to this, a woman can note a decrease in weight by 2-3 kilograms.

This symptom is not found in all pregnant women. Multiparous births note a weight loss of about one week before the upcoming meeting with the child.

Cork mucus discharge

Normally, the mucous plug is located in the cervix, it protects the child from infections and other adverse environmental factors. You can understand that the cork has receded by the appearance of a clot similar to jelly on underwear or a sanitary towel.   Usually the mucous plug is of a light shade, sometimes it takes on a cream shade, less often it contains blood streaks, due to which it becomes reddish. Allocations can appear simultaneously or go out gradually.

The vaginal discharge described above refers to the precursors of labor in multiparous at 39 weeks. The cervix in a woman who has children is more extended and wider. Therefore, when the cork mucosa leaves, childbirth can be observed after several hours. Sometimes this symptom is absent, and discharge appears only when the child passes through the birth canal.

False contractions

False or training contractions prepare a woman's body for the upcoming birth. Usually they appear a month before the birth of the baby, sometimes much earlier - at the end of the second trimester of pregnancy. In some women, they may be absent altogether.

One of the most dangerous signs is uterine bleeding, indicating the onset of premature labor. It is accompanied by cramping pains in the lower abdomen, a general deterioration in well-being. In the presence of red or brown vaginal discharge of the expectant mother, you should immediately consult a doctor.

Also, an indication for an urgent visit to the maternity hospital is the outflow of amniotic fluid. Almost always, it is followed by the opening of the cervix and the subsequent birth of the child. However, sometimes when amniotic fluid is shed (more often during leakage), labor may not start on its own. This phenomenon is dangerous for the fetus, because without amniotic fluid there is a high chance of infection.

Another signal for a trip to the hospital is the transition of false contractions to the true ones. The first period of the opening of the cervix in the multiparous can go almost painlessly. The insidiousness of such an asymptomatic course lies in the fact that childbirth with the mother “with experience” often proceeds very rapidly. With the full opening of the cervix, the child begins to pass through the birth canal, so a woman may not have time to travel to the maternity hospital.