Short congratulations on Maslenitsa in prose. Congratulations in prose to Shrovetide Beautiful congratulations to Shrovetide in prose

A merry holiday of Maslenitsa is in the yard, which means that spring is just around the corner. So let all the pancakes be tasty, satisfying, the guests in the house are cheerful, and the cold starts to recede. May the coming spring bring peace, prosperity, happiness and prosperity to your home. Each pancake is a little sun, I wish you to fill your life, your souls and your home with sunlight and warmth. Do not hold grudges and be sure to forgive everyone, apologize to your loved ones and say again how you love them. Let Shrovetide banish the cold, not only from the street, but from every heart, so that it can open towards something good, new and bright. Have fun and rejoice, because the holiday today, which will bring warmth, peace and prosperity. Happy Shrovetide!

Congratulations on Shrovetide! Let the spring-beauty bring new feelings and hopes into your life, live up to expectations and dreams, melt the ice of grievances and drive away the cold of misunderstanding. Meet her with dignity: with a pure heart, good thoughts, bright faith, at a rich table, in the circle of loved ones. I wish you happiness and renewal!

Eh, walk the people, meet the long-awaited Shrovetide. With all my heart I congratulate you on the most cheerful and joyful Slavic holiday. May the sun shine in your soul every day, may prosperity, happiness and wealth reign in the house. With Shrovetide!

Any holiday in our life is a feast of the soul. And Maslenitsa is a special holiday, it is a holiday of gluttony. It was customary at this time to eat until hiccups, drink until dandruff, sing until nonsad, dance until you drop. We will rejoice at Shrovetide, pancakes and lovely guests!

My friend, I congratulate you on an old national holiday, on Shrovetide! Spring is already inevitably approaching, so leave the spleen and boredom in snow drifts. Begin to enjoy the sunny warm days, eat pancakes, sing songs, and dance. I wish you good fun and forget about all the good luck. Be happy!

I wish you a worthy end to the winter holidays, plunging into the fabulous atmosphere of Shrovetide. May this wonderful day forever remain a cheerful memory in the soul, may it bring you joy and a fresh sensation of spring happiness for all coming days.

At the end of February, the glorious, joyful holiday of Maslenitsa begins. We enjoy delicious pancakes for a week. And they, with meat, and with caviar, and with cottage cheese, melt in your mouth. We also spend winter on Shrovetide and meet the long-awaited spring. I congratulate you on the holiday. I wish, first of all, good health, great joys in life, warmth. Let the good mood never leave you. Good luck, peace, prosperity and prosperity to you always. Let your family always have a way.

With Maslenitsa you, a wonderful and satisfying holiday! I wish you not to deviate from tradition: enjoy delicious pancakes in good company, to live fun and rich all year long. Take a sleigh ride to always be “on horseback”. Well, burn a scarecrow, and with it all the accumulated doubts and anxieties.

Shrovetide has come, which means it’s time to bake pancakes. I would like to wish the filling of your pancakes to be as follows: red caviar stuffed with black. And there was no overseas eggplant at all. With Shrovetide!

My friends, the power of the snow queen is ending. And soon the borders of her kingdom will recede far north, to where the polar night sleeps and the northern lights sparkle, and Lel will come to visit us, will play her magical music, from which birds and animals, trees and grasses will wake up and spring will begin. Congratulations on Shrovetide! Eat pancakes, sing and dance, meet spring. I wish you happiness and joy!

Congratulations on Shrovetide! Meet spring, rejoicing like a songbird and live lightly, carefree, swimming in the sun!

Pancake week has come, in winter - like a cow licking its tongue! Congratulations! Eat pancakes and enjoy life!

On Shrovetide I hasten to heartily congratulate you and wish you a sweet life and that your pancakes should always be lace!

On Shrovetide celebration - smile, lure this beautiful spring! Congratulations!

Today, like years, centuries ago, we celebrate Shrovetide! Congratulations!

What could be spring depression ?! Maslenitsa! Time to walk and feast on, and let your good appetite be good!

Guess whom to Pancake Day I first wish to live as if he was a well-fed cat chasing a circle of cheese in butter?

Winter was in many ways good, but spring is still better! Congratulations on Shrovetide!

As soon as Maslenitsa is on the threshold - I hasten to greet you with the first truly spring ray of sun!

Ahead of such days ... Just fun and sight for sore eyes! Congratulations on Shrovetide! May life be as sweet as honey and jam for holiday pancakes!

Catch hot as pancake congratulations on Shrovetide! And don’t drag me in to invite me to pancakes!

I think I know who will surprise us with culinary skill in pancakes ... Congratulations on Shrovetide!

Spring is especially beautiful because it is long-awaited! On Shrovetide - congratulations, I am calling to go on a festive dance with me!

The merry holiday of Maslenitsa has come! Wake up, marmot! Meet spring and live happily ever after!

Congratulations on Shrovetide! Remember the ancient rites - treat yourself to pancakes, sing and dance, burn a bonfire, sculpt snowballs while there is snow ... Meet spring and smile!

Like a thin spring ice, winter is melting, crumbling, and spring and Maslenitsa are replacing it! Congratulations!

Congratulations on Shrovetide! May this ancient, sunny holiday open spring like a magic key!

Congratulations on a great Shrovetide! And even if there’s no time to burn a scarecrow of Winter, pancakes are really hot!

All week pancakes ... with butter, with caviar ... a healthy diet in the world, I tell you! And there is a reason - Maslenitsa! Congratulations!

The sun rolls across the sky, so glorious as if a pancake in honey and oil! Congratulations on Shrovetide!

congratulations to the carnival in prose

I want to heartily congratulate you on Shrovetide! May every pancake eaten by you on this appetizing and tasty holiday allow you to fulfill one cherished desire! Do you remember how in a children's fairy tale - a spoon for mom, a spoon for dad. But I want to say differently: the first pancake is for joy, the second is for happiness, the third is for love. And then you also need to eat a pancake for faith, understanding, patience, health, fidelity, luck, luck, devotion, wealth and the fulfillment of a dream. It is possible to enumerate for what we live for a long time. I wish you that the bright holiday of Maslenitsa, which ends in winter, will bring you what you dream of. Let there be many in your life - many happy days, love and peace live in your soul, and happy sparkles shine in your eyes!

I congratulate you on a wonderful, original Russian holiday - Maslenitsa! I wish you from the bottom of my heart such prosperity in the house that I always have enough for all needs, such happiness that I would like to smile at every person I meet, and such luck that you yourself will not cease to be amazed at your luck in business and life. Let the mountain of rosy, fragrant pancakes on the table become a symbol of prosperity and change for the better, and the misted carafe of our Russian vodka will help to leave in the past not only the cold winter, but also all the hardships and failures! Tasty Carnival, a bright and eventful holiday in the circle of family and friends!

Congratulations to all on Maslenitsa, an original Russian holiday. All the Christmas holidays have passed - Christmas, Epiphany, and before Lent, people are walking Shrovetide. I wish you to meet the last week before fasting richly - feces, honey, cheese, butter pancake, cabbage pie, pancake with caviar, baked goods in bulk. I wish that every day Shrovetide passed with fun, festivities, songs; Do not forget with pancakes - pies to visit all your relatives and friends. Great Lent is coming, so let the fun of Shrovetide be remembered until the next Christmas time, and delicious holiday dishes will be the end of Christmas and New Year's feasts. With the Shrovetide of all, with the past Christmas and the Baptism of the Lord!

Congratulations to all on Maslenitsa - the predecessor of Great Lent. Shrovetide is a holiday of soul and body, fun and all kinds of food, the only time of the year when gluttony is not considered a sin. So I wish you to taste all kinds of goodies and walk up for the future - Lent is ahead. I wish you to dance until you drop and sing to nonsense, eat up to hiccups, have fun until hoarseness. I also wish thin pancakes, magnificent pies, a rich table, and guests - from great to small. Caviar to you tasty, cabbage casseroles, butter pancake, delicious pie. Yellow baked pancake - a symbol of the Sun, I wish you well-fed, rich, sunny life; good to you and love! With Shrovetide you, good guests, delicious pancakes, with the coming spring!

So Maslenitsa has come! The ancient tradition requires all this week to enjoy life. They say that during Shrovetide every day you need to visit your relatives, eat pancakes and other goodies. They also say that the pancake, especially Pancake week, symbolizes the sun, and the more pancakes you eat this week, the more sun will be in your life. And they say that on Sunday, right before the post, it is necessary to make peace with all your enemies and offenders. In general, they say a lot; that is why I do not just congratulate you on the merry Shrovetide, but I wish you a bright, warm and sunny life, a complete absence of faces that you need to apologize to, well, so that you always have where and what to eat!

I heartily congratulate you on Shrovetide! I wish you a happy, well-fed and rich holiday. Let Winter say goodbye to its rights, and along with the cold all hardships, sorrows and anxieties will go away. With the first spring breath let new joys, good news, long-awaited changes burst into life. And all the good that was dozing and waiting in the wings while the cold reigned, now, warmed up by the spring sun, it would wake up, blossom and bear its fruit. Let happiness be complete, and sunny life, like pancakes on Shrovetide! Let all the bad disappear, like ashes from a scarecrow of Winter, which in Russia is usually fired on that day. Be healthy and happy yourself, give your love and joy to others, and good will return to you with the torus!

Many of our holidays are unique. And no other country in the world can boast of how winter holidays are celebrated with us. Moreover, we have such winters too! Therefore, on the occasion of Shrovetide, I wish to have fun as soon as we can - fun, unrestrained, to the fullest. And may the warm season approaching with spring be rich in pleasant surprises and favorable weather!

Let the winter go away merrily, leaving pleasant memories, vivacity and freshness, taking away cold and cold, boredom and fatigue, let the soul rejoice from mischievous walks, and the body from tasty treats. With Shrovetide!

Congratulations on Shrovetide! Let the pancakes be satisfying, to live richly, ruddy, to fill with paint only from pleasant surprises, beautiful, so that the reflection in the mirror always delights and, of course, mouth-watering, to attract happiness.

Congratulations from the bottom of my heart with a happy holiday of seeing off winter, with Shrovetide! May your house be generous and rich, delicious and fragrant pancakes, mischievous walks, may the soul be filled with joy, and life with happiness.

Let spring freshness touch your soul today and wake up the desire to have plenty of fun. May the Shrovetide festival turn into a wild, unbridled fountain of happy moments.

With Shrovetide, I sincerely congratulate you! I wish that the body was vigorous and not aware of illnesses, the soul had fun and did not know fatigue, I wish for generous treats, cheerful company, sonorous songs and joyful farewells of winter.

With Shrovetide! I wish you rainbow, radiant joy and sincere, sparkling smiles so that every life test disappears from the warmth of the heart that has been gathered today deep in my heart!

May your life, like pancakes on Shrovetide, generously spiced with butter, be spiced with happy moments. Let a piece of today's extravagant mood always live in the soul, giving fun every day.

Congratulations on Shrovetide! And let today be a great start to the great rebirth of the soul, when fasting cleanses and sobering thoughts, and a beautiful spring revives the beauty and magic of emotions!

I wish Shrovetide to you tasty and rich, fun and sonorous, I wish to spend the winter with cold, sadness and problems, and to meet spring in a good mood, with a cheerful spirit and healthy body, with thoughts of pure and bright hopes!

Congratulations on the joyful Shrovetide! And let today the pancakes have the most incredible fillings: from warm spiritual kindness to amazingly delicious love that will give strength to any, the most incredible accomplishments!

Dear friends, we wish you good fun, congratulations on Shrovetide! Take part in festivities and fun, taste delicious pancakes, please yourself. May the coming spring warm the soul!

Maslenitsa. This ancient Slavic holiday is good - seeing off winter - with tables that are bursting with pancakes and other dishes and drinks. These days, the Slavic soul is wide open, people walk with might and main. I wish you Pancake week went like clockwork. With a generous fun Shrovetide!

At the end of February, the glorious, joyful holiday of Maslenitsa begins. We enjoy delicious pancakes for a week. And they, with meat, and with caviar, and with cottage cheese, melt in your mouth. We also spend winter on Shrovetide and meet the long-awaited spring. I congratulate you on the holiday. I wish, first of all, good health, great joys in life, warmth. Let the good mood never leave you. Good luck, peace, prosperity and prosperity to you always. Let your family always have a way.

The long-awaited holiday has come - Maslenitsa. We, as tasters, enjoy aromatic, delicate, delicious pancakes. Each hostess has her own recipe. And every recipe is good. Let me congratulate you on the holiday and invite you to pancakes. Let the good mood not leave you. Be cheerful, cheerful. Joke, chat with friends. May luck always knock on your door, may hope, faith and love never leave you. May the Lord protect you from troubles and evil. Peace to you, success and luck in everything.

Shrovetide came to us. All people are happy for such a beautiful holiday. I’m not afraid to call this week a holiday of the stomach. For we won’t be able to restrain ourselves in order not to try pancakes. I so want to congratulate you on the holiday, wish you a wonderful mood, good luck and happiness. Let only good and reliable friends meet on your life journey. Let your house never leave fun for them the joyful laugh of children and grandchildren. Good health, peace, all earthly blessings to you. Be always successful.

Shrovetide is often called a mother-in-law holiday. After all, a whole week, mother-in-law tries to bake lush, tasty pancakes to treat and please the sons-in-law. In every house, such aromas are heard that it’s simply impossible not to resist a pancake. Let me congratulate you on such a beautiful holiday. I wish you great love, great happiness, prosperity and good luck. Let there always be bread on the table in your house. May your health be strong, and let your youth be happy for a long time. Be always loved and desired. Good luck.

Shrovetide is probably the longest holiday. After all, it lasts a whole week. Every house smells like pancakes. Each hostess bakes pancakes in her own secret recipe. Today begins the holiday, please accept my sincere congratulations. I wish you to always be self-confident, to achieve the right way, the goal in life. May there always be a loving family with you, may reliable friends visit your home. May every day be filled with joy. I wish you prosperity, peace and good

With a wide walk, and noisy fun, let the carnival circulate today, heralding the imminent arrival of spring. Let it be as bright as today, and life as stormy and fun as a Pancake Week dance. May spring come to our hearts now.

I heartily congratulate you and your family on the original Russian holiday - Maslenitsa! I wish that the Pancake week fullness and wealth settled in your house forever, and harmony and peace reigned in your family! Let the frosty winter leave faster, and the coming spring brings only joy!

Soon the bell-shaped overflows of spring will be heard, even today dancing and excitement stir up everyone’s soul as pure as a spring brook, bright as the first flower, sonorous like a bird’s voice, tasty as a sweet pancake, the joy of life.

Goodbye winter, snow and cold! Hello spring, sun and warmth! All with Shrovetide! With the advent of spring, the mood always rises, the soul becomes easy and fun. We are full of optimism and vigor. May this elation continue for a whole year. Indeed, new discoveries and pleasant surprises await us!

Any holiday in our life is a feast of the soul. And Maslenitsa is a special holiday, it is a holiday of gluttony. It was customary at this time to eat until hiccups, drink until dandruff, sing until nonsad, dance until you drop. We will rejoice at Shrovetide, pancakes and lovely guests!