Where to meet Italians for a serious relationship for free. Marry an Italian Free dating with Italians Reliable and wealthy men from Italy

Making acquaintances in Italy is easy, because its inhabitants are real virtuosos of small talk. The Italians are fluent in the art of easy chatter, and their charm seeps even through the laptop monitor.

Always look good

Caring for appearance is an integral part of their life. Ancient Romans used olive oil to bathe their bodies, and modern natives of the Apennine Peninsula use creams, regularly do manicures, pedicures, hair removal and shower several times a day. They also love to go shopping (good shoes and accessories are a separate weakness). If you want to marry an Italian, get ready for the fact that the collection of his moccasins, socks, scarves and scarves can be larger than your entire wardrobe.

Very household

For an Italian man, there is nothing wrong with helping a woman do housework: cook dinner, get out, take a walk with the children.

Family comes first to them

For Italians, Mamma is a best friend and adviser, the emotional connection between them is unusually strong and lasts a lifetime. On weekends and holidays, relatives gather at a large table, absorbing an incredible amount of lovingly prepared goodies.

Almost do not drink

By Russian standards, Italians are a nation of teetotalers. Most of them are indifferent to strong alcohol. A glass of wine at lunch / dinner and a couple of cocktails or bottles of beer on a Saturday night are their maximum alcohol. Girls who got married in Italy say that you rarely see drunks here even at weddings: the locals prefer to eat tasty and plentiful drinks.

Beautiful lovers

The reviews of women who have been in bed with Italians are mostly positive: in sex they are gentle, hardy, liberated, try to give the partner pleasure, but they also expect enthusiasm from the lady.

Rarely get divorced

Another argument in favor of dating for a serious relationship with the Italian Signora is that their marriages are dissolved 1.5-2 less than the average in Europe. This is explained not only by attachment to the family, but also by bureaucratic delays. Divorce in Italy is a long and expensive pleasure. The divorce process takes place in two stages and can last several years. In addition, if the gap occurred due to the fault of her husband, the latter undertakes to pay child support and support the ex-spouse. We are sure: having read to this place, each girl has already imagined how she marries an Italian and lives happily ever after. Do not rush to conclusions! Before idealizing Italian machos, it would be worthwhile to find out that they ...

... pathologically jealous

If an ordinary Russian peasant needs a good reason for jealousy, then the Apennine Othello will do well without him. Our compatriots, who had experience of close acquaintance with Italians, warned: every centimeter of freedom will have to be conquered with battle! An innocent desire to sit with a girlfriend in a cafe, put on a miniskirt or chat with a male colleague in social networks is fraught with an overdrama with wringing hands and beating dishes.

... love to flirt

The Italian can not change the moglie (wife) and freely flirt with other women. Italian cauldrons give out compliments and declarations of love easily, therefore they are inexpensive, although pride amuses pleasantly.

... mammone (not all, but many!)

That is, mama’s sons. The dream of almost any giovanotto (young man) is to find a wife similar to Mamma. Want to marry an Italian? Know how to like the future mother in law. By the way, in Italy it is considered the norm when mature men live with their parents, partially or completely at their expense.

... start a family late

The average Italian marries in 34-40 years. He loves children, but he is in no hurry to become a father, remaining to the last a big child. A thirty-year-old Signor, who has not yet decided on his life goals and is not ready to tie the knot, is not uncommon in this country.

If after all of the above, you are still interested in dating Italians for marriage, remember the following.

  1. Do not pin up your Italian friend. Representatives of this nationality are extremely sensitive to criticism and ridicule. Even a harmless joke can hurt their ego and provoke a quarrel with the refrain "You do not respect me!"
  2. Talk to him about food. The natives of the Apennines are able to discuss football, women and food endlessly. Are you going to make acquaintances with Italians for a serious relationship, friendship or career? Learn to maintain a dialogue on gastronomic topics: what dishes the interlocutor prefers, how to cook them properly, etc. And if you get confused and translate a couple of Russian recipes into Italian, your actions will skyrocket.
  3. Take an interest in his family. Ask about Grandma Alda's health and how Uncle Ernesto's Sicilian Shepherd is doing. Feel free to talk about your relatives - so you show that you share his family values.
  4. Do not rush to give a phone number. Exchange contacts only if you intend to continue the relationship. The persistence of Italian fans often borders on obsession, and the desire to be in touch with you almost every hour looks like a telephone terror.
  5. Last but not least, don't be too gullible! Dating sites are full of marital scams. Is something worrying you in the potential gentleman? Check it out on the blacklist of grooms.

Acquaintances in Italy: subtleties of communication "in real life"

Corresponding with the sultry giovanotto and finally received an invitation to come to visit him? Congratulations, the overseas prince is seriously interested in you!

Our offline dating rules for marriage in Italy will help you not to get muddy.

  • Learn Italian Few people speak English on the Apennines, so for successful communication you will have to learn the basics of this melodic language.
  • Resign yourself to having Mamma. The sooner you realize that mom is the main woman in your beloved’s life and it’s more expensive to compete with her, the sooner you hear the cherished “Lo sposerete?” ("Will you marry me?").
  • Be patient. If your chosen one is a twenty-year-old youth, do not expect from him a marriage proposal for the next 10-15 years. Much more likely to marry an Italian after 40.
  • Get used to being late. Sicilians, Calabrians and other southerners are terribly non-punctual: to go on a date with an hour delay for them is in the order of things. Take it easy or be late.
  • Love the coffee. The inhabitants of the Mediterranean drink it in incredible quantities. A morning cup of espresso in the nearest cafeteria is a great way to get to know the Italians and join the local hangout.
  • Not a word about the diet. Even if at home you count every calorie eaten, in the company of an overseas gentleman you have to forget about the ascetic menu. Salad leaf with mineral water will cause only bewilderment and resentment.

Acquaintance with Italians in Moscow and other cities of the Russian Federation is easier than you think. Register on the Worldating website (fast and absolutely free), fill out the form and start chatting with the hot Italian signore right now!

On our site they are looking for dating  with Russian women, and some of them - italians. Some place their profiles in the men's directory, preferring to be chosen; the majority decide to give sympathy to their favorites on their own, paying attention to one or another woman from our photo gallery.

If you are interested in knowing what Interfriendship clients think and say about Italians, visit our website or. And be sure to check out our women's forum. There you will find a lot of not only interesting, but also useful information about foreigners in general, and about Italians in particular. Our compatriots living in Western Europe share, so to speak, an inside look at being in different countries, as well as nuances of characteristics from these countries.

And if you are a beginner in the field with foreigners via the Internet, then familiarizing yourself with the above information is not just desirable for you, it is a must! Why? Yes, because real everyday life in Italy  (as well as in any other country) is significantly different from our idea made about it only on the basis of a fleeting stay there on vacation or a business trip for several days or weeks. So that, leaving, then not to be disappointed, it is better to arm yourself with the necessary knowledge in advance. ;-)

Meet Italians

Famous Italians:  Da Vinci, Galileo, Marco Polo, Michelangelo, Columbus, Verdi, Celentano.

Meet Italians  will give you a chance to find out this captivating and attractive country where every corner is beautiful and unique, where old and modern are closely intertwined, where olive groves are replaced by wildly blooming oleanders and azaleas, and where you can try the best espresso and pizza in the world.

Women find the most interesting. Those who like "hotter" are advised to direct their activity to Liguria, on the Mediterranean coast, and search. Well, for those who remained an incorrigible romantic, despite all the difficulties and skepticism of modern life, the most exciting would be the opportunity.

It would seem that nothing complicated: it is worth coming to Italy, how you are attacked by slender Italian handsome men who want to get to know each other (especially often this happens in those resorts where there are always a lot of Russian girls, for example, in Rimini). Tall brunettes wink at you in a cafe, treat you with a cup of coffee with pleasure and easily spin you in a romance full of love and passion. But, alas, most often, such relationships remain a resort romance and come to naught after the girl returns home to Russia. Messages and calls are becoming increasingly rare, but yours does not say about seeing each other again. How to find the same romantic and loving Italian handsome, but for a serious relationship? And where to look for them?

1. The most obvious way to meet Italians for a serious relationship is through dating sites.

Of course, the most registered men are on "local" dating sites designed to make Italians meet Italians. Unlike French dating sites, where Russian, Ukrainian (generally all girls from the post-Soviet space) are blocked, as soon as they see the Russian IP address, Italians will be happy to register you. And they quickly activate your profile, and they will also write actively to you. If you are up to, you have bright eyes (most Italians dream of a beautiful woman with bright eyes), on the first day you will receive fifty messages. But the trouble is: on such dating sites, men most often do not understand that getting to know a Russian girl is a different story, and even for a first date you need to make much more effort than to get acquainted with Italian. You need to either get together for Russia for your first meeting, or buy a girl a ticket - few of us are ready to go to the meeting at our own expense. Therefore, most of the offers on such dating sites sound something like this: "when you come on holiday to Italy, know that you can always stay at my house." That is, a man expects that you yourself will buy tickets, come to him, and then we'll figure it out. Not all girls are happy with that, frankly.

2. It is best to meet on specialized dating sites

Where a man clearly understands that he wants to get acquainted with a Russian girl (or just a girl from the former USSR, for many this is still the same thing), and not with Italian. Such a man weighed all the risks, he understands that it will be a difficult and costly way, but he is ready for such an acquaintance. And he takes the idea more seriously. Most likely, one of his friends is married to Russian, or maybe he just often met Russian-Italian couples - and there are a lot of such couples, even in the smallest villages you can meet a girl who speaks with a sweet Russian accent. Therefore, the "client" on such dating sites is much more motivated than in the first version, dating on dating sites "for local".

There are few serious, successful marriage agencies in Italy, but they are. And surprisingly, despite the high price of treatment (usually a search contract costs from a thousand euros and more), male clients are not transferred to such agencies. Most often, these are men who do not want to spend time on lengthy preliminary correspondence, but are set up for a quick personal meeting. Here, the marriage agency takes over the entire organization of the first acquaintance, and it can be very convenient.

4. Another working way to get acquainted with Italians is actually in Italy.

There are various long-term programs for studying Italian for foreigners: for example, famous universities are located in Perugia - Università per stranieri di Perugia, in Rome and Florence: Accademia Italiana, in a noisy student Hospital there is Università di Bologna, in Siena Università per stranieri di Siena. Having enrolled in one of these programs (the cost of a month of training starts from 1000 euros, plus you will have to pay for a visa, flight and accommodation) you will have enough time and opportunity to practice Italian directly with native speakers. Italians are generally open and sociable, and new acquaintances will be fastened. But, perhaps, this is still an option for young people - it is students who are willing to meet in open cafes, at student parties, and so on.

Summarize. There are at least four dating options for a serious relationship with Italians, and if you have such a goal, you can try each of them. And yet - start learning the language.

1. A huge number of users. Romantic lazy people and ambitious businessmen, talented musicians and extravagant artists, first-class culinary and fashion connoisseurs, car connoisseurs and sports fans - a variety of men are registered on the site. You can choose the most attractive Italian, acquaintance with whom will make your heart tremble.

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How to get to know an Italian on LovePlanet?

The Italian is a man who will never put on short socks and will not refuse delicious pasta. Elegant and charming, he knows how to enjoy culinary delights and feminine beauty. Do you dream of getting gorgeous compliments every day? Meet Italians  for you!

At LovePlanet you can find the perfect man. Register on the site, create a personal profile, add photos, and new acquaintances will not keep you waiting.

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