The importance of industry and profession

Everyone who is in some way connected with the metallurgical industry celebrates their professional holiday - Metallurgist Day. The metallurgical industry takes pride of place in industry and production of the state.


As objects found during excavations show, people knew how to extract and process ore many millennia ago. The historical names of the centuries - bronze and iron, once again prove the importance of metals in human life.

Although processing has been carried out since ancient times, the official holiday was approved relatively recently - in 1957. The authorities saw what a significant contribution the metallurgists made during the restoration of the state after the Second World War. In 1980 and 1988, as a sign of respect for the profession, authorities duplicated decrees to celebrate Metallurgist Day.

Today, the holiday is celebrated by everyone who works in the field of mining and processing of non-ferrous and ferrous metals. The celebration unites many professions: miners, bricklayers, steelworkers, casters and others.

Metallurgy at all times brought a significant contribution to the country's budget. The metallurgical profession has been and remains in demand and well paid. Many experts show their skills and prove that their profession is part of art.


Gala festivities take place on Metallurgist Day. Metallurgists hold parades, have fun, celebrate their holiday on a grand scale. Directors speak at ceremonial meetings and concerts, congratulate specialists, present prizes, valuable gifts, certificates. Particularly distinguished metallurgists, whose experience is at least 10 years old, are awarded the order and awarded the title of “Honored Metallurgist of the Russian Federation”.

Workers in the metallurgical industry attend concerts on their day, participate in sports and other events that are organized by the organizers together with the authorities of cities and towns.

For the settlements where large metallurgical plants are located, this holiday becomes a holiday for everyone, since almost every family has a worker who works in the metallurgical field.

On this day, exhibitions of steelmakers and blacksmiths are held, master classes on the manufacture of various forged figures are held. Of particular interest are students and schoolchildren whose dream is to become overlords of iron.

Key Events City Day and Metallurgist Day in Magnitogorskwill be held on July 14 and 15! It will all start on July 14 at the Metallurg Arena where veterans will be honored. Then, on the 15th, also in the “Metallurg Arena” and in the adjacent territory, a city-wide holiday, City Day (87 years old) and Metallurgist Day, will be held.

A more detailed action plan for City Day 2016:

Initially, the festival of the 15th clean begins on the square behind the new ice at 18.00. First, children's playgrounds will be organized, plus a competition of drawings on asphalt. Until late in the evening, collectives of the city’s culture centers and the MMK will work on the stage. It is expected that the holiday can last up to 2 hours.

In the Metallurg Arena itself, the event will begin at 21.00. During the event, awards will be presented to the best employees of MMK and its subsidiaries. There will also be a theatrical performance dedicated to the year of cinematography in Russia. The program will end with the performance of professional artists. This time in   Magnitogorsk on the City Day will come to speak the famous group "VIA Gra".

Also in Magnitogorsk this day will be Andrei Derzhavin and Timur Rodriguez!

The culmination of the event will be a grand salute at 23:40 (although it is usually delayed), after which an open-air disco will begin!

  Area of \u200b\u200bUKRC “Arena-Metallurg”

17.00-23.50 Shopping malls, souvenir shops

18.00-19.00 Entertainment programs for children and their parents

19.00-19.55 Concert of creative teams of the city and DKM them. S. Ordzhonikidze

20.00-20.25 Live broadcast on the screen of the official part of the holiday from the Arena-Metallurg UKRC

20.25-21.00 Concert of creative teams of DCM named after S. Ordzhonikidze

21.00-22.30 Concert of Russian pop artists Andrei Derzhavin and Timur Rodriguez

A key moment in world history is considered the time when an ancient person learned to process iron and make tools out of it. Thanks to this achievement in the history of mankind, the Bronze Age was replaced by the Iron Age. This happened thanks to the first metallurgists who guessed and implemented the concept of iron processing. Modern life also cannot be imagined without the production of metallurgy, which is used in all fields: in space, everyday life, geology, medicine, construction. Metallurgist Day is a holiday of hardy, courageous and spiritually stable representatives of this profession.

What number is noted

To raise the spirit of the Soviet metallurgists, who were assigned one of the key roles in restoring the economy after the war, the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR, by decree of September 28, 1957, annually decided to celebrate Metallurgist Day on the third Sunday of July. Subsequently, twice in 1980 and 1988, when the legislation on memorial and public holidays was revised, this holiday took its place. In 2014, the festive date falls on July 20. Metallurgists at the cost of incredible effort, their rejection and courage deserve this holiday.

Thus, according to the Decree of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR dated 01.10.1980 No. 3018-X "On holidays and memorable days", Metallurgist Day is usually celebrated on the third Sunday of July.

Who celebrates

Metallurgist Day is a large-scale holiday, as many metallurgical plants and combines are city-forming enterprises, and every third person in the city is his employee. Currently, this date is celebrated by people whose professions are at least slightly related to metallurgy. Steelmakers, blacksmiths, distributors, bricklayers, casters, as well as miners mining ore, which is necessary for the manufacture of any metal, annually on the third Sunday of July accept congratulations on Metallurgist Day. The President of Russia confers the honorary title “Honored Metallurgist of the Russian Federation” for the most worthy industry workers with a specialized work experience of more than 10 years.

A bit about the profession

Metallurgy is a collective concept for all professions involved in the extraction, production and processing of metal. The miners mine ore containing metal from the bowels of the earth, then at ore mining and processing plants, the ore, having gone through a complex and labor-intensive process, turns into a familiar sheet of metal or into a final product. Blacksmiths from a seemingly ordinary piece of iron can create a true masterpiece of blacksmithing, on which paradise flowers will bloom and birds will sing.

Historical excursion

On September 28, 1957, the supreme legislative body of the USSR decided on when and what date Metallurgist Day will be celebrated. It was the third Sunday of July that became a holiday that annually notes the importance and value of metallurgy in the country's economy. After that, the legislation on the holidays changed several times, but the Day of the metallurgist always took its place of honor and was celebrated on a large-scale and fun. This year of 2014 will also not be an exception and concerts and mass festivities will be held in honor of the professionals in their field.

A key moment in world history is considered the time when an ancient person learned to process iron and make tools out of it. Thanks to this achievement in the history of mankind, the Bronze Age was replaced by the Iron Age. This happened thanks to the first metallurgists who guessed and implemented the concept of iron processing. Modern life also cannot be imagined without the production of metallurgy, which is used in all fields: in space, everyday life, geology, medicine, construction. Metallurgist Day is a holiday of hardy, courageous and spiritually stable representatives of this profession.

What number is noted

To raise the spirit of the Soviet metallurgists, who were assigned one of the key roles in restoring the economy after the war, the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR, by decree of September 28, 1957, annually decided to celebrate Metallurgist Day on the third Sunday of July. Subsequently, twice in 1980 and 1988, when the legislation on memorial and public holidays was revised, this holiday took its place. In 2014, the festive date falls on July 20. Metallurgists at the cost of incredible effort, their rejection and courage deserve this holiday.

Thus, according to the Decree of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR dated 01.10.1980 No. 3018-X "On holidays and memorable days", Metallurgist Day is usually celebrated on the third Sunday of July.

Who celebrates

Metallurgist Day is a large-scale holiday, as many metallurgical plants and combines are city-forming enterprises, and every third person in the city is his employee. Currently, this date is celebrated by people whose professions are at least slightly related to metallurgy. Steelmakers, blacksmiths, distributors, bricklayers, casters, as well as miners mining ore, which is necessary for the manufacture of any metal, annually on the third Sunday of July accept congratulations on Metallurgist Day. The President of Russia confers the honorary title “Honored Metallurgist of the Russian Federation” for the most worthy industry workers with a specialized work experience of more than 10 years.

A bit about the profession

Metallurgy is a collective concept for all professions involved in the extraction, production and processing of metal. The miners mine ore containing metal from the bowels of the earth, then at ore mining and processing plants, the ore, having gone through a complex and labor-intensive process, turns into a familiar sheet of metal or into a final product. Blacksmiths from a seemingly ordinary piece of iron can create a true masterpiece of blacksmithing, on which paradise flowers will bloom and birds will sing.

Historical excursion

On September 28, 1957, the supreme legislative body of the USSR decided on when and what date Metallurgist Day will be celebrated. It was the third Sunday of July that became a holiday that annually notes the importance and value of metallurgy in the country's economy. After that, the legislation on the holidays changed several times, but the Day of the metallurgist always took its place of honor and was celebrated on a large-scale and fun. This year of 2014 will also not be an exception and concerts and mass festivities will be held in honor of the professionals in their field.