Thermal wave of eyelashes. Perm eyelashes in the salon and at home. Benefits of Eyelash Curlers

Among girls, eyelash perm is very popular. In just a few minutes you can get long and curled cilia.

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Every woman strives to look well-groomed and beautiful, so you should always be aware of the latest innovations in the fashion industry. Today, beauty salons offer a wide range of various cosmetic procedures to improve the natural condition of the skin of the face, lips, hair, and of course, eyelashes. Recently, such a procedure as perm eyelashes has gained the most popularity. Thanks to this procedure, you can quickly and completely painlessly receive lush, beautiful and curled cilia.

Eyelash perm is ideal in order to get well-groomed and chic eyelashes, in addition, the effect obtained will remain for a rather long period of time. In this case, there is no need to constantly resort to permanent curling and the use of forceps.

Among the advantages of this procedure is the fact that it can be performed not only in a beauty salon, but also independently at home. To do this, it is enough to know all the subtleties and features of the chemical wave of eyelashes, as well as purchase a special cosmetic set.

Eyelash Price

Eyelash curling is an easy and safe way to give the look a zest and piquancy. For this procedure, various means are used. Cosmetic products from such manufacturers - YRE, Lady Victory, Kodi, Comair, Meisheng, are popular. The cost of the service, as a rule, does not depend on the curling mixture used.

Usually the price is higher if the procedure is carried out by a highly qualified experienced master. Also pricing is influenced by the level of the beauty salon.

In Russia, you can make perm eyelashes at a price of 1000 to 2500 rubles. In Moscow, the cost of this service is usually higher than in the regions.

Also, eyelashes are permed in Ukraine. Here the procedure costs between 200-700 hryvnia. In Kiev, usually cosmetic services are more expensive, including eyelash curling.

Many salons have promotional offers and, along with perm, offer keratinization, lamination, eyelash tinting and other services that are cheaper together.

What is perm eyelashes?

Every girl dreams of having lush and beautiful eyelashes, but nature has not awarded everyone with such a gift. Therefore, the fair sex resort to a variety of salon procedures. The most popular is the chemical wave of eyelashes, after which the cilia become longer, more beautiful and thicker, acquiring additional volume.

Eyelash perm is a salon cosmetic procedure, during which special formulations are applied to give the hair density, volume and slight bending.

This procedure is completely safe and allows you to quickly adjust the natural shape of the eyelashes, returning them a beautiful and well-groomed look. During the procedure, special formulations are used that are ideal not only for long, but also for short cilia. Perm can also be done when the cilia grow unevenly or look inconspicuous. It is worth remembering that after this procedure, the eye section slightly changes. To make the look more vivid and expressive or to remove the overhanging eyelid, it is recommended to curl cilia at 45 degrees.

Types of perm eyelashes

According to the principle of action, chemical eyelash curling resembles the familiar to many simple hair curling or bio-curling. These procedures differ only in the tools and compositions used.

In a beauty salon, eyelash perm is performed in several ways, which the master selects, taking into account the condition of the eyelashes and what result should be obtained:

  1. Basal  - This method is recommended for owners of long cilia. In this case, special curlers or the roller is located as close to the ciliary edge as possible. This procedure allows you to get voluminous cilia with a graceful and smooth bend.
  2. Combined  - This option combines both basal and chemical curling of eyelashes “per curl”. This method makes it possible to raise the cilia at the very base and twist at the tips. The result is very effective, and the eyes become more expressive. This method is most popular among the fairer sex, and it is recommended to use it for girls with wide-set and narrow eyes.
  3. "On the curl" - during the application of this method, a special roller is located at the very tips of the eyelashes. The result is a beautiful bend and maximally open cilia.

The specific choice of curling method depends on the length and condition of the eyelashes. Before the procedure, the cosmetologist can give some recommendations.

Advantages of perm eyelashes

Like any other modern cosmetic procedure, perm eyelashes have not only positive, but also negative sides.

The advantages of the procedure include:

  1. Eyelash perm allows you to get a beautiful curvature of the eyelashes, the degree of which can be controlled independently. For this, various curling techniques are used, allowing you to get a deep, medium or slightly noticeable curvature of the cilia.
  2. This procedure is completely safe, so there is no negative effect on the cilia, and they will not break or fall out. It is these problems that are often faced by women who use curling irons.
  3. Often, cosmetologists are advised to do this procedure before eyelash extensions. Thanks to this, you can get beautiful and lush cilia.
  4. After conducting perm, it is not necessary to use mascara, because the cilia will already have a beautiful and light bend, which does not need additional emphasis.
  5. Among the advantages of the procedure is the fact that you can twist cilia of any length. The effect is most pronounced precisely on long cilia.
  6. The result will last quite a long time. Cilia retain their attractive appearance for 2-3 months, and sometimes longer. This depends not only on the growth rate of eyelashes and their length, but also on the correct care for them.

The disadvantages of perm eyelashes

This procedure is completely safe, but it has several disadvantages:
  1. This method of eyelash curling is contraindicated in the presence of individual intolerance to the individual components that make up the preparations used during the procedure.
  2. This method is not suitable for owners of sensitive eyes, since even the smallest hit of the product on the mucous membrane can provoke a strong allergic reaction.
  3. If the master is not experienced, there is a risk of a chemical agent getting into the eyes, which causes a feeling of itching and burning.
  4. After the procedure, eyelashes may discolor in several tones. In this case, you can tint the cilia a couple of days after the curl.
Many girls do not know whether this procedure is safe for the health of eyes and eyelashes. During chemical perm eyelashes are used gentle and soft composition, which does not have a strong effect on the hairs. That is why you should not be afraid that after the procedure the cilia will begin to break or fall out.

Beautician necessarily covers the cilia with a special composition that prevents brittle eyelashes. Therefore, perm can help not only to make cilia beautiful, but also has a healing effect.

Do not worry that during the procedure a special composition will get into your eyes, since it is applied only in the central part of the cilia and does not affect the base of the hairs. It is also allowed to wear contact lenses, take a bath, visit the pool or sauna, and use cosmetics. The shape of the cilia will not change, and they will retain a beautiful bend.

In order for the procedure to be completely safe, you need to carefully approach the choice of not only the master, but also the means that will be used for chemical curling of eyelashes. It is from the professionalism of the master that the beauty and duration of the result depends. It is worth choosing only at those salons where an allergy test is required.

How is eyelash permed in a beauty salon?

Perm eyelashes can be done both in the salon and at home. But for the first time, it is best to use the services of a professional master who will help you choose the right drugs:
  1. First, a beautician should definitely consult, in addition, at this stage, an allergy test is carried out using a special composition.
  2. Then the specialist selects the tools that will be needed during the procedure.
  3. Of great importance during the chemical wave of eyelashes is the choice of curlers, which are divided into several groups, taking into account their diameter.
  4. Then the cosmetologist applies a special composition to the central part of the eyelashes, which contributes to their curling. As a rule, such agents contain thioglycolic acid, monoethanolamine, propinglecol, etc.
  5. A clean cotton swab is placed on the lower eyelid, which protects the eyes from reagent ingress.
  6. Then the fixing composition is applied, because it depends on it how long the result will be. As a rule, the composition of this agent includes atolein, glycerol monostearate, sodium bromate, glycerol, sodium phosphate, hydroxyethyl cellulose, methyl isothiazolinone, sodium carbonate. It is these substances that ensure the fixation of eyelashes in a certain position and fix the result for several months.
  7. During perm, another tool is used - a neutralizer that has a soft effect on the eyelashes. In addition, each hair gets full nutrition and their accelerated recovery occurs.
  8. At the end of the procedure, the master necessarily treats the cilia with a special cleaner. It is this tool that removes chemical residues from the surface of the hairs.

Features of perm eyelashes at home?

This procedure can be carried out independently at home, it is enough to choose a high-quality set for chemical perm eyelashes and adhere to the following recommendations:
  1. First, makeup is removed using cosmetic milk, then the cilia are wiped with a non-greasy tonic.
  2. Eyelashes must be blotted dry with a napkin to remove tonic residues.
  3. A thin strip of glue is carefully applied at the root of the eyelashes and left for 30 seconds, after which a roller is applied and fixed. It is important to bend the U-shaped roller.
  4. Then, on top of the roller, glue is applied again and left for 30 seconds until it sets.
  5. Further on to the roller, cilia are twisted one by one with a wooden stick.
  6. It is important to carefully check that all cilia are tightened on the roller.
  7. A small amount of petroleum jelly is applied to the lower cilia, and they are covered with a cotton pad, but you can also use a special silicone pad. It is important to ensure that the lower cilia do not stick to the roller.
  8. Then with a cotton swab, the main curling composition is applied to the cilia directly in the area of \u200b\u200bfixation with a roller.
  9. You need to wait for the time indicated in the instructions - usually about 10-15 minutes.
  10. After the specified time, a fixing composition is applied, which will fix the cilia in the desired position.
  11. Residues are carefully removed.
  12. A special neutralizer is applied, which is left for about 10 minutes. It is this composition that restores and strengthens the cilia.
  13. Remains of neutralizer and glue are removed with a special composition, then the roller is carefully removed.
  14. The cilia are dried and the perm is done.

How to care for eyelashes after curling?

Perm eyelash is one of the very comfortable and simple procedures, since after its completion virtually no special care is required. During the first days after visiting the salon, it is not recommended to wet your eyes with water and use decorative cosmetics. After a day, you can not only calmly do makeup, but also wash your face, visit a solarium, pool or sauna.

The resulting effect will last no more than three months, after which the cilia simply disappear, and new ones appear in their place. But do not worry that at the same time all the eyelashes will fall out, as this process occurs gradually.

Before carrying out the procedure, it is worth remembering that in each case an individual reaction can occur, so even an experienced master will not be able to say exactly how the cilia will behave after perming. You need to treat them carefully, try not to rub your hands. It is useful to periodically use castor oil - the oil is heated in a water bath, in which a cotton pad is moistened and applied for 2 hours to the cilia.

Real eyelash curler reviews

Perm eyelashes are popular among women. It helps to get rid of the need to apply decorative cosmetics every morning. Reviews of the service can be found on the Internet.

Valeria, 27 years old

I read about the chemical wave of eyelashes for a long time, but for a long time did not dare to carry out manipulations with my eyes. Still decided before the vacation. My eyelashes are long, but have insufficient bending. And on vacation I did not want to bother with the constant use of mascara. The curling procedure is quite quick - about 45 minutes. First, a roller was glued on the eyelids, cilia were stuck on it and smeared with some kind of substance. To remove the roller was unpleasant, but bearable. The effect was noticeable immediately, but I also painted the cilia with a permanent paint. After that, the result was generally stunning - I could not look at myself in the mirror. Very beautiful bend and density of eyelashes. I believe that the most important thing in this matter is the firm hand of the master, therefore it is better not to save money and not to do with hacks. I have the effect of curling lasted for three months. I will do more!

Tatyana, 30 years old

I learned about the procedure for perming eyelashes from the Internet and immediately caught fire - I like to experiment with appearance. Moreover, my cilia are soft and long, but not very curled, growing as if down. In addition, light, so you have to constantly paint. On the day of the curl, I also painted them black. The curl itself lasted about an hour. I was asked to choose a bend suitable for me - gentle or sharp. I opted for a strong bend to make the effect more noticeable. Also, during the curling, the master warned me about the basic rules for the care of eyelashes after the procedure - do not sleep “in the pillow”, do not touch them with their hands for no reason and do not wet the day. The result was very pleased. I got a bend in my eyelashes, my look changed completely, I became sexy and seductive. Since then I am a fan of this procedure and do it regularly.

Nadezhda, 34 years old

My eyelashes are long and lush, but devoid of bending. In addition, the hairs are naughty and poorly curled with forceps. Therefore, I decided to take a chance and perming the cilia. I went to a good salon, the master had good reviews. The whole procedure lasted about an hour. During this time, the master applied the composition on the eyelashes four times! She said that I have stiff hairs and they need to be softened in this way. During the procedure, I began to feel a burning sensation on one eyelid. In my remark, the master said that this is normal. After the end of all the manipulations, I really got beautiful curved eyelashes. I was pleasantly surprised. But the joy was short-lived. After drying, the eyelashes twisted into spirals. The eyelid that burned during the procedure was swollen, a trace of a chemical burn began to appear. In general, just awful! The master undertook to redo everything, again glued the roller, eyelashes ... For 10 minutes I conjured over them. As a result, eyelashes no longer twisted into spirals, but they just began to stick up from the growth line. The burn went off for about 10 days. Eyelashes sticking out with a "poker" grew 2 months. I will never do this procedure again. I do not exclude that I just came across a krivorukovy master, but the desire to experiment with eyelashes disappeared forever!

Photos before and after curling eyelashes

For more details on the procedure for chemical curling eyelashes, see the following video:

Women always wanted to have long eyelashes, tending up to heaven. Of course, no one forbids using radical methods and going to the leshmeiker to completely change the image and look. However, this is categorically not suitable for the adherents of all natural and it is necessary to look for ways to transform native hairs. Especially for ladies who appreciate natural beauty, was invented curling eyelashes available devices at home. But before starting the procedure, study its features and the safety of exposure to the hairs.

The practice of home procedures in recent years is gaining popularity and many girls refuse to visit salons, not wanting to pay extra money for the work of the master.

If you decide to independently change the curl, then conscientiously approach the study of the chosen method and prepare well.

To make the process go smoothly and without excesses, carry out the following preparations:

  1. Test for eye sensitivity to the selected device or composition. Do a mini procedure.
  2. Two weeks before the curling session, conduct a course of hair nutrition with the help of oils of burdock, castor oil or almond.
  3. Be careful to avoid damaging the skin of the eyelids or cornea of \u200b\u200bthe eye.
  4. Read the instructions carefully to avoid unforeseen circumstances.
  5. If during the process you started itching, burning or swelling, stop immediately. If you have a strong reaction, we recommend that you consult a doctor.

How to curl eyelashes at home: with tongs, a spoon, thermo-tongs

Curving on the cilia is an interesting way to make the look seductive and bright. Traditionally, women use special forceps to give a bend. This is a convenient device that any lady can master.

How to make curl with tweezers?

  1. Open your eyes wide.
  2. Grasp the hairs at the base with brackets of forceps.
  3. Squeeze the handles so that the cilia bend up. Hold for 15 seconds.
  4. Gently release the handles and evaluate the result. If you want a more pronounced bend, repeat the manipulation first.

For a long-lasting curl effect, experts recommend applying forceps over colored cilia, immediately after applying the last layer of mascara.

This method can lead to fragility and thinning of hairs. Therefore, use it in extreme cases. It is better to carry out the procedure on top of clean eyelashes.

In the event that it is not possible to purchase special tongs, improvised devices will come to the rescue, namely a tablespoon, which is in the kitchen in every house.

How to curl eyelashes with a spoon at home:

1.With hot water or a hairdryer, heat the cutlery to a slightly hot state.

  1. Attach the convex side to the eyelash growth line and use your fingers to give the desired shape. Hold for 10-15 seconds.
  2. Gently remove the spoon. If the effect was not expressive enough, repeat the procedure.

Using this method, you can get a beautiful natural curl. The form will last for a long period of time.

Before applying the mascara, wait for the hairs to cool completely.

Modern manufacturers also did not stand aside from solving problems with straight eyelashes and proposed their own method - creating curls using thermo-forceps. This is a compact device, like a hair curler, which creates a bending effect due to slight heating.

How to use?

  1. Turn on the device and wait until the indicator lights up, indicating sufficient heat.
  2. Bring the tweezers with the concave side to the base of the cilia and use the special mobile buttons to clamp the hairs so that they bend up.
  3. Wait 10-15 seconds.
  4. Carefully remove the appliance.

To obtain a more pronounced curl, twisting is best done on top of dry, clean hairs.

The cost of the forceps is not high, so every woman can afford them.

Choose one of the proposed methods, and boldly change your appearance for the better. Twisted long cilia will change the look and appearance for the better.

Is it possible to carry out a chemical wave on my own?

The process of giving the cilia a bend in this way is not difficult and does not require special skills, you can independently conduct it without leaving your home. A minimum amount of knowledge will help create the desired effect, but it is important to observe safety measures:

  1. Carry out a test for sensitivity to chemical compounds the day before the procedure.
  2. rinse eyes thoroughly when the product enters the mucous membrane.
  3. Do not use drugs after the expiration date.
  4. If itching and burning appear, stop immediately and wash.

Necessary tools for the procedure:

  • chemical agent;
  • curler rollers;
  • petroleum jelly;
  • glue;
  • clamp;
  • neutralizer;
  • wooden stick;
  • cotton pad or stick.

How is eyelash perm carried out at home:

The size of the curlers is selected in accordance with the length of the native hairs! For short - thin, for a smooth bend on long - thickened.

  1. Cleansing hair and skin with a degreasing tonic.
  2. Apply glue along the line of eyelash growth. Waiting 30 seconds.
  3. The application of curlers on the eyelid near the roots of the hairs. Glue eyelash treatment. Waiting 30 seconds. Then with a stick, twist the hairs on the roller. Good to squeeze them.
  4. Apply petroleum jelly to the lower eyelid.
  5. Use a cotton swab to apply a chemical gel to the base of the hair. Wait 15 minutes.
  6. Residues are removed, the neutralizer is applied for 10 minutes.
  7. Wipe your eyes with a cotton swab dipped in distilled water. Remove the curlers and dry your eyes.

The waving is over, the effect will last for 3 months.

Advantages and disadvantages of a home procedure

Independent curling of eyelashes with a chemical composition has the following advantages:

  • persistence of the result - not less than a month;
  • a beautiful look without everyday effort;
  • no special care is required to maintain the effect. There are no bans on the bathhouse, hot water and pool.

But such a modern procedure has side effects:

  • the possibility of an allergic reaction;
  • the likelihood of eyelash loss;
  • the risk of the solution getting into the mucous membrane of the eye.

To achieve an excellent result without any health hazard, you must strictly follow each rule and follow the instructions.

How to remove eyelash curl yourself

If there was a mistake and the effect of the perm was deplorable or pretty fed up, then straightening can be done.

Best curl removers:

  • Correction of the form by perm using a roller of a different shape and thickness.
  • Processing with castor oil 1-2 times a day.
  • Eyelash extensions.
  • Mascara without curling effect.
  • Changes in the angle of the curl with tweezers.
  • Lamination after a few days.

Curling eyelashes helps to make the look open and seductive, it gives it a touch of sexuality and mystery. When choosing a method for self-tightening, carefully consider your decision so that you do not regret it later and do not look for a way to remove the bend. First, practice on simple and affordable methods, and when you fill your hand and are confident in your strength, you can try a more radical and persistent perm.

If in the process of leaving your cilia become long, but you strive to make your look even more emphasized and expressive, it will be useful to learn about how to curl eyelashes at home.

How to curl eyelashes with forceps?

Special tweezers for curling eyelashes were invented in the 50s of the last century, but still few know how to use them correctly. We will introduce you to the existing rules for eyelash curling with forceps at home:

  • Tongs can only be used on unpainted eyelashes. Mascara "cementes" the eyelashes, due to which the curling process will become risky, because the structure of the cilia can suffer, and they will break and fall out;
  • Hold the tongs in hot water before curling. The metal will heat up, providing a better effect. You can also direct a jet of hot air on the tongs during curling;
  • Curling should be carried out in three stages: on the first - clamp eyelashes at the very base, on the second - in the middle, on the third - on the tips.

When choosing a tong, pay attention to the brand of the manufacturer. Cheap tongs that can be purchased in every stall will harm the eyelashes and will not create any positive effect.

For this method, there is one significant drawback - moisture. In wet and humid weather, the effect can last only a few minutes.

How to curl eyelashes with mascara?

It would seem that everything is very simple - you just need to put mascara on your eyes. However, there are small secrets in this procedure that will be useful to know:

  • Choose mascara with a twisting brush that has a noticeable bend;
  • When applying mascara, twist the brush up. You can squint your eyes so that the curl is as large as possible;
  • Apply several coats of mascara.

Perm eyelashes at home

Thanks to modern cosmetics, eyelash perm can be done at home. A set for curling eyelashes is relatively inexpensive and includes all the necessary care and curling products. It is also important that the effect will last a very long time - up to two months, which means that you will have curled eyelashes every day without any difficulty.

With the help of a special roller you can twist your eyelashes yourself and treat with two chemical compounds. The first is necessary to create a curl, and the second - for its reliable fixation. The procedure will be completed by applying a nutritional composition.

  • When deciding to do this procedure, remember that after it the eyelashes become discolored, losing their original appearance. Chemistry is not safe either because it destroys the structure of eyelashes, and newly growing eyelashes look careless and require correction.

How to curl eyelashes at home is up to you. If you want to reduce risks to zero, pick up good mascara in the store. If you are attracted by the long-term effect, then you can not do without perm.

Beautiful velvety eyelashes with a graceful curve are the undoubted dignity of a woman who emphasizes the eyes and creates a light and natural look. But, unfortunately, not every girl can boast of such a treasure. And increasingly, women striving for excellence turn to beauty salons. help to fix the defect and achieve the desired result. You can twist cilia yourself using cosmetic products, or you can contact a cosmetologist who will conduct

Eyelash curling at home

Something to correct the situation can be done independently. For example, to give the cilia a bend will be obtained using a special, curling mascara. Pay attention to the product you are purchasing. As a rule, carcasses of well-known manufacturers are effective. But the effect of such twisting is short-term and depends on the ability to use mascara.

There are also special tweezers for eyelashes, which are in the arsenal of almost every fashionista. With this device you can give the eyelashes the necessary flirty bend. But here, the effect will not be long. In addition, with inept and frequent use of tweezers, cilia can break and fall out.

All these remedies are good, but But how to tighten short and stiff hairs? Today, a growing number of adherents of perm.

Eyelash: how does it happen?

Almost every beauty salon offers a similar service. It is believed that it is completely painless and harmless. The effect of such twisting lasts up to two months.

So, curling eyelashes with chemicals lasts about 40-50 minutes. For the procedure, the master uses a tool to strengthen the hairs, self-adhesive rollers, playing the role of curlers, and a retainer.

To begin with, eyelashes are treated with a special solution for strengthening, after which they are wound on small rollers. The shorter the hairs, the thinner these same rollers. Curlers should remain on eyelashes for half an hour. After that, the master processes the hairs with a fixing agent that secures the bend. Next, you need to carefully rinse the solution and remove the rollers.

As a rule, chem. Eyelash curler brightens the hairs, so a week after the procedure they can be painted in dark color. Repeated tightening can be done no earlier than after 2-3 months.

It is believed that chemistry can permanently ruin your eyelashes. And many clients fear that perm eyelashes may be harmful to the eyes. But if the procedure is performed by a specialist, then the risk is reduced to zero. But to engage in such spinning at home, without having the necessary experience, is strictly prohibited.

Eyelash Perm: Contraindications

Like any other procedure using chemically active agents, curling the eyelashes has a number of contraindications. For example, the procedure should not be performed for women prone to allergies. Very careful should be girls with excessively dry and sensitive skin around the eyes, because after the treatment of eyelashes, redness and the appearance of edema on the eyelids are possible.

Eyelash curling is not carried out during menstruation, as it is unlikely to give the expected effect. Within 3-4 days before the procedure, it is recommended to refuse to visit the sauna, solarium or pool.

Perm eyelashes: consumer reviews

In fact, the reviews about the wave are quite contradictory. The fact is that the effect of the procedure largely depends on the skill of the cosmetologist and the quality of the means used by him. Therefore, before signing up for a twist, inquire about the reputation of your chosen beauty salon.

Many ladies prefer tongs over other eyelash curling technologies. Until recently, the device was almost the only way to curl eyelashes, so the girls are in no hurry to refuse it. There is a myth that the device has a bad effect on the condition of the hairs, however, professional masters refute this statement. In their opinion, the damage is caused not by the procedure itself, but by the inept use of forceps. To understand whether this is so, consider the main points.

The advantages of eyelash curlers:

  • eyelashes become voluminous in a matter of minutes;
  • the technology is considered the most harmless of all available today;
  • permissible daily use of forceps with proper use;
  • low cost of the procedure in comparison with other methods.

Disadvantages of eyelash curlers:

  • in wet and windy weather, the effect of the procedure is reduced to zero;
  • improper use seriously injures eyelashes.

How eyelash curlers work

The lower part of the device is equipped with two connectors for the fingers, reminiscent of a ring of nail scissors.

On the upper part, depending on the design, levers or springs are located. They end in two voluminous hemispheres, tightly adjacent to each other.

The lower part of the semicircle has a long recess in which there is a dense silicone or rubber lining.

The upper semicircle has an identical radius, due to which, upon contact, both parts come together, forming a kind of puzzle, where cilia are located between the two parts.

Tweezers are designed for curling eyelashes and more. Between the two hemispheres, hairs are placed, then the device is closed and pulled up, held for some time, and then released.

Working with eyelashes has always been considered delicate, for this reason it is important to take the process seriously. If by inexperience you get a device of dubious quality, you can easily lose eyelashes. A defective tool cuts off hairs that are not so easy to grow. Refuse to buy tongs in underpasses, markets, small cosmetics stalls. Choose only professional stores that give a guarantee on their products.

  1. Take the tongs in your hand, pass your fingers through the holes, and then make them a few movements. If unpleasant screeching sounds appear, refuse the purchase. The hemispheres should walk easily and freely without any extra effort on your part.
  2. Carefully inspect the silicone lining, which extends along the bottom base. It should not be too soft so as not to wrinkle eyelashes. Only with forceps with a hard elastic band can you give the hair the desired bend. The surface should not have any “burrs”, glue residues, cuts or other defects.
  3. Only select forceps in which the elastic is firmly fixed. On a high-quality device, it does not stagger in contact with the upper semicircle.
  4. If you have definitely decided that the tongs will be used daily, pay attention to products equipped with additional gaskets. With regular curling, the gums wear out after 1.5 months of use, after which they can not be used.

Types of Eyelash Curlers

  1. Metal tongs.  The classic and most popular tool. The device is characterized by strength, durability, respect for eyelashes. A negative feature of the device is the inability to twist the mascara painted over with mascara.
  2. Plastic tongs.  New in the world of the flash industry. They allow you to twist up eyelashes, but do not find their consumers. The inconvenient body design does not allow curling eyelashes properly.
  3. Forceps with a spring. These include both metal devices and plastic ones. The spring prevents excessive compression of the hemispheres, due to which it is extremely difficult for an inexperienced user to damage eyelashes. The lack of tool can be considered fragility. The springs constantly fall out, making it difficult to tighten.

  1. Tighten the skin, the movable eyelid should be clearly visible. Unclench the forceps and hold them to the eyelash growth line so that the hairs are located between the hemispheres. Try not to pinch your upper eyelid skin.
  2. Make sure that your hand does not flinch, only after that proceed to squeeze. Slowly close the forceps, raise your hand up and hold for 5 seconds, do not press too hard, otherwise the eyelashes will curl unnaturally. Repeat the manipulation 2 more times. Remove the tongs, evaluate the result.
  3. After that, move the tool to the middle of the length of the eyelashes. Hold, wait 5 seconds, release, repeat 2 more times. Next, you need to smoothly switch to twisting the tips. Do the same manipulations 3 times.
  4. Very thick mascara will help to fix the curl. Liquid cosmetics contribute to a quick straightening, as a result of which your work will be in vain. An alternative to mascara is a thick eyebrow gel, apply it on a brush and gently walk along your eyelashes.
  1. The first time you need to do the curling slowly. Do not start the procedure if you are in a hurry. Otherwise, the hand may accidentally slip, damaging the skin and tearing the eyelashes.
  2. The procedure is carried out strictly before using mascara. The recommendation is also relevant for plastic tongs that allow curling painted hairs. After applying cosmetics, eyelashes become fragile.
  3. Before using the tongs, spray them with boiling water or a hot stream of air from the hair dryer.
  4. Make sure that the rubber bands are always in good condition, check the tongs for defects. If they work incorrectly, you risk cutting the hairs under the root.
  5. Ladies who use the device daily are advised to take a break once a month. Duration varies from 5 to 10 days depending on the condition of the eyelashes.
  6. Every 4-5 days, treat your eyelashes. Smear them with olive, castor, sea buckthorn or corn oil. Put structure on hairs and go to bed.
  7. Regardless of the length, eyelashes are always curled in three stages: at the base, in the middle, at the tips. Refuse prolonged squeezing, compress the hemisphere for no more than 5 seconds. Otherwise, the bend will turn out not smooth, but angular, like a Barbie doll.
  8. To consolidate the result, always apply only thick mascara. It is advisable to give preference to two-tone cosmetics, consisting of a black and white base. White visually lengthens the hairs, black - gives volume. You can also use cosmetics designed to maintain bending.
  9. To get your eyelashes a fan, master the new technology. Curl the outer edge of the hairs slightly to the side, positioning the forceps accordingly. Grab the middle and the inside at the same time, keep the device in the normal upright position.
  10. Perform the procedure in a well-lit room. It can be sunlight or bright daylight.
  11. Curl only dry eyelashes. If you recently left the shower, blot your eyes with a cosmetic swab and wait 15 minutes for the moisture to completely evaporate from the hair structure.
  12. Do not use forceps on false eyelashes. The technology does not imply a stable adhesive base, as a result of which you can tear off the tape or tear out the bundles. The same applies to eyelash extensions. In this case, if an artificial hair comes off, it will take with it a natural one.
  13. To comb the curled eyelashes, use a special brush with natural bristles. It can even be used on mascara-coated hairs.

Have you decided to try eyelash curler technology with forceps? To get started, select a quality tool, carefully examine the condition of the silicone gaskets. Do not start the procedure 10 minutes before leaving the house, so as not to accidentally injure the skin of the eyelids and hairs. If you decide to use the device daily, try to take breaks 1 time a month. Curl only dry eyelashes, use mascara strictly after curling.

Video: how to curl eyelashes with a teaspoon