Happy New Year to colleagues. Happy New Year greetings to colleagues in prose Happy New Year greetings to employees

Once again in work and cares,
A year passed unnoticed.
All the latest reports.
And we will begin the new year.

But colleagues, I first,
I want to tell you again
The authorities ordered us:
"Everyone has a rest today!".

Spend a year, take a walk,
Let’s put together a bunch of thoughts,
Thinking about the future,
With a new power we will begin!

Happy New Year,
For my colleagues I wish
To work like clockwork,
And so that life was beautiful!

And the boss is Santa Claus,
The prize brought you all!
In the Year of the Pig so
I helped you achieve everything!

Hooray, colleagues! Happy New Year!
Let him give us new customers.
In a furry hat Santa Claus
Let him bring presents.

And everything will be okay in the families.
Happy wives to you and children.
I wish you happiness and luck.
And a lot of money a year for dogs.

Colleagues, dear, Happy New Year,
Let the carefree, kind laugh pour.
May the weather always be pleasant
Let you live the most charming of all.

Let the salary rise quickly
And let the weekend be longer.
Adversity will all disappear in an instant somewhere
And let the side pass sadness.

The bosses should be loving
Let your eyes sparkle with joy.
Let the holiday only prepare joy
And on New Year miracles happen.

Colleagues! Happy New Year! I wish you happiness!
The tree shines with beads, balls.
I wish you all your dreams come true
May luck be with you for a whole year!

Let our collective be like a family,
Where there is no contention or misunderstanding,
I wish you bright successes
And the fulfillment of all your desires!

Colleagues, Happy New Year to you!
Thank you for your common work,
Who made us all friends.
Let the money go to you
Success in business will always come
Profit and happiness will increase
And life will be settled,
Let a miracle happen in her!

So corporate parties have come,
And New Year's bustle
Moments they are happy
They have been waiting for me and you.

We all love to work so hard
It’s difficult to solve problems,
But stop a little
Now, you and me fit ...

Slow down, and with your
Relatives, loved ones to be,
And enjoying the weekend
Feel the minutes of happiness!

My dear colleagues,
New Year’s standing at the door
We walked with you,
I have to hint
What I wish you creative
And a good team.
Let everything change
We are at the same time with you
We wish success and growth, and strength.
For life to continue to love us.
So that our united was a team.
That means he is invincible!

Congratulations to all
I'm happy new year!
Let happiness circle
A round dance around you
May life be like a poem
Always harmonious
Sorrows pass
You won’t be bored
Let them woven into stanzas
Not strings, but people
May fate bring
Good luck on the dish!
Let every business
Recognition, success,
May the joys of the world
Enough for everyone!

I wish you in the New Year,
Such a salary to fulfill a dream.
More health, less problems,
Good friends and a life without loss.

May the holiday give warmth and comfort
Way at work is respected and respected,
I wish you all a sea of \u200b\u200bgood
Let the life of adventure be full.

An original congratulation in your own words in the team will always be appreciated by your work staff and will add you a rating in their eyes.

And the New Year is a great occasion to show off with a polished congratulatory text, which can easily replace a table toast.

The beautiful words of Happy New Year congratulations will cheer up the corporate party to dear colleagues and will then be remembered with special warmth.

The options for New Year's greetings in prose are also good because you can remember only the main meaning, supplementing it with impromptu.

Happy New Year, colleague! I wish you a falcon to swiftly fly up the career ladder, stay at the very top, like a balancer, and not be conceited later, like a peacock! May your work bring you fame and tremendous money, and benefit others around you.

Dear colleagues, I sincerely wish everyone a Happy New Year. I want to wish a happy and kind, successful and bright year. May everyone in him be healthy and loved, may great victories and gallant achievements await us.

My dear, close and dear people are colleagues! May this New Year, each of you realize his cherished dream and achieve your desired goals. Love to you - strong and tender, friendship - strong and faithful. Salaries are big, health is indestructible. Hurrah!

Let the old year be remembered with a smile, and the new one will bring many pleasant moments. Let difficulties be rare, and life goes well and easily. Let the work be a joy in the new year, and unite our team even more. Happy New Year!

Colleague, Happy New Year! I wish you to take great pleasure in your work, a huge material reward, unheard-of words of gratitude and praise from the authorities.

Happy New Year, dear and dear colleagues. I wish each of you great success and income, great happiness and goodness, sincere love and joy, good luck and hope, good mood and well-being.

Dear Colleagues! Happy New Year! I wish you all a happy, bright and wonderful year. May the thirst for new achievements overwhelm us all, and the energy of creation makes the mountains move!

Dear colleagues, I heartily congratulate everyone on the New Year. I want to wish everyone a true prosperity and stable activity, successful achievements and significant victories, family good and harmony in the house, great respect and incredibly good health.

New Year is decisively and irrevocably approaching. Therefore, dear fellow friends, I wish you to put off the fuss, chores and focus on your desires, because they will certainly come true! Bright new victories to all of us in the old reliable team.

Doubled energy to build a career in the coming year. I am happy to go to work every morning and return home with a feeling of a good day. Families - health, wages - growth, goals - clear, goals - achievable. Happy New Year, colleagues!

Dear and respected associates! Happy New Year! May it be even more fruitful and joyful than the passing year. May all our plans be fulfilled, and every day will be successful both in the family and in work. Good luck, peace and kindness!

Happy new year, colleagues! I wish you productive work, easy deals, high salaries and simply great success in everything, no matter what you take. Let the new year give a lot of creative ideas and open a lot of new horizons!

Colleague! I wish you feasible plans for the new year, easy tasks, a decent salary and pleasant leisure. Let the bosses always be in a good mood, and the microclimate in the team - friendly and harmonious!

Happy New Year, dear and dear colleagues. I wish you all a wonderful mood and vigor, good luck in your work and great success, great ideas and brilliant prospects, personal happiness and significant life victories.

Happy New Year, colleagues! Let our dear boss not skimp on bonuses and a decent salary this year, and rest at resorts and sanatoriums, at the expense of our beloved enterprise, will become a familiar thing.

Dear and dear colleagues, I wish you a Happy New Year and wish with all my heart creative ideas and hard work, wonderful prospects and great plans, amazing opportunities and brave enthusiasm, high prosperity and undoubted happiness.

Colleagues, Happy New Year! Let all your wishes come true and the most fantastic and bold projects in your life be realized. And so that all this can be easily succeeded, I wish you warmth, family comfort, joyful chirping of children, good parental parting words, true friends and love for life!

Happy New Year! May the New Year bring more Friday's mood and less Monday’s worries, and may Saturday music always sound in my soul. Let the atmosphere of a fantastic extravaganza of celebration, positive and brilliant mood surround you!

The whole year we worked with you nearby, but didn’t have time to bother each other, so after the weekend I will see you again with joy! Happy New Year, colleague, I wish you good health!

Happy New Year! I want to wish you a good morning, interesting and promising work, tasty coffee, bright everyday life, high salaries, stable holidays, and most importantly, good mood and inspiring goals for the New Year.

In the New Year, I wish you, a colleague, friend and associate, peace of mind, creative light, more happy family holidays and successful working days, financial well-being, and satisfaction from working in a team of friends.

Colleagues, I wish you a Happy New Year! I want to wish you in the new year to achieve all your planned goals, fulfill all your plans, fulfill all your dreams, so that your career develops as best and more profitable for you.

Let the salary increase significantly this year so as not to have time to spend it. Let the work schedule become comfortable and convenient, and work weekdays bring happy moments.

Happy New Year to my dear colleagues! And I wish you always a stable income, large bonuses, long paid holidays. So that work is always a joy, that there is mutual understanding at work and that the boss is a little kinder!

Let this New Year be as fun as our New Year's corporate party. Let it be as bright, colorful, slightly hoppy. And let it also unite us into one big friendly family. Happy holiday to you, my brothers and sisters in the workshop, Happy New Year!

Happy New Year! I wish to receive gifts under the Christmas tree: a magic wand that will fulfill all desires; reward for fruitful work, diligence; a scattering of diamonds from friends, love, good luck, confidence, family, victories.

I am honored to work with you, dear colleague, and it is a great joy to wish you a Happy New Year. Let this holiday envelop you with its magic and give you faith in your strength, hope in continuous success and love - great, bright.

Dear office neighbors, friends and girlfriends for work joys and troubles! Happy New Year! I wish us less upsetting each other in the coming year, to become an even more friendly team and to meet the next New Year with the same staff!

May this year bring everyone a promotion up the career ladder and just a huge salary increase. Let there be even more inspiration, zeal for work, for the fulfillment of set plans and tasks.

Happy New Year to you, fellow workers! I wish our brotherhood to grow stronger from year to year, and we could call our colleagues our second family! I wish that after an attack of workaholism the time has come for us to relax, shake ourselves and be completely drawn out!

Dear colleagues! I wish our team to maintain their composition in the New Year. Let workers and personal plans be fulfilled even ahead of schedule, while our joint work is generously rewarded. I wish everyone personally one hundred percent health and an excellent mood for great achievements for the good of the team!

Happy holiday, colleague! In the New Year I wish you a salary increase, new successes, career growth! Let everything work out easily and let it work!

To the chiming clock, on New Year's Eve, I wish my colleagues to live richly, healthy, without sorrows and sorrows all year long, smiling cheerfully, kissing with love, not needing anything and holding hands tightly with true friends!

I wish you, my dear colleague, that in the new year, the career ladder will become for you an escalator that moves only up. To make a minimum of effort, you get the maximum opportunities and results. Happy New Year to you, with new successes!

Strong health, good holidays, career growth, constant significant bonuses, easy working days, and fulfilling dreams will bring you, colleagues, this gorgeous New Year!

Dear Colleagues! Suppose that in the New Year our plans are fulfilled as in a fairy tale with a wave of a magic wand, may the growth of wages conquer financial Everest, and our friendly team will be repeatedly marked by the management in the premium fund.

I wish, my dear and valuable colleagues, that this year our work successes grow with incredible strength, that the bosses are not tired of the daily praises and bonuses. May our friendship and cohesion become an assistant at work and in everyday life.

Employees, entering the New Year, I want to admit that such a great team is the ultimate dream of anyone. May our joint activity be marked by global success! I wish you all good health, as well as a creative spirit and, of course, family well-being. Let the plans come true, and transactions are concluded easily and quickly.

Happy New Year, tireless toilers and reliable friends! Let unfulfilled plans and adversities be left behind, and New Year’s expectations will surely come true! Powerful vital energy to you and the ability to solve any problem!

Dear Colleagues! So the New Year has come - a year of new achievements and hopes, new ideas and achievements. Let him not stint for all of us on good working days, happy holidays, warm friendly communication, competent decisions and big incomes.

Glorious hard workers, beloved colleagues, Happy New Year! Let us work without difficulties, together and successfully. May it live happily, healthy and happy, may they always love us at home and wait.

Dear colleagues, let Santa Claus visit your workplace today and leave inspiration and patience for everyone to work in the new year. But let him visit your homes, leaving well-being for your families under the Christmas trees. So that this year you have time to do everything at work and at home.

Irreplaceable colleagues, Happy New Year to you! Let us let go of the year flying away from us and concentrate on fulfilling the most important. I wish you creative ups and growing incomes, good luck and smiles!

May the authorities be more fun and condescending this year, forgiving us our lateness and small misses. Let the salary and pleasure from work grow three times.

Let the new year bring with you a bag of happy snowflakes and attach one for each day of your calendar, colleagues, so that all things work out and your incomes increase.

Dear fellow office workers, let our glorious team thrive and grow quantitatively, as well as in terms of pay! In the New Year, I wish all my colleagues such an ardent desire to work, so that the time spent outside the office stretches endlessly, and the working days fly by like a single moment! May career growth be with you!

New Year is a rare and long-awaited guest. But very optimistic, fervent, encouraging. After his arrival, classy days always come - with a lot of days off. Let them "rule" in your fate as long as possible! I wish the winter holidays bring you cheerful confusion, fervent laughter and hope. So that the new, coming year will be monetary, rich, generous. Well-being to you, colleagues, good luck, prosperity and good mood.

Today everyone is waiting for amazing miracles, special events, may your expectations, my dear colleague, be fully justified, and all our plans come true! Happy New year to you!

Dear Colleagues! Please accept my most sincere and warm congratulations on the upcoming New Year! I wish that your brightest dreams come true in the new year, that you live in joy, prosperity and love. Well-being, kindness and prosperity to your families, pleasant holidays and bright mood. And let Santa Claus pamper you with desired gifts, new successes and achievements!

Colleagues, I wish that in the new year your wallets will grow thick before your eyes, go away without returning troubles from you, carry out the most ambitious projects, and so that your bright minds attend only useful ideas. And along with success at work, let success in personal life grow.

Let the New Year bring good luck and success in all endeavors, and next year prizes and bonuses await more often, work is on schedule, without breakdowns and a rush, and the weekend will be filled with communication with the most dear and closest people.

May this year be rich in brilliant ideas and brilliant plans, full of new goals. Let everything add up easily and simply, and the promotion will not take long.

Colleague, you are so passionate about work that you do not notice the approach of the New Year. Take a break from daily worries and think of delicious tangerines, sparklers and champagne bubbles. Of course, new victories, professional growth and a “beautiful” salary await you, but this will come later. In the meantime, enjoy the upcoming fun and relaxation!

We spend half our lives at work,
And the collective is now almost a relative.
We share both sorrows and worries
Solving everything together during the day.

And day after day of the week fly by
And here we are on the eve of the New Year.
Colleagues, I sincerely congratulate you!
I wish you only joyful efforts!

So that the year that comes, be generous to you,
In work - okay, and in the house so that - comfort,
Good luck to be fair wind
Revenues are constantly growing.

Simple human happiness
Without sorrows, sorrows and worries.
Love will cover an avalanche of passion
And miracles happen on New Year!

May the New Year bring you
Prosperity and income.
May success be
In order not to know interference.

May your health be strong
The mind is enlightened, tenacious,
In the world - the world, and in families - the way.
Raising all salaries.

A lot of strength and optimism,
Travel and tourism
In the souls of sunny weather.
All colleagues, Happy New Year!

Dear colleagues, I wish you a Happy New Year. Let this year be productive, successful and promising. I wish everyone happiness and goodness in the house, health and success to you and your loved ones. More creativity and confidence in our common affairs. Happy holiday to all!

Colleagues, on this New Year,
I wish you great heights,
More profitable ideas
Less sad news.

Let the salary grow steadily,
To row her with a shovel
Corporate parties were more likely
And life was kinder and sweeter!

Let it be what you need,
Accompanying success
So that our team lived together
And so that the boss praised us!

Happy New Year to all our friendly team.
Let good fortune not leave positive.
To argue the work, so that families have comfort!
So you do not forget: they are waiting for you here in the morning.
All success and health, light, joy, goodness.
New Year's fun. Happy New Year to everybody. Hurrah!

I wish you in the New Year
A happy life without worries
Light work without barriers,
Huge bonuses and salaries.

So that Monday doesn’t scare
The boss didn’t scold
And to work, like a holiday,
So that everyone happily fled!

New Year is a good time!
A new start and new achievements!
To all colleagues - joy, goodness,
Strength, health, vitality, luck!

Coziness always reigns in the house,
And the soul knows no grief!
New Year festive fireworks
Let them raise the bar!

Having worked hard for a year,
It’s time to relax.
Happy New Year to you, colleagues!
Set aside all things.

I wish you a salary -
To carry away with bags
In the neighborhood of the deputy
So that they could buy a house.

Leadership to praise
To career growth was.
So as not to scold
If something is forgotten.

I congratulate you from the bottom of my heart.
We are one family with you.
I wish happiness, joy
And good luck to you, friends!

Our execution plans
May New Year give
And add patience to us,
If the affairs are overwhelming.

Colleagues, may you work
Will bear fruit:
Income will increase
And dreams will come true!

We want so much to wish
What not to count:
Peace, blue sky,
To catch everything and take everything into account.

New Year snowy crispy
Knocked softly on the door
May it be easy for you
No loss or loss.

Happiness, good health
Bring you with him.
Only good surprises
May fate present.

Happy New Year
And we want to tell you:
It’s joyful to work with you
And it's nice to relax!

We can mix things up,
To be on the rug of the authorities
At work, as if in a forest drank:
Dali a tree - you saw, and that’s it!
Hard workers, we are the most important here
And at lunch, during a break, we rest.
That's what colleagues mean. And they are not waiting for us
Lonely weekdays with cold tea.
The team is power, and in the New Year
Glad I congratulate you all. May it bring you
Respect, happiness, good luck this fresh New Year.

To all colleagues in particular
  I wish you joy
  Take off, inspiration,
  And all the luck!

Let bonuses be paid
  Let customers spend.
  Let there be many friends!
  Happy New Year to all people!


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Let's stand tall
  For the New Year we’ll raise a toast,

For our friendship at work.
  Because we are happy Saturday

When we spend it together.
  For being in the workplace-

We work with the soul, with fire,
  And we give out two plans.

For our understanding,
  For labor and creation!


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You're at work like the internet

For the New Year, I send greetings to my colleagues
  And a lot of best wishes.
  You're at work like the internet
  You carry a lot of necessary knowledge.

May the New Year add beauty
  So that everyone does what they love.
  Let hopes and dreams come true
  And our whole work will be joyful.


Purchased and owned by the site.

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At work happy new year
Positive comes to us -
Because in December we
We make a corporate party!

Congratulations to you, colleague,
Eat, drink to drunk
Go boldly under the tables,
They will add you wine!

Let it be remembered for a long time
This holiday is New Year!
Happiness, joy to you so much
That was enough in advance!


Purchased and owned by the site.

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Santa Claus wants to congratulate you,
My colleagues are dear
So that you have enough strength, urine
All holidays live dashing.

Health so that it does not shake
Wallet so that you don’t lose weight -
You celebrate the New Year.
Earth so that a little shaky!


Purchased and owned by the site.

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The best holiday in the world

Day after day fellow friends
  We worked without sleep.
  I want a little bliss
  So that spring comes soon.

But there is a better holiday in the world,
  “New Year” he is called.
  We will mark it with a feast -
  Everyone is invited now!

So that my eyes sparkle with happiness
And the melancholy melancholy disappeared
  To have more passion
  I drink to the bottom, I have my glass!

Happy New Year to colleagues

Purchased and owned by the site.

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So Santa Claus is not tired

Colleagues, New Year today,
We will all meet joyfully.
Allow personally and freely,
Give gifts to everyone.

Wish You happiness and health,
Great luck and good deeds,
I wish you all a feast,
So that Santa Claus is not tired.


Purchased and owned by the site.

I wish you in the New Year
  Do not burn out at work,
  Always be held in high esteem!
  Managed to get things done
  So that the salary grows,
  Customers only respected
  All partners adored!
  And rather, so that the team
  There was a financial tide! rating:38 ↓

More likely New Year
  The best will bring us -
  Strengthening relationships
  The accuracy of the decisions made!
  May we be so lucky
  Good luck only comes to us!
  Let everyone get a vacation,
  And he will not get bored with him!
  And now, honest people -
  Let's drink for the New Year! 40 ↓

New Year for the year
  Colleagues time to wish
  Less hard work
  More nice salaries!
  Let customers get smarter
  The staff will be nice
  Just let the bosses cherish -
  And life will become sweeter than halva! 31 ↓ - Congratulations to colleagues a Happy New Year

Congratulations on a wonderful winter holiday, which gives us not only New Year's holidays, but also positive, joy and good mood! May there be more days off in the New Year, less work, and let the salary grow and grow! Let everything be just fine at home - and never leave a wonderful mood on weekdays or holidays! 34 ↓

Dear colleagues! Let everything be our way in the New Year, we will break through any difficulties, go to a new level and at the same time remain cheerful, energetic, cheerful and healthy. And of course, I wish everyone a lot of love and money in the New Year, it is never superfluous! 45 ↓

Our entire team
  Happy New Year! Congratulations!
  And career prospects
  We sincerely wish everyone!
  Let the work succeed
  And the salary is growing!
  In work and life, everything grows together
  And it goes as it should! 40 ↓

Congratulations to our valiant and close-knit team! May each of us in the New Year receive everything we desire, what we dream about and see in our best dreams! May your families be happy, may all your business be successful, and most importantly, may your work bring you not only financial joy, but also emotional peace. I wish you health, energy, optimism, harmony and always a wonderful mood! 39 ↓