Congratulations from your younger sister to your brother on your demobilization. Congratulations on demobilization in verse. Army toasts in verse and prose

In prose and poetry, in your own words, touching to tears - funny, comic, very sincere, original words from the heart.

That's all, the service rushed by,
The joyful demobilization has arrived.
During this time you are very
He has changed, matured.

Remember your friends at work,
Take care of the memory in your heart.
All knowledge gained
Save it for years.

Congratulations on demobilization, our dear hero!
A year of honest service has flown by.
Come home quickly
Do everything you haven't done before!

Make friends, learn, love,
Have fun, work, relax.
Overall, have a great life
And make your dreams come true!

Here comes the demobilization, the way home,
How we missed you!
Welcome back, our soldier,
We are proud, everyone is happy.

Be healthy, strong in soul,
And much love to you.
Let's set the table and sing,
Let's pour a little white glass.

Congratulations on your demobilization! Although once a soldier is always a soldier, it is nevertheless a wonderful event that makes you rejoice. Let it bring only good emotions. We also wish not to get too drunk about this, because someone will have to protect us in the future.

Congratulations on your demobilization, an important feature of army life. I wish you not to lose your fighting spirit and steadfastness of faith, I wish you to fight diligently to the end. May your health not fail you, may your long-awaited meeting with your family be joyful, may your future life be happy and successful.

Congratulations on Dembel! Now our country can sleep peacefully, because it has a real defender, a brave and courageous hero, it’s you. I wish that military skills, exercises and army experience make your inner core strong, I wish that the days of gallant service leave behind cheerful memories and important aspirations of your soul.

And now the days of the young man are over,
Now the man is visible, no matter where.
I wish you to return home soon,
Where your mother's heart is waiting for you.

Friends with whom the soldier's path was passed,
Keep it in your memory forever.
Now, of course, you’re already demobilized,
I wish you to find your happiness in civilian life.

The long-awaited demobilization has arrived,
Congratulations on your return.
You have become stronger and more courageous,
You have become a proven soldier.

We wish to forget those days
What don't you want to remember?
Remember, now it’s akin to you
Defend the Motherland.

Your service ended today,
You're demobilized - and that's just class!
And like a bird in the sky, you are free,
We congratulate you on this now!

We wish you to always be healthy,
Kind, wise, strong one hundred percent.
Guy you are handsome and trained,
The young heart is hot!

You love, dear, and be loved.
And get married so you can have children.
Be hardworking at work
So that we can be proud of you!

How have you been waiting for this day?
God only knows.
And in the garden I picked lilacs,
You rush to your beloved with a song.

Well, sooner in the evening
See friends.
And my soul became warmer,
With our toasts.

Enjoy your freedom
Congratulations on demobilization, buddy!
Now let's celebrate in nature,
The reason is through the roof!

A year has flown by quickly...
You've been wanting it for a long time
Return to us here
And hang out here until the morning!
Let everything be “class” now.
Entertain us now!
Tell us about your service -
We will listen to everything together!

We welcome you home
Congratulations to you today.
Let peace reign in your heart -
We wish this today.

You repaid your debts to your Motherland
And now he has returned home.
Let's raise a glass to you,
That he did not bend under the winds.

We wish you now
Further victories and good luck,
Love and happiness for a hundred years,
To solve everything in life.

Served, returned home,
Congratulations at last.
And your mother meets you in tears,
And next to her is her father.

You're not just a guy anymore
Service is in the past, you are demobilized.
And let from today,
All dreams will begin to come true!

You got discharged, great, dear,
Now I'm waiting for you home soon,
I hope you have become strong and big,
And congratulations on this from the bottom of my heart!

And in civilian life, things await you.
I wish life to be bright,
Don't lose good friends
Live beautifully, find happiness!

The year flew by unnoticed
And you're already getting ready to go home,
You served your Motherland honestly,
You were happy with it!

And your friends are waiting for you at home,
Beloved, dear mother,
Let the road be fast
You are very strong, very brave.

The years of service flew by so quickly,
You will only remember them.
Divorce guards, team commanders
And do push-ups from the floor: lie down, stand up!

School of Life - Army Service
And rich are those who have walked this path.
True friendship in the army,
Defeats, victories - everything is here!

And today it’s almost demobilization,
There are still years behind us,
Which you have no regrets about
You will always remember with gratitude!

So the long months have flown by,
You are back among your friends and family.
Let your eyes glow with joy and happiness,
After all, demobilization is an excellent reason for them.

Don't forget your colleagues
Call more often, greet with a smile.
And may the sky be peaceful in fate,
Just remember that you are a protector!

The last hours
Last minutes
And time, as luck would have it,
It seemed to freeze.

The decree has already been signed
And the joy is not hidden
Happy long-awaited day to you
Congratulations, demobilization.

Service life has expired
The road awaits home
Your barracks doors
It will close behind you.

I wish in civilian life
Make you happy
And days of soldier's service
Sometimes I remember.

Hurray, brave soldier, our fighter!
Today is your long-awaited demobilization,
You're just a real good guy
You've finally returned home!

Let the service be remembered with warmth,
Even though this year has been difficult,
But you deserve it with your hard work
Freedom that awaits you from now on!

Congratulations on your demobilization,
A tough guy.
Freedom in civilian life
And the service is over!

Enjoy the new one
Life's path,
But don't forget about the trail
To the birthplace.

They'll fly by and you won't notice
Until the end of the service days,
You'll see everyone soon, soldier.
From countless relatives.

On this day the happiest
Don't be bored:
Finally you will meet your mother,
What will come to meet you.

And think about this:
About five days later
With my cute girl
Kiss again.

Finally got my demobilization.
You gave part of your life to the army.
I won’t forget the letter in April,
Where I wrote about the fulfillment of a dream.

I remain faithful to you.
I'm waiting - I can't wait for you.
You will see your relatives.
And I will hug you tightly.

So the demobilization has come,
You've been waiting for him so much.
Rest and relax
You have become a man.

You are a support for the family,
The pride of mom and dad.
In the meantime, walk, dance,
Don't be sad one bit.

You're another stage
I have overcome in life,
Happy demobilization! And let everything be
Just the way you wanted.

Finally you've waited
You deserve your demobilization.
You shot great
You served in the army.

We admire you
You are an example for all men.
You will protect me from troubles, from wars,
You will even go into battle alone.

We believe that in civilian life
Great success awaits you.
May fate give gifts,
Be an example to everyone.

You've been waiting for demobilization for a long time,
I counted the days on the calendar
And the time has come
Party until the morning!
Congratulations - you are a hero,
And we are proud of you
“In civilian life” we are waiting for you
And we carry our love.
With an army of friends more than once
You'll meet again, but now
Strengthen your health
Get a lot of happiness
And get more rest
You live and prosper!

Happy demobilization, my long-awaited friend,
Let life now flow at full speed.
Let the free air, so desired,
It will enter the lungs with all its force.

From this hour let it be sure
You will completely forget about the outfit,
May everyone's aspirations come true
And things will go better.

You have been waiting for this day for a long time, you have dreamed about it.
This joyful day has finally arrived.
Congratulations on your demobilization, our dear soldier,
You served your Motherland, we are proud of you!
He grew up and matured, he appreciated friendship and loyalty,
We wish you happiness in civilian life, may you have enough strength for everything!

Today is a joyful date:
Well, that's all, you've served,
There is no braver soldier in the world,
You were the bravest of all in the company!

I wish you to achieve your goals,
Always be healthy and strong,
Just look up to the best,
After all, you are no match for weaklings!

Today is your holiday
The long-awaited day has come,
You have already served a lot,
So you became a demobilizer,
Congratulations on this,
Soon you'll come home
We are waiting for you and preparing you
Big surprise for you!

You served with dignity,
I counted the days until the order,
Congratulations my soldier
So you became a demobilizer.

Are already a thing of the past
Tunic, boots,
There are shoulder straps on your shoulders,
Badges glitter on the chest.

Waiting for you, soldier, citizen -
Mother, beloved, family,
Good luck, good luck, happiness
And I wish you love.

Congratulations to everyone on demobilization,
There are no happier people here than you.
I wish you success in life
And come home quickly.
Let your loved ones wait
And you succeed in everything you do.

The years have flown by and now we're home,
Where they wait for you with love and hope,
So may peace and goodness be with you,
And in civilian life the sun shines gently!

Good work for the soul,
And a girl to call my beloved,
May your days and nights be good
We are protected from troubles and grief by the Lord!

Let there be a wedding, let the children go,
And joy will fill the house without a trace,
Confident and firm way of life,
And everything is fine and in order!

Yes, this holiday is worth a lot.
You've served your time, it's time to go home.
And your family will arrange a celebration.
All your guests will be proud of you.

Remember demobilization, a joyful date.
And don’t forget service time either.
I came to serve as a very young man.
Well done! After all, this path has been passed.

Now the soldier has become free.
Hooray! You're demobilized, were you listening, brother?
I already bought a ticket home
And soon you will meet your relatives.
And they will be waiting at the station
Sweetheart and mother.
Play freely from the heart,
Drink a glass with your friends.
Don't be lazy in civilian life,
Shake yourself up and get down to business!
Study, work, develop,
Take care of the housework.
And most importantly, bro, get married,
TO family values strive!

How many days have you been in the army?
It didn't serve in vain.
I'm really looking forward to it
Your family is waiting for you.

He was young, green,
When I went to serve.
And now anyone
You can put it to bed.

Let it be as good as possible
Fate will happen.
We'll have a lot of children
Warm hut.

Easy job,
Faithful wife.
Let it be love
Life is surrounded.

Just recently we saw off
But now, you have returned home!
We've all been waiting for you madly,
So matured - completely different!

We are good for you, remember,
And there are no better awards for us,
We will say honestly and immodestly:
You are our hero, you are our soldier!

This joyful day has come,
You've been waiting for him for a long time,
Put on your dress uniform soon,
How you have matured and matured.

You learned a lesson in life in the army,
There's nothing to mourn about
Everything you learned here will benefit you,
You can protect us from the enemy.

The day has come, the hour has struck, because demobilization has come,
There is no sorrow or trouble in civilian life,
And may you find happiness in the world,
But don't forget about the army.

Here we are, finally waiting:
Military service is over.
You've already been demobilized
Well trained.

For you now there is freedom,
Not army concerns.
Girls, friends, work
Or study (if hunting).

Congratulations on this day,
We drink to your health.
You are a demobilizer, not a soldier.
Everyone here is happy about this.

Congratulations! You, soldier,
I was very happy about demobilization.
Now he deserves peace
Yes, it’s a fighting spirit,
Daring, mischievous.
And you keep your spirits up,
After all, you will need it.
Promise not to get too proud
Be strong, believe in luck,
... never be a hypocrite,
Rarely get angry, be yourself,
Control your destiny.

Congratulations on Dembel! I wish that in your life there will always be a place for real masculine actions, of which you yourself will be proud and your loved ones will be proud, I wish you never to be timid, never doubt anything and courageously overcome all obstacles on the path to a worthy dream. And may you always have freedom of choice and action in life and, of course, luck in your pocket.

I hasten to congratulate you on your demobilization,
Now the order has arrived,
You trampled the parade ground humbly,
Walked a lot in boots.

Good memories
Take care of the army,
True, male friendship
Carry it through the years.

Always be faithful to your oath,
The word that I once gave.
Never fades away
Let your soldier's fuse.

Well, the service has come to an end.
You are demobilized, you are returning home.
And only yesterday to the young man and the young man,
Life seemed so hard.

You have hardened your body and soul
And I learned many truths in the army.
Congratulations on your return home.
Good luck! And this verse as a gift.

Here comes the long-awaited demobilization,
It took a long time to get to this date.
You have many wonderful friends
I found my own in the army.

Years of service, glorious demobilization,
Never forget.
I wish to live peacefully,
Only fight in the kitchen.

Congratulations on Dembel and I sincerely wish that the fast train will quickly rush you to your home, that happy meetings and strong hugs from your family await you, that your heart is filled with feelings of pride and peace, that your soul rushes to the happiness of your life and great good deeds.

A year has flown by, now you are demobilized,
And it's time to get ready for the journey.
Mother and relatives are waiting at home,
They shout “Hurray!” to you.

They will come to greet you in crowds,
They will hug you tightly from the heart.
We wish you to be happy
Complete your service with dignity!

Your service is over,
I congratulate you on this event,
Waiting for you at home big family,
I wish you joy, peace.

Let them be bright days at your place,
Let troubles, bad weather go away,
They are going home for demobilization, “Hurray” for them,
To you, friend, great happiness!

You are an officer, a worthy guy!
Ready for the Motherland - mountain.
And on this day we praise you -
Our defender and our hero!

You have served - your demobilization has come!
Walk and have fun people.
Your first day of freedom has come,
And success awaits ahead.

The desired demobilization has arrived,
Congratulations on that.
At a new stage of life
I only wish you happiness.

May the army years
They will leave a mark on the soul,
In your life in places
Everything will be clearly laid out.

Finally served
And he lived to see demobilization.
I shot back, thank God.
He matured and gained strength.

Let the drill soldiers sing,
Giving honor to someone
Recruits and newcomers,
And they are already waiting for you at home.

So hurry up -
Pull yourself together and smile
After all, relatives, friends, girls
They've been waiting for you for a long time.

More oxygen in the chest -
And quickly hit the road.
Congratulations, demobilization,
Be healthy and happy.

The service has expired
May it be of use to you,
And in combat training
You cleverly found the skill.
He served his service,
Repaid the debt to the homeland,
You're demobilized, it's time to go home,
The army will say goodbye to you,
With shoulder straps and on parade,
Relatives and friends will be happy!

The best cool free humorous short SMS and online congratulations and funny big and small laughing Russian texts with funnier humor - unusual interesting congratulations for WhatsApp/VK/Odnoklassniki. Our long creative wish list in a sincere style will help you congratulate anyone coolly - wisely, tenderly and warmly!

Welcome back home!
Let your fighting spirit
And in civilian life it inspires,
Dexterity and experience help!

And everything in life will turn out great,
May you be absolutely happy!
Reached heights in any career,
May you be true to your dream!

Your family has been waiting for you,
We congratulate you
Welcome back home,
Our dear soldier!

Hurry up and smile
Now life will begin
There will be meetings and love,
A sea of ​​happiness, warm words!

You are a real man now
Served due date!
You're back! Brilliant success!
So that you can achieve a lot!

Let the victories be real,
And in love, and in work, in business!
Let adversity and troubles pass by,
May you live like in your dreams!

He's already returned from the army,
He became handsome and matured,
Now you are a real warrior
Worthy of honor and praise.

I hasten to congratulate you on your demobilization,
I wish you well and happiness,
Let the “citizen” greet you joyfully,
Go ahead and keep it up!

Funny congratulations on returning from the army with humor

Dear you are our soldier!
You were glad to return home!
You are seasoned in service,
Your enemies are now screwed!

You've lost weight, but it doesn't matter
Your experience is with you forever!
Use it to the fullest
And surprise us like Cousteau!

I grieved without loved ones,
Got up early in the morning
Finally served
And returned to civilian life,

Finally ate borscht
And hugged his baby!
Laughter with luck together
Let them come skipping towards you!

You came! Hooray! We waited!
They wrote letters to the army!
We all know what he did there!
Congratulations on your return!

Let's have a great walk, friend!
He deserved the revelry by right!
Light up and have fun
May your dreams come true!

“Goodbye” said to my dear barracks,
I said goodbye to the parade ground forever,
You've already arrived home from the army,
You're cool, boy, yes!

I congratulate you on your return,
I wish to fight peacefully,
Let the opponent be a lady,
And the place of battle is only the bed.

Congratulations to the mother on the return of her son from the army

Your soldier has returned home,
He paid his debt to the Motherland!!
May good luck circle over him,
After all, it has great potential!

Let the spirit not be lost,
Let him strive for victory,
Your son, fighter, example, hero,
Let the sun shine brightly on him!

Your son returned to civilian life,
Everyone shouts “Hurray!” in his honor.
Now let's have a party
And it’s time for the most magnificent feast,

Now my son is loved at home,
My heart will become warmer,
Joy will become only familiar to you
And life will be more fun!

You waited like no one else can!
And your son is finally back!
Are you crying again? C'mon! What are you doing?
Now you can, it's time to smile!

Look how mature he has become!
You can be even more proud of him!
Congratulations that that day has come!
Whatever you wish for him must come true!

Today you are meeting your son,
The soldier returned from the army,
I was waiting for him with great love,
You are a lot long days contract.

Let him be your support
Always a wonderful, glorious son
And thanks to God today,
That he returned unharmed.

Congratulations on your return from the army in prose

Another important stage in your life has ended! Let demobilization become the starting point for new achievements, breakthroughs and the realization of pipe dreams! May your army friends remain in your life for many years, and may the knowledge and experience gained help you achieve whatever you want! Peace, light, love and goodness!

You were a brave soldier, you matured, you grew up, and finally it was time to return home, where your family was waiting for you. With the end of the service and the great joy of returning to normal life! May new achievements, pleasant meetings, long-awaited hugs, endless fun and many memorable happy moments await you in civilian life, bringing light and goodness, giving excellent mood and positivity!

Congratulations on the arrival of the long-awaited date - the date of your return from the army! We know that it was difficult, but you learned a lot, and, believe me, you will often remember and even miss your service! May life prepare you many chances that you definitely won’t miss! Let it give you the opportunity to meet good and interesting people! And, of course, it will give true love!

Congratulations on your return from the army! The difficult years of service are behind us, experience is behind us, strength and courage are in our piggy bank. Let this period of life become the start of new victories. Be able to apply the acquired skills and knowledge in peaceful, civilian life with honor and intelligence, always remember your army friends and be grateful to fate for such an important test that strengthened your character and raised a real man.

Short SMS with return from the army

You have matured and perked up -
Today you returned home!
To achieve everything in civilian life,
We wish you! Bank accounts!

The days of the army, fortunately, are behind us,
And on this I sincerely congratulate you!
May joy shine sweetly ahead,
I wish you more glorious joy!

Phenomenal luck, my friend!
Returned from the army - everyone around is happy!
Everything turns out quickly and easily!
Take off, you can, it’s beautiful, high!

You returned from the army,
Army life and service
Never forget!

Don’t forget to congratulate the creator on his demobilization!

For Airborne Forces Day
Berets, vests, medals...
And the sun is a ball above your head.
Those friends walked hugging each other
That day along the echoing pavement.

And it was in their calm step
Your confidence now
Reliability, loyalty to that oath,
Everyone carried out the order.

They alone only knew
The whole truth of those harsh days,
They fought and lost
In the attack of fighting friends.

Great and mighty union
That day I slept quietly again...
And at this time I was going uphill
Soldier, he walked and died...

They returned... And the graves...
The mothers' last groan is in them...
The landing is coming! He's full of power
Guys, bow to you.

Demobilization soon

Demobilization soon...
It's August outside.
The sergeant grins slyly.
I know
That he "likes" me
The meager words will be heard again.
The citizen will open her arms to us,
We will spin in a whirlwind of a waltz,
I'll go to college early,
And then until deep darkness.
Eh, sergeant,
I will never forget
These years, or rather two of them.
And the “chebureks” look at me,
And my head is spinning!
Demobilization soon...

You can see real men right away! These are those who served their assigned term and returned from the army! They are distinguished by strength, courage and courage! You also acquired such qualities in the army! Congratulations on your demobilization! Save and increase all the best things you have acquired during your service life!

You are no longer a soldier, it is not for you to fight,
Your demobilization somehow came unexpectedly,
Maybe you were waiting for him, whiled away the night for a long time,
Well, he’s right there - this is a property of time!
All your relatives and friends were waiting for you,
All this for a long time!
Maybe that’s why the army’s time flew by quickly

Didn’t mow down, didn’t run away -
You have repaid your debt to your homeland.
He left when he was just a boy,
Now I have become courageous.
The days went by for a long time. We missed you.
In civilian life they were waiting for you.
We wish you complete relaxation!
Then find a better job.
Love, success, joy, good luck
On your new life path!

Hooray! Finally in civilian life!
Not a single “Rise!” is heard. and not a “lights out!”
It was not a boy who returned, but a stately man.
Soldier, son, brother - we are proud of you.
We wish you to celebrate your demobilization well,
Gather friends for festive table.
Let's celebrate the end of everyday life in the army:
Today we drink only for you!

A year has flown by.
Now you are a proud Dembel.
But recently I was a greenhorn.
All the joys of military life
You lived like just a moment!
You've served, go out and have fun.
Advise your friends and be an example.
And the girl who waited

Today you returned home, having honorably fulfilled your duty to the Motherland, giving your best years youth in the country in which he grew up! This is something to be proud of! After all, thanks to such defenders, peace reigns on earth! For a peaceful sky above your head, for real defenders!

Congratulations on your demobilization! Now you can rightfully be called a man and all the gifts for February 23 are now rightfully yours!
I wish you a nice walk with friends and some civilians when you come to civilian life!

Here you are at home, soldier! Military service is behind us! You have matured, become handsome, strong and slender! Girls can't take their eyes off you! And you know, while you served, we slept peacefully, because we were sure that the defense of the Motherland was in good hands - your hands! Thank you for this, soldier!

That's it, it's over, guys, we've had enough
We served our homeland honestly,
We were cheerful soldiers
They didn’t worry about anything in the world.

Through the rain and snowstorms,
Rising at night by order,
We hit the target with landmines
And I’ve been “smeared” more than once.

Today, drink in any quantity, because you have served a year...
You paid your debt, you didn’t wait in the bushes!
Let him limit himself to mineral water, the one who mowed down from the army,
I didn’t shave my heads, I didn’t make people angry, I didn’t wear underpants or a helmet!

Posts 1 - 11 from 11

That's all, the service rushed by,
The joyful demobilization has arrived.
During this time you are very
He has changed, matured.

Remember your friends at work,
Take care of the memory in your heart.
All knowledge gained
Save it for years.

Finally you've waited
You deserve your demobilization.
You shot great
You served in the army.

We admire you
You are an example for all men.
You will protect me from troubles, from wars,
You will even go into battle alone.

We believe that in civilian life
Great success awaits you.
May fate give gifts,
Be an example to everyone.

Congratulations on your demobilization! Although once a soldier is always a soldier, it is nevertheless a wonderful event that makes you rejoice. Let it bring only good emotions. We also wish not to get too drunk about this, because someone will have to protect us in the future.

The desired demobilization has arrived,
Congratulations on that.
At a new stage of life
I only wish you happiness.

May the army years
They will leave a mark on the soul,
In your life in places
Everything will be clearly laid out.

Here we are, finally waiting:
Military service is over.
You've already been demobilized
Well trained.

For you now there is freedom,
Not army concerns.
Girls, friends, work
Or study (if hunting).

Congratulations on this day,
We drink to your health.
You are a demobilizer, not a soldier.
Everyone here is happy about this.

We welcome you home
Congratulations to you today.
Let peace reign in your heart -
We wish this today.

You repaid your debts to your Motherland
And now he has returned home.
Let's raise a glass to you,
That he did not bend under the winds.

We wish you now
Further victories and good luck,
Love and happiness for a hundred years,
To solve everything in life.

You have been waiting for this day for a long time, you have dreamed about it.
This joyful day has finally arrived.
Congratulations on your demobilization, our dear soldier,
You served your Motherland, we are proud of you!
He grew up and matured, he appreciated friendship and loyalty,
We wish you happiness in civilian life, may you have enough strength for everything!

So the demobilization has come,
You've been waiting for him so much
Relax, walk as you want,
You have become a man.

You are a support for the family,
The pride of mom and dad
In the meantime, walk, dance,
Don't be sad one bit.

You are another stage
I have overcome in life,
With demobilization and let everything be,
Just the way you wanted.

Your service is over,
I congratulate you on this event,
A big family is waiting for you at home,
I wish you joy, peace.

May your days be bright,
Let troubles, bad weather go away,
They are going home for demobilization, “Hurray” for them,
To you, friend, great happiness!

The years have flown by and now we're home,
Where they wait for you with love and hope,
So may peace and goodness be with you,
And in civilian life the sun shines gently!

Good work for the soul,
And a girl to call my beloved,
May your days and nights be good
We are protected from troubles and grief by the Lord!

Let there be a wedding, let the children go,
And joy will fill the house without a trace,
Confident and firm way of life,
And everything is fine and in order!

Congratulations! You, soldier,
I was very happy about demobilization.
Now he deserves peace
Yes, it’s a fighting spirit,
Daring, mischievous.
And you keep your spirits up,
After all, you will need it.
Promise not to get too proud
Be strong, believe in luck,
... never be a hypocrite,
Rarely get angry, be yourself,
Control your destiny.

Goodbye, dear checkpoint,
We can't sit on Guba anymore...
Goodbye brother
The service has ended
Now it's a forced march to the station.
For the dream of every soldier - Dembel!

Son, we missed you
Every day while I served!
They only knew from letters
How did you live during this time?
The long-awaited happened -
Coming home
Where nothing has changed
Where there is always comfort and peace!

As old man Suvorov said: -
- “Drink, soldiers! Demobilization soon!
Summer will soon change to winter
And you will see your dear home!
In the meantime, let you dream
Lights out with a gorgeous girl!
Demobilization is rushing! Demobilization is nearby!
See you soon for demobilization!
Soon you will drink and fall in love
Two years of waiting!
Today you wear shoulder straps,
And tomorrow the carriages are rushing home!

The fast train is rushing towards the house.
He flew home like a bird.
I flew in like a bird.
He took off his shoulder straps and buttonholes
And I already managed to get drunk -
Demobilization. A - a.
He took off his shoulder straps and buttonholes,
And I already managed to get drunk -

Hooray! Finally in civilian life!
You can't hear a single "Rise!" and not “All clear!”
It was not a boy who returned, but a stately man.
Soldier, son, brother - we are proud of you.
We wish you to celebrate your demobilization well,
Gather friends at the festive table.
Let's celebrate the end of everyday life in the army:
Today we drink only for you!

Demobilization is inevitable, even if you crack!
You will return to the land of your native willow trees,
Placing it in the most visible place
You won’t even have time to take a sip of vodka,
And already outside the windows there is a crowd -
Local girls will gather,
To stare at you with their eyes.
You will tell them the holy truth,
Like, what a horror I got myself into -
A grenade exploded under my feet,
The parachute did not open in the sky...
The people will come running endlessly,
You won’t know where to sit whom.
And familiar guys will come in,
What they were able to get out of the service.
They will ask about everything in detail,
Having, however, pretended to be indifferent, -
Looking with envy at the mystery
Awesome demobilization outfit.

Demobilization soon...
It's August outside.
The sergeant grins slyly.
I know
That he "likes" me
The meager words will be heard again.
The citizen will open her arms to us,
We will spin in a whirlwind of a waltz,
I'll go to college early,
And then until deep darkness.
Eh, sergeant,
I will never forget
These years, or rather two of them.
And the “chebureks” look at me,
And my head is spinning!
Demobilization soon...

You are no longer a soldier, it is not for you to fight,
Your demobilization somehow came unexpectedly,
Maybe you were waiting for him, whiled away the night for a long time,
Well, he’s right there - this is a property of time!
All your relatives and friends were waiting for you,
All this for a long time!

Didn't mow down, didn't run away -
You have repaid your debt to your homeland.
He left when he was just a boy,
Now I have become courageous.
The days went by for a long time. We missed you.
In civilian life they were waiting for you.
We wish you complete relaxation!
Then find a better job.
Love, success, joy, good luck
On your new life path!

A year has flown by.
Now you are a proud Dembel.
But recently I was a greenhorn.
All the joys of military life
You lived like just a moment!
You've served, go out and have fun.
Advise your friends and be an example.
And the girl who waited