How long to hold positions intraday. Delayed ejaculation - is it harmful and how best to keep it? How long did it last?

If you look back into the centuries, when people were just learning the delights of the primitive communal system, you can notice one small detail: men were constantly busy with war and hunting. They didn't care at all whether their women had orgasms or not.

A few minutes of sex and a quick orgasm― the optimal fertilization option specifically for the generation of offspring, embedded in our genes. Nowadays, the need for this form of survival of humanity as a species has disappeared, and partners are constantly looking for ways to improve sexual techniques.

Values ​​have changed- now it is very important for a man to develop the ability to not cum for a long time.

Causes of premature ejaculation

In addition to the natural factors that make quick orgasm a harsh reality, there are many reasons for this “unfortunate misunderstanding.”

First of all, you need to understand that rapid ejaculation is not a disease. Premature ejaculation is a consequence of the influence of negative factors or diseases on your body. Therefore, when it appears, it is best to undergo a full medical examination.

The causes of premature ejaculation are divided into psychological and functional (physiological).



Psychological reasons:

Irregular sex or very long abstinence;

An environment that is atypical for a man (for example, sex in the bushes, instead of the usual sofa or bed);

Excessive sexual arousal (for example, caused by a new partner);

Relatively little sexual experience, or complete absence thereof;

Functional (physiological) reasons

The functional (physiological) causes of premature ejaculation are various diseases of the pelvic organs, as well as all those organs and systems that are directly or indirectly involved in the process of a man exercising his sexual function. Such reasons include:

The presence of a pathological focus of overexcitation, affecting the functions of ejaculation and urination and characteristic of paracentral lobule syndrome;

Inflammation of the seminal tubercles (they are the ones responsible for ejaculation);

Spinal hernia, multiple sclerosis and osteochondrosis can also cause premature ejaculation;

Hypersensitivity of the head of the male penis;

Inflammatory processes occurring in the genital organs;

What to do if you discover premature ejaculation

First of all, undergo a complete medical examination.

Give a qualified specialist the opportunity to identify the cause of this pathology and prescribe treatment. It is the doctor who will be able to understand which of the three types of treatment is most suitable for you:

Operational solution method problem is the very last thing you should rely on when looking for an answer to the question “How long can it take to not cum?” The scalpel of an experienced surgeon will certainly do the job, however, there is a danger of getting erectile dysfunction as a result of the operation. Of course, if the reason for the quick “finish” is a disease that can only be treated surgically, then this method is the only way out. Surgical methods of solving the problem also include circumcision. By the way, circumcision is one of the quite effective methods of combating premature ejaculation. When the foreskin, which protects the head of the penis, is removed, the skin of the latter quickly becomes rough, which reduces the sensitivity of the nerve endings located in it.

Psychological help can be an excellent cure for the problem discussed in this article in cases where premature ejaculation occurs for a psychological reason.

Conservative method involves treatment with tablets, sprays and other medications. Today, this method is one of the most effective and safest ways to solve the problem of rapid ejaculation. Below, I will describe the main drugs that allow you to not cum for a long time, and also to maintain “combat readiness” for a long time.

As for folk remedies for increasing the duration of sexual intercourse, I would recommend using them as a preventive measure for the disease. In this case, it is better to use those recipes that have a calming effect without affecting the genitals.

If premature ejaculation is the result of hypersensitivity of the glans penis, then try using a condom. Its rubber will serve as an additional layer between the nerve endings and the “environment”.

How long to not cum.
Traditional methods

With the development of civilization, such a concept as “female orgasm” appeared and became firmly rooted in human consciousness. Now the sight of an unsatisfied woman causes psychological discomfort in a man. “How to make sure you don’t cum for a long time?” - this question has been worrying the strong half of humanity for a long time. Many folk methods of combating early ejaculation have appeared. Here are a couple of examples:

Regular consumption of soothing (mint, lemon balm) and tonic (ginseng root) teas;

Constant consumption of raw pumpkin seeds strengthens the sex glands.

A serious disadvantage of folk methods of combating rapid male orgasm is that most of them are purely individual, and do not always work. Scientists managed to solve this problem much more effectively.

How long to not cum.
Pharmacological methods

Today there are two most effective ways
how to stop cumming for a long time using pharmacology.

The active ingredient of the drug is Benzocaine. It dulls the sensitivity of the nerve endings of the penis and thus prolongs sexual intercourse.

If you decide to buy Maxman cream, then all you need to do is spread it on the head of the penis 10 minutes before intercourse and voila. The standard two or three minutes turn into a half-hour celebration of pleasure! If you have contraindications to benzocaine, then the second method is best suited for you.

The drug was developed relatively recently, but has already proven itself well on the world market. By blocking the reuptake of serotonin, it significantly prolongs sexual intercourse.

Having bought generic dapoxetine, take it 40-45 minutes before the start of intercourse - and enjoy long and close communication with your partner. One tablet a day is enough for you to forget about a quick orgasm forever.

Both of the above drugs act solely to prolong sex while maintaining sexual function. But scientists, having gained a taste, did not stop there. Subsequently, they managed to create combination drugs that can not only prolong the time of sexual intercourse, but also provide long-lasting or regular erections.

How long to not cum.
What do we offer?

Do you want to be known as a sexual giant among women? As easy as pie! Taking combination drugs, you can have sex all night long - and be ready to do it again and again!

If you think even a little about whether your partner enjoyed sex, then this drug is exactly what you need. The same sildenafil and dapoxetine, but in slightly different proportions, will provide you with a hard erection and long sex. This combination of components will help your partner relax and receive mutual pleasure. By using Super P-FORCE, you can find out what a satisfied and grateful woman is capable of.

It can be considered the most important component of normal relationships between partners in their intimate life. It is her condition that is the basis for high-quality and healthy sex. This reflection of men's physical condition varies. With a rapid erection, sex ends at the stage of premature ejaculation, which is not the norm in intimate relationships. With a long erection, both partners achieve maximum pleasure from sex. Therefore, the intimate life of both representatives of the stronger half of humanity and women of their equal sex partners depends on whether men have a quick or long erection.

What causes a long erection

Erection in men is a physiological phenomenon due to which their reproductive organ becomes larger and harder. That is, at the time of the described state, the male body is conditioned by a number of processes that are considered quite normal for men at a certain age.

Erection is something that really bothers most modern men. And there is nothing strange in this, since erection is one of the most striking reflections of the state of physical and, very importantly, mental health. The modern lifestyle is very often over-stressful, which negatively affects erections. The causes of problems can be very different - stress, illness, problems in personal relationships, at work, and so on. One of the most important questions that worries modern men is how to prolong an erection. Often it is an erection that does not last as long as we would like that leads to the fact that both the man and the woman remain dissatisfied.

How to extend erection time? It's possible. There are several ways, and if you follow them, everything will be fine.

Whatever method is used to prolong an erection, you need to learn self-control, for this you need to train regularly.

Ways to prolong an erection

What else can you do?

In order to prevent premature termination of an erection, you can use various types of medications that are intended to treat erectile dysfunction. They eliminate the main cause of weak erection - insufficient blood flow to the head of the penis. Such medications act as follows: as soon as a man becomes aroused, blood flow into the genital organ begins, and the outflow is blocked. As a result of this process, an increase and prolongation of erection occurs.

Those representatives of the stronger sex who are afraid of reproductive effects from their use should know that they only act when sexual arousal occurs. You can take special vitamins to stimulate erection, as well as various folk remedies - decoctions, tinctures, and so on, very often they are effective.

In order to prolong your erection, you need to follow a few very simple rules:

  1. No matter how trivial it may sound, you should give up bad habits such as smoking and alcohol abuse. There is no need to talk about drugs.
  2. In order for men to have an erection in order, it is very important to have regular sex life, since long-term abstinence has never led anyone to anything good.
  3. Devices for restoring erectile dysfunction can be used, but before doing so it is very important to read the instructions, as there are various contraindications.

In the search for ways to prolong an erection, men find many miraculous recipes: medicinal drugs, decoctions of medicinal herbs, physical exercises.

Every man at some point in his life thinks about how to prolong his erection. Numerous videos of sexual subjects show the indescribable power of the actors. The duration of an erection is calculated in hours. Men don’t think about the possibilities of editing and begin to look for ways to bring themselves closer to film actors. Prolonging the time of sexual intercourse worries both partners of sexual relations.

Rapid ejaculation that occurs in men stops sexual intimacy and does not allow one to fully enjoy the joy of intimacy. Such relationships leave a woman unsatisfied. Men develop a failure complex. Both partners begin to get nervous and angry. Often they begin to move away from each other, disappointment.

Among the methods that help increase the time of sexual intercourse and increase potency, there are many useful and interesting ones. Medicine has something to offer for men. There are opportunities to solve the problem by changing lifestyle and diet. Many recipes offer folk secrets of herbalists and healers.

Urologists advise:

  • Properly distribute energy throughout the day. A man often spends the maximum amount of energy on work and sports. With the correct distribution of the load, in the evening he will be full of strength and desire to meet a woman.
  • Reduced sexual excitability. If your partner is very emotional, fast and harsh, special physical exercises will help him. Their regularity will relieve the body's excitability and calm it down. A sexual encounter after tension is relieved will last longer, be calmer and more enjoyable.
  • Choosing the right frequency of intimate meetings. Every couple is individual. Their intimacy mode depends on many factors. Doctors have noticed that the frequency or absence of sexual intercourse negatively affects potency. You need to choose the best option - the one in which both partners will be satisfied. Refusal of regular intimacy will lead to rapid ejaculation, as will frequent sexual intercourse.

Testosterone deficiency test

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A testosterone test is important for many representatives of the stronger half. Many men are familiar with concepts such as impotence and erectile dysfunction, but not everyone knows that these problems can arise due to a lack of the hormone testosterone in the body.

A testosterone test in men can be done independently at home. This is a very important hormone, thanks to it it maintains libido, controls erection, improves mental abilities, increases the quality, quantity and motility of sperm, and has a positive effect on the growth of muscle tissue. A testosterone hormone test will help a man assess the condition of the reproductive system.

A test for testosterone deficiency can be carried out even before going to a specialist; if the results cast doubt, you need to visit a urologist and get tested for hormones. This testosterone level test is not a substitute for seeing a doctor.

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Time is over

    Everything is fine!

    Symptoms are not expressed. Everything is fine. Preventing problems with strong male power requires a minimum of time.

    You are experiencing moderate symptoms.

    Symptoms are of moderate severity. You urgently need to reconsider your lifestyle. Regularly practice techniques for natural restoration of potency.

    You need to contact a specialist.

    Symptoms are severe, seek medical help. Natural recovery techniques should be used as maintenance therapy in conjunction with drug treatment.

  1. With answer
  2. With a viewing mark

  1. Task 1 of 17

    Deterioration in well-being and general condition (general health, subjective sensations)

  2. Task 2 of 17

    Joint and muscle pain (lower back pain, joint pain, lower back pain, pain throughout the back)

  3. Task 3 of 17

    Excessive sweating (unexpected/sudden periods of increased sweating, hot flashes, regardless of the degree of exertion)

  4. Task 4 of 17

    Sleep problems (difficulty falling asleep, staying asleep, waking up early, feeling tired, poor sleep, insomnia)

  5. Task 5 of 17

    Increased need for sleep, frequent feeling of fatigue

  6. Task 6 of 17

    Irritability (feeling aggressive, irritated over trifles, despondency)

  7. Task 7 of 17

    Nervousness (internal tension, fussiness, restlessness)

  8. Task 8 of 17

    Anxiety (panic attacks)

  9. Task 9 of 17

    Physical exhaustion/loss of vitality (general decrease in performance, decreased activity, decreased self-esteem)

  10. Task 10 of 17

    Decreased muscle strength

  11. Task 11 of 17

    Depression (feeling low, sad, tearful, lack of stimulation, mood swings, feeling worthless)

  12. Task 12 of 17

    The feeling that the peak of life has passed

  13. Task 13 of 17

    Emptyness, feeling of “reaching the end”

  14. Task 14 of 17

    Reducing beard growth

  15. Task 15 of 17

    Decreased ability and frequency of sexual relations

  16. Task 16 of 17

    Decreased number of morning erections

  17. Task 17 of 17

    Decreased sexual desire/libido (lack of pleasure from sex, lack of desire for sexual intercourse)

Manufacturers of medications have developed a huge number of products that can extend the time of sex for men. The range of such assistants is very wide and varied. Their use requires a preliminary examination to identify the cause of rapid erection.

  1. Dietary supplements. Nutritional supplements are generally rated only by manufacturers. They promise results, effects and various positive aspects. Most often, men experience only the placebo effect. The dietary supplements include ginseng and amino acids. Well-known and popular additives are Veromak, Vuka-Vuka. They contain important plant components that are natural aphrodisiacs. The endurance of the male body increases, and a long-term relationship occurs.
  2. Inhibitor series drugs. They cause excitement, increase potency, and increase sensitivity. The use of medications is not recommended for everyone. The effectiveness of the tablets is high, but short-lived. In addition, drugs have side effects and consequences. The possibility of taking them is limited by serious diseases of the heart and stomach.
  3. Vitamins. They stimulate and increase potency. They increase the time of intimacy and help prolong an erection.
  4. Erectors. These sexual assistants are not very common due to the inconvenience of use. You need to be able to dress them and perform sexual intercourse with him correctly.

Simple renewal methods

The methods are most often based on self-control, characteristic of men. But it needs to be trained regularly, to accustom the body to the duration of intimate actions.

  1. Deep breath. As you approach the end of sexual intercourse, you can simply take a deep breath. Such a clear method may not work on the first try; it needs to be trained. When you breathe deeply, the time to erection increases. There are systems for teaching proper breathing and breathing regulation.
  2. Clamping the head. As an erection approaches, the man squeezes the head. The male organ does not lose readiness, sexual intercourse is not completed. The feeling of orgasm recedes, the penis remains in a tense working state. You need to orient yourself and squeeze the head sharply, but without pain. Causing it can lead to the fall of the penis, it will be difficult to return it to sex. Some people train their penis to be curled rather than squeezed.
  3. Testicular retraction. Before the orgasm comes, the testicles are clamped. They need to be pulled back, and this will prolong the erection. The time for sexual play will increase.
  4. Change of posture. The method can be represented as follows: the penis is inserted, sexual intercourse takes place. Then the penis is removed, the location of the partners changes, and the intimate relationship is resumed. This is repeated several times.

There are special pills that prolong erectile function. The main and most famous remedy is Viagra. It helps a man and prolongs the time of pleasure and sexual intercourse. Another remedy is Cialis. It has its advantages over popular tablets. Cialis supports sexual activity for a long time – up to 36 hours.

There is no need to wait until the drug begins to take effect; it appears almost immediately. Cialis does not react to alcoholic beverages and does not have a negative effect on the body. All tablets for stimulating and prolonging erections are based on a special substance - a generic. It activates blood flow and increases blood pressure inside the genital organ. As a result of the action of the drugs, a stable, long-term connection occurs.

The negative aspects of medications are that they are quickly addictive. Frequent use leads to dependence of sexual desire on the dose of the drug. Most men give up on independent striving; they wait for a push from the action of the drug. This is a psychological factor. In fact, doctors have proven the body's resistance to drugs to enhance sensitivity.

Tablets, like any medicine, should be taken after consultation with a specialist. They have a number of contraindications, so their use can lead to exacerbation of other diseases.

Traditional recipes:

  1. Mint juice. Menthol, which is part of the medicinal plant, will soothe and prolong the intimate relationship. They are advised to wipe the penis before sexual intercourse, to allow time for absorption and impact on the nerve endings.
  2. Raspberry and currant leaves. Feliamine, contained in the leaves of shrubs, inhibits and reduces excitability. Orgasm will come later, it will give you the opportunity to enjoy the meeting, to slowly become aroused.
  3. Tincture of cornflower flowers. The field plant contains centaurine, which will help control erections and prolong sex.
  4. Oak bark. A decoction of medicinal bark is slow but effective. The result will come when you take the tincture for several days, but it will not last one specific time, but for a long time.

If a man wants to prolong an erection and increase potency, he simply chooses a set of various measures. Changes lifestyle, nutrition, chooses a folk recipe, medicine. The main thing is to have a desire to fix the problem. It is better if a woman is his friend and assistant in this.

According to statistics, approximately 150,000,000 men around the world face problems with potency. One of them is short-term sexual intercourse. This brings a lot of problems. A man experiences a certain discomfort and becomes unsure of himself. Difficulties begin in the relationship. Medications that prolong sexual intercourse will help cope with all this. How do they work?

Types of drugs and their main features

There are several types of pills that help prolong sexual intercourse:

  1. Phosphodiesterase inhibitors No. 5. Helps increase blood circulation in the male genital organ. Thanks to this, potency improves and erection prolongs.
  2. NO synthase activators. They have the same effect as the previous type. But there is one difference. They do not affect the cardiovascular system in any way. Improved blood circulation occurs due to relaxation of the muscle walls. They also increase libido and increase the duration of intercourse.
  3. Testosterone. This group of drugs includes hormonal pills. They are very effective, but in some cases they are strictly contraindicated for use.
  4. Homeopathic remedies. Most often these are dietary supplements based on medicinal plant extracts. They have a cumulative effect. The main difference between such drugs is the almost complete absence of contraindications and side effects.

Whatever group a drug for prolonging sexual intercourse belongs to, it must meet several basic requirements:

  1. The drug must be absolutely safe for men's health.
  2. The second requirement is the absence of addiction.
  3. The tablets should improve blood circulation in the pelvis.
  4. During treatment, sexual desire should increase.
  5. It would be nice if the medicine had an additional effect on the body, for example, it relieved inflammatory processes.

Only a doctor can choose the right drug that is suitable for each individual man.

Tablets to enhance potency and prolong sexual intercourse after taking enter the stomach. Next they pass through the small intestine, liver and kidneys.

That is why there are several contraindications to their use:

  1. Problems with blood clotting and tendency to bleed.
  2. Age up to 18 years.
  3. Simultaneous treatment with drugs that contain nitrates.
  4. Individual intolerance to one of the components included in a particular product.
  5. Allergy.
  6. Epilepsy and other psychoneurological disorders.
  7. Malignant neoplasms and any other oncological diseases.
  8. Hypotension (low blood pressure).
  9. Disturbances in the gastrointestinal tract.
  10. Pathologies of the urinary system.

If you ignore contraindications, you may encounter serious complications or side effects.

Here are some of them:

  • problems with immunity;
  • headache;
  • dizziness;
  • heart failure;
  • tachycardia;
  • stomach upset;
  • bowel dysfunction, such as constipation;
  • pain during erection;
  • swelling of the nasal mucosa;
  • disturbances in color perception;
  • excessive sensitivity of the eyeball to light.

If these conditions occur, you should stop taking the drug immediately and consult a doctor.

Illustrative examples

There are several types of pills to prolong sexual intercourse, which are used most often by men.


Greetings, friends.

The issue of maintaining a trading position is relevant at all times.

This topic is very closely related to trading style, so first I will answer the question of what trading style I follow.

The answer is very simple, but most likely it will seem quite unusual to you. None!

People often like to put some labels on themselves and others, they like to defend their life principles to the point of fighting, to prove something to someone, and, in the end, to live their whole lives in a certain way, afraid to go beyond comfort.

The same applies to trading. One wears the skin of a bear, the other - a bull. Some say they are a day trader, while others proudly claim to be a swing trader.

Almost all analysts push themselves into a certain framework, defending their point of view and doing everything possible to prove to others and the market who is really right.

So, friends, if you don’t learn to make forecasts in the near future, then you will be considered duds. After all, what kind of trader are you if you can't even tell where the market will be in a week or a month? But don’t worry, I’m a dummy too :) So you shouldn’t be offended.

Any forecasts make it difficult to quickly respond to the changing market situation. As they say, “forecasts are a ignoble business.” And I really agree with this. Why do you need to prove anything to someone? The main thing is to be flexible and be able to quickly adapt to an ever-changing market.

You should not exit a position simply because the market has passed 500 points or because the risk/reward ratio of 1 to 5 has been met. You should exit a position when the struggle begins and the market, for example, after a strong rally, shows signs of weakness. Or the price has reached a certain very important level, a quick breakdown of which is unlikely.

It is with this attitude towards trading that transactions will be justified. You don't need to make any predictions. Always try to find an entry point into the market with minimal risk to your deposit and try to hold the position open for as long as the market allows you.

It doesn’t matter what lot you trade.

You can use a simple technique I call “OCM” or “Become a Millionaire”. Those. both when opening and closing a position, you must think in the category of big money, the category of a big player, a hedge fund.

Don't just leave the market. Visualize that you are in a position with a large lot and a lot depends on the correctness of your decision. I think you yourself understand perfectly well that with such an attitude towards trading, you will begin to act more carefully, and your transactions will become more conscious.

Trading 1 contract with every second closing a position and constantly convincing yourself that this was the last time and this situation will not happen again in the future is a path to nowhere, because in this case, the wrong attitude takes root in the subconscious every day.

As a result, when you trade a large lot, you will make banal mistakes of early exit, you will not make a profit, and, as a result, any series of losses will unsettle you (this is a question of psychology).

Accordingly, when they ask me how long I open a position, I cannot answer unequivocally, because today a reasonable exit may form in a couple of hours, and in the next trade I will keep the position open for several days.

Therefore, I try not to classify myself as any type of trader, I try not to label myself as an intraday or medium-term trader.

It is better to concentrate on developing the skill of understanding the market, understanding its rhythms, movements, identifying situations when a stop or reversal is possible.

That's all for today. I hope you found today's article helpful.

Share your thoughts and ideas in the comments below.

Good luck with your trading and good mood.

Sincerely, Alexander Shevelev.