Congratulations on the 60th anniversary to my husband's mother. Eyeliner to the competition portrait of the birthday girl

You are 60 today,
And everyone will want to congratulate.
But before everyone else I will congratulate
My dear mommy!

Always be healthy
And never be sad
Over the years, mom, don't get old
And only wonderfully younger!

A little sad, but nice
Always celebrate your anniversary,
And let the years go by forever,
You don't have to count them.
Today you are 60, dear mom,
With all our hearts we wish you good and happiness,
Be happy forever
Beautiful and young, of course.

Sixty knocked on the door today
But they were surprised how they got there,
When you went out, mom, to meet them,
So they almost fainted.

Beautiful, energetic, cheerful,
Cozy home and lush feast,
"Probably not there, but everything is ...",
But those sixty met with love.

After all, they all contained: the lightness of youth,
And the first love, and the baby,
Embrace happiness, joys and difficulties,
And dear voices of grandchildren.

And happy anniversary, dear, dear,
We want to congratulate you now,
We wish you good health
Congratulations from us!

My good mom
Happy 60th birthday, happy anniversary
I hurry to congratulate you,
And I hasten to wish you soon
So that you never feel sad again
Having chased away troubles and sorrows from the house!
May your fate be happy
So that the path of success, luck illuminates!

For us, your holiday is just a date,
Just a reason for a gift.
Don't think about the years, mom,
They are neither cold nor hot.
Take a look around - you are so loved!
And even in these 60
You, as always, are irresistible
Your look shines with cheerfulness.
So happy birthday, happy anniversary!
You will never grow old!

Sincere congratulations to mom on her 60th birthday

Our dear mother,
Celebrating 60.
You keep in our house
You are always peace and harmony.

You are an example for us in many ways,
Attractive, smart.
You are talented from God.
Mom is the best, wife.

We wish you happiness
Be active, groovy,
Warm up in moments of grief
Affectionate soul.

Mommy, my dear,
Happy birthday to you, I congratulate you
Sixty - today you have
I send wishes to you.

For your good - I bow low,
In an unpaid debt to you,
And never pay for it, I know
You have taught goodness to live in the world.

With all my soul I wish you health
Live happy for a long time, do not get sick,
Great-grandchildren to nurse you, I know
You can never grow old with them.

We will drive away the evil old age,
Let's meet a new dawn:
Six dozen kisses
I'll give it to my dear mother.
The most beloved man -
This day and this hour
Apologize to mom
That they did not obey at times
For offensive words
And for being stubborn ...
Now I know, mom,
You were always right!

Happy anniversary, dear mother! You are exactly 60 today!
Even though the years run stubbornly, you are not afraid to lose time!
You still look at children with love,
All the same kindness can not be exhausted!

So let your soul know no pain
We are your children, we will help you in this!
We wish you good health, mood,
To please everyone around with smiles!

Forget about all the problems and worries
May wisdom-faithful friend be near!
Congratulations on your anniversary today
Everyone who came here tell you with a soul!
And they want one thing for you, you remain only yourself!

Sixty today to mom dear.
A worthy and wonderful anniversary.
Stay young for a long time
Less rainy days, more clear ones,
So that there are more of them in my mother's fate,
Many years of health and fun,
The sun is cheerful, and the spring is ringing,
Joy and happiness without a doubt.
With our hearts we wish dear mother
Live long for the joy of children, grandchildren,
Sixty is not old age, golden age,
And let there be no separation in your fate.

I multiply six by ten
One cannot take away from life.
Congratulations on the round date
And I want to wish:

Long years, health, happiness.
Don't wear glasses a lot
Hear the word "hello" more often.
Happy birthday mommy!

Anniversary of beloved mother -
Date with number sixty.
You will be the most beautiful
Let the years fly back.

Let there be a lot of health
Every day brings joy.
Troubles will not dare to touch
Let life pass happily.

Mom dear, happy anniversary!
Sixty is not a reason to lose heart.
You look at you - you won't believe:
Beauty cannot be taken away over the years.
The main thing is that there is a mood
To live and create.
Let the unnecessary worries go
And they don't interfere with being happy!

Mommy you are 60 today
A new start in your life
You are still young
And beautiful and wise.

I wish to be loved
Beauty, success, happiness,
Days to you full of health
Amazingly beautiful!

Congratulations to mom 60 years old from her son, daughter

Happy anniversary
My dear mother,
Be healthy dear
I want to wish you

Do not worry in vain
Never lose heart
Be beautiful, be lovely
And happy at sixty!

To you, our dear,
Only sixty.
Your soul is more and more beautiful
And the look is warmer.

Therefore praised
Worked day and night
Was always ready
You help everyone

And you taught us
Work and love
And we, like you, strive
Help people be

You gave us years
Sincere warmth
And through all adversity
Always led forward.

To you, beloved mother,
The only one, dear,
Our congratulations helmet
And our bow to the earth.

Mommy has an anniversary
I'll pour the wine soon.
We will sit with you
And from life, straight to bastard.
Sixty good date
She is rich in surprises.

Happiness awaits you ahead
And the failure is behind.
Happy anniversary, my dear mother,
For me, you are the dearest

Mommy, we sincerely congratulate you,
From one of the best dates
We wish to live up to a hundred years in health,
Not knowing sorrow and loss.

60 is a wonderful age,
Spring is blooming in my soul, as before,
Let the years multiply health
Let fate be happy.

Now drops are ringing for you
Roses are blooming for you today
You're in luck, mommy, believe me
And chase the tears from your cheeks.

After all, 60 is a wonderful anniversary
And for you only the sun is shining
Do not be shy before a new test
Let Fortune accompany you!

And let today only for you
The winds sing and the grass rustles
You, mom, are the best in the world for me
I wish you wisdom, goodness!

Mommy beloved, dear,
I congratulate you on your anniversary!
Wonderful age - 60,
Your eyes burn with joy!

I hasten to wish you
Be happy, do not lose heart
And don't be sick, mommy, never
I promise to always be there!

I don't know where to start congratulations,
After all, there is so much you want to wish out loud
And express my gratitude to you
For what you gave me in this life!

Thank you, dear mommy, for the affection,
For gentle hands, for a children's tale,
For the life that you once gave me
For raising me all those years!

Be happy, mommy, for many years
And I will drive away all adversity from you.
You are only happy, mommy, be.
And light and long may your path be!

A long-awaited holiday in the house -
Our mom is 60!
Happiness beats with a fountain
Let your eyes shine.

Don't grow old in soul, dear,
Have fun and sing songs
Smile illuminating
A world of magical beauty.

It's easy for us with your love
To live in a mad bustle.
Strength to you, goodness, health.
Always be on top!

You are 60 today, and everyone will want to congratulate. But before everyone else I will congratulate, my dear mommy! You always be healthy And never be sad, Over the years, mom, do not get old, But only wonderfully young!

Mommy, you are with every anniversary
Everything is dearer, more beautiful for me.
It seems that we are even dearer
Nearby now day by day.
Let summer sparkle in your eyes
Even though winter is not far away.
Know that you will always be warm
By the fire of home warmth.

Big anniversary today, mom,
And what a number - "sixty"!
Let the days fly by
And the major scale plays.
Do the right things
Devote time to what you want
To make up for those days and nights
When she was completely occupied with us.

Today you celebrate a glorious anniversary
Spring is already on the doorstep,
We wish you good health, dear,
Please us for many more - long years.
In your reliable mother's heart
So much tenderness and kindness
Like the sun with your love
We are always warm.

Years fly by like fast water
And they certainly cannot be brought back,
You, like a song, are beautiful, young,
In her beautiful 60.
May there be many good days
To our delight, dear mommy, live
May the road be a long life
Let all your dreams come true.

Sixty is a special date
And you look at us a little with sadness.
Do not be sad, mom, that once
You were younger than you are now.

Youth is a state
The shell has nothing to do with it.
The main thing is to keep desire in the soul,
Get younger all the time, day after day.

We wish you health
And good luck to the whole ocean.
And we hug you so tenderly
Everyone is ready to bring to your feet!

How quickly the years passed
You are sixty today
Whiskey turned a little white
And with sadness a little eyes look.

Don't be sad, don't be sad
It was not in vain that six dozen passed.
After all, there was so much happiness in life,
And of course there is.

Thank you life gave me that you
For the grandchildren entrusted to you,
For all questions and answers
And for the smile on my face.

I want to be healthy
It was you, my dear.
Everything else I'm ready
Buy, dear, for you!

Mommy is sixty today
On this day, solemn and dignified,
So the bright look shines with happiness,
And, of course, there are reasons for that.

Mommy, on your glorious anniversary
May a happy chance come to you
So that in the circle of relatives, among friends,
You have become happy and lucky!

Mom, we always come to you,
If we meet difficulties on the way,
And today we start music
To bring your holiday to the house.

At sixty we wish you
Do not mind yourself,
We kiss you, hug you!
Celebrate this way hundreds of times!

Mommy has an anniversary
I'll pour the wine soon.
We will sit with you
And from life, straight to bastard.

Sixty good date
She is rich in surprises.
Happiness awaits you ahead
And the failure is behind.

Happy anniversary, my dear mother,
For me, you are the dearest.
Forget all the bad things
Let it drag on with magic!

Anniversary of beloved mother -
Date with number sixty.
You will be the most beautiful
Let the years fly back.

Let there be a lot of health
Every day brings joy.
Troubles will not dare to touch
Let life pass happily.

For us, your holiday is just a date,
Just a reason for a gift.
Don't think about the years, mom,
They are neither cold nor hot.
Take a look around - you are so loved!
And even in these 60
You, as always, are irresistible
Your look shines with cheerfulness.
So happy birthday, happy anniversary!
You will never grow old!

I sincerely congratulate my beloved mom,
Let a smile sparkle on your lips
I will instantly wish to achieve cherished goals,
So that everything in life is like in dreams.

So that at sixty you do not miss at all,
Was to make everyone in the world more fun.
Wonderful birthday celebrated
She fulfilled her desires, so that soon.

Ringingly and fervently to laugh,
Envious of everyone around.
So that you remain young, happy,
And just to get rich suddenly.

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Dear mommy, I wish you a happy birthday! I wish you to remain as kind, gentle, caring and loving, so that you always smile, be calm and happy! And may this anniversary be the beginning of a calm and quiet life for you, devoid of problems and worries!

Mom dear, happy anniversary!
Sixty is not a reason to lose heart.
You look at you - you won't believe:
Beauty cannot be taken away over the years.

The main thing is that there is a mood
To live and create.
Let the unnecessary worries go
And they don't interfere with being happy!

Mommy beloved, dear,
I congratulate you on your anniversary!
Wonderful age - 60,
Your eyes burn with joy!

I hasten to wish you
Be happy, do not lose heart
And don't be sick, mommy, never
I promise to always be there!

Mom, don't look at your age
Sixty is a special date
Though the wrinkles on your face
But in soul, as before, you are young!

I love you very much
For me you are my guardian angel,
I wish you many years
Happiness, strength and joyful events.

Congratulations on the anniversary!
And I want to wish
To be so beautiful
You are still twenty five years old.

Mom, be always healthy
Live for many, many years
And with a cheerful smile
You go through life.

Mommy you're only sixty
And that means twice thirty.
Now you're twice as beautiful
Twice as experienced, wiser.

We wish twice as much:
To be twice as young
May your eyes shine twice as happy
May everyone love you twice as much.

Happy birthday, my dear.
Congratulations and I wish you happiness.
After all, you are dearer than anyone to me.
You and I know for sure.

Sixty is far from the limit
A lot of anniversaries are foreseen.
You have so many things ahead of you
That there is no time for alarm.

For us, your holiday is just a date,
Just a reason for a gift.
Don't think about the years, mom,
They are neither cold nor hot.
Take a look around - you are so loved!
And even in these 60
You, as always, are irresistible
Your look shines with cheerfulness.
So happy birthday, happy anniversary!
You will never grow old!

Sixty today to mom.
How to please you?
I came to you with flowers
Look - and not one!

Your grandchildren are on the doorstep
They want to hug you, -
Hands are busy with a gift.
Now we will congratulate!

You are gorgeous today
You are a holiday itself today, mom.
I wish you longevity
Strong spirit, happiness in your pocket.

Gray hair frames
But inside you remain stubborn
A young maiden. And with a trembling voice:
"60 is just a number, mom!"

I don't think there has ever been a mother in the universe who was better than you. I congratulate you on your anniversary, I congratulate you on your birthday and your sixtieth birthday. May this day be joyful and happy for you, like all subsequent days. Joy and happiness to you, the best of all existing mothers.

So the years have passed
Three times yes twenty,
You are still young
Nowhere to go
You are getting more beautiful every day
In this life is sweet.
Well, let's start counting
The new twenty!

Mommy dear
Today is your anniversary.
Dance, my dear.
Dance and don't be shy.

You're 60, I wish
Health worthy of love.
Happy birthday to you
And I ask - you take care of yourself!

Years cannot be returned back.
And you have to try very hard
So as you are at sixty
To be able to look like that at twenty.

For us, you are a mother like dawn.
Like a ray of sunshine and clear.
We wish you many more years!
May your life be beautiful! Today mom is sixty,
And we will please her again.
She is smart, beautiful and modest
Mila, of course, is tender at heart.

We love you so much
And if we need to, we will do it.
We will write a line in your congratulations
And kiss you gently on the cheek.

Mom, this day is special
And I want to wish
To your 60th anniversary fiery
So it went so that we don't forget
The anniversaries that were celebrated earlier
And about those that will be in the distance.
I love you my dear
And I'm always with you, as if I'm light.

We will drive away the evil old age,
Let's meet a new dawn:
Six dozen kisses
I'll give it to my dear mother.

The most beloved man -
This day and this hour
Apologize to mom
That they did not obey at times

For offensive words
And for being stubborn ...
Now I know, mom,
You were always right!

Leave the chores and business
Today is a day off.
And you are at the festive table
And all the relatives are with you.

And everyone wants only good
Words flow like a river.
You are sixty today
Fulfilled for the first time.

And I, as in childhood,
I'll press my cheek against you
My dear mommy,
My guardian angel!

Mom, this day is special
And I want to wish
To your 60th anniversary fiery
So it went so that we don't forget
The anniversaries that were celebrated earlier
And about those that will be in the distance.
I love you my dear
And I'm always with you, as if I'm light.

For us, your holiday is just a date,
Just a reason for a gift.
Don't think about the years, mom,
They are neither cold nor hot.
Take a look around - you are so loved!
And even in these 60
You, as always, are irresistible
Your look shines with cheerfulness.
So happy birthday, happy anniversary!
You will never grow old!

To you, our dear,
Only sixty.
Your soul is more and more beautiful
And the look is warmer.
Therefore praised
Worked day and night
Was always ready
You help everyone
And you taught us
Work and love
And we, like you, strive
Help people be
You gave us years
Sincere warmth
And through all adversity
Always led forward.
To you, beloved mother,
The only one, dear,
Our congratulations helmet
And our bow to the earth.

Sweet mommy! You are 60 years old today, a great date worthy of great respect. All these years you have been by my side, helping in difficult times in such a way that I always felt elated and happy, and not a small helpless child, for which I value you immensely. Your love warmed me in the most difficult moments of my life, because I always knew that my loved one loved me, although the whole familiar world turned upside down around me. Mom, I know you really do not want to grow old, you are still cheerful, cheerful and beautiful. Mommy, old age has not touched your beautiful eyes, it is not you, but she is afraid of you. I love you very much and wish you great health to live for many, many more years!

Dear mommy, dear,
A person is dearer than everyone in the world.
On your anniversary, I wish
Good health forever.

And you are not counting your years
Well, only 6 decades
Go ahead, do not lose heart,
Like the sun, illuminating the dawn for us.

Enjoy life, I beg
Do not be sad for ever
And please live my dear
In the circle of children, not knowing troubles.

Pull the cake out of the oven
Let's bring a hundred gifts,
Let's put sixty candles
On a big beautiful cake.

We know you will forgive us, mom,
That we were stubborn:
We know this business now,
What is the best you wanted.

We understand ourselves
Will live a very long way:
Stay with us mom
I ask - just be!

Fussing in the kitchen in the morning
All in excitement and worries!
After all, please with something tasty
On the anniversary of your family hunt!

Year after year in the eyes of fatigue
And health sometimes fails,
There was too much in life
And not a little is happening.

We are the hope, the support is the children,
And we help you in everything!
You are better for us than anyone else in the world
Congratulations on your anniversary!

Today mom is sixty
And we will please her again.
She is smart, beautiful and modest
Mila, of course, is tender at heart.

We love you so much
And if we need to, we will do it.
We will write a line in your congratulations
And kiss you gently on the cheek.

There is no happiness without love
There is no prosperity without bread,
Be healthy, you are not old,
Happy birthday, grandpa!

The coolest for many years -
It's you, beloved grandfather!
I want to be cheerful
I have not lost my humor, ardor!

Keep it as long as possible
Good habits in yourself:
Joke, fill the world with laughter
And be so charismatic!

I ask you grandfather, promise
To live in the world for a long time and in joy.
I love you, just know.
Fight back disease and old age!

Short congratulations to grandfather for 65 years

Grandpa, you've seen a lot.
Live, do not grieve about the past.
I am proud of you, your medals
Burn with the flame of the soul.

I very, very congratulations,
I love you - you are the best, grandfather,
Health and goodness - without edge!
Greetings from the granddaughter!

The sun is shining in the sky, I'm happy today
I'm going to my grandfather's birthday!
You are the best in the world, funny, groovy
And I am immensely happy that you and I are friends!

Happy birthday, dear grandfather,
You live another 100 years
Be strong and healthy
And forget about the doctors.

Happy birthday, grandpa.
Be healthy, my love.
May sickness and sorrow
The house is bypassed.

Grandpa, my you are the best!
I congratulate you from the bottom of my heart.
In our family, you are a ray of light,
What is in a hurry to warm us all.

Short congratulations on the 65th birthday to grandfather

You are the head of a big family.
We wish you longevity!
Happy birthday dear
Our grandpa, congratulations!

The most wonderful
To grandfather in the world
Let life be a song -
Let the Sun shine in it!

Happy birthday, beloved grandfather!
Let the sadness pass by
May health be strong
The best you are forever.

You are the wisest grandfather
You are already many years old
I wish you happiness,
And many victories!
I love you and I want you
So that you live for a hundred years!

I wish you grandfather
Be healthy until 100 years old,
Any day, like a birthday
Be in a fighting mood.

Short birthday greetings to grandfather 65 years old

You know, grandfather, how to run the ball,
You won't give any mistakes,
Let my granddaughter congratulate you
And wish you longevity!

May God grant you, grandfather, to work,
To give us an example - and we are proud!
And if you can't do something,
Be sure - we will always help!

Grandpa, you are the best
You are the kindest and most powerful
You are a good example for everyone
Where you are - joy and laughter,
We wish you health and many years
We wish you happiness and many victories.

Our grandfather does not know how to be lazy,
Any business is argued in the hands.
Let the soul and heart not grow old
And your name has been famous for centuries!

Grandpa, congratulations
Happy wonderful holiday - birthday,
Smile, never lose heart
Greet your grandchildren with joy.

I know - you are an example for many.
I am proud that you are my grandfather!
I wish you great health,
Long and happy years!

We appreciate gentle hands
Clear eyes favorite light.
Grandchildren wish this day
To live with them for another hundred years!

Short congratulations on the 65th anniversary of your beloved grandfather

Dear, beloved grandfather,
Accept congratulations!
And live another hundred years
Never be discouraged.

You understood me better than anyone since childhood,
You are the most beautiful grandfather on earth!
I wish you many happy years!
And various bounties on your table!

It doesn't matter that the years multiply
That hair turns gray with age!
May the soul be always young
And young souls do not grow old.

Grandpa, is this old age ?!
Age of experience, you are young at heart.
Darling, we are happy to live with you.
Be with us like the sun in spring.

We will come dressed up to grandfather today,
On his birthday we'll sing a song
We promise honestly - not to upset you,
Your grandchildren study only for five!

My beloved grandfather, you know
That thanks to you
As a child, I learned paradise
And self-confidence.
I wish you strength
And wonderful long years
To keep you healthy
And the century would paint my light!

Our venerable head of the family,
My grandpa, that there are no relatives!
I wish that your everyday life
They made you happy!