Congratulatory 50 years old man. Birthday script. The script for the anniversary of the man (50 years old). Happy birthday greetings to a man funny toasts

The representative of the stronger sex is a significant event. After all, usually, it is by this age that a man is already finally building a career, his children grow up and begin to live a full-fledged independent life in the future, he will only consume what he was able to achieve during a long period of his youth. With all this, the man does not want to feel old at all, he is still getting younger, he tries to have fun with friends and relax with his families, but because of his age, to the same extent as it was before, he can no longer do this.

All of the above factors must be taken into account without fail when you choose to congratulate a man on his 50th birthday. The thing is that if you do not choose the right and necessary words, congratulations will be perceived as ordinary. Of course, kind words will be pleasant to the birthday boy, but if you pay attention to the search congratulations on the 50th anniversary of the man the proper amount of time, pick up that would characterize his life and your attitude towards him, then you will be surprised how much this will raise the mood of the hero of the day, how highly he will appreciate your words and how much he will blur from satisfaction with the words he has heard.

The moment you appeared
A star was born in the sky.
And should she glow
Years, up to at least 100.

So that everything in life comes true,
Save your health
And the love that is in your heart
Give it to your loved ones.

We wish you happiness
To grab a lot of luck.
At 50, you know for sure
How beautiful life is to live.

Half a ruble of life rolled up,
And what do you have in the end?
I have not conquered all the peaks,
Not all roads are trodden.

Yes, you still have to plow,
You are wiry, it is not difficult for you.
Yes, you and I still have to drink
At least half a century is possible.

You haven't met the dawn yet
Don't you dare think about the sunset!
With the beginning of all of you,
Let's roll 50 each!

Every guy is ten years old
I wanted to have a bike.
On the twentieth anniversary
They want a home, family, children.

Thirty years is a long time.
The wallet is already full.
By forty, you understand
That you are just beginning to live.

What does a guy need at fifty?
In fact - everything!
Not just a vegetable garden
And the bucks, the villas and the resort!

Well, look how good you are. ,
You literally shine from within
Clever, handsome with his face,
And you play with your muscles.

Relatives and guests vying with each other,
Everyone wants to congratulate you
Here are wishes and toasts,
You are fifty today.

So get better over the years
And there is no other way,
Love, dare, sing more often in your soul,
Be like an exquisite cognac!

Fifty is a round date
A new stage begins
May everything that you once desired
It will be embodied as a result!

Be healthy, loved by a family,
Real good friends
And incomes are large and stable
We wish you an anniversary!

What is fifty?
Just a number in the world of numbers
It would seem that the years fly by
But you, my friend, are cheerful and cheerful.

Good tactician and strategist
You run your business skillfully
To the envy of all your colleagues,
You look boldly into the future.

Health, article, beauty,
You can boast to this day,
And sometimes you catch on yourself
The girls' looks are mischievous.

Congratulations on the anniversary!
I'm worried and sick
For your success always, in everything!
Let ringing laughter fill the house!

Let the wife not find a stash.
And let it be a cool car!
So that every month I have a rest
And he traveled around Europe.

Let no way and never
Trouble will not grieve you.
Happy joyful moments!
And a bank account at one hundred percent!

Our brother has become wise, old.
He is already ready for retirement.
Can't make you start
Like then, up the stairs.

He uses the elevator.
Cuts in demagoguery.
Yes, and sit at the table with us
Not ashamed, it seems.

In general, the old is not a jamb,
Still trying.
He just knows, at fifty
Life is just beginning.

The best of the best man
Today is an anniversary - half a century!
We congratulate you on this,
Of course, we wish you well

May everything that is dear to you
Your destiny accompanies!
Health, happiness and luck
On a wonderful holiday - Birthday!

Like a polished penny
The birthday boy shines.
No guys, it's not like that:
He is already fifty dollars!

Now order a gun
Spinning and flashlight.
Only your desire -
Well, we will give it!

Life experience about you:
You won't drink it, you won't throw it off.
May fate give you
Anything you ask for!

Congratulations on the anniversary! Do not forget that after 50, life is just beginning! After all, now you have worldly wisdom, precious experience and proven friends. A worthy man should go through life boldly, which you do. Do not deviate from the path, be strong in body and soul!

A man at 50 is like cognac, which every year becomes stronger and more expensive. You are an exclusive specimen worth special attention and respect. On your birthday, I wish that every morning begins with an insane desire for vigorous activity, and the day ends with pride in the work done.

5: 0 in your favor! I congratulate you on your anniversary and express my admiration for what you were able to achieve in your very old years. In your 50s, you are doing well and set a worthy example for the younger generation. Your cheerful attitude, sincerity and open soul warm us, who love you and appreciate not only your successes, but also the human kindness that you are endowed with by God.

Congratulations to a wonderful man on his anniversary, on his 50th birthday! We wish that your closest and dearest people congratulate you on this birthday. To have faithful friends and loyal loved ones nearby. To make the mood sparkling, cheerful, and the experience unforgettable! I wish you happiness in all spheres of life!

Let them say that 50 years is the middle of the road, that it's time to take stock, but this is not at all for you! Silver on the temples gives you solidity and charm. You are strong and confident on your feet, as befits a man in his prime. A firm gaze and a strong hand say that it is too early for you to think about peace! We wish you to live twice 50 times, so that your life position and principles do not change, so that you have enough strength and funds to accomplish your plans. May fortune not turn away from you, may those you trust be faithful!

Congratulations on the 50th anniversary of the man in your own words

On your anniversary, I want to congratulate you and wish you to be a reliable support for your soulmate and a worthy example for your children, to be the one who has not lost the ability to rejoice in little things, despite his considerable age, to remain always strict, but the most wonderful boss and always remember that at 50, life becomes even more interesting and exciting.

Half a century is a long time, but it is at this age that the true essence of personality becomes visible. As a lion gains strength immediately, so a man becomes truly solid not at twenty or thirty, but at fifty. Happy Birthday, Happy Anniversary!

Dear hero of the day! We congratulate you on your golden anniversary - such a wonderful, important date! There are still many years of creative solutions, discoveries, opportunities to achieve everything that one can wish for in life, which will help you to realize a great life experience, knowledge, as well as your dedication, efficiency, self-confidence. Let me wish you good luck and luck. After all, you can do anything and cope with everything, so we wish you the road to your goal without obstacles. Be courageous and noble in order to be worthy of love and attention of relatives and friends. Happiness to you!

On this wonderful day, on the day of your anniversary, I congratulate you! I wish you that you always have the strength, patience and wisdom for everything! I wish that whatever you want, even the most incomprehensible and incredible, miraculously always appear with you! May luck always pursue you in life, may happiness be in love with you! May love always live in the heart as strong as the first! You are an incredible man, incredibly responsive and courageous person. It is inexplicable how all these qualities coexist in one person, but it is useless to argue with this, because it is a fact! And the facts, as you know, are undeniable! May everything in life come true, the main thing is to believe in it! Happy 50th birthday to you!

50 years for a man is the dawn of his life. You are full of energy, enthusiasm, new achievements. Today our uncle is celebrating a festive anniversary. We sincerely congratulate you and wish you all the very best. May only reliable friends always meet on your life path, may the bird of happiness often fly to you. Always be in great shape, in a great mood. We wish you good health, great success in your work and new victories. May the Lord always protect you.

50 years is a wonderful age. You can calmly sum up the past, and wait with great hope for the future. After all, everything is still ahead. Dear sister, let me congratulate you from the bottom of my heart on a wonderful anniversary. You are a beautiful, wise, full of energy woman. So let everything go like clockwork with you. I wish you a long and happy life, filled with sun and goodness. May fate be favorable to you, be always loved and desired. I wish you success, joy and family well-being.

Let me congratulate you on your anniversary, a beautiful, round date! But, no matter how old you are according to your passport, you look amazingly young. There is a saying: "You are as old as you feel in your soul." After all, youth is not measured by years, there are old people at 20, and gray hair and wrinkles can be corrected, one trip to a beauty salon and you are as good as new, even more beautiful. Live happily for 100 years, do not get sick and continue to enjoy life, and so be it, the more years, the more happiness!

Over the last half century of the Earth's existence, it is hardly possible to find a person who made this world, if not stronger, then more useful for relatives and friends than our hero of the day. Always ready ... to support in difficult times, cheerful, cheerful, radiating vitality. This is how people around you want to see you further. May God grant you health, creative potential and the opportunity to use one hundred percent of your rich life experience.

You got fifty dollars today! Look at yourself in the mirror. It's a nightmare, how are you ... perfectly preserved: there are almost no wrinkles on your face, and the smile of Alain Delon, in comparison with yours, just rests! And the figure - the athletes will burst with envy. And your sense of humor - "Full House" nervously smokes in the corner. Congratulations and wish you stay that way for many years!

50 years is the most wonderful time: the house was built, and the children grew up with the trees. It remains only to observe the results of their youth experiments and enjoy life. We want to gather at this festive table in another 50 years to congratulate you again on your anniversary and proudly call you a man. May your health always be strong, children and grandchildren obedient, and life truly joyful and full of adventure!

Congratulate a man on his 50th birthday in your own words

Today we congratulate you on your 50th anniversary. It is safe to say that in terms of your popularity you have overtaken Gorbachev, Pugacheva and Putin and Medvedev. After all, we remember them only occasionally, but we remember you constantly. So let fate keep you in the future, and we want to wish you health, happiness, increased material wealth, peace of mind and creative potential. May all your dreams come true.

Dear brother, I want to congratulate you on your anniversary. 50 years is the beginning of a new life, so you still have everything ahead of you. I want to wish you health, happiness and prosperity. Let nothing darken you, but only make you stronger and wiser. Happy Holidays!

They say that a person needs two years to learn to speak, and 50 years to learn how to keep his mouth shut. Today our hero of the day has proved that he passed this school with excellent marks. Stay, dear, for a second term and keep learning. 100 years will be provided for you!

Dear, I want to congratulate you on your anniversary. Today is your holiday, today is a significant date, so I want to wish you a lot of happiness, good health, joy and good mood every day. Do not forget that everything is just beginning, so may victory and success always accompany you. Happy holiday, darling!

50 is the time for smiles! On this beautiful day, we sincerely congratulate you! We wish you everything you could wish for: a pleasant environment, love and respect! Let there be no alarms on the way, everything will come true, what you dream about! Love, happiness, kindness! Live the same number of years, without grief, misfortune and misfortune!

It's time to get ready for the holiday and accept congratulations for 50 years.

What can I wish you, my dear man?

Agree, any anniversary is worthy to once again remember the best moments of the hero's life. Therefore, congratulations for 50 years need to be prepared carefully, choosing words with meaning so that they resonate in the heart of the birthday man. Do not read trivial words from a store postcard. It is better to prepare a small poem that you can compose yourself or order from the appropriate company, having previously sent information about the birthday person.

The people say that living life is not a field to cross, so there is no need to spare kind words:

  • if you are preparing congratulations for 50 years for a woman, a close relative, then it is worth noting her qualities of a good housewife and loving mother, for example;
  • a colleague is pleased to hear about what professional qualities he possesses;
  • for your beloved mother, you need to choose the most tender words, because she is waiting for them and deserves them;
  • many roads have been traveled with a girlfriend or friend, so there is something to remember and tell a poem on the occasion.

And if the congratulation is created from the heart and pleasant compliments sound in it, then it will leave a pleasant impression for a long time, it will delight the heroes of the day. On this day, there are never enough wishes!

What not to say on the anniversary

Etiquette must be adhered to in everything. If congratulators really prepare correctly, then they will not focus on the woman's age, even when it is congratulations on the 50th anniversary. It is more appropriate to talk about the core of life and the merits of the birthday girl, her life principles and achievements.

There are many patterns in our life. But if on ordinary days they are invisible, then on the anniversary you need to forget about them. It is not necessary to say for the hundredth time that the life of the hero of the day is just beginning ... It is better to tell the guests about the bright moments that await the birthday man in the next part of his life.

You should not give advice to heroes of the day if they are wiser than you. Tell us how their advice helps in life. But the wishes of health on this day will never be superfluous.
If you connect imagination and do not disconnect logic, then it is easy to create an original congratulation!

They say that at forty-five
Baba is a berry again.
But I say, at fifty
Baba is a real treasure!
Knows how to build a husband
Make a delicious dinner
Children will give sensible advice,
The house in her hands is like new.
May your family protect you
And all friends respect.

The birthday girl is beautiful as always!
And no one will give you your years.
And let you be fifty today
But my eyes, just like in my youth, burn.

Happy anniversary! Peace, happiness and kindness,
Endless warmth.
Interest in life, loyal friends,
Bold, bright, unexpected ideas!

On your lips the most tender smile
And the young look shines with enthusiasm,
Maybe some mistake
What are you, sister, 50 ?!

Accept, dear, congratulations,
Be loved, happy, young,
May good luck, joy and luck
They always go hand in hand with you!

Our life is such a thing

I was young yesterday
And today you are babysitting your grandson,
Here are the things!

I sincerely wish you
Never lose heart
It's easy to live without knowing worries
And hope for joy!


Half a century has passed, it seems like a lot ...
Everything was on your difficult path,
Life was good-natured and strict with you,
And you could find your happiness!
Have achieved what they once wanted
They managed to give birth to wonderful children,
And if something you still didn't have time -
There are many opportunities yet to come!
Now your grandchildren will be a joy to you,
Take care of yourself for them and for us,
The smiles of relatives will be the best reward
And we will continue the holiday with a glass now!
We wish you not to give up in the future,
How to illuminate us with a smile before,
To be the happiest - no more, no less
And life will definitely not be lived in vain!


We wish you such prosperity,
So that there was even nothing to dream of!
May the whole world become cozy for you,
Will be painted in azure colors.
Good luck may welcome you everywhere!
But even if something is suddenly wrong,
Then for such a beautiful, wise lady
Any business, in essence, is a trifle!
After all, the anniversary date is golden,
Like the sun on the path that opens.
And you are so young now!
And so much happiness awaits you ahead!


50 years is an anniversary!
We sincerely congratulate you!
Live long - long, don't get sick!
Everything will be fine - we know for sure!
Let spring bloom in my soul forever
Age makes you even more beautiful
And a glass of good wine
We will fill the cup for this life!


At 50, probably not by chance
The anniversary is called golden!
There is little that remains a secret for you,
But the look is still young!
The years passed quickly
Flashed like a short dream!
Do not be sad that summer is leaving!
The velvet season is on the doorstep!
Everything is now available, everything is clear
The sun is warming, but no longer burning!
May happiness be immense!
And only joy awaits you ahead!

The age of women is said to be
Discussion is completely useless!
In the jubilee fifty
You look younger!

How not to say it
The birthday girl is wonderful!
I want to wish you:
Be just as interesting!

Let the worries go away

The road will be easy

Well, we are your friends

Will always be side by side!

Your magic beauty will easily drive you crazy -
With shining eyes, a smile, beloved wife!
Gorgeous age, 50, added gloss charm,
I will lay the treasures of the whole world at your feet!
Affection and tenderness all grow stronger every day,
Enthusiastically, a little timidly, we always go forward.
We will find there a starry eternity, a sparkling waterfall ...
In love with you as youth, and there are no barriers to love!

Happy anniversary, dear!
I'm not afraid to say fifty,
After all, I look and wonder again
You are all the same that ten years ago.

Be a girlfriend, as before, beautiful
Don't be sad, have fun, light up
Let there be enough patience and strength
Help all family and friends.

May there be kind and bright in the eyes
The light that you carry through the years
Many songs, flowers and gifts
May they always be present in life!

You, friend, do not be shy -
Yes, a significant anniversary
But in my soul eighteen
So do not try to relax.

There are sparkles in my eyes -
So there will be a sense of business.
There is enough tenderness in my soul -
So the heart does not get bored.

There is gunpowder in the flasks -
We only dream of knowing peace.
Forget the number fifty
And always be happy!

Serpentine of original ideas for a women's anniversary

If a congratulation is being prepared for a woman, then it must necessarily be targeted, take into account the tastes of the birthday girl, profession and age. The beautiful half of humanity always appreciates attention and a sincere attitude, which can be expressed with kind words.

Here are some ideas to use and prepare original 50 year greetings:

  • 1. Starfall wishes. It can be created directly at the holiday, when blank stars are distributed to guests, on which they write their congratulations. To the music, guests throw stars up, and the birthday girl catches them and reads them aloud. From the congratulations, a star necklace is created for the birthday girl.
  • 2. Comic hearty congratulations from male guests can also be prepared directly at the holiday.
  • 3. Congratulations from friends can sound like ditties. It will be fun and funny.
  • 4. A portrait of a birthday girl can also be written in verse and supplemented with collective work on canvas. Everyone can take part in it.

The main thing in any congratulation is the mood, and this must always be remembered. The anniversary is a special holiday that should not be overshadowed by anything, so you need to try hard on this day.

What congratulations for 50 years will a man surely like?

A strong half of humanity loves humor and funny congratulations. Such options will amuse not only the birthday man, but also all the guests. What could be better than the cheerful positive mood that short verses create.

For some reason everyone thinks
At 50 - half a lifetime away.
The house is built, the garden is planted,
He raised a son and a daughter ...

And the career is all right:
You are the boss (and big!)
But you will achieve more
Just don't get old in soul!

You have one road: upward,
Go ahead, without further ado!
No doubt, be to accomplishments
Ready for new exploits!

And half a century later,
Among loved ones and friends
Celebrate your merry
Its centenary!

Such a beautiful date
Should be doubly pleasant.
Be strong, healthy, rich,
And always on horseback!
Good luck, kindness and prosperity.
Fun and new victories.
Let there be enough energy for everything!
And we wish you
Always be as successful
And, just like now, young!
And the best feelings, of course,
Give to all your friends and family!

A wonderful age - fifty!
We hasten to wish you a happy birthday,
Wish you health, happiness,
Only good mood.
To have wealth in the house,
Friends have always surrounded you.
So that you are forever young
Easily and simply achieved goals.
And let the fire in your eyes
Will not go out for a minute!
You have an anniversary today
And life, as never before, is beautiful!

Fifty is a real anniversary!
The middle of a long journey!
You went through half brilliantly!
The same amount must be passed!

Today there is for celebration
A solid reason -
You are half a century old,
Our chef is wonderful!

May health every hour
Pleases Siberian,
Added in the shoulders
Heroic strength.

In the heart is the flame of love
It flares up brighter
And the fate of you yachts and pitchforks
Trying to give it a shot!

And let your path be simple
To new achievements.
Be happy our boss
Every moment!

Anniversary years
You will never catch up
Fly by like comets
Touching wires.

Time, time, how to be here,
Do not forget, do not forget
Maybe just look around
And sail on quietly.

The years lined up
Much eh, little fifty,
With a lilac bell
Congratulations ring out.

Husbands will line up
Wives, children, sons,
Congratulate you with the whole crowd,
A friendly family came out.

You are our helmsman, captain,
You are, for sure, given to us by God,
May there be so much health
So as not to knock a drunken glass.

Give that, God, that everything will come true,
The haze of plans has grown
Abundance from the horn
To pour on you.

And of course a couple of words
Putting it in the eye not in the eyebrow,
A bowl full of luck
And live up to a hundred years.

They are easy to remember, so they will be pronounced easily and cheerfully:

  1. The boss will be pleased to hear creative poems that emphasize the individuality and resourcefulness of colleagues.
  2. Dad is the main person in life, like mom, let him feel it in a special way on this day.
  3. A colleague will appreciate the song that the team composed for him.

It should be noted that any person on their anniversary deserves kind words, which you can always choose yourself or compose with everyone, directly at the holiday, turning it into a fun competition. Mood is guaranteed to everyone, and individuality, sincerity and originality are always welcome.

When a man is 50
It blooms inevitably.
His eyes are burning with fire
He waits, hopes, dreams.

So may your best anniversary
Only joy will give you.
And a flock of white swans
Good luck to you to come.

Live for 100 years and don't be sick
May all desires be fulfilled.
Celebrate your bright anniversary
With people, relatives and friends.

Half a ruble of life rolled up,
And what do you have in the end?
I have not conquered all the peaks,
Not all roads are trodden.

Yes, you still have to plow!
You are wiry, it's not difficult for you.
Yes, you and I still have to drink
At least half a century is possible.

You haven't met the dawn yet
Don't you dare think about the sunset!
With the beginning of all of you,
Let's roll 50 each!

The most round, real Jubilee,
Who was able to gather family and friends,
Dear, loving people,
Those who came to you with a low bow,

And congratulations taste very sweet
But as a man - add astringency,
May all old dreams come true
And health shines with strong steel !!

You are a careerist and an excellent family man,
Today you celebrate "50"
May the celebration be rightfully golden
And everything that you dream about will come true!

On the 50th anniversary
We wish you wisdom and strength.
Do not regret the years you have lived
And remember those to whom you were an example.

You are your experience, knowledge and skills
Grow like valuable capital.
Appreciate your friends! And your enemies -
There is only malice in them, whoever you become.

Friends gathered to congratulate you,
We wish you victories and awards in life!
So that they don't wait for your mistakes
And there were no barriers to success! ©

Our dear man is a hero of the day,
You're still handsome at 50.
You don't wear glasses, a case for glasses
Moreover, do not carry it with you!

We wish you to live and not grow old!
Love, work, relax wherever you want.
We are sure you will not be sick
And they are ready to prophesy life without troubles!

Let 50 - the countdown will be
What has long dreamed of, cherished dream.
For what you are one hundred percent ready,
Give your talents without regret!

Half a century lived today
You still have half a century to live!
When you celebrate 50 years.
No need to cry and grieve.

At 50, you are young, solid.
And there is wisdom behind.
Ah, those sweet years -
All the delights are countless!

May your wishes come true
And innermost dreams
This requires health -
That's what we want!

Anniversary birthday -
Golden Fifty!
Accept congratulations,
We want to wish you:

Be successful in every business
So that health is like a diamond,
To do everything that they wanted
May luck love you!

Fortunately, we wish you in addition
Much joy, new victories!
So that you catch luck by the tail,
Anniversary to be warmed by the sun!

50 - for a man not years old,
Therefore, we wish you now
Endless and bright freedom
To please us for many years!

There is so much more to do
They keep wisdom for themselves.
May your road be blessed
Gives happiness at 100 to fifty!

Fifty is a round date
A new stage begins
May everything that you once desired
It will be embodied as a result!

Be healthy, loved by a family,
Real good friends
And incomes are large and stable
We wish you an anniversary!

"Health, happiness and luck!"
The best of the best man
Today is an anniversary - half a century!
We congratulate you on this,
Of course, we wish you well

May everything that is dear to you
Your destiny accompanies!
Health, happiness and luck
On a wonderful holiday - Birthday!

50 is a lot and a little.
It doesn't matter that gray hair is visible.
It's just the beginning
And spring is knocking in my heart.
50 - children have already grown,
Your pride, the joy of your family.
Your Glorious 50th Anniversary
They celebrate with love.
50 is not old age at all,
Let the grandchildren grow up for a long time.
50 - sorrow and joy,
Grateful and sincere work!

We are honoring you and just congratulations! We are surprised, sincerely to admit, Always cheerful and young, as far as we know, And you have nothing to fear from your age! A man does not need tricks, you are fifty - and you should be proud of that! We love you, we really need you, Around, so that kindness and laughter on their faces!

Today is your golden anniversary,
And your house is full of laughter and guests!
You are full of aspiration, courage and strength,
Wisdom has become an example for a long time!

May wishes and dreams come true
Despite all the troubles and obstacles!
May youth not leave the soul
And a smile blooms on your face! ©

50 - only a number and a period,
Life cannot be measured by it at all!
The outer shell is not important,
In you, youth is still alive!

Happy anniversary, congratulations
We wish you health with interest,
And now we are counting down from scratch,
Happy anniversary to you, dear!

There's a long road behind me
It is even longer ahead!
So let me wish you health,
Many bright and happy days!

You are a prominent and handsome man
You have nothing to be sad about the years!
Be loved and happy!
And we wish you to live a hundred years!

For a man 50 -
It's nothing
Powerful, vital charge,
The width of the great river.

We only want to sail
In the clear waters of happiness
And good catch
And splash in love.

Let it be every day
Bright and good
So that without sadness and problems,
The heart is not disturbed.

No hide, no hide
But this does not suit a man.
Anniversary is already knocking on you
And throws happiness on the fly.

fifty! Still in the midst of emotions
The very color to love and just live.
May spring always laugh in my soul
And he knows how to bother often.

Don't let these years age you
Your cheerfulness is overwhelming.
Happy Birthday! Good health,
The warmth of family and many benefits.

50 to you, buddy!
Congratulations again and again!
You won't even find words right away,
To describe love.

We are close friends with you
And we value you.
We really, really need you -
You are a real man!

May everything in life be smooth:
And health and business,
The taste of victory will be sweet
To the house - comfort and warmth.

Award-winning and eye-pleasing
A solid, successful man.
All women's views today on you -
Medicine is powerless for them.

Just fifty years passed
Today we summarize:
A huge sea of \u200b\u200bgood victories
Pleasant meetings on the road.

We want to wish you younger soul
And with your body so that you do not grow old.
Succeed in all your endeavors,
Confidently moving towards the goal!

May it be fifty today
Everyone will congratulate you
Both neighbors and family
Both colleagues and friends!
Everyone will wish you happiness
And health too,
Long life to you
God will help you!

In your wonderful years,
We wish you happiness always
Let luck flow like a stream
Wealth, joy to boot.

Health, warmth of relatives,
And a bright, bright weekend,
Let it be filled with luck
Your life on this birthday!

We will be with a friend today
Celebrate birthday;
He was born for us again -
This must be understood.

May luck keep you
Be happy any day;
Let the road be smooth
No gaps or stones.

You get rich for years
And you're already fifty
But if you are young in soul,
Years do not hang like a load.

Let your soul laugh
Keeping good feelings,
And the idea will turn around
A plus for any day.

Half a century is a solid date,
It should be celebrated well
To remember with a smile once,
How enchanting the holiday was.

I wish you health and strength,
Peace of mind, happiness, warmth,
So that they carry more women in their arms,
Let life be both warm and light!

It doesn't matter that the years are rushing by and today is fifty,
Let the jubilee five remind about the grandchildren.
Don't rush to forget these past years,
You were a good father, but rather smile!

You went from success to success, you got everything with work,
There is a beloved wife and children, a warm and cozy home.
May old age not touch you, always be full of strength,
Be still kind, so that you never feel sad!