A set for the entertainment of a child on the road to buy. Thing of the week: Kids travel set. Children's lotto and small puzzles

Babytravelbox are magic boxes for travel. Why magical? Because when traveling with children, they will help you cheerfully while away the time on the road and on vacation, will give you precious moments of peace, and your little ones - a good mood and new knowledge. What toys should I take with me on the road? Do not forget pencils and coloring books, a typewriter, and something else to read ... We tried to analyze the hobbies of our children and children of friends and put together the optimal set, in which every kid will find a lot of interesting things. And you will not need to run around the shops and then shove all this into your suitcases)

Our sets differ in content for babies of different ages, as well as for girls and boys. In each set you will find instructions on how to fill the set; we put each set in a handy backpack that the kid can carry himself.

Backpack for girls 9-12 years old

In a set for a girl of 9-12 years old you will find: a puzzle, an album with pencils and a coloring book, a quest game, a kaleidoscope, tags, a traffic light puzzle and Rubik's snake, board games, a ringlet, materials for crafts, a magic spirograph ruler, a flying elf, stationery set, ball, stickers, entertaining books, flashlight, 3D puzzle, various puzzles, fiction and much, much more!

This summer we went by car to a family camp in Greece. Before leaving, I thoroughly prepared myself, picked up a collection of word games, and also put together a travel box for my child full of interesting activities.

I'll tell you what I packed and how actively it was used on the road. I must say right away that we are not seasick at all. Maybe the dynamic gymnastics practiced with a child in infancy had an effect. Therefore, I boldly took with me a lot of different things that you can do with your hands. What can you take with you to entertain your child? It depends on his age, and you yourself know better than others what can please and captivate him for a long time. I am giving a list for a 6 year old boy.

What to take with you to the car on a long journey

  • New books. I took books with large print and interesting pictures to look at. I read and leafed through. I decided when. I sometimes gave wise advice, such as "read Pushkin's poems." In general, I spent no more than 2-3 times 15 minutes a day with books.
  • Books with tasks - creative, logical, mathematical. I took Zhenya Katz's notebooks, a set "We are going - we are not bored" from the Labyrinth, a find, a book by Tatyana Zadorozhnaya "How to draw any story." Zhenya and Nakhodilki did not reveal much. I tried to draw along Zadorozhnaya only once (it turned out cool!). The most popular set was from the Labyrinth.
  • Drawing. I put a clipboard and a lot of A4 sheets. I made a wonderful set of stationery in a box from Ikea (felt-tip pens, bright pens, compasses, pencils and a sharpener, erasers, simple and curly scissors, decorative tape, glue, eyes). I put in a new album with good paper and Cars. I didn't paint much. But he actively used paper: he folded airplanes, ships and hares, made and decorated pizza. I came up with a game with a parcel and a restaurant. He prepared (drew) different dishes for us, cut them out and sent them to the front seat in a package (cardboard box). In general, sheets and a set of office supplies were actively used. Pencils can be put not chiseled, complete with a good sharpener, let them work on the way.
  • A notebook for travel notes. The dream of raising Paganel does not fade in me, although the artist is actively growing. Didn't go: in three days one inscription appeared in the notebook “I liked spending the night at the hotel” ... Vanya has been reading since he was 4 years old, and began writing at 4.5 years old. Moreover, I did not particularly teach him either one or the other. I learned it myself. I am writing about how this happens in children in the camp here.
  • Plasticine. Created all the conditions: a new box, a set of cool stacks, a modeling board. Until it went at all. Probably, it should have been given out as a surprise at some point.
  • Map to mark the route. I bought an erasable world map on a tip, but in fact, it was not very convenient to erase it on the way. We finished the route already upon arrival.
  • Origami sheets. That was actually a Bomb! On the third day, as a surprise, I gave Vanya a book with airplane folding diagrams and beautiful sheets. And after that 5 hours of travel, he only did what he designed. The planes littered the entire cabin, we carried out test tests at halts, some flew from the windows. In general, origami captivated the child in earnest and brightened up more than one day's journey! Now he is asking for new folding schemes.
  • Compact games (magnetic and logic). They, like audiokazki, also showed themselves very well. I'll tell you about them in a separate article.
  • Flashlight or glow sticks - it is good to give out when it gets dark, if the child is still awake.
  • Binoculars - to look around.
  • New yarn set(weave scarves and strings) or elastic bands for weaving.
  • Lego

How to give out surprises so that there is enough for 3 thousand kilometers?

To make the surprise box work, there are a few rules:

  • The most important thing is not to dump it all at once into some kind of "baby bag" available to him all the time. In this case, the value of the gifts diminishes. He will not be there diligently poking around and choosing what he has not yet played. Checked. Initially, I had some of the books, games and creative kits in his special box for free access. It was a mistake. Because he looked at it for half an hour and lost interest.
  • Each surprise should be wrapped as a gift before the trip. In many layers of paper. Or newspapers. A significant part of the path will be spent simply on unfolding. And, of course, in this form, the surprise is of much greater value.
  • Give out surprises one at a time, several times a day. So that the child has time to fully enjoy them, play enough, feel.
  • Make the surprise box itself inaccessible for the child so that he does not peep in advance what is there. We didn't find room for her in the trunk, so she drove alongside Vanya all the way. But he firmly knew that it was impossible to look into it, or all the surprises would go to gifts to others. I didn't try to break the rule, I held on.

That's all the rules. With this box, we easily reached Greece, without ever resorting to the rescue aid of the tablet.

I also wrote about such a mega-important component of the trip as

What is Activity Kit and how is it useful
Activity Kit is a compact travel kit of various games and tasks for children. Most importantly, it should be convenient to use when traveling with a child, which means:

  • fits easily in a bag, backpack, suitcase
  • items must be safe and not get dirty
  • parts must be lightweight

Things to consider when creating a set:
1. Child's age
Consider how you will apply certain items. By age, will your child be entertained and “develop”?
2. Interests and hobbies
Children have favorite characters or activities. So, for a nature lover, a set of a young naturalist with a magnifying glass is suitable, a traveler - binoculars, a map and a compass, and an artist - a set of pencils and a sketchbook for drawing in nature. And of course, waiting for a flight at the airport becomes much more interesting in the company of robots, cars, fairies, paw patrol or Smurfs.
3. Way of travel
The size and scope of your kit depends on whether you plan to travel with your baby - by car, train, plane, or camping. Someone will find a mini-set of a sensor box in a container or cards in a photo album that fits easily in a backpack. And someone will pick up a whole box of all kinds of items, which they will place in the car or in the side compartment of the suitcase.
4. Destination
Sea, mountains, forests, different countries, road trip - for each voyage, you can choose themed tasks. For example, cards with landmarks of cities or road, forest and sea "finds".
How to make an Activity Kit
If you look closely, most of the things for creating an Activity Kit can be found at home. For example, there is a useful application for small toys from "kinders", forgotten stickers, extra markers and other knickknacks.

For the set you will need:

  • a zip or button stationery folder - for storing the entire set of tasks;
  • a thin 10x15 photo album - for cards, paper tasks;
  • stationery zip-envelopes - for games, books and cards;
  • small plastic containers - for packing toys, healthy snacks, office supplies.

This yellow, cheerful A4 folder can fit the following games and tasks for little travelers:

  • drawing set
  • set with plasticine
  • mini sensor box (as advised by Maria Montessori)
  • a set of word games on the road (instructions for parents)
  • healthy snack set
  • educational tasks and cards
  • road "finder"
  • travel treasure bag
  • set for outdoor games.

Activity Kit. Examples of educational games in transport

Painting while traveling is twice as interesting! So many unusual things can be found - new cities, houses, monuments, beautiful landscapes, sights. To bring home a collection of "travel" masterpieces of a small artist, you need to prepare a convenient drawing kit in advance.
You will need:

  • mini-sets for drawing - compact pencils, felt-tip pens, wax crayons;
  • small notebook with white sheets - preferably in a dense cover, so that it is easier to draw on your lap.

To pack this set, you can choose to use: a pocket plastic container, a stationery zip bag, or tie pencils to strings to a notebook so that they do not get lost in transport.

Three classes at once:

  • constructor
  • simple modeling for toddlers
  • plasticineography

You will need:

  • mini container
  • plasticine stack
  • pieces of plasticine (you can first cut the clay into cubes or roll it into balls)
  • toothpicks (can be fixed on the lid of the container with tape so as not to lose).

Plasticine constructor
To make a simple road construction set from plasticine, you just need to connect toothpicks with plasticine cubes. You can collect and study at the same time various shapes: rhombus, square, rectangle, triangle. Or design three-dimensional figures - houses, fences, cubes.

Simple sculpting for toddlers
From the same small squares of plasticine, you can sculpt the simplest figures with your child.
1. Butterfly

2. Ladybug

3. Rainbow caterpillar

4. Bee

Plasticine, or drawing with plasticine
A few simple options for this creativity for children:

  • plasticine can be glued to paper templates to get a whole picture (chicken, flower, cloud, sun, etc.);
  • smear pieces of plasticine over the drawing with your fingers;
  • twist spirals and flagella and stick to the picture.

When going on a trip, put in the photo album in advance the printed templates for plasticine or coloring with contours, on which the child can stick the plasticine.

Mini-worlds in boxes are a win-win game for almost all occasions. For example, it is not the first time that a camping "world of dinosaurs" travels with us. You can create such a box on any topic - fairies, knights, princesses, pirates, Indians, butterflies, gnomes, cars, animals - depending on what your child is interested in and what you have in your arsenal of toys.

In this case, to create the box, we used:

  • mojo dinosaur mini figures;
  • kinetic sand (can be replaced with modeling dough or homemade plasticine);
  • pom-poms and mini herringbone
  • decorative stones
  • background (I cut out a picture of the sky from a children's magazine and glued it to the container lid on double-sided tape);
  • pocket plastic container.

Toys from kinder surprises, Lego figures and other children's constructors or figures of animals, birds, insects, sea creatures are suitable for the sensor box.
As it usually happens after the trip: "Maaam, where is my car-shaped stone that I found on the shore." Or it can be a souvenir from an excursion, a candy wrapper with some kind of “special picture” and other children's “treasures” that accumulate during the trip, and then magically disappear somewhere. To keep all this stuff, take a small bag with you.

At the same time, on the way back, you can play with the whole family "Guess" - each participant puts his hand in the bag and tries to determine by touch what kind of object he got!
Educational tasks and cards

A lot of developmental benefits for the child are hidden in the good old "word" games, which did not let our parents get bored on the road even when there were no tablets and gadgets.
What are the advantages of such games for children:

  • memory training
  • replenishment of vocabulary
  • development of logic, observation and imagination
  • a good mood that a child has when he plays with his parents
  • and most importantly, they do not take up much space

To make this cheat sheet for parents conveniently stored on the road, you need to make holes with a hole punch, glue it on top with a wide transparent tape so that it does not get dirty, and attach it to a ring from a keychain.

The road maze playing field is a very convenient and compact travel game. You can draw it by hand or cut out a suitable picture from a children's magazine with a road and houses.

It is very easy to make a puzzle on the road. It is enough to cut sheets of colored cardboard into different parts, as in the photo above. You can pack it together with other "occupants" in a photo album.

"Nakhodilka" is a form with "road" pictures that you need to look for with your child on the way. And then mark your observations in the windows. Thanks to this task, the child:

  • trains observation and memory
  • develops a craving for research and logical thinking
  • broadens the mind
  • expands vocabulary

A favorite since childhood and a simple game to keep your child entertained on the go. I think everyone knows the rules very well! You can draw the game board by hand or print our ready-made template and take with you on your trip.
Activity Kit. Examples of outdoor games

In addition to accessories for educational activities in the Activity Kit, you can hide several items that will not take up much space, but are useful for entertaining in an open space:

  • children's watch
  • children's camera: kids can take a toy camera, older children can take a real one. For example, a shockproof model or an inexpensive "soap box" that teaches a child to photograph and notice interesting things around him. Then from these photos you can compose a Travel Book about your trip
  • compass
  • small flashlight: allows you to create many games for your child. For example, arrange a shadow theater on the wall
  • binoculars or spyglass
  • bubble
  • air balloons.

Mini-books and ready-made children's sets for travelers

Hello everyone!

After two years, making a child sit in one place for more than a minute is almost unrealistic, all the time you need a game and some kind of entertainment, I don’t know about everyone else, but my daughter is like that. What can I say about trips .. It's boring in a car seat, looking out the window too, a soft toy no longer helps. Then I wondered what to give her so that she would behave calmly and not distract my mother. That's how I came across the Babytravelbox service. ru, which produces travel backpacks for children of different ages. What else is great here - there is a division by year and gender. And most importantly, you don't have to go shopping and think what to buy your child for entertainment on the road or on vacation, everything has already been done for us, parents.

To place an order, you need to select the child's gender and age, you can pay either in cash to the courier or to a Sberbank card.

The box was delivered to me very quickly, the courier brought it. It turned out to be heavy by weight) looks like this.

You can order both a large backpack and a mini version for 1700 rubles.

We stopped at a large one, I propose to see what turned out to be inside (I ordered for a girl from 2-4 years old). On the babytravelbox website, you can see the content in the picture, in general terms it describes what will be expected in a particular backpack, depending on the age and gender of the child.

It is very simple to place an order, fill in the fields and click Order.

I honestly did not expect such an amount of everything!

It's like a surprise box, only there are sweets, and here are children's joys) and, of course, the variety of items that will definitely not leave indifferent any child during travel, travel, flights, etc. is amazing. Recently they just took this backpack with them on vacation, one might say, thanks to him, it was a success, since the baby was busy playing most of the time. Every day I put different things in there so that she would not get bored of the same thing.

All the contents were compactly packed into a cute red backpack. He turned out to be a little too big for his daughter, but the very idea and execution are interesting.

My daughter, as she saw, enthusiastically began to disclose and examine everything. I myself am like a child, with her I was carried away by this process. So, I show you what we got!

Describe in detail what I'm not going to do, because there are a lot of things here, I will briefly tell you what especially interested the child.

Of course, a yellow glowing hedgehog! Probably, any kid would be delighted with him, he is soft, which allows him to be used not only in the game, but also as an anti-stress watermelon is also interested.

Wooden constructor. Quite a fascinating thing, although we have not yet reached its coloring.

Puzzle-mosaic of 12 elements based on the cartoon Buratino. My daughter coped with the task pretty quickly.


Modeling clay 2 colors. We already have a similar one, this one was left untouched for later.

Kaleidoscope camera. This little thing has become one of my favorites, my daughter now does not part with her for a minute, she helps out great on the road)

Sorter cube and cups pyramid.

Thanks to such things, the child can get acquainted with both shapes and colors, in a word, a must-have for kids.

The figure board is also good for learning about colors as well as getting to know these same figures.

Fingertips in the form of a bear and a parrot. For role-playing games - that's it!

Spring rainbow. In my childhood, too, I had one somewhere, even preserved, I probably remember, I loved to play it, my daughter also liked it, although I tangled the springs with each other a couple of times.

The lion cub is groovy. We already have almost the same, it will not be superfluous)

Sneaker lacing is good for fine motor development. Wallet with coins inside. I was glad of this, because she always tries to steal my) ..

Hygiene kit, which includes wet wipes, sanitizer, earplugs and .. sleep mask. She took away all the necessary and useful things on the road.


Inertial machine. We just recently broke down a similar one, this one came across just in time.

Butterfly stickers, 2 packs. Something, but my daughter adores stickers. Moreover, both stick and peel off later. And if they are with butterflies, then this is doubly delight. Half have already been pasted wherever they go)

Glue pencil and scissors came in handy for crafts with colored paper, paper clips, colored sticks, adhesives and other small toys while I removed so as not to lose. In the future, and they will go into action

And the most important thing is a safety bracelet.

The beads contain numbers, from which you need to add the parent's phone number, then collect them on a string and tie them on the baby's wrist.

The filling is excellent, I think there is a use for everything, most of the items have already been actively used. The time for such hobbies passes imperceptibly, the child is happy and the parents are given free moments of calm, so necessary on vacation. The backpack is also suitable for everyday activities, you can put change clothes or shoes, water, and much more there! Fortunately, the spaciousness allows.

Here you can find everything and even more both for toddlers up to one year old, older children and schoolchildren.

Price: 3000 r

Thank you for your attention 💛

The newborn requires special living conditions from the parents, in which he will be comfortable and cozy. Immediately after the baby is born, he can buy a sling in the online store "MayMal". He will allow the baby to remain in close contact with her mother, even when she has a lot to do. As soon as the toddler learns to sit, he can buy a kangaroo backpack. Thanks to him, moms and dads will be able to live in their usual rhythm of life, and their child will discover a new world for themselves with their parents.

The car bottle warmer will allow parents to feed their babies with milk from a bottle or formula even on the trip. It is very convenient, does not require filling the container with water and connects to the cigarette lighter socket. As soon as complementary feeding begins, you can take a baby thermos for food with you on the road. Thanks to him, the baby will always be well fed with healthy and prepared food at the optimum temperature.

In order for the baby to always be convenient to take with you on a visit, a clinic or a pharmacy, you must definitely buy a carry cot for newborns. It has a hard bottom and sturdy sides and is therefore perfect for infants' fragile backs.

Traveling with a one year old or older

If you decide to take your baby with you on a bike ride through parks and squares - nothing is easier, baby bike seats will provide the necessary level of comfort and safety for your child. They have a high backrest and protective bumpers and footrests.

If the whole family with the baby has gathered for nature with an overnight stay or just spend the whole day in the park, do not forget to buy a children's tent. Together with a baby sleeping bag for sleeping, it will provide the little one with strong and bright dreams in the fresh air. Thanks to the dense fabric and mosquito net, insects will not be able to disturb your child's sleep.

And in order not to forget anything and develop independence and responsibility in the kid, he should definitely buy a children's backpack. It can be used to store all the essentials for travel and school.

Traveling with a child by car

So that while driving all the necessary items for caring for the little one are always at hand, you should buy a children's organizer in the car. And the more pockets and compartments there are, the better, each item will have its place. So that the question of finding a toilet did not take parents by surprise, children's travel pots with special replaceable bags were invented.