Orthodox congratulations to the daughter on her birthday. Happy birthday Orthodox greetings. Christian birthday greetings

Congratulations on your birthday,
May God grant strength, goodness and health,
Faith will fill the soul with humility,
And will warm the heart with love.

Let the angel with his kind wing,
Shelters from troubles and worries
Let Hope Lead Through Life
And God will hear the prayers.

Happy Birthday,
May the Lord protect you
Let there be a mood
Love reigns in your soul.

May the angels be with you
And protect you from evil
I wish you a lot of happiness
Good luck, joy, goodness!

Happy birthday to you
Peace and humility,
May the Lord give you strength
Meekness, inspiration.

May health be strong
Let the light of faith lead
Fills the heart with tenderness
The will to move gives.

Be happy, loved
Let the family please.
Feminine wisdom and affection
I want to wish you.

You appreciate every moment
What God gives you from heaven
Therefore, on your birthday
I wish you happiness in fate!

Let your good dreams
The Lord will make it easy
And let the problems be all worldly
He takes away far away!

I wish you happiness and good
Always heard prayers.
Blessings, inspirations
And from the sorrows of deliverance.
And may your birthday
Brings warmth, good glow.

We wish you a birthday
Only peace of mind.
So that your angel is a guardian
Nearby was - at the headboard!

Never to know
Evil, thunderstorms are your soul.
To keep you calm
Meekness in my soul cherished.

So that always with priceless faith
You went forward through life.
Knew that the Lord sees everything
And he will save you.

Happy birthday
Joy and love.
May they be blessed
Your deeds and works.

Strive for the grace of the Most High,
Let the soul be pure.
Live helping your neighbor
According to the bright commandments of Christ.

Happy birthday, congratulations
A wonderful holiday
May Faith Always Warm
A clear ray of you.

May love for family and friends
It helps in life,
May the hope of the door to happiness
Opens wide.

Happy birthday to you
God's grace
To wisdom, love
You were rich.

So that it always burns comfortably
The hearth warmed my heart.
Peace and prosperity to you,
Faith in the heart, happiness, good.

Happy birthday to you,
I sincerely congratulate
May God always keep you!
From sorrows and sorrows!

I wish you many happy days
Filled with faith and happiness
May the Guardian Angel save you
From envy and misfortune.

Real Orthodox birthday greetings are something that can give a person not only pleasant impressions and new emotions, but also real warmth, love, care and reverence. If you choose the right words, pronounce them correctly and at the same time send the right message to the birthday person, then he will definitely highlight your congratulatory words among dozens of others. And that's exactly what you need, right? Well, in this case, we are in a hurry to offer you a lot of unique and original congratulations, each of which will be quite capable of helping you achieve your goals.

In any case, those congratulatory words that we have collected for you on Vlio.ru will be the best of all the options you could count on. They are beautiful, they are original, they are unusual and sincere. Such, as should be the real congratulations presented to a loving and close person.

You just have to choose one of the works, and then get down to action!

The bells are ringing in the shower
And there is grace in the heart.
Your birthday is already
It's time to meet.

May you have in life
Only happiness and goodness.
And fate will take forever
Any grief, evil ...

Even if not only in small things
Big luck!
Be with your head on your shoulders
Then success will come!

Without unnecessary words, without unnecessary phrases,
With a deep sense of respect
Let us congratulate you
On the bright day of your birthday.

What to wish you on this day,
What blessings, what happiness?
So that you never lose heart
Do not know sickness and misfortune.

So that you never know
No grief, no sorrow,
To comrades, friends
We were greeted with a smile everywhere.

May every new day bring joy
And let the house be filled with peace.
Love and meekness, mercy, kindness
Let them be the qualities of your heart.

Let the love for the Creator not fade away,
But it is getting stronger. In a supplication of thanks
Open your dreams, desires to Christ -
He himself will be your Helper.

On your birthday today
Years can be ignored
Happy this very day
We would like to wish:

Let wrinkles, but from laughter.
Not a problem and gray hair.
Let there be tears, but from happiness
You are always accompanied.

To smile in life
Your clear eyes
To happiness and health
We have always been a companion.

May the Lord bless
For worthy deeds!
And guides by hand
On the righteous path of you!

You believe him for this
And serve good.
Happy Birthday,

Congratulations on your birthday, and we wish you gradual steps, with the help of God, to follow the right path and not turn off it onto a crooked path! With God, your path will be blooming and fragrant, like the Garden of Eden! Believe that the Lord sees, knows and understands everything, and let your faith be unshakable! We wish you to start a new day with sincere prayer, and end it by turning to God in the same way! Do not betray your convictions, do not succumb to the temptations that follow us at every step, do not give up, even in difficult times! May faith in God help you overcome difficulties and obstacles, may your soul always be open to righteous deeds! Kindness to your soul, peace of mind, prosperity to your home, and bodily health! May your faith be deep and pure, may your thoughts be bright and sincere, and may the road of life be smooth!

Today we want to wish you mental strength and bodily health! May peace and love multiply in your life! Let the guardian angel be your faithful companion on the road of earthly life, and may he carefully protect your precious health! May spiritual joy be with you forever, may God's help be felt in your heart! Spiritual gifts to you, all-saving love, the grace of God, strong faith, unquenchable hope and, of course, great strength of spirit to resist the sins of the earth! Good parishioners to your house, and we wish you could find your own approach to everyone! Let the word of God lead you on the right path! And may it be easy and joyful for you to walk through life! The Lord's help to you in all your deeds and undertakings! Let the bright spirit of faith sanctify you! From heaven, let the angelic chant reach your ears! God bless you! Happy Birthday!

The Lord's beloved spiritual brother and friend! Today we weave a crown out of kind words for you! Happy birthday to you, dear! Today, prayers for health are being heard in your honor! Take inspiration from our loving hearts, we share good with you and wish that sincere faith fills your soul! We admire your wisdom beyond your age, your nobility, heroic spirit, your truth, what you say out loud, your fortitude, your clear conscience and open soul! We wish that diligence and prayers ennoble your being, that prosperity reigns in your home, so that your family is strong and friendly! Let the grace-filled faith lead you on the right path, protecting you from evil people and unkind looks! Let the guardian angel fly behind your back and protect your life! Earthly blessings to you, all that is holy! So that your life is full of light!

Always keep God in your heart, because all we need for happiness is the confidence that we are understood! And the Lord God understands us, loves and protects us from troubles! And may your life be the grace of God and full of blissful light! May faith in God warm your heart, may the love of the Almighty inspire you, may hope never leave you! Let the truth of earthly life be known to you! May God's grace descend on you and bring peace and goodness! We wish you that your soul will become even cleaner, more transparent, even more open! We wish you to be happier than yesterday and look confidently into tomorrow! And may your good dreams and good dreams come true with the help of our Lord Jesus Christ! I wish you health, strength, humility! Let the evil spirits go around you! Happy Birthday! May the Lord God be with you forever!

May God send you humility, health, strength, joy, fun today! Happy Birthday! May all your suffering and patience be for your salvation, and they will become an example for us! May it be your happiness that you do good! Let your prayers be warm and sincere, emanating from the most intimate corners of the soul! We wish you God's mercy, spiritual joy, health, strength, spiritual and physical strength for many years! May heavenly blessings come to you today, giving you joy and peace of mind! Let the melody of heaven decorate this holiday! We wish you to grow spiritually and be a wonderful light for your loved ones! May God bless you and keep you firmly on the way, may your faith strengthen and prevent you from missing your goal! Let your step be directed towards good! May the all-generous Lord keep you on all paths of life!

Please accept our most sincere congratulations on your birthday, and let me wish you that your life path was true! Prayerfully we wish you God's mercy, spiritual joy, earthly happiness, bright thoughts, good mood, patience, humility, understanding and forgiveness! And may the Almighty bless you, may he bestow his unlimited love and eternal devotion! Do not forget all the blessings of our Lord Jesus Christ, because his mercy is great, how high is the sky above the earth, how far the east is from the west! Praise all the works of the Lord, and you will be rewarded a hundredfold! Do good, relying on God, and bring warmth and light to the Lord for glory! And let the wicked enemy not lead you far, for God will help you get rid of the wicked one! Will give you wisdom, patience and strength! Hold on to the truth and you will be strong and healthy!

Happy Birthday to you! Prayerfully we wish you spiritual strength in worldly affairs, spiritual strength to resist earthly temptations! May the All-Merciful Lord multiply your earthly years of life, may he increase your faith in him, may he strengthen your health! May bless all your labors and efforts on this earth! May he bestow upon you his unspeakable bounties and mercies! We sincerely wish you God's help, patience, peace, abundant gifts of God, and inexhaustible spiritual joy! May the Lord not leave you without his grace, give you strength for new accomplishments of good, grant long and good years of earthly life! May our Lord Jesus Christ send you the fullness of his abundance and sincerity! May your faith be bright, like spring water, may your life be prosperous, hope warms your soul, a smile matures on your lips, and the joy of life is always reflected in your happy eyes!

Please accept my heartfelt and sincere congratulations on your birthday! Prayerfully we wish you long health and longevity, so that the Lord God will continue to strengthen you in your faith and inspire you in earthly work! So that the many good deeds that you have done multiply! We wish you with your life to be an example of life in Christ, for our spiritual brothers and sisters! May God's mercy keep you and your family, may the sky above you be blue, may the guardian angel not leave you! And if you suddenly go astray from the true path, may the Lord guide you on the path you need to follow, because his all-seeing eye is always above you! We wish that at every step the Lord God blesses you and gives your soul spiritual joy! Let the abundant rain of God's great bounty fall over you! Keep you and your loved ones, Lord, at all times!

Happy Birthday to you! We wish you spiritual, physical and mental health, love and understanding of your spiritual children! Let faith, hope and love become a solid foundation for doing good deeds, testifying to our spiritual brothers and sisters about the truth and beauty of holy Orthodoxy! May the Lord God protect you from dark thoughts and evil spirits, from a serious illness, from an unkind look, from an evil tongue, from a wise enemy and unfaithful friend! May our father gracefully replenish your bodily and spiritual strength, and keep you in good health for many and good years! Remember, the giver of our blessings is the All-Merciful Lord! Believe sincerely, hope steadfastly, love sincerely! And let prayer be in your thoughts day and night! The help of the Almighty on all roads of life to you and your loved ones!

On this joyful and solemn day, we share with you the joy of the holiday and sincerely congratulate you on your birthday! We wish you happiness, love, pleasure, prosperity, so that your soul can enjoy and sing, and let your faith be constant! Let your soul not know the cold, let it be illuminated with light every day, and let your life resemble a blooming garden! May God's hand keep you forever, and we wish you to be in God's dreams and heart! We wish you with all your soul to feel the support of God, we wish you to find answers to all your questions with the Almighty! We wish you to be like our Father and Savior Jesus Christ in everything, and may he never leave you off-road! May the Lord God grant you help and endless love in return for your sincere faith in him! And may your love for the Creator never fade away amid the worldly vanity! God bless you!

Please accept our warmest and purest wishes for a Happy Birthday! We thank the Lord God for the fact that such a wonderful person like you was born on this day! May your mercy and sympathy warm and unite as many believing brothers and sisters as possible! Let your thoughts be positive, without worry, anxiety, disappointment and pain! We sincerely wish you, as well as your family and friends, prosperity, health, goodness, faith, hope and love! God's help to you in all your deeds and undertakings! May the Lord renew your strength, strengthen your faith, give you bodily strength and accompany you all the days of your life! At all times, hope only in our Lord, Jesus Christ, pray and you will be heard! I wish you prosperity and a peaceful life, harmony in your soul and peace in your heart, eternal health and salvation! The true path of life to you together with God!

Happy Birthday! May the greatest and blessed promises given to us by the Lord be fulfilled in your life! Do good, and let it return to you! Give and receive! May the blessing hand of God always be over you! May the Lord be with you, and you be with him all the days of your life! He will facilitate your path, he will save you from hardships and illnesses! Call upon the Lord God to you in true prayer, and he will always be close to you! He will fulfill all your desires, he will hear your request for help, he will save you from temptation, he will save you in time! Love you, health, patience, understanding, humility, peace, joy, warmth! Let the Lord be for you like a spring, the waters of which never run out! May wisdom from God fill your heart, may God keep your mind at spiritual height! Let your life sound like a song!

Orthodox birthday greetings:

On a bright birthday, we wish you warmth,
So that life is interesting and long,
So that there is comfort in the house, love and advice,
Lest you know you knew neither grief nor troubles.
What have you in mind, let it come true
All pleasant - let it be remembered.
Only let your eyes shine with happiness
Good people will meet everywhere.

May this Day that you meet
A happy date will enter your life,
And all the good things you dream of
Let it come true and let it come.
May the doors open in happiness
And everything that will be lived is not in vain.
You know: we really believe in you
And we love you very much!

May this day not be a noisy holiday
Not a red day on the calendar
But he's happy and beautiful
You appeared on earth!
And on this day there are no fireworks,
And many do not know about him.
Let many do not notice him
But the main thing is that I remember him!

You've matured a year today
Just don't be sad, don't be sad.
You have become prettier this year
Have fun and laugh heartily.
Forget resentments and adversity
Smile with your heart and soul
In the heat, and in the cold, in the rain and in bad weather
Sing about happiness with your heart!
Be such that life loves you
And so that you do not live in vain.
Your birthday is coming
And on this wonderful summer day
Your close friend wishes you
So that the sun's ray is not hidden by the shadow.
To always shine joy
In the house where you are
So that your laughter is for the joy of your friends,
So that all dreams come true.
I wish you a long life
And not be bored for a minute
Live and know that life is beautiful
And no matter how evil it is,
Do not offend your friends in vain
Learn to forgive and be kind.

In the fog of life's dreams
Sometimes at night alone
Someday in the midst of dreams
You quietly remember me!
Like a brand new fifty dollars,
That sparkles and glitters
In this house the birthday man -
Dazzling to look at!
Because then in a close circle
The whole family has already gathered,
Here are friends, girlfriends,
Because here I am!
So that by expressing participation
(My soul is on fire)
Wish you success, happiness
And keep a great look!

Without unnecessary words, without unnecessary phrases,
With a deep sense of respect
Let us congratulate you
On the bright day of your birthday.
What to wish you on this day,
What blessings, what happiness?
So that you never lose heart
Do not know sickness and misfortune.
So that you never know
No grief, no sorrow,
To comrades, friends
We were greeted with a smile everywhere.

A bright moment on your birthday
Oh time, take your time!
Love, health, eternal bloom
We wish you sincerely, with all our hearts!
And even if your soul does not know the cold,
Be beautiful, like a garden in bloom,
After all, your heart is forever young,
You will save this beauty to the world!

On your birthday today
Years can be ignored
Happy this very day
We would like to wish:
Let wrinkles, but from laughter.
Not a problem and gray hair.
Let there be tears, but from happiness
You are always accompanied.
To smile in life
Your clear eyes
To happiness and health
We have always been a companion.

I sincerely wish you
Great happiness and kindness.
I wish you what you dream of
What do you always think about
So that reality and grief do not meet,
So that your laugh is always heard
I wish you great health,
Smiles, sun and warmth.
And let what you want will come true,
What does not go well - it will be forgotten
May the good in life multiply
And, like in a fairy tale, everything in life will turn out.
17 years old like morning dawn!
All the best awaits you ahead
But nothing is more important now,
Than the choice of a friend, goal and path.
May the birds of happiness have strong wings
They will take you to a magic country
So that you find unearthly joy
The one she dreamed about in my dream.
Let everything bloom around you,
Let spring reign in your soul
May the peace and your caress illuminate the house,
Let life be full of this light.

On this day, on your birthday
Everyone is so happy and sweet.
Show us a treat
On wide tables.
Each guest is your friend
I wanted to wish now
Happiness at home and at work,
Long years and good deeds.

They want well-being

What to wish a Christian
What is the happiness of God's child?

Neither faith nor your love!

Which God gives

That's all I could wish for!

Birthday Christian
It's so hard to wish for something ...
There is no better salvation for God !!
Who can give more than God?
Empty stamps about health ...
Why are they, if you are Christ's;
You are healed by the Holy Blood
And by faith - truly healthy!
Luck, change is a bird ...
Desiring her is a waste of labor!
Accept whatever happens!
Good luck does not give happiness!

Happy birthday, congratulations
Let the flowers grow around!
Peace, I wish you joy
Lots of God's kindness.
May God bless
Holds tight on the way
Guides the step for good,
So that the goals do not pass.
Let in a peaceful environment
They will say a lot of warm words
And not only on your birthday
Give a variety of flowers.

May God bless you

It rains abundance
In His great bounty.

But our true blessing

Therefore, my prayer to God

Your eyes were shining with happiness.

Let all the bad weather be forgotten.
I want to wish you
An abundance of warmth and light
To make your soul good
Was warmed up

God's blessing hand.

The path of becoming is difficult and long,
And it's hard sometimes to admit
What to become a man from birth
It is impossible for us not to match.
To get up and get up
Keep relatives from various troubles,
What with willpower to gather,
Keeping a vow of love.
To someone who is a true man
Everything will certainly be like this
He is wise, strong and flawless,
Not some simpleton.
Today I wish you
Heavenly, sincere love
What happiness is needed, you already know
Be happy, warrior .. give joy!

Your life has its own plot, your years have its own theme.
Your methods and actions are unique and inimitable.
Each year of your life is another chapter filled with great plans for you.
And I sincerely hope that Today will be the beginning of a joyful and blessed path for you.

They want well-being
Wealth, great joys ...
But everything that the world offers
In comparison with Heaven - only pennies! ..
What to wish a Christian
What is the happiness of God's child?
Live by Christ! Let it not cool
Neither faith nor your love!
Hold on to Christ at all times
Which God gives
And celebrate your birthday with God!
That's all I could wish for!

Birthday Christian
It's so hard to wish for something ...
There is no better salvation for God !!
Who can give more than God?
Empty stamps about health ...
Why are they, if you are Christ's;
You are healed by the Holy Blood
And by faith - truly healthy!
Luck, change is a bird ...
Desiring her is a waste of labor!
Accept whatever happens!
Good luck does not give happiness!

Happy birthday, congratulations
Let the flowers grow around!
Peace, I wish you joy
Lots of God's kindness.
May God bless
Holds tight on the way
Guides the step for good,
So that the goals do not pass.
Let in a peaceful environment
They will say a lot of warm words
And not only on your birthday
Give a variety of flowers.

May God bless you
May joy give your soul
It rains abundance
In His great bounty.

I want you from my heart to your birthday
I wish so much happiness
But our true blessing
One Heavenly Father can give.
Therefore, my prayer to God
So that in the future, by His grace,
The sun was shining on your road
And in the light of God - everything is easy to bear.
And happiness is in what you give to another
From the feelings that you take from the Lord.
May He shine brighter in those windows of the house,
Behind the glass you live ...

May God bless you in everything
You strive to be like Him,
And may He rightly direct your way
Among the thorns of the earth to the holy heights.

I wish you blessings with all my heart, love without measure,
Let life, lasting, leave a glorious mark in years,
And may God's faith not weaken in life,
And may the Lord protect you from storms and troubles.
The candle does not go out, the hope grows
May joy be in your heart and a blissful world,
Always let your clothes be snow-white
So that at the hour of the trumpet, the Lord would call to the wedding feast.

I really want that on this day
Your eyes were shining with happiness.
Let the shadow not slip in them of sadness
Let all the bad weather be forgotten.
I want to wish you
An abundance of warmth and light
To make your soul good
Was warmed up
May it always be above you
God's blessing hand.

Years pass in succession
Again you stand at the turn
And God is and was with you
And He helped you in everything.
God Himself protected you with His hand
He showed you many blessings
And in grief I was always with you
He has not forgotten you anywhere.
He carried you, and together the burden
He helped carry you
And with a strong hand all the time
He delivered you more than once.
Go to the glorious, wonderful goal,
But not alone, but with Him in everything
And it never gets hard
You are nowhere in the earthly way.

With all my heart, with great excitement,
In which, not finding words,
We wish you a happy birthday,
Have a wonderful holiday!
We wish you a lot, a lot of happiness
Good and big love
Let the bad weather pass you by
In a distant life path.
Let your life flow like a river
Among the high shores
And may they always be a support
Hope, Faith and Love.

It's your birthday today
Happy, best day of the year.
So may all the blessings
Today they will come to your life!

Let the wind be the freshness of the field
Breathe in for the days to come
My dear melody of heaven
Will sing to make them flow more joyfully.

Blossoming roses let life decorate
Its fragrance;
May the clouds not hide happiness
Let the sky be blue!

Let no tears of bitterness flow
Only tears of joy shine
And glorious songs are sung
And let the stars burn at night!

Happy Birthday to you
Save you, Lord, from troubles
We wish you all the best
Wonderful, kind, long years !!!

What to wish a Christian
What is the happiness of God's child?
Live by Christ! Let it not cool
Neither faith nor your love!
Hold on to Christ at all times
Which God gives
And celebrate your birthday with God!
Here is my wish!
Without murmuring and without torment
Meet adversity and fight
Praise Christ for justification
Pray with thanksgiving!
Work with a young soul
To not know the sadness!
My dear friend, the Lord is with you!
What better wish!

May the Lord's hand guard you
Where it seems you are alone.
Just remember always: you are not alone then,
When God is with you!

I wish you blessings with all my heart, love without measure,
Let life, lasting, leave a glorious mark in years,
And may God's faith not weaken in life,
And may the Lord protect you from storms and troubles.
The candle does not go out, the hope grows
May joy be in your heart and a blissful world,
Always let your clothes be snow-white
So that at the hour of the trumpet, the Lord would call to the wedding feast.

We wish you a birthday from the heart
We wish so much happiness
But our true blessing
One Heavenly Father can give.
Therefore, our prayer is to God,
so that in the future, by His grace,
The sun was shining on your road
And in the light of God - everything is easy to bear.
And happiness is in what you give to another
From the feelings that you take from the Lord.
May He shine brighter in those windows of the house,
Behind the glass you live!

Birthday Christian
It's so hard to wish for something ...
There is no better salvation for God !!
Who can give more than God?
Empty stamps about health ...
Why are they, if you are Christ's;
You are healed by the Holy Blood
And by faith - truly healthy!
Luck, change is a bird ...
Desiring her is a waste of labor!
Accept whatever happens!
Good luck does not give happiness!

On a bright birthday, we wish you warmth,
So that life is interesting and long,
So that there is comfort in the house, love and advice,
So that you know you knew neither grief nor troubles.

What have you in mind, let it come true
Everything pleasant - let it be remembered.
Only let your eyes shine with happiness
Good people will meet everywhere.

God called you to this earth
By giving hope, faith and love.
You strictly heeded his precepts -
He shed his blood for you.
Beware of temptations, trials,
Righteousness is your best shield in the world!
Birthday is the day of your wishes!
May the Lord bless them all!

We wish you joy and health,
May every new day be bright!
And observe the laws of Orthodoxy
May you never be lazy!
Do not be too strict about the deeds of loved ones
Manage to forgive them all sins.
May the Lord protect you on the road
So that you can live your life happily!

May this day not be a noisy holiday
Not a red day on the calendar
But he's happy and beautiful
You appeared on earth!

And on this day there are no fireworks,
And many do not know about him.
Let many do not notice him
But the main thing is that I remember him!

On your birthday in church choirs
Prayers a high song sounds,
And the image of God with a wise gaze
Looks inquisitively into the gas and is silent,
As if asking about something.
But he knows your desires without words,
And if thoughts, my friend, are kind, pure,
The Lord will fulfill all your dreams.

Orthodox birthday greetings in verse

You've matured a year today
Just don't be sad, don't be sad.
You have become prettier this year
Have fun and laugh heartily.

Forget resentments and adversity
Smile with your heart and soul
In the heat, and in the cold, in the rain and in bad weather
Sing about happiness with your heart!

Be such that life loves you
And so that you do not live in vain.
Your birthday is coming
And on this wonderful summer day

Your close friend wishes you
So that the sun's ray is not hidden by the shadow.
To always shine joy
In the house where you are

So that your laughter is for the joy of your friends,
So that all dreams come true.
I wish you a long life
And don't be bored for a minute

Live and know that life is beautiful
And no matter how evil it is,
Do not offend your friends in vain
Learn to forgive and be kind.

Today is a celebration in your monastery!
We will all sing the mercy of God!
Did you ever see that day
The bright world in which we live.
May the celestials always keep you,
A cozy house is protected from troubles!
We wish you a Guardian Angel!
Let your life be filled with good!

In the fog of life's dreams
Sometimes at night alone
Someday in the midst of dreams
You quietly remember me!

Like a brand new fifty dollars,
That sparkles and glitters
In this house the birthday man -
Dazzling to look at!

Because then in a close circle
The whole family has already gathered,
Here are friends, girlfriends,
Because here I am!

So that by expressing participation
(My soul is on fire)
Wish you success, happiness
And keep a great look!

In the fog of life's dreams
Sometimes at night alone
Someday in the midst of dreams
You quietly remember me!

Like a brand new fifty dollars,
That sparkles and glitters
In this house the birthday man -
Dazzling to look at!

Because then in a close circle
The whole family has already gathered,
Here are friends, girlfriends,
Because here I am!

So that by expressing participation
(My soul is on fire)
Wish you success, happiness
And keep a great look!

Happy birthday, we hasten to congratulate
Wish: keep God in your heart,
Do not waste your youth in vain!
And to be a support for neighbors!
Always praise our Lord,
So that there is peace and quiet in the house!
So that the angel can direct the path,
The one where love rules the soul!

May God bless you
May joy give your soul
It rains abundance
In His great bounty.

We wish you to live life with God in your heart,
Hope and believe and love
So that the house of the Lord is warmed with warmth,
So that there is a lot of happiness in him!
And on Birthday, let friends come
Your virtues will be exalted.
Live, our dear, up to a hundred years,
No sorrows, sorrows and no troubles!

Happy Birthday! Let your home
Will be happy at night, during the day
Let it be a full cup
It will become your fortress!
May the great God mighty
Protects from a black cloud
May it always live in your soul
There is a fragile soul in faith!

On your birthday today
Years can be ignored
Happy this very day
We would like to wish:

Let wrinkles, but from laughter.
Not a problem and gray hair.
Let there be tears, but from happiness
You are always accompanied.

To smile in life
Your clear eyes
To happiness and health
We have always been a companion.

Birthday Christian
It's so hard to wish for something ...
There is no better salvation for God !!
Who can give more than God?

Empty stamps about health ...
Why are they, if you are Christ's;
You are healed by the Holy Blood
And by faith - truly healthy!

Good luck, change is a bird ...
Desiring her is a waste of labor!
Accept whatever happens!
Good luck does not give happiness!

Happy birthday to an Orthodox person

I want you from my heart to your birthday
I wish so much happiness
But our true blessing
One Heavenly Father can give.
Therefore, my prayer to God
So that in the future, by His grace,
The sun was shining on your road
And in the light of God - everything is easy to bear.
And happiness is in what you give to another
From the feelings that you take from the Lord.
May He shine brighter in those windows of the house,
Behind the glass you live ...

Happy birthday, congratulations
Let the flowers grow around!
Peace, I wish you joy
Lots of God's kindness.

May God bless
Holds tight on the way
Guides the step for good,
So that the goals do not pass.

Let in a peaceful environment
They will say a lot of warm words
And not only on your birthday
Give a variety of flowers.

The path of becoming is difficult and long,
And it's hard sometimes to admit
What to become a man from birth
It is impossible for us not to match.

To get up and get up
Keep relatives from various troubles,
What with willpower to gather,
Keeping a vow of love.

To someone who is a true man
Everything will certainly be like this
He is wise, strong and flawless,
Not some simpleton.

Today I wish you
Heavenly, sincere love
What happiness is needed, you already know
Be happy, warrior .. give joy!