Congratulations on the birth of a grandson to grandmother in prose. Congratulations to your grandson in prose on his birthday Congratulations on the birth of a grandson in your own words

Woman, mother and grandmother - undeniable happiness.
To hug the grandson to the chest is an inexplicable feeling,
Awe, love and tenderness, fear, apprehension, tears
Strange metamorphoses occur with feelings.

Let the boy shine like the sun, warm,
In life, let the child not know bitter grievances,
Congratulations on your grandson - grandma is great!
She pressed her grandson to her heart - your life is not in vain!

We congratulate you on the birth of your grandson!
We wish the boy health and happiness!
Let your sturdy granddaughter grow faster,
Let the born baby be healthy!

Take up close up his upbringing -
Surround your granddaughter with warmth and attention,
Read interesting books to him,
Cherish, pamper, love the boy!

The grandson was born! Congratulations!
From now on you are grandmother.
May the boy grow up healthy
Fulfills all dreams.

I wish you strength, patience,
Much trouble ahead
May this wonderful status
It brings you inspiration.

You are a granny! Happy grandchild birth!
May the boy grow healthy
From a world where only boredom lives
Let him easily lead by the hand

Life will fill with smiles baby
And add happy worries
The light of the sun will shine through the window
A round dance will whirl new affairs!

Touching congratulations on the birth of a grandson to grandmother

An amazing transformation happened, friend, with you
She was just a mother, she became a charming and young grandmother.
And now a priceless jewel has appeared in your family,
Well, with her, exercises are eternal in educational skill.

Accept congratulations, grandmother, let the grandson add energy,
Will grow up and become a helper and as a faithful friend
She will never offend grandma and she will not leave one to be bored,
I wish that violent youth could understand wise maturity.

An angel was born
A nice and sweet boy was born,
Like a whirligig, let it grow, groovy,
Will be generously endowed with fate.

You, granny, are in business now,
And the door is always open for you
To the house where the dear granddaughters are growing up,
Let patience, love you have enough!
Madly let him adore you!

A new man was born
His cry is a blissful sound,
Now you have become a grandmother,
Beloved grandson in her arms.

I sincerely congratulate you,
May he grow healthy
It will never be boring
Let you and the boy alone.

Congratulations on the birth of your grandson!
I wish to become the best grandmother -
Attentive, kind, not at all strict,
But sweet, beautiful, caring only!

Let your beloved granddaughter be a joy
And let boredom stop visiting,
The days will be filled with glorious joy, light,
Share life's secret happiness secret!

Funny congratulations with a newborn granddaughter to grandmother

Boy, grandson - that's chic!
Let it not be great yet.
Let, some three kilos,
Granny was lucky!

Will you spin now
Like a squirrel - where to go!
But you will be energetic
A slender, pretty grandmother.

A beautiful boy appeared in the family,
Hurry to buy cars and books,
Then pistols and machine guns
Let him grow up as a brave soldier!

We wish you not to lose patience,
So that you can raise your grandson with dignity,
And if there are gaps, flaws,
Tell me, it's the fault of dad and mom!

There is for joy and happiness
There's a good reason in life
Appeared in your life
The dearest man.

Congratulations to you granny
With a newborn granddaughter.
Life is different now:
Mischievous, with a twinkle!

Happy birthday to your grandson!
May life become rich with a child's laughter
Let your grandson grow up like a rascal,
A cheerful, healthy and cheerful boy!

May you, as a beloved granny, appreciate
And he believes in fairy tales about good wizards,
Let him grow up, become a strong man
And he himself will skillfully get the stars from the sky!

Wishes for grandmother with the birth of a grandson in prose

There is no happier and more valuable moment than the minutes of the birth of a grandson. There is no more joyful news than the news that you are now a grandchild's grandmother. This is the best event for which it is always a pleasure to congratulate an accomplished woman. May your grandmother's happiness accompany you all your life. Let the boy, turning into a man, remain a loving grandson. You should be an adorable and charming grandmother - a woman.

Congratulations on your newborn! We wish you youth and good spirits, energy and wisdom that you will need to raise your grandson! We wish him to become not just a grandmother, but a good fairy, capable of working miracles and bringing joy! May your friendship and understanding be absolute and permanent!

I sincerely congratulate you on the birth of your grandson! I wish your baby good health and happiness. And to you - strength, patience and charm, so that you are always the standard of wisdom and beauty for your beloved boy. Explore the world with him, rejoice at the first successes and funny, toothless smiles. Be a super grandmother: active, fun, moderately strict and always ready for new discoveries!

With the birth of a lovely grandson, with new joy and new worries! Let the baby grow up happy and from the first days of his life know what an incredibly beautiful, unusually skillful, truly wonderful grandmother he has! And you give him all the warmth of a kind heart and help him become a wonderful person!

Short poems from a newborn grandson (SMS)

Young people have tried hard -
And they gave the granddaughter.
May it grow healthy
Cheerful and intelligent.

Congratulations on the birth of a boy!
We wish Granny health and strength!
So that you can pass on the experience to your grandson,
So that you can become a friend of the best granddaughter!

Happy Newborn, Granny!
Congratulations on your glorious grandson,
Be healthy baby
And I wish you happy!

You now have a grandson
Congratulations! Let everything
You have enough hands
This happiness is yours!

Our beloved grandson! Your birth brought a lot of joy to our entire family. So let every new day of your birthday every year be a great happiness not only for you, but also for your loved ones! May your life be filled with love and joy!

Granddaughter, we congratulate you on the day of your birth! Happy Birthday! You are our sun, our life. Be, as before, as mischievous and cheerful. Let only positive people and faithful friends meet on your life path. Be yourself and be happy.

ust life today is not what it used to be, let times and mores change, but on my grandson's birthday, I must say, honor, that young men like him have always been pride and joy for their families! You can rely on them in difficult times, you can give your beloved daughters as wives, for them - nothing is impossible! I wish my beloved grandson to remain as kind, friendly, open, strong and happy as we know him today.

On my birthday, I would like to wish my dear and beloved grandson to be always cheerful and active, strong and athletic, wise and reasonable, educated and attractive! May all your dreams be bright and pure, and may your life be worthy and beautiful, so that you yourself and all your loved ones are proud of it.

Our beloved grandson! Today, on your birthday, I wish you to boldly go through life, to live so that you do not have to be disappointed in your choice. I wish not to hide from difficulties and trials, but to overcome them. Keep your dream in your heart and make it come true. Be a good person, support for all of us - for your family! And know that you are our hope and joy. Happy Holidays!

My dear and beloved granddaughter! Joy to you, blessings from above, kindness and warmth, loyal friends, career growth, delightful minutes and wonderful days! Let your birthday be the starting point in the world of good luck, victories and great new achievements! May life give you its best gifts, the main of which is happiness!

The brightest and most beloved man, I wish you a happy birthday today. As soon as you appeared, our world seemed to change, became colorful and bright. Grandson - you are the most precious thing I have. And for you today I want to say the warmest and most tender words. Happy Birthday to You. May all your dreams come true soon!

Happy birthday, my dear grandson. I wish you to be persistent and confident, never succumb to the fears of life and the influence of stupid people. I wish you always to remain a beloved and loving grandson, I wish you, dear, strong strength and correct steps on the road to your happiness.

Beloved granddaughter! Today is your birthday! Let it be bright and unforgettable, let it bring many gifts and pleasant surprises! Be healthy, cheerful and happy! Enjoy life and please your parents! May all your dreams come true! Let everything work out and everything works out!

Our beloved grandson! Today, on my birthday, I wish my grandson to boldly go through life, to live so that he does not have to repent of his choice, not hide from difficulties and trials, but overcome them. Keep your dream within your heart and make it come true. Be a good person, support for all of us - your family! And know that you are our hope and joy. Happy Holidays!

My dear, beloved, beloved granddaughter! I congratulate you on a happy, wonderful day - your birthday! Always be a healthy, active, inquisitive and funny boy, grow up strong, strong and courageous, please your parents and relatives.

Dear grandson! We grew up and lived in different eras, mine is gone - yours is just beginning! Today is your holiday, and I want to say that I dream in my lifetime to see not only how you will become a completely adult, strong and worthy man, but also to take a walk at your wedding, because heaven will certainly send you a kind and beautiful bride! May your years pass in peace and prosperity, may one day I have a chance to nurse your grandchildren and tell them about what a wonderful person their father is!

I am glad to congratulate you granddaughters on your birthday! I would like to wish you only all the best and most pleasant. I would like your life to be like a fairy tale, where there are many miracles. I want happiness not to leave you. Let everything you dream about come true sooner or later. The main thing is to stubbornly pursue your goal and believe in success. Grandma is always with you.

I read you fairy tales at night. Do you remember? Your favorite Andersen children's fairy tales. Life there is so bright and beautiful. So I wish you that your life was the same as in these fairy tales, and it is better that it be even brighter. Happy birthday, my grandson.

This day is very important and significant for me. Indeed, on this day, fate gave me the most expensive gift, a grandson. I want to wish you a happy birthday, my dear, and tell you that you always believe in the best. I will do everything for your happiness, because my happiness, I already have, is you. Grow up not only outside, but also inside! Happy birthday.

My dear grandson, I wish you a happy birthday. My dear, I want to wish you always and everywhere to keep up, not to let anyone question your courage and honor, to meet every day with incredible strength and lofty goals, to enjoy your life with every moment and constantly fill it with happy smiles and noble deeds.

My dear grandson! Today you have become a year older, which means, a year smarter! Let in your life, every day will be remembered as something good, something joyful, something that you could tell your children and grandchildren, something you could laugh about! Let it be like this every day! Happy Birthday!

My grandson! You are still so small, but today, on your birthday, I boldly look into the future and see you ... this is a hero! Stands like a mountain for his relatives, loyal to friends, a jack of all trades and a groom - better than any prince! Grow up quickly like that, granddaughters! Please your old people with your happiness and live so that it is easy on your soul!

Dear and beloved granddaughter, today you have become one more year older, more courageous, smarter. Let the years of upbringing not be wasted. I believe that you will grow up to be a wonderful person. In the meantime, I wish you endless health and more joyful moments. Let only the most real and loyal friends remain by your side.

My dear, only grandson, thank you for everything, for your help, for being around. Please accept my heartfelt congratulations on your birthday. I wish to find myself in this crazy ruthless world. I wish you good luck in life and good health. Let the waves bring only the most pleasant and good news to your, granddaughter, shores.

What can I wish you today, my granddaughter? Yesterday you were very young, and today you are a year older. May this day bring you so much happiness that it will last for a lifetime. I really want to see you as a kind, good and respected person. I believe: you will grow up to be a wonderful person, always ready to lend a helping hand to the suffering.

All the words in the world are not enough to express all my love for you, my grandson. On your birthday, I will tell you the most beautiful words. There is tenderness in my wishes, which I wish you too. Let only goodness be in your heart. Smiles to you and great, great happiness. I hope that on your face I will always see only a smile.

I haven't forgotten about your birthday, grandson. It's just that since the morning I have been choosing what to give you. You know, I want to give you tenderness. Very soon you will become a man and leave us. I want your life to have as much tenderness and kindness as you wish for yourself. May your family never know problems, and you will always be healthy and happy.

My affectionate, my most gentle, kindest and good grandson! On your birthday, I dream that you will be happy. I wish you well and peace. Be all your life as gentle and good as you are now. Tenderness and warmth reign in your heart. May failure never overtake you and your house will always be open to good people.

I am so happy that I have you, my beloved and affectionate grandson! Today I wish you a happy birthday. There are tears in my eyes, but please do not be afraid - these are tears of joy and happiness. I really want you to find your way to happiness and walk along it all your life, without turning anywhere. May your path always be strewn with only flowers.

Mischievous and mischievous, congratulations! Run to us more often, granddaughters. May a happy birthday bring mountains of gifts and a lot of joy. Grow as strong as an oak tree, as brave as a super hero, as kind as the sun.

Cars are your passion, granddaughters! On your birthday, I wish you to fly to your dream like a Ferrari, not be afraid of obstacles like KamAZ, behave with dignity like a Rolls-Royce and remain Russian at heart like a Moskvich.

Has become even more mature for a year, granddaughters, congratulations! Let your hobbies become a life choice, so that there is a desire to completely surrender to the profession. Find and do not lose friends who are to your liking and a loved one, which is to your heart!

All paths in life are open before you, choose any granddaughter. May wings carry you towards dashing luck and smiling happiness on a sunny birthday. Grow up athletic and purposeful, cheerful and heartfelt!

When you know someone from early childhood, when you see all his ups and downs, you see how he grows, you want this person to do well. And the truth is, you love your grandchildren more than your children. Happy birthday, my dear grandson!

Dear grandson, my love shines for you in the night, like a beacon, and calls you to your native shores! Reminds you that you are loved and welcomed here! May good luck and a fair wind always accompany, and the ship of your life is confidently sailing along the waves!

Becoming parents is a great happiness and a real gift of fate, which sooner or later all adults dream of. And to become a grandmother is a special happiness, a double gift, a great honor and real pride of every woman!

After all, now all life is changing, a new happy stage is beginning, a new status - honorable, beautiful and worthy - grandmother! Of course, you need to heartily congratulate a woman on her newborn grandson, because this is a holiday, and what a holiday! Whether there will be a holiday and a feast on this wonderful occasion or not, in any case, the newly-made grandmother should be honored with her attention, expressed admiration, and wished good and joy. She will be so pleased!

What should be the congratulations to the grandmother on the birth of her grandson, what should be said or written on this holiday? In fact, you don't need to invent anything special, you just have to sincerely express your love, care, admiration and wish you great happiness! You can congratulate grandparents together, you can prepare congratulations on the birth of a grandson - first, second, great-grandson, or even twins! Everything is individual.

There are a lot of options. It is not enough just to choose your favorite congratulations to the grandmother on the birth of her granddaughter, you need to take into account various details: your family ties, the nature and age of the woman, whether the first grandson was born, and other points. Well, as for the form, everything is simple. Choose what you like best:

  • Solemn speech in prose.
  • Beautiful poems.
  • Cool and original toasts.
  • Good wish.
  • Speak in your own words.

This is the most general list of options, in fact there may be more. Choose yours, the most beautiful, funny, sincere and festive. And may the newly-made grandfather and young grandma be happy on this day more than ever!

Happy Holidays!

A new man has decided to be born in your family, and this is a great event, great happiness for everyone: for parents, and for brothers and sisters, and, of course, for newly-made "old people". Say nice words to them, don't ignore them!

1. An excellent option is to congratulate grandparents on the birth of a grandson in prose. You can say so much with prose! Express your gratitude and admiration, say many pleasant and warm words, wish only a happy future and note all the best features and qualities. In other words, prose is a good choice!

2. You can also congratulate a newly-made grandma with her granddaughter or grandson by means of a short SMS message, especially if you are far from each other and there is no way to say everything personally, to hug and wish something good.

So the easiest and most successful option is to send beautiful SMS greetings with a newborn (or newborn) and write whatever you want to wish a young grandma and her grandpa!

3. Of course, you should not ignore the poems. After all, saying a speech on the birth of a grandson in verse is a great way to please grandparents, thereby evoking the best emotions and a festive mood in them!

4. Toast is a wonderful congratulation on the birth of a grandson to grandmother and grandfather, which will move not only the heroes of the occasion, but also all the guests at the table. As you celebrate, be sure to raise your glass and say solemn, sincere words that will make your hearts beat faster.

From everyone who loves ...

Would you like your congratulations on the birth of your granddaughter or baby-grandson to be individual and special? It's very simple, and the effect and impressions will be incredible!

1. Congratulations from loving children to the newly-born grandmother and young grandfather on the birth of a granddaughter or little granddaughter will make an amazing impression on them, create an excellent mood and truly make them happy! Show them how grateful, glad and happy you are, what a friendly and strong family you have, and may this day be remembered for a long time and become significant for everyone!

2. A granddaughter was born, joy and pride in the family! Congratulate your grandmother and grandfather on the birth of their granddaughter in prose, in a poem, in the form of a toast or postcard, whatever you prefer. Please your relatives, because for them this is such a wonderful and significant event!

3. There are many wonderful solemn words in honor of the birth of a boy: prose, poems, and just beautiful words from myself. A grandson is hope, it is joy and pride, and it is a great happiness to raise and educate him. Do not regret beautiful words on this day and say them with all your heart!

4. But a great-grandson or great-granddaughter is a special pride, such happiness does not fall to everyone in fate, and this means that old people will be glad to hear good words in their honor. Congratulate them beautifully, sincerely and sincerely, they deserve it!

5. There are beautiful words in honor of grandmother and grandfather, for the two of them, with a newborn granddaughter or granddaughter, excellent holiday texts intended for both "old people". Now they are not only parents, they have a new, solid status in the family, and this is worthy of respect and great admiration. So express it in beautiful heartfelt words!

The appearance in the family of a new little man, the successor of the family, is a significant and very big event, which everyone is happy about. You should not be too lazy and prepare the best congratulations on the birth of your granddaughter to your grandparents, words that reflect all your emotions, light a spark of happiness in the soul of the grandparents, make them happier on this day.

The main thing is not the beauty and pathos of the words you said, but sincerity, sincerity and simplicity. Say whatever you think is necessary from the bottom of your heart, and this day will be the best! Author: Vasilina Serova, sources:,,,,,,,

sMS congratulations on the birth of a grandson

We congratulate you on the birth of your granddaughter! We wish you only happiness on earth. After all, children are the highest reward that we are given in this world to have.

Well, your granddaughters are just a sight for sore eyes! As ruddy as a little darling. We are happy for him with all our hearts and congratulate you on his birthday!

We are glad that we can congratulate you on your first grandson! After all, it is such happiness to nurse a baby! We wish you that he grows up healthy and that he does not know grief in life.

Your granddaughters are just lovely! Handsome, cute, just stunned. We wish him to grow up healthy, honest, strong. So that he could overcome any obstacle in life.

We are glad that your grandson was born. We want to wish you all happiness. So that you have everything in the best possible way, so that you do not know what grief and attack are.

Congratulations on a wonderful event! Your regiment has arrived! We hope that the grandson will be a copy of his grandfather and a worthy successor to the grandmother's work!

Let me congratulate you on this day and ask you casually: even if not now, on the occasion of the birth of our granddaughter, will we drink cognac with you?

Congratulations on the birth of such a wonderful, strong, intelligent and handsome boy! Finally, you will learn what it is like to feel like a grandfather!

I can’t believe my eyes and ears: you - and grandma? No, this cannot be! Therefore, I congratulate you on the birth of your daughter's son! This will be more correct.

Guess the riddle: mom is in the hospital, dad is drinking, and you are in shock. What happened? Your grandson was born! Congratulations buddy! Let it grow strong and healthy - like you!

Choose another SMS with the birth of a grandson: