Wedding rings on the fingers. Which hand put on the wedding ring. Who wears on the right

The ring on the finger is almost always a symbol. It will tell a lot about the tastes, wealth and status of its master.

Particular relation to the engagement ring.

Let us pay tribute to globalization: modern wedding rings in Russia are no longer those simple golden stripes, as on the fingers of our grandfathers and parents.

The modern symbols of marriage are much more diverse, interesting and, so to speak, expressive. Today they are able to tell much more than just tell about the social status of their owner.

Status, traditions and modern fashion in Russia

Let's start with the status. An engagement ring means that in front of you is a married man or a married woman.

And if earlier such a symbol of marriage could only be seen on the ring finger of a person’s right hand, then in recent years they often wear a wedding ring on the same finger and left hand.

So often that one involuntarily asks the question, on which hand are the wedding rings in Russia? We answer. According to Russian tradition, he is still worn on his right hand!

The ring finger of his left hand is often worn after a divorce or in the case of widowhood in order to demonstrate to others his social status. Also on the left hand  wear a wedding ring catholics  and representatives of some other religions, about this in our other article.

It should be noted that in recent years, wedding rings are increasingly worn in Russia on the ring finger, along with another ring that matches the texture or, on the contrary, is very contrasted.

This tribute to fashion is not new: wedding rings were worn in medieval Europe, where it was supposed to be second on the finger.

How and what are they wearing

As we already said, the design of this timeless symbol of marriage has changed a lot in our time.

Firstly, recently made of white gold or platinum rings, which do not look as catchy as the usual, but at the same time are much more expensive.

Secondly, even more common pair ring fashionwhen the wedding decoration of the bride and groom is the same, unique design, the difference is only in size.

It can be the same diamond facet on the products or the same ornament - the main thing is that people in wedding rings can immediately understand that they are husband and wife. There are more and more of these in jewelry stores.

Today, the most popular patterns on Russian wedding rings are ancient Celtic ornaments.

But at the same time smooth traditional rings  of red gold do not lose their relevance, according to statistics, they are still the leaders in sales in this category of jewelry.
  For example, the most popular (despite the huge assortment) are simple, smooth models from the Lucida series.

Their main plus is affordable price compared to others  and traditionality.

However, it is possible that the newlyweds who choose them are guided by the traditional belief that life with a smooth ring will be smooth.

In recent years, in Russia, more and more often, as a wedding ring, a woman chooses a piece of jewelry with an expensive, sometimes quite large stone.

The ring, as a decoration, gained fame in antiquity. Wealthy ladies hung themselves with jewelry from head to toe. Men did not lag behind them. At first, jewelry, especially with stones, was used as amulets in the form of amulets. Later, with fashion trends, precious stones began to be introduced into numerous jewelry.

Years passed and from the men's jewelry there was only a ring, the so-called signet. There was even a special etiquette on wearing rings. After the revolution in the Soviet Union, the wearing of jewelry by men was under an unofficial ban. And now it is gradually becoming fashionable to wear a signet.

What is a signet and how to wear it

At its core, this is the same ring, with carved initials or coat of arms. They wore such a ring on their little fingers.  and used to seal letters. Wax or wax was dripped onto the letter and pressed on top with a ring. Thus, the addressee found out from whom the letter arrived.

The upper part of the ring with engraving was made mirror-like, so that the print had the correct image. The pattern could be cut both on the ring itself and on a stone inserted in the ring frame.

The founders of wearing a signet ring, as expected, were the French. They introduced rules for wearing engraved ring:

Until now, people in France wear a signet ring and try to adhere to the rules. Over time, much has changed, but there a man tries to wear a ring engraved part out. If someone wears an engraving inside the palm of his hand, it means that he is engaged.

In no case should you think that only nobles wear signs. It used to be the way it was, since it was a privileged class. Now you just follow the prescribed rules.

The history of wearing a signet ring

From time immemorial, the signet has been, to a lesser extent, an adornment, and to a greater extent, a symbol of belonging to power. Kings, the highest clergy, well-known commanders - that is who in ancient times could carry the symbol of power on his finger. Ring letters were sealed. Even a document could be legally recognized if it bears the personal seal of the owner.

When there were no photographs and television, only the sign could tell the person he was dealing with.

  1. The coat of arms on the ring spoke of belonging to the clan, and the finger on which it is worn is who is its owner (the head of the clan or a simple representative). Sometimes by engraving it was possible to find out the rank of the owner. This was found among the high ranks of the church or the foremen of the shops. The inheritance of the clan ring could mean the appointment of a new head of the clan or the head of the church (workshop).
  2. Some signs are credited with magical properties. These include the Masonic rings, by which the members of the lodges recognized each other.
  3. In fascist Germany, engraved rings were awarded as a mark of distinction. At the end of the war, all manufactured rings were destroyed. The leadership of the Third Reich believed in their magical power.
  4. Each new Pope is given a signet with the image of St. Peter and the name of the Pope. After the death of the Pope, the ring is destroyed, since transferring it to someone is considered blasphemy.

Modern men do not bother with the question: on which finger do they wear a signet? Today it is just a beautiful, stylish decoration. Both men and women wear these rings. More, of course, this type of ring fell in love with the male half of humanity. Most, without thinking about traditions, wear those rings that are in jewelry stores. Very rarely on your hand you can see a ring with an engraving - this means that it is made to order.

Today there are no restrictions on wearing. Therefore, they wear a ring on any hand. The man himself chooses how to wear a signet.

On which finger are the signet nowadays

Psychologists make their own rules for wearing rings. By this they try determine the temperament of a man. And in their opinion, the following is obtained:

  • on the little finger are creative individuals;
  • on the ring finger - lovers;
  • on average, people who consider themselves irresistible;
  • the thumb indicates increased sexuality.

Of course, all this, to put it mildly, prejudices. But the society has established a strong opinion that the ring on the hand determines the status and position of its owner.

Astrologers who have joined in resolving this issue also claim that no signet determines the fate of the individual, and the finger she is wearing. Since the signs of the zodiac are divided by belonging to the elements, so they decided to share the fingers:

  • the little finger is "given to water";
  • nameless to the air;
  • the middle one went to the earth;
  • pointing fire;
  • and ranked the great kingdom of ether.

In real life, everything looks a little different. Comparing all astrological, psychological and historical research, we get the following picture of the fingers:

  1. Little finger. It is believed that people in creative professions can have a signet on it. They also talk about the tendency of a person with a ring on his little finger to gambling and flirting.
  2. Nameless. The history of wearing a ring on this finger goes from ancient times and means the status of a married man. Big lovers of beautiful and expensive things began to wear a ring on it. So he remained an unnamed adherent of beauty, put on display.
  3. MiddleIf you wear a ring on it, it will help to overcome difficulties and increase the prudence of the owner. It is customary to wear family jewelry on it.
  4. Pointing  always considered a symbol of power. If you put a signet on your left finger, then this leads to megalomania, on the right - to judgment. But in either case, a person seeks leadership.
  5. Big  in antiquity was considered a symbol of sexual power. Wearing a ring on it is inconvenient, but it attracts the attention of others. The wearer on the thumb seeks self-affirmation at all costs.

The tradition of wearing wedding rings exists in almost all nations. But many have their own characteristics in ways of wearing. The portal will trace the variety of such rituals, as well as figure out where the wedding rings came from.

History of Wedding Rings

According to archaeological finds, the first rings appeared in ancient Egypt. They were used by the pharaohs as a personal seal and confirmation of their own will. The birth of the rite of engagement dates back to the same time. The groom brought the bride’s parents a metal ring as a symbol of their responsibility to them. Subsequently, such rings became bronze, and then silver. Since then, the ritual has entrenched and has successfully reached our days.

What is the difference between an engagement ring and others?

Today, there are three types of wedding rings - engagement, engagement and wedding. The engagement ring is given to the bride by the groom at the time of the proposal to marry. This jewelry is intended only for women, made of gold or silver.

An engagement ring is a pair, designed for both the groom and the bride. It is the wedding rings that the couple exchanges at the registry office. They are made of expensive metals, possibly with gem inserts.

Wedding rings are intended for those couples who have decided to consolidate family ties in the bosom of the church and undergo a wedding ceremony. They exist only in the Orthodox tradition.

On which finger do women wear a wedding ring?

On the ring finger of the left hand

There is a legend that since ancient Egypt, women wore rings on the ring fingers of the left hand, because the heart and this finger are connected by a thin nerve.

Over time, the question on which finger the wedding ring is worn has been resolved in different ways. For example, in the Middle Ages there were frequent cases when many kings issued decrees regulating the rules for wearing rings. And there were up to ten different options, including the thumbs.

After strengthening the positions of Catholicism and Protestantism in Europe, clear rules were established for wearing an engagement ring. So, the place was again fixed to the ring finger of the left hand. This was due to the same reason as in antiquity - proximity to the heart. Today, England, Germany, France, Canada, the USA, Brazil and others honor this tradition. Muslims adhere to the same custom.

On the ring finger of the right hand

In this case, the rules are again dictated by religion. For example, the ring finger of the right hand, where they wear a wedding ring in Russia, is an Orthodox tradition. According to the canons, everything that is connected with the right side of the body is considered correct. In other cases, in a multi-confessional Russia, spouses wear wedding rings on the finger on which they themselves consider it necessary, or in accordance with other beliefs.

In addition, women often wear engagement and engagement rings on one finger. In this case, you need to think in advance about how to choose a wedding ring, so that it is combined with the engagement in style and performance.

Other cases

There are peoples who have alternative ways of wearing rings:

  • according to Jewish tradition - on the index finger;
  • according to gypsy customs - on a chain around his neck;
  • among the peoples of the North Caucasus, by tradition, rings are not worn at all after the wedding.

Sometimes there are cases when the bride or groom wears a wedding ring on the middle finger of the right hand. Such behavior can sometimes be interpreted by others as defiant and defying social laws of morality and rules of behavior. However, there is a very specific explanation for this. The reason may be that the size of the ring is not suitable for the ring finger. Therefore, if its wearer or wearer does not want to go to a jewelry workshop for fitting or purchase another, for example, a wider ring for the bride, then it moves to the middle finger of the right hand.

On which finger do men wear a wedding ring?

There are no separate rules for men. Everything is determined by the following factors:

  1. nationality,
  2. religious practice
  3. personal preferences.

On which finger do the widows and widowers wear a wedding ring?

An engagement ring is a symbol of endless marital fidelity. Therefore, even after the death of a spouse, their soul mates, as a sign of devotion, do not stop wearing an engagement ring, especially if it is an engraved wedding ring.

If widowers continue to do this, as during their beloved's life, then for widows there are several behaviors:

  • A woman removes her ring from the ring finger of her right hand and wears the ring of the departed spouse in this place.
  • A woman removes her ring from the ring finger of her right hand and wears it on the ring finger of her left hand.
  • A woman wears two wedding rings on the ring finger of her left hand.

All these cases are exclusively voluntary in nature and are not obligatory or traditional. Only the widow herself can decide how to deal with the things of her beloved.

Modern traditions of wearing wedding rings

Currently, many couples stop wearing engagement rings after the wedding. This is due to working circumstances, safety concerns, or simply a desire for comfort. In this case, there is nothing terrible and contradictory, the main thing is that both family members should not experience negative emotions about this.

Young couples are looking for new ways of expressing and moving away from tradition, but at the same time, preserving the family principles. Therefore, they are increasingly turning to non-standard methods of handling wedding rings. For example, wearing them in an unusual way - around the neck. Adherents of the orthodox order have a reasonable question: will a wedding ring on the neck look like a normal jewelry and can it even be worn like that? Here again, it all depends on the type of ring (naturally, a diamond ring will look strange at least on the neck), the worldview of the spouses, family traditions.

Now you know almost everything about how to wear a wedding ring in any life situations and why representatives of different nationalities wear wedding rings on the ring finger. Wedding portal notes that our time allows spouses to depart from tradition and choose for themselves which finger to wear the wedding ring on, how to wear it and whether to wear it at all.


    How the sun shines! Its rays warm us, nourish, heal the wounds, and the bad mood on a bright bright day just disappears. Our stone jewelry ...

    It is natural for a woman to decorate herself, thereby not only does she attract the eyes of fans and just people, she expresses her true essence. But this essence is this - the desire to like, the desire to love, the desire to give. A happy beautiful woman who knows the value of her beauty and confidence is like a rare diamond that everyone is looking for and trying to acquire. Real men know that the love and brilliance of such women gives everything. And if they are also modest and wise, then they are priceless.

    Look at the stone. Imagine that it is a whole universe, with its own laws and inhabitants. Stone lives its own life. He has a story and a destiny, just like a man has. He is alive and can feel any shades of mood, accept them or not accept them. He can rejoice, love, be gentle and jealous, he can serve you, protect, he can control you.

    Take a closer look at your favorite jewelry and stones - you have never looked at them like that. Listen, and maybe you will feel the soul of a stone. And she is very adult and wise! Many stones live for centuries, centuries and they have something to learn. Take a closer look, and maybe you will see pictures of the fate of the stone, where it came from, where he lived before, the history of his cultivation and taming.

    Imagine that a stone, which eternity was a mountain, or simply the firmament of the earth, has become something separate and individual. Those. he became himself, separated and began to live his own life. We can say that his birth took place. He brings with him the spirit of the place where he came from, the smell of that sea, the radiance of that sun, the beauty and heat of night, as well as the age-old wisdom of the earth, sky and ocean. Although it is so small, it captures the history of the earth and, of course, of man.

    Important - What to wear, where to wear, how to wear and when to wear?

    What to wear?

    In each jewelry store you can see the scale, approved by the International Association of Jewelers, which determines the correspondence of the gemstone and the month of the year or the zodiac sign. But, perhaps, you have already encountered a paradoxical phenomenon, at first glance, according to the table - your stone, but you don’t like it at all, and you don’t want to wear it at all. What is the matter?

    The fact is that only stones and minerals associated with the planet dominant in the horoscope and in harmony with the prevailing element can be truly wearable and giving energy to the owner.

    Not everyone makes horoscopes, but everyone wears jewelry made of precious stones. The best adviser may be your own intuition!

    Fire Stones - Aries, Leo, Sagittarius - all bright expensive expensive transparent stones - diamond, emerald, ruby, sapphire, etc.

    Earth stones - Taurus, Virgo, Capricorn - all opaque semiprecious stones - jasper, agate, jadeite, turquoise, malachite, etc.

    Stones of Air - Gemini, Libra, Aquarius - all translucent semi-precious stones - carnelian, obsidian, amethyst, chrysoprase, jade, etc.

    Water Stones - Cancer, Scorpio, Pisces - all stones that are similar in color to the sea, at night, river stones having a strange shiny changing color - moonstone, pearls, opal, aquamarine, hematite, especially alexandrite (a very magic stone, which changes its color!)

    It is very important in which metal the ring or earrings are set and how the energies of stone and metal are combined!
    Aries, Scorpio, Mars - iron, steel
      Taurus, Libra, Venus - copper, bronze, cupronickel
      Gemini, Mercury - Aluminum
      Cancer, Moon - Silver
      Lion, Sun - Gold
      Sagittarius, Pisces - Tin
      Capricorn - Lead
      Aquarius - Titanium

    This does not mean that all Aquarius or Capricorn urgently need to make a ring of lead and barely drag it, of course, no. The main ornamental metals in which the stones are set remain gold and silver, less often copper and iron alloys.

    Gold gives strength, gives confidence in their abilities, gives happiness, love and wealth. Strengthens health. This is a metal giving, accumulating energy and expressing it into external life. If you want to become more energetic and bright - wear jewelry made of gold.

    Silver cleanses the person wearing it, takes away bad energy, gives sensuality and emotionality. It is advisable not to wear silver for a long time, since it requires cleaning. This is metal taking away, introducing a person into a state of relaxation and comfort. If you feel an overabundance of energy or emotions, then wear jewelry made of silver or silver.

    We consider only natural stones, artificially grown, belong to a completely different category of stones, and cannot pretend to be talismans, it is advisable to use them only as jewelry. Since not everyone can buy precious stones, and it is always unsafe to wear them, we provide tables not only precious, but also semi-precious and ornamental stones, so that everyone can choose the jewelry that suits them.

    You can break all the stones by color:
    Aries, Scorpio (Mars) - all stones are the color of blood and war - hematite, garnet, etc.
      Taurus, Libra (Venus) - all pink, light green, yellow stones - malachite, amethyst, amber, etc.
      Gemini, Virgo (Mercury) - all stones, with mixed colors - jasper, cat and tiger eyes, etc.
      Cancer (Moon) - all milk stones and mother-of-pearl - opal, pearls, etc.
      Leo (Sun) - all bright sparkling expensive stones - diamonds, rubies, etc.
      Sagittarius (Jupiter) - all bright blue stones - sapphire, turquoise, etc.
      Capricorn (Saturn) - all black and very dark stones - obsidian, etc.
      Aquarius, Pisces (Uranus) - all unusual stones, transparent, shiny, blue - aquamarine, etc.

    Where to wear?

    There are many jewelry for various parts of the body. Astrology can explain the effect of these jewelry and stones on a person and his fate.

    Let us dwell on modern jewelry that we usually wear; we will not disassemble antique crowns, daggers, etc.

    Since all jewelry is under the control and protection of the planet of beauty, love and harmony of Venus, the main tendency to wear jewelry is inherent in the female sex.

    Aries is the head.
      The most important place on the body!
      Wearing jewelry in the head area - earrings, rims, hairpins harmonize the person’s personality, develop his abilities and talents, give confidence in himself, his actions, determination, strength and physical endurance. Attract to the beauty of the face and body.

    Taurus is the neck.
    Necklaces, chains on the neck harmonize our energy, give a supply of strength and the ability to enjoy life and pleasures. Harmonize our taste preferences. They form stable desires: antipathies and sympathies. They can adjust the material and spiritual capabilities of a person. They give a steady thirst for meeting their needs.

    Twins - hands
    Wearing bracelets, watches, chains, cufflinks on hands gives the ability to communicate, contact and listen. Logical and analytical thinking. The ability to grasp on the fly. As well as mobility, lightness, fun, the ability to trade.

    Cancer and Leo - chest and back.
    Pendants, brooches, badges, tie pins

    Most pendants that are worn on a chain are amulets, crosses and other symbolic jewelry. Pendant (amulet) gives protection, protects from evil languages \u200b\u200band thoughts, as well as from enemies. It is advisable to wear on the heart chakra. The pendant gives tremendous power, brings love and luck, success. Shows all your creative abilities. Helps lovers in matters of conception and pregnancy.

    The brooch is also a beautiful decoration, but with a certain degree of protection for the owner.

    The icon is more associated with belonging to a group, society, tradition, ideology, party.

    Apparently, the tradition of attaching pins and badges (on a hat or clothes) to children has long gone, as a desire to protect a small child from the evil eye with the help of the forces of tradition, kind, ancestors.

    Virgo and Libra - waist and belly.
    Belts, belts, decorative buttons at the waist, buckles.

    Establish harmony in marriage and relationships. Promote efficiency and diligence. Cooperation. Diplomacy. As well as grace and subtlety of perception. Old-Time Chastity Belts - Remember?

    Scorpio - genitals, fingers, hands (which are more related to the sign of Ophiuchus).
      The most mystical sign, where a strong correction and deep influence on one’s fate is possible.

    We will not stop at fashionable jewelry for intimate parts of the body, it is individual and intimate. I would like to warn about the enormous impact of these jewelry not only on sexuality and excitability, but also on fate, on the attraction of dangers, etc.

    Fingers. Here it is necessary to stop in more detail.

    Rings are the most common type of jewelry.

    Forefinger - element of Fire (energy, strength, will) - Aries, Leo, Sagittarius
      Middle finger - the element of the Earth (matter) - Taurus, Virgo, Capricorn
      Ring finger - element of Air (relationship, connection) - Gemini, Libra, Aquarius
    Little finger - element of Water (emotions, feelings, traditions) - Cancer, Scorpio, Pisces

    It is very important on which finger you wear the ring, and, thus, what you influence in your destiny.

    For example, the tradition of wearing wedding rings on the ring finger describes well the effects on relationships and connections. A golden wedding ring cleans the energy of a joint relationship (marriage), gives them strength and vitality, honesty and nobility. Weeds out unnecessary relationships, teaches fidelity.

    If you want to adjust your material well-being or direct all your efforts to a career, it’s good to wear rings on your middle finger.

    On the index finger, it is good to wear rings to leaders or priests, as well as people who are respected and respected, teachers. Athletes also wear a ring on their index finger gives physical strength and dexterity.

    Very few people wear rings on their little fingers. This finger can help you with conception and bearing a child, as well as increase sexuality, mysticism and mystery. Musicality and artistic perception will increase when wearing the rings on the little finger.

    Sagittarius, Capricorn, Aquarius, Pisces - legs.

    Bracelets and chains on the legs are few, but still there is some sense in this wearing. Planning your own destiny, its correction. Dreams of the future, hopes. Attracting friends and like-minded people.

    How to wear?

    Since ancient times, people who are struggling to cope with the hardships of life have been looking for some protection from the outside, using everything that nature has given. So there were amulets and talismans, which were used as precious stones.

    An amulet is a guardian stone, which should protect its owner from evil influences, negative energy, protect it from misfortunes, enemies, from the “evil eye”, from “evil spells” and lightnings. The stone reliably fulfills its role, instilling confidence in its owner, programming its subconscious, giving psychological protection. Today it is again relevant when there are so many announcements of love spells, lapels and various other magic rituals. But how to choose a jewelry that would serve as an amulet or a talisman.

    If you did not compose your own horoscope and do not have a clue about the sign of your Ascendant and the dominant planet, then you will have to focus on the sign of birth.

    The best talismans are stones donated or inherited. In no case should stones be stolen or obtained by force!

    If you feel tired or nervous for no apparent reason, pay attention to the jewelry that you are wearing at that moment. Very often, you don’t have to wear earrings and rings that you don’t like so as not to offend the people who donated them, which is basically wrong and wrong.

    Over the centuries-old period of practical observations, almost every kind of natural stones has a certain “reputation", which you need to know about. Much has been written about this, if you wish, you can find literature or consult with a familiar astrologer.

    When to wear?

    There is probably no woman in the world indifferent to jewelry. The iridescent shine of precious stones has an extraordinary appeal to all the fair sex. On the eve of the New Year, I so want to enjoy the new jewelry made of precious or semiprecious stones. How to do it right in order to maintain the harmony of the natural strength of stones and their own energy?

    · Stones and metals of Fire (Aries, Leo, Sagittarius) - diamonds and diamonds, sapphires gold.

    Better to wear in good light. If you are going to an evening, a holiday or to a restaurant, do not forget to put on what you have in your possession for this occasion. With artificial bright light or sparkle of candles you will be irresistible. These stones are created for holidays, luxury, they are royal.

    Gold and expensive stones are best combined with summer style, tanned body, eastern countries, travel. Good jewelry for lovers as a gift, help to preserve and strengthen love and passion.

    The stones and metal of Fire can be worn by leaders and dignitaries, those who have power. These jewelry help you to be confident, make the right decisions.

    All these stones must be donated or inherited!

    Diamonds and diamonds have been “tamed” for a very long time. It may take years before he “responds” and begins to cooperate with you.

    · Stones and metals of the Earth (Taurus, Virgo, Capricorn) - jasper, agate, turquoise, jadeite, copper, etc.

    These stones are best worn on workdays and weekdays. Develop mindfulness and logic. Exacerbate responsibility and diligence. Create a working mood, calm, stabilize.

    It makes sense to wear them in order to adjust the rhythms of the topic, set up a specific program (for example, recovery, or losing weight), and fulfill your plan. Help in acquisitions and savings.

    Stones of the earth go well with working and business style.

    · Stones and metals of the Air (Gemini, Libra, Aquarius) - jade, carnelian, transparent obsidian, titanium, aluminum, bronze, etc.

    Best of all, these stones affect your social circle and ability to absorb information. Go to a meeting - put on a stone of Air. Going on a trip - take a falcon eye or a tiger eye.

    It is good to wear these stones in order to successfully learn, to succeed in trade, transactions. Making a contract, it is better to have a stone or a metal of Air.

    Indispensable helpers on the road, on the road, some of the best guides.

    The best partner and "half" will attract the stone of Libra.

    Reliable and loyal friends will find the stone of Aquarius.

    · Stones and metals of Water (Cancer, Scorpio, Pisces) - bloodstone, alexandrite, pearls, opal, etc.

    The most incomprehensible, mysterious and mystical stones. Their impact is the deepest and most powerful. Therefore, great care is needed in the wearing of stones and metals of Water!

    All these stones are preferably worn by people involved in extrasensory perception, bioenergy, psychology, magic and astrology. To ordinary people, these stones can bring delusions, illusions and temptations. These stones help only strong people!

    Your stone can become your friend, a guide in this world, it can give strength, it can protect you from spells and enemies, it can heal from illness, help you find happiness and love, and much more, just listen to it and enter into cooperation!

    If you don’t have such a stone or decoration yet, then astrology will help you get closer to understanding the essence and purpose of any stone and decoration!

    Elena Melnikova - astrologer - consultant
      Diana Mazur - Astrologer

    Awards and distinctions regain their honorable status in society. Now not only the state, but also private companies or enterprises present honorary signs to their employees.

    Such signs tell the world about your merits, status, corporate affiliation and even worldview. And the proper wearing of badges is also an important element of social etiquette.

    In this article we will talk about the insignia: how the tradition of their use was born, what badges are worn now, and how not to make mistakes when wearing the badge of honor.

    From the ancient history of badges

    Badges were not always just a reward. Initially, they served as a symbol indicating the special status of the owner. This need arose in a primitive society, when people began to social division. To identify themselves, people used stones, products from bird feathers and bones, and only later - metal products.

    Then society began to single out both brave warriors and all kinds of craftsmen. As a tangible sign of gratitude, they were awarded with honors wreaths, crowns, lapel and wrist chains. And later the badge begins to carry another function: they were worn by pilgrims, confirming the fact of visiting holy places. Such badges appeared in the 12th century in Rome, and were decorated with images of Saints Peter and Paul.

    The first badges - faler appeared in ancient times. It was round or oval metal jewelry with images of the Medusa of the Gorgon, the god of Mars or the lion's head. These signs were worn on a belt. They noted important representatives of state power. Subsequently, the value of the filers has changed: they were only handed over to legionaries.

    In the Middle Ages, a new type of insignia appeared: each guild of merchants and craftsmen used its own special symbol. At the same time, the first medals and orders appear in the field of military affairs.

    At first, the order looked like a cross made of cloth, which was sewn onto clothes. Later, orders began to be made of silver and gold, and not only in the shape of a cross, but also of a star inlaid with precious stones. The order was supposed to be worn on a ribbon: either over the shoulder, or around the neck, or on a ribbon outlet.

    The development of the award system in Russia

    In ancient Russia there were signs of distinction. In the IX-XI centuries, Russian princes awarded soldiers for feats of arms with gold hryvnias, crosses and chains, weapons and armor. And the beginning of the award system of orders and medals in Russia was laid by Peter I, having established the Order of St. Andrew the First-Called for special merits to the Fatherland.

    An interesting solution was also reduced copies of badges - the so-called fracniki. Frachniks are miniature versions of awards and badges specially made to be worn instead of full-sized. The name itself suggests that initially such signs were worn on ball gowns when it was inappropriate to wear the original.

    The tradition of manufacturing miniature signs (their size ranges from 12 to 24 mm) in Russia began in the 19th century. Such a task required the jeweler to be particularly accurate, because the distinguishing features of the award, no matter how small they should be, must be reproduced very carefully.

    Lapel badges in our country gained distribution not so long ago. Having arisen in the military industry, since 1827 they began to spread across all spheres of society. These were signs of public service, academic institutions, diverse unions and communities. There were even commemorative badges - anniversary, coronation or in honor of the reforms.

    By 1917, there were a huge number of badges in our country. Badges were widely available, and faleristics, along with philately, became a favorite. In Soviet times, badges were very popular: one and a half dozen enterprises were engaged in their release. kind of collecting Soviet people.

    In the USSR there was a huge number of public organizations for children and adults, each of them had its own badge. Corporate badges that were issued before the war in the young Soviet republic: Friends of the Radio, Society for the Defense, Defense, Aviation and Chemical Production are considered to be of great value today. These badges were produced on equipment left over from tsarist times and came out in limited editions.

    Award for the hero

    A lot of interesting cases are connected with awards and their presentation. One of the facts perfectly illustrates the breadth of the Russian soul: for example, the well-known princely award - the hryvnia - was a weighty golden collar hoop that was worn on the scruff of the neck (neck).

    To withstand the severity of princely affection was a feat in itself. The 11th century chronicle tells that one of the heroes generously awarded by the prince was a certain Alexander, a priest's son. Researchers believe that later it was this Alexander, the great warrior and strong man, who turned into the famous hero Alesha Popovich. So the award created an immortal hero.

    Badges in the modern world

    Today, badges are becoming increasingly popular. In Europe and democratic America, medals and corporate signs are widespread. Gold and silver badges with a company logo or slogan are considered an important element of the company's image. Their main goal is to show the employee's belonging to a particular company, to note his outstanding achievements, to create a feeling of unity and pride.

    In Russia, badges have also become fashionable; more and more interesting items are appearing. Recently, a large company, a leader in the real estate market in its region, turned to our jewelry house. This company pays a lot of attention to corporate culture: holds many events, organizes contests among agents.

    Previously, they handed the best employees cups, diplomas and certificates. But such insignia are difficult to show to others, because they are usually stored on the desktop. Therefore, the company decided to make a badge, which would be transmitted to the best employee every month.

    Such an interesting solution gave the company additional benefits. Firstly, among the team there was a healthy competition for a tangible and valuable prize. And, secondly, when the agent met with clients, it was immediately clear that the best employee was working. This greatly enhances loyalty.

    How to wear a badge?

    The rules for wearing badges were once striking in their rigor. Today, the requirements boil down to the following: if there are no special instructions in the certificate for the award, state and especially honored insignia and their reduced copies are worn on the right side of the jacket or tunic, and all the rest on the left.

    There are good rules in the wearing of medals and orders: full-size insignia in all its glory are appropriate at official receptions and events, parades, on holidays and on special occasions. Fraternists are provided for wearing on ordinary days: their discreet grace will demonstrate both your good taste and respect for the award.

    Today it is quite acceptable to wear lapel badges that have nothing to do with official awards. It may well be a sign that has special meaning specifically for you.

    If you want to emphasize your status with a special insignia, visit ours. Jewelry house "Kvashnin" will produce elegant accessories of any size and value, with fastenings on collets, pins or screws. The wizards will perform fracters, lapel badges or pin badges according to your layouts, or offer their own.

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