F.u.c.k to the "instruction for use of witches" (section "what to give"). Witch's gift What can a witch give

In Russia, most often you can encounter witches and sorcerers (men have long entered the arena) in temples - for big church holidays.

Not all believers know what dark things are done in temples during the service.

Someone will be surprised: " But how so? Why in the temples?».

Energy! They need strength. In the temple, they are easiest to get. So.

How to recognize unclean people in the church:
  When witches kneel in the church, they try to cross their legs behind in this position.
  Witches are very quickly baptized with their left hand, that is, they make crosses, first they baptize their stomach, then their left shoulder, right and forehead.
  They leave the temples with their backs and as if backing away. This is due to the fact that there are many nerve endings on the spinal cord, and the rays from the icons and the altar strongly burn the back of witches and sorcerers.
  In the church you can be circumvented counterclockwise and poked at you, then stand behind you and suck energy from you. If this happened, then immediately, without hesitation, hit the witch or sorcerer with your left hand so that the damage goes back. The second time a witch or sorcerer will not do anything like this to you.

Pay attention, if you lit a candle, stood on some place in the church, and the candle suddenly smoked. Do not be lazy and look at your feet. There may be a needle. Regular spoilage in order to feed on your strength.
  Do not allow outsiders to rearrange your candle, see that it burns out to the end. Make sure that your candle is not extinguished, that no other candle is placed on it and that your burning candle is not stuck in the candlestick. After all, in this way you are damaged and robbed of your strength.
  Many beginners do not know where to put a lighted candle. A witch or sorcerer with advice will definitely try to approach such a person. They say to a man: "Light a candle and go out of the church backwards." If a person does this, he will incur damage.

  There is such a situation. You have a lit candle in your hands, and they are turning to you with a request to light your candle from yours. It is better to politely refuse, let them light their candle from burning candles standing on a candlestick.
If there is a man or woman with a burning candle, and the candle is held not vertically, but horizontally - that they cause damage.

Do not believe? Go to the temple for a great feast and watch.

But not only in churches can you find witches. We all know about the "evil eye" of gypsies. To protect yourself from them, try to silently pass by and never look into their eyes. So it will be much more difficult for a gypsy woman to do something bad to you.

Refrain from picking up little things on the street - on it most often they reduce warts, illnesses and damage. Do not touch lying crutches, sticks, canes, gloves, or other lost items.

If you suspect that you are talking to a person who is unkind and who can say or wish for the bad, hold on to something metallic at the moment of communication.

Caution should also be taken with food that you are aggressively treated with. Using food and drinks to bring disease to humans is not difficult.

With caution, take a gift of wool. It is easiest to bring damage to the wool, which will then be transferred to the owner of the thing. Do not give or accept as a gift without a symbolic “buy-out” shawls and gloves (for parting), watches (for longing), sharp objects (for quarreling).

Suddenly found a pin at home or at her husband in clothes? It’s better not to unfasten it. Because one of the most common ways to ruin your marriage is to attach a charmed pin to your clothes. The plot begins at the moment when you unfasten the pin. And believe me, it really works ... It's better to get rid of the thing where you found the pin. In villages such things are still burned to this day, but in the city ... at least just throw them in the trash.

Imagine that sorceresses can live with you in the same house, and you don’t even suspect why suddenly someone from your relatives fell ill, why things are not going. And why in general one continuous black streak in life began. Pay attention to the fact that some neighbor often comes to you with a request to give some salt or eggs. It’s better not to give anything at all and to discourage the annoying lady. And certainly nothing should be taken from her hands. And if you take it, sprinkle the thing with holy water. In the house above the door, hang a bag of wormwood or a clove of garlic. Since ancient times, wormwood and garlic have been reputed to be the most reliable protection against evil spirits.

Stones are considered to be good protectors against evil eye and damage - tiger's eye, agate and amethyst.

If you suddenly find yourself at sea, bring with you from there a small flat pebble that you will remove from the water. There is no magic here. Just the energy of the sea is very strong and will be able to protect you from the evil eye.

Try to have less black and dark clothes in your wardrobe. It is much more difficult to bring trouble to a person dressed in light.

If there is serious suspicion of the damage caused: it is incomprehensible that the children are sick, the dishes beat themselves and objects fall, other obscure phenomena occur and bad dreams dream, carry out a general cleaning.

Inspect the door jambs and door frames, whether there are stuck needles (just do not touch them with your hands), throw out all sorts of inappropriate paper clips, lying coins, another metal trifle. All overdo, wash, rinse.
And if you decide to turn to psychics and magicians, be extremely careful. Many do not even realize how much worse they do to themselves and their loved ones with such appeals. Yes, there are people who really help.

But remember that such people never set tariffs for their services. They serve God, and therefore help regardless of whether the person who turns to them has money or not. If fabulous sums are supposedly demanding “for candles”, run away from such magicians without looking back.

Anyone who has not had to deal with all this will be very surprised - well, the topic, well, and tips. And some will think - I'm so good, why would anyone harm me.

Believe me, a witch's victim is often completely innocent.

Most witches do not set out to do bad things to others. They are doing well for themselves. They cannot live without it. And God save you from meeting people who, through their actions, distort the true meaning of the word “witch”.

I am on time as always, yeah :)
But she found the old unfinished and decided to stick it in open access in draft form)


1. I did not give the witch a gift for her birthday, New Year, February 14, March 8, Our anniversary, Samhain, etc.

Dear not giving. Each witch allocates a number of holidays very important to her. Some witches do not recognize February 14th or Human New Year and down the list. But if you did not give the witch a gift on her recognized holiday:
- You should realize that the consequences are unpredictable and try to stay with dignity.
- Decently withstand the entire witch’s tirade, army, hurricanes, etc. (depending on what you're lucky with) and do as she wants. And do so later. And sincerely believe that it’s only that way. And suggest that it brings you joy. And be happy and do not repeat mistakes. The second time you can’t stand it.
2. I probably gave a fig gift.
Wicked, harmful, touchy, mercantile (emphasize the necessary) witch must be hinted or behavior, or directly let you know that this is so (And in any witch there is one thing, yes). However, if you asked, the gift is really fig. Urgently correct as soon as possible.
3. I gave a fig gift.
Does the witch still talk to you? A joke is a joke. If you gave a fig gift (like an ugly rat figurine in the year of the bull), you showed disrespect in the compartment with laziness and neglect. You are hardly close to a witch. Approximate fig gifts are not given. So ... you, of course, can try to improve ... but only with a certificate from a psychiatrist that you were out of your mind at the time of giving the fig gift.
4. I do not know if the witch will like my gift, what should I do?
If you do not like to take risks, ask her specifically, "You will like it if I give you .....". If you want to make a surprise, then you like to take risks. It is better to have a plan B to otmazatsya subsequently (Either a second gift, or a certificate).
5. What should I do if I cannot give a witch a present for an important holiday?
Warn in advance. This is less upsetting (and even finds understanding or does not upset at all) than unjustified expectations.
6. I learned the witch’s preferences (from her lips, LJ, wishlist, from friends, relatives, guessed himself, etc.), but most of the things she wanted were either difficult to get or very expensive for me. What should I do?
- Try to get it. Difficult, does not mean impossible. As practice shows, some things that are difficult to access for you personally can easily reach your friends. If you can’t get it, choose the next lot.
- If you don’t have a present for your teeth, don’t replace it with a cheaper copy. If a witch wants a specific thing - it’s worth giving it. If you can’t, but you want to - give what is in the teeth (a list of variations below) and after a while (after accumulating the necessary amount) give what you wanted ... for no reason - it is nicer :)
7. You wrote that witches are unpretentious, but it turns out that besides candles, books, music and other things, all the other coveted gifts are big money, hard to reach, antiques, a little humpbacked horse or something worse.
- There are also party-goers, self-made gifts (you don’t have to paint a picture and give it yourself if you don’t know how to draw), flowers, as a rule, a well-known arsenal of pleasant trinkets, tickets for a concert, theater, opera (depending on what the witch loves), tours to different countries (is it already more expensive huh? :)), accessories, even food (bring her a box of her favorite sweets, cakes, cookies, a basket (bag? :)) of her favorite fruits and other goodies) ... The cloud has great opportunities. Although the humpbacked horse is certainly amazing - give it without hesitation :)

List of possible gift variations (for the lazy and limited in means):
Candles   (of any sizes, shapes, colors and in any quantities - but be careful with the colors - a candle of all the colors of the rainbow is unlikely to please a gothish witch).
Tasty soap, shower gels and other bath-bath themes.
Vegetable and essential oils   (but only proven quality brands - find out for yourself)))
Books, teas, coffee   (well, we're not talking about naturally soluble) grass stones   (semiprecious and precious, bricks can be given only if asked directly), decoration   (from natural materials or to the style of your witch) ...

With this list, it would seem that I covered all the witches under one comb, but this is not so. Almost all women love flowers, and almost all witches love candles. Almost all people love to eat, and almost all witches love to read. Almost all people go about their needs (don’t ask who doesn’t walk :)), and almost all witches like to smell magically after a bath (Witches-plumbers don't care). Almost, almost, almost, but not all. Observe, analyze, ask.

Dear witches, in order to replenish a useful gift list, a survey in the comments:
What are you always ready to gladly accept as a gift? :)

This story happened to my grandmother Tatyana, 40 years ago, but so far our family often recalls how their life turned into hell for half a year.

My granny had a girlfriend - Lida. They have been friends since childhood. First they were classmates, then classmates, and then went to work at the same factory.

Lida’s personal life did not work out: there were 2 husbands, but both filed for divorce, having lived with her for no more than a year. And my grandmother got married, gave birth to a daughter and lived quite happily ... until the 9th wedding anniversary with my grandfather ...

Only relatives and close friends were invited to the celebration, among them was Lida. She scattered in congratulations, wishes of happiness and long life in love and harmony. She also made the most expensive and best gift - imported pillows, which at that time were almost impossible to get.

The anniversary has passed, and in a few days inexplicable things have begun. One day, granny returned from work and saw that the light was on in the bedroom. Suspecting nothing, she went into the kitchen, and after a couple of minutes she heard their bed creaking desperately in the room, as if someone was jumping on it. Grandmother Tanya called out to her grandfather, but there was no answer. And then granny looked out the window and saw her husband walking with his daughter along the sidewalk.

Realizing that someone was a stranger in the house, grandmother Tanya, armed with the largest kitchen knife, carefully headed toward the bedroom. My heart was about to jump out of my chest. She opened the door and looked into the dark room. The light was no longer on. Clicking the switch and looking around the bedroom, she saw only a crumpled bed. Grandmother went to the closet, but no one was in it either.

Later, discussing this incident with her grandfather, her grandmother recalled that she opened the door of the apartment with her keys (her husband had a duplicate), there were no signs of hacking, which means that someone else simply couldn’t get there.

About a month has passed since that strange incident, little by little everything was forgotten. That's just my grandfather was not his own. Every day he became more and more irritable, his words addressed to his grandmother were sharper. She seemed to be disgusted with him at the end.

Grandfather began to fail, and once he completely fell down, unable to get out of bed. Doctors made a helpless gesture - examinations did not show any serious diseases.

Time passed, grandfather did not get better; He was already exhausted for the fourth month. Grandmother looked after him as best she could, but he was constantly dissatisfied with something and, without ceasing, grumbled at her.

One night, my grandmother dreamed that she was lying in bed, and cadaverous worms encircled her head. They swarm, crawl into nose, mouth, ears ... Grandmother woke up in a cold sweat, looked at the pillows presented by Lida, and a hint crossed her mind. She instantly ran to the kitchen for a knife and ripped them open. Horror granny petrified. Pillows were stuffed with chicken paws and black cloth with painted crosses.

Without hesitation for a second, grandmother Tanya, trying not to wake her husband (he was sleeping in the kitchen), took this stuff out into the yard and set it on fire. Pillows burned badly. Again and again, the grandmother struck a match to revive the dying fire every now and then.

The very next day, grandfather felt better, and after some time he completely recovered, and their relationship with his grandmother returned to their previous course. Lida, after the exposure, disappeared. According to rumors, she now lives in a remote village and does not talk to anyone.

Mar 10 2015

Cleaning gifts from spoilage

If you receive gifts, and even those dear from people who should not give this, it is better to play it safe and conduct a ritual to cleanse objects from damage. It is not necessary that they really carry negative energy. But what if this is so? Suddenly a man wished you evil? Maybe not himself, but at the instigation of someone from acquaintances?

In our life there are so many dangers, all kinds of risks, that would further expose ourselves and our family to dangers.

What choice was given to you for choosing a method of cleaning from spoilage?

In any case, try not to touch the suspicious thing with your hands before cleaning. Wear rubber or latex gloves, which then, after use, carefully remove, put in a plastic bag and burn on the street.

The gift wrapper also needs to be removed carefully and burned.

Do everything with extreme care, do not cut yourself on wrapping paper or sharp edges (you never know what might be in the present).

Cleaning gift from spoilage with water

This requires clean, spring water. If you believe in God, you can take the water consecrated in the church.

Of course, cleaning from water spoilage is only suitable if the item can be soaked, it is not afraid of moisture.

Put the whole object in water, leave it for 10 minutes, and then drain the water, pronouncing the words of the plot to remove the damage:

Water element, come to my aid

  Take all the dirt with you.
  Let it be so.

After removing the water, dry the item and use it as you wish.

Clearing of damage by fire

A similar procedure for removing damage from a gift can be done with fire, for objects that are not afraid of heat and flame.

Light a white wax candle, let it burn for five minutes completely free. Then bring the subject to the fire and drive around the flame clockwise, bringing it as close as possible.

Say the spoilage removal plot:

The element of fire, come to my aid
  From evil and filth, from corruption and evil eye,
  Item name (e.g. pendant, ring, earrings) clear,
  Burn all the dirt and take it with you.
  Let it be so.

After the procedure, wipe the item with a cloth or napkin, and then use it for health.

A similar option, only using the elements of the earth. To remove damage from the item, take a pack of ordinary salt, pour a little into a deep bowl (select depending on the size of the item being cleaned.

We put a gift on the salt, and then pour it on top of it, pronouncing a plot to remove damage:

The element of the earth, come to my aid to help,
  From evil and filth, from corruption and evil eye,
  Item name (e.g. pendant, ring, earrings) clear,
  Take all the dirt onto yourself.
  Let it be so.

I suggested the easiest ways, but effective. So our ancestors cleaned objects, and now witches do in their enchantment, especially when there is no time for complex rituals and rituals.

Of course, this is not always suitable, but in most cases it helps. It all depends on how serious the corruption or the evil eye is.