Magic will cure all diseases. Conspiracy is a prayer from all diseases. Conspiracy when washing on health and beauty

A serious illness can disrupt a person’s life. If this is a slight malaise, then recovery takes place as soon as possible. But serious illnesses require long-term treatment. It can be accelerated if, in parallel with the traditional treatment, special magical rites are performed.

There are many different magical rites in the method and purpose of the action, the action of which is aimed at healing a person and relieving pain. To read conspiracies from illnesses is necessary in full confidence that such actions will help get rid of a certain health problem.

Before conducting the ceremony, it is very important to carefully study the recommendations for a particular ritual. If possible, it is best to consult with the magician first about how suitable this effect is to solve your health problem.

Almost all conspiracies from diseases, unless otherwise provided in the rite, are read during the waning moon. Such magical rituals can be used both for their own healing and for getting rid of the diseases of loved ones.

To cure female sores

The fact is that women often use magic to get rid of diseases. There is a powerful rite that allows you to accelerate the cure of any female diseases.

On the day chosen for the ceremony, you should wake up at dawn and pour clean water into the floor liter jar. Then a silver cross is placed there. The bank must be left on the window. The next day again, you need to wake up early in the morning. You need to tie your head with a new scarf and cross yourself three times. Next, from a can of water, you need to take a silver accessory and put it on the window. After that, the jar is picked up, and three times it is necessary to read the prayer “Our Father”, effective and well-known to everyone, and then the prayer to Saint Panteleimon.

After this, you should proceed to pronounce such magic words:

  “I, the Servant of God (name), say a strong word so that all my female sores go into the damp earth and find a hole for themselves there. There you will sleep, walk and play and never appear in the white light. I order you to never come near me again. Leave me forever, do not bother me day or night. Amen".

These words are spoken six times. Then, putting the jar on the windowsill, you should be sprayed with charmed water. The remaining water must be drunk throughout the day, it is important to take breaks every three sips.

Rite of skin disease

As you know, skin diseases are very difficult to treat. Therefore, people often use magic for this.

In the ritual, you will need to use a flap of red cloth or a red scarf. Such an object should be wiped every night before going to bed, wipe sore spots for twelve evenings.

During the procedure, such magic words are pronounced:

  “I order that the Slave (s) of God (s) (name) be cured and healed, let them fight for you night and day. Leave the skin ailment by the gateway to the swampy swamps and dense forests. Look for your yard, your throne is there, and never come back to me again. In a word with a strong magical skin, I cleanse my skin and drive away the sore, I give it to the dead. My body is clean and beautiful now and forever. Amen".

On the thirteenth day after lunch, you should go to the old cemetery, where burial is already prohibited. You should take a red rag or shawl that was used in the ceremony with you.

There, standing at the gate, a magical conspiracy is pronounced:

  “I, the Slave (s) of God (s) (my name), stand on the threshold of a dead city. There are no living here, and the deceased sleep soundly. I, the Slave (s) of God (s) (proper name), remove the sore from my living body, and I send it to you, the deceased, forever. I am sending you my terrible disease, take it away forever, hide it under the ground. Let the body become clean and white, and no more sores on it. Amen".

When pronouncing the conspiracy, the flap of red cloth must be held in the right hand and after the end of the spelling of words, you need to throw it towards the graves. Then you should leave the cemetery very quickly, without looking back. You can't talk to anyone on the way home. Only after you wash your hands at home can you start talking.

There is a universal ritual that can be performed even if you need to accelerate recovery from a common cold. But on the other hand, it is an effective help in the treatment of serious diseases. The ritual is held in the open.

It is necessary to approach the young tree, touch it with your hand and say these words:

“I, the Slave (s) of God (s) (my own name), are driving away from me ailment that is painful and malleable. Let him reach the trunk of this tree and cross over to it. More than me, the Slave (s) of God (s) (proper name), let the pain not plague, but sharpen the wood. I gave my ailment, and took my health. Amen!"

If the ceremony was a success, then soon you will recover, but, unfortunately, the tree will dry out. Try to buy a seedling soon and plant a new tree.

The energy power of a word is unlimited, speech has an incredible healing power. Prayers and conspiracies from diseases can save a person from the most terrible ailments. Spoken words protect from sorrows and improve the general condition of a person without medical intervention.

The conspiracy on health was used by our ancestors. Already at that time, the Slavs believed in the healing power of the word, so magic rituals were their companions in life. Centuries later, the prayer speeches and spells of our ancestors are very popular among the current generation. Slavic rites are considered the most effective and efficient to date.

In the magical world of conspiracies, prayers and incantations of the ancient Slavs were considered the most powerful. The complexity of the rituals far exceeds the practice of other nations, and therefore they are very effective.

Varieties of conspiracy to treat

Prayers and conspiracies from ailments have been popular at all times and in all nations. Despite the fact that medicine does not stand still, and today is equipped with the latest technology and knowledge, people often resort to the power of white magic. There are a huge number of conspiracies to cure diseases. Each ritual is applied separately. It all depends on the nature of the pain. Consider the types of rites:

  • Conspiracies from all diseases. This ritual is universal, it can be used in different circumstances. With pain symptoms of the heart, spasms of the abdomen and stomach, convulsions of the arms and legs, with diseases of the skin.
  • Conspiracy from all misfortunes. This type of rite can be attributed to the preventive method. It is used even by people who are not bothered by anything. Read prayer can protect and protect from all possible diseases.
  • Plots from established diagnoses. This type of rite is performed when a person knows what ailment bothers him. Reading a specific prayer, it will not be difficult to cure oneself of diseases.
  • Conspiracies from children's illness. Such a magic ritual is special, it can be attributed to a special group. In this situation, the baby cannot read the plot on his own, so the mother or grandmother takes care of the rite.

Ailments of magic from ailments are read both on the growing and on the waning moon. For conspiracies, any period is optimal and endowed with a special energy force. Mages and sorcerers are sure that the disease will go away as quickly as the month wanes, and health will appear as rapidly as a young moon grows. You can read conspiracies from ailments at a time convenient for you. Only a few rites are performed in the necessary phase of the moon.

The correct conduct of the Slavic rites

The ancient Slavic peoples very often turned to higher powers for help. Conspiracies and rituals focused on various needs and desires. People prayed for the successful end of the battle, attracted luck and prosperity, love, read conspiracies to cure ailments. But the ancient Slavs adhered to strict rules, the violation of which was unacceptable:

  • Before starting the rite, fast for seven days. Exclude from the diet: alcoholic beverages, cigarettes, meat food.
  • Cast ancient spells in a whisper. Nobody should hear the words of the conspiracy, only in this case a successful result is ensured.
  • Ancient rites can only be carried out by completely healthy people. If a patient says a prayer, then his condition will only worsen. Accordingly, the positive outcome of the spell can be forgotten.
  • Our ancestors very carefully chose the magician to perform the rite. The most basic rule is that the sorcerer must have healthy teeth. In the absence of the front two teeth, the plot loses its effective force.
  • If the Slavs performed the rites not for themselves, then no one took a reward in the form of money. You can express gratitude with food.
  • A person who recites ancient Slavic prayers must believe in the power of words and magic.
  • So that the words of the conspiracy on the treatment acted in the shortest possible time, prayer must be read on Tuesdays, Wednesdays or Fridays.

For many years, the Slavs believed in witchcraft, which helped them solve the most difficult problems, cure ailments, and gain faith in themselves.

Water conspiracy from all diseases

This conspiracy to water will help cure the most serious ailments and improve the condition of the whole organism. This rite does not contradict Church Orthodoxy and is performed with the help of holy water. So that the healing, holy fluid possesses even greater energy power, we replenish it with magical speeches.

The first step is to visit the church, purchase three candles and holy water. Go to the icons, light candles and ask the Lord for yourself or for a near healing. Then cross yourself and leave the holy place. When you come home, you need to calm down, believe in the healing process and trust in the power of the Lord. Then put the holy fluid, icons, and light the candle on the table. Setting yourself up for the best, say the spell:

“Holy water, God's tear. Heal me from illnesses and ailments, turn away the damn dirty tricks from me. Pour a healing stream throughout your body and bring out the sinful soot from your soul. I believe in you and speak for healing. May God not be angry, may the devil not be angry. Amen".

Then take a sip of the charmed liquid crystals. For fourteen days, add this water to food, tea, and coffee. If necessary, the ritual can be repeated. To completely cure the disease, the plot should be performed in the phase of the growing moon.

Conspiracy of water for colds

This conspiracy on water is very effective and has tremendous energy power. He will be able not only to cure a running cold, but also to remove the evil eye, clear objects from negativity. To perform the ceremony, melt or spring water will be required. It must be poured into a glass and add three pinches of coarse salt. After that, read the prayer:

“Mother, fast water wash away the whole pendulum and all the hunk from the servant of God (name). Take them to the depths of the sea, pull them into deep pools, put on them stone clamps. To never swim again, forget about God's servant (name) forever. Amen".

Then lower the middle finger of the right hand into the water and touch it to the forehead, chest, to the right and left shoulder. Whisper:

“I command the holy water, conjure with white salt. Get out all the scraps and the whole loom. From a violent head, from a zealous heart, from clear eyes, black eyebrows, from bones, from brains, from fingers and joints. Amen".

This conspiracy to water can cure a cold not only of an adult, but also of a child. In two days you will feel much better. The ceremony can be performed both on the growing and on the waning moon.

Conspiracy to water for headaches

In many cases, when a headache occurs, drugs, like alternative methods, are powerless. But an effective conspiracy from ailments will quickly cure migraines. One of the most effective ceremonies against headaches is a conspiracy of water. It is not in vain that the majority of magicians and sorcerers resort to the power of unboiled water. Prayer, which is read on the water, gives it healing, energetic power. For yourself, you need to remember one thing: unquestioningly believe in white magic, in higher powers and our creator.

The most unique and widespread substance on earth is water. And conspiracies for water are quite popular.

To conduct the ritual, you should purchase holy water, pour it into any container and read:

“Adam's head hurts, Adam Eve conveys the pain. Eve is the serpent. A snake is a bulk apple. An apple will give pain to the sun, the sun will transmit to the sea. At sea, the wind picks up the pain and scatters without a trace. Amen".

This ritual should be performed on the growing moon, at midnight. Drink the charmed liquid constantly, 2-3 sips per day. Headaches and migraines will disappear forever. You can speak liquid crystals both for yourself and for loved ones.

Slavic conspiracy from all ailments

Slavic magic ritual has great power. He is able to heal any ailment. The ancient Slavs were convinced that there was no cure stronger than magic prayer speeches. Pronounce the words of the conspiracy quietly, but clearly. It is advisable to learn the lines of prayer:

“In the far side, on the island across the sea lies a white stone. Near the stone of fuel stands a man, father to three sons, sovereign to all. He takes out his sharp knife, cuts them all diseases and ailments, aches and dryness. So let (name of a person) he cut off all ailments and cut off ailments, Put it under a stone and lock it with a key. He will throw the key into the sea, and will close all ailments forever. My words are strong, they can be overcome only by those who block the stone with their teeth. Let it be so!".

This Slavic plot is read for one week. Do not miss a single day. A positive outcome will follow faster if you read the plot on the growing moon. In two days the patient will feel much better!

Slavic ritual on the health of the baby

The birth of a new life can be called a kind of magical miracle. This day is looking forward to all future parents. The Slavic people believed that the rite before the birth was simply necessary. The conspiracy was read on the woman in labor, thereby accompanying successful childbirth and charging the health of the unborn child. It is necessary to wait for the rising moon and whisper, over the woman:

“Mother, mother, sister, sister, hear our words, our prayers. Accept bloodless gifts and give offspring a healthy woman in labor (woman's name). So that our ancestral thread never breaks. We glorify you, but we invite you to the mansions. From circle to circle, now and ever! So be it! ”

Say magic words at least three times. After this, there is no doubt that childbirth will pass quickly and painlessly, and the baby’s good health will give happiness to all relatives and friends.

Slavic prayers for health are recited for seven days. Do not miss a single day.

Slavic plot from a rash on the skin of the face

Slavic beauty was famous all over the world. Therefore, when the skin of a girl’s face or body was covered with a rash, various spots, special rituals were performed. This rite is performed at home, without special difficulties and incomprehensible actions. Despite the simplicity of the plot, all inflammatory diseases will disappear in a few days.

Wait until midnight, at the hour of the growing moon, go to the mirror. Light the candle when the mirror object fogs up, swipe it with the index finger of your right hand. Then apply drops to the affected areas of the body and say:

“From the clear and transparent glass I send dryness to my sore. You’ll dry up to a drop, you’ll go to the pines, and give me all the water! Amen!".

The plot is read three times. Never doubt yourself and your strengths. White magic is able to rid a mass of diseases of a different nature and create a real miracle.

Slavic plot against infertility

This ancient rite will help women overcome various ailments associated not only with infertility, but also with all kinds of gynecological diseases. The conspiracy is carried out on the waning moon, prayer words should be read seven days without a single pass. If you strictly adhere to all the rules, you can achieve a positive and speedy result. When the chimes strike twelve in the morning, two church candles should be lit. Looking at the flames, whisper:

“As Mother of the Virgin, She was strong and healthy, I did not know the women’s torment and problems, So I, the servant of God (name), did not suffer and did not suffer. It will always be so. Amen!".

In many cases, medicine is powerless. It is then that people resort to the magical power of conspiracies. Their advantage lies not only in a quick and positive result, but also in the fact that almost all the rituals are carried out in a relaxed home atmosphere. The negative consequences of rituals on the cure of various diseases can follow only in a single case: if a person used black magic.

The most basic rule of a happy outcome can be called an unquestioning belief in magic spells and the observance of all parts of the rite. Clear pronunciation of prayers, without a single mistake. If all the rules are followed, then the cure will follow very quickly.

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Disease conspiracies

Caution in the use of therapeutic conspiracies

The treatment of other people should be approached with caution, since you can overtake a disease or damage from a person. In order to protect yourself, you need to put protection using, or. If you do not know how to do this, then it is better not to take risks. There are times when it is impossible to help the patient without overtaking damage, curse or illness. To find out whether you should undertake to help a person, you can use the oracle, for example, using.Each case must be approached individually, since the origin of the disease can be different, just like spoilage or a curse have different powers.

In some sources, you can read that it is forbidden to heal blood relatives with the help of conspiracies and other methods.This information is not true. There are many Forces in the world that we do not know about, for example, the Force of the genus, which has one of the most powerful influences on human life and on all blood relatives. One of its functions is to prevent harm. Tug of illness during the healing of blood relatives occurs with a strong emotional attachment, due to which the remnants of the disease pass to the one who helped in the treatment.

See also "".

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The conspiracy - a guard, so as not to overtight the disease

When combing hair, read the plot:

If I find louse, then I’ll drag the disease. Amen. Amen. Amen.

My angel blinds my words with deed, closes my deed with my key,

In the blue sea throws the key to the bottom. Whoever dives for that key,

Yes, my plot never opened. Key, lock, tongue. Amen. Amen. Amen.

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Conspiracy from an unknown disease

If doctors cannot make a diagnosis and you feel that you are dying, read 12 nights before bedtime.

Countless keels, let go of my veins.

Take your eyes, serpent uterus.

From my body fly into the chimney

Find yourself another victim.

All the holy heavenly helpers of God,

Honor me, a slave (name), with your help, crush my diseases!

Now and forever and ever.

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Flux plot

Make on the waning moon. With saliva, draw a cross on the cheek and say:

You are my mother, an evening star, I complain to you about twelve girls, Herod’s daughters. Just as all the stars in heaven cannot be counted, so my body does not hurt and does not suffer. In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

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The conspiracy from warts and moles

Make on the waning moon. Circle the knot counterclockwise and say:

The bitch dries and the mole (wart) dies. In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

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Infectious Disease Conspiracy

In order not to get sick during an epidemic, talk yourself out of an illness. Put two mirrors. One in the front and the other in the back. Look at the back of your head and say:

There are no eyes on the nape, no nose on the nape, no mouth on the nape.

Also, so that I do not have a disease:

Neither from humans, nor from animals, nor from horses, nor from cows,

Neither from goats, nor from birds, nor downwind, nor from water, nor from the earth.

In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

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Heart Pain Conspiracy

Read at dawn, holding his right hand on the heart:

I am walking, servant of God (name), on the earth, my heart is beating in me,

My body, zealous, rules: does not stab, does not hurt, does not crush,

Do not cramp and not ache. Neither at night nor under the moon

Neither in the morning dawn, nor in the field, nor in the hut,

Neither in plowing, nor in water, nor in a bathhouse, nor on a horse.

Would it beat in me, would it beat, pound

So right, so glorious, how in Easter the bright bells sound

I have a long life. Amen.

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A conspiracy to keep your teeth loose

You can put your teeth in place with a conspiracy that is done on the new moon:

Son of God, Jesus Christ,

Have mercy on us now and evermore and forever and ever. Amen.

The mountain is not simple, not stone, not golden.

There is a holy church!

In that church, the deceased is buried, the deceased do not suffer pain,

They do not cry from tooth sorrow, their devils don’t stagger their teeth.

I put in my place:

Not iron or gold, but strong and bone teeth.

They cannot be shaken by the wind, they cannot be knocked out with their fist,

The witcher does not spoil them.

As the glory of Christ is strong, so all my words will come true.

In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

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Tooth restoration plot

Squash in the water and rinse it. Talking at sunrise or sunset.

Zarya-zarnitsa, red damsel,

Come, help, strengthen the bone bone.

The beaver has a strong tooth, the warrior has a kalen sword,

Doesn't crumble, doesn't break

Strengthens firmly.

So my teeth would grow stronger, stronger

They did not stagger or break.

Key, lock, tongue. Amen. Amen. Amen.

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A conspiracy to stop grinding teeth

Lips, teeth of wolves, foxes, hares, martens crumble, break,

Do not touch my teeth. How strong is the stone alatyr,

So my teeth are strong, so my words are sculpting and chain.

In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

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Eczema Water Conspiracy

Make on the waning moon. Speak to the water, then spray the sore spots with this water and wash.

There are three dawns in the sky: one is clear, the other is red, and the third is beautiful.

As you shine in heaven, yet from him, the servant of God (name), the disease is removed. Amen.

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There are three little suns in the sky. One is clear, the other is red, the third (name). Amen.

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Weeping plot

Little finger chart around depriving, reading:

The mule will not give birth, the stone does not give wool. In the same way, do not grow deprive, but dry. Amen.

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Plot from bruise, bruise, bumps

The pain is gone, the blood is standing, the meat is whole so that nothing hurts. Amen.

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A plot for a bruised elbow

A bruised elbow needs to be spoken. Look at your elbow and say:

Bone, bloody, vein, subcutaneous.

He hit, and the master corrected everything. Amen.

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Conspiracy from fright

Speak into the water and sprinkle a person on it.

Who scared, he took it upon himself. Amen.

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As a mother is not afraid of her baby, a cat is a kitten,

A horse is a foal, a drop is ocean water,

Earth - sand from Buyana Island,

So God's servant (name) will not be afraid of anything. Amen.

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Conspiracy from a bite of a midge, a bee, a mosquito

Read the slander over the bite, touching it with your little finger.

Whom they bit, for that the Saints asked.

Will not hurt, swell, blush. Amen.

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A conspiracy from diabetes - diabetes

Speak for sugar at three in the morning with the waning moon. Then give the sugar to the white dog.

It’s true that the sun in the loop will not strangle,

It’s true that the dog will not sing a rooster,

It’s true that the white bitch will take over

With white sugar, sugar sickness from the servant of God (name).

In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

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Conspiracy against baldness

Make at the new moon. They are talking near the threshold of the house where the balding man lives. Put your hands together with a strong lock, hold them above his head and read 3 times:

As the month was born, so the hair of the slave (name) may be born and come. Like no one counted the stars in the sky, let the hair of the slave (name) multiply and thicken without counting.In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

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Rash Conspiracy

Without touching the patient and looking at the rash, whisper:

Fight night and day, God’s servant (name), Strength. Go, rash, to the swamp swell, there is your place, there is your throne. Amen.

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Conspiracy so that your hands do not hurt

Read the full moon:

God's servant (name) has sore hands, his bones are groaning.

Lord have mercy on your slave (name).

She would not moan, do not drop tears.

Lord have mercy, take the pain to calm down. Amen.

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Conspiracy so that the legs do not hurt

Read the full moon:

Angels are bright, angels are clean,

Cover the frisky slaves of God (name) with your wings.

In order not to ache, do not hurt, so that the joints do not creak. Amen.

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Joint pain conspiracy

Read on a moonless night:

Lomotica, shipatitsa, bone radimez,

All joints and half-joints, shafts, tents,

Do not creak, do not hurt the servant of God (name),

So that she does not suffer anymore, let her sleep. Amen.

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Conspiracy from severe disease resulting from spoilage

Early in the morning and after sunset read such a plot:

A slave is sick, not sleeping at night,

She knelt down, asked for deliverance.

You, pain of twig, get away from her doorstep

From whom the disease came, go to that.

So that the guilty couldn’t eat,

I didn’t drink, I didn’t sleep.

May the perpetrator of corruption also suffer

The power of words now and forever

To the servant of God (name) will lose. Amen.

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Wound Healing Conspiracy

I conjure and take away the servant of God (name)

Under the wing of the Cherubim, custody of Seraphim.

I speak the word alive Holy God crucified by Christ

His wonderful deeds, with his silts from heaven

By all that the body of a servant of God is corrupted:

Shot, spear, bullet, n burn, horn, pickaxe,

Red-hot and poisonous arrow, p oroh, saber, mace,

Foot, hand, head, different weapons -

Steel, glass, wooden.

From fire, sword, loop Lord, save, save and defend.

I lock with a key I put God's conspiracy on   invisible armor.

Hail Mary, accept my prayer.

In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit.

Now and forever and ever. Amen.

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Eye Disease Conspiracy

In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit,

From the jesus cross

From the first post and last post,

From my word, from holy help.

Snag, do you see? - Does not see!

Stone, do you see? - Does not see!

Marsh bump, see? - Does not see!

Then my blindness will not offend them.

Go blindness to the driftwood

On a bump of water, on a one-eyed monster,

Three-eyed reflection.

Curved, blind, not mine, but someone else's.

My mouth is a lock, my tongue is the key. Amen.

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So that vision is always good, you should wash your eyes under the icon on Easter morning and say :

Just as people look at an icon, so would my eyes, century after century, look well. Amen.

Conspiracies from diseases help a person recover on his own and relieve ailment from his relatives.Spells can be cast on your own, and in case of children's illnesses, the mother prays the most powerful prayers.


What are the plots and their features

Conspiracies to get rid of diseases are divided into the following groups:

  • preventive;
  • universal wellness;
  • from a disease of unknown origin;
  • from a specific disease.

Also, spells from diseases are divided according to the principle of targeting:

  • for a sick child;
  • for an ill relative or acquaintance;
  • for your own recovery.

Various features of conspiracies are that healing takes place only by word or with the use of third-party funds.

Among them are the following:

  • holy water;
  • pectoral cross;
  • church candle;
  • rye bread;
  • thread or rope;
  • trees etc.

Preventive and universal plots for diseases

Preventive spells are carried out to maintain health and not to get sick. Universal conspiracies help heal the entire human body.

An example of a preventive plot:

Angels, heavenly, angels, saints. Take and take to the Lord God, Jesus Christ all my words, all my request. In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen. People get sick, people suffer, people die. Who these, diseases, believed, who these, diseases, caught up with people, Get up, twigs, shake yourself, go and go to hell. Slide down, fall off the servant of God (name), so that his soul soars, and his body ceases to hurt. God bless all my words, all my healing work. And what I missed, what I missed, the Lord will order and the Angel will say all the words for me. Key, lock, tongue. Amen. Amen. Amen.

For general healing, use the following powerful ritual:

  1. In the temple, go to the icon of the Savior.
  2. Wet the fingers of the right hand in holy water.
  3. Touch the image with your fourth finger.
  4. Use the same finger to touch your forehead.
  5. Read the following prayer:

The ring finger does not have a name, so I have God's servants (name) there is no disease.

Those who often visit the forest will benefit from this rite:

  1. Approach the tree.
  2. Hug the trunk to get your hands together.
  3. Read the following words:

“Ill illness, prickly ailment extends to the tree, transmitted from my body to the roots. It is not the servant of God (the name of the patient) that will torment and torment, but the tree that sharpens and sap. I give the illness of the sick servant of God (the name of the sick) to the tree, forces will come to him, he is now healthy. Let it be so!"

See an example of a plot for healing on the RITUALS FOR EVERYONE channel.

Conspiracy for a speedy recovery

If the disease has already begun, then a conspiracy for early healing can help.

An example of such a spell:

“A month, you walk high,
  A month, you see far away
  Wandering the villages, hills and forests
  To houses, baths, yards.
  Take away, month, ailment of God’s servant (name)
  Where birds don't fly
  People do not walk, animals of the road do not know.
  Mother of God, take the sick blood
  And grant good health.
  Now, forever, forever.
  In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit.
  Now and forever and ever. Amen".

If the patient is ill for a long time, then the following ancient rite must be performed:

  1. Bring a blind person to the house and treat him.
  2. Ask the blind man to drink holy water from the patient’s left hand.
  3. The youngest member of the family should read the plot:

Christ reigns. Christ commands. Christ saves and heals. Amen said. Amen affairs. Amen, all ill, and to you.

Conspiracies for the treatment of certain diseases

Magic from diseases is effective for healing various ailments.

The most popular conspiracies are:

  • from diseases of female organs;
  • from childhood diseases;
  • from abdominal pain;
  • from a cold;
  • from joint pain;
  • from deadly diseases.

From female illness

The following conspiracies are most often read from diseases of female organs:

  • from uterine bleeding;
  • from miscarriage;
  • from the inability to conceive a child;
  • from various female ailments.

A plot for uterine bleeding

With uterine bleeding, this spell is useful:

On the oak throne, in the golden crown, the Virgin Mary is sitting, looking at me, a slave (name). As she looks, blood from the womb will not sink. In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

When reading this text, you need to put your right hand on the navel and mentally imagine how the blood stops.

Conspiracy of the inability to bear a child

From miscarriage, it is useful to conduct a ritual with warm milk and prayer:

Holy Mother of God, strengthen. A star in the sky, water in the river, the fruit is strong in me. In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

This rite is performed seven times before bedtime.

To do this, you must:

  1. Take a clay mug.
  2. Pour warmed milk (preferably village).
  3. Read the prayer.
  4. Drink milk to a drop.

Conspiracy to get pregnant

To conceive a child, the following rite is effective:

  1. Take a rope or strong stern thread.
  2. Tie one knot in 40 days.
  3. When tying a knot, read a prayer.

I get myself an assistant. The hands are getting fat, the body is vigorous, the feet are banging, and the baby is conceived. As Mesyats-Mesyatsovich grows, arrives, so the fruit of the slave of God (name) is conceived. In the name of Christ the Savior. Amen. Amen. Amen. Mother of God, Mother of Blessed Virgin Mary, I call for help and remove all sorrows and pains.

Conspiracies from other female ailments

To recover from gynecological diseases, a ritual with bread is useful.

During the ceremony, the following prayer is read:

The Blessed Mother of the Virgin, Virgin Mary, an immaculate man, ate in the new cathedral, dined with appetite, rejoiced and talked. Jesus Christ was baptized in Jordan and thereby got rid of enemies, washed the white body and wiped it with a thin shroud. And I, the servant of God (name), wash myself, wipe myself with a thin shroud, and drive away all stomach diseases from myself. Till the end of time. Amen. Amen. Amen.

The ritual is carried out in the following sequence:

  1. Bake yeast (preferably rye) with your own hands.
  2. Break off (do not cut) the hump with crumb.
  3. With their right hand they drive clockwise around the navel and recite a prayer.

To report severe (fatal) illness

The following ritual helps to report a deadly disease:

  1. You need to take the underwear that the patient wore.
  2. Wipe her dying.
  3. Without washing, carry it to the field.
  4. Burn her at the stake.
  5. During burning, say the following prayer:

In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. The Lord walked the earth, helping people, lifting them from the sepulcher. Raise, Lord, thy servant (name) from the bed of illness, death bed, from bodily torment, turn away from death, turn to life in thy name, by my work, prolong thy servant (name) to the earthly life. Amen.

Also, a conspiracy helps to get rid of a serious illness:

Angels of heaven, saints, take and take to the Lord God, Jesus Christ, all my words, all my request. In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen. People get sick, people suffer, people die, who considered these diseases, who caught these diseases on people? Get up, twigs, shake yourself, go to hell, go down, slide down, fall off the slave of God (name), so that her soul revived, and her body ceased to hurt. God bless all my words, all my healing work. And what I missed, what I missed, the Lord will order, and the Angel will say all the words for me. Key, lock, tongue. Amen. Amen. Amen.

In case of fatal diseases, it is useful to contact a healer or healer: it is possible that the victim was given a conspiracy for the disease.

From illness, if doctors cannot diagnose

From an incomprehensible illness, the following ritual of conspiracy to water will help:

  1. Get holy water in the church.
  2. Speak her at home with the following words:

On the third day of Easter, Saint Marina walked, Saint Katerina walked with her, they carried the Holy Gifts. Whoever remembers these two names for three evenings will return health from the Holy Gifts. In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Now and forever and ever. Amen.

After that, wash the patient thrice with superficial water.

For colds and flu

You can talk about a cold infection as follows:

  1. In the left hand take a cup with a drink for the patient.
  2. Say the following spell to the liquid:

May Nicholas the Wonderworker and St. George the Victorious, Mother of God Mary and the Prophet Peter, St. Ilya and St. Catherine, King David and the wise Solomon help. May the Lord God our almighty direct them to help the servant of God (the name of the patient), so that his ailment passes away and goes into oblivion. I beseech you with a conspiracy and act according to your command. Amen.

The ritual for colds and flu should be carried out three times a day until recovery.

From skin diseases

From skin diseases, this ritual helps:

  1. Take holy (preferably baptismal) water.
  2. In the evening, drink it from the patient’s spoon.
  3. Wash heavily affected areas.

The following words are read during the ritual:

Holy water, cleanse the body of God's slave (name) so that it is as pure and holy as holy water.

For arthritis, arthrosis, rheumatism and joint pain

With joint damage, such an ancient ritual helps; it is carried out three times in a row:

  1. If possible, then bite a sore spot. If you don’t get out, then pinch.
  2. Say the plot:

    Blessed Virgin Mary, help me, a servant of God (name), and bless me to bite in bones to bite! I do not gnaw my white body, but gnaw at a gnaw. I gnaw, eat, scrub, delete with the root. I call you out of the body, I bite you from all bones and joints, from the blood of scarlet at the prayer slave of God (name). I gnaw, chase away any bite: midnight, and spellbound, and windmill. Put me, the servant of God (name) the Blessed Virgin, by my strength, so that I can cope and conquer the insidious affliction. Let me be healed, Holy Virgin Mary! Amen.

  3. During the plotting, a knife blade must be applied to the diseased joint.
  4. After the ceremony, wash the joint with holy water.

From joint pains also help products from the chained dog hair.

Say wool with the following spell:

Become a servant of God (name), blessing in the morning and in the evening, will wash himself in the morning dawn and in the evening, wipe himself with a white light; a red sun bakes in the forehead, a bright month in the back of the head, frequent small stars strew across the plaits; will go from door to door, from a canopy of gate, from gate to gate, will go farther into a clean field, on four growths, and will face east with a spine, west with a ridge: in the mouth is the true Christ; on a blue sea there is a white stone, on a white stone a white man in a white dress, light George the Brave; Georgy Sveta Khrabrago has two young men, two far-off, great archers: one son Simeon, the other Gerasim, walk with a stiff bow, shoot at a raw oak. Oh you, Simeon da Gerasim, do not shoot at the raw oak, shoot at the supply wounds, shoot, chop off the slave of God (name) pritzi, prizory, stitched slogans, windy fractures, stitched slogans. Amen.

In order for the joint pain conspiracy to work, they take wool only from the dog that never entered the house.

In the treatment of wounds and bruises

In the treatment of minor injuries, such a conspiracy helps:

Just as a leaf dries up on a dry birch, it falls off, so the God's servant (name) would heal the wound, the disease wither, the pain would fall off. Tightly. Amen. Amen. Amen.

The spell must be cast three times, leading his right hand over a sore spot.

From pressure surges, heart pains

With hypertension and heart disease, this ritual helps:

  1. During an attack, pour holy (preferably baptismal) water into a glass.
  2. Say it three times with these words:

    The dead man rides through the distant lands, through the distant seas, through the distant mountains and the red hill. On the red hillock in the black hole, the dead are having fun. Does the heart hurt in the dead? - Do not hurt. So let the heart of God (name) not hurt, not ache, but beats evenly. Amen.

  3. Drink in small sips.
  4. Say the word "Amen" for every sip.

With an ulcer of the stomach or intestines

The following conspiracy is read three times over a glass of water:

Our Lord is eternal, the King of heaven and the Creator. Your many-sinful servant (name) is turning to you, praying for mercy in Your age. Seek for my sins, I have been punished, ulcerated, sick from the inside. My whole gut was eaten up, dried up, and ached. I beg you for forgiveness, I bow my knee before the red throne. Deliver Thy servant (name) from torment, from a burning ulcer, from fierce ill. Send your servant (name) deliverance with the holy guardian angel, with the Holy Mother of God, with the healer Panteleimon, your saint. Amen.

For diarrhea and vomiting

The following potent conspiracy helps with nausea and vomiting:

As the sun rises in the East and sets in the West, so do I feel sick. On the eastern side, the sea fades, and on the western mountains spread out above the sky, and so everything in my body becomes clear and alright. In the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit. Amen.

In case of indigestion, it is better to say the following spell:

Diarrhea came from nowhere, not sent by anyone, not done. The bosom twists, twirls and yes will not pass in any way. You holy water, help, pacify the stomach. Key. Tongue. Castle.

Drink plenty of water should be, in small sips.

For sore throat

For sore throats, spells are often cast on home remedies.

For example, the following conspiracy is read on tea with honey:

The acute pain dries up, my throat clears up, it ceases to hurt, and peace comes in the house. Amen.

One prayer can be dispensed with without the use of medicine.

In healing, the following conspiracy is valued for its effectiveness:

I’ll go blessing, I will cross myself, from door to door, from gate to gate, to the sea - on a kiyan. On the sea, on a kiyan, on the island of Buyan, there is a throne, on the throne is Mother Mother of God The Holy Virgin, a cross is bearing a caparis. I ask you, Mother Altered Mother of God, to a slave (such-and-such) throat disease to be cured, spoiled. As smoke comes from intact, so, sorrow and disease, go out of (such and such) a slave, throat disease - come.

For eye treatment

The universal conspiracy to get rid of eye diseases is as follows:

The first water is swill, the second water is Yegorya, and the third water is Mary. My eyes are light, there is no blindness in my eyes. Lord, strengthen my eyes, I will bow to the ground three times. My word is strong, my work is modest. Key, lock, tongue. Amen. Amen. Amen.

There are a number of preventative spells for eye diseases.

Early in the morning on Easter you need to stand under the icon and read these words:

As people look at the icon, so would my eyes, century after century, looked well. Amen.

The following plot is pronounced, looking at the first rays of the sun:

Zarya-zaryadnika, red damsel, take the eyes of red, and give me clear eyes.

From foot diseases

From problematic legs, this helps well:

Through the mountains of Ararat, through knives from damask steel, through holy blood, through a sick bone. Through a sieve and a living, through bread and salt, go away, dryness and pain, to the mountains of Ararat, to the knives of damask steel, as the saints walked along the Nile, the hands of the saints are not sick, so that the servant of God (his name) has his hands and feet neither dried nor hurt, and the bones did not creak. Amen!

Healing water is used to heal the feet.

Such a plot is read over consecrated water:

Holy angels, clean angels, cover my feet with a wing, playful legs of a servant of God (name), so that my legs do not hurt, so that my joints do not creak. Amen!

After the ceremony, sore spots on the feet are washed with such water.

Conspiracy over a sick relative

Conspiracies for healing a loved one are held next to him for a more effective prayer.

It is better that the closest blood person carries out the wellness ritual.

The following rite is performed:

  1. Holy water three times on the forehead of the patient draw a cross.
  2. Spray the corners of the bed with blessed water.
  3. A prayer is said three times over a sick person:

Get off the servant of God (name), illness, on the beast, on a leaf, on a dry bush, on an empty barrel, on a swamp hummock, cleanse the body of the servant of God (name). My word is strong. Amen. Amen. Amen.

For parents to recover, the plot should be read by a son or daughter.

At the head of the patient say the following prayer:

O Blessed Virgin, Mother of the Lord the Almighty, Hurry-up Intercessor of all, who have come to you with faith, I pray to you: implored Your Son so that He can hear my prayer. Look from heaven above and descend to my tearful petition. Forgive, Lord, all sins to my parents, free and involuntary. Grant, Lord, to them His forgiveness is on earth as it is in Heaven. Extend their longevity to them and strengthen them in their health and mind. In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

Conspiracies for any item that you later need to wear

Usually, underwear is used to cure.

It is believed that the best protection against ailments is the baptismal cross.

But you can talk about any subject that a person constantly wears on himself or with himself.

These items include:

  • trinket;
  • amulet;
  • engagement ring etc.

The talisman is immersed three times in blessed water and the following plot is read:

As I, the servant of God (name) carry you with me (to name a thing), so health will always be with me. And you (to name a thing) will reject every disease from me, scare it away. Let it be so! My word is strong. Amen. Amen. Amen.

If the child is sick

If the baby is ill, the mother should pray for him.

The following conspiracy, read shortly after birth, helps protect the baby’s body:

A man was born, the cross was raised, and Satan was stronger, and God was glorified, in the name of the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit, now and ever and forever, amen! Holy Father Ostaphius and Holy Father Numiy, put him, Lord, servant of God (to give a name) in a holy place, to think about God and do God: the Holy Spirit will find on him and the whole heaven will shine on him, and all the highest mercy comes to him, Spasova hand, Christ's seal, Mother of God Cross, in the name of the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit. Amen. Amen. Amen.

At the very beginning of the illness of the child, one must speak water for drinking the baby with these words:

You are field grass, you are dry straw, the wind dried you, ruffled, shook you in all four directions. You go, all sickness, all pain, to dry straw, field grass, to the four brothers winds. Let them shake you, let them shake you, and let my child go. Blessed Virgin Mary, pray for my child. In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Now and forever and ever. Amen.

So that the disease does not return and for the prevention of diseases of the baby, it is useful to douse him with charmed water.

Prepare it this way:

  1. Spring water is collected in a jug.
  2. Say a prayer:

In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit! Lord Jesus Christ, have mercy on us! Mother of God, the Most Holy Theotokos called for help, and washed all sorrows and illnesses; I do not support, I do not help; Jesus Christ Himself and Mother herself help and bless the Blessed Virgin Mary! She washed her Son, and sent us rinses for babies. Silk broom on a paper slave (name) body in good health, for the sake of our cause. Get out, all sorrows and illnesses! After all, just as my mother could bear and bear her child, so I, the servant of God (name), can discourage all ailments! Zosima and Savvaty, Solovetsky miracle workers, come and help our affairs, infant sorrows! The grieving Mother of God delivers all from torment and sorrow; deliver us from all reproaches and sorrows!

Prayers for healing yourself

Healing conspiracies for their own bodily well-being are convenient because they can be read on their own without the help of healers.

In the morning and at night, Orthodox prayers for health are read to such heavenly patrons:

  • St. Panteleimon;
  • Guardian Angel;
  • The Blessed Virgin Mary;
  • St. Matrona of Moscow.

Health ceremonies are performed taking into account the time factor:

  • lunar calendar;
  • time of day.

An example of a conspiracy on a growing moon:

Father, a young month, dear little friend, golden horn, Lord give you golden horns, and good health to me.

An effective rite using a conspiracy, church candles and blessed water.

Before casting a spell, you must do the following:

  1. Come to church.
  2. Place three large candles in front of the images.
  3. Ask the saints for health.
  4. Collect in the temple blessed water for the house ..
  5. At home pour holy water in front of the icons.

In the evening, the following spell is cast over the water:

Oh holy water, God's tear. Heal me from illnesses and ailments, turn away the damn dirty tricks from me. Pour a healing stream throughout your body and bring out the sinful soot from your soul. I believe in you and speak for healing. May God not be angry, may the devil not be angry. Amen.

Thus, the charmed water is added to tea, used for cooking.

The following ritual is used daily:

  1. Spit three times over the left shoulder.
  2. They read the following words:

    As Judas lost his complexion after his death, so I will lose my ailment. Now and forever and ever. Amen.


Look for examples of effective conspiracies from diseases on the Irinka Kalinka channel.

There are many healing plots: against toothache, heart disease, even from fever. And all of them are time-tested, not by one generation of people, which means they have a special power. There is, among others, an ancient conspiracy from many diseases. Although he will not save from all ailments, he will help strengthen faith in a speedy recovery. You need to read it for three days. Then a week-long break is required, after which, it is worth talking again sore. In total, reading the text should take either three or nine days.

It should be remembered that on some days of the week (Monday and Sunday), conspiracies cannot be used.

Sometimes the universal method can be powerless if the disease is not defined by either doctors or healers, and the patient becomes worse. Here, a conspiracy from an unknown disease can help, the text of which is read twelve evenings in a row for a future dream.

When a dangerous ailment attacks a child, it is doubly difficult to survive. A conspiracy from a child’s disease, which exists in several versions, helps. One is read at dawn, the other either at dawn or at vespers before bedtime. The main thing is that healing phrases are pronounced above the water. The liquid charged with prayer is given to the child to drink it.

In addition, there are conspiracies that fight against pneumonia, high fever, helping to eliminate fear. There are ritual prayers for the newborn, so that the baby does not hurt and sleep well.

From all diseases

Lock the old padlock and say the plot:

“I will rise up as a baby, blessing Alexei, and go crossing myself from door to door, from gate to gate, into a clean field, I will put there a damask tyun from earth to heaven, from east to west. I’ll close it with 77 locks, with 77 keys. I will throw these keys in the blue sea under the Belgrade stone, just as these keys do not return to the baby Alexei, so no illness, no plague, no cholera, no ulcer, no radish, but a sorcerer, or a sorceress will bother me. God save and save me from all evil people, all enemies, adversaries. My words are by my lips, my tongue is a castle ”

The plot is read for three days in a row. If necessary, read another three days after a week's break. Then they again take a week break and treat for another three days. It is necessary that a total of three or nine days of treatment. It should be remembered that it is impossible to treat on Monday and Sunday.

The most powerful are conspiracies involving the transfer of the disease, but they are very difficult to perform. For healing to take place, reciting one ritual prayer is not enough. The sorcerer conducts a long rite, there is a real struggle of white magic against the disease. Usually for such sacraments some thing of the disease is taken, on which the illness will be transferred.

After the ritual, the object with the infection transferred to it is burned, less often buried in the ground. What fate befalls him depends on the required rules of a particular conspiracy.

In addition to the patient’s things, a third-party item can also appear in the rite, as, for example, in a conspiracy from heart diseases on a horseshoe.

To conduct the sacrament, a horseshoe is required, removed from the horse no earlier than a month ago.

If you can find one, you must give it up. During the ritual, the patient stands on a purchased horseshoe.

Sometimes the transfer is carried out to the animal, this is practiced when a person has a serious incurable disease. This method of exposure is very strong, after its implementation, the cattle is seriously ill and subsequently dies.

Conspiracy treatment does not always help. If the sufferer himself does not believe in the reality of recovery, then you can run as many healers as you like and whisper prayers yourself, all will be futile.

Universal plot

There is a universal ritual that can be performed even if you need to accelerate recovery from a common cold. But on the other hand, it is an effective help in the treatment of serious diseases. The ritual is held in the open.

It is necessary to approach the young tree, touch it with your hand and say these words:

“I, the Slave (a) of God (s) (my own name), are driving away from me ailment that is painful and malleable. Let him reach the trunk of this tree and cross over to it. More than me, the Slave of God (proper name), let the pain not torment, but sharpen the wood. I gave my ailment (s), and took my health. Amen!"

If the ceremony was a success, then soon you will recover, but, unfortunately, the tree will dry out. Try to buy a seedling soon and plant a new tree.

In order for a complete deliverance from the disease to come, the healer must put his energy into the text to be read. This will help if the conspired person believes in the possibility of healing. It is necessary to tune in to a positive outcome and believe in a possible retreat of the disease.

But just believing in the power of a magical conspiracy is not enough. When a sick person tries to independently apply folk healing methods, without a clear plan and not knowing the nuances of the sacrament, he may not harm his health, but he will not benefit either, no matter how strong the prayers used are considered. Reading ritual texts, attention should be paid to intonation, the correct pronunciation of words, and then everything should work out.

You should not neglect the help of an experienced healer, try to conduct a ceremony with the transfer of the disease to the subject yourself. Out of ignorance of all the subtleties, this ritual will either turn out to be meaningless, or you will wrap its action against yourself. This also applies to those cases when suddenly you intend to practice conspiracy from diseases on other people. There is a danger of transferring ailments from the patient's body to the healer. In general, the miraculous power of a conspiracy, with the right approach, can heal even the most serious ailments that are not amenable to traditional treatment. If you can’t cope with the disease by medication and believe that you can defeat it through magic, try to read a conspiracy to get rid of the disease, perhaps this is how you will report your disease and it will disappear. In general, any disease is better to prevent than to cure, so we recommend that you read prayers for the health of children and yours, because there is nothing stronger than love for one's neighbor and oneself. Be healed by love and the power of the word! Be healthy.

Report disease

A sick person’s T-shirt is taken in which he slept without erasing and rushes into the forest or field. At the time of the ceremony, no one should be near. A conspiracy against the disease is read over the shirt, after which it is burned. You should not wait for the complete combustion of a thing, as soon as it ignites, you need to turn around and leave without looking back. The most difficult and important thing in the ritual is that the author should not talk to anyone throughout the day. In no case should you perform the ritual on Monday, Saturday and Sunday.

Conspiracy Words:

“In the name of the Father, the Son, the Holy Spirit. The Lord God is walking on the sinful earth, helping people, raising them from the grave. Lord, raise Thy servant (name) from the bed of the disease, Bed deadly, Save from bodily torment, turn away from death, Bring life back to your name, by my work, Extend the age of the earthly servant of Your name (name). Amen".

Dropping a disease into the water

On an odd day, go to running water (river, sea) without combing, without eating, without talking to anyone on the way. Having approached the water, cross yourself three times and say in a loud voice:

“Get out of my body, misfortune, ailment, illness and loom. Dive deeper into the water, to the very bottom, so that you never get up from there. Never return to my body, stay deep at the bottom. Let the sea roots be a treat to you. It’s your age to live out there, to no longer know the human body. May my words be strong, and my deeds will be sculptures. What she said, she did not say, the Lord God will help and my illness will prevail. In the name of father and son and holy spirit, it is now both present and forever. Amen".

Getting rid of the disease

Spitting over his shoulder, they say:

“Just as Judas lost his complexion after his death, so I will lose my ailment. Now and forever and ever. Amen".

Conspiracy from serious illness

Take 9 aspen torches, set fire and say the following words in smoke:

“Smoke Dymovich, you are a godfather of fire, Good service to me for you. From this day, from this time, let all sickness and infection come down from the servant of God (name). Go, ailment, to the old gate. Go down to a deep grave so that you will be ruined there, now, forever, forever. Key, lock, tongue. Amen".

To get well soon

After midnight, go outside, look up at the waning moon and say:

“A month, you walk high, A month, you see far, wandering in villages, hills and forests, in houses, baths, courtyards. Take away, a month, the sickness of God’s servant (name) There, where the birds do not fly, People do not go, the animals of the road do not know. Mother of God, take sick blood and grant good health. Now, forever, forever. In the name of the Father and the Son, and the Holy Spirit. Now and forever and ever. Amen".

Conspiracy for the treatment of female diseases

This ritual helps to cure almost all female diseases, the main thing is to do everything clearly according to the instructions. At dawn, pour clean water into a half-liter jar, then put a silver cross in the jar. Leave a can of water on the window. The next morning, rise again at dawn, tie a new scarf over your head, cross yourself three times, take out a cross from the water and put it on the window, take the jar in your hands and read the prayer “Our Father” three times, then the prayer to Saint Panteleimon, and after the plot :

“Women’s illnesses go to the damp earth, there you will find a hole in which you have to sleep, whistle and play. But do not go to the servant of God (name) neither by sleep, nor by day, nor by honor, nor as a joke, do not swim, leave forever. Amen".

You must read the plot six times, then put the jar and cross yourself three times. Spray water from head to toe with the charmed water, and the remaining water should be drunk during the day. Drinking water is prescribed in three sips with interruptions.

A plot for getting rid of skin diseases

For the ritual you need to buy red cloth or a scarf and twelve evenings in a row to wipe their sore spots by reading:

“Fight night and day, servant (a) of God (s) (name) crypto. Go, rash, to the swamps, go, ailment, out of the gate, into your yard, your house, there you have a place and your throne. I take off the disease from myself, I cleanse the body and blood with my own word, I return the ailment to the dead, so that my body is clean and white, there are no sores. Amen".

On the waning moon, on the 13th day, go to the old cemetery, where burials are no longer being done, in the afternoon, stand at the gate and say loudly:

“I came to a dead city, here the dead are fast asleep. I feed the disease from my body, I am sending it to you. I give you the disease, take it, put it in the coffin and hammer it. May my body be clean and white, so that from now on it does not have sores. Amen".

A red cloth or shawl rushes into the cemetery with his right hand. After that, you need to leave the cemetery without looking back, on the way home, keeping silence. You can talk only after you cross the threshold of your house, where the first thing to wash your hands with running water.

Conspiracy Helping From Child's Illness

If the child is often sick, follow these steps to strengthen his magical protection and immunity from the negative effects of the external environment.

Take spring or clear water, pour it into a transparent jar, in which for a day put a silver thing, preferably a cross.

After a day, read the conspiracy onto the water, taking a can of water with both hands and going into the middle of an empty room:

“May this water be transparent, healing, pure, to my child, the servant of God (name), good, as the thoughts of Christ. Washes away adversity, ailments and grief, gives peace and health to the sea. On the water so that angels fly from heaven, sweet songs are sung over my child. His sores to be washed off, dissolved in key water. Till the end of time. Amen".

Conjured water is given to the child in three drops in pure form or with the addition of any other liquid. This should be done every three hours. Also, this water is added to bathing water, it sprinkles clockwise every corner of the room in which the child is located. Also, you should dampen the threshold and the windowsill with charmed water.