Coral stone properties are suitable for anyone according to the horoscope. Stone coral. Coral for Pisces

Coral  - a symbol of longevity, saves travelers.

Astrologers claim that corals can carry all signs. It is especially useful for Capricorns. It is also suitable for people under the auspices of the elements of water: Cancers, Scorpions and Pisces.

Corals are the product of tiny living creatures that settled deep in the warm sea in large colonies. Polyps secrete a special calcareous substance, from which tree-like coral branches form. They can reach forty centimeters, but the thickness of the branches rarely reaches four centimeters. Only in the places of branching can they be a little thicker.

Corals may not necessarily be red, although red is typical. In nature, over 2500 species of coral are known, in the palette of which up to 350 color shades are distinguished. Corals are presented in a wide color spectrum: from red to white, from blue and brown to black. Reddish tones from pale pink and salmon to deep dark red are most loved. Black and gold corals are fashionable, blue ones are very rare. Especially expensive color is considered to be pale pink - "skin of an angel." Saturated red Japanese “Moro-corals”, pale pink “Bokeh” and red “Sardena” are also famous.

Modern designers enjoy using coral stone and appreciate it for its unique ability to combine sophistication and beauty. So, acquiring corals, you can satisfy your aesthetic needs, improve your mood and emphasize the beauty of your face skin. In addition, owning a coral jewelry, you can be sure that you are not afraid of any disease, or a bad look from an ill-wisher, or the dangers of long-distance travel - coral will always ward off danger.

Coral is a stone whose properties are vast and allow you to be more beautiful and healthier. Even in ancient times, people paid special attention to corals, of which they made amulets, charms, prayer beads, jewelry, even coral powder was added to medicines. Our contemporaries do not hesitate to follow the example of their ancestors and use coral products in medicine and everyday life.

Coral as a talisman:

For travelers, coral is a talisman. This beautiful coral mascot protects them from all sorts of dangers lurking along the way, and helps to return home safe and sound.

Coral products are also the talisman of romantic natures. The owners of this sea jewel are becoming more elegant, more perceiving all the subtleties of relationships and being. The imagination of the coral owners knows no bounds, creativity and creative thoughts will come to you as if by magic.

It is believed that coral can protect against misfortunes, troubles and dangers. The properties of this stone were recognized even by ancient warriors who used red corals to decorate their weapons and protect themselves.

Beads from coral protect the wearer from the evil eye.

There are magical properties that have a not very pleasant effect. If you wear a coral product for a long time, then passivity and moodiness can develop. To prevent this from happening, astrologers advise wearing coral only on the growing moon, and rinse the coral with water in the full moon and put it in a box until the new moon. So the stone will rest and will serve you only good service.

Red coral is able to neutralize such negative qualities of a person as anger and anger.

Pink coral is considered the talisman of happiness and longevity.

Coral gives its owner wisdom, logic and intuition.

Coral is able to attract the attention of representatives of the opposite half of humanity.

Coral is a guardian of pregnant women, it protects them from miscarriage.

Corals warn of an onset human disease. There is a completely scientific explanation for this: corals are sensitive to body temperature and skin secretions.

If you intend to wear coral products and use their magical properties, then you need to monitor corals, as damaged corals lose all their strength.

Coral Treatment:

Besides the fact that corals are great magicians and guardians, they are still great healers. In ancient times, coral treatment was frequent: polishing nails and giving them vitality and shine; blood arrest and wound healing with coral powder.

And now the healing properties of coral are known to many and are used with pleasure. It is so nice to wear beautiful jewelry and at the same time become healthier. What does coral heal?

Coral jewelry has a beneficial effect on metabolism and, accordingly, on the skin of the face.

Powder from coral perfectly treats burns.

Red coral beads help with headaches and sore throats.

Coral products strengthen memory, heart, mental state.

Corals relieve nervous breakdowns, depressions, give calm.

White corals are popular in surgery, they are used as implants for teeth and bones.

It is believed that coral can cure cancer.

Corals help get rid of insomnia. If you put coral under your pillow, the night will pass unnoticed among beautiful dreams and appeasement.

Coral products help tone and relieve fatigue.

Solutions with pieces of coral help fight osteoporosis.

It is not for nothing that coral is called a symbol of longevity, because such an abundance of magical and healing properties can prolong life for many years. Coral was divided into male and female. Feminine is white coral, and masculine is red. Of course, you can wear any coral products, but you need to know that if you wear jewelry with corals of the opposite sex, you can become more masculine or more feminine.

Therapeutic value:

Fine coral dust was a favorite material of healers, alchemists and magicians of antiquity. Ancient healers used drugs containing coral, mainly for bleeding, ulcers, heart disease.

Nowadays, scientists have discovered biostimulants, hormones and elements in corals that help with diseases of the liver, spleen, stomach, and joint pains, facilitate the healing of wounds and ulcers, including internal ones, and provide relief from fevers.

Water infused with white corals becomes healing and rejuvenating, since coral enriches it with more than 70 vital microelements (calcium, silicon, magnesium, iodine, chromium, boron, etc.), they transform into ionic form and are easily absorbed by cells, and also contribute to better absorption of nutrients.

But most importantly, coral water is a source of active, ionized calcium. Calcium is directly related to the acid-base balance of the body. And its lack can be the cause of more than 150 different diseases.

With a lack of calcium, the body becomes acidic, aging - immunity weakens, and bacteria, viruses and fungi multiply faster. Vitamins and minerals are absorbed worse, diseases of blood vessels, heart, joints arise, and conditions for the growth of cancer cells are created. And the body is constantly looking for a reserve of alkali to neutralize excess acids. Coral water alkalizes (neutralizes excess acidity) and returns the normal acid-base balance, a person begins to regain health.

In addition to neutralizing excess acidity, the use of white corals for therapeutic purposes ensures normal blood coagulation, affects the regulation of the growth processes and activity of cells of all types of tissues, ensures the passage of electrical impulses along nerve fibers, participates in the metabolism, has anti-inflammatory and anti-allergic effects, is a building material . An old legend about the protective and revitalizing forces of coral lives in the tradition of putting red coral beads on the neck of small children. Also, young girls are given, as a first decoration, coral beads. Moreover, they miraculously affect the complexion and act favorably on the skin.

As a healer, coral stone is very valuable in powders, potions, applications. It is a source of valuable hormones of protoglandins, actively affecting the metabolism of proteins in the body, causing the proper functioning of the muscles of the digestive and respiratory systems, the muscles of the uterus and smooth muscles.

White corals are high-quality implants for bones and teeth. Coral serves as a healer of the brain, lymphatic system, heals mental insanity, cataracts, bronchitis, tuberculosis, headache, tonsillitis, wounds, ulcers and even cancer. In ancient times, coral was part of many drugs, and modern medicine tends to use it more.

A red coral necklace heals wounds and bleeding. Red coral helps as a cough and flu prevention, in some cases it can be used as a direct warming agent in combination with warm clothes or a blanket. For people who do not tolerate hypothermia, it is recommended to wear a necklace all winter. Especially recommended for singers, lecturers, for anemia and asthma. In combination with pearls, it normalizes menstruation in women.

Purification of water using corals:

One of the main causes of many diseases is the water we consume. Chlorine present in tap water in the form of organic compounds is especially dangerous for the biological structures of the body.

We are used to boiling water, but when boiled, chlorine is converted into a very dangerous toxin, which has a depressing effect on the whole body. And also the natural structure of water is destroyed, which makes it dead.

White corals dipped in water can turn it into potable: there is a process of active absorption of chlorine compounds, purification from salts of heavy metals, structuring, corals make it weakly alkaline and mineralized.

Magic value:

The magical power of coral frightens away evil people and demons, protects from troubles, protects from evil eye and damage and attracts luck.

Corals enhance the gift of foresight, so they are the talisman of many fortune-tellers. For travelers, this is the best amulet; it saves them from hurricanes, storms, unpleasant meetings and contributes to a safe return home. Coral increases vitality, reduces stress, gives prudence and strengthens memory, promotes a successful life together, helps maintain marital fidelity. The ancient Greeks considered pink coral a symbol of immortality and happiness.

According to healers, corals are able to diagnose the owner’s diseases by changing their color: if a person has cancer, he becomes earthy, with pathologies of the gastrointestinal tract - transparent. Corals are a sedative and help with headaches, insomnia and nervous agitation.

Corals are useful for diseases of the thyroid gland and help with asthma. It is believed that if corals are worn around the neck, they will protect against sore throat, scarlet fever, and relieve nervous tics. As a talisman, coral makes a person wise, strengthens the gift of prophecy and foresight, ensures success with the opposite sex.

Corals are a good charm for children, they protect against evil eyes and infectious diseases. Coral necklaces relieve shortness of breath, give strength to the heart, calm the heartbeat. This is the cure for sadness and sadness. Protect from the evil eye, keep from lightning, scare away bad omens, deter from temptation. Therefore, among the Christian clergy the custom to wear coral rosaries spread.

Stone coral is still used in magic. When worn as a decoration, it is a protective amulet. Protects its owner from the "evil eye", demons, rage, disease. It serves as protection against accidents, violence, poison, theft and infertility. Stone coral is also worn to make internal changes. It dissipates stupidity, nervousness, fear, depression, thoughts of murder and suicide, panic and nightmares, gives prudence, courage and wisdom. Placed under a pillow, it provides a peaceful sleep, driving away disturbing thoughts. Place a piece of coral in your child’s room to magically protect it. Coral is used to attract good luck. Take a piece of coral and touch it with every door, window and wall in the house, moving clockwise. Then place it on the altar or just in a secluded place. Be sure your home is protected. A ring with a piece of coral allows telekinesis magic to be used by its owner. Also enhances the gift of foresight. The Avestan School of Astrology makes it clear that red corals are good for men and women are made invaders. White coral is a female stone, and it makes men effeminate.

They wear coral in the form of beads and earrings. How the amulet protects the owner from lightning, bad people, can even remove damage. Stone coral gives the owner wisdom, and spoiled people - modesty. The talisman of romantics, it actively affects the imagination, gives the owner grace and subtlety of perception. Preserved travelers, saves them from hurricanes, storms, unpleasant meetings and safely returns home. Coral also protects crops from hail. Coral-fed plants have great stamina and fecundity. Powdered, it mixed with seeds and sown in the soil. This protected growing crops from inclement weather and insects. Coral was also hung on fruit trees to increase their yield. It is believed that corals reduce stress and fear and contribute to a happy life together.

Coral is, in essence, not even a stone, but skeletal fossilized remains of the smallest marine organisms. The Caribbean is especially rich in corals, and many of them are found in the Indian and Pacific Oceans. They are very beautiful, and I want to call them gems, but this will be the wrong name.

The history of coral goes back so far into the past that it is simply impossible to trace the first mention of these marine formations. For example, they were known in the Sumerian civilization, which existed three thousand years before the birth of Christ.

Mayan jewelry was very popular among Mayan Indians

People who lived millennia ago were well aware of the hidden supernatural properties of coral. For example, the Mayans of the South American tribe always wore beads from these minerals. They believed that this decoration protects from dark forces. In the East, beads were made from these stones, decorations on the bindings of religious volumes and inlays on weapons. In European countries, as well as in India, they were evaluated on a par with natural pearls and, accordingly, only wealthy people could afford to have products from these stones.

Nowadays, corals are mainly bought by tourists as souvenirs. The export of independently mined natural stones in many countries is prohibited.

Coral shapes and colors

Corals exist in a huge variety of shapes and colors.

Coral formations are distinguished by a huge variety of forms - they come in the form of balls, mushrooms, tree branches. Sometimes in clear transparent water of the southern seas and oceans one can observe whole thickets of mineral resembling real virgin forests. Over time, they can form a reef and even a small island, but this process takes several hundred years.

The color scheme of corals is not inferior in variety to their shapes. There are stones of almost all shades of the rainbow - red, from pale pink to purple and brown, blue, orange, even white and black.

Jewelers prefer stones of red shades, white is usually used in medicine. Minerals of blue tones are less common, so they are more expensive than corals of any other color.

Coral and magic

Coral has long been considered the protector of travelers. People believed that the mineral can protect on the way from any natural disasters and save the life of its owner. But this is not the only magical property of coral. It is believed that it protects against magical damage, from ill-wishers, setbacks and quarrels between spouses.

In Greece, blue coral jewelry was much appreciated

In ancient Greece, people always wanted to have a little blue coral with them, believing that it would protect them from sudden danger and make life easy and happy. Spaniards and French until the 19th century considered this stone a symbol of humility and a worthy acceptance of their fate.

Since ancient times, people have endowed corals with not only magical, but also healing properties. They believed that these stones can cure the most serious diseases. It is believed that this mineral worked especially well on children and the elderly.

Nowadays, psychologists believe that corals have a very beneficial effect on the mental and emotional state, enhance the ability to logical thinking and intuitive abilities of a person. The most powerful abilities, as is commonly believed, have red stones. It is commonly believed that beads from this red mineral protect against various diseases in the throat. Red coral ring helps to cleanse the body of toxins.

The talisman with this mineral, regardless of the color of the stone, protects its owner from marital quarrels, natural storms and cataclysms, as well as from any kind of violence.

Corals and their healing properties

In medicine, corals are used, as a rule, as powders.

As already mentioned, corals have long been used to cure various ailments. However, in the modern world, doctors confirm the beneficial effect of these stones on the human body due to the presence of biologically active substances in this mineral. The beneficial effect of the mineral was noted in diseases of the endocrine and cardiovascular systems, blood, musculoskeletal system, skin and some others. Usually corals are used in the form of powders or solutions, but sometimes this stone is used in the manufacture of bone and dental implants. It has a lot of calcium, which is well absorbed by the human body, unlike calcium, extracted, for example, from eggshell.

There are confirmed facts that jewelry with corals tend to strengthen the general state of health, have a beneficial effect on the emotional background, normalize metabolic processes, accelerate wound healing and strengthen memory.

Red stones, as in magic, have the greatest potential in the treatment of diseases.

The magical properties of stone coral for zodiac signs

Coral will not bring virgins good

According to astrologers, coral belongs to those minerals, the choice of which must be done, especially carefully paying attention to the correspondence of the stone to its zodiac sign.

The coral stone originates and exists in water, therefore, in its entirety, it reveals its magical properties to representatives of the zodiac signs related to the elements of water. For it is ideal, especially red and purple shades.

For signs of the elements of the earth, the mineral will not bring much benefit, but astrologers categorically do not recommend it.

Red coral is a complex cluster of small bare bushes reaching a height of up to 1 m and consisting of intertwined needles. Chemically, coral consists of calcium carbonate. It looks like an underwater colorful garden, but in reality corals are colonies of marine animals - polyps. Such colonies form on the seabed, usually in dark places, at great depths or in deep caves and crevices. Coral grows at depths of 10 to 300 m below sea level.

In underwater caves, it grows at a depth of 4 to 35 m. Around the islands of Japan and Taiwan, they grow at depths of 350 to 1,500 m below sea level in areas with strong currents. There are 35 known types of polyps that form corals. The first type of polyps was discovered in 1758, and the last, called a parsnip, in 1981. Perhaps there are other types of polyps that have not yet been studied that form corals, and, accordingly, their colors are unknown in the world.

It is noteworthy that a characteristic of the value of red coral as a gem is its strength and intense coloring of red or pink. It is commonly used in jewelry. Red coral is a gem, naturally matte, although it can be polished to a glass shine. Species of coral are very diverse in color. Ranges of color - from warm reddish pink, pale pink to dark red. Stones are found in other colors. For example, scarlet, saffron, coral red, pink with bright red, black, yellow and white shades. Red is the most sought after color.

Gardens of the Sea - so often called corals. It used to be a plant, but now everyone knows that corals are colonies of living organisms, polyps. This is the result of accumulated skeletal masses from polyps.

The ancients believed that the planet Mars consists entirely of red coral. Therefore, according to Hindu mythology, when it is used as a gemstone, coral is able to negate the adverse effects of Mars and please it. Mars is the god of war and has the most aggressive energy of nine planets. Its red color is a symbol of blood and perseverance in human life. He is known as Angarak and the son of the Earth due to his proximity to the earth. It is considered an unfavorable planet in astrology and gives people, in whose horoscope is strong, the opportunity to put their own desires above others. Red coral is the stone of such people. These are people born under the constellations of Aries and Scorpio.

Positive properties of red coral

It was believed that he was able to prevent misfortune and provide protection against skin diseases if worn as a necklace.

The benefits of red coral among other gemstones have been known for centuries. The Romans believed that red coral as a gemstone benefits children in healing wounds caused by snake and scorpion bites.

Red corals should be worn by people in such professions as military, police, electricians, surgeons, as well as players and ministers of various cults. This is useful for increasing self-confidence, developing administrative abilities and the strength of asserting one's right in the social and political spheres. Wearing red stone can present success in transactions with the purchase and sale of land and property.

Wearing red coral develops many advantages for its owner, such as perseverance, courage and the ability to face difficulties, to solve any problem. The stone also removes obstacles to the path and increases the influence of its carrier in society. It also brings harmony to married life.

Healing properties

Red coral prevents abortion. It helps with fever, impotence, typhoid, smallpox and many other diseases. Children can be saved with his help from diseases such as rickets and abdominal pain if they wear red coral beads or a rosary on their neck. Red coral also treats knee problems, arthritis and rheumatism. He is a good helper for meditation or visualization. Symbolizes the life and strength of the body’s internal energy.

Dark red coral is used to heat and stimulate blood flow. Pink shades help restore harmony in the heart. It is used as an aid for depression, lethargy, or malnutrition.

Red Coral Jewelry

The color of the coral does not fade over time and with proper care can be maintained for a long time. Therefore, it is not surprising that they are collected for decorative use. Records dating back more than a thousand years confirm that coral has long been widely used in decorative art. Red coral jewelry has remained in fashion since ancient Egypt. Recently, these gems have been especially popular.

Because of its softness and opacity, red coral is commonly used in modern jewelry in the form of beads. It is used as a gemstone in rings and bracelets for both men and women.

A red coral ring is recommended to wear to reduce the impact of Mars. It is believed that copper rings are best suited for this purpose. Nevertheless, gold and silver items remain popular. But the rings in which the stone is framed by copper are in first place in their ability to reduce the negative influence of Mars. Coral rings look equally advantageous for both women and men.

People who don’t like to wear rings or want to experience a greater influence of the stone can be advised to wear a red coral bracelet. Red coral, framed in silver bracelet, helps people achieve stability in career and married life and have more strength and courage to solve the problems they face.

The main qualities of coral:

  • deep red color;
  • smooth edges and a flat surface;
  • round or oval;
  • no dents, holes or perforations.

The authenticity of red coral can be checked in a special gemstone quality assessment laboratory.

Coral Sources

The main places where corals can be found are in the Mediterranean Sea, off the coast of Australia, the South Pacific, in the waters of Japan and Africa. Their procurement is common in countries such as Algeria, Tunisia, Spain, Italy, France and India.

Intensive fishing in places where corals grow, especially in shallow water and along the coast, is very harmful to their colonies. For this reason, the population of coral-forming polyps in the Mediterranean, where their colonies settled at depths less than 50 m, has been greatly reduced. In addition to fishing, the existence of their colonies is threatened by climate change.

Naples has a museum of coral jewelry. It collected a lot of information on the history of use and a large collection of jewelry made from ancient times to the present day.

Stone Care and Cleaning

Due to their organic nature, coral stones are soft and porous and should only be cleaned with a clean, damp cloth. If additional special care is required, aggressive chemicals and ultrasonic cleaners should be avoided. To clean such products, you can use a mixture of equal amounts of chalk and tooth powder. Avoid contact with hair sprays, cosmetics or perfumes.

Modern jewelers use corals with great success in their works and praise it for its rare quality to combine sophistication and simplicity.

Therefore, buying jewelry from coral, you will satisfy your tastes and improve your health. By purchasing a product from coral, you can be sure that you are not afraid of the evil look of an ill-wisher, illness and disaster, the dangers of travel: a stone will certainly protect you from adversity.

The alluring, exotic gem of organic nature is so ancient that its history is measured not for centuries, but for millennia. This miracle of nature does not apply to minerals, and a gem or stone is called only conditionally. Coral was loved by all ancient peoples for its unusual properties.  Over time, this love has not died away.

History and Origin

Coral refers neither to minerals nor to plants, and the history of the first finds stretches from the distant past - about 25 thousand years ago. Even then, people living near the warm waters of the Mediterranean discovered the amazing creation of nature.

However, at first only seafarers and divers could admire the true beauty of Poseidon possessions. Coral “branches” raised to the surface quickly lost their appearance under the influence of the sun and air. Soon, the masters mastered the technique of polishing the stone creations of the sea, returning to them the natural charm for life on land. Then the conscious coral mining began.

It is interesting! The evidence that the exotic of the seas was accessible to the ancients is provided by finds from the Paleolithic era - pink coral beads were discovered in the Viddsheyer cave, which served as a camp for nomadic peoples.

Coral in ancient times was considered a stone of peace, helping a person to find harmony with himself. Therefore, the ancient Egyptians jewelry from the nugget were the talismans of patience, restraint, a cure for melancholy and sadness. Also, the gift of the seas was a symbol of immortality.

The Greeks, like the Egyptians, identified corals with eternal life. Amulets were made of fossils, helping to drive away diseases and adversities, attracting happiness and luck to the owner. The Sumerians considered the nugget divine. And the ancient Roman doctor Paracelsus claimed that the gem from the depths of the sea drives away evil spirits. Later, all of Europe became convinced of this.

The Middle Ages were marked by a new round of coral popularity. And not bohemian, but wind. People believed in the ability of a stone to protect against evil spirits, demons, and temptations. Representatives of the European clergy acquired a coral rosary. The cradles of babies were supplemented by amulets from a nugget, and older children were supposed to wear different jewelry, like protective talismans.

It is interesting! Among Europeans, corals were a symbol of modesty, virtue. Beads from sea gems or gold earrings with coral inserts become the first decoration of a young girl. It was believed that stone provides success in relationships with men. In addition, people began to notice a certain effect on external data - the complexion was leveled, the skin became more youthful and attractive.

Coral both earlier and now is considered a talisman of travelers. On a long journey, beads from a gem will help to avoid troubles, and also will not allow to get lost in an unfamiliar place. The energy of the stone provokes a person to go in search of adventure and exploits.

The name of the exotic nugget came to the Russian language from the ancient Greek, before passing through Latin, Polish and German.

The natural origin of corals is the organic remains of marine invertebrates. These organisms, called coral polyps, are endowed with a skeleton of lime, which is involved in the formation of reefs. The process of creating a reef takes centuries. A coral island has been growing for hundreds of centuries. This is due to the slow growth of the fossil - about 1 centimeter per year. Corals have age rings similar to woody ones. Each ring is equal to 1 year. So, the age of some corals reaches hundreds of years.

Place of Birth

The predominant places of coral formation are year-round warm sea waters of the tropics. Reefs are found both in shallow water (3 meters depth) and in the depths of the seas or oceans (up to 300 meters). Places of "habitat" of the species are scattered off the coast:

  • Taiwan.
  • Japan.
  • Canary Islands.
  • Midway Islands.
  • Northeast Australia.
  • Tunisia.
  • Algeria
  • Turkey.
  • Yugoslavia.
  • Sardinia.

Shallow reefs are at risk of extinction, since ultraviolet rays in places of ozone holes have a destructive effect on them. With further thinning of the ozone layer, such reefs will disappear altogether.

Did you know that the world's largest coral reef extends 2.2 km along the northeast coast of Australia.

Despite the need to "grow" in warm waters, a unique find of coral reefs off the coast of Scotland, in the cold depths of the Atlantic.

Physical properties

The main building material of corals is calcium carbonate. Impurities are a small amount of iron oxide, as well as magnesium carbonate. In this case, the organic part is only 1%. Black corals are considered unique, which are 100% organic. The structure of the formation is porous, and the surface is matte.


Perhaps nature has not created anything richer in color than the coral. Over 6 thousand varieties of this marine exotic are known. In this case, the color scheme has about 350 shades. This means that coral formations have collected all the colors that exist in nature!

For the needs of jewelry, 16 basic shades of the gem are used, 10 of which are the most popular. Of course, each of these creations of nature is given its own name:

  • Rosso. Bright red jewelry material of high value.
  • Akkabar. A rare black coral, unique in its essence, as it consists entirely of horny matter, and not of.
  • Artiscuro carbonetto or “bovine blood”. Brown.
  • Pelle D’angelo or “skin of an angel”. Pink.
  • Rose vivo. Deep pink.
  • Pallido. Light pink.
  • Blue coral. The rarest and most valuable. A blue sample is also considered expensive.
  • Bianco. Exceptionally jewelry, rare white nugget.
  • Rosso is skuro. Dark red.
  • Secondo coloro. Red-orange fossils.

Less valuable and more common types of corals act as raw materials for lime production. Beauticians and doctors have also found use in marine exotics.

Healing abilities

About the healing possibilities of stone it became known a long time ago. In addition, modern lithotherapy confirms a number of healing properties discovered by ancient healers. First of all, coral is a healing and antibacterial agent. Ancient Roman healers pulverized coral branches into powder, treated them with wounds, and neutralized the poisons of insects or snakes. It was believed that the sea gem helps broken bones to heal faster.

Coral acts as a kind of indicator of human health. When the body undergoes any pathological changes, the stone in all possible ways hints to the owner about this - the coral jewelry loses its luster, becomes covered with spots of unknown origin or cracks. It is not worth neglecting such signs, it is better to consult a doctor in a timely manner.

And you know that the Japanese use coral as dentures.

Sea nugget is useful in cases of:

  • diabetes mellitus;
  • anemia
  • any diseases of the circulatory system.

For people who need to improve memory, concentration of thoughts and increase vitality, coral will be no less useful.

In addition, the healing effects of such jewelry as coral beads are recognized. This accessory helps to cope with a sore throat or a cold. And for those whose activities are connected with the constant tension of the vocal cords (speakers, vocalists, teachers), such beads should become an indispensable daily decoration.

Magic force

The magic of coral, raised from the depths of Poseidon's possessions, a priori can not be weak. This nugget is strong in many directions, which the ancient peoples of different parts of the world were convinced of.

In ancient Greece, all inhabitants wore coral products without exception. The stone symbolized for them longevity, happiness, protection from evil magic and evil spirits. The Indians of Mexico protected themselves from diseases, crop failures and the elements with the help of coral beads. They believed that evil spirits send all misfortunes, and amulets help to drive them away.

And among the ancient Egyptians, coral jewelry was an attribute of young or unmarried girls, symbolizing innocence. In the modern world, the strong protective properties of coral are also recognized, helping to protect oneself from the evil eye, damage, love spells or curses, protecting young girls from evil influence.

Important! Coral amulets are one of the few products that are suitable for protecting babies. Children are more sensitive and more often than adults are influenced by envious glances, spoilage. Therefore, to protect the baby and calm the hearts of parents, corals will come in handy.

Esotericists use the gift of the seas to enhance psychic abilities. Nugget aggravates intuition. For Indians, this stone is a source of wisdom, a guard against dangers.

For travelers, coral is becoming an indispensable attribute. It will protect not only from the risk of getting lost or falling into “bad weather”, but it will also scare away thieves, rapists or other cruel companions from a wanderer.

It is interesting! Using a special ritual involving raw corals, you can bring good luck to your home. Just walk with a piece of stone throughout the house in a clockwise direction, while touching the nugget to all windows and doors.

Coral patronizes both men and women. The fair sex is more suitable for white or light stones, especially if the owner is very strict, stubborn, unshakable. They will give the owner the necessary femininity, sensuality, tenderness. Red nuggets - a mascot of men. Such corals endow with stamina and masculinity. However, if a girl suffers from excessive moodiness, sentimentality, or belongs to melancholy, then red stones will be more suitable for her, making her character more perfect.

Important! The peak energy activity of the gem falls on the period of the growing moon. But during the Full Moon, the stone becomes magically dangerous, so these days refrain from contact with coral jewelry.

The gifts of Poseidon will awaken in the owner those features that are necessary to improve the character, improve the quality of one’s own life. People with frivolity will become wiser. Anyone who is spoiled for life will feel more modest. Corals drive away senseless fears, anxieties, panic, thoughts of suicide or murder from a person, turning the master’s inner world. The stone is suitable for sensual, romantic natures, enhancing the subtlety of perception.

Compatible with other stones

Coral is one of the unique stones that immediately belongs to the three elements - Water, Earth, Fire. A combination with minerals such as:

Mineral Jewelry

Products from coral belong to the public category of jewelry. Jewelers set a stone in gold and silver. Masters create beautiful bracelets and beads without rims. The average price of such jewelry:

  • Golden rings - from 10 to 35 thousand rubles. Silver - from 2000.
  • Earrings. Silver - from 1,500 to 4,000 rubles, gold on average 30 thousand rubles.
  • Bracelets are estimated at 1,500 rubles per thread with a silver clasp and reach a price of 40 thousand for a gold jewelry with inserts.
  • Beads, necklaces, necklaces. From 1500 rubles.
  • Suspension. From 2 thousand for silver, from 10,000 for gold.

The jewelry uses stones of different quality - ennobled and natural. The bulk of mined corals with defects are cracks, holes, indicating significant porosity. Such nuggets are enhanced with dyes and wax to give an appropriate appearance. However, there are also natural-ideal stones, devoid of flaws. Without exception, all corals are polished to give them shine, as the raw coral is always dull.

How to distinguish a fake

When you buy natural minerals, the first sign of naturalness is the severity of the stones compared to glass or plastic. In the case of coral, the opposite is true - naturally porous and light, it will be much lighter than glass or plastic imitation, many times lighter than the Neolithic or used for fakes.

The same opposite applies to thermal conductivity. If the “earthly” minerals give out coldness, then the gift of the seas is unusually warm and very quickly draws in the warmth of the hands. Thus, the natural properties of coral are warmth and lightness.

But to distinguish a fake made from coral chips is very difficult. Often, craftsmen use polishing waste to create new stones. They are glued together, give the desired color. Often, a unique green coral is the same fake. It’s possible to find out that you have a “glued” gem shortly after purchase, when the jewelry will lose color or become cracked, which does not happen with natural corals.

How to wear

Coral jewelry is a trend of many seasons. This gem is not subject to age restrictions, so it is suitable for women of all ages. It is worth remembering that such products are best worn with the new moon, and put aside for the full moon.

Bright, flashy colors of a stone are ideally combined with blondes. White is suitable for redheads, and for brunettes - white and pink shades. Young girls are advised to opt for more gentle tones. But dark, saturated corals are an attribute of mature ladies.

Choosing an accessory such as beads or necklaces, the main thing is not to go too far with the additions. In itself, such a decoration is quite bright and independent. Tandem with neat string earrings or large stone option is allowed. Other details of the image can also be combined in color with the coral - bag, belt, shoes.

The most careful care is required for coral products, because this material, like no other, is fragile and brittle. A few simple rules will help you keep your favorite jewelry:

  • It is necessary to wear accessories on skin that is clean from sweat and dirt, after applying cosmetics (lotions, perfumes, makeup). Care products are harmful to the stone.
  • Storage needs a special approach. Wrap the product with tissue paper, laying separately from other jewelry. Storage tank must pass air. High temperatures, high humidity or too dry air are harmful to corals. Moderate coolness and humidity - the best environment for storing the gift of the seas.
  • During bathing or any contact with water, jewelry is removed - water is destructive to the nugget, especially if it is with chlorine.
  • Hands should be touched with corals as little as possible. After each use, it is recommended to wipe the product with a slightly damp cloth, and then wipe it dry with a microfiber cloth.

Try not to wear coral jewelry with clothing made of coarse, hard fabric - such an item of clothing will easily scratch a stone.

Astrology and name ownership

The stars have long told astrologers to whom coral suits most.

(“+++” - the stone fits perfectly, “+” - can be worn, “-” - is strictly contraindicated):

Zodiac signCompatibility
a lion+

This nugget of the deep sea is suitable for everyone except the signs Capricorn and Virgo. For these constellations, even a fleeting contact with the stone is dangerous. The gem is ideal for Pisces, especially if it is brown or red. Other signs can also sense the power of the gem.

  • Aries will gain protection.
  • Taurus amulet promises good luck.
  • Libra will establish communication with the environment.
  • The mascot will protect twins from evil magic.
  • Lions will strengthen their health.
  • Sagittarius will become lucky with a pink or red stone.
  • Scorpions corals will bring to their lives what they most need.
  • Crayfish are more impressed with pink corals.

The gifts of Poseidon patronize women whose names are Nonna and Victoria.

4 / 5 ( 4      voices)

If you are planning a vacation to Egypt, or maybe looking at a coral stone in a store, you probably involuntarily asked yourself: what is coral? Stone, plant or animal?

Let's get it right.

Is coral an animal, plant or stone?

Those corals that can be observed when immersed in warm sea waters are an animal. So, the scientist Paysonell from France in 1827 proved why corals cannot be attributed to plants. His arguments are as follows:

  • these are polyps that form on reefs and have a calcareous skeleton;
  • polyps live in colonies and grow quite slowly, and when the members of the colony die, a strong skeleton forms, it is commonly called a reef;
  • coral is a cylinder or bush with tentacles at the "mouth", with which they capture nutrient particles;
  • coral life requires warm sea water and sunrays penetrating into the water.

Why do we call corals? This is a common mistake, which is due to the fact that this natural material is very durable. In fact, this is not a stone, as we just found out, but an animal.

Thus, coral is a petrified skeleton of a marine animal - a polyp.

Origin and history

“Sons of the deep sea” - the name of coral is so poetically translated from the ancient Greek language. Many legends and myths are associated with them.

For example, the poet Ovid, describing the victory of Perseus over the jellyfish Gorgon, proposed his version of the origin of the "stone": Perseus, flying over the sea, held in his hand the head of the defeated Gorgon, from which drops of blood flowed. They became corals.

Indeed, there is an outward resemblance to petrified trickles of blood.

The maximum size that corals can reach is 40 cm long and 4 cm wide. Their growth is so slow that now "collect" those that grew hundreds and thousands of years.

In Ancient Russia, balls "kings" were cut out of sea gifts. They were found in burials, and why they were laid - it remained a mystery. Perhaps ancient people believed that thereby protecting the deceased from evil in the afterlife. In the burial of Boris Godunov, 15 red "kings" were discovered.

Physical properties

The petrified stone of animal origin in chemical composition consists of calcium carbonate. 85% - from calcite and 15% - magnesium carbonate, iron oxide and manganese.

  • has a gloss matte, like wax;
  • opaque
  • amorphous forms;
  • hardness 3-4 points according to Mohs;
  • type of fracture - splintering.

Mining is still carried out in a artisanal way, with a significant part of the colonies being harmed. Cutting off the branches, part of them breaks, disappears, and only part is collected and raised.

Coral species and habitats

First of all, the division is carried out by the color of the precious marine gift.

To date, there are about 300 color shades of marine fossils - from white to black. The typical color, which is called coral, is reddish. In addition, they can be yellow and green, and the rarest is blue coral.

"Sons of the Sea" live in the Mediterranean Sea, the South Pacific, near Japan, Australia, Taiwan, Africa. Colonies grow at a depth of 10 to 300 meters, and in caves - from 5 to 35 meters. Earlier, and sometimes even nowadays, they are also called “gardens of the sea”, this has gone since when they were considered to be plants, not animals.

Many countries are engaged in "mining" and manufacturing of jewelry: Tunisia, India, Algeria, as well as France, Spain, Italy.

A feature of red corals is their strength and brightness of color.

An interesting fact is that, according to ancient scientists, Mars consisted of coral.

White coral is found only off the coast of Japan. It grows at a depth of 100 to 200 meters, reaches a small size. Jewelers especially appreciate the tops of twigs.

Scientists have developed a classification of valuable marine minerals.

There are 3 types of groups: noble, root and foamy.

Noble corals are those that have jewelry value. They, in turn, are classified depending on the color and shade into subgroups: bianco (snow-white); Akkabar (black); the skin of the guardian angel - Pelle d-Anglo (pale pink); pallido rose (pale pink); seconddo color (orange-pink); rosso (bright red); rosso-skuro (dark red); arkiskuro carbonetto (cherry or blood bull color).

The most expensive because of their rarity are the "gardens of the sea" of all blue and blue shades.

The magical properties of coral

This is a strong magic stone, which has always been used by people.

Both the ancient Greeks and the ancient Indians of Mexico and the inhabitants of ancient India, considered corals no less valuable than pearls. They believed that coral is a sacred gift, it can prolong life, protect it from fever, violence and natural disasters. It is no coincidence that travelers particularly appreciated the red mineral.

Coral - traditionally refers to the "male stones." Previously, only rich nobles could use the magical help of the red mineral.

In India, it was used as bringing wealth and respect to others.

In eastern countries, it was believed that the decoration of a sword or knife bestows power on their owner. And by placing a red mineral on the book - it will provide protection from evil spirits and ill-wishers.

The advantage of this color of the "gardens of the sea" is their ability to increase self-confidence. They are recommended for people wearing professions such as: military, politicians, managers, i.e. everyone who is somehow connected with management. In addition, the red jewel helps to be more purposeful and persistent, and also gives happiness in personal life.

In general, the magical properties of red stone can be listed, such as:

  • calm the raging nature (storm or hurricane);
  • protection from the troubles of their owner;
  • amulet from the evil eye and evil spirits;
  • attraction of good luck.

White corals are “female stones”.

white coral branch

Their magic power:

  • amulet from ill-wishers;
  • protection against evil eye;
  • the amulet of the hearth and cosiness.

The fact that amulets and church articles were made of stone, as well as the rosary, confirms its magical power. No wonder he was considered a stone of oracles and fortune tellers at all times.

The healing properties of coral

Red - since ancient times, it has been used in the treatment of poisonous snake bites, for skin diseases.

Modern lithotherapists recommend it for many diseases. It especially helps with the risk of not preserving pregnancy, impotence, certain types of infections. With rickets, healers are advised to wear beads. A darker red shade affects the blood, and a lighter shade in pink affects the heart. It is recommended to wear to treat depression and general weakness.

It should be noted a unanimous opinion on the beneficial effects on the throat and respiratory tract. That is why it is useful for singers and anyone with a throat problem.

White corals - endowed with special healing properties that have been known since the time of Pliny the Elder. In ancient Rome, a white mineral was used to treat children and the elderly. The diseases in which it was used are weakness, weak immunity. The method of application was simple - the mineral was simply placed at the head of a person so that during sleep there would be a recovery.

Modern lithotherapists also recognize that white coral has a beneficial effect on the emotional and psychological background of a person.

Since this is a fossilized skeleton of polyps, it has a similar composition to human bones, and therefore coral powder is widely used in modern medicine. It is recommended for strengthening bones, and is also used in the manufacture of dental implants.

Artificial Corals and Fakes

Since it has many shades, it can be confused with cornelian, spessartine and rhodonite.

The main method of counterfeiting is compressed coral shavings, with dyes and with an admixture of plastic, which is given out as whole coral. Artificial, like other natural minerals, is “customary” to be made of glass or plastic, but to understand that before you is glass and plastic is easy for anyone.

The cost of natural stone and fakes can vary by 7-10 times. It is almost impossible to distinguish a fake other than the difference in price.

Inexpensive red framed silver framed can cost about $ 30. Better specimens (for example, in the suspension) will have a price of 200 and more dollars.

Stone care

We found that coral has an animal, i.e. organic origin, which means it has a porous and soft structure. Product care involves the use of soft tissue without chemicals. If you need to clean the product from contamination, then you can use a mixture of chalk and tooth powder, any aggressive chemical compositions should be avoided. When wearing jewelry with coral, make sure that cosmetics or perfumes do not get on them.

In addition to aggressive environments, the stone is also afraid of temperature extremes and hot water.

Even if you just wash your hands, it is better to remove the ring with coral, otherwise it will lose its luster. The same rule applies to other jewelry - when bathing, you must remove them.

Coral Jewelry

They are made as independent ones - beads, beads, and as inserts in precious metal, as a rule, in gold. For a selection of the finest jewelry, see the video:

What signs of the zodiac is suitable for coral stone

This is a strong magical mineral that has a romantic essence, and therefore is suitable, first of all, for romantic people, as well as creative people.

Depending on the shade, it is more suitable for men or women. White, pink - traditionally better for women and girls, especially as a talisman of love. Astrologers advise men to pay attention to red and black stones.

According to astrologers, there is no contraindication to wearing a stone for any sign of the zodiac, it is suitable for everyone, without exception, if you focus on horoscopes. Meanwhile, it is better to find your own shade of the mineral, as mentioned above.

A special energy connection is observed with the representatives of Pisces and Capricorns on the zodiac sign. He will help them to be more open, confident and strong, and at the same time to remain romantic.

Sagittarius should pay attention to red shades, and Taurus - to pink and black coral. They are especially, according to astrologers, energetically strong for these signs of the horoscope.