Opal value. Opal is a legendary stone to support the owner’s talents. Rainbow opal magic stone properties

Opal is a many-sided stone. It comes in many different colors, from completely transparent to black, like the night sky. All its jewelry varieties are distinguished by a beautiful play of light, incomparable with any other mineral. They say that it is impossible to look away from him - such a stone is beautiful.

There were legends about the properties of opal. Now jewelers still use it, and not only them. With the help of the mineral, lithotherapists treat diseases, and magicians, as in antiquity, try to penetrate into the deep secrets of the universe. But in order for the stone to help you, you need to be among those to whom it suits the character and sign of the zodiac. Well, first things first.

The only continent of the Earth on which legends about the origin of opal are not told is Antarctica. And that is only because there is no indigenous population, with the exception of penguins.

In ancient Greece, it was said that Zeus fought with the Titans, and was happy when he won a difficult battle. The tears of joy that the god of thunder uttered fell to the ground, and turned into opals. The Greeks believed that with the help of a gem you can discover the gift of clairvoyance.

The crystal and the indigenous peoples of Australia were associated with their supreme god. According to their mythology, opals are traces of the Creator of the world, who once went down to earth to see how people live.

Arab sages believed that a stone would form where lightning struck the earth. Assuming that celestial electricity does not hit twice in the same place, they used the crystal as protection against a thunderstorm. So among our mineral takes an honorable place.

According to the Indian legend, the rainbow goddess flew into gems, fleeing from annoying fans. By the way, the pebble owes its modern name to the Indians.

In Sanskrit, the word “upala” means any precious crystal in general.

In medieval Europe, it was believed that the gem is able to bring good luck. But there was one of its varieties, to which exclusively negative properties were attributed. This is a black opal, reminiscent of the color of the night sky. They said that it was used by witches and evil magicians in their covens.

Used iridescent gem and the peoples of America. From it were made the eyes of artfully made idols. It was believed that believers, peering into the play of light in the depths of the stone, will be able to hear the voice of God, learn his will and change their life.

Where do they get it?

Most often, stone deposits look like biconvex lenses or veins in the thickness of other rocks. Large deposits are rare. Today, the main supplier of gems is Australia. The reason here is not only in particularly large reserves, but also in the fact that opals have been mined for a very long time. Intensive development led to the fact that the mines in Europe, Asia and northern Africa by the XIX century were almost completely exhausted.

About 90% of Australian gems are white crystals of varying transparency. The "capital" of stone mining is Coober Pedy, South Australia. Queensland has boulder mineral deposits. And finally, Lightning Ridge Village in New South Wales boasts a deposit of rare black specimens.

The leader in the extraction of these gems is Australia.

Other countries deliver unprocessed opal to the market, albeit in incomparably smaller quantities. Gem deposits outside the kangaroo continent are known in the following states:

  • Mexico (Yucatan Peninsula);
  • Honduras;
  • Guatemala;
  • Peru;
  • United States of America, Nevada;
  • Japan;
  • Slovakia;
  • Turkey;
  • Kazakhstan.

In these countries, fire opals are sometimes found, one of the rarest varieties of gem. They also find stone in Kamchatka and Transcarpathian Ukraine, but full-scale development of deposits in these regions is not conducted.


The color of opal cannot be described in one sentence. The variety of shades is very large. Depending on how saturated the color is and how the play of light in stone is expressed, jewelers divide gems into precious, semi-precious and ornamental.

The first category includes transparent specimens with pronounced opalescence (the play of a light beam). Other crystals are considered semi-precious. Simple jewelry is made of them. They are also used as part of doublets, protecting more expensive varieties with cheap plates. And finally, faded and colorless stones play the role of ornamental, as well as materials for the decoration of the premises. Such gems include, for example, half-overs - brown or yellow opaque minerals with a greasy sheen.

Noble opals

Jewelers refer to the following as precious gem varieties:

  • (Mexican) opals. These are minerals of saturated red or orange color, with a pattern that resembles tongues of flame. It is mined, as the name implies, in the countries of Central America.

  •   . Expensive and very rare gems. Dark stones resemble space with their tint. Any jeweler will gladly take on a dark purple copy.

  • Harlequins. They were so named after the character of the Italian folk theater, whose clothes were sewn from multi-colored pieces of fabric. These are gems with a beautiful polychrome pattern. The pattern on them consists of circles and squares of blue, green and red colors, which shimmer depending on the change in the angle of view.

  • Another multi-colored variety is proudly called "royal opal." Their core has a bright red or bronze color, and it is surrounded by a green border. The outer edge of the mineral is completely colorless.

  •   , or heavenly opals, called minerals casting blue.

  • Lechos opals are sea-green stones with deep carmine and green tints.

  • "". Rare and expensive specimens of honey or golden color. Their distinguishing feature is a vertical narrow black strip in the middle of the stone.

The most expensive varieties are black stones, despite the superstition that surrounds them. Royal (royal) opals are also highly valued. The cost of a gem grows depending on its size, usually exponentially. This means that a 3-carat copy will be at least twice as expensive as a two-carat one.

Common Opals

About many semiprecious and ornamental varieties of the gem, we have separate articles. Often they are very different from the noble brothers, not only in transparency and play of light, but also in magical properties.

  • Hyalites. These are colorless, watery, and transparent crystals that look like glass. They form outgrowths in the form of clusters in places where there is very high humidity.

  • Chrysopalas are green opals, reminiscent of apples.

  • Moss gems are opaque minerals of white color with a pattern that looks like grass or moss thickets.

  • Peruvian blue opals are the “younger brothers” of heavenly jirazole; they differ from them in the absence of a play of light.

  • Resin opals are dull black crystals.

  •   , or pearl opals. White gems with dark veins. In India, they are told about the legend that these stones came from the milk of sacred cows spilled on the ground. Therefore, they are also called dairy.

  • Irisopaly is a colorless or brownish rock that Mexico supplies to the market.

  • Wax (yellow opals).

  • Hydrophanes (water gems). Porous stones that become transparent when saturated with water. When precious specimens age, they turn into this subspecies.

  • Wood (dendritic) stones. The breed that occurs when a mineral replaces rotting wood. Such crystals combine a whitish "opal" color with a structure resembling a tree.

Instances that are natural doublets are called boulders. These are crystals where two breeds adjoin, precious and ordinary. The most beautiful among them are “rainbow” koroits, iridescent in dozens of shades. Yova nuts are also interesting. So called stones, where a noble variety is surrounded by a cheaper breed.

How to distinguish opal from fake

Natural opal can be very expensive, especially if it is a noble variety. Fraudsters have invented several ways to fake precious gem varieties:

  • The simplest and cheapest - imitation of a mineral with plastic or glass.
  • Sale of cheap varieties under the guise of expensive. For example, tar stone is given as an elite "night".
  • Duplets and triplets. A thin plate of a noble variety is glued with one or two ornamental plates.
  • Artificial stones. They tried to grow crystals in the laboratory in the 19th century. The breakthrough was made in 1972. It was then that the Gilson opals obtained by chemical means entered the market.

Outwardly and even in composition, the artificial stone is no worse than natural. But it’s hardly suitable for healing and magic.

It should be remembered that a plastic fake, like a synthetic opal, does not possess the magical and healing properties of the original. Fortunately, to distinguish a fake is quite simple, if you remember the basic properties of the gem.

First of all, you need to pay attention to what the opal stone you are going to buy looks like. The true gem is distinguished by "floating" lights. If you look at it from a different angle, they will change position in the thickness of the crystal. In the laboratory mineral, sparks are always motionless.

The price of opal can also say a lot. Decoration with a night or fire gem is unlikely to cost less than a thousand rubles. These are very rare varieties of the mineral, and jewelers and miners rate their work quite high.

Application and care

Opal products are as diverse as the mineral itself. Jewelry is made from noble varieties by setting them in precious metals. Cheaper stones also go to rings and bracelets. Ornamental varieties become material for figurines, countertops and vases. Of the cheapest subspecies make tiles.

In order for your stone to last as long as possible, you must remember that opal is one of the most fragile minerals. The fact is that it is not even a crystal in the scientific sense. Each instance consists of tiny globule balls that are soldered together extremely fragile. However, if you follow the simple rules of wearing, then nothing bad will happen to the gem.

  • The stone must be protected from shock, shock and friction.
  • If you need to clean jewelry with opal, use soapy water and a soft toothbrush. After removing dirt and dust, wrap the gem in a napkin and leave it in a sunny place for an hour.
  • You should not keep the mineral in direct sunlight for a long time. It may lose color or even crack. If this happens, immerse the stone in room temperature water for a couple of hours.
  • Take off your rings and bracelets when you start cleaning. Contact with detergents, especially alkaline ones, can cause permanent damage to the crystal.
  • Keep your jewelry wrapped in a soft cloth in a dark and cool place.

Careful attitude is the main condition for “tuning” your opal to the correct wave. The magical properties of the mineral, in harmony with your soul, will be maximum.

Healing properties

Opal treats diseases of the cardiovascular system and nervous disorders.

Opal stone has been used to treat many diseases since ancient times. So, it was believed that he was able to neutralize poisons, stop bleeding, save from the plague. Lithotherapists of our time apply all types of mineral in the following areas:

  • Normalization of the emotional background. Peruvian and heavenly minerals are excellent talismans for meditation. They are able to heal anxiety, nervousness, normalize sleep. All precious varieties help get rid of depression and melancholy.
  • Treatment of diseases of the cardiovascular system. To do this, or red opal will help. To normalize blood flow and blood pressure, reduce the development of atherosclerosis and the frequency of angina attacks, you need to wear a bracelet with a stone on your left wrist.
  • Vision improvement. Massaging the eyebrow with a green gem helps to get rid of eye fatigue and accommodation spasm.
  • Treatment of diseases of the gastrointestinal tract. Precious types of stone relieve symptoms of stomach ulcers, gastritis, relieve nausea, heartburn and heaviness in the stomach.

Separately, it should be said about the fire opal. It is difficult to overestimate its significance for a person who is weakened after a long illness or suffers from chronic fatigue. Meditation on the flames deep in the stone helps to restore vigor, increase efficiency, and remove irritability after a hard day.

Magical properties

The value of opal in the magic of gems is the disclosure of man's internal reserves, the realization of the most secret passions and desires of the wearer. Only strong-minded, creative and resourceful people can find harmony with the mineral. For the rest, it will become just another decoration.

The mineral is able to protect its owner from negative energy, the evil eye, spoilage and love spell.

The stone also opens the gift of foresight, strengthens intuition. But only people with pure thoughts should wear it. The fact is that the crystal enhances all the emotional impulses of the owner. Black opal is especially famous for this. This gem is able to extract the most hidden aspirations from the depths of the subconscious, but it is also considered the most powerful amulet.

The mineral has a strong protective effect against the evil eye, soil and other evil.

White stones are exactly the opposite. These are the best amulets for healers, nurses and nannies. They reinforce the good character traits, make the wearer more tolerant and calmer. Blue and blue opals can strengthen marriage and friendship, protect from failures and temptations.

Fire stones affect women and men in different ways. Representatives of the stronger sex under his action will become more courageous, decisive and tougher. The beautiful half of humanity will notice that the crystal has made them wiser, calmer and more tolerant. A gem will help you find a couple for a serious relationship, achieve reciprocity. The magical properties of opal are also used in rituals aimed at attracting money, good luck, happiness in personal life.

Who is suitable for the zodiac sign

The universal gem is a blue or white opal. Its properties will suit any zodiac sign. However, astrologers recommend it first of all to fiery signs - dark opals will do, which will strengthen the intuition and creative abilities of their carriers.

, Virgin- these are those who are suitable opal yellow shades. Such stones will help them improve their health, become stronger and more enduring. At the same time, the amber gem will make such a person more active, increase his initiative. For those representatives of signs who are engaged in creativity, the crystal will serve as a source of inspiration.

Blue opal is a stone that has a luminous sheen and good performance. Australia can be considered the birthplace of stone. Minerals of all colors and shades, even rare black opal and harlequin opal, are mined on the territory of this country.

Blue opals

The aborigines of Australia told the legend that somehow God was angry, split the rainbow in a fit of rage, and its pieces, falling to the ground, turned into stones of divine beauty.

But scientists were able to detect opals on Mars, NASA researchers have officially confirmed this information.

Stone characteristics

The history of opal began a long time ago, but these gems were not known to everyone. They came to Europe only in the 19th century from India. While the inhabitants of Australia and India admired the ability of the mineral to shine in the sun with all the colors of the rainbow, Europeans did not even suspect its existence.

When, nevertheless, the gem came to Europe, it was appreciated. The cost of opals could be called fabulous. Not all representatives of high society could afford to afford to buy jewelry inlaid with this stone.

Opals were very popular in the middle of the 20th century; several deposits were discovered, which significantly reduced the cost of stones and made them more accessible.

Opal has a unique ability to reflect light and sparkle with all the colors of the rainbow, a similar phenomenon is called opalization.

Gold is considered the best setting for this stone, the yellow metal harmonizes perfectly with the shade of the stone. Other metals, such as silver or platinum, can also be used as frames.

The following jewelry can be inlaid with a mineral:

  1. Earrings.
  2. Rings.
  3. Bracelets.
  4. Pendants.
  5. Rings.
  6. Pendants.

Opal is perhaps the only gem in which there is water, its amount can reach up to 30%. The chemical composition of the stone is a hydrate of silicon dioxide.

Due to the fragility and the fact that the composition of the mineral has water, it is faceted in a special way. The stone is shaped like a circle or oval, as well as a cabochon.

The mineral has the following characteristics:

  • low hardness, from 5.5 to 6.5 units on the Mohs scale;
  • glassy, \u200b\u200bsoft and often pearly.

Assessing the first indicator, it can be noted that the mineral is considered unstable, for this reason working with it is associated with certain difficulties. In addition to the above indicators, opal has a rich palette of shades, but the most expensive is not blue at all, but black stone.

Black opal is rare in nature, maybe for this reason even stones that are dark blue, dark green and even gray-black are called black.

In addition to blue and black, in nature you can find opals in the following colors and shades:

  • milk;
  • fiery;
  • harlequin (combines several shades and looks like a harlequin costume);
  • called colorless.

The price of opal depends not only on the shade, it can be affected by the place of extraction, as well as the weight in carats. The most expensive opal was found in 1956, its value was estimated at 2.5 million Australian dollars.

Where is it mined?

Stone deposits are located in several countries of the world. In Russia, opals are mined in insignificant quantities; they do not differ in high cost or large size.

In addition to our country, gems are mined in the following:

  1. Australia
  2. Brazil.
  3. Germany.
  4. Czech Republic.

In addition to Australia, Ethiopia is famous for its large deposits of these stones, it is considered the second most important supplier of minerals to the market.

Stone magic

The gem is endowed with conflicting qualities, magicians and sorcerers evaluate it as a stone that can destroy hopes and subjugate the owner.

The energy of opal is so powerful that it should not be worn by those people who do not have a strong character. They can easily become a victim of the mineral, get captured. In this case, the person will not be good, he will feel pressure on himself, experience certain problems with the psyche.

Despite this, magicians and sorcerers claimed that the gem can:

  1. To make a person stronger, increase his self-confidence.
  2. Strengthen the addictions of the owner, affect his character.
  3. Bring success and good luck in business and love.

Different abilities are assigned to disgrace, they say that he can make the owner stronger spiritually. The stone will increase self-confidence, make the owner calmer and more resistant to stress and disappointment. This is not to say that putting on a finger a ring inlaid with this gem, a weak and weak-willed personality will turn into a person with a steel core inside. Not at all, a mineral can only enhance some of the character traits that the owner was endowed with initially.

Opal is a complex stone and for this reason it is difficult to predict its effect on a person. He can become a good talisman, or he can doom his master to torment. If a person has an attraction, passion or dependence, then a gem can strengthen it. Thus, the opal punishes the owner, he makes him limp, subjugates and forces him to commit rash acts.

Blue Opal Jewelry

Together with all of the above, the stone strengthens the owner’s faith in a brighter future. It helps to find love and build relationships in the family. If a divorce looms on the horizon, then you can resort to the help of opal. He will not return her husband home if he has already left and the family has broken up. But if this has not happened yet, the talisman from the gem is able to restore relations and return to their former harmony.

Using the mineral in your own interests, you should set a goal. Only a clear statement of it will help to achieve a result. If there is no goal, then there will be no result, opal will confuse the cards and destroy the plans. It can lead the owner into a dead end, aggravate the situation, deceive and destroy hopes.

When purchasing opal in a boutique or salon, it should be borne in mind that it is not suitable for all signs of the zodiac. This mineral has a character, it favors only:

  1. Weights.
  2. Capricorn

Scales, the element of which is air, need support and understanding. They often fall into a special state, as if twisted in the clouds, forgetting about reality. The fact is that the representatives of this sign are in thought, they weigh and make plans. However, they often suffer from self-doubt. Opal can influence the character of Libra.

Presenting the representatives of this sign with a gold-framed decoration inlaid with a blue stone will help Libra cope with doubts. They will become more decisive, will be able to return to reality and successfully solve the accumulated problems. In addition, opal will help representatives of this sign to find inner harmony.

Capricorns are naturally calm and wise, but in the soul of the representatives of this sign storms of passions rage. They do not like to communicate, but at the same time suffer from a lack of attention, suffer from workaholism, but cannot sit idle. Depression and longing, which is associated with self-doubt and an abundance of complexes, often overcomes representatives of this zodiac sign.

It’s in power to help Capricorn, he can turn a boring and gloomy representative of this sign into that person to whom the attention of society will be riveted. In addition, the stone will help to cope with complexes, establish communication with other people, make friends. Capricorns can wear jewelry with opal at least every day, but since minerals absorb not only positive, but also negative, they should sometimes be given a break.

Stone will help all other signs of the zodiac only if you don’t wear jewelry that is inlaid with it daily. It is enough to resort to the help of the opal from time to time.

But Scorpions and Lions should be wary of this gem. The first by nature have powerful energy, which does not need additional recharge. And they do not mind having fun, like alcohol and have a stormy temperament.

Lions experience excessive self-love, which will prevent the disgrace from opening. He will play a cruel joke with representatives of this sign, turn their confidence into excessive self-confidence. Leo will become aggressive, it will be difficult for him to cope with emotions, control the intensity of passions.

However, astrologers do not deny that opal can choose its own owner. Therefore, if the store liked an ornament inlaid with this stone, do not refuse to buy. Such a product will be an excellent amulet, will help to avoid quarrels and conflicts in the family, to find spiritual harmony.

The blue opal is fraught with a particle of the sky; it possesses, according to astrologers and esotericists, sacred power. But not only they endowed this gem with special characteristics. For many years, healers and healers have used the properties of opal to treat certain diseases.

Healing properties

In ancient times, water was given special properties, which literally insisted on opals. It was believed that such a liquid is beneficial to human health. Opal relieves him of many diseases, improves immunity and improves the body.

What else is useful stone?

  1. It can cure diseases of the nervous system.
  2. Beneficial effect on the psyche.
  3. Increases the activity of the human immune system.
  4. Affects the work of the organs of vision.

The opal of the color of the sky acts on the nervous system, it helps to cope with anxiety and insomnia. The gem literally absorbs excitement, helps to overcome uncertainty. It has a positive effect on those patients who suffer from tantrums and increased irritability.

The stone affects the psyche, increases the desire to live, it is used in the treatment of depression and suicidal tendencies.

It is worth wearing opal in the offseason, it will increase immunity and help not to get the flu or a cold. A pendant or pendant inlaid with this mineral is well suited for this.

If you peer into opal, you can improve the condition of the organs of vision. The gem lowers intraocular pressure, helps in the treatment of glaucoma and other eye diseases.

But lithotherapists argue that opal improves mood and gives a person faith and hope.

Flickering distant stars

Stone experts and practicing magicians unanimously claim that opal is one of the most powerful stones in nature: all opals are surprisingly shimmer and luminesce. White opals luminesce with a pleasant blue, reddish, greenish tint. Fire opals - greenish-brown. Black - with all the colors of the rainbow! This flicker doesn't look like anything. Some kind of cosmic beauty. It is curious that the opals were discovered on Mars! In any case, NASA experts have recently announced this to the general public.

In opal all the magnificence of nature was combined - it is a burning fire and sparkling lightning, the flickering of distant stars and the seven colors of the rainbow. Australian aborigines have many legends about this amazing mineral. One of them says that when times of dreams reigned on Earth, the Creator descended from heaven directly on a rainbow. In the place where his foot touched the ground, an invaluable deposit of shimmering opals formed.

The stones are simply amazing, all multi-colored, but have one common characteristic - they divinely flicker and glow simply fantastic! Red reflections are replaced by blue, then green appear, etc. The shade and variety of flicker depends on the type of opal. Black opals or opals of a dark gray color are distinguished by such a rich color flicker that it is difficult even to imagine anything like this in the earthly nature surrounding us. The darker the color base of the opal, the sharper and more piercing flickering reflections. On white and milk opals, the color game is vague, so these types of minerals are the most affordable.

The color game of opals knows no bounds. Each stone shines in its own way - there is not one that would look like another! But there are opals without luminescence, they are called "ordinary". The most expensive and valuable opals are classified as precious stones.

In the writings of the famous Roman scientist and writer Pliny, it is written that opal is a stone that fell from heaven and combines the game of the most beautiful precious stones of our planet: “It is characterized by the sharp play of light of the carbuncle, the purple glow of amethyst, the golden yellowness of topaz, the blue sapphire and aquamarine tones of emerald - mixed all together and shining in a delightful kaleidoscope. "

It is curious that the origin of the fantastic flicker of opals for a very long time did not find a full scientific explanation. Scientists could not understand how multi-colored reflections were formed, which give the stone that amazing flicker, which is so amazing. And only 50 years ago it was found that a fabulous color game is created by small balls of silica in an opal rock. Tightly placed balls lay out the rays of light passing through the stone into all colors of the rainbow, thus creating a magnificent flicker. Such subtleties were discovered only after the invention of the electron microscope.

The multi-colored sparkling of opal is most often not continuous, but point, zonal and even mosaic. In general, the stone is unusually beautiful. And the mere attractiveness of opal is not limited to.

Opal is a great helper! One of the strongest properties of the mineral is the ability to streamline the life of its owner. Everything, starting with thoughts, obeys a single algorithm and stable vibrations of a miracle stone. With such an assistant, cleanliness and order reign in the house and at the workplace. If you are forgetful and scattered - by all means make friends with opal, this is your stone! You will not notice how everything falls into place, and such a desired feeling of balance and harmony will settle in your soul.

Opal is a wonderful talisman for everyone who wants to radically change their destiny. The stone is perfect for people engaged in creativity, seeking to reveal their talents. In addition, the shimmering stone will eliminate all unnecessary and unnecessary thoughts, drive away fears, “turn off” all complexes, and relieve obsessive ideas and hard memories. According to current magicians, opal does not have a positive magical effect on everyone, but only on decent and noble people. A stone can keep even one and the same person from low deeds and whims, and can push it to the path of forbidden pleasures.

If your family life is bursting at the seams, try working with opal. Astrologers and lithotherapists note the great pacifying power of the stone. Opal talismans and amulets smooth out conflicts between close people, help to quickly solve family problems and troubles in the office.
  The stone helps to focus on the important and not to swap over trifles, pay attention to yourself and loved ones, while maintaining the right balance of power. Opal contributes to the harmonization of all spheres of life of its owner.

Opals were first brought to Europe from India and immediately won the hearts of high society representatives, as well as magicians and healers. It only happened at the beginning of the 19th century. And earlier, opal was considered the rarest stone for which the European nobility was ready to pay just crazy money. The stone was different from all other minerals. The unreal, flicker-free look made him mysterious and sacred.

In Europe, the fashion for opals really bloomed only at the beginning of the 20th century. Europeans fell in love with the soft charm of the mineral, perfectly combined with jewelry enamel in jewelry. Due to its amazing multicolor, opal looks great both in silver and in gold.

origin of name

From Greek, opallios translates as “color change”. Translated from Sanskrit, upala is a gem. In different countries, opal has other unofficial names - jirazole, royal opal, hyalite and others. Especially beautiful name is “harlequin” - it reflects the visual qualities and energy of the stone to the maximum.


Nature has created opals of various colors - red, green, yellow, orange, blue, pale milk, etc. Opals are less common, in which the “core” and the rim differ in color. For example, the middle is dark red, and the border is bright green. All opals have a beautiful glassy sheen, sometimes waxy or pearlescent. Among the noble precious opals there are white, black, pale or dark violet, blue.

There are many names of color varieties of noble opals:

White  - translucent, light blue flicker.
The black  - shades can be purple, blue, green, burgundy. Flicker multicolor, mostly red glimpses.
Harlequin  - multicolor pattern, multicolor flicker.
Fiery  - yellow, red color. Flicker with fiery reflections.
Jirazole  - blue, colorless. Flicker in red.
Lejos opal  - green, Flicker in greenish and burgundy colors.
Royal - inside a dark red or bronze color. The border is bright green.
Hydrophan  - white with various shades. Once in the water, it becomes transparent and flickering.
Cacholong  - milky white. This is an opaque variety of porcelain opals.
Peruvian opal  - orange, bluish green.
Prazopal  - an opaque stone, apple-green tint.
Irisopal  - colorless or brownish. One-color flicker.

Boulder opal is another type of natural opal, which is an opal rock that fills cavities and veins in any host breed. Most often in brown iron ore. It looks very beautiful - monophonic, as a rule, the breed is decorated with shimmering multi-colored opal inclusions and opal zones.

Famous jewelry with stone

  • The most luxurious opal collection is in one of Vienna's museums. Two samples are simply amazing - large and very bright stones, weighing almost 7000 carats. Spectacularly beautiful opals today are demonstrated by the Medici Treasury in Florence.
  • At the time, Czech opals, which were mined in Chervenice, became famous all over the world. This is the rarest deposit of opals in Europe, which, unfortunately, has already been developed. The Czech opal "Burning Troy" is a six-hundred-gram treasure, which the European nobility chased at one time. I got the wife of Napoleon for 30,000 gold ducats. Another relic of the Czech Republic is a stunning necklace of Czech opals of the 16th century. Today this miracle is shown to tourists by the Budapest National Museum.
  • During the visit of Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II to Australia in 1954, the Government presented the crowned lady with an amazing opal necklace that weighs 203 carats. They say the queen was delighted with the beauty of the stones.

Place of Birth

Australia and Mexico are the main suppliers of natural opals to the global market. Australian opals are the largest and most beautiful. The largest stone weighed 5.27 kg (26350 carats) and was 23 centimeters long. Minerals of various colors are mined in these parts, including the most valuable and rarest black opals. Deposits in Australia account for 97% of all opal production in the world. In its content, the opal Australian breed is generally very interesting. They always find something unusual. For example, at the beginning of the 20th century they found a sealed fifteen-centimeter snake! An opal snake flickers with all the colors of the rainbow and travels around the world - from collection to collection.

Large opals appear today in Brazil. More recently, they found opal weighing 4.3 kg, which was sold for six hundred thousand dollars.

In small quantities, opals are mined in Czechoslovakia, Kazakhstan, Turkey, USA, Japan, Honduras, and Guatemala. A few years ago, NASA experts announced that they had discovered opals on Mars!

Opal is a stone of feelings

People always knew about the magical effect of opals on a person - flickering pebbles eliminated gloomy thoughts and a bad mood. The magical properties of opal are also changeable, like the surface of this stone sparkling with different colors. Confident people, opal brings success and greatly increases their well-being. Provided that the owner of the stone is honesty and decency. People with weakly characterized opals can cause anxiety - to inspire causeless fears and even nightmares, so you should wear it with caution. Opal helps its owner to discover a creative gift, regardless of the type of activity of the owner of the stone.

Astrologically, opal can be worn by no means to all representatives of the zodiac signs. Opal is the stone of the moon and patronizes most Pisces. The stone will also have a beneficial effect on Libra and Capricorn. For Aries, fire opal is perfect. Black opals are recommended only to Scorpions. The stone favors and helps in every way those who were born in October.

In fact, almost all kinds of flickering opals are genuine delight. Whether it be fire lightning on noble black opals, or the gentle flickering of milky opals. It is the incredible color contrast that provides opals with the charm for which they are loved and appreciated throughout the world.

Opals are as bright and changeable as people's feelings. Each time they flicker in a completely new way.


Opal today is widely used in jewelry. For the manufacture of jewelry, only high-quality noble opals are used, with a rainbow of color. These are mainly translucent varieties with very bright flicker. In the market they are valued very expensive.

Ideal for cutting fire opals. The craftsmen first carefully remove all surface irregularities using a diamond wheel. Then they give the stone the necessary shape, followed by the finish, where sandpaper is used. The final step is polishing the surface of the opal with a damp leather circle.

Jewelers complain about the fragility of natural opals. Opals are capricious enough - if handled improperly, opals can become cloudy, lose their magic flicker, crack, etc.

What is opal afraid of?
  Owners of opal jewelry need to know that this mineral is very sensitive to the atmosphere and does not like to be in the air a lot. The product must be stored in a dark place in a dark place (but not very dry!), And removed only for exit. Loss of moisture adversely affects the quality of the surface of the opals. If your jewel is constantly lying in the open air, cracks may appear on its surface after some time. Opals should only be stored in low humidity. And if you lower the opal in a warm soapy solution - the surface quality is guaranteed to deteriorate. Wear your jewelry often with opals, be sure to wipe it with a damp soft cloth after each exit. To protect it from drying out, you can keep opal in clean water once a month.

Remember that opals can very quickly adsorb certain types of fluids and oils. Even dirty water can significantly impair the appearance of flickering stones. It should be taken into account both during use and during care. Opals cannot be heated and hit - the mineral is very fragile.

In order for opals to play with all the colors of the rainbow, they are cut into rounded or oval cabochons. Also, plates that are used in jewelry are often made from opals. In combination with onyx and obsidian, they look just great. Such plates are called "opal doublets." Opal plates are glued to onyx, obsidian, or to ordinary opal. Triplets are when a layer of transparent rock crystal or hard glass is glued onto an opal layer to provide additional surface protection.

In order to somehow strengthen the brittle stone and reduce the risks of damage, the opals are sent to special protective frames. Also, to increase the hardness, the surface of the opals is impregnated with colorless resins.

The beauty of the stone, high demand and its high cost stimulate the production of synthetic opals. Most often, fakes are made of opalescent glass.

Healing properties

The healing properties of opals are widely used by the followers of Ayurveda. In addition, the mineral is ideal for meditation and activation of the chakras. The effect and influence of a stone on chakras depends on its color.
Read more about: The main stones of the chakras.

In ancient times, opal water was used to eliminate all kinds of infections. It was believed that opal amulets save from the plague. Our ancestors wore opal for the prevention of colds. Also, opal tincture helps to get rid of various heart diseases, from nervous disorders, from prolonged and severe depression. Opals help cope with insomnia, drive out nightmares, relieve stressful conditions.

Opal is recommended for women with infertility. There is evidence that until the 2nd century, patients were prescribed opal as an effective means of stimulating the heart muscle, as well as to prevent heart diseases, prevent tumors and improve poor vision. Blonde girls adorned their hair with opal beads so that they would not get dark.

Magical properties

Opal is a “magic” stone and energetically very strong. Since ancient times, it has been used as one of the strongest tools for conducting secret rites and witchcraft. Also, the mineral has powerful protective functions, so it was widely used as a talisman.

Despite the fact that they began to mine opal on an industrial scale relatively late (at the end of the 19th century), this magic stone was known for a very long time. At the same time, the mineral has always been in high demand: it was searched for, hunted for, and bought at the highest cost.

As the famous naturalist writer Pliny the Elder wrote, opal was so highly valued in ancient Rome that possessing it was considered the highest degree of prestige. Emperor Anthony was so envious of the Roman Senator Nonnius, who had an opal, that he had to expel the latter from the country only because he refused to sell his treasure for any money. The noble Roman preferred to lose his seat as a senator and leave his homeland than to part with a unique stone.

Experts say that weak-willed and weak-minded people need to be careful with opal - a powerful mineral can burden them. In such cases, it is recommended to wear jewelry not very often. Particular care must be taken in contact with black opal. In the first hours, it is recommended to exercise maximum vigilance, carefully listen to your own health, and if you feel unwell or have heavy sensations, you should refuse the mineral. But in no case should you throw it away or give it to someone! The stronger the stone, the more complex and longer the alignment takes place. First, leave it for a long period in a dark, closed place. After some time, try again to "make friends" with black opal. Get used to it gradually. And if the contact takes place, you will get a reliable assistant and a strong defender. If your relationship with the stone does not work out - do not be discouraged. According to magicians, black opal chooses its own owner and serves not all magicians, not to mention ordinary people who have no experience with such powerful minerals.

It is not recommended to give someone opals - even to the closest people. It is better to purchase them yourself and only for yourself. Astrologers advise buying this stone during the full moon, as easier to find contact with the mineral. Most astrologers recommend wearing opals only on the middle finger. It is extremely undesirable to wear jewelry with opal constantly, without removing it, since even in antiquity, due to its varied color, the mineral was a symbol of impermanence. It is not recommended to be worn by those associated with business and finance.

Talismans and Amulets

Opal amulets protect their owners from the destructive effects of black magicians witchcraft, as well as from the evil eye and other energy attacks. In the Ancient East, opal was revered as a valuable amulet that reliably protects love and family well-being. The mineral was used to escape from epidemics of diseases, from fires and robberies. In ancient Rome, opal was considered a stone of love and hope. Representatives of many cultures of the world still use this mineral as a talisman.

Opal is the strongest talisman for people of a creative warehouse and practicing magicians. It is believed that a ring with a large white opal, set in gold, helps to significantly alleviate physical suffering and various pains. Also, white opals strengthen the spiritual beginning of their owners, help them in harmony with the outside world. Jasper give modesty and humility. Fiery - protect from natural disasters. It is believed that the energy of opal, set in gold, doubles.

The ring with black opal in a gold frame has always been considered the mascot of magicians, which gives them the gift of foresight.

From the history of opal
  The first deposit of opal was discovered relatively late and completely by accident - in 1849 at one of the Australian farms. Industrial development began only after 40 years. Since then, the world has come to know such a term as "Australian Opal Fields." It is in these parts that black opals are extremely sought after in the modern jewelry market. The Andamuc Desert Flame is the largest slab of opal rock that weighs nearly 7 tons!

The extraction of these excellent gemstones for a long time was carried out in the most difficult conditions - miners literally hid underground from day heat and night cold. Desert climate has a significant temperature difference. A strong wind was added to the sharp temperature regime - scorching hot during the day and cold at night. Opals were mined using a simple shovel and pickaxe.

The depth of the mines ranged from five to forty meters. In fact, all the work was done manually. The opaque rock was raised to the surface in the most common buckets. This is surprising, but in some modern opal mines, mining is carried out in exactly the same primitive way. The opal rock is shallow, the volume of production is small, so the cost of modern expensive equipment is often not justified.

As already mentioned, 97% of all opals mined in the world are of Australian origin. Not without reason, opal is the official stone symbol of South Australia, as well as a symbol of the women's national basketball team.

   What to give a stylish girl on March 8? How to guess what will make her happy and what will make her sad? How not to make a mistake and choose a gift that will convey all the feelings and correctly show your attitude? The answer to this question is very simple, ......

Unique stone opal properties studied by magicians, jewelers and geologists, contribute to changes in human life. Opal - is a jewel with a rich history. It is one of the forms of hydrate of amorphous silicon dioxide. It is classified as a mineraloid and is not a mineral.

The main criterion for noble opals is translucency and translucency. Opal has been known to mankind since at least 250 BC. e., after it was inserted into the crown of the Roman emperor Constantine.

He believed that this stone protects his life and imperial power. In his stories, he mentioned the miracle property of this stone, which allowed him to become invisible. Naturally, after this, opal became the talisman of all thieves.

Opal has a truly cosmic appearance and is endowed with incredible beauty, bordering on mystery. The stone cannot be considered a full-fledged mineral, as it contains water. Gem molecules do not have a crystalline structure, but a condensed one.

Each nugget found consists of 5-30% of pure water. Over time, the liquid evaporates from under the rock mass and the opal takes on a different appearance, it is influenced by the following factors: temperature changes, shock and pressure, the use of alkali, excessively dry air and so on. In other words, the gem lives and grows old as a person.

But the life of the mineral can be extended, for this it is necessary to wear and store it as often as possible in a dampened cotton cloth. If you still could not save the opal, it becomes dull, cracks appear on the surface. An aged stone is called chalcedony.

The first nuggets were found in India, on the territory of modern Slovakia and in Latin America. All discovered stones are about one million years old. In desert areas, trees grew near ponds.

Their branches fell on moist soil, decayed, and opals formed from this wood under the influence of volcanic rocks. At present, Australia is the most popular mineral extraction site. Nuggets can also be found in Russia, Brazil, USA, Ethiopia, Peru, Germany and other countries.

The cost of one stone often reaches $ 1,000. If the gem has been framed, its value increases several times. The gold rim serves not only to adorn the opal, but also to protect it from external influences. So the stone will last longer.

Synthetic opal

Natural opal can be watched endlessly for hours - its color and pattern seem so incredible. An artificial stone does not have such a delightful palette and does not look as mysterious as its overflows look sharper without a smooth transition of color.

Also, natural stone, unlike synthetic stone, casts a large amount of glare in sunny color. Fake nuggets may have small cracks on the surface that let in air, the original specimens are deprived of this, their surface is smooth and solid.

If you still have questions while studying the stone - we recommend contacting a professional expert - he will be able to recognize the origin of the stone with the help of an experienced look and, if necessary, special equipment.

Stone magic

Professional magicians and esotericists consider opal one of the most powerful stones. He has incredible energy power. The water enclosed inside it allows you to strengthen all the mystical properties several times.

Before acquiring a gem, it is necessary to study it for some time, consider its pattern, and feel the nugget by touch. If you feel the attraction to the stone - it must be bought without fail. When the jewelry with opal or just a mineral is at your place, its work will begin in the following directions:

  • Eliminates evil eye;
  • Brings thoughts in order;
  • Hopes a good outcome in the most difficult situations;
  • Brings fidelity to your home.

Opals, according to Chinese doctors of the 15th century, a living mineral to which was attributed a number of healing properties:

  1. Soothes the nervous system;
  2. Reduces depressive mood;
  3. Protects from stress;
  4. Relieves insomnia;
  5. It relieves of nervous tics, restores the work of the muscular system;
  6. Relieves eye strain, thereby in some cases improves vision;
  7. Normalizes the work of the gastrointestinal tract, accelerates the digestion of food;
  8. It removes excess bile from the body, promotes the breakdown of gallstones.

In nature, you can find more than 100 different colors of this amazing stone. Each of them has its own special characteristics.

The magical properties of opal by country of origin

In addition to dividing all types of opals by color, they can also be divided into the main places of origin. Moreover, each place has its own characteristic mystical properties.

Australian Opal Stone Magic Properties

Australian opals occupy more than 90% of all copies. Their distinctive feature is the incredible brightness and rainbow radiance. Nuggets are pride for all the inhabitants of the country. Many guests try to acquire miraculous minerals to commemorate this unforgettable area, as well as to use them as talismans.

All stones found in this territory have the following miraculous and mystical characteristics:

  • Provide a long and uninterrupted sleep throughout the night;
  • Soothe the nervous system;
  • They have a healing effect on inflammatory processes in the body;
  • Normalize the thyroid gland.

Peruvian opal stone magical properties

Plain blue, turquoise or pink opals can often be found in Peru in South America. In this case, a blue transparent gem without additional impurities and inclusions is found exclusively in this country. Its color is often compared to the color of the Caribbean Sea - it is also incredibly deep, pure and bewitching.

Peruvian gems have the following similar healing properties:

  • Symbolize the beginning of a new life;
  • Positive effect on the work of the heart;
  • They relieve depression and various neurological diseases: epilepsy, nervous tic and others.

Ethiopian opal magic stone properties

For the first time, opal in Ethiopia was found only at the end of the last century. This means that it does not have an ancient history and alternative medicine has not preserved data on the features of stones found in Ethiopian deposits. Nevertheless, over this short period of esotericism and healers have already managed to notice some similar mystical qualities inherent in the stones from this country:

  • Protects from evil spirits;
  • Recommended for use by people who do not tolerate noisy companies. Ideal for lovers of unity with nature and silence;
  • Helps to eliminate skin rashes.

Brazilian opal stone magical properties

In Brazil, you can find opals in the northern part of the country. The most characteristic specimens are fiery and milky white minerals. In the structure of the stone is a little water, about 5% of the total mass, which makes them more durable, but at the same time less bright and less radiant. However, this fact does not prevent the gem from having fantastic magical abilities:

  • Acts as an ideal stone for creating a mascot;
  • It stabilizes eye pressure, relieves stress, improves eyesight;
  • Inspires hope and confidence in the committed acts;
  • It has an antispasmodic effect.

Black opal attracts with its mystery and unpredictability. It belongs to the category of valuable types of gems, since each instance encountered is unique. Its unique coloring allows you to continuously enjoy the pattern for many hours.

Colorful shining inclusions create the effect of mystery and cosmic unknown. Dark gems can be found in Australia, Brazil, Mexico, in the limited territory of the USA, as well as in Indonesia.

Many people are afraid of black stone, as they consider it a harbinger of misfortune and a symbol of dark forces. In fact, this is completely untrue. The mineral helps drive away evil spirits. Due to its strong energy, it protects the house and the whole family from damage and the evil eye.

In addition, the dark gem develops intuition and enhances mental abilities. In some cases, the stone reveals the gift of foresight from the owner, which, in turn, avoids meeting with unnecessary people.

Also, black stone has a large number of miraculous properties that alternative medicine has successfully used in the treatment of diseases since ancient times:

  • Soothes the nervous system;
  • Eliminates a depressive state;
  • Black nuggets have beneficial effects exclusively on people with good intentions. Holders plotting dark ungodly deeds can turn all negative thoughts to their side.

Gray opal magic stone properties

Creative people with gray opal are endowed with inspiration and imagination to help create masterpieces. Artists, before embarking on a new big work, wear gem jewelry for several days. During this time, their thoughts are lit up with new ideas that can be used in painting.

Gray mineral has properties similar to black analogues. Among other things, it helps to cope with colds. In this case, the gem must be kept near the neck - the cold will pass quickly and without additional complications. With seasonal epidemics, wearing a healing mineral will keep the wearer's health.

White opal stone magical properties

Opal, which has a gel in its structure, has unique abilities. In particular, stones with a white surface are the personification of the birth of a new life. Jewelry made of such minerals is often worn by girls planning to conceive a baby. There are several types of light opals:

  • Reed - has a milky color;
  • Milk opal - its color also has a milky structure, but shades of blue, yellow or green appear;
  • White is a white mineral, some inclusions of another palette are permissible. Such stones are most common.

White opal has several inexplicable properties. He develops supernatural abilities in a person who did not even imagine such an opportunity. Stone contributes to the speedy absorption of new information. Therefore, for better school performance, parents often give this stone to their child for school.

Also, white nuggets have amazing qualities that positively affect human health:

  • Heal nervous disorders of varying severity;
  • Relieve tension from the eyes, as a result, improve vision;
  • If the stone begins to lose its luster with daily wear, it means that the owner’s body needs to be studied by medicine. Perhaps he points to the primary symptoms of unpleasant diseases.

Milk opal magic stone properties

Milk opal is one of the subspecies of white stones. Such natural stones should not be washed in dirty water, especially with the use of dyes. The surface of the mineral can absorb additional colors, which will negatively affect the appearance and its abilities. An artificial stone is devoid of such problems, but it does not have any magical value.

The milk gem acts as a symbol of hope - its regular wearing will ensure the fulfillment of the most illusory desires. Young people, couples in love often give each other this unusual nugget, as it symbolizes love and romantic relationships.

Blue opal is distinguished by a special brilliance and unusual tints on the surface of the stone. It has a great impact on human health and helps to cure the following symptoms and diseases:

  • Diseases associated with a violation of the central nervous system, in particular, epilepsy, stuttering, neurasthenia, sclerosis;
  • Relieves muscle aches and pains in the spine;
  • It has a beneficial effect on the cardiovascular system - it reduces the risk of stroke, reduces the symptoms of coronary heart disease, prevents the appearance of varicose veins;
  • It relieves depression, improves the general condition of a person;
  • Provides a deep night's sleep;
  • Successfully cope with urolithiasis.

In addition to the healing properties, the blue gem has an amazing effect on intrafamily relationships. Regular wearing of opal jewelry will maintain a trusting relationship between spouses and parents with children for a long time. The stone will help restore the disposition to the person with whom communication was lost a long time ago.

In serious conflict situations at work or at home, opal helps put your thoughts in order. To do this, it is recommended to hold the stone in your hands, while reflecting on the existing problem - after that the only correct solution will appear in your head.

Blue Opal Stone Magic Properties

Blue opal belongs to the group of blue gems. Like most stones of this group, Australia is the main place for the extraction of blue-blue specimens. Also recently, scientists have been able to prove the existence of opals on Mars.

This fact suggested the existence of life on the red planet, which, according to experts, existed there more than 3 billion years ago. At the same time, the presence of a nugget outside the earth indicates his interplanetary very strong abilities.

Blue opal has miraculous and mystical properties similar to the whole group of blue colors. At the same time, the saturated color provides a stronger connection between the stone and the person, which means that daily jewelry is not required to achieve the necessary effects.

Red opal magic stone properties

One of the most beautiful varieties of opal are red specimens. They have strong sexual energy, so men often present such jewelry as a gift to their beloved women.

Healers often use red opals in healing rituals. They restore the hormonal background, both men and women. By stimulating the production of sexual energy, stones stimulate the birth of a new life. In addition, crimson stones drive out evil spirits and help bring enemies and enemies to the clear.

Pink gems are also called Andean opals, their homeland is South America, in particular in Peru. They are one of the most valuable specimens that you rarely find when looking for minerals.

The Peruvian Indians considered the pink nugget to be God's eye, and therefore personified it with natural phenomena. It was believed that the owners of the stone will have complete harmony with nature, which will reciprocate the person and bring all possible benefits to his home.

In addition, the mineral relieves inflammation on the skin, including allergic rashes. To do this, a ring or other jewelry with pink opal should be worn in such a way that the stone is in contact with the skin. The digestive system improves and the metabolism stabilizes. This in turn has a positive effect on a person’s weight - excess kilograms go away, and insufficient muscle mass is gaining faster.

There are other mystical properties that this mineral possesses:

  • Eliminates fears;
  • Restores nervous disorders associated with unhappy love;
  • It helps in any undertakings, honest and decent people do good deeds quickly and without problems. If the owner of the gem has bad ideas, the stone will prevent their accomplishment.

Fire opal magic stone properties

Fire opal has an unusual bright orange color. When looking at the surface of the stone, there is a feeling that this is a breakaway piece of the fiery sun.

It is impossible to create an artificial gem of this color - fantastic overflows and forms of internal filling can only form under the influence of natural conditions for many thousands of years.

This incredible nugget has the following miraculous properties:

  • It relieves insomnia - for this it is recommended to put the stone at the head of the head;
  • It stabilizes the nervous system, eliminates neurological symptoms: nervous tics, obsessive movements, more complex diseases;
  • Normalizes eye pressure, relieves tension, as a result, improves eyesight;
  • It is an ideal talisman that will bring good luck in any undertakings;
  • Protects from spoilage; Read more:
  • In difficult situations requiring cold reason, provides sound thinking and suggests the right decision;
  • It is a symbol of hope - people who have lost faith in a positive outcome, when wearing jewelry with fire opal gain confidence that entails the right thing to do.

The cosmic beauty of the stone made opal one of the most popular stones in nature. For the first time, opals were discovered on the territory of modern Latin America, Slovakia and India. Millions of years ago there was a pond in the mines in the desert, trees grew on its banks. They lost branches, the wood decayed, and then with the help of volcanic ash this wood turned into opals.

In them - one part of the water, part of the mineral and crystals. They look like smooth wood, they are easy to find because they lie on the surface. The name of the stone is due to ancient Sanskrit, from which it is translated as "noble stone." This suggests that opal has been known to man since antiquity.

Opals require discreet care. This is not even a stone, because it consists of a quarter of water, but is a gel that dries, dims and crackes over time. This is facilitated by squeezing, shock, alkali, fats, temperature changes and air dryness, which worsen the structure of the stone. Opal goes through the life cycle and ages like a human body. You can slow down aging if it is often worn and stored in wet cotton. An aged opal is called chalcedony.

A significant share of the extraction of precious minerals is in the southern state of Australia, where it is recognized as a national treasure. The price of a stone in its "raw" form is up to $ 1000 per piece. Faceted copies are much more expensive. Dug opals turn into sparkling jewelry and shimmer with rainbow colors. Gemstones contain more water than ordinary ones. The largest opal, weighing more than 5 kg, was found on the Australian continent.

The gem looks best in the cabochon - convex and rounded. A rather soft and sensitive stone is used as an insert in jewelry. The metal frame serves not only as a precious decoration for the opal, but also as its protector.

Colors and varieties

More than 100 species are distinguished by the nature of color. Mineral silica is red, green, yellow, blue, purple, pearl and transparent. Whatever the opal, under the influence of sunlight, it emits a variety of colors. To date, the most sought-after is a noble specimen, the second place is occupied by the fire-colored mineral, and the common option is opal without luminescence.

  Only a noble (precious) stone has a characteristic iris with overflows. Two main types of heliocamera: black and white. The first group absorbs all shades of blue, burgundy, purple, green, or a combination thereof. Exclusive is deep black. The second group contains all the light shades, including pink, blue, yellow, gray, milky. Ethiopia is considered the birthplace of white rainbow species.

Blue opal is a precious mineral that is mainly mined in the Andes, hence its other name is “Peruvian”. The inflorescence varies from intensely blue to shades of turquoise. A typical blue specimen resembles the color of the Caribbean. Natural stone stores imprints of rocks and vegetation in the form of impregnations of brown, black color. Extraneous inclusions make the stone unique. South American Indians call it "a stone of hope." Most often, the falsification of blue opal comes across, which is made from cheap agate by the staining method.

Fire opals, easily processed stones, which under their name combine: red, yellow and orange. They formed in a different way than the other varieties of opals. Around the hot springs, water seeped into the cracks, and silicon dioxide filled the resulting voids, and fire opal arose. The mining technique for this mineral is quite simple.

Black opals are considered expensive. Dark stones are called volcanic. This is justified by the fact that its birth falls on the site of volcanic eruptions. The darker the base, the more piercing the flickering of the opal. Due to this property, its price in the market rises.

The healing properties of stone

The healing properties of opal can be briefly described as a psycho-emotional regulator.

The stone is useful for those who suffer from heart diseases, eye diseases, migraines. Opal helps children develop and grow healthy. Lithotherapists are convinced that opal owners are less susceptible to colds and the plague of infections.

Opal is effective for people with pure thoughts, the rest it will not bring benefits.

The magical properties of opal

In many corners of the planet, sorcerers and shamans used the stone in rites and rituals. Connoisseurs put opal among the most powerful minerals in nature due to its cosmic pattern.

Opal is used as an assistant to the evil eye, blows of fate and the intervention of black magic. The main quality is the organization’s ability to life of its owner. With such an assistant at work and at home, cleanliness and order reign.

A rare black stone can harm the owner. This assumption applies to owners with a soft character. On the contrary, white opal is a supporter of positive magic, teaching a person to live in harmony with the world.

The main meanings of stone in the East are loyalty and hope. From there arose his deification and confidence that the stone brings faith and mercy. In East Africa, women wore opal as a talisman, and men adorned them with spears. In Europe, the crowns of the Roman emperors decorated with large opals. In the Middle Ages, necklaces were made by order of monarchs and royal families.

  Later in the West, it acquired a different meaning because of its suppleness and beauty and denoted prosperity, tenderness and love. Due to the variety of colors, the meaning of the stone changes: it predicts the variability and unstable fate. In a positive sense, it promotes development, the absence of stagnation and monotony. As an amulet, it is equivalent to individuals with a strong character and those who do not fear inconstancy. Stone is a symbol of creative, gifted people.

Color impurities make adjustments to the magical treatment of opal. The white type of opal enhances tolerance towards other people, therefore it is recommended for those who communicate a lot by type of activity.

The meaning of the zodiac signs

The mesmerizing stone pattern combines the mini Universe, all the beauty of nature, the colors of the four elements. A lot of legends are known about the stone. Living in the midst of Australian Aboriginal people, the legend says: “when the days of dreams reigned on Earth, the Creator descended from heaven on a rainbow. Where he stepped, a cluster of shimmering stones formed. ”

Astrologers claim that the noble stone is suitable for people who were born in October.

Like Libra, opal brings friendship, balance and diplomacy to the world. Libra people often lack a sense of symmetry. A sign with a constantly changing mood, floating in the clouds and an unstable character, needs support to achieve balance and mitigate extremes. This will help the jewel. Opal helps to use Libra's mood changes for creative and good undertakings.

  Capricorn is a zodiac sign symbolizing calm. Opal maintains this quality. But harmonious calm differs from human insecurity and fears under the guise of equanimity. Capricorn needs a divine stone to replenish the lack of peace, self-confidence, hope. He will dispel the experience and protect from stress. Capricorns are advised to buy jewelry with this stone to mitigate the obvious flaws - stubbornness, selfishness, tediousness and bouts of anxiety.

Gemini and Aquarius are advised to calmly relate to disgrace. He will not become a charm for them, but he will not bring harm either.

Despite the bright sunny shade of the stone, the fire signs - Aries, Sagittarius, Leo, it is not recommended to wear a noble stone, since representatives of the element of Fire can not cope with the energy of opal, which will affect the performance and well-being. There is a risk of distortion of the human energy field.

Finally, practical advice: there is a period when the stones rest. From February 19 to March 19, one year ends and a new one begins. Then the stone needs peace, then to please the owner for many years.

How to distinguish synthetic artificial stone

Natural opal plays with highlights and colors that appear from the depths of the stone and disappear into nowhere. The characteristic of this opal is floating lights.

Lights and colored blotches in an artificial analogue do not move, stand still, even considering the opal from any angle. Colors seem to be concentrated in one place. Blue opal can be distinguished by uneven coloring.