Remnabor camping composition. Repair kit for a trip, a repair kit for providing the possibility of minor repairs and maintenance of personal and group equipment in the field. Transmission and brake repair kit

The repair kit for the trip is the same necessary thing, as well as the undeniable first aid kit. Now there are many purchased sets, and you can safely use one of them. But keep in mind that everything you take with you will literally have to be shouldered, meanwhile, in some sets there may be “extra”, while in others there is not enough necessary. So, for example, you are unlikely to need a piece of aluminum tube to repair a tent on an easy hike in the Crimea (just take a normal tent with you). Therefore, let's look at what should be included in a standard camping repair kit. There is no single rule in this matter, but nevertheless, several basic elements can be distinguished.

The standard hiking kit includes:

  • A multitool with folding pliers is a very handy thing with built-in knife blades, a screwdriver, scissors, an awl, a file and other useful attributes. The contents of the multitool may vary depending on the manufacturer or model. Based on this, it is easy to supplement your hiking repair kit with the missing element. Taking manicure scissors and an awl with you, if they are not in the multitool, you will thereby greatly facilitate your life.
  • sewing needles(thick and thin), pins - these simple items of a camping repair kit are often the most sought after. Suddenly, a broken “dog” with a zipper can be easily replaced by a pin, and in most cases, torn shoes or a backpack can be repaired with a needle.
  • Threads, pieces of fabric - in fact, this is just a consumable for the tools listed above, but without it, tailoring is unlikely to be possible. A well-equipped hiking repair kit will require nylon and regular threads. get carried away strongly colors does not follow, black and white coils are enough. With fabric, everything is also extremely simple - clothes often have a piece of fabric inside for patches.
  • Superglue - like needles, it is often necessary, and just as often "disappears" without a trace. Grab a few tubes in a camping repair kit at once. And if you are not sure about your shoes, you can supplement it with Moment's packaging.
  • Wide adhesive tape (better reinforced) - this invention has become firmly established modern man, and it can be great for a tourist-traveler.
  • A cord of small thickness (say, 3 mm) is in case when spare laces are needed. You should not get carried away with the quantity, 5-10 meters will be enough. By the way, you can weave the so-called "prepper's bracelet" out of it.
  • Wire - a small piece of thin (up to 3 mm) wire can suddenly become the most necessary attribute of the entire hiking repair kit.
  • An ordinary clothesline is a bearded joke about a rope and soap in mountain hiking has long been known)), however, such a useful attribute can also come in handy as a consumable. At least 1-2 meters of rope can hang things soaked in the rain.
  • Tweezers are a small but extremely useful item! After all, a mountain trip to the Crimea or, say, Turkey, is always an abundance of vegetation with its pleasant and not quite inhabitants. It is very convenient to remove a tick and a banal splinter with ordinary tweezers from a manicure set.

In conclusion, it can be noted that ours or the Crimea are not very complex, which means that, subject to high-quality equipment, serious breakdowns or damage are unlikely. You can replace or supplement the proposed hiking repair kit at your discretion. Interesting hikes!

In any, even the shortest journey, problems with equipment are possible. The button came off, the buckle of the backpack broke, the knife became dull ... All possible situations cannot be listed. In this case, a group of tourists should always have a repair kit. To save weight, they usually take one large general repair kit, which contains a tool to eliminate all possible breakdowns. In more or less serious campaigns, a person responsible for repairs is appointed. He carries a repair kit in his backpack, is responsible for its contents and helps the participants with repairs. Breakdowns on the route can be very different, so the composition of the repair kit must be taken seriously, taking into account its weight.
Consider the list of necessary things for completing a repair kit for a ski trip of 1-3 difficulty categories:

1. Pliers- a tool that is needed in a variety of situations. From repairing ski bindings to sewing. Try to find small size light alloy pliers. On sale there are sets in the form of folding knives, including pliers, a knife, a corkscrew, an awl, etc. On a hike it's very useful thing. The main thing is to buy a quality instrument, Anna is a Chinese fake.

2. Screwdrivers (cross and straight)– screwdrivers may be needed to repair skis and ski bindings. Therefore, the size of the screwdrivers should be selected according to the corresponding slots.

3. Gimlet (rotary) with drills- It can be very useful in a variety of cases. It can be very useful when repairing skis. Finding such a tool is not so easy, but it is possible. It has the simplest design - a holder for a drill and a curved handle with which the drill rotates. In extreme cases, you can just take drills and, if necessary, twist them with pliers.

4. Needle file- useful for cleaning something (for example, for gluing), sharpening, sharpening, smoothing ... It is better to take a few needle files with you, at least 2. Since they often break.

5. self-tapping screws- take a few (15 pieces) small self-tapping screws (0.5 cm) for repairing skis directly, 15 more self-tapping screws (1-1.5 cm) for installing mounts and a few very large ones (5 cm) for other needs. Remember to match the size of the screwdrivers and the dimensions of the slots of the self-tapping screws.

6. Tin plates for ski repair- plates made of thin sheet iron (or other durable metal) with a width slightly larger than the width of the ski. They are used to attach the broken end of the ski to the previous place. The sliding properties of skis after that become worse than that of a whole ski, but much better than that of a broken one. At least it is possible to continue the route. To attach this plate, you will need self-tapping screws, a gimlet and, possibly, wire.

7. Nails (5-40mm)- useful for repairing skis, shoes, equipment, organizing a bivouac in some conditions. Sometimes they help to replace a gimlet or an awl.

8. Steel and copper wire- thick, thin and medium. Each take 2 meters. Very useful material. Most often needed when repairing equipment. It can help out in a variety of situations, not even related to repairs. For example, when organizing a hanging fire system.

9. Skin- used for cleaning bonded surfaces, when repairing equipment.

10. Spare ski bindings- a necessary thing for a ski repair kit! The most commonly used fasteners are made of aluminium. If these fasteners are not properly adjusted, they quickly become unusable. In simple hikes, they often get by with only repairs, but it is likely that new bindings may be needed.

11. Fastener repair material- see the previous paragraph. In my practice, there was not a single hike in which there was no need to repair ski bindings. The repair kit must have spare cheeks for fastenings and cables. The rest is on the recommendation of the head.

12. Hacksaw blade e - often there are situations in which you have to saw something off. And not always a metal object, and sometimes a wooden or even plastic one. Doing this with a two-handed saw is not always convenient. The hacksaw blade takes up little space, weighs little and will help you saw off any material. I recommend wrapping one end of the canvas with electrical tape so that it is more convenient to hold it in your hand.

13. Threads (nylon, cotton)- threads - the most popular component of the repair kit. Everyone always has something torn, someone just wants to sew. Often things are burned on the stove. Nylon threads are needed to repair power units (on backpacks, tents ...), and cotton threads are required to repair clothes.

14. needles- plus to the previous point.

15. Fabric (kapron, avizent, cotton, polar)- for payments. Kapron and avizent - for the repair of equipment, and cotton and polar for patches on clothes. Read about the types of fabrics used for tailoring tourist equipment.

16. Buckles (10, 15, 25)- in a ski trip, backpacks are not so much heavy as large. Especially on low-quality backpacks, the buckles often break. Take in the repair kit buckles for side puffs of the backpack, puffs of the valve and others at your discretion.

17. Glue + degreaser- glue may be needed to repair shoes, clothes, equipment ... It is difficult to list the options for its possible use. Take all-purpose glue with you. Please note that it is rarely possible to withstand the glued surfaces for a long time on a hike. In addition, the adhesive must be frost-resistant.

18. Awl- necessary for sewing and repairing equipment, shoes.

19. Scissors- in extreme cases, just a knife. But he must be in the repair kit. Scissors will facilitate and speed up your repair, which is important in field conditions.

20. Lighter- will be required for fusing nylon threads and fabrics. Also, this lighter can be used as a spare.

21. Scotch- an indispensable assistant in any business.

22. Insulating tape- electrical tape is stronger, more reliable and softer than adhesive tape. It is often used in the repair of equipment.

23. Sling (10m, 10-20mm)- you will need to repair the power units of "rag" equipment - tents, backpacks, drags ... In addition, a sling may be needed to dry things in a tent, to tie something.

24. Thimble- Needed for sewing.

25. Pins - 20pcs- can help to quickly patch up any hole in clothing or equipment. The pins are great for hanging clothes to dry.

26. Panty elastic (5m)- except for repairing clothes, it may be needed to hold glasses, seat covers, etc.

27. Velcro- Most outfits have Velcro. A clasp repaired in time will help you avoid discomfort and unnecessary problems.

28. plexiglass- necessary for lighting a fire or stove in difficult conditions.

If you responsibly treat the repair kit, it can save a lot of time on a hike. And in some cases, a repair kit can prevent you from going off the route. Remember that while sitting in a warm room, thoughts may arise: “Yes, why do I need this tool in a repair kit, I can do without ...”, and in field conditions, especially in winter in the cold, you will scold yourself for not taking care of repair conditions.

As you know, on a hike, especially a long one, sometimes there are minor troubles associated with equipment, equipment or clothing.

It may include:

  • patches for tents and backpacks
  • sandpaper
  • scotch
  • insulating tape
  • file
  • scissors, knife
  • piece of saw blade
  • pliers
  • awl or shoe hook
  • kapron threads
  • large needles
  • nails
  • screwdriver
  • rope
  • canvas, leather
  • wire

Patches for tents and backpacks, are often included with these products. If they are not included in the package (or have already been used), we take a piece of nylon (nylon, lavsan) fabric or tarpaulin for repair.

Sandpaper useful for cleaning surfaces before gluing, sharpening knives and axes, grinding, fitting and other small operations.

About where they can come in handy glue, adhesive tape, nylon threads and needles We will not repeat: all this is described above.

Insulating tape , unlike adhesive tape, has the ability to stretch, well fitting into the irregularities of the fastened parts.

In addition to the main task (fasteners), it can be used instead of a bandage, for temporary repair of shoes, repair of various handles, etc.

File we use for sharpening tools, fitting broken parts of equipment, cutting grooves in metal products and wood.

Scissors and knife useful for cutting fabrics, fitting patches, shorter than any work where you need to cut or plan something.

If you fix the halves of the scissors well, you get the simplest compass-measuring device for laying a route on the map.

A good knife can start a fire (if silicon is present), dig a hole, butcher fish or game, open canned food, etc.

In general, there are plenty of ways to use these tools.

Piece of hacksaw blade we will use it for its main purpose: to cut something, file it, saw it off in short of everything that is connected with the root “drank” (do not confuse, drank and got drunk 🙂)

So that the cutting edge does not stick into the skin of the hand, we wrap it with electrical tape or tape.

Pliers they will help twist and cut the wire, tighten the unbent carabiners, pull out the prickly spike stuck in the sole, reduce the fire of the burner with the broken regulator.

It is better even if it is not just pliers, but a multitool. Then it will be possible to get rid of scissors, a screwdriver, an awl and some other elements of the repair kit (of course, depending on the configuration of the multitool).

Awl useful for piercing holes in hard materials (for example, soles, shoe leather or backpack straps), and shoe hook for flashing the latter when it fails.

nails often you need to nail something, from the sole to the hook on the tree (although it is undesirable to drive a nail into a living tree).

In addition, a nail can punch a hole in the material where the awl is powerless.

We take a couple of 100-k and five pieces of 50-k.

You'd think I forgot to mention the nail hammer! But…

Often on a hike, equipment breakdowns cannot be avoided. If in the city you, for example, can walk with a backpack for years, then on a hike a sharp branch or careless handling will quickly render it unusable. Unsuitable shoes can fail in the first days of the campaign, and the tent is completely subject to many trials: these are sparks from a fire, careless handling of fire, and slings torn off by negligence. In especially difficult campaigns often suffers membrane clothing, and damage leads to the loss of her tightness properties.

What to do in such situations? Of course, do not throw away your equipment, but use a repair kit, which should be part of the equipment of any tourist group. The repair kit is not a panacea, but it can make life much easier.

Repair kit contents

In tourist shops, you can buy ready-made repair kits from various companies, but you can assemble such a kit yourself. Typically, a repair kit includes:

  • Wide tape. Best Option will purchase reinforced tape - you can find it in hardware stores. It will serve as a universal patch and will also be used to connect and glue items together.
  • A set of needles. It is better to take more, as they are often lost, and so that the needles do not break, they can be placed in a strong package - for example, a plastic bottle.
  • Threads are kapron and ordinary.
  • Buttons.
  • Pieces of fabric for repairing clothes (usually they come with clothes).
  • Pieces of fabric for repairing the tent. They can be easily purchased at the store. At the same time, keep in mind that the bottom of the tent, its inner part and the outer awning are made of different materials.
  • Instant glue in different forms.
  • Sandpaper to clean the surfaces to be glued.
  • Sufficiently sharp small scissors or a knife-tool.
  • Patches for equipment from hermetic materials.
  • Pliers.
  • Awl for repairing shoes.
  • Spare slings - needed to repair backpacks.
  • Screwdriver (may be part of a knife tool).
  • Pins - useful in case of breakage of the zipper lock.
  • Wire - will never be superfluous on a hike.

Some things from the repair kit are enough for one per group (for example, screwdrivers), others that are used most often, for example, threads and needles, should be carried by every tourist.

It is important to understand that for hiking different types different repair kits are needed. All of the above components of the repair kit are needed on a hike, but for a bike trip the composition will be noticeably different: patches for tires, a set of hex keys, etc. will be added.

Today we will talk about what you may need to repair your bike while traveling and how to properly assemble a repair kit. Go!

If you are building a repair kit for a long autonomous trip, you will need tools to repair any damage. In this case, you will have to carry a whole bike workshop with you, so we will analyze the essentials.

You can use this article as a checklist to check your repair kit before going on a trip. Remember that the priority of these spare parts does not depend on the number on our list, but on the trip you are preparing for! For ease of perception, we conditionally divided the entire set into two parts. And now let's start!

Tire repair and replacement kit

Transmission and brake repair kit

Group repair kit

If you are riding as part of a group, then try to unify your bikes as much as possible - the more identical nodes, the less different spare parts and tools you will have to carry with you. First of all, it is worth taking a spare rear derailleur and shifter with you. Additionally - depends on the degree of your paranoia 🙂

You can read more about preparing for a bike trip as part of a group in our article.

That's all, ride more, and break less often,

OutdoorTime was with you!