Great interview !!! Olga Buzova: “Until the last moment I believed that everything would work out with my husband. Olga Buzova explained why she does not delete joint photos with Dmitry Tarasov from social networks Constant questions about children hurt you, and criticism on the Internet is so

Original message Independent_kaleidoscope

“My life collapsed in a moment. I just didn't believe this was happening to me. “How is it, this is the love of my life,” I thought in perplexity, “we have plans: now a house, then children. Yes, I will do anything to be with my beloved, I will forgive everything! " - says TV presenter Olga Buzova.

Olga, it's so unusual to see you as a brunette, but it suits you very much ...

Until recently, I was sure of three "never". That I'll never dye my hair brunette. I will never forgive treason. And I will never fall on my knees in front of a man. And I violated all these three points. Now I do not renounce anything. Something happened in my life that it's hard to scare me with something.

Do you mean your divorce (with the football player Dmitry Tarasov. Information appeared on the Internet that the discord in the family began with his betrayal. - Ed.)?

You know, I have always considered myself strong, my mother even calls me "the steadfast tin soldier." But with the situation that happened in my personal life, I could hardly cope. And even now, although four months have passed since our separation from my husband, I cannot talk about everything calmly. I begin to remember, and my voice trembles, tears flow. The blow was powerful, and I was not ready for it. It is clear that many are experiencing this, but I am now talking about myself, but we all think that it is our love that is the strongest and our pain from loss is the most unbearable. I was sure that I was getting married once for life. And February 3 would have been six years since we have been together. But at the beginning of October, suddenly, literally in one day, even in one minute, everything was over.

It's hard to describe it. I just didn't believe this was happening to me. Everything seemed to be working out, it just cannot be that this is the end. “How is it, this is the love of my life,” I thought in confusion, “we have plans: now a house, then children. I have everything planned, I build my life cube by cube. Yes, I will do anything to be with my beloved! And I will forgive everything. Well, yes, there are difficult periods, crises in relationships, but everything can be overcome! " After all, my husband and I have already gone through many stressful situations together: we lost loved ones, buried his dad, went through all his sports injuries, surgeries, recovery stages ... And I had difficulties at work, and then he supported me. The main thing is that we were together and happy with each other. We were a team, we were one. In any case, it seemed to me so ...

And then my life, my world collapsed. The worst thing is, I still don't know the reason why this happened. And I did not receive a single answer to my questions. At first, I really wanted these answers. And now I think: I guess it's better for me not to know anything. Because I want to keep in my memory the good, the sacred that bound us. My relatives say: “Olya, remember, but you had problems, some conflicts, everyday quarrels ...” But I could not remember anything bad. Only now, when my emotions cooled down a bit, I began to analyze something. And I realized that the world looked perfect only for me, it was I who came up with it. Lived in my own illusions! As if a veil covered my eyes, I knew only one thing: I love, I love, I love! Now I am reconsidering my view of the relationship between a man and a woman. I would like not only to love, but also to love me just as much.

It is said that the ideal marriage relationship is when a man loves a little more. You yourself probably had so much love that it was enough for two ...

Not enough, as it turned out ... Until recently, I believed that it was temporary, that soon everything would be fine. I still can't say something bad about the person with whom I lived for almost six years ...

Not long ago, you said that you considered yourself to be guilty. In what?

The fact that I exposed too much personal. But I am an open and sincere person. If I feel good, if I love, then I shout about it to the whole world. I was not scared, although everyone said: “Are you not afraid of the evil eye? Happiness loves silence ... ”Now I agree with this phrase. Yes, I had to leave something for myself, so that later it would not hurt so much. When everything happened, for the first time in almost thirteen years of publicity, I wanted to hide, sink into the ground, hide from everyone. Even now it is difficult for me to talk about what happened. And no one would have learned anything if my ex-husband had not been the first to break the silence.

Yes, this is very strange, because usually women make public statements about parting. Your ex-spouse accused you of exactly what you yourself say: that your love life was too exposed. Tell me, did you feel that he didn't like it?

But he didn't mind! Moreover, he liked it. I've never done anything that my man didn't like. For me, this is the law: love comes first. To hell with everything if there is no love! My grandparents, both on my mother's and on my father's side, lived for 55 years together, until my grandfathers passed away. And I strove to live with my first and last husband until the end of my days. That is why hell began for me when we parted. I haven't slept or ate for a month. It got to big health problems - I even had to lie under droppers. I was in so much pain that I could not walk, talk, I was in complete prostration and did not understand what was happening to me. I used to think that "the ground is leaving from under my feet" is just a spectacular phrase. But then I physically felt it ... I just did not know how to continue to live.

And is it necessary to live at all?

Yes. All sorts of thoughts came into my head ... After all, I didn't even have the opportunity to come to my senses. He wanted to get it over with as soon as possible. And because of stress, I started to feel terrible weakness, and in this state I was looking for a new apartment. At that moment I didn't care where to live. I could probably even sleep on the street and not feel the cold. But you had to think, if not about yourself, then about your dogs, Eve and Chelsea. And I began to look for a place where I could walk with them.

There were probably a lot of things that needed to be transported.

I only took my things. Everything that we bought together, I left in our common home. Women usually take out TVs, household appliances, beautiful curtains. But I left, as a man usually leaves. My mother and sister helped me to get ready, I myself would not have the strength to do it. I remember we were packing our things, and I came across an album that I made myself and gave my husband for six months of our relationship. There were pictures showing how happy we were ... I took this album in my hands, but threw it away and burst into tears. Then we, three girls, carried boxes with things at night ... Moreover, my mother carried them with a sore back. Everything in the new apartment was packed with boxes. I didn't know where the toothbrush was, where the underwear, where the hairdryer ...

I remember my sister and assistant came in. They stood between these boxes and smiled. I ask: "Why are you so happy?" - "You've got a new life!" And my mother “danced” for a whole week, tried to amuse me: ha-ha, hee-hee. But it didn't help much. I could lean out the window and scream - just to release my emotions, so that I would not be torn apart from pain ... And this is the 20th floor! I know my mom was very scared for me, but she didn't show it. Later, she and her sister said that, leaving my apartment, they went downstairs, hugged and cried. They didn't want me to see their tears. They helped me as best they could.

And a month later you left Moscow. To Spain. And they filmed you there crying, posted the video on the Web ...

Because of my condition, I could not work, I could not enter the frame. Therefore, she took time off and flew away to her friend Marina Kasaeva in Marbella. I had to hide from everyone ... Even my closest people did not know about this departure. After all, I just ran away from Moscow, where everything reminded me of my happy marriage. And I hoped that no one would recognize me in Spain. But I was wrong. I have always dreamed of being famous and public! I didn't even think that the moment would come when I would like to become invisible. Once in Spain I spoke with Lena Temnikova on the phone (and we were in touch with her 24 hours a day, Lena was very supportive of me). And so I could not contain my emotions, I burst into tears. It was then that they photographed me. Slyly. I didn't even notice how it happened ...

When I was sent a link to the news on the Internet with this video, it hurt wildly. Many people think that artists are robots, they can't suffer, they don't need to be alone ... Whoever filmed me didn't care that I went to Marbella to recover. To learn to sleep again - for a start. But even this I did not succeed at once. Thoughts still haunted me at night. Only in the morning I fell asleep for an hour. But I walked a lot, breathed clean air and was alone with myself. Well, apart from the fact that I corresponded a lot with my sister. A little later, much of that correspondence became public knowledge ...

Hackers hacked your correspondence not only with your sister, but also with your mother, with Dmitry Nagiyev ...

This was the next blow from my former closest person. I was already trying to work, in Berlin I interviewed Michael Fassbender and Marion Cotillard (an Irish actor and French actress. - Ed.). She just seemed to straighten her back, took a step forward, and then with sticks, sticks again ... Execution again! After the publication of my personal correspondence, I did not understand how I would return to Moscow, how I now communicate with people. They just took me, gutted me, turned me inside out, leaving nothing personal. Not only I suffered, but also innocent people who extended a helping hand at a difficult moment. The same Dmitry Nagiyev helped me a lot as a friend, he conducted real psychotherapy with me, for which I am grateful to him to this day.

Tell me, did you go to professional psychologists?

I applied, and not just one, but there was little benefit from it. Only the person himself can handle such things. I remember going to a hotel in Marbella and crying nonstop for 10 hours in a row. At such moments, I was saved by the fact that in the most difficult moments I turned on my acting abilities and began to play the play, as if with myself ... Having survived the most terrible period in my life, it seems to me that I grew up as an actress. It’s not for nothing that they say: in order to play a tragedy, it must be experienced in real life ... After months, I felt better, I finally began to sleep a little and eat something. I even remember the first time that made me hungry: it was an artichoke salad. Since then, I began to recover in small steps ... It is not so easy to survive the betrayal of a loved one, but I will be able to ...

It hurts, but ultimately it’s also a huge relief that such a person leaves your life ...

Not only he left. I'll tell you a story. At the anniversary last year, I had two hundred guests. And then one friend said to my mother: “How wonderful! What a holiday! So many people came to Olya! " And the wise mother answered: “Let's see if they will be next to Olya when she has some difficulties in her life…” Exactly one year has passed, and only twenty of these two hundred people remained. But you are right: I reassured myself precisely by the fact that the guardian angel removed unnecessary people. It would be worse to wake up at fifty and find that you are surrounded only by masks, behind which there is emptiness ... very good attitude. But I had no idea that envy could reach such proportions and take on such ugly forms ...

Not everyone, apparently, was able to survive your success. Take, for example, your friendship with the dancing millionaire Gianluca Vacca (a popular character on the Internet is an Italian millionaire dancing Latin dances. - Ed.). How, by the way, did you meet him?

He followed me on Instagram, we were subscribed to each other. Once he found out that I would be at the event and said: "I want Olga to announce me!" I came to him, we talked for two hours in English. And he asked me: "Do not leave me for a minute, because I am afraid of everyone, I do not know anyone but you." He really didn't know anyone except the organizers. As a result, the video in which we are dancing received the largest number of views from the entire Russian Instagram. Well, then we exchanged phones and now we are still in touch. Gianluca is an absolutely positive person, very pleasant to talk to, easy-going. And at that moment, when I was dancing with him, believe me, the last thing I thought about was how people would react, I just enjoyed it. I love people, love life and know how to rejoice at every pleasant event. And then gossip began to circulate that I had paid Gianluca to dance with me ... But I'm used to gossip, they sometimes even make me laugh!

I am a free woman. Officially became free on December 30. And now, according to the documents, I am Buzova again. Fortunately, the divorce did not drag out, and I am very glad that all this remained in the past year. I didn't want any showdown and didn't say a bad word about my ex-spouse and his family. And I didn't share property. Everything that he acquired: the house, the car he gave me as a present - remained with him.

This is surprising, of course ... Despite the fact that your ex-husband expressed fears in an interview that you would claim property ...

Well, so. I also didn’t think that such a thing is possible in life, but I don’t want to assess someone's actions. The main thing is that I still have my dogs ... I never hold onto material values. For me, the main thing is relationships. If fate takes something, then it's not mine. I believe that God sends us only those life situations that are within our power. So I had to go through it. Perhaps in order to become truly happy with someone else ...

Yes, you must be happy ...

I am doing my best. I am alive, my relatives and friends are alive. There are few, but true friends who love me both in sorrow and in joy. And there is my salvation - work. We shot a video for the song "I'm getting used to", it will be released in early March. You can say this is my debut. It is difficult for me to talk about what I have experienced, it is easier to express my feelings through creativity ... Who said that you need to do one thing? Thank God I am my own mistress. I can do whatever I want: shoot videos, sing. I always dreamed about it, but they stopped me: why do you need this? You work as a host on a TV show - and that's enough for you! But no, not enough! I also want to play in the theater and act in films. Last year I got such pleasure when I performed at the MuzTV concert! And now I have already formed my own ballet.

In addition, I create clothes, I have huge plans for my own business "Olga Buzova Design". Maybe someone thinks that this is all just like that, the girl will indulge and leave. But the girl will not give up anything, everything is serious with me! There are no random passing stories in my life. I am a very addicted person. Everything should be perfect, fashionable, tasty, so that I am proud of myself. If this is work, then around the clock and seven days a week. If love, then love to the grave ...

Do you already feel ready for a new love?

I do not know. Now I love my job and I am married to it. I have a lot of corporate events, all weekends are scheduled until June. Recently I told my press secretary: "Anton, can we go to the cinema?" And he jokingly replies: "Yes ... Book a date for February 4, 2018". Then I look in the diary and find: "Oh, it won't work, this date, it turns out, is already taken!" (Laughs) So love in my life, most likely, will not appear soon. To be honest, even the word "man" is still difficult for me to pronounce ... But it will pass. Time heals. I will become stronger. There are no strong personalities with a problem-free past! I just need to pause. Too little time has passed.

Is it true ... Have the boxes in the rented apartment been dismantled?

Yes. I really fell in love with the place where I now live. I had a fabulous New Year tree! And what beautiful curtains I have ... It was not for nothing that I went to an interior store at night, pulling the hood deeper so that no one would recognize me. After all, at first I did not even have bed linen, blankets, pillows. Now everything is fine. I have a wonderful apartment, it is nice, calm, spacious. There is a room for mom, dressing room, bedroom, dressing room, a huge jacuzzi. Comfort is important to me, and I create it not only for myself, but also for those close to me. Yes, of course, I could go to Africa for a year, live with the Bedouins and tear my hair out of grief. But at some point I realized that there was too much responsibility on me and too many people worried about me. My dad and mom, relatives, fans. I have to help them and I just can't let anyone down.

Recently, in January, you had a birthday. What did you want?

I celebrated my birthday four times: in Madrid, Rome, Grozny and Moscow. And most often the wish was to stay the way I am. Mom says: “I don’t understand how you do it. You are betrayed, deceived, thrown, and you remain such a Bambi with wide-open eyes. "

What can you say to women who are also going through a difficult divorce?

You know, many women wrote to me: “Olya, I also have difficulties in my family. But I look at you - you walk, work, smile. It gives us strength and hope. " I would like to say to everyone the words that I heard from my mother: "Remember, daughter, the main thing that you have in life is you yourself, do not lose yourself, we will not survive this." Now for me it is like a mantra: there is nothing more important in life than myself. And every woman should remember this ... I will survive, I will be happy!

We thank the family Italian restaurant IL BAROLO for help in organizing the shooting

I just returned from vacation - the first in many years. I thought it would never come because I'm a workaholic. And now it seems to me that this quality is rather a disadvantage than a virtue. Even sitting at the airport and waiting for the plane to start boarding, which would take me from snowy Moscow to the shore of the warm sea, I still understood: if they call me now and offer me an interesting job - for example, unexpected shooting in a movie, I will cancel my vacation and I'll run to work. Over the past year, I have done a lot, achieved amazing results. The first places in iTunes, my show "To the Sound of Kisses" was recognized on the Love Radio website as the best show this year, I released an album, shot six clips ...

- Six clips in a year ?!

A record, few people are capable of this. In addition to this, shooting in films, various television projects. And even nine days in Los Angeles, which were planned as a vacation, I spent filming a video. In general, I can say that the year was happy. I got incredible pleasure from my work. My mom and dad, my sister and close people were with me all year. I was loved and continue to be loved by my audience. And everything is fine. But, to be honest, I'm tired as never before. I'm glad I managed to get some rest.

I had a dream - to spend my birthday, January 20, away from home. Usually I celebrate this holiday in a big way, worrying more about the guests than about myself. I always have the best artists, the best restaurants, I plan everything down to the smallest detail, from the design to the dress code. She gathered guests for two hundred people, worried about everyone, and busied herself. And now I suddenly realized that out of these two hundred I am not indifferent at best to the twenty closest. The rest deeply do not care what is happening in my life.

Photo: Lyuba Shemetova

And for the first time in my life I wanted to celebrate my birthday with my mother, sister and closest friends. Unfortunately, not everyone was able to join me - many have families and children. But for those who succeeded, I tried to organize everything at the highest level. I can't think only of myself, even on my own holiday. That's the kind of person I am.

A year ago, I had, to put it mildly, a joyless birthday. Yes, and the new, 2017, I also met not very cheerfully - I cried for a week, recovering from a difficult divorce. Has released the song "I'm getting used to". And with a new round in creativity, an even more difficult period in life began: everyone in show business suddenly realized that Buzova was serious, that they could not stop me, and they began pouring tubs of dirt and slops on me. It was a continuous stream of hatred. At the same time, watching how I suffer, people said: "Well, what are you worried about, you are used to it!" Not! If someone thinks that in thirteen years of working on television I have grown my skin like a whale, he is very mistaken. I am a vulnerable, emotional person. And first of all I'm a girl.

Many men, representatives of show business, forget about this and in all seriousness enter into some kind of real fight with me, into sparring. I am offended - I am not used to fighting men, even in verbal battles. Mom raised me not as a fighter. She used to say from childhood: "You are a princess." She taught me to treat myself with love, to be neat and beautiful. She did not even allow her to stay overnight with her girlfriends, because princesses did not fit. And now, for some reason, I almost have to fight with men who are stronger, taller, older, in the end. I do not want this. I'm tired.

- Olga, can you call yourself a fashionista?

I carefully think over my every appearance in public. Fortunately, I have a lot of designer friends who help with the clothes. The last few months before the New Year holidays, I could not devote much time to shopping - it was a crazy time. At first I was preparing for a solo concert, which took a lot of energy, and then something completely unintelligible began to happen. The shooting of the New Year programs went on non-stop, I did not know what day it was outside, I only knew my schedule.

- Women who say they dress only for themselves are disingenuous. We all want to please someone. Photo: Lyuba Shemetova

At that time, jeans, sneakers and a bomber jacket became the favorite clothes for every day. And for the whole autumn I had one trip to the store - I realized that winter was coming, and I was wearing leather clothes, and went to get a jacket. During the hour that I took myself to shopping, I managed to run through all the shops. I went into the shoe shop and bought sixteen pairs at once - for concerts, and for stage outfits, and for a future birthday, and for every day, and sneakers, and everything in the world. But I still have time to follow fashion trends, it's interesting to me. In addition, I have my own brand Olga Buzova Design - you have to be in trend.

- When did you become interested in clothes?

As a child, but then it was difficult to realize it: our family was simple, and our parents did not have luxurious financial resources to pamper us with their little sister. But my mother sewed a lot - in general she is a dentist, but during her studies she worked part-time at a weaving factory. As a result, my sister and I were dressed like a picture for all the holidays. Even to graduation to school, I came in a dress made by my mother.

We went to a gymnasium (one of the best schools in St. Petersburg), and there was a uniform. I can't say that I really liked it. Although now I understand that there is nothing sexier and more attractive than a trouser suit and a strict blouse - this is always fashionable, relevant and looks advantageous. But then those jackets just shook me. Take any of my school photos - I'll be in a black pantsuit. I was just bursting with desire to somehow stand out from the crowd. I remember once, on February 14, I cut two hearts out of red fabric and sewed them on the buttocks, so that on Valentine's Day I would somehow differ from others. So she showed up at school - black trousers, and on them two huge hearts on the back.

- You were not kicked out of the gymnasium?

Imagine not being kicked out. We tried to swear, but I was indignant: “Am I fit? In the shape of. Black trousers, black jacket - what else do you want from me! " And they lagged behind me. On Saturday you could come in loose clothes, and then I showed myself, went all out. It was fashionable to wear jeans with a very low waist and tops - very bright and as short as possible. Britney Spears, Christina Aguilera, Spice Girls, all those acid colors, shoes on a huge platform were in fashion. I have used all possible paints. Once I even showed up in plush sneakers in the form of a muzzle - remember, there were such?

- If someone thinks that over 13 years of working on television I have grown my skin like a whale's, he is very mistaken. I am a vulnerable, emotional person. And first of all I'm a girl. Photo: Lyuba Shemetova

And I went to the institute for preparatory courses in flared jeans and a huge cowboy hat. Classmates still remember this outfit to me. I also came up with something incredible with hair - I put a star on my head, like at the Statue of Liberty. And sometimes she was ahead of fashion trends - for example, she glued shiny stars above her eyebrows. This is now pasted over with rhinestones, but then it was a wonder.

- The girls probably hated you because of your desire to be brighter than everyone else?

I got used to this since childhood: very few people treated me calmly. And basically I was friends with boys - it was always easier to find a common language with them. Actually, and now it is so, in my Buzova team there are only men: dancers, a director, a PR manager, and a sound engineer. They do not envy me, as women would do, do not compete, do not try to prove that they are better. We are just friends and work together. Relationships with women rarely develop, I have few friends.

- Interestingly, and when you dress up and paint, you do it primarily for men or for women with whom you compete?

Women definitely have nothing to do with it. Usually girls dress either for themselves or for a beloved man. Now my heart is free, I don't have a young man, because of whom I would go crazy, I thought what to wear. But I remember this wonderful state, when you, like a madman, run around the apartment, measure everything in a row, think, in what way will you appear in front of him today. When butterflies are in the stomach, when you want to seduce, flirt. I hope this state will still appear in my life.

Women who claim that they dress only for themselves are disingenuous. Listen, well, let's be frank: for ourselves we go at home in a mask made of cucumber, in indistinct shorts and with a "bun" of hair on our head. And when we are with a man, we immediately have a huge number of beautiful dressing gowns, underwear, we comb our hair, always cover our lips with shine. We all want to please someone.

For me, the external image has always been important, I need to feel attention to myself. Especially now: I am a singer, actress, TV presenter, they look at me, they take an example from me. And I create a mood for the audience, including my appearance. And myself too. Any woman knows that when she is completely sad, she has only to dress up, look in the mirror and say: "How beautiful I am!" - and will remove all the sadness as if by hand. To give high to people, I have to get high from myself.

- Have your men ever told you: "Olya, I don't like this, this skirt is too short"? How did you react to such comments?

Before, I always listened to my man, because I believed that his word was law. But now I understand: love is different. When you are loved, you are cute in any form - in sneakers or in funny pajamas with a herringbone and Santa Claus, and in a short skirt, and in a sexy dress, and in a non-sexy dress. And it seems to me that you cannot command here. The maximum is to gently correct without offending.

Now I belong to myself and do not ask permission from anyone. Recently, for example, I painted the strands blue. I can even shave my head, put on the shortest dress and look the way I like at the moment. I have been alone for a year and a half and I only do what I want. In the end, sacrifices for the sake of relationships do not lead to anything good - I felt this perfectly for myself.

- I remember the state when butterflies are in the stomach and I want to seduce, flirt. I hope it will still appear in my life. Photo: Lyuba Shemetova

- Have you already made plans for 2018?

I have not only big plans for this year, but grandiose ones. I will continue the tour "To the Sound of Kisses". I'm already planning a second show. I will be touring with the play "Man in Catch", and on January 25 the film "Zomboyaschik" will be released, in which I starred together with the stars of the TNT channel. And, of course, I will still be on Instagram, especially since last year I was the only one from Russia who got into the world rating of this social network, taking third place and overtaking Kim Kardashian herself in views. I will continue to work on television, write new songs, create trends. Someone must bring Russia to the world level so that everyone knows that talented people also live here!

In general, I need strength. In the coming year, I want to wish myself health and health again, so that there is enough for everything. The rocket is launched, no one and nothing will stop me.

Olga Buzova

graduated from the Faculty of Geography, St. Petersburg State University

in 2004 she came to the project "Dom-2" and stayed there for 4 years as a participant. Together with Roman Tretyakov, she hosted the radio program "Roman with Buzova". Since 2008, the host of the show "Dom-2". In 2012 she took part in the Dancing with the Stars project. She has written four books. In 2011, she began her musical career, in 2017 her album "To the Sound of Kisses" took 1st place in iTunes, rising there 15 minutes after the start of sales. Tours with the show program of the same name

Instagram stars

Olga Buzova is the most popular Instagram blogger in Russia. 11.7 million users have subscribed to her page. Who does she share the pedestal with?

In second place is rapper Timati: 10.6 million subscribers are interested in his life. Fans are especially moved by posts with photos of the rapper's daughter, three-year-old Alice. Although they are also the most scandalous. Once Timati posted a photo of a girl holding a gun in her hands. In the comments, a real war began about this. Timati is generally known for provocative posts - he also conducted his "fights" with Dima Bilan through an account on the social network.

Ksenia Borodina
The presenter of the reality show "Dom-2" holds the 3rd place in popularity on Instagram, lagging behind Buzova by 1.6 million subscribers. Borodina posts photographs illustrating the daily life of her family, including daughters Marusya and Teya, videos from trips, and also advertises a variety of products. This brings a confident income - the blogger does not disclose its value, but it is known that one advertising post from Instagram superstars can cost from 200 thousand rubles.

Pavel Volya
The Comedy Club resident has 9.5 million fans online. He does not make money advertising other people's goods, but advertises his own. The "Willpower" project, which he started together with his wife, gymnast Lyaysan Utyasheva, is bringing good dividends. Pavel travels from stand-up shows all over the world, gives author's master classes - he teaches listeners to use a sense of humor. Laysan is engaged with his wards, telling them about the secrets of nutrition and proper exercise.

"No matter how adults we are ... for our parents we will always be children ... (Hereinafter, the spelling and punctuation of the authors are preserved. - Approx. Ed.), - wrote the socialite in the microblog. - Take care of your relatives, and remember, girls, no man is worth the tears of our mothers. I try to save my relatives from unnecessary worries, and I always say that everything is fine with me, even if it’s not so ... This time it did not work out ... Mommy, forgive me for your tears. I love you very much. And I will be happy, I promise. "


Subscribers began to actively sympathize with the unfortunate Olya. “Dangerously, she plunged into her family relations with all her heart, not expecting that her most beloved reliable shoulder could hit her in the back like that ... I can understand how hard it was for her and I’m sure she’s not playing a bit,” “I am on your side. I support you. I love you. I am your fan. And your ex-husband will still boomerang everything! "," After such a type of men! And such a "tragedy for ourselves" you finally grow up and look at men more soberly. And soon a normal man will come caring, who protects and protects, helps in everything and will not give to anyone! " - wrote fans.

We will remind, recently the mother of Olga Buzova, Irina, gave a frank interview, in which she shared the details of her daughter's separation from the scandalous athlete. "Olga naively believed that her love would" save the world "and she was behind a" stone wall ", and her husband was responsible for his vows. And what to say and do are two different things, it became a difficult discovery for her. , but how a person does it. Tarasov has already parted twice humanly from his wives. Having betrayed once, he will betray the next time ", - Irina Buzova told the Antenna magazine.

Olga and Dmitry divorced in December 2016. According to rumors, the reason for the breakup was the betrayal of a football player with model Anastasia Kostenko.

“People think: if a girl is married, she just needs to give birth immediately. Otherwise, the marriage is invalid, fictitious. She gave birth to the first, a year later they are chasing the second. At 25 she is not married - an old maid, you can put a cross, at 30 without children - old-born. All these labels are annoying, ”the TV presenter admits.

Olga, judging by your pages on social networks, you get the feeling that you live in an atmosphere of an eternal holiday: flowers, gifts, travel ... How does the virtual picture correspond to reality?

It is a fairly common misconception that the life of public people, including mine, consists entirely of joyful moments. Yes, I consider myself a happy person. But still, most of the events take place outside of Instagram. There are difficulties and tears, but they remain behind the scenes. I’m just not ready to cry to everyone and everyone, I don’t like to complain. Even my mother calls me a steadfast tin soldier for this. Although, I repeat, there are enough tests.

Was your husband's injury one of them?

Yes, and how. What happened in August (in a friendly match with the Turkish national team, footballer Dmitry Tarasov tore the cruciate ligaments of his knee. - Note "Antenna") undermined our fighting spirit. I flew to the Italian hospital with Dima, was with him during the operation. For four days, until he could walk, she was on duty at his bedside, spent the night right in the ward on the sofa. I carried food and fruit. She put off everything, canceled meetings to support her husband. Fortunately, the producers and colleagues got into the situation and let me go to him, for which I am very grateful to them. I know that the injury was a real blow for Dima. But over the five years of our relationship, I realized: there are times when it is better for him not to crawl under the skin, not to touch the problem, not to encourage. It is more important for him that I just be with him, without further ado. The worst is over. But there is a recovery course ahead, and this is a long and painstaking process. Morally difficult, because you can't run, play, do what you love. This is not his first injury. But at such moments I am always near, I was with him in clinics in Germany, Italy, Finland. At this time, I myself try not to limp, be as collected as possible and think positively.

Did the fact that the spouse left the profession for a long time affect the family budget?

I'm not ready to discuss this issue, this is our own business. I will only say that despite the fact that I think a man should be a breadwinner, it is not difficult for me to invest my finances if the situation requires. I'm not greedy. I provide for my grandmother, I help my mom, dad, sister. Disputes and problems about money with her husband do not arise. Moreover, recently we have become much more judicious about spending. If at first, in principle, we did not look at the price, now we are discussing what we can afford, what not, where it is necessary to cut requests. We have become more economical, because we think about the future, make far-reaching plans, and with them the house in which we are going to live. Our life in general has also changed. Parties and outings have faded into the background, we increasingly want to be together in an apartment. Yes, and I completely redefined priorities. The main thing now is family and work. I am not sprayed on other things.

I find it easy with children

The question of children is immediately brewing. I suspect that they already got you ...

And how! For several years, immunity has developed, although at first it was very annoying. Our society is very tactless, and it thinks stereotypically. People think that if a girl is married, she just needs to give birth right away. Otherwise, the marriage is invalid, fictitious. She gave birth to the first, a year later they are chasing the second. At 25 years old, not married - an old maid, you can put a cross, at 30 she did not give birth - an old-born. These labels are annoying. Why in America do they treat this differently and there forty-year-old women in labor are normal? I see how much excitement has flared up because of Ksyusha Sobchak's pregnancy, literally the whole country, seeing her belly, exhaled: "Well, finally!" What's finally? As if everyone had just been waiting for many years for her to give birth. Over the five years of our relationship, Dima and I managed to fully enjoy each other and understand that we made the right choice. Believe me, this approach is much better than quickly jumping out of marriage, having a baby right away, being disappointed in a person, getting a divorce, finding another, and so on several times. In such situations, children suffer. I have always dreamed of living my life with one man. Now Dima and I came to the conclusion that we can give our love to someone else. Everything has its time. My parents also have a long-awaited and planned and therefore very beloved child.

I noticed how great you get along with your husband's nephews. Have you studied books on child psychology?

No, I just love them, I consider them my nephews. Somehow by itself it turned out to find a common language, contact. I know what to talk about, how to cheer. I am comfortable with them, and they are with me, I hope. I also find a common language with my two godchildren very well. At the age of 14, I was a trainee in a children's camp in the junior squad. And even then the kids listened to me and at the same time loved me. We cried when the shift ended and we had to leave. I think children cannot be deceived, they feel sincerity, kindness, and disposition. I'm sure I still have to experience the thrill of a newborn, maybe more than once. But, again, everything has its time. Naturally, not only dogs will live in my house with my husband (laughs).

Do constant questions about children hurt you, and criticism on the Internet annoys you?

I can't say that I don't pay attention to it, but I try not to react. Although it is often difficult to call criticism directed at me constructive. People take on insults. Sometimes they just write: "Die, creature." I would like to come to such a "well-wisher" and ask head-on: "What did I personally do wrong for you?" We have already talked about the fact that my life is judged by photos on social networks. And periodically they leave boorish comments under them. They criticize that I got it easily. Perhaps people do not realize that there is hard work behind the beautiful picture, sometimes around the clock. I do not presume to evaluate other professions, but believe me, mine too requires colossal daily work. Sleepless nights, a huge amount of text that I study. They never brought me roles on a silver platter, I did not get on television through pull, no one paid for my participation in performances. She achieved everything herself. I often had to deal with a huge number of closed doors. I became a popular presenter, but at the same time, a hostage to the image of a frivolous blonde. I am easy to communicate in life as well, but I have many qualities and talents that I cannot show within the framework of the project. But, fortunately, there are directors who are not afraid to work with me, they see me as an actress much wider than a television image. I have heard a lot of positive reviews about the role in the TV series "Poor People", including from professionals. Now I'm filming an important project for me. This is a full-length film by Kirill Pletnev, in which I have the main role. And for the sake of one of the three-minute scenes, I drove several hundred kilometers from Moscow, spent the night in the car. And so in everything. I never feel relaxed, I rarely feel professionally satisfied. Always not enough. I am greedy for new roles, projects, emotions. I am not satisfied with what I have achieved. I work non-stop. Even on vacation I turn off only on the fifth day, and even then not completely. So my mother brought up, who once asked to buy boots said: “Do you want boots? Go make money on them! " I work too. I get tired, of course, but at the same time I do not suffer from blues, I do not have depression. And to the attacks of spiteful critics, immunity was developed at school.

Did you have a difficult relationship with your classmates?

No, with some teachers and especially with the director Tatyana Evgenievna. She was biased towards me, hated, and I did not even understand why. She bellowed, begged my mother to transfer to another school, but she refused. And she did the right thing. I stayed there and soon stopped worrying, even graduated from high school with a silver medal, and then from St. Petersburg State University with honors. Apparently, then the core was laid, which now helps to cope with the negative. I didn't break, I didn't run away. And here's the result. By the way, when 12 years ago they shot a film about me as a participant in "House-2", the same director did not let the film crew enter the school.

"Dom-2" will never be closed

As far as I know, you have your own business. How successful is he?

Yes, I have my own company, a brand of designer clothes. And I also treat him responsibly. At one time there was an unpleasant story when I was deceived. A trusted partner let me down hard. Therefore, now I completely control everything myself: creating collections, choosing fabrics, sewing. There is also a chain of jewelry stores, with which my sister Anya helps, the same workaholic as I am. We are developing slowly. In the near future we will open a store in one of the capital's shopping centers. And recently she released her autobiographical book The Price of Happiness. I felt incredible support when I presented it in a bookstore. A full audience gathered at the event, everyone asked questions, asked for autographs. At that moment, I realized that I had written it for a reason, someone needs it. The first print run of ten thousand copies sold out very quickly.