When to buy a live Christmas tree. How to choose the right live Christmas tree? When and where to buy a live Christmas tree

There is a week left until the New Year - it's time to put up and decorate the Christmas tree. Despite the diversity artificial trees, many still prefer living coniferous trees. The RIAMO in Lyubertsy correspondent found out how to choose the right thing Christmas decoration- live spruce, and how to preserve it until the end of the holidays.

Spruce, pine or fir?

Typically, three types of coniferous trees are sold at Christmas tree markets - spruce, pine and fir.

Spruce is a traditional option. You can choose a regular, blue, Danish or Canadian Christmas tree; they differ in color and needle length. It is worth considering that a felled spruce will last at home for no more than 10 days - this is less than other coniferous trees.

Pine is one of the most popular options. It is cheap, and its needles are softer, so it pricks less. Pine smells very tasty of fresh pine needles. But it has a disadvantage - it releases a lot of sticky resin, which can cause inconvenience. The pine will last in the apartment for about 12 days.

Fir is the most expensive option. She has the most “New Year’s needles” - a rich green color, which almost does not crumble and does not prick. True, fir has practically no smell, the smell of pine needles is very weak. But it will bring joy for at least 14 days.

Before buying a Christmas tree

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It makes no sense to buy too early live Christmas tree- she risks simply not living to see the end of the New Year holidays. It is best to come for it on December 25-27, and during daylight hours - this will make it easier to see all the flaws in the tree.

It is also worth deciding in advance where exactly the coniferous tree will stand. If in the center of the room, you definitely need a beautiful, fluffy and “uniform” Christmas tree. If in the corner, a “one-sided” Christmas tree will be enough.

Before purchasing, it is worth considering the optimal size of the spruce tree, so that later you do not have to manually shorten the table or move cabinets to place the green beauty in the room.

The best way to buy a Christmas tree is at the Christmas tree markets that open in the area on the eve of the New Year. Another option is to contact forestry and nurseries, where trees are specially grown for sale. Under no circumstances should you cut down Christmas trees in the forest, park or yard - this is illegal.

How to choose a Christmas tree

There should be no damage to the spruce trunk, dark spots, fungi and mold. Any chips or cracks can significantly reduce the time the tree looks nice.

The shape of the spruce is not so important - it is much more important that it is freshly cut. A freshly cut tree will have branches that bend rather than break. The lower branches of the tree should point upward. The trunk must be thick - at least 6 centimeters in girth.

The needles should be a rich green color. To check the needles, you need to rub the needles. If after this your fingers do not become oily and fragrant, it means the tree is frostbitten. Finally, shake the spruce or hit the cut on the ground - the needles should not fall off much.

Transporting the Christmas tree

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To bring the Christmas tree home without damage, you need to wrap it in a special mesh or burlap, pressing the branches towards the top. For convenience, you can tie a rope around the tree. You need to carry it with the top backwards, and when entering the entrance, on the contrary, with the top forward, trying not to touch the doors and walls.

If the spruce has spent a lot of time in the cold, it cannot be immediately brought into the warmth. You need to let it thaw and get used to the temperature change. To do this, you should leave the tree in the entrance for at least half an hour, and only after that bring it into the apartment.

Christmas tree installation

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Once the spruce is in the apartment, you can remove the wrapping from it. Next, you should saw down the base of the trunk and clear a few centimeters of the bark. To make it easier to install the tree, you can trim the lower branches.

There are special stands for installing live spruce. If you decide to use this method, you need to wrap the cut area with a damp cloth and wet it periodically.

To keep the spruce longer, you need to place it in a container with sand, which must be watered every two to three days. It is worth remembering that the trunk must be immersed in sand at least 20 centimeters.

How to extend the life of spruce

To make the tree last longer and make you happy festive look, you should not place it next to the battery, otherwise it will dry out too quickly and the needles will begin to fall off.

Spruces love humidity, so New Year's beauty need to be sprayed periodically with water from a spray bottle. It’s good if you have an air humidifier at home - you need to place it closer to the tree.

Only a living Christmas tree truly creates a festive mood, because nothing beats the aroma of pine! For adults, a live spruce will give pleasant memories of childhood and the gifts that everyone was waiting for from Santa Claus, and for children, a real tree will help them understand what the New Year is and will leave good impressions for life.


Blue spruce Pungens

Canadian spruce- one of the most beautiful and popular trees. Well adapted for apartment conditions, it almost always grows in a regular, neat shape, and is distinguished by thick, fluffy dark green needles. The biggest disadvantage of this type is the high cost.

Domestic spruce

Norway spruce It is grown in Russia and is cheaper, and also has its own special pine aroma. The most popular symbol of the New Year among Russians according to the most affordable prices. However, finding a good, even and lush tree is not easy, and this tree quickly becomes bald.

Udmurt spruce. Domestic Christmas trees, grown in special nurseries in the Urals, are trimmed several times every year, so they become very lush and take on a beautiful shape.

Russian pine

Domestic pine It doesn’t fall off for a long time, and the long soft needles are much easier to remove, because they don’t dig into carpets and don’t get clogged in the crevices of the parquet. The cost is comparable to domestic Christmas trees, but pines smell stronger and the needles do not fall off much longer. The crown is lush, spreading, the needles are long. True, it is not always convenient to hang on long needles Christmas decorations, and the wide crown does not make it possible to place the pine tree in a small corner.

Canadian pine. It differs from the domestic one in that the branches fit tightly to each other, so the crown is monolithic. The tree emits a strong smell of pine needles and tangerines.

Fraser fir

Nordmann fir(Danish spruce) - a version of Caucasian fir, ideal for indoor conditions. It does not fall off for a long time, the needles are soft, fluffy, the branches are located symmetrically and evenly. A classic Christmas tree with a beautiful pyramidal crown. The most popular in Europe, it can decorate any interior.

Nordmann fir

Russian, Danish and blue Christmas trees in pots. Trees with a root system have a large supply of nutrients, which allows them to remain in excellent condition for as long as desired. And in spring, Christmas trees can be planted in open ground.


It’s better in advance, as soon as the Christmas tree markets open: the most beautiful trees are taken away first, and the closer to the holidays, the worse the choice. You can store a purchased Christmas tree only in the cold, tied up. A balcony, garage, unheated country veranda, etc. will do. If you can’t find a cold place, it’s better not to rush into buying, otherwise the tree will most likely fall off before the holidays.


1. Try to keep the room where the tree is not too hot and humid enough.

3. Use special remedy for cut fir trees (or flowers), which will help keep the tree fresh longer.

The main character of the New Year 2017 is undoubtedly the living green Christmas tree. It is with her appearance in the house that the holiday begins and the countdown to the start of the new year begins. It is she who gives a wonderful mood and long-awaited gifts are found under her. But in order for it to please you and your loved ones for as long as possible, you need to carefully approach the issue of choosing it. First, decide what kind of Christmas tree you want to buy - a live, cut one that smells like a coniferous forest and New Year's frost, or an artificial one that lasts longer than its forest sister.

The advantages of natural, live cut spruce trees are the smell, aroma of a coniferous forest and a natural appearance. Here are some points worth noting Special attention, when choosing a Christmas tree.

When to buy a Christmas tree. Now they are on sale, thick and beautiful, but it is unknown what they will sell just before the holiday. Therefore, if there is some cold room where you can store a Christmas tree, then you must buy it in advance and store it, for example, on the balcony. If there is no balcony, you can try to tie the Christmas tree outside the windows. In a warm apartment with air dry from central heating, the tree will have a hard time, and after two weeks all its needles may fall off.

Pay attention to the frame and the height of the tree. The size of the tree should match the size of the room where it will stand. It is necessary to take into account the height of the ceilings and the size of the room. The Christmas tree should not clutter up the entire room and interfere with the passage of people. If you plan to place the Christmas tree in a corner, it is better to take a “one-sided” tree. It is better to place a Christmas tree with a lush, uniform crown in the middle of the wall of a spacious room.

Christmas tree trunk

Having visited the Christmas tree market and pulled out what you liked from a pile of branches, cones and needles, you need to sternly hit the butt (that is, the lower part of the trunk, which was once integral with the stump remaining in the forest) on the ground. If, as a result of this action, needles fell on the ground with terrible force, then you can safely put this New Year's miracle in place.

If the test was successful, we meticulously inspect the trunk for the presence of mold, fungi and other harmful evil spirits. If everything is fine, we continue to inspect the trophy further.

As a rule, Christmas trees for sale are cut in due date, upon reaching the age of eight, and in this case, with a tree height of one and a half meters, the normal weight is considered to be five kilograms, and preferably all seven. A very thin trunk is a sign of disease. A healthy tree should have a trunk with a girth of at least 6 centimeters; if it branches, it’s okay, it makes the tree look even fluffier.


Fresh spruce has a bright green color. Lightly rub the needles between your fingers: if the tree is fresh, you can feel the slight oiliness and fragrant smell of pine needles. If there is no smell, and the needles are dry to the touch, it means that something is wrong with the tree, most likely it has frostbite.


The tree should be “fresh”; if it is dry, it will begin to crumble in two or three days. A fresh tree's branches are elastic and cannot easily be broken off, while a dry tree's branches easily break off with a characteristic crack. The branches should stretch upward.

Carrying a Christmas tree. To avoid breaking branches on the way home, it is best to wrap the tree in burlap and tie it with rope. Carry the purchased Christmas tree home with the top back so that the ends of the lower branches do not fray. When you bring the tree into the house, its top, on the contrary, should be in front.

We're putting up a Christmas tree. If the tree is purchased in advance, then before the holiday itself it is better to keep it in the cold: hanging it outside the window or placing it on the balcony. However, even if the Christmas tree was purchased directly on December 31, then under no circumstances should you immediately bring it into a warm room, install it and decorate it: such a temperature difference can cause the tree to get sick and die. If the frost outside is below 10 degrees, do not bring the Christmas tree directly into the apartment. Let it stand in the entrance for about 20 minutes so that it thaws.

Before installing the tree, you need to clear the trunk 8-10 cm from the bark and plan it with a sharp knife (to open fresh pores) under running water. You can also trim the top of the spruce tree at an angle, and anoint the fresh cut with Vishnevsky ointment.

You can install a Christmas tree in different ways:

Bucket with sand. The ideal option is a bucket of clean, damp sand. A liter of water is added to a bucket of sand, in which a small amount of glycerin or gelatin is pre-dissolved. Another option - as for garden flowers - is an aspirin tablet plus 2 tablespoons of sugar. Some people recommend adding a small amount of a suitable liquid fertilizer along with the water. It is better to install the Christmas tree in the sand in such a way that Bottom part the trunk was closed by at least 20 centimeters. The sand needs to be watered after 1-2 days.
Container with water. The water at the time of installation must be hot and contain acid - acetic or citric. The acidic environment can be replaced with effervescent aspirin tablets. Another recipe: add half a teaspoon to water citric acid, a spoonful of gelatin and a little crushed chalk.
Wrapping the trunk. And finally, the simplest option - but far from ideal: wrap the trunk at the cut site with a damp cloth, which must be moistened periodically. Then strengthen the tree in a cross, on a stand or in some other way.

Spruce branches can be sprayed from time to time with a spray bottle - this will keep the tree fresh longer.

Or you can plant a small Christmas tree from the garden in a bucket or tub for the holiday and bring it into the room. The tree is transplanted a few days before the holiday into a fairly spacious container. The roots are generously moistened, wrapped in synthetic film and sprinkled with sphagnum moss or simply coarse peat. To avoid sudden changes in temperature, first they bring the tree from the cold garden into a bright but fairly cool room, and only later, on the eve of the holiday, move it to a warm heated room.

The place for the Christmas tree is chosen away from heating appliances. The room is ventilated more often, and the root system of the tree is well watered (moss immediately absorbs all the moisture, so on average four liters of water are used per day). After the holiday, the Christmas tree along with the container is taken outside to a place protected from the wind. If the weather is warm, the tree is removed from the tub and planted directly in the ground. In cold, frosty weather, they wait until spring, and the tree with the container is buried in the garden and covered with peat, film and snow.

Buy a natural live Christmas tree, let's figure out how to choose it correctly. There are many things to consider when purchasing a Christmas tree.

Spruce, pine or fir

The first thing you need to decide is the type of wood. The most popular New Year's trees are spruces. They are cheaper and have a stronger, more distinctive aroma. The branches of the spruce are thick and symmetrical, and the tree itself weighs little. The main disadvantage is the prickly needles, which, moreover, quickly fall off.

But pine has long and less prickly needles, making it easier to decorate. And its aroma is stronger than that of spruce. The only catch is the sticky resin that this tree exudes. Yes, and due to its size, it may not fit in a small apartment.

The queen of New Year's trees is considered to be fir - a lush tree with long needles that do not prick and almost do not fall off. Very beautiful and very expensive. Alternatively, you can buy several branches and decorate your apartment with them.

When and where to buy a live Christmas tree

Most big choice trees - at the Christmas tree market. Closer to the New Year, a huge number of such points appear in all cities. If you want to choose the perfect tree, it's best to go there early. True, in this case you will have to shell out a tidy sum. The price will depend on the area. For example, in the region you can find a nice Christmas tree for 100-150 hryvnia, and in Kyiv a “budget” option will cost 250-300 hryvnia. They also sell compositions made from branches. They cost from 50-60 hryvnia.

If you want to buy a Christmas tree at New Year cheap, go to the market on December 31st. The later the better. On this day, sellers can reduce the price by 2 or 3 times. True, the choice will be more modest.

If you buy a Christmas tree in advance, store it tied up on the balcony or in any other cold place.

Christmas tree: choose the size

First, decide where you will place the tree to understand how much space you will need. Measure both the height and circumference of the tree. Consider how and where you will place the tree: on the floor, on a table or in a bucket of sand (by the way, a great way to keep it beautiful for as long as possible).

What should the trunk be like?

The trunk will tell you about the condition of the entire tree. It should be free of cracks, smooth and straight. A small rim on the cut is a sign that the tree was cut a long time ago, which means it will not last long.

Having chosen a tree, pick it up and hit the ground with a cut. If the needles start to fall off, don’t buy a Christmas tree - it won’t last long. Pay attention to the width of the trunk. The ideal shape of a spruce tree is about 10 cm in girth. If the tree itself is lush, but the trunk is narrow, such a tree is not worth buying, this indicates that it is painful.

Pay attention to the branches

The branches should be elastic and resilient. A small test will help you check this: bend a twig a little and see what happens. If a branch cracks or even breaks, put the tree aside.

The branches of a healthy tree should seem to stretch upward. If they press against the trunk, this indicates that the tree was cut a long time ago.

What do the needles tell you?

Another test to check the needles. Rub them a little in your hand. An oily, resin-smelling substance left on your fingers will indicate the freshness of the wood. Needles, like branches, should be elastic and moderately prickly.

How to deliver a Christmas tree home

To avoid damage to the tree during delivery, it must be packaged correctly. To do this, carefully tie the branches to the trunk with a rope. The tree should be carried with the top of its head backwards, but brought into the house with the top of its head forward.

Before bringing the tree into the house, give it time to get used to the new climate. A sharp change in temperature will have a bad effect on her health. For example, you can leave the Christmas tree for several hours in the entrance or on the balcony.

How to install a Christmas tree

The length of its life will depend on the installation and care of the tree. If you want the tree to last as long as possible, then take proper care of it. IN Soviet times more often christmas tree installed on a stand. Today it is becoming more and more popular to place it in a container with sand and water.

Before installing the tree, cut the trunk a few centimeters and clear it of bark. To increase the wood's water absorption, split the wood slightly.

Photo in text: Depositphotos.com


There is very little time left before the New Year, which means that it is time to focus not only on buying gifts for family and friends, but also on choosing the main symbol of the holiday - a living Christmas tree. WHAT DO YOU NEED TO KNOW?

It is most practical to buy " forest beauty» at your nearest Christmas tree market. It’s better to do this in advance: this way you can choose the most beautiful and fresh main New Year’s symbol.

Ours will help you buy the most beautiful and fresh Christmas tree!

In addition, it is convenient and economical: you don’t have to spend money on long transportation, and the tree will quickly be at your home. We offer you some tips to help you choose the freshest and fluffiest Christmas tree.

1. Pay attention to the needles: they should be a rich green (emerald) color, and the branches should stretch upward and not break if you try to bend them.

2. A thick trunk is a sign of a healthy tree. Choose him. A Christmas tree with a thin trunk will not last long.

3. The cutting area must be clean and bright.

4. When buying a Christmas tree, knock it on the ground several times: if the needles fall off, the spruce will quickly lose them in a warm room.

5. The Christmas tree should be tall and slender. A tree that is too wide is a sure sign of a poor quality product.

6. Try to stretch the needles in your hands: the fresh pine aroma and resinous trace will tell you that the Christmas tree will definitely delight you and your loved ones. new year holidays.


According to the rules, the height of the tree should not be measured to the top, as many are accustomed to, but only to the upper branches. Note that the long upper branches indicate that the tree was formed in good conditions.

Read our guide on how to decorate a Christmas tree.


Firstly, try to protect the New Year's symbol from strong temperature changes. The tree should thaw on the staircase or balcony. Then you can safely bring it home.

Secondly, be sure to make sure that the living tree receives enough moisture: do not leave it in a stand without water.

photo: Maxim Shemetov/TASS

It is best to place the tree in a bucket of wet sand. Don't forget to moisturize it daily by adding a small portion of glycerin, gelatin or cut flower product - this way you will help the main symbol of the New Year delight you for a very long time.