What to give a girl for her 18th birthday. What flowers to give to a girl and how to do it easily. Set of hair clips

“Where are my 17 years old?” - Vladimir Vysotsky once sang, remembering a tender and wonderful age, and where 17 is, there is 18... At 18 years old, most prosperous people still firmly believe in the kindness and love of this world, they are confident in themselves, in what exactly they have the power to control their own destiny. Many are already independent from their relatives, live and study in other cities, and those who still remain in their parents’ home demand independence and to be perceived “as adults”! And now this amazing date comes - the 18th birthday. So what should we do? What gift should I choose for a girl turning 18?

As they say in China, if you want to torture a person, give him a choice!

And indeed, choosing gifts is not easy. You need to not only know the young lady to whom this gift will be presented well, but also be sure that she will definitely like it! Now we have the opportunity to buy so many things that our eyes inevitably run wild, and somewhere in our stomach there is an aching, because we want to give everything at once! However, there is no need to rush, here are a few options from which it will be much easier to choose gifts for a girl’s 18th birthday.

From dear parents

Older relatives also fall into this category, so don’t worry, we haven’t forgotten about your many loving relatives! So, parents have very serious obligations regarding a gift for their daughter’s birthday, so what to give?


In terms of value and importance, this gift cannot be surpassed by anything. And if you are financially independent, then provide your child with housing, she will be grateful to you even after many years. Today, not all parents can even leave an apartment as an inheritance, so go ahead if conditions permit!


This birthday gift for a girl will also make a splash. He is second on the list of desired gifts on the verge of possible. However, here it is also worth considering your financial capabilities and the desires of your daughter (or granddaughter, or niece), what if you present her with the keys to a Smart, but she wanted a LandCruiser? This may have to be clarified in advance, but very carefully so as not to spoil the surprise. Although such a surprise is unlikely to spoil anything :)

Expensive gadget

For example, IPhone, SamsungNote or something like that, IPod is also listed. Modernity requires that many matters be resolved immediately, and computer technology(including smartphones), became more and more complex and took up less and less space. Young people are used to using their time effectively, so they read, count and write on the subway, because in a metropolis the road takes up a lot of time... Brighten up her long trips - with such a gift it will be easy!


It does not have to be gold or silver, since these metals are now more accessible and popular, they are gradually losing their value as rare and expensive. Platinum is gradually coming to the fore and White gold with inlays or personalized engraving. Black diamonds are gaining popularity in the luxury jewelry class.

From caring friends

Oh, there are plenty and a great variety of options for exactly what a girl’s birthday gift should be! Choose - I don't want to.

Dreams Come True!

The most expensive and exclusive may be, of course, DreamBox! This original gift to a girl in the form of a set of services that will give the girl unforgettable pleasure and a sea of ​​pleasant impressions. The name of the service speaks for itself - it is the fulfillment of cherished dreams. For example, a horse ride, Cinderella's carriage, Cinderella's dress or even Cinderella's ball (if you don't need money), an expensive spa, a parachute jump, a photo shoot like for a model, and so on, so on, so on. The choice is simply huge, and your friend will be glad that you listen carefully when she dreams out loud.

Certificate to the world of beauty

Gift certificate to your favorite perfume and cosmetics store. In this case, you shift the torment of choice onto the dear birthday girl, and believe me, she will only be happy about it! For a young girl, circling through a labyrinth of smells and colors is a pleasure, and not “when will it finally end!”

Contribution to a bright future

If your friend has already been buzzing your ears about how she would like to take up belly dancing, English, French, photography and anything else - then here it is, your chance to take care of her and show through your actions how dear she is to you ! Give her a month, two, six months or a year of paid lessons in what she has long dreamed of doing!

Give for health)

If your friend takes care of her appearance and health, then a membership to the fitness center can be invaluable! Such centers offer many programs that take into account the individual characteristics of girls. So she will be grateful to you for your care and attention.

Time is precious!

Expensive watches can be an elegant way out of the situation. Such a watch can also be worn as a bracelet if it is made in a case made of precious metals with inlays, and as an additional original accessory to her outfits.

From a loved one

Huge teddy bear

And don’t forget a bouquet of flowers and chocolate. In fact, this gift to your beloved girl is one of the most desirable. This means that you do not forget about the child in her soul and are ready to care for, cherish and pamper him in the same way as you care about her well-being in her “adult” state. The girl will certainly appreciate it!

Her portrait

A portrait made by a professional artist can be a wonderful gift and a reflection of your attitude towards her.

Let it be not just a portrait, but with a twist - the girl can be depicted in it as a goddess, a heavenly pari, an angel or a fairy.

She will understand that you admire, adore and extol her, distinguish her from “mere mortals”, and for every girl this is inexpressibly pleasant! Such a gift will take pride of place in her room, and she can proudly show it off to her friends.

Only for two

A magical gift - a tourist package for two to the country where she wants to visit. Of course, here it is worth taking into account her capabilities; in the middle of the session, she will probably refuse! So choose the right time, because now it is possible to buy tours not only at a certain time, but also with an open date! The impressions from this trip will stay with both of you for a long time!

18th birthday is not a round date, but a very important event in the life of every person. At this age we become adults and officially adults. Therefore, traditionally on this day, all loved ones try to choose special gifts that emphasize the importance of the event. But deciding what to give a girl for her 18th birthday is not easy; you need to make every effort and use all your imagination. You can also use our tips for choosing a gift.

What to give a girl for her 18th birthday from a guy

Many 18 year old girls have enough serious relationship and, of course, they expect a special gift from their loved one. It is advisable to choose something very romantic, reminiscent of feelings. Great idea for a special date. You can do it in different ways:

  • At the restaurant. An 18-year-old girl is already quite an adult and can visit such establishments. Choose the best restaurant in the city and invite your loved one there. Be sure to give her a song and invite her to dance, which will be announced as a waltz for the birthday girl.
  • Outdoors. You can just go to the park with a picnic basket, but it would be cooler to put up a white tent there and order food from a restaurant with music and waiters.
  • On the roof of the house. It will be very romantic and beautiful to sit together and watch the city from above.
  • On the air balloon. If a girl is not afraid of heights, she will be happy to ride in a comfortable basket, enjoying the breathtaking scenery below.
  • In the limousine. This is just a luxurious date. You will ride in the comfort of your car and look around the streets of your hometown.
  • In the VIP hall of the cinema. Choose a romantic film and enjoy a cozy evening together in the dim cinema.

If you want to give something material, be sure to take into account the girl’s tastes. Most popular ideas:

  • Huge teddy bear. Majority young ladies will be delighted with such a present. But remember - a pink bear is in bad taste, choose white or brown. Another nuance - if a girl has a small apartment, such a gift can become a source of discomfort, so choose something more compact.
  • Decoration. Give dear jewelry you can only if you have a fairly serious relationship and intentions. Otherwise, a gift that is too valuable can put the girl in an awkward position. If you know the tastes of your loved one well, you can choose good jewelry for her or silver product from the floor precious stones.
  • Warm blanket. Most girls like such cute and cozy gifts, and in this way you can show your love and care.
  • Beautiful photo frame in the form of a levitating heart. It’s very romantic and unusual, so the girl will definitely like it.

Don't forget about flowers. Choose something that the birthday girl will definitely like - it could be an armful of lilies, bright roses or delicate daisies. You can also choose something unconventional, for example, a bouquet of sweets or balloons. If a girl loves soft toys, she will be delighted by a composition of little cute bears, and her sweet tooth will be delighted with chocolate or marmalade flowers.

Avoid gifts that may seem offensive to the girl. Various means for losing weight or correcting defects in appearance are the easiest way to quarrel with the birthday girl forever.

TOP 10 gifts for a girl aged 18

  1. Huge teddy bear
  2. Decoration
  3. Beautiful photo frame in the form of a levitating heart
  4. Smartphone or tablet
  5. Journey
  6. Hair care devices
  7. Certificate for a beauty salon or spa
  8. Horseback ride
  9. Photoshoot
  10. Paid master class or training course

What to give a girl for her 18th birthday from her parents

Parents always try to give their growing daughter something useful and not cheap. The best ideas for such gifts:

  • Smartphone or tablet. All young people without exception will be delighted with such a gift.
  • Camera. Many young girls are fond of photography and are happy to share their masterpieces on social networks, so such a gift will definitely please the birthday girl.
  • Gold. Can be given as a gift expensive decoration, because the daughter is already an adult and can wear luxurious jewelry. And if she doesn't like gold, give her a bank coin.
  • Nice laptop. This is a very useful acquisition that will be useful to the birthday girl for study, work or entertainment. She will definitely be grateful, especially if the old computer no longer meets her needs.
  • Journey. Turning 18 is the time to see the world, so a trip to some interesting place will be a pleasant and useful gift.

When choosing a gift for your daughter, be guided by her opinion, and not by your wishes. Parents often try to impose their opinion on even fully grown children, and this can ruin the entire holiday and lead to conflict.

A gift from parents to an adult child is one of the few cases when you can give money. Just try to do it creatively, for example, by folding origami bills, flowers or a garland. You can also give your daughter a bank card with a small amount for her. You can also pay the birthday girl for a training course that interests her. But only so that it is exactly what she dreams of.

What to give a girl for her 18th birthday from her best friend

Most young girls have girlfriends who closer relatives. They are the ones who are always aware of all the secrets and events from each other’s lives and therefore can choose the most best present, For example:

  • Cosmetics. From the hands of any other person, such a gift would be indecent and ugly. But your beloved girlfriend probably knows what to choose. Even an anti-cellulite or anti-acne cream from the hands of a good friend will look like care, and not an offensive hint.
  • Hair care devices. Surely you know what the birthday girl will need. This could be a hair dryer, curling iron, straightener or something else.
  • Certificate for a beauty salon or spa. This is a very useful present for any girl. A great idea is to go there together and have a fun and useful time.
  • Personal care products, for example, an epilator, massager or trimmer. You probably know what worries your friend, so you can choose the right device without any problems.

Good idea for a gift to a friend - an adventure. You probably know what kind of entertainment she likes, and you can easily choose the right one. It could be something extreme, like a skydive, or something more relaxed, like a dance class. The main thing is that the birthday girl enjoys it and remembers the holiday for a long time.

What can you give to a girl for her 18th birthday from a group of friends?

If the birthday girl has many friends, you can give something from the whole company to make it easier to choose a gift. Good gift ideas from comrades:

  • Surprise party. By organizing a holiday for the birthday girl, you will definitely please her and make her life easier, because doing everything alone is not easy.
  • Twister. This is a fun floor game that will liven up any party. By bringing it to your birthday, you will give a lot of joy to all the guests.
  • Funny collage or wall newspaper. This is unlikely to be suitable as a main gift, but instead of a postcard, such creativity would be appropriate. Use funny photos of the birthday girl with friends and funny captions for them.
  • Huge puzzle. You can try to fold it together and have a lot of fun. A good idea is to make a puzzle from a photo of the birthday girl.

If you decide to purchase a serious and practical gift, you can come up with a funny gift for him. Organize a draw or a flash mob so that the birthday girl is first surprised and only then happy when receiving her gift.

Unusual gifts for a girl turning 18

If the birthday girl is a creative and extraordinary girl, try to choose an appropriate gift for her. It should be something beautiful and unusual, for example:

  • A porcelain doll. It will definitely become a girl’s favorite and the main decoration of her room.
  • Horseback ride. Horses are the smartest animals, communication with which will be a source of genuine joy for the birthday girl.
  • Photoshoot. A confident beauty will be glad to receive high-quality photos for her portfolio, and an insecure girl will be able to look at herself from a different perspective thanks to working with a professional photographer.
  • Billboard with congratulations. This is a completely impractical gift that will stroke the pride of any young girl.

Many young ladies are interested in handmade items. If the birthday girl is one of them, she will love a kit for beading, quilling, decoupage, soap making or creating her own perfume. The needlewoman will be glad to have any consumables for creating new masterpieces, because they often run out and are not cheap.

Choose a gift based on the wishes of the recipient, and you will definitely please her. Don't be afraid to ask about her dreams - sometimes it's better to reveal the surprise and please the birthday girl. And don't forget about the sea good wishes and kind words.

18 years is not an anniversary date at all. But in importance it is much more important than anniversaries. Yesterday's teenagers enter adult life, become boys and girls. This age is special, touching, memorable.

And gifts for an adult birthday person should be memorable and decorated with soul. Anyone can give birthday gifts, but there are people from whom it will be especially pleasant to receive them:

  • relatives;
  • friends and buddies;
  • "second halves".

What gifts to give for coming of age so that the recipient will remember the first day of adulthood?

From relatives

For birthday people of this age, the family in which they were born are the closest people. Relatives support Hard time, care, understand, forgive. Mom and dad can make their child's 18th birthday party a memorable one.

Relatives should start preparing for this event in advance, choosing several gifts for the birthday person, or one large, valuable present.

Children of any gender

It’s good when mom and dad are interested in their child’s hobbies and know how to please him. The morning of the beginning of adulthood can be celebrated with a festive, delicious family breakfast, and then throughout the day you can give prepared gifts.

Surprises can be humorous, for example, an “adult certificate” with interesting poems on the theme of coming of age.

If a child has long known what he wants from life and knows how to handle things, then the so-called “lifting ones” would be an excellent gift. A certain amount is deposited long before the holiday.

Grandparents can take part in such accumulation. A gift check or cash can be given in a brand new one. Perhaps these cash will be a good start to a successful life for an adult child. You can choose a wallet and purse from the following options:

Money is a bit of a banal gift, so there are plenty of other options. You can give your daughter or son a car for their 18th birthday. Young car enthusiasts will be delighted.

If the birthday person does not have a driver's license, then a good present would be. Already have a car? Then, motorcycle, moped.

The most reliable parental support and the best gift for coming of age will be an apartment. Such an investment is relevant at all times, but is not available to everyone.

In this case, perhaps they can come to the rescue. By making their contribution to the godson's housing, they will feel involved in his fate.

Isn't paying for a trip to the city of your dreams a reason to surprise the birthday boy? An excellent present for children of both sexes is a new tablet.

Gifts from a brother or sister should be interesting and bring joy. You will enjoy going to a concert of your favorite performers. , stylish, high-quality watches are suitable as a surprise for both brother and sister.

18 years is the same age when you can give traditional family gifts, those that are passed down from generation to generation. A gold ring from a great-grandmother, an antique pocket watch, unique with precious stones - these things carry the history of the family.

They are sacred and will be for the new owner a talisman of family protection, which the birthday boy will definitely preserve.

Separate items include gifts for your daughter and son.


Depending on your favorite activities, you can present your son with appropriate surprises. For the athlete - sports equipment. It could be, or a tracksuit.

Traditional, memorable gift at any time - valuable jewellery. It would be logical to give your daughter a youth-style bracelet decorated with stones with a pendant in the form of her zodiac sign.

From a loving heart

By the age of 18, boys and girls often already have a “soul mate.” The tender and touching relationship of lovers at this age is a reason for beautiful, sincere gifts.

Your favorite birthday guy will like:

A charming girl, still very young and believing in good fairy tales, you will like:

From friends

The friends of 18-year-old birthday boys are mostly their own age. They often share the interests and hobbies of their boyfriend or girlfriend and already know in advance what to give. For an event such as coming of age, you can give an original gift - a movie.

It would be interesting if the movie was made by the friends themselves, and the hero of the occasion would play the leading role. To do this, you will need footage from videos with his participation. You can insert congratulations or songs from friends into the movie. The film shouldn't be too long.

Your friend will be pleased to receive beautiful and fashionable jewelry, a subscription or a beauty salon. Flowers and interesting vase for them it’s a good surprise from their friends.

A memorable gift for the guy is his portrait burned on a piece of wood. 18-year-old birthday boys of any gender will appreciate a gift in the form of a player or a book by their favorite author.

A noisy group of friends can organize a party with competitions and prizes.

Friends should gather under the windows of the house with an armful of balloons, and in exact time after the birth of a friend, call him and invite him to go out onto the balcony. There will be no limit to the joy, especially if friends sing a children's birthday song in chorus.

Turning eighteen is a special date for a person - the date of entry into adulthood, the date of majority. All girls on the eve of their 18th birthday expect special gifts and attention to themselves. Therefore, parents, friends and loved ones ask the main question: “ What to give a girl for her 18th birthday?».

Gift for a girl turning 18 from relatives

Girls traditionally expect the most expensive gifts from their relatives, which are often announced in advance. What gifts from relatives will be received with joy and admiration by the young birthday girl?

  • Expensive gifts - a car, housing, which will emphasize the girl’s journey into adulthood, and the emergence of the germs of independent existence. Such gifts should be given only when the family can afford such expensive gifts.
  • Bank account, jewelry- another expensive gift that demonstrates attention and support from relatives. A bank account (deposit) will give an initial impetus to an 18-year-old girl towards independence, and jewelry demonstrates a person’s independence and self-sufficiency.
  • Subscriptions to sports facilities(if the girl is interested in sports) - a wonderful gift and contribution to the girl’s health. The main thing is that this is the desired subscription of the birthday girl herself, and not the wishes of the relatives themselves.
  • Wishes of the birthday girl– to make the dreams of your family and friends come true and to see blissful faces, isn’t this the most pleasant thing in a person’s life? Give the birthday girl a long-awaited present, making her happy!

Gift for an 18 year old girl from a guy

If your relationship is serious, and you have been together for a long time, then the girl will certainly expects from his young man gift , demonstrating this relationship to her! Don't disappoint your beloved!

  • Luxurious bouquet, presented personally– an excellent gift that will always be appropriate.
  • Beautiful lingerie- a gift not only for the girl, but also for the youngest man, who will be able to see his beloved in the gift given to her. You should not choose overly sexy options; you should take underwear of a skimpy style.
  • Stuffed Toys- a wonderful gift for a lover soft toys. Such a present will certainly cause a lot of delight on the part of the girl. Here than more toy– the better and more memorable the gift will look.
  • Jewelry – a chain, pendant or small ring with a stone is ideal.
  • Tickets for the long-awaited concert– make your beloved’s dream come true, to watch your favorite band perform.
  • Other gifts to your beloved girl from the heart you can watch here.

Gift for a girl turning 18 from friends

No grandiose presentations are required from comrades V- these can be gifts that will amuse, delight and surprise your friend on this memorable day.

  • Flowers- the main gift from friends for a girl on her 18th birthday. 18 beautiful roses decorated in original style will certainly please the birthday girl.
  • Various small fry, which the birthday girl has been talking about for a long time - this is actually the day to give small, but such desirable gifts.
  • Book- still best gift for any holiday.
  • Presents made with your own hands– a very relevant gift option these days.

The main thing is to remember that at the age of 18, the attention, care and sincere joy of family and friends for the culprit of the triumph are much more important, and gifts are just a pleasant addition to the ceremonial comfort!

It is so accepted in society that turning 18 is one of the most interesting and serious events in the life of each of us. This date is very significant, so you should take the choice of a gift seriously.

Let's look at what to give for 18 years to a young guy or a beautiful girl.

Gift for boyfriend

Practical gifts

  • A gold chain, bracelet or signet are things that the birthday boy will undoubtedly appreciate. They will symbolize a more serious and responsible stage in his life, and will also emphasize the maturity and solidity of the newly-made man. Such a gift will last for decades and will remind you of this important event in life.
  • A new-fashioned gadget is not a cheap gift, so it is more suitable for congratulations from parents or as a gift. general gift from all guests.
  • If the birthday person already has everything necessary modern means technology, then you can opt for stylish accessories, such as a phone case or headphones.
  • Clothes and accessories are also perfect as gifts; they will be especially relevant for dandy guys who love to show off. You don’t have to run around and choose the right shirt; it’s easier to choose cufflinks, a tie or a fashionable scarf.
  • An elite perfume is an ideal gift, but only if you know the taste preferences of the birthday person.

Gifts for the soul

  • An adventure certificate is the best gift for lovers of extreme sports and thrills. You can opt for a parachute jump, an ATV ride or a hang glider. Adrenaline will certainly evoke vivid emotions that will remain in the young man’s memory for a long time.
  • Gamers will certainly appreciate it new version favorite game or a virtual package of bonuses.
  • Perhaps the birthday boy has been dreaming of getting his license for a long time. Now is the time to address this issue; give him a certificate for driving courses. If you already have them, there are extreme driving courses: you can tickle your nerves and give parents peace of mind that their child can cope with any situation on the road.
  • Football or hockey fans can be given tickets to an important match (preferably in good seats).
  • As budget gift A great option would be a T-shirt with a cool inscription or an Oscar statuette with a personalized engraving for your upcoming roles in life.

Gift for a girl

  • Jewelry is perhaps the most common and most desired gift for every girl. A delicate pendant or ring with a diamond will be an excellent memory of this significant day.
  • Girls at the age of 18 are already, as a rule, familiar with decorative cosmetics, so you can safely choose a set of makeup products as a gift. Having bandaged the set with a large beautiful bow, you will certainly see indescribable delight in the girl’s eyes.
  • If you have a small budget, you can choose a beautiful passport cover, wallet, key holder or phone case.
  • Pay attention to the birthday girl's hobbies and give a gift according to her interests. For a lover of painting - an easel or good brushes, for a dancer - a master class with a famous choreographer, for a music lover - a ticket to a concert of your favorite performer.
  • Cute interior items will always be useful and relevant: a delicate lamp, decorative pillows embroidered with flowers or paintings in unusual frames.
  • Portrait of a birthday girl in pop art style. This modern trend will be a wonderful decoration element for any room and a pleasant gift for a girl.
  • For modern girls, a subscription to a SPA treatment or beauty salon will be a pleasant gift. This will help the young lady become more well-groomed and self-confident.
  • At any age, inside every woman lives a small, fragile girl who will be incredibly happy to receive a huge teddy bear.
  • A professional photo shoot that will highlight the girl’s beauty and capture her for many years.
  • You can also order special pillow covers with photographs of friends and family. Let them always remind you of dear people.

Do not forget that the chosen gift must be presented correctly, done from the heart and with all your heart. When congratulating a guy, you should include a card with a memorable congratulation with the gift, and for a girl choose beautiful bouquet roses (flowers that have not yet bloomed are best, symbolizing the beginning of the revelation of the beauty of a young girl).

More interesting ideas for gifts for the coming of age of a beautiful person you will find in the article.