Clown mask. Master class of applications on the topic: “Cheerful clown” How to make a cheerful clown out of paper

Good afternoon, dear readers and guests of the “Family and Childhood” site, we have already learned how to sculpt together with you, I hope this master class was useful to you. And if you don’t want to bother with plasticine, you want to try something different, then I offer you another option - it will be a clown made of paper and a disk. And this type is even simpler to perform, so it is suitable for the youngest children. They just need help cutting out the details. I think an old computer disk can be found in any home.

And here I will show you how to turn it into a wonderful children's craft. If you don’t have a disk, you can easily replace it with paper or plastic plate, cardboard circle or lid. In general, there is nothing complicated in such work. We will take the disk as a basis, and we will make all parts of the clown’s face, hairstyle and headdress from multi-colored pieces of paper.

Prepare crafts for modeling:

- old disk;

- colored and white paper;

- scissors;

- pencil;

- glue - PVA, dry pencil or silicate.

How to make a paper clown

Perhaps, having carefully examined the final photo shown here, you will see for yourself exactly what details will be needed to create the funny appearance of a clown, as well as what color paper to make them from. Available for small children detailed master class so that they can follow the process step by step. It is imperative to work with children, develop their creative abilities and spatial imagination, because this is the most important thing in their intellectual potential.

First take the disk. He will become round template heads. All other details will be paper. It is easy to glue paper to the smooth surface of the disk with any glue, only then you need to wait until the surface dries.

Place the disc on white paper and trace with a pencil. Cut out a circle; its size should exactly match the circumference of the disk. Cut part of the circle in a straight line, but not exactly along the diameter, but a little higher. Glue the resulting white piece onto the disk. It will be Bottom part clown faces. Usually animators paint it with white paint.

Cut out white circles - eyes with black pupils, glue them at the top. On central part stick a red circle on the disk as the famous clown nose; perhaps this can be considered a distinctive feature of a circus hero. On the white field, glue a mouth - a red stripe cut out in the form of a semi-arc.

Glue the hairstyle at the bottom in the form of two red (orange) bushes. A clown may have a hairstyle of exactly this color. Draw two clouds with a pencil on paper of a suitable shade and cut them out. Make a bright beret with a bubo in the form of a pancake with a circle. Glue on the headdress.

The paper clown craft is ready. In this case, the disc will add zest, because children are always interested in trying unusual handicraft techniques and using the most unexpected materials.

Sincerely, Ekaterina Bogdanova

A funny clown is the main “merrymaker” of the circus. He plays the harmonica, sings funny songs and performs different tricks. Why don't we make an applique of this funny clown?

Application "Clown" from geometric shapes

Lessons on creating applications from geometric shapes allow the child to develop by learning new shapes and colors, and stimulate. For young children, it is necessary to prepare the component parts of the applique in advance, and for older children, templates will be sufficient, according to which they can independently cut out the necessary shapes.

To create a clown you will need:

  • templates of geometric shapes;
  • cardboard;
  • colored paper;
  • scissors;
  • PVA glue.

From colored paper using templates you need to cut out:

  • 6 multi-colored circles - this will be the face and balls for juggling;
  • 5 identical triangles - pants, sleeves and clown hat;
  • 1 oval - body;
  • 1 star - collar;
  • 1 oval cut in half - shoes;
  • half of the oval, cut in half again - hands.

Now all that remains is to connect all the parts and glue them onto cardboard. Finally, use a felt-tip pen to draw eyes, a red nose and a smile on the face.

Fabric clown applique

This type of needlework is distinguished by various execution techniques. The applique can be made on cardboard by gluing fabric parts.

In addition, a clown painted with paints with additional fragments of fabric, thread and other decorative elements will be a bright and funny craft.

Others, no less in an interesting way Appliquéing involves applying a design to fabric by securing parts using a satin stitch.

  1. To perform an appliqué in one way or another, you first need to transfer the drawing onto paper and number all the fragments in the order in which they are placed, starting with the bottom part.
  2. Next, the pattern should be cut into separate fragments and cut out from the fabric.
  3. We determine the location of the drawing by laying out the details in front of us.
  4. At the final stage, based on the execution method, individual fragments of the application are either glued to cardboard, or using sewing machine set in the required mode, sew it to the fabric.

Clowns can be found not only in the circus. Applied art involves many options for making crafts in the form of funny little people. We have chosen the simplest and most beautiful ones for you.

You can make a funny little man with your own hands in 20-30 minutes, having the following materials at your disposal:

  • table tennis ball;
  • corrugated cardboard;
  • cigarette paper;
  • springs (you can use old springs from handles);
  • pieces of colored cardboard;
  • wire;
  • glue;
  • multi-colored markers.

The procedure for making crafts:

  • On the surface of the ball with a marker we depict the face of our cheerful clown - eyes, a big red nose, a wide smile. Instead of markers, you can use watercolors or gouache.

  • We form the clown's body from corrugated cardboard by rolling up a cylinder whose diameter will be slightly smaller than the diameter of the ball. We connect the edges of the cylinder with glue or staple it with a stapler.

  • Cut out the details of the feet and palms from colored cardboard. We glue the legs to the bottom of the cardboard cylinder. We make the handles of the craft as follows: we put springs on the wire, glue a cardboard palm to one of the edges and carefully bend the other over the top edge of the cylinder.

  • We use tissue paper to create a mohawk hairstyle for our clown. Lightly gather the strip folded in half (this is convenient to do with a wooden stick) and cut the edges, as shown in Fig. 4-5.

All that remains is to put all the parts of the craft together and add additional elements - buttons, bow, etc.

Circus performer using origami technique

To make a funny paper face, you only need a sheet of paper and markers. Even a novice origami master can make such a craft with his own hands. This scheme does not involve complex actions; all the bends that need to be made do not straighten. Visual instructions for making a clown face using the origami technique is presented in video 1.

A more complex, but also more effective craft in the form of a clown using origami elements is in video 2.

However, it looks complicated only at first glance - with your own hands you need to make several elements identical in design, but different in size, from which a three-dimensional clown figurine is assembled, using the matryoshka principle.

If you have an old scarf or any other thing with pom-poms in your wardrobe that you don’t mind using for crafts, you can make it yourself original decoration local area in the form of a clown's head.

  • Glue 7 pompoms together as shown in Fig. 1.

What child doesn't love the circus? Circus performers delight children with their skill, strength and dexterity, but the clown is the most popular among children. Therefore, a clown craft made with your own hands will certainly arouse the interest of children of any age.

The easiest way to make a clown craft is from, which fixes the shape well.

Usually soft paper sheets have this quality. This craft is enlivened by the use of factory-made eyes and spouts, intended for creating toys, beads and small piece, from which the mouth is made.

First of all, a colored paper sheet is folded into a neat accordion. The smallest craftsmen will need help to cope with this task.

Then one edge of this accordion is gathered together and glued. It looks like a paper fan.

Beads are glued to the center of this “fan” - like buttons on a clown costume.

Now a small oval (corresponding to the size of the “fan”) is cut out of a white cardboard sheet - this will be the face of a clown. We immediately glue eyes on it.

Two sausages are rolled out of red plasticine, which we fold in the shape of lips. The lips are glued to the face.

Glue a red round nose between the lips and eyes. We almost have a clown! Crafts for children usually become even more interesting at this stage.

We support children's interest - we make an improvised clown wig from straw or orange yarn. We fix it on the clown's head with glue.

Glue the head to the accordion body.

We take two bright paper ribbons and also fold them in the shape of an accordion. Glue it to the body on both sides. You get handles.

We cut out a cap from cardboard and decorate it with a painted edging and a pom-pom.

You can use a ready-made fluffy pompom - you will get a very beautiful headdress. Glue it on the head.

Before us lies a real, cheerful, cheerful clown! The craft seems alive, because both the hands and the eyes move when it moves. It is very interesting to play various games with such a clown.

Paper clown craft

Circus! Circus! Circus! A magical and amazing place, especially if clowns participate in the performance! Children really like these funny, funny and cute actors! So let's please the children and plunge into this carefree age ourselves. In this article you will learn how to do DIY paper clown. On a cloudy or very sad day, this craft will give you and your child a good mood.

Materials you will need to make a paper clown:

- toothpaste boxes;
- a set of colored paper;
- felt-tip pens;
- a simple pencil;
- beads;
- PVA glue or pencil glue;
- scissors;
- stationery knife.

The number of clowns will depend on the number of toothpaste boxes found at home or with friends. But even if you find one, don’t be upset, because she will still make a funny clown.

1. Take a sheet of yellow paper. It must be folded according to the shape of our pasta packaging. Now cover the box with this paper, but do not seal the bottom. Therefore, we glue the top together and make a slit along any of the long edges with a knife. We will later insert a paper strip into this slot.

2. Now, stepping back approximately 2 centimeters from the top, draw on the wide side of the box with a simple pencil clown face. Then carefully and carefully cut it out with a knife. Place the cut out mouth on the red colored paper and circle it. Draw plump lips around the resulting outline. Don't be afraid to fantasize.

3. Then we cut out the resulting lips and glue them to the box in place of the mouth. Then we take a bead, preferably a bright one, and glue it to the place of the nose.

4. Now we take a sheet of white paper and cut out a strip along the length of our packages and along the width of the slot that we made in step 2. On this strip we draw several different faces - eyes and smiles. Insert the finished strip into the slot.

5. Cut a piece of paper, for example green, and cut it into strips, but without touching the edge. Then we twist the ends of these strips with scissors or a pencil. This is funny clown hair. Glue them on top, but do not touch the slot.

6. Now you can decorate your paper clown. Cut out all kinds of colored bows, circles and stick them on the surface of the box.

7. The finishing touch is to glue the bottom of the body so that the strip with the faces moves freely.

This will bring children a lot of positive emotions. It's fun to play with her, watching how the clown's emotions change. Each finished craft will be distinguished by its originality and diversity, because you can use all kinds of colors and come up with funny faces and hair.