Treatment of the matrix in the root of the nail. How does a new nail grow after an injury. Treatment and preparations for exfoliation of nails

Some think that due to cell division at the free edge. However, it is not. The growth zone is located in the nail matrix - its part comes out from under the posterior roller and is called the lunula, or hole. Every person has a different hole size. Someone may even doubt whether he has it. With regular retraction of the roller and cutting of the cuticle, the holes have nice shape, and when running, they overgrow and become almost invisible.

The condition of the hole directly depends on the matrix cells located deep under the nail. That is why drugs that are taken orally are more helpful in the treatment of nails. The supply of oxygen and nutrients to the nail occurs through the blood vessels that permeate the matrix tissue. What is visible from the outside is already formed, keratinized tissue. Can you fix it cosmetic defects, but it is impossible to cure a damaged nail by external influence.

How does a nail grow

Nails are appendages of the skin. All nutrition in them occurs through the smallest blood vessels. Under a microscope, you can see their structure. These vessels branch into numerous capillaries, penetrate the entire nail bed, but do not go beyond a certain border.

There are two nails in the photo, under the letter A - healthy, under B - sick. The latter shows broken capillaries and scattered sparse fibers. It is loose, non-uniform.

The nail matrix is ​​a thin layer of cells that give rise to onychoblasts. This is the name of the cells containing keratin. Keratin fibers are formed from them, which make up the visible part of the nail.

The matrix layer begins under the lunula and continues under the entire nail bed, so the nail grows in two directions: from the cuticle to the free edge and from below the nail bed to the surface. Onychoblasts, constantly formed by the matrix, are in turn pushed out by new cells. In old age, due to vasoconstriction, the fibers have too much keratin, and such nails are called senile.

The structure of nails

The nail is protected from all sides by rollers. The back layer is called the proximal. It is connected to the nail by a thin film called eponychium. This skin brings the young nail to the surface, after which it becomes no longer needed. She also has another name - pterygium. When the film is not removed from the nail plate, it pulls the skin of the roller along with it and can grow to the middle of the nail. Often this leads to tearing when the hand moves forward sharply. It is removed during a manicure.

Under the nail is the nail plateau, or bed. It is rich in blood capillaries, so it is not easy to stop the blood in any injury. Here continues the tissue of the nail matrix, which has a much smaller layer than under the cuticle. This determines the different growth rates of the parts of the nail: on the surface of its cells move to the free edge three times slower than those that are in direct contact with the bed.

Nail matrix injury

When the matrix is ​​damaged, its thin tissue loses some of the cells that synthesize keratin. A nail will never form in this place again. It will no longer be possible to restore it, and instead of a solid nail plate, the skin will grow. Often this change is observed in athletes. Some sports are traumatic for nails. These are football, volleyball and gymnastics. With a strong impact of the ball, the nail plate can be broken and the nail matrix is ​​affected. Failed landing while falling causes the same thing. In such cases, it is important to see a doctor right away to ensure that the wound heals properly.

Injury to the nail matrix may be due to external influences. In ordinary life, there are not many situations where you can damage it. Basically, this is the removal of the cuticle during a manicure or pedicure. It is better to clean the eponychium less carefully than to earn a crooked nail for life. But this can happen. In addition to improper manicure, household injuries occur: hitting a finger with a hammer, pinching it in the door, cut with a knife. Many traumatize the matrix in childhood. Constant supervision of the child will help to avoid unnecessary damage.

It is very difficult for a healthy person to get infected with nail fungus. His exposure to spores suppresses the immune system. But with age, the body's defenses change, blood vessels are broken, the nutrition of the nails changes. But even in this case, the matrix is ​​not damaged immediately. With a long absence of treatment of the fungus on the skin of the interdigital spaces in conditions of constant humidity and the presence of microtraumas (corns, cracks, abrasions), the lesion affects the nail bed, and then the matrix.

In the photo, the nail matrix is ​​already infected with a fungal infection. Has changed appearance the entire nail plate. Long-term treatment will be required to correct this situation.

It should be remembered that the predisposition to fungal infections does not go away with the healing of the nails. This is the result of a change in the general metabolism, its acidification. You will have to change your lifestyle, diet and restore normal acid-base balance.

Nail matrix: treatment

When eaten by fungus nail plates oh no talking about folk remedies, lotions or ointments does not go. There is a long-term medical treatment. The agent that kills the fungus was discovered only at the end of the twentieth century. And relatively recently, drugs acted aggressively on the liver. But at present, the active substance accumulates in the skin and its appendages, is excreted from the body quickly and does not harm the gland. Therefore, the treatment of damage to the nail matrix should not cause concern.

When taking pills, personal hygiene should be observed to avoid re-infection. The course of admission is long: the nail is completely replaced after four to five months. This is the time frame you need to focus on. The diseased nail is constantly cut off, and a new one begins to grow healthy from the matrix. First, a hole appears, then healthy pink tissue begins to spread to the entire nail.

Ingrown toenail and the consequences of its removal

On the legs, nails can grow into the lateral ridge, causing pain and discomfort when walking. Some turn to a surgeon for help. He advises to solve the problem radically and removes part of the nail along with the matrix. The excised area cannot form onychoblasts. In the future, the nail grows narrower. This is what happens if the nail matrix is ​​removed.

But the tragedy is that such an operation does not fundamentally help. Very often there are relapses, and the person again goes to the surgeon. After the second operation, the nail grows even narrower. The person is embarrassed to walk open shoes. And the nail continues to grow. The circle closes.

This will not happen if you turn to another doctor - a podologist. He deals with all foot problems, including treating and correcting improperly growing nails. If it is difficult to make an appointment with him, they go to the pedicure room. In such cases, it is necessary medical pedicure: removal of the ingrown tip, the imposition of a staple or tamponade. In some cases, it is possible to restore the nail on the day of treatment with composite materials.

Nail prosthetics

If the nail matrix is ​​damaged, it cannot be repaired. It affects the formation of the entire nail plate, and it can grow incorrectly, making it unattractive. general form all fingers. In such cases, nail prosthetics help - performing shape correction using composite materials. The same is true after a blow or pinch.

The photo shows a finger that has lost part of the nail plate due to a hammer blow. It can be closed with hard polymeric materials that will prevent further injury.

This procedure is similar to nail extension. Only in this case, not only the length, but also the width of the nail plate is often increased. Any master of a pedicure will cope with it. He will model the nail, give it natural look or cover You can achieve complete resemblance to healthy nails.


Those parts of the body that are hidden from public view require more care. Such is the matrix of the nail. As long as it is closed by a skin fold, everything is in order. And if something goes wrong - the sooner you come to his aid, the better. Take care of it, and your nails will always be beautiful and healthy.

The nail bed is a layer of tissue that is covered by the epidermis on top. It has a nail plate on it. This area of ​​the phalanx of the fingers is covered big amount blood vessels, and is also equipped with multiple nerve endings. Attachment of the nail is carried out due to a thin layer of epithelial tissue. By attaching the nail to the bed, the growth of the plate is carried out towards the fingertip.

Possible pathologies

The nail and nail bed are interconnected. Therefore, if there is an injury (mechanical damage) to the plate or inflammation of the skin (hyperkeratosis, fungus, psoriasis, felon, etc.), then pathological process most often affects both the nail bed and the nail itself.

The main symptom of the presence of a pathological condition of the nail bed is the discharge of the plate. There may be additional signs, depending on what kind of damage and inflammation is observed on the phalanx of the finger.

If an injury occurs, then a hematoma forms at the place where the plate is attached to the finger. Also, the nail can be prone to deformation. On the skin under the nail plate occurs:

  • hemorrhage;
  • edema.

In cases where inflammation is noted, the nail moves away, and under it the formation of inflammatory foci is observed. Departure of the plate may be partial or complete. The exposed layer of the epidermis becomes vulnerable to infection.

The most complex form of nail pathology is the detachment of the plate from the bed. This condition is called onycholysis. as a result of the development of the disease, symptoms of pathology may appear on the dermis under it:

  • keratinized layers;
  • eczema;
  • suppuration;
  • and others.

Detachment of the plate in the absence of a therapeutic effect leads to the complete loss of the nail plate.

Violation of the structure at the base is dangerous because the nail no longer grows, even with enhanced further treatment.

Treatment should be carried out in accordance with the recommendations of specialists (traumatologist and dermatologist). The lack of methods of influencing the pathological process can lead to the fact that severe inflammation will begin, even if a minor injury has been made.


Most often, the treatment of the nail bed and plate is carried out by therapeutic methods. But if a serious injury has occurred or inflammation has led to severe pathological processes, then it can be recommended.

The methods of therapeutic treatment most often consist in the use of:

  • anti-inflammatory drugs for external application;
  • complex of vitamins and minerals;
  • carrying out aseptic procedures (baths);
  • performance of manicure (pedicure) procedures.

If the nail has moved away from the skin only partially, then anti-inflammatory drugs and disinfectant baths can gradually restore the state of the plate. In case of infection of the tissues of the bed, antibiotics are recommended.

Features of therapy

The development of infectious processes is the most unfavorable outcome for the dermis under the nail if an injury occurs. Diseases of the nails and the bed are most often present in the complex. So hyperkeratosis of the nail bed, in most cases, is accompanied by a fungus. To prevent tissue destruction, several recommendations must be followed.

  1. Take all medications prescribed by your doctor.
  2. Regularly do (legs).
  3. Treat the plate and skin in the place where.
  4. Use protective equipment (bandages, plaster, etc.).

Treatment must be accompanied proper care behind the phalanx of the finger in the place where the damage occurred, and the nail came off. As the plate grows, it is removed with nail scissors.

However, cutting too short should not be allowed, as additional damage to the skin may occur.

Also, medicinal creams (ointments, gels, etc.) should be applied daily and hand (foot) baths should be made containing infusions of anti-inflammatory herbs, sea salt, potassium permanganate, furacilin, or other agents that can prevent or reduce inflammation.

Medications, which are most often prescribed by specialists in case of detachment of the plate, are:

  • Itraconazole;
  • Ketoconazole;
  • Terbinafine;
  • Griseofulvin;
  • Fluconazole.

Depending on what features of the symptomatology the damage to the bed has, other drugs may be prescribed. If, after prolonged therapy, the detachment of the plate continues, then a radical method is used.

Complete removal

Treatment by removing the nail plate is carried out if the detachment from the nail bed has occurred by more than a third. With such pathological condition the dermis under the nail can be prone to serious infectious processes. Treatment of the skin becomes more preferable than the preservation of the nail plate.

After unsuccessful therapeutic attempts to stop the detachment of the nail, the specialist recommends that the patient completely remove the nail.

The nail re-grows in rare cases. The operation is carried out quickly. In modern clinics, nails are removed using a laser. In some medical institutions, surgical treatment is performed, which is more traumatic. The nail is separated from the bed, in the place where it is still attached to the skin, and removed.

After removal, the care of the nail bed should be carried out with special attention, since any infection can lead to serious consequences, including gangrene. In the period after the operation, you should:

  • eliminate the load on the injured finger;
  • constantly update bandages;
  • perform regular disinfection of damaged tissues.

After removal, a hard layer of the dermis forms on the nail bed, which performs the protective functions of the nail plate. After the formation of this layer, the treatment is considered complete. If there are signs of deviations in the process of healing an injury, it is worth contacting specialists for help.

Detachment of the plate from the nail bed is very often associated with improper nail care. One of the most popular causes of pathology is a procedure that many women resort to in order to increase the bed and make the plate longer. With this type of manicure, the base of the nail is damaged, as a result of which the peeling process begins.

In order to reduce the risk of damage to the nail bed, you need to follow a few tips from experts.

  1. In case of injury to the phalanx of the finger, press the nail for a few minutes and apply something cold. Thus, hematoma and plate discharge can be avoided.
  2. Hand hygiene must be constantly monitored.
  3. Do not expose your hands to frequent exposure to water and chemicals.
  4. Manicure (pedicure) should be carried out only by safe methods.

If the first signs of damage to the nail bed or separation of the plate occur, you should immediately consult a doctor and begin treatment. It must be remembered that the more the process is started, the higher the probability of complete removal of the plate.

Diseases of the nails, in which their shape and size change, always cause great discomfort in a person and significantly reduce the quality of his life. Nails are a mirror reflecting the state of human health, and are often the first to indicate serious diseases of the body. Half of all cases of diseases is. At different stages of the development of this disease, changes in the nails are expressed in one form or another and often have a great similarity with a number of other diseases. Nails are often affected in lichen planus, psoriasis, and eczema.

Diseases of the nails in some common diseases

Fungal infection (onychomycosis)

With onychomycosis, the color changes, shine is lost, stripes and spots appear, the thickness of the nail plates increases. Over time, the nails become deformed, crumble, break down, or break away from the nail bed.

Rice. 1. The photo shows onychomycosis.

Lichen planus

Thinning of the nail plates, discoloration, delamination at the free edge, separation from the nail bed and damage to the nail folds are the main signs of lichen planus. Nails are reduced in size. Often cracks and ribbing appear on their surface. The causes of lichen planus have not yet been established. Many factors influence the development of the pathological process.

Rice. 2. In the photo, lichen planus.


The causes of psoriasis have not yet been established. The disease is considered multifactorial. Undoubtedly, the changes immune system play an important role in the development of the disease. Nail plates in psoriasis change long before the appearance of the main manifestations of the disease - psoriatic plaques on the skin. The more the matrix is ​​involved in the pathological process, the more pronounced.

The main manifestations of psoriatic lesions in primary psoriasis: punctate depressions and pitting, separation from the nail bed, the appearance of smoky lines, increasing dryness of the nails, their fragility, the development of subungual keratosis.
In the secondary form of the disease, the nail plates change shape, scales, deep furrows appear on their surface, color changes, delamination and peeling are often noted.

Rice. 3. In the photo, nails with psoriasis.


Eczema, like lichen planus and psoriasis, is a multifactorial disease. The nail plate during the disease changes its shape and exfoliates. Its surface is dull and rough, striated with transverse furrows. The degree of damage to the nail matrix affects the thickness of the nail itself. Frequent inflammation leads to the fact that the nail skin disappears, cracks and wounds appear.

Articles of the section "Fungal diseases (mycoses)"Most popular

The structure of nails will be useful to know for everyone who wants to properly and effectively care for nails or process them.

Nails - horny formations similar to the upper layer of the skin, hair, as well as the claws or hooves of animals. They do not have blood vessels or nerves. Nail( nail plate ) is located on nail bed. It ends free edge on the one hand, and on the other hand goes into root located in the nail gap. From the sides and back, the nail is limited by skin folds - nail rollers , which, at the junction with the nail, form sinuses (sinuses) . At the base of the nail, the nail folds are securely connected to the nail plate cuticle, which protects the matrix and the nail bed from infection. growing nail from matrices, turning into a white rounded formation - lunulu, and further into the nail bed.

Elements of the structure of the nail.

Nail plate.

nail plate( nail ), in turn, consists of many transparent keratinized plates, folded like tiles. Due to this structure, the nail plates have a porous structure. They actively absorb and emit (sweat) moisture, 100 times more intense than human skin. Sweating through the nails is 12-15% of the effusion of the entire body surface. The high permeability of the nail plates allows you to effectively apply therapeutic varnishes and creams to affect the tissues under the nail. Due to this permeability, in people whose hands often come into contact with water, the nail plates noticeably thicken over time.

Nail bed.

The nail bed is an extension of the matrix in which the nail is formed. It is dotted with blood vessels, giving a healthy pink color, and feeding it. On the nail bed, the nail is finally formed, completing the process of keratinization. With a therapeutic effect on the epithelium of the nail bed through the nail plate, it is possible to achieve some thickening and strengthening of the nail, but it is not easy to achieve a stable and obvious result.

Matrix(root of the nail).

The matrix is ​​the place where nail , and on which all its parameters depend: shape, thickness, density and growth rate. The structure and shape of the matrix is ​​individual and depends on the genetics of a person. If the nails are naturally thin, then the matrix is ​​short, and it will not be possible to change this, but you can use means to artificially strengthen the nails: varnishes, gels , acrylics. If the nail plate began to thin over time, under the influence of a painful condition, dystrophy or injury, it is possible to find out the cause and restore the size of the matrix.

Serious damage to the matrix can lead to deformation of the nail or complete cessation of its growth.

Nail rollers.

Nail folds - skin folds, encircling nail on the sides and back. The nail folds pass into the cuticle.

Insufficient nail care, frequent contact with aggressive chemicals (detergents), lack of vitamins lead to drying and thinning of the nail folds, and the appearance of burrs. Frequent damage to the skin of the nail folds can cause serious inflammation: onychotillomania, paronychia. In severe cases, this can lead to loss of the nail.

Nail sinuses (sinuses).

Nail sinuses - deepenings in places of transition from the nail roller to the nail plate. The nail sinuses are covered from the penetration of bacteria and dirt by the cuticle, although this protection is not always enough, therefore, when performing a manicure, the sinuses are carefully processed with a manicure tool to remove ptegyria and other deposits. The treatment of the nail sinuses is very important for maintaining the healthy condition of the entire nail apparatus and, especially, for preparing for the subsequent coating. varnishes, gels and acrylics, preventing exfoliation artificial cover.


The cuticle serves to protect the matrix and the nail bed from the penetration of dirt and pathogenic bacteria. The cuticle is an overgrown continuation of the nail folds. For the most part, the cuticle is made up of dead cells. Excessively growing and drying out, the cuticle can begin to crack, forming burrs. Through these microtraumas, bacteria enter the living tissues of the cuticle, causing inflammation. For this reason, it is important to regularly nails in order from a professional master. Depending on the type of manicure , the cuticle is processed different ways: push back, pruned are removed by the apparatus.

Detachment of the nail from the nail bed is also called onycholysis. Some do not give due attention to this disease, although the problem is quite serious - ignoring treatment leads to a neglected form and hard-to-remove gross defects of the nail plates.

What happens with onycholysis?

Onycholysis - detachment of the nail plate

Delamination- violation of the integrity of the nail plates. Under their surface are formed hollow glimpses, which causes the nails to separate from the soft tissues of the fingers.

There is complete or partial color change nail plates. They can become pale yellow, whitish-gray, less often bluish or brown. At first peeling is only top of the nail or its sides, then, as the disease progresses, the defect reaches its grounds- the entire surface moves away from the nail bed. But most often, it does not come to this, and the nail plate is not completely separated.

Possible diseases with exfoliation of nails

Detachment of the nail plate can be observed in some diseases, both chronic and acute. The most frequent are:

These are systemic diseases. Onycholysis is also characteristic of:

Causes of onycholysis

The causes of detachment of the nail plate can be various factors such as infectious, and non-infectious nature.

chemical factor of peeling nails

Non-infectious causes:

  1. Chemical - the disease manifests itself with frequent contact with household chemicals without the use of gloves or other substances. Such a tool could be washing powder, nail polish, nail polish remover.
  2. Mechanical - various injuries: a strong blow, dissection, squeezing, nail biting. In such cases, a hematoma (accumulation of blood) forms under the nail, which must be removed as soon as possible.
  3. Allergy.Such a reaction can be caused by the same household products, latex, nail polish. Often their peeling can be observed after coating with gel polish, which is popular today, but often causes allergies.
  4. Medications.This includes some groups of antibacterial drugs, most often the cause of nail exfoliation is treatment with fluoroquinolones.
  5. Manicure and pedicurecarried out incorrectly at home is also a common cause of onycholysis. Nails can begin to delaminate if they are not carefully cut, which leads to deformation, and also when filing them, keep the file not perpendicular to the nail plate, but at an angle, move the tool in different directions.

Onycholysis can be provoked by hormonal fluctuations, vitamin deficiencies and stressful situations.

Infectious causes include. In 40% of cases, onycholysis is caused by the first microorganisms. Getting on the nail plates, they destroy it, the nails begin to exfoliate and break.

Vitamin deficiency

And various macro- and microelements can also provoke detachment of the nail plate. Their shortage usually occurs when eating meager food.

The diet must contain foods high in iron, calcium, zinc. Ideal fish containing also a large number of magnesium, vitamin D, phosphorus without which the absorption of calcium is impossible.

Vitamins are important for nail health B, A and E contained in apples, butter and sunflower oil, seeds, fermented milk products, nuts.

Also in the diet should be the presence of protein foods, vegetables and fruits, containing silicon, amino acids, zinc and folic acid.

Types and pathogens of onycholysis

Depending on the cause that caused onycholysis, the following types are distinguished:

Diagnosis of onycholysis

examination by a dermatologist

If you find a peeling of the nail plate, you should contact a dermatologist to determine the cause of this problem. If during the diagnostic process the doctor finds concomitant diseases, he will refer the patient to another specialist. This is necessary in order to eliminate the factors that provoke onycholysis.

At the first appointment, the dermatologist visually examines the nail plates. It happens that the doctor immediately sends the patient for analysis (scraping), which reveals the type of pathogen. After that, appropriate treatment is prescribed.

If the examination of the nails did not reveal the cause of their exfoliation, diagnostic methods such as:

  • sampling that determine the presence of fungus, staphylococci and streptococci;
  • blood analysis in order to assess the general condition of the body.

Other instrumental and laboratory diagnostics are not excluded, the choice of which is based on the most probable cause of onycholysis.

Clinical picture

Symptoms of onycholysis depend on the cause that caused it.

In case of a disease that occurs after a nail injury, it may be noted:

  • pain syndrome;
  • hematoma formation;
  • discoloration and weakening of the nail plate;
  • bleeding.

If onycholysis is caused by an infection, you may experience:

  • redness of the tissues around the nail plate;
  • sensation of pain;
  • bad smell;
  • discharge from under the nail plate.

Symptoms common to all types of onycholysis:

  • unevenness, change in the border line dividing the nail plate into pink and white parts;
  • the skin under the nail thickens;
  • pain occurs only with secondary infection, due to the ingress of microorganisms under the departed nail plate.

Treatment and preparations for exfoliation of nails

Onycholysis is a fairly persistent disease, it cannot be cured in a short period of time. Elimination of symptoms can occur only after the complete regrowth of the nail..

The task of treatment- stop the detachment and eliminate its main cause. Therefore, complex therapy is used to get rid of onycholysis. The sequence of action upon detection of detachment of the nail plate:

  • Dermatologist visitand, if necessary, a specialist doctor (gastroenterologist, endocrinologist, and others) to eliminate the underlying disease as the cause of onycholysis. It is imperative to follow the prescribed treatment.
  • Dieting,including products with the necessary vitamins and minerals, a large number of protein foods, food containing gelling agents.
  • Performing finger massageto enhance blood circulation.
  • for nails with the addition of potassium permanganate. After such procedures on the affected nails synthomycin or heliomycin ointment is applied, fixed with a bandage and plaster, the compress is left overnight.

If health problems have been found that caused the splitting of the nails, local therapy will not work. In such cases, the underlying diseases should be treated:

  • At psoriasis or eczema are often treated with corticosteroids, eliminating the inflammatory process.
  • In cases bacterial infection of the nails,caused by staphylococci are prescribedantibiotics.
  • Fungal infections require different treatment . To eliminate them, topical preparations are used, including imidazole and allylamine . There are also medicines that fight the fungus, for ingestion, they are called systemic antimycotics . These include Griseofulfin, Terbinafine, Fluconazole, Ketoconazole, Intraconazole . Such drugs are taken exclusively under the supervision of a doctor, as they have many contraindications and side effects. The course of treatment lasts from 3 months to a year , continuous therapy. The doctor may also recommend baths with the addition of salt, soda. A new treatment for fungal detachment of the nail plate is laser, aimed specifically at the pathogen under the stratum corneum. With deformation of the nail plate and severe pain syndrome, the specialist may advise the removal of the nail plate.
  • If detachment of the nail caused by an allergy, an irritant is determined . Contact with this substance is completely prevented. In some situations, a specialist prescribes immunotherapy to reduce or eliminate allergies.
  • With detachment of the nail plates that appeared after antibiotic therapy , it is necessary to restore the disturbed intestinal microflora. This can help natural dairy products . After the intestinal microflora returns to normal, the exfoliation of the nails will stop.

First aid for nail injury

Hematoma - bruised nail

In the event of a finger injury, as soon as possible put your hand or foot under the stream cold water . It is necessary to prevent the appearance of a hematoma under the nail, which provokes exfoliation of the nail plate. In the cold, the injured limb must be kept at least 15 minutes to constrict blood vessels and relieve pain.

To avoid edema, an iodine mesh is applied to the skin and a compressive bandage is applied. This will minimize the risk of the nail moving away from the nail bed.

puncture to release blood from a hematoma

If a hematoma has formed, you should consult a doctor for minor surgery: a small hole is made in the nail so that the blood accumulated under it comes out.

If it is impossible to visit a specialist, you can try to carry out these manipulations at home, subject to complete sterility. To do this, you need to thoroughly wash your hands and treat the bruise with an antiseptic solution, take a sterile needle, heat it on fire. Having made a hole in the nail plate, remove blood from under it. Then re-treat the nail.

If a detachment of the nail plate occurs due to injury, the following steps must be taken immediately:

  • First you need disinfect tweezersor nail scissors. Cut off the exfoliating part with them (if it is at the tip of the nail).
  • Treat the nail plate and tissues around it antiseptic solution (iodine, chlorhexidine).
  • Add to 250 ml of water sea ​​salt in the amount of 2 tablespoons, tea tree oil (5 drops), pour the solution into the basin, lower the injured limb there. Take a bath for 20 minutes then pat dry with a towel.
  • Apply a cream with soothing and regenerating properties to the damaged area. ("Bepanten"). Repeat these procedures for several days.
  • In order to prevent bacteria and fungi from growing under the exfoliated nail plate, daily hygiene of hands and feet should be observed.

The video discusses in detail the puncture of the nail with a bruise.

Treatment with folk remedies

Methods of alternative medicine are used as additional, for symptomatic treatment and disinfection.

orange juice with salt

A good remedy for strengthening nails is a solution of orange juice, a tablespoon of salt and 60 ml of warm mineral water. 5 drops of iodine are added to these components. Everything is mixed up. Keep your fingers in this mixture for at least 10 minutes.

Kombucha has analgesic, anti-inflammatory and antibacterial properties. You can make a porridge out of it. Take a small part, cleared of films. Shred it. The resulting mass is applied to the affected areas 2-3 times a day.

A few additional ways to treat a bruised nail at home in the video.

Measures to prevent detachment of the nail plate

To prevent such a disease as onycholysis, you must adhere to the following rules:

  1. You need to wear only those shoes that "breathe".
  2. Socks should be chosen from materials that have high breathability (cotton). They should be changed every day.
  3. Do not wear tight shoes.
  4. After contact with water, dry hands or feet.
  5. When working with household chemicals, always put on gloves and then dry.
  6. It is necessary to properly organize food, excluding canned, fatty and spicy foods. Essential Foods – High Content vitamins A, B, D, E, calcium and micro-, macroelements, contributing to its absorption, polyunsaturated acids.
  7. Treat with antibiotics as little as possible.
  8. Be sure to treat chronic diseases in the exacerbation phase.
  9. Avoid stressful situations, overwork, lack of sleep.

Thus, if preventive measures were not observed and symptoms of onycholysis appeared, you should seek advice from a specialist who will diagnose and prescribe adequate complex therapy. Self-treatment in this case should not be allowed, since there are many reasons for the detachment of the nail plates, and it is impossible to establish them on your own.