Haircut and beauty calendar for April. Lunar calendar for haircuts and coloring for April. Video: What are the best days to cut and dye your hair

Spring is the time when the body presents unpleasant surprises that are reflected in the appearance.

To prevent this from happening, it is important to trust not only the recommendations of doctors, but also the advice of astrologers.

When can I cut my hair in April 2019? And what days should you not visit the hairdresser?

General haircut rules in April 2019 according to the lunar calendar

In April 17, days are more suitable for a haircut when the night star is either in the first or second quarter.

And if you want to save on a visit to the hairdresser, try to cut your curls on the waning moon - this way the hair grows more slowly, but it becomes stronger.

On the new moon, astrologers strongly advise not to go to the hairdresser and not to touch the scissors. In their opinion, a haircut during this period a person reduces the days of his life. And although it is not known for certain whether this is true or false, it is hardly worth checking such things.

Hair coloring and cutting in April 2019 by day

  • April 1st. The moon is growing, but is in Gemini, so you should refuse a haircut, otherwise you risk harming your health. It is forbidden to bleach hair, and it is possible to dye only with natural dyes.
  • 2 April. Despite the fact that the moon is still growing and the growth of your curls after a haircut on this day will accelerate, they will become naughty. As for coloring, it is better to leave the hair alone on this day.
  • April 3rd. Moon in Cancer, waxing. A haircut today will slow down the growth of your hair and you will have to grow it out for quite some time. It's better to paint light shades, as they will help you avoid many problems and failures.
  • April 4 is an unfavorable day for cutting hair in April 2019, as immunity may be weakened and the risk of various diseases will increase on this basis. For similar reasons, the question of hair coloring should be postponed.
  • 5th of April. Moon waxing in the sign of Leo. If you decide to cut your hair today, your hair will become stronger, grow well, gain resistance to external negative influences, and their section will decrease. For coloring, choose gold or copper colors - they will soon bring you profit.
  • April 6th. Make a new haircut and create an image of an independent, strong and determined woman due to it, but keep in mind that only henna and basma are allowed to be used for coloring.
  • On April 7, 2019, the night luminary will be in the sign of Virgo. The moon is growing, but on this day it is better to just trim the tips. Be sure to dye your hair in April only in the salon and only in already proven colors.
  • But on April 8, you just need some minor changes in appearance, so you can cut your hair and dye your curls in any colors and shades. In a word, experiments are welcome!
  • On April 9 and 10, the waxing Moon is in Libra. This auspicious days April haircut. A fashionable, elegant haircut will suit you, and your hair will accelerate its growth and its condition will improve significantly. On the 9th, use natural colors for coloring in order to succeed in business. On April 10, red or light shades are recommended.
  • 11 April. Full Moon, Moon in Libra. Avoid haircuts and any hair-related treatments - even if it's your regular hair mask. Of course, it is also forbidden to color them (including with a light tonic), otherwise the curls will be damaged and you cannot avoid the problems of split ends.
  • On April 12, the moon will be waning. Since the luminary is in the sign of Scorpio, a visit to the hairdresser will turn out positively for you: hair after a haircut will begin to grow faster, you will get rid of split ends, perhaps even a quick and pleasant acquaintance with a member of the opposite sex. Dye your hair with natural dyes, but do not try to discolor.
  • April 13th. The influence of Scorpio remains. With a haircut on this day, you will attract success in studies, in business or in business, and for coloring, choose a color that always affects you positively.
  • On April 14 and 15, the Moon is still waning, but is already in Sagittarius. These are two radically opposite days. If the 14th is suitable for cutting and dyeing in any color, and this will attract financial well-being to your side, increase your authority in the work team, then April 15 is an unfavorable day, so you can’t cut your hair and dye, even comb your hair once again Not recommended.
  • 16 April. The last day the moon is in Sagittarius. It is undesirable to dye, and a haircut will not affect the health of your hair in any way, but it is possible that it will attract troubles and failures into your life.
  • April 17th. Waning Moon in Capricorn. Not a good day for a haircut, and you should refuse coloring for the time being.
  • It is also not recommended to cut your hair on the 18th, otherwise you will face financial problems, difficulties in relationships with others, in school or work. Having decided to dye your hair, do not do anything new - use already proven shades and colors.
  • 19 April. The moon is waning, in the sign of Aquarius. If you are depressed or prone to melancholy, then do not cut your hair or color today - this will only help strengthen the sad and negative thoughts in your head.
  • April 20, on the contrary, is suitable for a haircut. It will be enough even to cut your hair only half a centimeter to feel a surge of vitality. And light colors in hair coloring will help bring the energy of money into your life.
  • April 21. Do not cut or trim your hair on this day. They will, of course, accelerate their growth, but they will become naughty. In order not to bring trouble on your head, give up staining.
  • On April 22, any manipulations with hair, whether it be a haircut or coloring, will not bring you anything good - you will definitely not like the results.
  • The ideal day for a haircut is April 23rd. It is especially recommended to have a haircut today for those who have recently been having problems in life and at work. Even radical decisions are allowed in coloring; in any case, you will be able to attract the attention of others and enhance your attractiveness.
  • A haircut on April 24 will help you influence your financial situation, and dark hair tones will attract good luck.
  • The day not suitable for any hair manipulations is April 25th. Even minor changes run the risk of affecting you very negatively.
  • 26 and 27 April. The moon is in Taurus, new moon. Neither a haircut nor coloring is allowed today, it is also better to postpone any hair procedures - this will affect your general well-being badly.
  • April 28 The moon is growing again, now in the sign of Gemini. Since there is a possibility of deteriorating the quality of the hair and damaging it, it is better to refrain from going to the salon, as well as from dyeing your hair.
  • The last two days of the month of April also cannot be called favorable for a haircut. So, on the 29th, cutting even a very small strand, you will encounter a deterioration in concentration and attention, and hair styling will turn into a real test for you. Deciding to dye your hair on this day, you turn your luck away.
  • As for April 30, 2019, both the haircut and the coloring of curls may not be very successful.

Now you know exactly when you can cut and dye your hair in April of this year, which means you can show off your well-groomed and beautiful curls to your friends.

  • Haircut - in no case should you have a haircut on this day, as this can be dangerous for your health.
  • Hair coloring - hair today is best dyed with natural dyes and should not be bleached.
  • Manicure, pedicure - a bad day. A manicure done today will attract bad luck and evil, prudent people into your life. There is a possibility of making an enemy.
  • Facial care - useful nourishing masks, from a peeling it is better to refuse.
  • Body care - refrain from overeating, especially fatty, meaty and heavy foods. A fasting day, therapeutic fasting is useful, do not forget about vitamins.
  • Haircut - cutting hair today, although it will accelerate hair growth, will make them naughty.
  • Hair coloring - it is also not recommended to color hair on this day, it is better not to touch it at all.
  • Manicure, pedicure - cutting nails today is necessary for those who want to establish relationships with others, to sort things out, themselves and their lives.
  • Facial care - take care of facial cleansing.
  • Body care - it is favorable to visit a bath or sauna.
  • Haircut - if you make a haircut, the hair will grow back for a long time.
  • Hair coloring - today it is best to dye your hair in light shades, this will help to avoid most of the misfortunes.
  • Manicure, pedicure - nail care today serves as a prevention of blood and head diseases.
  • Facial care - anti-aging masks will help you lose a few years.
  • Body care - depilation is not recommended.
  • A haircut is a rather unfavorable period for a haircut, leading to a weakening of the overall immunity of the body, which increases the likelihood of various kinds of diseases.
  • Hair coloring - should be postponed.
  • Manicure, Pedicure - Get a manicure or pedicure today. It will help you establish yourself in society, give you confidence that management will not go unnoticed, career growth is possible, and cash receipts will soon be.
  • Facial care - rejuvenating masks with honey, chamomile extract.
  • Body care is a fasting day with a predominance of a fruit and vegetable menu, a milk and vegetable diet is also useful, you can do therapeutic fasting, cleanse the body.
  • Haircut - when cutting during this period, the hair grows well, strengthens and acquires resistance to external influences, less split ends.
  • Hair coloring - copper or golden hair color will bring you quick profits.
  • Manicure, pedicure - do a manicure or pedicure today for colds and fatigue.
  • Facial care - take care of acne treatment.
  • A haircut - new hairstyle will help you create an image of a strong, independent, enterprising woman.
  • Hair coloring - today only basma and henna can be used.
  • Manicure, pedicure - cutting your nails today, you become vulnerable to enemies.
  • Facial care - take care of the skin around the eyes.
  • Body care - useful various water procedures, swimming pool, sauna, baths with sea ​​salt and herbs, contrast shower.
  • Haircut - today it is better to just trim your hair.
  • Hair coloring - dye only in the salon and only in a proven color.
  • Manicure, pedicure - manicure on this day will bring success in the business you have begun.
  • Facial care - refrain from any procedures.
  • Body care - showing sports or outdoor activities.
  • A haircut is the day when small changes are simply necessary.
  • Hair coloring - on this day you can decide on any experiments.
  • Manicure, pedicure - manicure today will add to your mood.
  • Facial care - today it is generally better not to make up, as this will adversely affect your facial skin.
  • Body care - the treatment of inflammation and cracks in the skin of the legs will be successful.
  • A haircut is an excellent day for a trendy and elegant haircut.
  • Hair coloring - if you dye your hair with natural dyes today, then success awaits you.
  • Manicure, pedicure - these days it is recommended to use bright shades of varnish. Good luck will bring red and orange colors.
  • Body care - starting a cycle of exercises, trying a new diet.
  • Haircut - a haircut today will not only significantly accelerate hair growth, but also improve their condition and quality.
  • Hair coloring - good shades for coloring will be light and red.
  • Manicure, pedicure - a good day for manicure, pedicure, nail extensions. Trim your nails today, it will keep enemies and ill-wishers away from you.
  • Facial care - refrain from procedures.
  • Body care - good result from anti-cellulite massage and body wraps.
  • Haircut - on this day, it is better not to cut your hair or do any hair treatments, even if it is a regular mask that you always do. Because the hair can be damaged and begin to split.
  • Hair coloring - you can’t dye your hair with anything, even tonic.
  • Manicure, pedicure - should be postponed the next day, otherwise you can attract problems into your life.
  • Facial care - do not use cosmetics, let the skin of the face rest.
  • Body care is just relaxation.
  • Haircut - after today's visit to the hairdresser, your hair will not only grow faster, their section will stop, but a pleasant acquaintance with a person of the opposite sex is expected soon. The main thing is to have time to grab luck by the tail.
  • Hair coloring - hair can be dyed, but only with natural dyes. However, in no case should they be discolored.
  • Manicure, pedicure - will attract new fans and admirers into your life.
  • Facial care - today you can do a chin correction.
  • Body care - during sports, you can give a particularly serious load on the legs, hips and buttocks.
  • Haircut - cut your hair today to bring good luck to your side in business, study and business.
  • Hair coloring - on this day, it is allowed to dye your hair only in a color that affects you positively.
  • Manicure, pedicure - manicure today will help you establish yourself in society, increase your authority and help realize your talent.
  • Facial care - today you can do plastic surgery of the face and neck, remove unwanted hair and facial neoplasms.
  • Body care - it is good to epilate hair on any part of the body.
  • Haircut - cut your hair today if you want to attract money, financial well-being into your life and increase your authority in the team.
  • Hair coloring - you can dye your hair in any color.
  • Manicure, pedicure - cut your nails today, you cut your problems.
  • Facial care - the use of hormonal-based creams, as well as new types of cosmetics, is not recommended.
  • Body care - this day is suitable for tattooing, piercing.
  • Haircut - let your hair rest, do not comb it once again.
  • Manicure, pedicure - if you want doubts and worries to go away from your life, it is better to do a manicure or pedicure in the morning (before 10 am), and in the evening there is a risk of damaging your nails and making them brittle.
  • Facial care - use anti-wrinkle creams and masks effectively.
  • Body care - devote some time to meditation and yoga before bed.
  • Haircut - a haircut on such a day will not affect the health of the hair, but it can attract failure and trouble to you.
  • Hair coloring is an unfavorable day.
  • Manicure, pedicure - should be rescheduled.
  • Facial care - you can use scrub, peeling.
  • Body care is a good day for hair removal.
  • A haircut is an unfavorable day.
  • Hair coloring - refrain from radical interventions in your appearance. Hold off with a haircut and hair coloring.
  • Manicure, pedicure - start today a course of therapeutic baths against corns, inflammation of ingrown nails and varicose veins.
  • Facial care - nourishing masks will give a good result.
  • Body Care - Body hair removed today will grow back slowly.
  • Haircut - cut your hair today to problems with money, people and difficulties in work and study.
  • Hair coloring - it is better not to do anything new, use only proven colors.
  • Manicure, pedicure - do not cut your nails today, as any wounds and cuts inflicted on this day heal for a long time.
  • Facial care - today, skin care around the eyes is favorable.
  • Body care - when playing sports, you can increase the load on the heart muscle, since the cardiovascular system is the least vulnerable today.
  • Haircut - today it is better not to cut your hair for those who are depressed or prone to melancholy, as negative thoughts will firmly set in their heads.
  • Hair coloring is not the right time to color your hair.
  • Manicure, pedicure - if you want to enhance your femininity and attractiveness for men, get a manicure and pedicure after sunset tonight.
  • Facial care - use only proven cosmetics, there is a possibility of allergies.
  • Body care - any procedures carried out today will have a good effect on your appearance.
  • Haircut - cut your hair at least 0.5 cm - you will feel a surge of vitality.
  • Hair coloring - light colors can bring the energy of money.
  • Manicure, pedicure - cutting your nails today, you protect yourself from enemies and ill-wishers in the future.
  • Facial care - exfoliating masks, peeling.
  • Body care - visiting a bath or sauna will benefit the body.
  • Haircut - it is better not to cut your hair today and not even trim the ends, otherwise the hair will become naughty, although it will grow faster.
  • Hair coloring - should be postponed, you can incur trouble.
  • Manicure, pedicure - manicure, pedicure or just cutting nails today will calm the nervous system and put your thoughts on the shelves. Also, a manicure will help you in your studies and work.
  • Facial care - neutral day.
  • Body care - the body needs rest, spend the day passively.
  • Haircut - the result will disappoint you.
  • Hair coloring - we do not recommend dyeing your hair on this day.
  • Manicure, pedicure - don't cut your nails today. Any intervention today in the body is a failure.
  • Facial care - care for eyebrows and eyelashes.
  • Body care - a visit to the pool will tone your body.
  • Haircut - the day is ideal for a haircut, if things have not been going well in your life lately, you constantly find yourself in unexpected and not very pleasant situations.
  • Hair coloring - will attract attention, increase your sexuality. A radical change in hair color is allowed.
  • Manicure, pedicure - cut your nails today for depression.
  • Facial care - it is good to make berry and fruit masks.
  • Body care - anti-cellulite procedures.
  • Haircut - will favorably affect your financial situation.
  • Hair coloring - dark tones will attract good luck.
  • Manicure, pedicure - the fungus treatment will be effective.
  • Facial care - cosmetics with herbal extracts of lavender, chamomile, thyme will be especially useful for the skin.
  • Body care - a relaxing massage and aromatherapy using mint, nutmeg, cinnamon aromas are useful.
  • Haircut - even a slight change can negatively affect you.
  • Hair coloring - it is better to refrain from hair coloring.
  • Manicure, pedicure - nail care will contribute to their healing.
  • Facial treatment is an effective acne treatment.
  • Body care - rest, the moon is not conducive to physical activity.
  • Haircut - the moon does not recommend any procedures.
  • Hair coloring - it is better to refuse.
  • Manicure, pedicure - cutting nails today to problems and quarrels with people. This will lower your self-esteem.
  • Facial care - relaxation.
  • Body care - better rest today and plan self-care procedures for other (favorable) days.
  • Haircut - changing the hairstyle on such bad days, although it will not affect the condition of the hair, will not affect the overall well-being in the most favorable way.
  • Hair coloring - refrain today.
  • Manicure, pedicure - manicure quarrels and problems. After a manicure, you will begin to find fault with people, quarrel with relatives and friends.
  • Facial care - anti-aging procedures.
  • Body care - good time to start a diet.
  • Haircut - there is a risk of damaging the hair and deteriorating its quality. Reschedule your visit to the hairdresser for a better day.
  • Hair coloring is not the best idea.
  • Manicure, pedicure - manicure vulnerability. There is a risk of damaging the nails and skin. It is better to postpone the trip to the salon for another day.
  • Facial care - likely allergic reaction, refrain from using cosmetics today.
  • Body care - take care of hair removal today and then they will grow very slowly.
  • Haircut - cutting even a strand of hair today, remember - your attention and concentration will deteriorate, and your hair will be difficult to style.
  • Hair coloring - do not dye your hair today, otherwise luck will turn away from you.
  • Manicure, pedicure - cutting and building up nails is not recommended today.
  • Facial care - only the most necessary procedures.
  • Body care - visit a massage therapist and recharge your batteries for a few days.
  • Haircut - give up today.
  • Hair coloring - may not go very well.
  • Manicure, pedicure - cutting nails today to failures in business, trade, study and any contracts and transactions.
  • Facial care - Facial massage is favorable.
  • Body care is a passive day, the best rest is to spend time with people close to you.

Moon calendar haircuts and beauty for April 2017 was compiled by astrologer Marina Alexandrova especially for the Witch site.

The haircut lunar calendar is similar to a regular calendar, with the difference that it will indicate favorable and unfavorable days for a haircut. If you need to know if there will be cash haircuts in April 2017, on which day you can put a hairdresser, and when it is better to wait, you can look at the calendar.

Despite the daily differences in recommendations, they all have similar features, such as "haircut by day of the week." For example, regardless of the lunar day and the phase of the moon, the stars do not recommend cutting your hair on Sunday. It is believed that on Sunday the connection of a person with his guardian angel is strong, and if you cut off your hair, then it can be broken. Otherwise, it is more correct to listen to the stars and postpone the trip to the hairdresser for the next favorable day.


When to cut hair in April 2017, you can find out from the lunar calendar. It also contains the necessary information regarding:

  • haircuts,
  • hairstyles,
  • curls,
  • staining,
  • Straightening, etc.

Haircut calendar for each day of the month

April 1

The first day of each month symbolizes renewal, a new beginning and new life. For people, a new haircut means a change: a change in image or the beginning of a new stage, a new phase in life. Vital energy high, the day itself is full of emotions and experiences, sometimes in vain.

You can and should cut your hair on this day, but you should refuse coloring. But hair can be straightened, curled or tinted. The influence of the moon on the hairstyle is as follows: light, airy hairstyles are allowed, excluding the use of overly complex decorative elements that visually make the hairstyle heavier.

April 2

7th lunar day, the phase of the moon "Growing moon". On this day, the moon is still in Gemini, which means that experiments can be done on the hair, but they should be minor. You should not change the appearance, but you can add a couple of strokes.

The best time for a haircut is the afternoon, preferably before 6 pm. A haircut on this day symbolizes the development of business flair and intuition, and this will come in handy soon. It is better to choose a hairstyle for this day with curls, they will help enhance sexual energy.

April 3

8th lunar day, phase of the moon "First quarter", the moon is in Cancer. Cancer is extremely negative about changes, the same applies to hair. Whatever manipulations with hair are carried out today, soon it will cause a lot of trouble and inconvenience in various areas of life.

Can you cut your hair today? Highly undesirable. The same applies to hair coloring and toning - there is a risk of provoking conflicts in the professional field. The only thing that can be done is wellness procedures that will help weak and brittle hair become strong and healthy.

April, 4

9th lunar day, the phase of the moon "Growing moon", the moon is in the sign of Cancer. A controversial day that can cause ambiguous emotions and moods. Despite the fact that Cancer, like a day ago, is against haircuts today, the phase of the growing moon, on the contrary, contributes to this.

It would be more correct to think about your plans and goals for life, including appearance. If the realization comes that changes are needed, then go ahead, to the hairdresser. If you are overcome by the slightest doubt on the topic “is it possible to get a haircut today”, it is better to abandon this idea.

You can dye your hair, but only in natural shades. Hairstyles of this day should be high, but at the same time, modest: high tail or everyday bun.

5th of April

10th lunar day, the phase of the moon "Growing moon", the moon is in the sign of Leo. Leo has a voluminous and thick mane, which means that he strongly encourages any changes in appearance, including everything related to hair.

It doesn't matter if it's a haircut, coloring, styling or curling - they will go well today. In addition, the hairstyle horoscope for April 2017 suggests that today there is a chance to get rid of your failures and attract positive energy.

April 6

11th lunar day, phase "Growing moon", Moon in Leo. Favorable day for cutting hair - hair will grow faster, become thicker, stronger, healthier and gain silkiness and shine.

The waxing moon also promotes hair growth and restoration, therefore, haircuts and coloring on this day will be successful. A visit to the hairdresser today will help you gain self-confidence, say goodbye to empty illusions and dot the i's on issues that have been bothering you for a long time.

April 7

12th lunar day, the phase of the moon "Growing moon", the moon is in the sign of Virgo. Virgo favorably refers to various kinds of hair manipulations, including wellness procedures.

As a result of going to the hairdresser on this day, the hair will fall out much less often, gain strength, and the hair structure will soon improve. The hairstyle on this day should be thought out to the smallest detail, so if there is no strength and desire (and time), then it is better to abandon this idea and leave it as it is.

April 8

13th lunar day, the phase of the moon "Growing moon", the moon is in the sign of Virgo. Auspicious day to cut your hair or do styling. The procedures for dyeing, toning, curling and straightening hair will also be successfully completed. Changes in appearance will help attract material well-being, such haircuts are usually called "money haircuts".

April 9

14th lunar day, phase "Growing moon", the moon in the sign of Virgo. If you cut your hair on this day, you can improve your health, develop intuition, and solve financial issues. But it is highly undesirable to do coloring on this day. The hair cutting lunar calendar recommends taking care of personal information and not revealing the cards to unfamiliar people, and to those who are not sure.

April 10th

15th lunar day. Waxing moon phase, the moon is in the sign of Libra today. Scales do not have much effect on cutting hair. If you cut your hair on this day, the hair will grow faster, but at the same time it will become naughty, brittle and weakened.

As for staining, if there is such an opportunity, it is better to postpone the procedure. The reason for this is the fact that the staining result will not live up to expectations. The same applies to image changes, including short haircuts.

11 April

15th lunar day. From 9:09 am, the “Full Moon” phase begins, the moon is in the sign of Libra. Haircut horoscope in April advises to postpone haircuts, and give preference to masks, balms and caring procedures.

Haircuts will provoke a deterioration in the condition in the near future, accompanied by frequent headaches. It is not necessary to carry out staining. On this day, it is recommended to straighten your hair and give up curls and curls.

12th of April

16th lunar day. Waning moon phase. The moon is in the sign of Scorpio. An extremely controversial day, sometimes bringing unwanted and negative emotions. Not a very favorable day for haircuts, since the outcome of this event will not be the results that were expected.

Hair coloring is permissible only if natural shades are chosen that are close to natural color hair. It is better not to do hairstyles today; the only exception is the tail, bun or loose hair.

April 13

17th lunar day. Waning moon phase. The Moon is in Scorpio. Bad day for a haircut. Scorpio is extremely unfavorable to changes in appearance, so haircuts made on this day can negatively affect the condition of the hair - the hair will become dull, weak and brittle.

Doing coloring and curling is not worth it. The hairstyle should be simple, without the use of a large number styling products and jewelry.

14th of April

18th lunar day, the phase of the "waning moon". The moon is in the zodiac sign Scorpio. It is undesirable to cut off your hair on this day, the only exception is to trim the ends or make thinning.

Coloring can only be done if these are warm shades, including light brown, caramel or dark chestnut tones. As for the hairstyle, the astrological forecast for today advises to focus on the bangs - this will help attract the energy of the cosmos and the surrounding nature.

April 15

19th lunar day. Waning moon phase. Moon in Sagittarius. Sagittarius is unfavorable to haircuts, like Scorpio. Despite the fact that after a haircut, the hair will grow back quickly, at the same time, it will become naughty and brittle.

Styling and complex hairstyles today will be short-lived, and perm hair will not last long. Hair coloring must be abandoned, otherwise there is a risk of being drawn into unpleasant conflicts.

April 16

20th lunar day. Waning moon phase. Moon in Sagittarius. An unfavorable day for a haircut and for coloring. Cutting hair on this day will accelerate growth, but the hair will be weak and naughty.

Hair coloring is unlikely to bring satisfaction - most likely, the color will be dull and quickly washed off. Even hair coloring will spoil the mood, and make you annoyed over trifles. Of the hairstyles today, it is best to choose loose hair.

April 17

21st lunar day, phase "Waning moon". Moon in the sign of Capricorn. Capricorn has a positive effect on changes in appearance, he is supportive of haircuts. Auspicious days for cutting hair are due to the influence of this representative of the earth element.


After going to the hairdresser, the hair will become healthy, beautiful and shiny, hair loss will be reduced. As for coloring, it will also go well. You can also tone, curl and straighten your hair. If there is a need for a hairstyle, then it is better to choose calm hairstyles and abandon pretentiousness and accessories.

April 18th

22nd lunar day. Waning moon phase. The moon is in the sign of Capricorn. If you choose a day for a haircut, then April 18 is ideal for this. A haircut today will make your hair beautiful, breathe health into them.

The new image will help increase the importance among the immediate environment and at work. To achieve an increase in well-being and improve your financial situation, you need to dye your hair in a natural color.

April 19

23rd lunar day, phase "Third quarter". The Moon is in Capricorn. The haircut lunar calendar for April 2017 recommends dedicating this day to your appearance, while not forgetting to visit the hairdresser.

A haircut today will help increase sexual energy and gain self-confidence. You can even dye your hair in new colors. You can curl your hair and do styling. Easy hairstyle with careless curls will help sharpen your inner flair and intuition.

20 April

24th lunar day. Waning moon phase. The moon is in the sign of Aquarius. Aquarius has a positive effect on visiting hairdressers. On this day, you can change your appearance, including doing extravagant hairstyles.

Experiments with color will also be successful - you can even paint in unusual, bright colors. A haircut on the moon on this day will give a truly huge amount of energy, which is best directed to creative goals. It is better to refuse complex, intricate hairstyles.

April 21

25th lunar day. Waning moon phase. The Moon is in Aquarius. On this day, it is better to refuse to visit hairdressers and beauty salons. The only exceptions are wellness procedures that help restore the beauty and health of hair.

But a haircut today will cause frustration and worries, many of which will turn out to be groundless, but the mood, nevertheless, will be spoiled. Coloring and toning will draw you into unwanted disassembly and conflict situations.

April 22

26th lunar day. Waning moon phase. The moon is in the sign of Pisces. What is the moon for a haircut? It is undesirable to have a haircut and dyeing procedures on this day, as this will affect the scalp and the root zone of the hair.

But hairstyles today can be done, and even necessary. The chosen hairstyle should reflect the individuality and distinctive character traits in the best possible way.

April 23

27th lunar day. Waning moon phase. The moon is in Pisces. Today, it would be more correct to refrain from haircuts and styling, as they will provoke discord in the family and, as a result, worsen relations with loved ones.

A haircut will also negatively affect the general condition of the hair, making the hair brittle and dull, and the ends split. Hair coloring is acceptable, but with the caveat that this is a cardinal change in color. Hairstyles should be special and favorably emphasize individuality.

April 24

28th lunar day. Waning moon phase. The Moon is in Aries. Haircuts according to the lunar calendar indicate that it is better to abandon this idea today. The fact is that a haircut today can have an extremely negative effect on the condition of the hair, including the condition of the scalp.

But on this day, coloring and toning of hair will be successful. It is recommended to pay attention to head massage and restorative procedures.

25th of April

29th lunar day. Waning moon phase. The moon is in the sign of Aries. A neutral day for a haircut, in which it is better to postpone a visit to the hairdresser. Hair coloring is undesirable, but tinting, curling and straightening hair are allowed. As for the hairstyle, let it be light and playful and set in a romantic mood.

26 April

30th lunar day, the last day of the lunar cycle. Moon phase New moon. The Moon is in Taurus. Taurus has a positive effect on everything related to hair, and a haircut is no exception. If a trip to the hairdresser has been planned for a long time, but was constantly postponed, today is the best day to carry out your plans.

Yes, tomorrow too. You can experiment with hair - they, without exception, will be successful. Hair coloring is allowed. The hairstyle on this day can be unusual, even extravagant - so it will help complete the lunar cycle and start everything from scratch (if necessary, of course).

April 27

From 12:00 the 2nd lunar day begins. Waxing moon phase. Moon in Taurus. As the moon haircut schedule says, today fits all the criteria for hair manipulation.

Such auspicious days are extremely rare and you definitely need to take advantage of this. Today you can cut your hair, curl and straighten it, color and tone, and carry out restorative procedures.

Experiments with length, color and hairstyles will be successful - all this will not only help increase self-confidence and self-confidence, but will also attract the energy of the cosmos, which gives good luck and prosperity.

April 28

3rd lunar day. Waxing moon phase. Moon in Gemini. When is the best time to cut your hair? And why not today. April 28 is an auspicious day for cutting hair, as there is a chance to increase capital and improve financial well-being.

Hair coloring will strengthen the position in the professional field and achieve recognition from the management.

The hairstyle chosen for this day should be light and airy, you can use hair fixing products, but in moderation. Hair coloring will also pass safely - this procedure will help to attract positive energy into life and relieve stress and worries.

April 29

4th lunar day. Waxing moon phase. Moon in Gemini. An ambiguous day that can turn out to be both rich in positive emotions and extremely negative. If you are interested in the answer to the question “When can I cut my hair?”, Then today it will be negative.

If possible, coloring, haircuts and other hair manipulations, including curling and styling, should be abandoned today. There is a risk of financial loss in the near future.

If hair cutting is necessary, you should choose only proven masters and avoid contact with strangers, as they will attract negative energy.

It’s also better not to experiment with hairstyles today, you need to leave your hair loose or collect it in a simple high ponytail; try not to use in hairstyles decorative elements, hairpins, etc.

April 30

5th lunar day. Waxing moon phase. The moon is in the sign of Cancer. The moon today for cutting hair recommends refusing to go to the hairdresser. Despite the fact that the phase of the Growing moon favors changes in appearance, Cancer is categorically opposed to this.

Any procedures for cutting hair, dyeing and waving, instead of the proper effect, will bring disappointment. The reason for this will not be the result that was expected, even if it is a well-known and proven master.

As for hairstyles, hairstyles today should be calm, discreet, with a minimum of auxiliary equipment and jewelry. Let it be a tail, a bump, a bun or well-combed, loose hair.

4 simple rules that will help maintain the beauty and health of hair.

It is not enough to use only the lunar calendar, it is also important to follow a few simple recommendations:

  1. The right choice of a hairdresser is the key to a successful haircut. It is necessary to pay attention to such character traits as friendliness, goodwill, positive energy.
  2. Do not cut your own hair.
  3. In the lunar calendar, you need to focus not only on the lunar day, but also on the phase of the moon, and the influence of the zodiac sign.
  4. Coming to the hairdresser, you need to be mentally prepared for changes, as changes in appearance cause changes in life.

When referring to the lunar calendar, it is important to remember that all people are different and are taken into account when making a forecast. General characteristics. To get the most accurate forecast, it is important to take into account your own character traits, be in a positive mood and be open to new things!

The calendar is calculated according to Moscow time. For other cities it is necessary to make an appropriate amendment.

A haircut can attract depression.

Auspicious day for cutting and coloring hair. You will find warmth. A radical change in the shade of your hair will bring you health and profit.

Auspicious day for haircut. People around you will like you. You don't have to color your hair.

An unfavorable day for cutting and coloring hair, you can lose positive energy, face financial problems.

Give up haircuts and chemical hair coloring, you can bring trouble, quarrels. On this day, it is better to dye your hair with natural dyes, this will attract profit to you.

An unfavorable day for cutting and coloring hair, you can lose positive energy, face financial problems. Fix financial problems hair coloring tint balm or foam.

An unfavorable day for cutting and bleaching hair. Haircut will lead to waste. Coloring with natural dyes will help in career growth.

An unfavorable day for cutting and coloring hair. You can be influenced by bad thoughts

Auspicious day for cutting and coloring hair. Haircut promotes acquisitions and wealth. Good day for lightening hair.

A haircut on this day helps to improve the body, get rid of negativity. It is better to refuse coloring, you can bring conflicts in the team.

An extremely unfavorable day for cutting and coloring hair. There may be health problems at work.

A very auspicious day for cutting and coloring hair. Gain health and longevity.

An unfavorable day for cutting, coloring and other hair manipulations. You can attract illness.

Unfavorable day for cutting hair. Health may deteriorate. It will be useful to dye your hair with henna, this will increase your credibility at work and strengthen your immune system.

Auspicious day for cutting and coloring hair. A haircut will enhance the sharpness of the mind and intuition. Coloring in gold or copper color can bring you profit.

Unfavorable day for cutting and coloring hair. Misfortune is attracted. Only dyeing with natural dyes is allowed, this will increase your status.

Auspicious day for haircut. A haircut will attract happiness, improve appearance. But it is better to refuse staining.

Auspicious day for cutting and coloring hair. Your financial condition will improve. Coloring with soft dyes is recommended.

Unfavorable day for cutting and coloring hair. Health problems may arise. This day is successful only for those who dye their hair in dark shades with natural dyes.

April 20, Sat. (16 lunar day, ris.20:57 - ch.6:10), moon in Scorpio

Unfavorable day for cutting hair. Get mental discomfort. Dye your hair only in dark colors.

April 21, Sun. (17 lunar day, ris.22:19 - ch.6:32), moon in Scorpio

Unfavorable day for cutting hair. There may be obstacles in business. Hair coloring in light or red shades will be successful.

April 22, Mon. (18 lunar day, sun.23:35 - zach.6:58), moon in Sagittarius

It is better to refuse a haircut. There will be trouble. Dye your hair in the color that brings you luck and confidence.

April 24, Wed. (19 lunar day, ris.0:43 - ch.8:11), moon in Capricorn

Auspicious day for cutting and coloring hair. Haircut will prolong life. Coloring with natural dyes will enhance business success.

April 25, Thu. (20 lunar day, ris.1:39 - zach.9:01), moon in Capricorn

Not exactly a good day for cutting and coloring hair. You may not like the result.

April 26, Fri. (21 lunar days, sunrise 2:24 - sunset 10:00), moon in Capricorn

Auspicious day for cutting and coloring hair. A haircut will give beauty and well-being. Good shades for coloring will be light and red.

Neutral day for cutting and coloring hair. Haircut promotes acquisitions. However, there is a chance of gaining excess weight. For coloring, choose natural shades.

It is better to refuse haircuts and coloring.

A very bad day for cutting and coloring. Health problems may arise. For coloring, you can choose natural dark shades, this will attract success at work.

A very bad day for a haircut. Health problems may arise. Coloring can provoke conflicts.

The female body lives in an individual rhythm, which is sensitive to the influence of the moon. The female cycle is based on hormonal fluctuations, due to which cyclical changes occur in blood supply, thermoregulation and metabolism. All this affects the condition of the skin and hair. And it cannot but affect the results of the cosmetic procedures such as hair coloring procedures.

Important: both hairdressers and gynecologists strongly recommend not to dye your hair during menstruation.

And now let's try to deal with the lunar rhythms.

Please note that the days of the lunar calendar and the generally accepted Gregorian calendar do not coincide: for example, January 1, 2019 corresponds to the 25th lunar day.

Lunar day
1 The use of synthetic (chemical) dyes is prohibited. If the procedure needs to be carried out on this particular day, give preference to natural paints. This is the most suitable period to try henna or basma.
3 Hair bleaching is banned! All other color change procedures are acceptable, but it is better to use natural ingredients.
4 Bad day for a radical change in the color of curls. Dyeing your hair a color close to your natural shade will bring good luck and prosperity.
5 Lightening of curls is allowed.
7 A good time to change the image. This guarantees you a surge of sexual energy.
8 Extremely unlucky day for hair coloring. Your reputation may be at stake.
9 Lightening of curls is allowed. And even owners of dark curls are recommended to lighten their hair by 1-2 tones.
10 On this day, it is recommended to dye curls with natural dyes.
11 On this day, give preference to colors in shades of pure gold. This will attract good luck and improve rapport with the people around you.
12 On this day, it is good to use tinted foams, mousses, shampoos. Hair coloring with natural dyes will attract financial well-being.
13 It is not recommended to dye your hair (even with natural dyes).
14 On this day, it is good to use tinted foams, mousses, shampoos. Hair coloring with natural dyes will attract financial well-being. A sudden change in color can attract a lot of trouble.
16 A good day for those who dream of making their hair a few shades darker.
17 On this day, the favorites are shades of red tones. It is allowed to carry out the procedure of lightening hair.
19 If coloring your hair cheers you up, do it. With one caveat: use either natural dyes, or paint with a color as close as possible to your native hair color.
20 It is not recommended to dye your hair (even with natural dyes).
21 On this day, procedures for lightening hair will be successful. It is also recommended to dye your hair in all shades of red.
23 Good day for coloring. Use any paint, natural or synthetic, and any tone (from natural to the most unusual). An important condition: the staining procedure should be carried out independently, without involving strangers.
24 A good day for those who dream of making their hair a few shades darker.
25 It is not recommended to dye your hair (even with natural dyes).
26 The trend is naturalness. It will be successful to dye your hair in natural tones.
27 Day of lovers of radical change. On this day, experiments with color are in the first place.
28 It is not recommended to dye your hair (even with natural dyes).
29 It is not recommended to dye your hair (even with natural dyes).

Important: Hair coloring is better to do on the growing moon, considering, in addition to favorable lunar days, its location in the zodiac constellations.

  • It is not recommended to dye your hair on the dates of full moons, new moons and lunar and solar eclipses.

How do the Moon zodiac signs affect hair coloring?

Of great importance for the quality of hair coloring is the passage of the moon under different signs zodiac.

  • Not suitable for hair coloring watermarks Cancer, Pisces, Scorpio(chemical exposure can harm hair and scalp) and sign Scales(not suitable for color change) and Sagittarius(It will fade quickly and the color will come off).

The best signs for dyeing, bleaching and toning hair will be signs Capricorn, Taurus, Virgo(especially for painting over gray hair), the dates under the sign will also be successful lion, Aries, Gemini.
For dyeing in very bright hair colors and experimental dyeing, a sign is suitable Aquarius.

Lunar hair coloring calendar for January 2019: auspicious days

  • : 7, 9, 15, 16, 17
  • : 8, 12, 14, 18
  • : 5, 22, 23, 24
  • Days when it's better not to risk: 1, 2, 3, 4, 6, 10, 11, 13, 19, 20, 21, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30, 31

Dates of the passage of the Moon signs of the zodiac in January 2019.

Hair coloring lunar calendar for February 2019: auspicious days

  • Satisfied with excellent results hair coloring on the following calendar dates: 11, 12, 14, 18
  • Good result coloring in February: 9, 10, 13, 15
  • Neutral stain result: 1, 2, 3, 4, 20, 21, 28
  • Dates when it is better not to risk: 5, 6, 7, 8, 16, 17, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27

Dates of the passage of the Moon signs of the zodiac in February 2019.

Lunar hair coloring calendar for March 2019: auspicious days

  • For the most successful hair coloring mark the following calendar dates: 10, 11, 12, 17, 18, 19, 20.
  • Good hair color result: 8, 9, 13, 14
  • Neutral: 2, 3, 4, 28, 30
  • These days it's better not to risk it: 1, 5, 6, 7, 15, 16, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 29, 31.

Dates for the passage of the Moon signs of the zodiac in March 2019.

Hair coloring lunar calendar for April 2019: auspicious days

If you are planning to freshen up your hair color in April,

  • Schedule your procedure better days on: 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 13, 15, 16, 17. Hair manipulation will have a very positive effect on the beauty and general condition of your hair.
  • Good color result: 14
  • Neutral: 1, 4, 24, 25, 26, 27.
  • These days it's better not to risk it:2, 3, 5, 11, 12, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 28, 29, 30.

Dates of the passage of the Moon signs of the zodiac in April 2019.

Hair coloring lunar calendar for May 2019: auspicious days

  • May dates for great results stainings are as follows: 6, 11, 13, 14.
  • Good result: 7, 12.
  • Neutral: 2, 4, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 31.
  • These days it's better not to risk it: 1, 3, 5, 8, 9, 10, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30.

Dates of the passage of the Moon signs of the zodiac in May 2019.

Hair coloring lunar calendar for June 2019: auspicious days

  • To make hair manipulation as successful as possible, enter the following dates in the calendar: 4, 7, 8, 9, 10.
  • Good color result: No.
  • Neutral result for procedures held these days: 1, 2, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 25, 27, 29, 30.
  • These days it's better not to risk it: 3, 5, 6, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 23, 24, 26, 28.

Dates of the passage of the Moon signs of the zodiac in June 2019.

Hair coloring lunar calendar for July 2019: auspicious days

  • In July, mark the best days on the hair coloring calendar: 4, 6, 15. It is these dates that will be the most favorable for dyeing hair and attracting good luck.
  • Good result: 5, 7.
  • Neutral: 1, 18, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 29.
  • These days it's better not to risk it: 2, 3, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 16, 17, 19, 20, 21, 22, 28, 30, 31.

Dates of the passage of the Moon signs of the zodiac in July 2019.

Lunar hair coloring calendar for august 2019: auspicious days

  • In August, the most favorable dates for hair coloring: 2, 3, 12, 13, 14, 31.
  • Good color result: 4, 11.
  • Neutral: 19, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 28, 29.
  • These days it's better not to risk it:1, 7, 8, 9, 10, 15, 16, 17, 18, 20, 26, 27, 30.

Dates of the passage of the Moon signs of the zodiac in August 2019.

Hair coloring lunar calendar for September 2019: auspicious days

Lunar calendar for september 2019.

  • The most successful staining result on such September days: 9, 10, 11, 12.
  • Good color result: 8.
  • Neutral: 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 25, 26.
  • These days it's better not to risk it: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 13, 14, 15, 16, 22, 23, 24, 27, 28, 29, 30.

Dates of the passage of the Moon signs of the zodiac in September 2019.

Lunar hair coloring calendar for October 2019: auspicious days

Lunar calendar for October 2019.

  • Excellent color result awaits you after the procedure on such days: 5, 7, 9.
  • Good color result: 6, 8, 12.
  • Neutral: 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 22, 23, 24, 25.
  • These days it's better not to risk it: 1, 2, 3, 4, 10, 11, 13, 14, 20, 21, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30, 31.

October 2019 Moon Passage Dates.

Hair coloring lunar calendar for November 2019: auspicious days

Lunar calendar for November 2019.

  • November is going to be great staining: 1, 2, 3, 5, 11 30.
  • Good hair color change: 4, 9, 29.
  • Neutral: 13, 14, 18, 19, 20, 21.
  • These days it's better not to risk it: 6, 7, 8, 10, 12, 15, 16, 17, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28.

November 2019 dates for the passage of the zodiac signs by the Moon.

Lunar hair coloring calendar for December 2019: auspicious days

Lunar calendar for december 2019.

  • December mark on your calendar: 2, 7, 9, 10, 27, 30. It is these dates that will be the most favorable for dyeing hair and attracting good luck.
  • Good result: 1, 8, 11, 28, 29.
  • Neutral: 16, 17, 18, 19.
  • These days it's better not to risk it: 3, 4, 5, 6, 12, 13, 14, 15, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 31.

Dates of the passage of the Moon signs of the zodiac in December 2019.

Video: What are the best days to cut and dye your hair?