New New Year's scenarios for elementary school. New Year's scenarios for younger students. Game "Ice Gate"

Natalia Plakhteeva
New Year's holiday script for younger students

New Year serpentine

(New Year's party script)

(Snowflakes come out)

1st: Oh, how many kids:

Both girls and boys!


2nd: We are funny snowflakes,

We fly, we fly, we fly.

All paths and paths

We will powder.

1st: Crashed to the ground suddenly

White swirl of white flies.

Snow drifts like a snowdrift, -

Blizzard is coming to us.

(Blizzard enters)


I was in a hurry to you guys

Because of the mountains, because of the seas.

I have not forgotten your request:

Come back again soon.

With a blizzard, wind and frost

Winter holiday is coming to us.

And, of course, Santa Claus to us

He will bring gifts to everyone!

Tell me guys

What the holiday awaits all of us?

Answer amicably, loudly,

We are meeting…

All: New Year!


My snowball, I know you are waiting

You sing songs about him.

Hey, snowflakes, fly!

Schedule a lot of snow!

Snowflake dance

(The Snow Maiden enters with the snowflakes)

Snow Maiden:

Winter threats are not afraid

I'm not afraid of a blizzard

Granddaughter of Santa Claus -

I am called the Snow Maiden.

Our tree was dressed up,

Like a beautiful maiden.

In multi-colored toys.

What miracles!

I'll ask you guys.

And you give me an answer.

But think first,

"Yes" answer or "not".

Do colored icicles grow on the tree,

And the balls, painted stars?

Maybe orange oranges?

Snowflakes and pink pigs?

Down pillows?

And honey cakes?

Are the galoshes shiny?

Are the candies real?


Well you guys said!

All riddles have been guessed!

Snow Maiden:

Herringbone, herringbone,

So smart!

Green needles

Snowflakes sparkle!

Let's sing a song about our beautiful Christmas tree!

Snowstorm: Where is your Santa Claus?

Snow Maiden:

I'm upset to tears.

Here's the trouble - I was in a hurry here,

Well, I forgot my grandfather

I guys wake up.

What should I do, how should I be?

There in the north of mine

Santa Claus built a house.

In it now he is fast asleep,

He is in no hurry to visit us at the tree.


What to do? How should we be?

We must wake up grandfather.

Soon light the tree

Yes, give gifts.

It's time to hit the road

We are not saying goodbye yet.

(Snow Maiden and Blizzard leave)

(The brownie Kuzya comes running into the clearing with D.M.'s magic staff)

Kuzya: Oh, her, her! Oh, trouble, trouble, chagrin. Where did I fall? Rather hit? (For children) Who are you? And I'm Kuzma! We are from brownies! I am the owner of the house, so to speak. I ran past D.M.'s house, I saw the door open wide.

I see Santa Claus is lying.

Stretched out. Sleep soundly.

Here is Santa Claus,

Even the nose was flushed.

Threw down the staff and snores

So that the whole forest is trembling!

Who want, come

Take the magic staff! (listens)

Wait! Someone is coming

A terrible conversation leads.

I'd better hide behind a fir tree,

Yes, I'll see what kind of beast ...

(The brownie hides behind the tree, Baba Yaga and the Goblin enter)

B. Yaga:

How tired of you, Leshy!

You ate all my baldness.

What do you need a comb for?

It's like doing your hair!

Hair in three rows

And those are not always combed.


New Year is coming soon

The people will dress up.

Here, you see, I'll dress up,

I'll be your suitors.

Baba Yaga:

Oh! I'm going to die of laughter now!

Ravens, look, that's fun!

I found the fiance.

Have you washed your face in the morning?

I am beautiful, young

I - Yagusya, even where!

In the morning I went to the bathhouse,

Curlers are wound here.


Stop laughing at me!

Well, stop making fun!

And you can grab it in the forehead with a stick,

There will be a lesson for you!

(Grabs a magic staff, swings at B. Yaga)

Baba Yaga:

Why did you swing? Look better at what you grabbed by the stick. Well this is the magic staff of Santa Claus.


Well, the staff. So what? What difference does it make to me how to hit you?

Baba Yaga:

What are you, your foolish head! Yes, we can do such things with this staff! And them!


Wow! Your truth, Yagusya. Now I'm going to conjure something up for myself. You can't get gifts from Grandfather. I'm going to do something nasty to him now. (waves his staff)

Leshy: Shurshara-mushara-brys!

(The soundtrack of the song “And I’m a little byaka” sounds. Dirty enters.)

Baba Yaga: Well, I'm home, Copperfield is unhappy. Been fooling!


Wait, you swear, Yaga. Let's find out what a miracle Yudo came to us.

Hey you, Wonder Yudo! Who are you? Why did you come to the forest?


Hello! Have arrived. He conjured it up himself, and now he is asking. I am disgusting, in person.

Baba Yaga (laughs):

Here's a present for you New year! The bride is a match for you, as unwashed and unkempt as you are.


But, be careful, Yaga, bone leg!

Baba Yaga:


Baba Yaga:

It’s something wrong with your eyes. Well, what kind of bone leg do I have? I’m just a clever beauty, Yaguska-young.

(Sings the song of Baba Yaga from the movie “ New Year adventures of Masha and Viti ”:)

I like birds and fish

Cheerful trill of the brook.

And I can't live without a smile

Watch the moth fly. A-a-a-a ...

Baba Yaga coughed, takes an egg out of her pocket, drinks.


Yes, you, Yaguska-young, it's high time to retire, to warm your bones on the stove. (laughs)

Baba Yaga:

Oh, you muck! Yes, I am the most enviable bride in our forest.

Leshy: Girls, do not quarrel. Look, what a beauty! With a magic staff we will arrange for ourselves holidaywhat you need. A real Zlydnin New Year!


What is this Zlydnin New Year? I have not heard of this.

Baba Yaga:

Eh, young green. This means that we will collect all the evil spirits, yes celebrate New Year with close friends. On this occasion, and dressing up is not a sin!


The people will have fun

There will be a Sinister New Year!

(They leave. Kuzya appears from behind the tree.)


Oh trouble, trouble, chagrin! I missed the people's good. The forest evil has grabbed the magic staff!

Left the magic staff unattended. A-y-yay! Well, well, I wanted to help, but he himself did trouble.

(Snow Maiden and Blizzard enter)

Snow Maiden:

Here on our tree

Festive outfit

And shine with joy

The guys have eyes.

(saw Kuzyu)

And you, Kuzya, why are you sad, what happened?


Oh, trouble, trouble, chagrin. Pity the homeless orphan. From an early age I lived according to people. I didn’t eat enough, slept without waking up… that is… I didn’t get enough sleep!

Snowstorm: But what happened after all?


It’s my fault, I didn’t keep track, I wanted to hide DM’s staff, and I missed it.


Do not worry, Kuzya, we will help your trouble, but for now the holiday continues.

Snow Maiden:

We are on holiday new year

They gathered here at the tree,

So with a perky smile

Sing, play and have fun!


Let the face bloom with a smile

The songs sound cheerful.

Who knows how to have fun

He knows how not to get bored!


Grandpa seems to be calling you ...

Snow Maiden:

I'm going, I'm going, grandfather!

(Blizzard and Snow Maiden leave, Kuzya, hesitating, is also going to run away, but stumbles upon B. Yaga)

B. Yaga:

Hello Kuzenka, son!

Kuzya: (angrily):

What am I to you, grandmother, son? You didn't see me, I didn't see you. We are not supposed to show ourselves.

B. Yaga:

Don't be angry, Kuzenka! I can't be in the hut without a brownie. Let's go, Kuz, eh? I'll bake some pies!


And what are the pies with?

B. Yaga:

With cabbage, cottage cheese, apples.


I don’t eat cabbage, I’m not a goat. But with sweet apples you can, vnuksnenko - that.

B. Yaga:

That's okay, that's nice! (sneaks up. Tries to catch Kuzyu)


Brownies are not for sale, but, but (runs away screaming)

(B. Yaga whistles angrily. Dirty and Leshy run in, sit down on stumps)

B. Yaga:

Well, what will we do, who will be let's call a holiday?


Someone evil and nasty

Will suit us wonderful holiday?

Filth: Give me a staff. My turn has come to conjure.

May my old friend come

Will scare everyone.

You appear - kA, Barmaley,

My dear villain!

(Barmaley and two robbers run in. They saw evil spirits.)

1st robber:


We will not survive this!

Well, faces ...


Listen to the order: catch up evil spirits, take away the staff!


And then our dream will come true!

All: Hooray! Hooray!


The most cherished!

All: (enthusiastically)



The most insidious!

All: Insidious!


The worst!

All: Terrible ...


We will intimidate everyone!

All: Everyone!

1st time-to:


Children first.

Oh, how great you are!

Oh, what you are the wisest!

Oh, how awful you are!


So where are they?

All (by inertia): Where are they?

Barmaley (Not understanding):

Who are they? I ask, where are these Mischief, Leshy and Baba Yaga?

(At this time Filth and Goblin are hiding in a snowdrift - a sheet under a Christmas tree, and B. Yagan is covered with a skirt or canopy with an inscription "Stump")


Eh, helpers! They ran away ... (sits on B. Yaga (stump) (to viewers) Guys, tell me, in which direction did the evil spirits run away? And I'll treat you to candy for that! (rummages in his pockets)



And I will treat you! (Swings the baton, breaks fall to their knees)

Breakdowns: We won't be anymore!


That's it! (to viewers) Come on, guys, if you guess the riddles, tell me where the evil spirits are, well, no, we'll leave.

Did you agree?

1st riddle: Ponytail with patterns,

Boots with spurs.

Sings at night -

Time is counting.

1st district: Alarm clock with a tail!

Guys: Rooster.

Barmaley: Two abdomen,

Four ears.

2nd district: Two little pigs.

Guys: Pillow.

Barmaley: Small, remote

I went through the ground

Found a red cap.

1st district: Miner!

Guys: Mushroom.


Well, which of the robbers will come up with a riddle so that no one can guess?

2nd district: Cannon, candy, sausage, rocket.

The riddle is ready. Not a bull, not a cow!


No one knows! We give up, what is it?

2nd district:

How do I know! You said so that no one guessed!


Eh, we lost in disgrace, well, at least we will dance goodbye ...

(Dance to a medley of different songs.)

(Leave with a whistle)

After waiting for the robbers to leave, Leshy and Dirty go out, and B. Yaga barely rises, holding on to his lower back.

B. Yaga: Goblin, dear friend,

Crush me with your foot!

Threatens dirty tricks with his fist: Look at her,

There is no one to call,

And there to conjure!


Don't quarrel, girls!


Why is there no name? I'm dirty!

B. Yaga:

It can be seen. Give me a staff and a scatter squat! Here, pensioners, learn how to conjure! Shushara, mushara, scatter!

(Space music sounds, alien Gosha appears)


What is this miracle?


I am not a miracle, I am a space pirate - Gosha the alien!

I'm on this clunker

Came to your planet.

I am not afraid either,

But be a little surprised:

What a white grain

Is it getting very cold?

Your summer is incomprehensible -

There is no leaf on the trees,

Only needles have grown

Here on this broom. (nods to the tree)

B. Yaga (offended):

This is not a whisk. And the tree.

Gosh: Fir tree?

Filth: This is not a white grain, but snow.

Gosh: Wow?

Leshy: And this is not summer at all, but winter.

Gosh: Zi-ma? Winter is cold, cold! (shivers)

B. Yaga: Not! Winter is good!


And it is always hot on our planet, we have no money, no money!

Filth: Do you really not have a year for N.?

Gosh: What is New Year?


Celebrationwhen they cook delicious food, they give gifts ...

Gosh: Ah ... My mom and dad also gave me gifts.

Filth: Who are your dad and mom?


My dad and mom

Also aliens.

I played a little,

Lost, lost!

Oh, it's cold (shivers)


So we will warm you now!

A game "And it's frosty outside"

And it's frosty outside

Well, everyone took up their nose!

We don't need to beat our thumbs

Well, everyone has taken up their ears!

Circled, turned,

So they warmed their ears!

They knocked on my knees.

They shook their head

Patted on the shoulders

And they stomped a little!

Leshy: Here and warmed up!


Warmed up ...

How much joy in winter

If you don't sit alone!

Your wonderful planet

Everything is full of love and light!

I will fly to my planet and tell you about your winter ...

(flies away)

B. Yaga:

Who is the most vicious and nasty

Will suit us wonderful holiday?

(Grabs the staff)


Spread your ears wider

Get ready to listen to the song!

B. Yaga:

To me, Alla Pugacheva, well, scatter off the seat! (swings the staff)

Leshy: Girls, do not quarrel!

Filth and B. Yaga are trying to fight.

(Blizzard comes by the hand with Kuzya)

Kuzya: Here they are, darlings! Someone else's good will not be divided.

All got caught, gentlemen.

Santa Claus is coming here.

He got angry with you.

Will turn into a piece of ice now!

B. Yaga:

Well go otsedova, shaggy, until I made a grilled chicken out of you!

Kuzya: Nightmare! With whom you have to deal!


Guys, I think. It's time to call D. Moroz, Let him come sooner and put things in order here!

I need to call my grandfather

Celebrate the new year with us!

Let's call together

Three four…

Children: Santa Claus!

D. Frost: Wow! I'm going, guys!

(Scum swept around the tree)

Leshy: Why are we so excited, girls? Have you forgotten that we have a magic staff? What are we afraid, we want, we ourselves will turn into a piece of ice!

B. Yaga: Exactly!

(They laugh at D. Moroz. D. M. and Snegurochka enter)

D. Frost:

Hello kids! Both girls and boys!

Happy New Year, Happy New Year

Congratulations to all the guests!

I was with you a year ago,

I'm glad to see everyone again.

Have grown up, have become big,

Did you recognize me?

Children answer. D. Frost turns around, sees evil spirits

Santa Claus:

Well done, made D. Moroz happy.

Trouble came with me, guys. The brownie told me that the forest evil stole my magic staff. Have you seen them by any chance?

Children answer. Santa Claus turns around, sees the forest evil.

Santa Claus: Oh, there you are! So we decided with the guys spoil the holiday? Will not work. Well, stop messing around. Give me your magic staff!

Baba Yaga: Why should we give it away? I used it, give it to others. You are not the only one to work miracles.

Santa Claus:

Yes, you have done miracles here, as I can see ... Scum from all the fairy tales collected! Give the staff in an amicable way!


I wouldn't make that noise if I were you, grandpa. And then, after all, we can get angry. With us it is necessary in an amicable way. Now, if you play with us, and you win with us ... (winks at Nasty and Baba Yaga) Let's see then.


Rules of the game: a chair is placed near the tree; two are competing, on command they run around the tree "counter-clockwise" (one runs around the tree clockwise, the second - counterclockwise, the one who runs around the tree faster and sits on a chair is the winner.

Played twice:

Baba Yaga and Santa Claus are running around the tree. Baba Yaga is cunning - she runs along with the chair.

Dirty and Santa Claus are competing. The dirty trick comes back half way and takes a chair.

Santa Claus: It's not interesting to play with you. You are cheating.

Snow Maiden, help out!

Snow Maiden: Let’s do it, I’ll ask you three riddles. If you guess them, the staff is yours, and if not, then you give the staff to your grandfather. Did you agree?

Baba Yaga: Agreed. Only after all for us to guess riddles is a piece of cake.

Leshy: Look, do not stay forever without a staff!

Filth: Make your own riddles. We will snap them now, like nuts!

Snow Maiden: The first riddle. One hundred clothes and all without fasteners.

Baba Yaga:

Well, I thought! Who doesn't know this? It's over there Filth: She put on a bunch of rags on herself, but none of them have buttons, because she is a slob and dirty.

Snow Maiden: And that's wrong. This is cabbage.

The second riddle.

Ate-ate oak, oak.

Broke a tooth, a tooth.


Well, it's simple. This is Baba Yaga. Yesterday she missed the good fellow, so she began to gnaw an oak out of hunger. Toothless now walks.

Baba Yaga gives Leshem a slap on the head. The dirty trick laughs at Baba Yaga.

Santa Claus: And you have not guessed this riddle. It's a saw.

Filth: Let's go to the third riddle.

Snow Maiden: Grandfather is sitting, dressed in a fur coat. Whoever undresses him sheds tears.

Filth: So it's Goblin!

Leshy: Why me?

Filth: Look at yourself in the mirror. Are you a grandfather?

Leshy: Well, grandfather.

Filth: Wearing a fur coat in winter and summer?

Leshy: Well, dressed.

Filth: In a fur coat, there is only one passion to look at you, and if you take it off, you will definitely cry - skin and bones, go?

Santa Claus: No, gentlemen, evil, not right. You have not guessed a single riddle. The answer to this riddle is the bow. Any child knows about that. So give the staff as agreed.

Baba Yaga:

Oh, hilarious! And where did you, old one, see that it was possible to negotiate with evil spirits?

They laugh at Santa Claus, tease.

Santa Claus: So you don't want to be honest. Okay. Look, Baba Yaga, who is flying in your mortar? Isn't it Koschey the Immortal returning from Egypt?

Baba Yaga: Where? Oh, he is evil, he climbed into my stupa!

Baba Yaga turns around where Santa Claus is pointing. Santa Claus takes the staff away from her.

Santa Claus:

Rampant winds, fly

Pick up the forest evil,

Twirl, twirl,

Take it away from here.

(The evil spirits and runs away.)

Santa Claus:

In multi-colored, new year

Light holiday lights

Congratulations today

All the gathered friends.

Snow Maiden:

Granddad, you were the most important thing: light the tree!

D. Frost: Ah. That's the problem!

Well, now we will help the trouble.

Children, just need

Tell everyone very amicably:

"Light up with bright lights

Green beauty.

Green beauty

Burn, burn, burn! (the tree lights up)

Snow Maiden: Happy New Year, Happy New Year!

FROM new joy for everyone!

Let it ring under this tree

Songs, music and laughter!

And now about the New Year

We will dance in a round dance! (Round dance)

D. Frost:

Oh my legs are tired

Well, I'll sit, I'll sit,

I'll look at the kids.

In the meantime, they will tell poems.

Reading poetry

Kuzya: No no no! It's not time to sleep.

Time to play with us.



Children stand in a circle.

Santa Claus:

Come on, kids, please, show your pens.

Children stretch their hands forward.

Santa Claus:

Since they didn't let me sleep, I'll freeze all the guys!

Runs in a circle trying to grab the hands of the children. Children hide their hands behind their backs.



Let me, Santa Claus, I'll take a look at your mitten.

Santa Claus gives it away.


Now - catch up!

Children pass the mitten in a circle (or throw it over to each other)... Santa Claus is catching up with her.


Santa Claus:

Well, everyone, we played enough, it's time to get ready for the road.


And we won't let you out, grandfather.

Children join hands. Santa Claus is trying to get out of the circle, the children will not let him out. At the end of the game, Santa Claus crawls underneath his hands.

Leading: Well, you are a mischievous Santa Claus!

Snow Maiden:

The time has come for us to part

But in New year

I will come to you for the tree

I will definitely come.

Sparkle, our tree, in plain sight.

I wish you happiness in New year!

Santa Claus:

We want to heartily

Congratulate you today

With a beautiful, bright, young.

Happy New Year!

(includes New Year)

N. Year:

I am New Year

I came to you

With a funny song ...

Let your life become. Friends,

Even more wonderful.

Goodness and friendship, you are the heart

Open wide open.

Happiness awaits you and there is no end

Friends, happiness!

D. Frost:

I see you are all happy N. Year,

It’s time to give him my staff. (transmitting)

And wish goodbye

Happy New Year!

With new happiness!

(All participants go out holiday)

Snow Maiden:

Good you guys

But it's time for us to leave.

Snowstorm: This holiday new year

We will never forget!

Kuzya: Learn, grow!

Gosh: And may the New Year

All: Success and joy will bring you!

List of references

1. Shabalova L. A. Mysterious chest / L. A. Shabalova // Books, notes and toys for Katyushka and Andryushka. - 2009. - No. 10. - S. 34-39.

Scenario of the New Year's holiday for children 6-7 years old.

2. Nameless OM We need sorcerers! / OM Bezymyannaya // Books, notes and toys for Katyushka and Andryushka. - 2009. - No. 10. - S. 6-10.

Musical new year fairy tale for children 6-8 years old.

3. Berdnikova N.V. New Year circus performance / N. V. Berdnikova // Pedagogical Council. - 2009. - No. 9. - S. 2-5.

Merry new Year's performance for preschoolers and younger students.

4. Bobrova S, I. Messages from a pure heart / S. I. Bobrov // Books, notes and toys for Katyushka and Andryushka. - 2009. - No. 10. - S. 52-53.

Theatrical performance for children 8-10 years old, dedicated new year greeting cards.

5. Karnizova NV Waiting for miracles / NV Karnizova // Books, notes and toys for Katyushka and Andryushka. - 2009. - No. 10. - S. 29-30.

New Year's scenario carnival for children 7-8 years old.

6. Yudina VN Snowflakes are rushing to us / VN Yudina // Books, notes and toys for Katyushka and Andryushka. - 2009. - No. 10. - S. 3-6.

New Year's scenario musical for children 7-10 years old.

7. Kulichenko N. V. Goodbye, old year! / N. V. Kulichenko // Books, notes and toys for Katyushka and Andryushka. - 2009. - No. 10. - S. 21-25.

New Year game program for children 8-10 years old.

8. Popova O. V. New Year presentation-competition "Who will replace the Snow Maiden?" / O. Popova // Last call. - 2009. - No. 11. - S. 8-9.

New Year game program for preschoolers and primary school students.

9. Kryntsalova I. Visiting a snowman: pre-new year entertainment with poetry and games / I. Kryntsalova // Preschool education: Supplement to the newspaper "September First". - 2008. - No. 24. - S. 22-23.

Scenario of the New Year's holiday for preschoolers with the participation of Baba Yaga.

10. Roslavtseva V. I. When the arrows converge at twelve. / V. I. Roslavtseva // Books, notes and toys for Katyushka and Andryushka. - 2009. - No. 10. - S. 25-28.

New Year's scenario performances based on the poem "Childhood" by I. Surikov and the fairy tale "Snow Maiden" with the use of games, studies and exercises for children of 9-10 years old.

11. Chernetskaya NN Leapfrog on New Year's Eve / NN Chernetskaya // Books, notes and toys for Katyushka and Andryushka. - 2009. - No. 11. - S. 33-36.

Theatrical performance for preschoolers and junior schoolchildrendedicated to celebrating New years old style (January 14).

12. // Primary school: Supplement to the newspaper "September First". - 2009. - No. 22. - S. 32-45.

13. [Scenarios for New Year and Christmas holidays and competitions for younger students] // Primary school: Supplement to the newspaper "September First". - 2008. - No. 24. - S. 30-36.

14. Bobrova A. V. In some kingdom: new Year's performance / A... V. Bobrova // Last bell. - 2009. - No. 9. - S. 12-14.

New Year fabulous performance for students.

15. Zvorykina M. L. New Year's quiz / M... L. Zvorykina // Pedagogical Council. - 2009. - No. 11. - P. 12.

Funny new year student quiz primary school age.

16. Kovalenko V.A. Game "Field of Dreams" on this topic " New year words"/ V. A. Kovalenko // Pedagogical Council. - 2009. - No. 11. - P. 14.

New Year game program for students primary school age.

17. Kodieva L. V. New Yearmeeting of fairy friends: theatrical performance / L. V. Kodieva // Pedagogical Council. - 2009. - No. 10. - S. 2-6.

New Year performance with the participation of fairy-tale characters for students primary school age.

18. Kodieva L. V. Christmas story"Miracles on New Year's Eve" / L. V. Kodieva // Last bell. - 2009. - No. 10. - S. 2-6.

New Year story based on the well-known fairy tale "Morozko" for students primary and secondary school age.

19. Shamne L. G. Christmas tree: matinee based on the fairy tales of A.S. Pushkin / L.G. Shamne // Education schoolchildren... - 2009. - No. 10. - S. 70-75.

New Year a matinee with the participation of the heroes of A.S. Pushkin's fairy tales for students of elementary schools.

Marina Buksha
Scenario of New Year's party for elementary school "Baba Yaga's Leprosy"

Scenario of New Year's party "Baba Yaga's Leprosy"

The merry hall shines today

Shines with many lights

Today we gathered at a party,

Your acquaintances and friends

To celebrate in this room

Day New Years soon!

Now let everyone be cheerful

And the lights are burning around.

For laughter, joy and songs,

We called the guys here!

(children go out to music)

Let's join hands, friends,

And let's get up in a round dance!

Not every day, but once a year

Comes to New Year!


(the buffoons run out to the cheerful music)

th:What's that noise?

What is the din? Real gibberish!

th: Are you comfortable, dear guests?

Does everyone see?

th: Does everyone hear? Was there enough space for everyone?

th: Good health, honorable gentlemen!

th: We - guys are just class!

th: We are trying for you!

th: We are jack of all trades,

You won't die of boredom with us!

Order! This very hour

We will do everything for you!

th: How many of you are here today?

I can't count it in a day!

th: Here are both Sasha and Natasha!

Vanya, Ksyusha and Lyubasha

th: Vova, Glory, Petit -

These are the children!

th: We have been waiting for this day for a long time.

Have not seen each other for a year.

th: Sing along, craft links,

New Year's round dance!


th: And now I want to offer you one game,

th: Why you and not me?

th: Yes, why you and not me?

th: No, you better let me!

This will not work for us. Let's be

th: Okay, I don’t mind.

I, dune, a slave,

Fitner, Zinter, Toad

I, the moon, a slave.

Fitner, tsinter, hard!

I have to play the game!

th: What a rhyme it is 100 years old!

So I know the counting rhyme!

One two three four.

The boy lived in our apartment.

Skipped lessons in school,

Was at football all the time.

th: Let's try to spend it together, so that we do not quarrel.

th: Come on! Guys, do our assignments so make no mistake!

th: One, two - the game begins!

And it's frosty outside

Well, everyone took their nose!

th: There is no need for us to beat thumbs up,

Well, everyone has taken up their ears!

th: Twisted, twisted,

So my ears were warmed.

th: They knocked on the knees,

They shook their head

th: Patted on the shoulders

And they stomped a little.

th: Oh guys, what am I hearing?

It seems they are coming here!

th: Well, let's clap more fun,

Let them find us soon!

Children clap their hands, a Snow Maiden enters the hall

Snow:Hello guys!

Happy New Year!

Happy New Year, boys and girls!

Mom and Dad!

Grandmothers and grandfathers!

Happy New Year!

And celebrate the New Year, friends,

We can't live without a song.


Snow: Oh, how many kids-

Both girls and boys!

Hello children!

Hello guests!

Winters are not afraid of threats,

I'm not afraid of a blizzard!

I am the granddaughter of Santa Claus,

And I'm called the Snow Maiden!

th: Snegurochka, children all came to the Christmas tree,

Guests are here but here's the question:

Where is our merry wandering

Kind Santa Claus?

Snow: Let's call him together in unison m:

"Good Grandpa, ay!"- (3 times)

(Baba Yaga suddenly appears with the cat Buyan. The cat is holding a large box of matches)

BABA YAGA: Have you forgotten me, beauty? Singing here about winter, and about the tree! What's good about it? All long, prickly, evil. We're going to put on fireworks here now. Brawler, set it on fire!

Snow Maiden: What are you doing! Why did they bring the matches! Don't you know that matches are not toys.

BABA YAGA: Oh, there are not only little kids here. (Tries to hide matches with Buyan)... And I say, here again the old woman was offended, they were not invited to the holiday.

Snow Maiden: Of course, they were not invited, because as usual you will do something. Who did you come with this time. (Looks Yage behind and sees that Buyan has matches)... Oh, you rascals! What are you up to! (Baba Yaga and Buyan negotiate with the Snow Maiden)

Snow Maiden: Children, is it possible to leave such guests at the holiday? (Not) Well, go away. (Refuse)... Ah, you won't leave! (Not) Then the guys and I will call Santa Claus and he will kick you out of the holiday.

BABA YAGA: (scared): Whom? Oh, don't! We'd better ourselves, we voluntarily leave. But we'll show you more! (shakes his fist)... Buyasha, follow me! (Go away)

Snow Maiden: Guys, you all know that Santa Claus and Snegurochka come to us on reindeer. Let's play a game with you. Repeat everything after me, just look, make no mistake!

(A game "The deer has a big house")

(An engine noise is heard, Baba Yaga flies into the hall on a broomstick with her friend, the Cat Buyan. Women Yagi has a toy Santa Claus under his arm, and Buyan has a small backpack or bag behind him).

Snow Maiden: Is it you again?

BABA YAGA: Yes we are. What is grandfather? Here's Santa Claus. (Puts the toy down).

CAT: And here's a bag of gifts (Takes off her backpack).

Snow Maiden: I do not understand anything.

BABA YAGA: There is nothing to understand here. Buyan and I turned your grandfather into a doll.

CAT: Just a couple of trifles.

Snow Maiden: We don’t believe you. The guys and I know what needs to be done so that Santa Claus comes to us for the holiday.

CAT: What do you know?

BABA YAGA: They don't know anything. And in general, we will call our friend Chufyndra for help! Mumriki, chumbriki, scat - Chufindra come to us now!

(Chufyndra appears in the hall with a crash)

CHUFYNDRA: Who called me?

BABA YAGA: Hello, Chufyndra! It was the cat and I who called you for help. Here the kids want to call Santa Claus and the Snow Maiden, and we want to stop them.

CAT: Help us, huh?

CHUFYNDRA: Yes, with great pleasure. You know that doing nasty things is my favorite thing! So, what are we going to create?

CAT: Let's confuse them, so much so that they forget all the words in the world!

CHUFYNDRA: Exactly! Let's hold a competition

For winter-winter "White" Attention!

I will name a lot

And you will only "White" learn.

As I say about white and snowy - clap,

And what about - what else - stomp.

Winter (cotton) Snowball (cotton)

Chanterelle (top) Snowdrift (clap)

Icicle (clap) Bunny (clap)

Herringbone (top) Sausage (top)

Ice cream (clap) An Apple (top)

Candy (top) Grass (top)

Santa Claus beard (clap)

(During the game, the Cat and Baba Yaga try to confuse the children)

BABA YAGA: Ah well! Well, nothing, we'll do something more nasty for you now!

CHUFYNDRA: And now we will cut down the tree!

CAT: Exactly! Where is my ax?

Snow Maiden: Guys, Santa Claus has a favorite song. Let's all sing it together now. Grandpa will hear and come to us for the holiday. I don’t believe that these evil men could turn Grandfather into a doll, they don’t have such power!

BABA YAGA: You don't even have to try! (Uncertain) Nothing will work for you!


(After the song, the ringing of bells is heard. Santa Claus and the Snow Maiden enter the hall)


Hello kids!

Girls and boys!

Hello guests, hello viewers!

Hello dear parents!

Happy New Year! Happy New Year!

May it bring joy to everyone

May this be happy

Good old new year!

Snow Maiden: If blizzards and blizzards,

It's snowing outside the window

If the river is covered with ice -

We are celebrating the New Year!

(At this time, Baba Yaga, Chufyndra and Buyan are trying to hide somewhere)

Snow Maiden: How glad we are to see you grandpa! Still, Baba Yaga and the cat deceived us.

SANTA CLAUS: What happened to you?

Snow Maiden: Look, grandfather. Baba Yaga with the cat Buyan deceived us, said that they turned you into a doll.

SANTA CLAUS: Into the doll? This one? Oh you hooligans!

Snow Maiden: Yes, and they also called their friend Chufyndra and wanted to cut down the Christmas tree.

SANTA CLAUS: Aren't you ashamed? Aren't you ashamed, Baba Yaga?

BABA YAGA: Little ones.

SANTA CLAUS: And you, Chufyndra?

CHUFYNDRA: Not. Be! (shows his tongue to Santa Claus)

SANTA CLAUS: Oh, you feisty! Oh you old ones! Guys, let's punish them. They don't like to dance, but we will make them. (Claps her hands) One two Three! Come on, grandmothers, dance!


BABA YAGA: Oh, I can't dance. Oh, now I'm going to fall.

CHUFYNDRA: Let go of us, Frost, Oh, we are tired to tears!

SANTA CLAUS: One two Three! Freeze music!

BABA YAGA: Oh, well, we will be kind,

CHUFYNDRA: And we will love all the children.

SANTA CLAUS: Aren't you ashamed of the cat?

CAT: It's a shame. Well, then I will behave myself, just don't kick us out of the holiday!

BABA YAGA: Please, eh?

SANTA CLAUS: Okay, let's believe you.

And now on our tree

It's time to light the lights!

Let her become smart

And shines until the morning!

(3 times)

Well, together, one, two, three!

Our Christmas tree, burn!

(Children repeat the magic words three times, the lights on the Christmas tree come on.)

Snow Maiden: And celebrate the new year, friends,

We can't live without a song

Let's sing about the Christmas tree now,

And let's go around her.

Come honest people!

The tree calls us to her.

Become a round dance

Let's meet the New Year with songs!

BABA YAGA: Nice tree! Good guys?

Yes, that's just missing someone. Do not know?

And I'll tell you with a riddle.

The best swing,

Flexible lianas.

Who rocks them?

It. (monkeys)

Buffoon: That's right, there is not enough monkey mascot.

Buffoon: Why monkeys?

Buffoon: Yes, because according to the eastern horoscope, the coming year is the year of the monkey.

Snow Maiden: But where is the talisman?

After all, he must announce the arrival New Year.

SANTA CLAUS: Who will help us find him?

BABA YAGA and CAT: We! We will definitely find the monkey. (run away)

Buffoon: In the meantime, the talisman has not been found, let's dance!

(while the guys are dancing, Baba Yaga, a cat and a monkey appear)

Buffoon: Friends, do not regret your palms,

Symbol New greet the year soon!

Monkey: hello, dear guests!

The old year is ending

Good old year!

We will not be sad

After all, a new one will come to us!

Buffoon: I suggest not to dance with the Monkey!


SANTA CLAUS: The monkey amused us well.

Bab. Yaga: We wish you happiness and good luck!

Good health to boot!

Cat: Holidays joyful, merry!

But, mind you, do not forget about school!

Buffoon: Learn 4, 5

Help mom around the house!

Buffoon: We wish every home

He was rich in peace and warmth!

SANTA CLAUS: And now it's time to say goodbye,

Get ready for the road,

But next year

I will certainly come to you.

Snow Maiden: Us. Friends, don't forget.

Thank you for your attention!

We will not tell you: "Farewell",

In chorus: AND "See you, goodbye!"

A game "The deer has a big house"

Deer (we depict the horns by putting our hands with spread fingers to the head)

House (we connect at an angle the tips of the fingers on the palms, depicting a roof over your head)

Big (we spread our arms to the sides, showing how big his house is)

He looks out his window. (we hold one hand horizontally at chest level, with the palm of the second hand we support our head, the elbow is on the first hand)

Bunny runs through the forest (with our fingers we depict a running hare)

Knocking on his door:

Knock knock, open the door (pretend to knock on the door)

Out there in the woods (showing over the shoulder behind the back with the thumb of a clenched fist)

Hunter (showing how a hunter aims with a gun)

Evil (make a scary face)

Run quickly (simulate door opening)

Give me a paw. (shake the baby's hand)

Characters: Leading, Snegurochka, Santa Claus, Koschey, Baba Yaga, Murchik the cat.

The children entered the hall, stood near the tree.

1st child:

Came to us again today

Christmas tree and winter holiday.

This holiday is New Year's

We were looking forward to!

2nd child:

Frequent forest, blizzard field

The winter holiday is coming to us.

So let's put it together

Children (in chorus): Hello, hello, New kind!

1st child:

I said goodbye to the dark forest

Herringbone, beauty.

She hurried to us from the forest,

The holiday begins.

2nd child:

Christmas tree dressed up on a holiday

Lights lit up.

You are beautiful tree

(stroking the Christmas tree and pulls back his hand),

Only too choppy!

1st child:

Herringbone, do not inject

Should I be angry?

We gathered for a holiday

To have fun.

2nd child:

You have a Christmas tree

Beautiful needles

And from bottom to top

Beautiful toys.

1st child:

Let's dance fun

We will sing songs

To make the tree want

Come visit us again!


And the tree is glad to all of you,































Kind Santa Claus?










Santa Claus{!LANG-ddb53e4277d01c357240c4b6a21dedde!}





















Happy New Year!




Songs, music and laughter!































Baba Yaga{!LANG-b7e8a4326db841f042cfc8139b63f8b4!}





Snow Maiden{!LANG-13bcbd74902bdb5dac1eb24c8251c12a!}


Baba Yaga{!LANG-1c8ba272d64e8ebd9921ce04842e2a48!}









Snow Maiden{!LANG-57ac6b6b20d18c4954860d6e88883a7c!}







Snow Maiden{!LANG-026f827c575819fee1cb01c825a679e3!}











































Santa Claus{!LANG-b85e550557a1a3e734abf6076e51164a!}













Snow Maiden{!LANG-47f8f6bc804d9aba2a32c8d0625b2653!}

















Baba Yaga{!LANG-e2c8737a2ba00db8ea543371f9d7ca12!}


Baba Yaga{!LANG-fa81bd66484194a9f69f2c949e84cfab!}






Baba Yaga{!LANG-844752d190a7452a9ebc21384d8cf283!}



Baba Yaga{!LANG-be4d9bee371a4c7615643006bc68a90c!}



Snow Maiden{!LANG-4e738a296dcc62769f980faaf6e9e826!}



Snow Maiden{!LANG-4335238bc3292b224bb71d108a768286!}












Baba Yaga{!LANG-305709d8c04486850f3351aa42c6e70e!}



Snow Maiden{!LANG-a2897552b320bbc794cc44af263c3730!}













Snow Maiden{!LANG-3e8144861e7f82a2c7587ee95a650752!}














Snow Maiden{!LANG-52c0435bfb6b5d181ba089941f9a9a77!}

Santa Claus{!LANG-85af970d7526ddd9a1b49349c7a6ad32!}


Santa Claus{!LANG-ea2bbe0321f0408237feb70708229eaf!}


























Santa Claus{!LANG-f49923d669caa1412d395dd70d2b586c!}


Santa Claus{!LANG-2944639f85a5981e3daff372f28fd858!}



























Snow Maiden{!LANG-63356a5d7a762e255cb93d048987f0b9!}









Santa Claus{!LANG-c22da40915ab35ac9da261e429b84058!}






















Happy New Year, Happy New Year











































































{!LANG-c1b6016289e9bbeca9abda0308dfdd20!}. 50.






































































Santa Claus{!LANG-48ab15e934fb846297c09bc8c492cd61!}







Santa Claus{!LANG-ea301918e33a617f9f0a59ba2483fcae!}























Snow Maiden{!LANG-751d1e9b524ebb4c9328592b1cc18f54!}



























Santa Claus{!LANG-5a71090b809561ecbadd84c607caa216!}















Santa Claus{!LANG-0579039f5ac57292657ecf50180ad92f!}


















































































