How to decorate a Christmas tree. How to decorate a Christmas tree for the New Year. Alchemy of New Year's design: how to stylishly decorate a Christmas tree

The time has come to make our homes more comfortable, give them a festive look and fill them with joy and anticipation of the New Year. The Christmas tree is one of the main attributes of this holiday. So we get Christmas balls, garlands, rain and serpentine out of the boxes. And then questions arise. Which version of the Christmas tree to choose? In what style to decorate it?

Live or artificial tree

When buying a tree, we have two options: a natural tree grown in a special nursery, or an artificial one from a store.

If you're leaning towards a natural herringbone, here are a few tips on how to choose a living tree for the New Year and in what conditions it is necessary to keep it.

Before buying, first check the leaves (needles). They should be green. Try moving them slightly and see if they fall off.

A newly felled tree can be identified by its smell. Breathe a little on the tip of the twig and feel pleasant pine aroma... If this does not happen, the green beauty will not please your eyes for long.

Then carefully examine the barrel. It should not show any signs of any fungus or disease. You will see dark spots on the cut, you know, the tree was cut down a long time ago.

Finally, you have chosen the New Year tree of your dreams and you are happy to return home. Of course, I immediately want to install it in order to bring the feeling of the New Year closer. However, at first it is better to hold it on the balcony or in the garage, so that it does not crumble from a sharp temperature drop.

While the Christmas tree adapts to a higher temperature for several hours, decide on its place in the house. Remember to keep the tree green for a longer time, it is preferable to put it away from heat sourcessuch as a radiator or fireplace.

The next step is to clean the bark from the bottom of the trunk and apply a series of shallow cuts to absorb moisture more easily. Then place the Christmas beauty in a specially designed stand of water or in a bucket of sand. Add a spoonful of sugar and an aspirin tablet to a bowl of water for a delicious piney aroma.

So that the tree does not dry out add water periodically... About a couple times a week. In the case of a bucket, immediately pour a liter of water and add a little glycerin. If you spray the needles and twigs with water from a spray bottle once a day, the tree will be doubly grateful to you.

By the way, in the spring you can plant a live tree in your garden, if there is one. Just imagine how much joy there will be! Especially in children.

On the other hand, artificial trees has its advantages. They are usually cheaper, can be of different colors, their branches withstand decorations better, and the risk of fire is lower. Choose for you!

Christmas tree decor

At present, the variety of decorations is striking, but there are several traditional ones, without which almost no Christmas tree decoration can do.

First, these are balls rooted on thorny twigs and entrenched in tradition like New Year and Christmas itself.

Secondly, tinsel. Another classic decoration that gives our wood a splendor and shine.

Third, festive electric garlandsthat radiate magic like little miracle lights. When you turn them on for the first time, and the tree lights up, a switch clicks inside you, and your mood improves. Joy circulates through the veins. The smile never leaves the face.

And finally, Her Majesty the star on top.

We decorate the Christmas tree with electric garlands

If we include garlands in the decoration of the tree, we will give our tree a brighter solemn look. Getting started?

At first, we will all have an exciting lesson. We need to untangle the ball of wires and bulbs that we got out of the box. After that, tangled headphones seem like a trifle. True?

Do not rush to hang the garland. First, stretch the garland on the floor and connect it. Check if all bulbs are working. Replace them if necessary.

Now let's start decorating the beauty. Remember first of all we hang garlands, and then New Year's toys. Take the end of the wire, without the plug, and start winding the tree from top to bottom in a spiral, preferably away from the trunk. This will make the tree look more spectacular. Then, in the same way, twist the tree with a second garland, placing the lights on the tips of the branches. Add some more garlands if you see fit. Plug them in and enjoy the beauty.

And on a note, when you go to bed or leave the house, unplug the garlands from the outlet.

Now comes the fun part. Drum roll is heard!

Examples of decorating a Christmas tree in different styles

Red, white and green - three colors that are primarily associated with the New Year and Christmas, like Santa Claus and tangerines. Hang red and white balls, bows and stars on the green branches.

Gold tones Is one of the most traditional decoration options. Decorate the tree with golden balls, ribbons and figurines.

New Year christmas tree in Scandinavian style breathes harmony and tranquility. It is not abundant in many bright colors and garlands. White predominates in the design. Simple elements are great as decorations: white balls and snowflakes, small silver decorations and pine cones, for example.

If you have children, decorating the tree will inevitably end up mixing all colors of the rainbow and a mix of various figures... But there is nothing wrong with that, on the contrary! The house will take on a funny and certainly unique look. Dress up a tree with your kids, imagine everything as a game, let your imagination and creativity run wild. Together you will create your original style, imbued with the spirit of the New Year and Christmas.

White Christmas tree looks very elegant in multi-colored toys.

Do you want to pleasantly impress your relatives and children? Freaky curved grinch tree will delight everyone around.

Christmas tree decoration ideas for children's room.

If you just want home warmth and comfort, look at these cute, inviting Christmas trees.

Prefer more sumptuous decoration? Use extravagant jewelry, ribbons, sprigs of other plants.

Replace red with apple green and cream. Add more natural elements: cones, flowers, twigs, figurines of birds or animals. And create your own unique, natural, elegant style.

Do you like the sea and the beach? Show your love, decorate the tree in the marine theme! Seashells, dried starfish, ropes, anchors - these are the decor that reflects the nautical style.

There is a desire to decorate a white Christmas tree in modern style? How do you like the combination of white, black and gold decor with stripes and polka dots? The black feathers with shiny golden tips look very exotic.

You might think, black trees - a little sad and depressing. However, if decorated properly, they will look chic. They look best on rich metal jewelry in gold and silver colors, as well as white and lilac.

Do the last two options above seem too eccentric? Dress up a living tree using black and white jewelry, photographs and garlands with printed words. The tree will look very original!

Bright red ribbons are a beautiful classic, but worth adding plaid texture, and the tree will instantly transform.

Two types of ribbons, medium and small balls, several large elements and twigs - this is the recipe for a luxurious new Year's decoration.

White, silver and pink harmonize wonderfully with each other. Long live romance!

Without the pink color, the design is no less touching and light, maybe more wintry. But with the onset of evening, when the lights light up, the image of the snow queen melts before our eyes.

Take a look at how delicate the Christmas tree looks with white flowers and balls, slightly powdered with artificial snow (in the photo on the left). The tree in the photo on the right looks great due to silver-violet colors.

New Year is not always snowy, but you can always create winter's tale in home. Wrap your tree with a thick snow blanket that will remind you of winter from childhood or winter trips to the mountains.

But what is curious: there is a general trend do not decorate the Christmas tree... Maximum naturalness. Only the bottom of the tree is formed. As they say, all ingenious is simple.

How to properly decorate a Christmas tree?
Have you already thought about how to decorate your Christmas tree? Of course, you already have a box with old toys, maybe even from your grandmother? And this
wonderful! Take advantage of modern ideas, add something
new and create your New Year's masterpiece. You can stick with
a certain style: traditional, country, vintage, eco or kitsch. For
inspiration, see photos of Christmas trees in various interiors and

Fashion for decorative solutions, color combinations and toys comes and goes, but some principles remain unchanged.

  • A few days before decorating the tree, examine the contents of your New Year's decor boxes. Find out what you need
    not enough, and make a list with which to go to the store -
    it will save you time.
  • Examine toys from previous years - maybe they need light repairs, new sequins, or fixing.
  • If you have children, give them a party by making homemade Christmas toys.
  • Do not put a large tree in a room that is too small. Do not place a living tree next to a battery or other
    heat source.
  • If you have children and animals, it is especially important to carefully secure the fir tree. Make sure it is securely fastened
    base. An additional method of fastening is to tie the top
    wood to eaves and cabinets with several laces (arrange a stretch),
    disguising them then with garlands that will stretch under
    the ceiling.
  • If your tree is too low, you can put it on the podium (or table), after covering it with New Year's
    paper, oilcloth or cloth. By the way, this will create a place for you to
    fancy gifts that will be more noticeable than on the floor.

  • Buy faceted light bulbs, not smooth ones - they cause more glare.
    Take care of safety rules: do not use homemade or cheap Asian crafts, so as not
    so that there is no fire. For the same reason, do not decorate the tree.
    candles and sparklers. An exception is an electric garland with
  • Before wrapping a tree with a garland, plug it in and check how it works - if all the lights are on, not
    whether the wiring sparks. Do not use more than three garlands at once - they may
    not withstand traffic jams.
  • The electric garland is hung on the tree before other toys - so it will not obscure them. It's lucky if one
    you will wrap a garland around the trunk of a tree, and place another on the branches
    for lighting toys.
  • It is more convenient to decorate the tree with the lights on - you will immediately see how evenly the garland lays down. Position
    garlands in a spiral, not from bottom to top.
  • The larger the tree, the larger the toys fit it. A small tree with huge balls will seem cumbersome.
  • Large toys are hung first, then small ones. Start with the large balls that set the main tone for the tree. After
    after hanging all the balls, rest for a while in another
    room. Then come back and take a fresh look - does everything look good
    harmoniously. Hang a different type of toys in the remaining spaces
    between the balls.
  • Large toys are placed on the lower branches. As you climb higher, it is worth using smaller
  • It is better not to hang identical toys nearby.

  • You can hang balls on the tree using threads or wire. A convenient and simple method is straightened paper clips.
  • You can also look for special plastic hooks for Christmas tree decorations - they are produced in green so that they are invisible.
  • Toys tied with lush bows will look especially elegant.
  • The best, most expensive and favorite toys are usually the most fragile ones. Do not hang them on weak, thin branches, close to the ends (especially if you have children and pets). Place them closer to the trunk.
  • Traditional decorations are a spire or a star (it is a reminder of the Star of Bethlehem, which led the Magi to the manger
  • You can also put an angel on top or even tie a bow.
  • Try decorating the tree with edible toys - tangerines, candies, nuts, wrapped in gold foil.
  • Teddy bears and any other toys will look good too.
  • A wide shiny ribbon wrapped around a Christmas tree is a good and not very common decor.
  • Scatter beads, shiny tinsel, rain around the tree, spray with frost spray, artificial snow, sprinkle
    confetti, streamer, sparkles - but only when she
    fully dressed up.
  • Be careful with the rain if you have cats - pets love to eat them and can die from it.
  • If your tree is designed in a certain color scheme, wrap the gifts that will lie under it in those paper
    same colors.
  • Place Santa Claus with Snegurochka under the tree. If you are celebrating Christmas, Christmas sketches will come in handy.
    "Nativity scenes" where little dolls represent the Mother of God and others

The New Year is just around the corner. So, it's time to start creating a festive atmosphere in the house. And the tree will help you with this like no other. And we will tell you how to beautifully decorate a Christmas tree with your own hands.

Without a doubt, the most pleasant thing about the New Year's fever is the decoration of the Christmas tree. After all, this time can be pleasantly spent with your family, I think you will not deny that the opportunity to decorate a Christmas tree together unites and gives a lot of positive emotions.

In addition, you should be aware that the tradition of decorating a Christmas tree came to us from ancient times, it was believed that the spruce symbolizes the triumph of life over death and protects the hearth from evil spirits. So, as you can see, a decorated Christmas tree is not just a beautiful decoration for your home, but to some extent a talisman.

Of course, our ancestors did not have all kinds of Christmas tree decorations, so they decorated the tree with nuts, fruits, cookies, sweets, etc. You and I are more lucky: we have garlands, tinsel, various toys at our disposal - if you wish, you can decorate the Christmas tree in an unusually beautiful way. But first things first, because among the many Christmas tree decorations you can easily get lost.

First of all, you need to buy a Christmas tree: here, at your discretion, someone loves artificial Christmas trees, and someone is exclusively alive. By the way, when considering artificial trees, you can buy a "snow-covered" Christmas tree, which you will not find among the living. If you want a live Christmas tree in the snow, but you cannot find one anywhere, this is no reason to be upset. After all, this matter is fixable: firstly, you can buy special artificial snow in the form of a spray in the store, or you can act more economically and make artificial snow to decorate the Christmas tree with your own hands. How to make artificial snow with your own hands?

There are several ways to make artificial snow with your own hands:

  1. Spread glue on the branches of the Christmas tree and sprinkle with sugar or salt, in fact, this option is more suitable for decorating toys.
  2. Mix semolina, white paint and glue in equal proportions - you can change the proportions at your discretion.
  3. This method of making artificial snow for a Christmas tree is one of the best: you need to grate white soap and mix it with starch covered with warm water. Add hot water and beat with a whisk for about 2 minutes, until a shaving foam is obtained. Ready "snow" should be immediately applied to the branches of the tree directly with your hands. You can see the result in the photo below.

In general, no matter what green beauty you choose, it still needs to be conveniently placed in the house. As a rule, a large window in the living room is considered the best place to install a Christmas tree, but again it all depends on you and the layout in your apartment.

The next step is to think about how to decorate the bottom of the tree. You can use some pretty basket, it can even be woven from newspaper tubes.

Or you can use a blanket, a bedspread, or just a cut of some suitable fabric (it is better to think in advance about how you want to decorate the Christmas tree and pick everything up). You will get a kind of imitation of a skirt under the Christmas tree. Of course, if time permits, you can work hard and sew a beautiful skirt under the Christmas tree. And about how to sew a skirt for a Christmas tree, read the article: "A skirt for a Christmas tree: how to make / sew a skirt for a Christmas tree with your own hands."

In addition, you can beautifully wrap a stand under the Christmas tree with burlap and beautifully tie it with a ribbon.

  1. You should start decorating the Christmas tree with a garland, and keep in mind that for every meter of the tree's height you need 150-200 garland lights (this is of course an average figure, plus it is important how lush your tree is).
  2. Then you can hang Christmas tree decorations: first large ones (approximately at the same distance), then hang medium and small ones - fill in the gaps between large ones.
  3. And remember that it is better to put the brightest and most beautiful toys in the foreground, and less attractive ones can be hung in the back.
  4. Finally, you can decorate the tree with tinsel, ribbons or a homemade non-electric garland, and the final touch is rain.

How to Decorate a Christmas Tree: Styles of Decorating Christmas Trees

How to decorate a Christmas tree in a classic style

Perhaps, the use of toys (balls, snowflakes, etc.), beads of red and gold colors in decorating a Christmas tree will never go out of fashion. Tinsel with matching ribbons will not hurt either. In this case, you need to use several identical toys, which can be diluted with a small amount of original toys (found on Christmas trees in the singular, try to hang them in the most conspicuous place).

A more recent composition comes out if we dilute the previous combination with silver. By the way, do not forget that toys that will make your tree special can be made with your own hands. In the photo example below, a cute toy was made from ordinary cinnamon sticks and twigs painted in gold. In addition, they made a bunch of bows from a red ribbon - it's easy to agree to make them with your own hands and it turns out very beautifully.

How to decorate a European-style Christmas tree

The European style of decorating a Christmas tree is quite common in our country. And not casual, because the Christmas tree, dressed up in the European style, looks stylish and beautiful. How to decorate a European-style Christmas tree? Stick to a couple of rules and you will succeed. Since you need to start decorating the Christmas tree with a garland from it and start: you need to use ordinary flickering bulbs. Jewelry should be a maximum of two colors (in principle, as you can see, the previous options refer to the European style, we took them out separately, since the combination of red with gold or silver is the most popular at all times). In addition to combining red with gold or silver, a combination of all shades of blue with silver, white is popular.

The combination of green and silver is no less beautiful. Decorate the tree using silver and transparent balls and add a couple of green balls to them. In addition, white birds will perfectly fit into such a combination as an option, and from above all this beauty can be crowned with green ribbons.

By the way, do not forget that spectacular silver toys are easy to make with your own hands: you can make any shape out of paper or cardboard and paint them with spray paint or anoint them with glue and sprinkle with silver sparkles.

In addition, in the European style, it is customary to decorate the Christmas tree with toys of the same color (color scale), but different "texture" (combine matte balls with shiny ones). And one more detail: if you want to dress up a Christmas tree in a European style, forget about rain and tinsel, but all kinds of ribbons and bows are welcome.

How to decorate a Christmas tree in a minimalist style

If you don't like Christmas trees overloaded with toys, this style is just for you. True, in this case, you will need to work hard and certainly find a magnificent Christmas tree. Well, then everything is simple: you need to decorate the tree with the minimum amount of decorations. A small garland and several toys, or one garland, or one ribbon, etc. - at your discretion. In this case, the less the better.

Moreover, even in this case, you can show a creative streak: to hang toys, use a wire, thread it into the loops and twist the tip beautifully. Make stars from the same wire and attach them to a thin rope / thread previously painted in silver.

Or an even easier option: decorate the tree with a garland and hang paper toys.

In addition to the green beauty, you can use a white one, wrap it with a garland of feathers (you get a Christmas tree of feathers) and decorate to a minimum.

How to decorate a Christmas tree in the style of "Masses"

If you want to dress up the tree in a “masses” style: decorate the tree with stripes. The stripes can be straight, or you can make them in a spiral.

Moreover, you can decorate the Christmas tree using multi-colored Christmas tree decorations.

Or you can unusually decorate a Christmas tree from toys of the same color scale: choose different shades of any one color.

Do not forget about the original toys that you can always make with your own hands and decorate the Christmas tree with them.

How to decorate a rustic Christmas tree

A tree decorated in rustic style will delight lovers of natural materials and nature. Bring the atmosphere of a fairy forest to your home. The main thing is that for such a decor it is easy to find materials and make decorations for the Christmas tree with your own hands. Stock up on all sorts of twigs, cones, twine, burlap and start creating.

Make a burlap garland as shown in the photo below.

Pine cone decorations: Paint the entire pine cone white or just the edges, plus you can use glitter. Glue a string of twine to the dried cone and you can decorate the Christmas tree.

Or you can decorate the old Christmas balls accordingly.

Or disguise the lollipop (the lollipop itself, if there is nowhere to buy one, you can make it out of wire) with twine. Plus, use wooden beads as an option.

The finished herringbone decorated in a rustic style looks just amazing!

In addition, for a rustic Christmas tree, you can make toys out of straw and buy something that looks like Christmas tree decorations in a furniture store or wooden steps.

If you have a closet or an attic full of old stuff, be sure to dig in there. There is sure to be something suitable to decorate your Christmas tree in a rustic style.

Another good idea is to create a Christmas tree of memories in a rustic style. Moreover, you can print photos on plain paper, which then put in tea, dry and cut out photos of the required shape.

Or here is such an "elegant" way to decorate the Christmas tree with wooden mini birdhouses.

In general, you can even decorate the tree with ordinary wine corks, it will turn out beautifully.

How to decorate a Christmas tree: original ideas

In our time, all kinds of Christmas tree decorations and other New Year's decorations, anyone can decorate a Christmas tree to their taste.

So you can make a Christmas tree for those with a sweet tooth.

An unusual beauty in a peacock style and even a marine one.

But store toys tend to be expensive. Is it possible to beautifully decorate a Christmas tree without hitting the family budget? Of course you can, see the original ideas presented below.

Firstly, no one will forbid you to simply remake old toys, glue rhinestones to them, repaint, etc.

Wrap the balls in pieces from an old sweater, etc. Additionally, make balls with artificial snow. It will turn out to be a pretty, I'm not afraid of the word, "cozy" home-style Christmas tree.

Or use different tapes.

You don't want to change old toys or they simply don't exist: make toys out of paper.

In addition, you can make bright decorations out of paper from multi-colored paper, and on the top of the Christmas tree from thick paper such a beautiful star with a garland, as shown in the photo below.

Paper bows will also look nice.

Or paper houses, anoint their roof with glue and sprinkle with sugar.

In addition, paper is not the only thing used to make Christmas tree decorations. You can make "wool" balls.

Sew beautiful toys.

Or this option: use old rulers, brushes, level, etc. It turns out the original tree.

And if you have little children, hang their old boots and mittens on the tree. hand cast, photographs, etc.

In addition to photography, frames with beautiful pictures are suitable.

Back to the children, you don't have to use real things: you can make "miniatures".

This kind of decoration is perfect for a children's photo shoot.

If you have very young children who can get to the tree at the same time, and you are afraid that they may drop it, this is not a reason not to buy a tree. Just for safety reasons, decorate the tree with soft toys.

By the way, old children's toys are great decorations. Moreover, you can simply glue or tie ribbons to them and decorate the Christmas tree.

Or pre-paint.

Our ancestors decorated the tree with all sorts of goodies, why don't we do the same? Bake cookies, buy candy, tangerines and go for it.

And finally, the way to decorate a Christmas tree is the closest to the heart of a Russian person. After all, we live in Russia and most of the houses have a bunch of New Year's toys from Soviet times. So why not decorate the tree with them, add beautiful ribbon bows to them, and you get a charming vintage tree that also brings back pleasant childhood memories.

No matter how you decide to decorate the tree, the main thing is that you like it and bring joy to you and your loved ones. Happy New Year!

Already selected and thought out, the festive menu has been drawn up, guests are invited ... ready for the New Year 2021! Did you forget to decorate the tree? What is the New Year without a beautiful, fluffy beauty? She creates a mood, she awakens warm childhood memories in us, she brings the whole family closer and makes us a bit happier. Therefore, today we will talk about how to decorate a Christmas tree for the New Year, so that it becomes a real highlight at home and pleases you and your loved ones all the New Year's holidays.

What will be discussed:

Main color scheme 2021 - Year of the Ox

2021 will be guarded by the White Metal Bull. Astrologers say she loves lush décor, rich colors and delicious food - just what you need for the perfect holiday! Therefore, we spare no time and effort to decorate the house, especially the Christmas tree.

Based on the color of the mascot, it follows that the main colors of the year are silver, gray, white, black and gold.

Silver tinsel, balls and bells perfectly complement the deep green of the needles, these colors do not conflict, but mutually emphasize each other. Brown, on the other hand, is well dosed: toys with a “tasty” chocolate theme will well emphasize yellow or gold tinsel.

You can combine business with pleasure, and decorate the interior with oranges, nuts, cinnamon sticks, coffee beans. Here are both favorite shades and mouth-watering aromas. And of course, do not forget to put grass under the Christmas tree, the symbol of the year will definitely be appreciated!

How to decorate a Christmas tree for New Year 2021 in different styles

Today, rarely does anyone decorate a Christmas tree just like that, without a concept and stylistic direction. And rightly so, because the unity in the decor makes the room harmonious and atmospheric. And there are a lot of styles. Choose what is close to you and your family!


Cozy, home surroundings of the hinterland. Touching and original, today it conquers cities. Concrete boxes lack warmth and simplicity so much that country music has become one of the most popular styles for home decoration. Moreover, the geography of the hinterland is not so important. Despite the fact that French Provence will differ from the decoration of a Russian hut, they will have common features, namely cute hand-made things, a lot of natural textiles, natural shades.

It is on these details that we will focus on when we decorate the Christmas tree in country style. In addition to the classic glass balls, the spruce can be decorated with miniature wooden figurines, gingerbread or cookies. The more handmade, the more cozy the atmosphere will be. If needlework is not alien to you, then you can either make small compositions from cinnamon sticks tied with a ribbon or jute, and decorate a New Year's tree with them.

Shabby Chic Jewelry

Shabby chic is the heritage of the English people who value traditions. Residents of Foggy Albion often restored furniture and household items that they inherited, so shabby chic is aged luxury, beautiful things with a history, time that has frozen in seemingly ordinary household items. Since shabby chic has become incredibly popular, today it's not hard to find a ton of themed decor items and Christmas tree decorations.

What elements should you pay attention to:

  • Lace, ribbons. Vintage lace bows are easy to make with your own hands. One has only to put the new fabric in a weak tea solution, dry it, tie a beautiful bow, add a thin string of beads and voila - the vintage decoration for the New Year tree is ready.
  • Beads, pendants. English ladies have always had beautiful carved jewelry boxes, a string of pearls was always there. When decorating a herringbone in a shabby chic style, do not forget about beads and elegant, sophisticated pendants.
  • Flowers, hearts, bows, stars. All of these cute elements, one way or another, are found in rooms decorated in a shabby chic style. Delicate paper roses, aged silver stars, ribbons and lace bows, wooden hearts will become a cute and stylish decoration for your New Year tree.

Eco style

Everything that nature gives us not only smells delicious and tastes good, but also incredibly beautiful. Cones, acorns, oranges, tangerines, cinnamon sticks, coffee beans are perfect for New Year's compositions with which you can decorate a festive tree. Dried orange slices and whole tangerines, sprinkled with fragrant cloves, and suspended from a jute string can easily replace Christmas balls. A garland of acorns and chestnuts instead of synthetic tinsel, and cinnamon sticks will be a good substitute for plastic toys.

New Year's minimalism and Scandinavian style

If pomp is not for you, this is not a reason to deny yourself a holiday and not to decorate a Christmas tree at all. Minimalism and scandi are stylish and practical. One has only to put a compact Christmas tree in a beautiful wicker basket, or casually wrap the pot with craft paper, and an incredibly stylish holiday decoration is ready. The tree itself can be left completely without decor, or you can decorate one of the branches with just one, but very original author's toy.

Remember what Christmas tree decorations you had as a child? Glass owls, pine cones, a clock showing five to midnight, Santa Claus and Snegurochka, so sweet to the heart and almost forgotten with trends in Western and European culture. Visit your grandmother, parents, aunt and uncle, for sure, somewhere far away on the mezzanine lie Soviet toys. Remember your childhood, show the children how the holidays went when no one knew about Santa Claus yet, and the top of the Christmas tree was decorated with a red Soviet star.


Luxury, glitter, colors, sparkle of lights! If the Great Gatsby event took place around Christmas, we would have a great tutorial on how to decorate your fir tree in glamor style. But what a fantasy to us! Gold sparkling balls, many small lights of garlands, lush bows, thick candles - do not deny yourself anything!


Vintage items are very touching and cute, and if you can find real jewelry with a history, then you are very lucky. And if not, don't despair, the vintage style is very popular and today you can find many toys with an aging effect. These are slightly worn bells, figurines embroidered with bugles, and beautiful glass balls. Complete the party with a themed dress code and enjoy your time travel!

Rustic is distinctive and a little brutal. It is similar to country music, but even more "natural". The abundance of wood and raw textiles, worn metal and natural stone will give the holiday a special atmosphere of unity with nature. Unpainted wooden toys, wicker and metal decorations are ideal for celebrating the New Year in the countryside, in a big house, or a noisy company. It's good if each of the invited guests makes and dresses up a street tree.

Boho-chic is a riot of colors, textures, ideas. Knitted figurines, balls painted with ethnic patterns, multi-colored pom-poms and paper garlands - this is a real celebration for body and soul. Boho-chic does not like it when money is spent on it, but he really loves it when they put their soul into it. All decorations can be made by hand. Call your friends, relatives, sit on the floor and create, create, create ...

Unusual Christmas trees and their outfits

Someone is tired of traditional spruce and pine trees, someone simply does not have a place or opportunity to install a live spruce, and someone celebrates the New Year 2021 at the workplace. How to be, is there an alternative version of the Christmas tree? Of course not alone! It all depends on your imagination and the materials at hand.

  • Wall-mounted Christmas tree. In the case when the place does not allow to put a tree in any way, it can be visualized on the wall. Lay out with a garland, beads, spruce (pine) branches, colorful balls. First, attach the base (fabric or thick paper) to the wall, and lay the composition on it. You can fix the elements with tape, needles and threads, hot melt glue.

  • A Christmas tree made of ... anything.Spruce can be laid out in a pyramid made of any materials: glass or plastic balls, natural or artificial flowers, books, gift boxes, and so on, so on ... And the resulting pyramid can also be decorated with a garland.

  • Professional spruce.At work with colleagues, you can also build an original, creative beauty. Health workers can make a witty Christmas tree out of medical gloves, atelier workers can decorate mannequins beautifully, builders can “dress up” a ladder, and confectioners can make a fir tree out of profiteroles. Here is a photo of the most.

Christmas combinatorics or classic Christmas tree

If you do not want to dwell on any particular style, but want a classic, beautiful neat Christmas tree, then here are some tips especially for you on how to decorate your house and not turn it into an "explosion at a Christmas tree toys factory."

Let's start with the basics: first we hang the garlands, then the balls and other toys. Otherwise, there will be terrible confusion, and it is good if the glass jewelry does not break.

Of course, the main thing in a New Year tree is not what tinsel to decorate with, but the atmosphere it creates. Everything else should just give you pleasure, be it a lush shining spruce under the ceiling, or a small tree in an earthen pot. All with the Coming!

Garlands with balls, hanged in a chaotic manner, as if to cover the tree, are no longer impressive. It is much more practical and ultimately more beautiful to choose one direction or theme for decoration and follow them.

Christmas tree style

In order to really beautifully dress up the main of the upcoming holiday, you must first of all decide on the style in which you plan to decorate the tree.


The Christmas tree as a symbol of Christmas (which became New Year's in Russia only in the 30s of the 20th century) in its original form is still presented in the West on holidays. Regardless of whether natural wood or not, it is green and has three color options for the decorations:

  • warm, where red and gold are used;

The fact is that the first decorations on the Christmas tree in Germany in the 17th century were ordinary red and yellow apples, which looked good against the green background of needles. According to legend, the first glass balls for decorating holiday trees were made by force in a year when the apples were not born. Of course, they were similar to the usual fruits in shape and color: round and red or yellow (gold).

  • cold, where balls of blue and silver are presented;
  • mixed with decorations of all four colors at once.

Decorating a Christmas tree in this style is remarkable in that it can take more than a month to prepare. You can hang "souvenirs" on the tree from all the places where you have been in a year, and before that, you can carefully select them with your child on the seaside on vacation, in the garden with your grandmother or hunting with your dad.

It would seem that not so much time has passed, and toys of the Soviet era have become not only a real rarity, but also a rather expensive pleasure if you buy them again. If you still have a box with old toys from your childhood or the childhood of your parents, you can safely hang them on the tree and not doubt the relevance of such a decision.

On the eve of New Year 1935, it was decided to return the holiday traditional for pre-revolutionary Russia to Soviet children, but in a new capacity:

  • now the tree has become New Year's, not Christmas;
  • instead of the six-pointed star of Bethlehem, which shone in honor of the birth of Christ, the tree was crowned with a red five-pointed one;
  • angels and candles were replaced by multi-colored figures of animals and people, cones and fruits. And this, by the way, became a distinctive feature of the Russian Soviet New Year tree, because in the West, toys are usually kept in one color and shape.

Of course, bumps and astronauts from the 80s should never be mixed with modern matte balls and garlands - it will look awkward and strange.


If we are talking about the minimalistic decoration of the New Year tree, then here the emphasis is placed, first of all, on the beauty of the tree itself. It is enough to hang only a few balls or just a garland with small bulbs to give a mood to the room and at the same time it is guaranteed not to overdo it with a tree outfit.

This is a good solution if:

  • you are not confident in your abilities as a designer or simply have no taste;
  • you do not have time to invent and implement any concept;
  • you do not have the desire or opportunity to spend money on a large number of high-quality jewelry.

Having a beautiful tree and the simplest garland available, you no longer have to worry about the elegance and festivity of your New Year tree.

Consonant with the year of the Rooster

The coming year is associated with a symbol in the form of a fiery Rooster, which perfectly matches the rustic style.

You can please Rooster if you decorate a Christmas tree in the design of the village. Use toys made with your own hands or from natural materials. Christmas tree decorations made of wood are suitable - large beads, images of wooden cockerels, sleighs, skates, birds, etc.

Instead of Christmas boots, hang decorative felt boots on a beautiful ribbon. Knitted jewelry and toys, as well as handicrafts from textiles, will fit very well into this topic.

An excellent option is the predominance of red in the decor, because the cockerel symbol has a fiery hue.

If you want to combine the European and Eastern calendar at the same time, then decorate the Christmas tree for the New Year with different toys in the form of cockerels.

Rest assured, now this proud and cocky Rooster will not leave you throughout the year, rewarding you with happiness, wealth and love.


If your nature requires a more sophisticated style, then think about decorating a Provence style Christmas tree. The distinctive features of this design are a mix of luxurious and delicate.

Do not hesitate to use different ornate circles, ruffles, silk elements for a Provence-style Christmas tree. Gold color will fit very well into this trend. Golden balls, beads with "gilding", shiny toys will be an excellent decoration for a Christmas tree with a French "flavor". As an alternative to gold, you can use toys in delicate pastel colors.

Openwork elements - knitted, cutwork, wicker - an integral part of the Provence tree.

Ordinary strings are not suitable for hanging toys; it is best to attach them with decorative strings.

If you have artificially aged toys, it will be a real find. You can also look for real vintage New Year's things and decorate the Christmas tree with them. You can find them in grandma's “bins” or at flea markets.

There should not be any modern synthetics on the tree!

Another embodiment of the Provence style in decorating a Christmas tree is the use of the queen of flowers - roses. Natural and artificial roses in combination with green needles - very stylish and laconic!

How to decorate a Christmas tree correctly

If you nevertheless decide by all means to dress your tree beautifully and in accordance with all the canons and rules, a few tips on the position of toys and garlands on the tree will be very useful.

The combination of colors on the tree

The first step is to select decorations for your Christmas tree. Over the years of celebration, a lot of them accumulate, some make their own hands or donate, and, as a rule, they are all from different stories and do not fit well with each other in terms of aesthetics. In order to correctly combine the colors of the toys on the tree, you need, firstly, to decide which one it will be decorated in, because sometimes a certain set of colors is already laid in it and you don't need to invent anything (as in the traditional style of decorating Christmas trees, about which it was discussed above). Secondly, you need to know several principles of using the so-called design color wheel, which will help you choose the right colors not only for decorating a Christmas tree, but also in any other situation when you need to beautifully arrange several colors together.

The color wheel was first mentioned in early color theories as early as the 17th century. Initially, its practical application was reduced to a visual aid for mixing dyes in order to obtain the desired color, because earlier dyes were only basic blue, red and yellow colors, and all other colors and shades were achieved by mixing them. The color wheel is still the first and main guide for every artist and designer to achieve harmony in their works and projects.

So, you can decorate the tree:

  • different shades of the same color (on the color wheel, these are 3 or 4 colors closest to each other);
  • a gradient, that is, placing toys in the same order as the colors in the circle, starting with any of them and moving to the right or left;
  • choosing colors that are opposite each other in the color wheel, for example, yellow and purple, blue and red, green and lilac. Such combinations look unusual, but they are always pleasing to the eye.

Arrangement of decorations

Having decided on the color of toys and tinsel, you should not rush to place all this on the tree. Next, you need to decide on the festive geometry of your tree. There can be three options for the arrangement of jewelry:

  • screw (or spiral);
  • along longitudinal lines (or vertical);
  • annular (or horizontal).

Each of the options is beautiful and none is the only correct one, it all depends on your preferences and tastes.

How to hang a garland

The garland is hung on the tree in the first place and sets the tone for the further decoration of the tree.

After you have decided on which lines you will hang the decorations, you need to choose the appropriate garland or prepare tinsel of the required length and size and place it on the tree, depending on your decision:

  • fix a long garland at the top and wrap it around the tree several times, hanging the lanterns in a spiral;
  • hang several medium garlands or pieces of tinsel vertically, fastening each to the top of the tree;
  • put several short garlands or strings of rain on the branches, thereby marking horizontal lines.

How to decorate the top of a Christmas tree

When the garland is hung and the color scheme for the Christmas tree is chosen, there is little left to do - to decide on the decoration of the top of the tree.

The traditional star has long ceased to have its original biblical meaning and has lost its communist overtones from the 20th century, so if you did not choose Soviet vintage as the style of your tree, you can crown it:

  • a star of absolutely any color and size, for example, to match all other decorations on:
  • a bow from an ordinary ribbon, which is used to tie the girls' braids;
  • a hat of Santa Claus or one of the family members;
  • mitten or felt boot;
  • a soft toy planted near the top of the tree will also look great.

There are many options and their choice depends, among other things, on the place that the spruce decorates. For example, in the office of a company, it can be crowned with a symbol similar to the production label, or the mascot of its employees.

Christmas tree decoration options: unity of style, color or shape (video)

So, in order for the New Year tree to look beautiful, you need:

  • choose a style or theme for decorating the fir;
  • decide on the color scheme and select, on this basis, toys and tinsel;
  • decide on which lines the toys will be located;
  • hang garlands and tinsel along the selected lines;
  • hang toys without disturbing the general geometry of the tree.