Window decor for the new year. How to decorate windows for the New Year: simple ways to create a fabulous atmosphere. Video: making vytynanka

The holiday comes to us, the holiday comes to us ... Well, it's time to look for unusual ideas for decorating your home, which will make it even more special and memorable!

We bring to your attention 5 best ways and 30 photos for inspiration!

Painting through stencils - way number 1 to decorate windows for the New Year

Decorating windows with a stencil is perhaps the easiest way to create a magical mood for the New Year and Christmas. Of course, you can turn on your imagination and just paint on the windows everything that you associate with the holidays. But if you are not sure of your artistic abilities, then we have selected a few simple templates and stencils for you that you can print, cut out of paper, or even just redraw. Santa Claus, snowmen, deer, hares and cozy houses are just what you need!

Fabulous Christmas decorations for paper windows

Unlike painting with paint, paper window decorations will be much easier to clean. Today it is not so often glued to glass as it is hung on threads and garlands, or even placed on a windowsill. In the photo below you will see how beautifully you can decorate windows for the New Year using only scissors and paper. It is quite easy to draw and cut out spruces and houses, but you will find stencils for snowflakes in our article.

Window decor with Christmas wreaths and garlands

Wreaths and garlands are one of the most popular New Year's decorations, so they are sure to be found in every home. But even if not, then inspired by the ideas in the following photos, you can easily make such a decor with your own hands.

Also read:

Christmas decorations, colored paper, old postcards and garlands - this is not a complete list of how to decorate a window for the New Year. Further more!

Decorating windows for the New Year with candles and lights

The days have already become quite short and the shops are the first to start putting up Christmas trees and lighting New Year's lights. It's time for us to join and warm our houses and streets together!

LED garlands are safer, and candles are more romantic and cozy - which one will you choose? Tell us in the comments about your favorite Christmas decorations!

How to decorate a window for the New Year with natural materials

Today people are much more conscious in choosing décor for their home, giving preference to things of natural origin whenever possible. Moreover, they are in vogue today. If you want to know how to decorate windows for the New Year 2019 best of all, then the last 5 photos in this article are especially for you!

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How to decorate a window for the New Year 2019 - 5 ways and 30 photos updated: December 17, 2018 by: Margarita Glushko

Before the New Year 2017, everyone is busy with pleasant chores and preparations for the upcoming celebration. You should think over the list of gifts, the New Year's menu, your image and, as well as decorate the apartment or house.

When preparing an apartment for the New Year 2017, think over not only the general appearance of the room, decorations for the New Year's beautiful Christmas tree, but also how to decorate the windows. Anyone who has made repairs at least once in an apartment must have noticed that windows can play a central role in creating a new type of room. Therefore, it is simply a sin to bypass such an important part of the interior.

How to decorate windows for the New Year 2017

The first thing that comes to mind when the question of decorating windows for the holiday comes up is christmas paper snowflakes... Of course, this has become a classic of the genre, but for several years now another thing has been trending, which is actively used by all lovers of designer jewelry - vytynanka. Vytynanka are special decorations made in the form of thematic characters, stylized for a certain holiday. They are used to decorate windows not only for the New Year, but also for Halloween, Valentine's Day, etc. They have gained particular popularity in cafes, restaurants, shops and other similar establishments, whose leaders want to join the upcoming New Year's fun and create an accompanying mood for visitors ... Vytynanki - stencils (templates) for windows. This is how these intricate jewelry can be called differently. They are usually made from plain paper, although some creative people resort to other materials: foil, tracing paper, metallized paper, etc.

New Year templates and paper stencils

Try to go beyond the boring snowflakes and snowmen. A thoughtful composition is an excellent option for decorating a window.


New Year's templates with plots look very interesting, with fairy-tale characters in the lead role: Grandfather Frost, Snow Maiden, reindeer, forest animals, gifts, ballerinas, dolls, etc. To please the symbol of the coming year - the Fire Rooster, write the figure of a rooster or hen into the plot or maybe even a whole family.

Stencils with the symbol of 2017 - Rooster

Christmas bells

How to make a stencil for the New Year 2017 with your own hands

In order to make a beautiful stencil, it is worth download and print New Year stencils on our website, then stock up on the following materials:

Stationery knife for precise cutting of even contours;
Small and sharp nail scissors;
A cutting board or other surface on which you will perform all the manipulations with the paper in order to protect the countertop from scratches.

First of all, find the picture you want or draw it yourself. Then you need to cut out all large parts from paper, along the contour, with a clerical knife. Use nail scissors to cut out small particles.

Templates: Santa Claus and Snow Maiden, Snowman, Deer, figures 2017

How to use stencils for windows?

There are several ways to use stencils for windows:

1. Negative
This method allows you to make a negative of the figure of your choice on the window. To do this, attach the selected paper stencil to the window using ordinary water. Dissolve soapy water in a small bowl and use a brush or dishwashing sponge to spray small droplets around the figure. Then carefully remove the stencil. Bring the drawing to perfection with a toothpick (it is easy for her to draw the missing lines, align the contours).

2. Improvised brush
It is easy to make one from an old dishwashing sponge, tightly rewound in the center with strong tape. Moisten the brush in soapy water or slightly diluted with water toothpaste (get the paste white, without stripes and other colors). This method will help create a pattern that resembles real snow.

3. Gouache, scotch tape.
You can draw a New Year's picture on the window using ordinary paint - gouache. And supplement it with easily cut stencils and templates that are attached to the window with all known transparent tape.

Small patterns on windows with paints or toothpaste, neat snowflakes and paper figures are a great option for decorating at home, at school or in kindergarten. At the same time, the work of creating unusual panoramas and transferring pictures will certainly appeal to kids and teenagers. And if they do all the work on printing and cutting, gluing pictures themselves, then the finished decor will look unusual and stylish. You can decorate windows for the New Year 2018 with any images: festive, unusual, universal. It remains only to choose the suitable options for stencils and templates among the selections offered below and get started. These examples are suitable for themed decoration of glass, and for filigree window decoration with lace or snowflakes.

Original window decoration for the New Year - templates and stencils for printing

You can decorate windows for the New Year in a variety of ways: using paint, toothpaste or powder. But in order for the applied patterns and drawings to be really neat, you need to take care of the preparation of stencils and templates with which the image will be transferred. It is recommended to pre-print thematic drawings with Christmas trees, balls, Santa Claus. Also, decorating windows for the New Year with patterns and stencils can be carried out to create whole panoramas of villages and cities.

What templates and stencils to print for New Year's window decoration in 2018?

To decorate the house before the New Year with their children, parents should look at templates and stencils of drawings with different animals, snowflakes or Christmas trees. You can also choose non-standard decor in the form of snow-covered landscapes. At the same time, among the options for drawings proposed below, you can easily choose different images for each room in the house.

Simple decoration of windows in kindergarten for the New Year - ideas for templates and video example

For kids in kindergarten, preparing for the New Year with window decoration is the most interesting. To carry it out, they can use a variety of materials: toothpaste, gouache. To make it easy for children to transfer drawings to windows, and the patterns are neat, it is recommended to work with thick paints. They will not spread, they will help to create clear pictures on any topic. A variety of templates will also be useful, which will make decorating windows in kindergarten for the New Year fun and simple.

A selection of templates for quick and easy window decoration in the garden on New Year's Eve 2018

Using the following selection of different templates, you can create amazing decor for your bedroom and playroom in kindergarten. Simple drawings are quite easy to cut out and just as easy to paint with gouache and thick acrylic paints. Educators can only print out the proposed stencils and offer them to the kindergarten students.

Video example of decorating windows in a kindergarten before the New Year

The following video lesson will help you get acquainted with the features of drawing pictures on windows on New Year's Eve in kindergarten. He will tell you about the features of cutting the selected templates to glass and the rules for transferring pictures. A detailed hint will also be useful for decorating windows with children at home or at school.

Cool DIY window decoration with paper for the New Year - a selection of stencils

Children can quickly and very unusual decorate windows before the New Year at school not only with the use of paints or toothpaste. Paper stencils will also look original on glass. They can be glued to a smooth surface using double-sided tape, or by pre-wetting the paper in a soapy solution. Therefore, when choosing how to decorate glass in offices and classrooms, you can opt for such a simple method. You can choose drawings for cool window decoration for the New Year with your own hands among the proposed thematic templates.

Cool stencils for decorating a New Year's window using paper

The templates and stencils attached below can be used in different ways: the guys can cut them out completely, or use individual elements to decorate the glass. Moreover, paper decor can be used both at school and at home. Using different pictures, you can create full-fledged panoramas, funny and simply beautiful New Year's compositions.

Unusual window decoration for the New 2018 - which paper templates to print

A selection of templates for decorating windows before the New Year usually does not take much time. At the same time, both adults and children prefer classic patterns with Christmas trees by Santa Claus, snowflakes. But they can be replaced with more unusual pictures, which will be glued or transferred to glass. It remains only to choose how to decorate the window, and what materials are best to use. The following selection will help you choose the decorations for the window in the templates and print them on paper before the New Year.

A selection of unusual templates for printing New Year's window decorations in 2018

You can create a unique decor in the house or school, kindergarten on the eve of the New Year, not only with thematic pictures, but also with unusual drawings. For example, it can be used to decorate images of landscapes, snowy cities or villages. Such pictures can be simply printed and then cut out of paper. And you can use them to apply cool drawings using gouache or toothpaste. Working with non-standard templates and stencils will certainly appeal to both kindergarten kids and school students.

Stylish window decoration for the New Year in the style of filigree lace - decor examples

Refined window decorations in the style of filigree lace are perfect for the New Year theme. Exquisite patterns will help create truly amazing and magical decor in any room of the house. Also, the proposed stencils are also suitable for decorating classrooms at school. But in the kindergarten, work with such blanks is better done by the educators themselves: it will be quite difficult for the kids to work with numerous small details.

A selection of pictures for filigree window decoration before the New Year

The following picture examples are great for exquisite filigree glass decoration. But before you print them, you should familiarize yourself with the peculiarities of window decor with such unusual blanks. For example, it may be difficult for children to cut out small parts or evenly glue a made blank to the glass. Therefore, it is better for babies to choose simplified drawings. But adults and adolescents can easily cope with this task, regardless of the chosen filigree pattern.

Video example of window decoration for the New Year in the style of filigree lace

The next video tutorial will show you step by step how to decorate ordinary glass using patterns and figures cut out of paper. Simple instructions will help you quickly and accurately decorate any room in the house or decorate the classrooms of a school and kindergarten in an unusual way.

Cool window decoration for the New Year 2018 can be carried out using paint or tooth powder. And you can greatly simplify your task and decorate the glass with plain paper. To do this, at home or at school, kindergarten, you will need to print the templates and stencils proposed above, cut them out and just stick them on the windows. Such work will take a minimum of time, but at the same time it will help to get a truly original and beautiful decor with unusual patterns. Optionally, you can choose themed pictures or opt for filigree lace and snowflakes. Regardless of the selected blanks, the prepared decoration will look unusual and will help create the appropriate holiday atmosphere.

A little over a month remains before the New Year. So, it's time to stock up on ideas on how to decorate your home. The easiest way to create a fabulous mood is to decorate the windows of an apartment or office. How to do this, see our photo selection.

1. Stickers on the windows. The easiest way is to purchase special stickers from the store and decorate windows, window sills and even walls with them. Fortunately, the variety of such jewelry is great today and their combination will allow you to show your individuality.

2. Drawings on the windows. This method is also simple, although a little more time consuming than buying stickers. This method was also used by our grandmothers and mothers. He is very soulful and truly filled with a sense of magic, anticipation of a holiday and a miracle.

So, we stock up on toothpaste or tooth powder, a toothbrush, white paper and a foam sponge. Let's start the magic step by step:

Cut out the snowflakes. If you have forgotten how to do this, you can download the template on the Internet.

We slightly moisten the snowflake with water and glue it to the window. In this case, excess water must be soaked.

We dilute toothpaste and tooth powder with water in a small container.

After dipping a toothbrush in the solution, shake it (to remove the first large drops), and then run your finger along the bristles, directing the spray onto the glass and snowflake.

When the spray is dry, carefully remove the snowflake from the glass.

The toothpaste is washed off the glass easily and easily.

With its help, you can simply paint fabulous pictures on the windows. And if you attract children to this, their delight will have no boundaries.

Stencils will help speed up the process of painting on windows. To draw small details, when the solution on the window dries up a little, use a dry brush or toothpick. On top of the toothpaste, the drawing can be painted with colored paints.

3. Paper snowflakes. An old, but no less fascinating and colorful way of New Year's decoration. We fold a sheet of paper, cut out the lace beauty and glue it on the windows.

By the way, you can create different pictures from snowflakes of different sizes, for example, a Christmas tree:

Or this beauty:

4. Paper decorations. You can also involve the whole family in this painstaking business. It's a very fun process to create magic from plain white paper.

Download special stencils on the Internet, apply the design on paper and carefully cut. Now all that remains is to stick it on the window. You, of course, know how this is done: using soapy water or scotch tape.

By the way, the owner of the upcoming 2017 is a rooster.

5. Garlands of New Year's toys. Garlands of Christmas tree decorations look very beautiful on the windows. You can collect them in various ways:

You can create garlands from snowflakes:

6. Electric garlands.A special holiday feeling is created by a window decorated with an electric garland. Today there is a huge selection of garlands. Calling on your imagination to help, you can create a real fairy tale on the window.

So, you can decorate glass, window sills and cornices. It is great if you have a thin mini-cornice in the middle of the window in your kitchen, on which you usually hang cafe-style curtains. It can be decorated with garlands and tinsel, as well as hanging Christmas tree decorations. If there is no such cornice, but there is only a ceiling one, choose a beautiful strong branch in the park and hang it on ribbons, attaching it along the edges and in the center. Well, then, connect your imagination and use any decorative things that you have at home.

Balls can be hung on wide ribbons by tying them to the upper cornice. Use different lengths of ribbons to make the balls hang at different levels. You can choose several shades of balls and ribbons and alternate them in color.

How can you decorate a window for the New Year? Another option for attaching a branch using small studs nailed to the edges of the window frame. This method is more suitable for a suburban wooden house. Instead of Christmas tree decorations, you can hang gingerbread or cookies.

Wonderful snowflakes, which we all know how to cut out of white paper since childhood, can not only be glued to window panes, but also hung instead of a garland, placing them vertically on a fishing line or strong thread.

How else to decorate the window in an original way for the New Year?

An effective way is to decorate the window with small gift boxes. Find a suitable cardboard box at home (these can be food or cosmetic packaging), wrap them in newspaper, secure the corners with double-sided tape, and tie nice bows.

Beautiful New Year cards are also useful for decoration if you hang them on a rope, securing them with clothespins. It's great if you have preserved old postcards from your family and friends!

Windows can be decorated with pine cones. Measure the height of the window to calculate the approximate length of the line you will be tying the buds to.

And this option is ideal for a children's room. Felt balls of bright colors look charming on a birch branch.

It is better to fix a bunch of bright balls in the center of the window cornice. To make the composition look harmonious, pick up a wide ribbon of the same shade with the balls and leave some of the ends of the ribbons hanging free.

You can decorate window panes using stencils, placing them on the window and sprinkling with artificial snow from a spray can. Or take white paper and cut out silhouettes of houses, Christmas trees or animals from it.

The windows decorated using decoupage technique look great. It is enough to buy beautiful Christmas-themed paper napkins, cut out drawings and glue them to the window. And, of course, you should not glue the windows with decoupage glue, but instead take thick sugar syrup and apply it over the napkins with a brush.

Lace napkins or pieces of tulle can be used as stencils. They need to be fixed on the window with masking tape, sprayed on top with spray paint, and then removed. Beautiful lace patterns will remain on the windows.