How to be baptized correctly for Orthodox Christians. How to properly overshadow yourself with the Sign of the Cross

Let's talk about "adult" kisses. Every person wants to appear in front of their beloved in the best light, to show that you are capable of much, sometimes you can even surprise. After all, if the Casanovas are trying to hone their skills, what then can we say about us, ordinary mortals who want affection and tenderness, or about those who have not yet experienced the dizziness and sweetness of a kiss?

Few noticed that they kiss a couple of times a day. From early childhood to the end of our lives, we kiss loved ones, children, our parents and even animals. With the help of a kiss, we try to express our gratitude, tenderness, affection, passion, love, to declare and truce, to express our agreement, in general, all kinds of feelings.

People want to learn how to kiss properly in order to satisfy their natural needs. These needs are as important as love, drink, food, constant internet connection ...

This need for the need to touch someone, for passion. Everyone wants to embrace their loved one. The desire for contact with another person occurs at the behest of instinct, it cannot be explained, since it is natural to come. Despite all this, the kissing technique can be learned and improved. And everyone can do it.

What should be done to make the first "adult" kiss leave a perfect imprint on you and your chosen one?

  1. 1. Just don't be shy. If this is your first time, it still does not mean anything. The fact that your palms are sweating, your knees are trembling and your head is spinning are just signs of your love. This is nothing compared to the physical and emotional pleasure you get from the kiss itself.
  2. 2. If you can, make the environment more romantic and intimate. Dim lamps or candles will help you with this.
  3. 3. Be mindful of your breathing. A stale breath can discourage a guy or a girl from kissing. If you forgot or didn't have time to brush your teeth, a few sprigs of parsley, an apple, or chewing gum will help you.
  4. 4. When you started kissing, do not freeze in one position. Gently stroke your partner's back, shoulder, touch his ears, run your hand through his hair.
  5. 5. Don't be silent. If you start kissing, this does not mean that you should be silent. Say something nice and gentle to your beloved (beloved).
  6. 6. Be relaxed, don't tense. If your lips are tense, this can only push your partner away, or he will think that you are unpleasant.
  7. 7. Don't dwell on one kind of kiss. Most men love the "French" kiss ("wet"). Believe me, gentle sucking and biting on the lips can add even more excitement.

How can you tell if a girl is ready for a kiss? In most cases, she herself burns out with impatience and does not understand why her chosen one cannot dare to kiss her. Most often this happens when a guy cannot gather his courage, he puts himself in invisible frames and creates uncomfortable situations. When a girl looks you straight in the eyes and does not look away, she is trying to let you know that she is ready, and you should not pull.

Girls, which is not always true, think that by kissing they can determine the character of a guy, how worthy he is and whether he is suitable for them. But never be afraid to show your feelings and go for it!

How do you know if you can kiss?

The most important thing is monitor your partner's reaction. This is more about guys than girls. When a girl is contentedly carried away to another world or moans softly - this is immediately evident, and you can understand that you are doing everything right. But when, she looks like she's sitting on a pair - it's worth thinking about what you can do to make it start up! Achieve the desired result by trial and error. If the first time you could not show what you are capable of, then the second time you should take into account all the oversights and kiss so that she explodes with pleasure ... Girls love to deceive and pretend, but when they start kissing, they forget about their abilities and cannot hide their feelings.

TeachIt recommends that you pay attention to the "signs" that can tell you that you should learn to kiss. For example, if a girl tries to close her mouth, looks away, is distracted - then this is a clear sign that indicates that you are doing something wrong. If immediately after the kiss she asks about the political situation in the country or something else, it means that you are not hit. But do not get upset, turn on your imagination and go ahead - practice, practice and practice again.

The biggest kissing mistake

The most important thing is training and practice. Everything will come with experience. Your fantasy can sometimes do such a thing that even you will not immediately understand that everything that happens is not reality, but only imagination.

So, relax, imagine your ideal. Imagine how you approach her, run your hand through his (her) hair, how you start kissing. It is important to put in more feelings and emotions.

And finally, UchiIto share one important moment with you! It's not enough just to learn to kiss on the lips. The fairer sex has a lot of erogenous points. Thanks to sociological researchers, we know that 97% of girls are instantly turned on by kissing on the neck. All it costs is that you hug your beloved tightly from behind, throw back her hair and kiss her passionately. When she feels the hot man's breath on her neck, kisses and light nibbles - she will be ready to dissolve in your arms!

A kiss is when the souls of two people in love unite. Don't be afraid to experiment. Kiss your lover (beloved) as your heart suggests. Memories of such kisses will always be kept in your memory.

1. Prepare your lips for a kiss. Lips should be smooth and pleasant, not dry, chapped and tight. Tips for preparing lips for a kiss will help both men and women make lips attractive and seductive. Here are some basic principles:

* Peel your lips using sugar. After that, they will become very soft.
* Moisturize lips to retain moisture.
* Relax your lips slightly by opening your mouth.

Don't forget about your breathing. A stale breath can discourage a girl from kissing. If you have not had time to brush your teeth, chewing gum, an apple, a few sprigs of parsley or a cup of tea will come to your aid.

2. Try to look seductive and friendly. You yourself may not realize that with your whole appearance you are saying “I don’t want to kiss,” so follow the advice on how to look friendly. Do not cross your arms over your chest, do not touch your face with your hands, look into your eyes and smile sincerely sweetly. Also try to catch your partner's body language - does this person like you? Or is he embarrassed?

3. As for the settingif possible, make the environment intimate and romantic. It is necessary to overcome the so-called "touch barrier". Lightly touch your partner's arm or shoulder while talking. Do it quickly, as if "by accident", and do not attach much importance to it. Holding hands is also a great way to overcome the barrier to touch.

4. Your emotions: do not hesitate, control your excitement, the fact that you, perhaps, have never had to kiss, still does not mean anything. Believe me, the fact that your head is spinning, your knees are trembling and your palms are suddenly sweating are just signs that you are really in love. This is nothing compared to the emotional and physical pleasure you get from the first kiss.

While kissing

1. Start training by kissing your beloved's fingers. Try to gently touch your lips and gently touch your tongue to each finger. Look for the places that are most responsive to touch: folds between the fingers, pads, fingers on the side, on the back of the hand. Feel for yourself every cell of her skin. Bring her hand to your mouth from time to time. With all this, you kind of encourage the girl to kiss your hands. And then the two will feel good.

2. Look at your partner's lips. Maintain eye contact and then look at your lips. Then look into your eyes again and smile a little. All this should be done discreetly. Many people understand the hints, especially if they ate they also read articles that such actions can be perceived as intent to kiss.

3. During the kiss, do not freeze in one position. Gently run your hand through your partner's hair, touch his ears, stroke his shoulders, back. Do not be silent. If you kiss, it does not mean that you should be silent like a fish. Tell your loved one (or beloved) something gentle and pleasant.

4. Move on: kiss the forearms, move to the neck, find, mark and memorize the most sensitive places. The kiss can be a light touch, or it can tighten the skin slightly. But try not to bruise from the suction.

5. Move from chin to lips, try rubbing lips against lips, then sucking her lips with yours and vice versa, when it is not clear where whose, they are so intertwined. There are small bumps under the tongue, if you begin to irritate them, and the girl, in turn, does the same, the kiss will acquire a special taste, it will be long and sweet.

6. Don't tense, be relaxed. Tight lips can, on the contrary, push your partner away, or he may think that he is causing you any inconvenience.

7. Kiss slowly and with pleasure. Try not to stop abruptly during the kiss, gently look the girl in the eyes and then on the lips and after a few seconds continue the kiss (your look is very important).

A kiss won't be good if your head is busy with something else. Try not to think during the kiss about "how do I look today?" or "what is he / she thinking about?" or something like that. Don't be introspective, and in general, try not to think about anything while kissing... Instead, focus on the feel of your partner's lips on yours and pleasure.

Remember that not everyone likes it when their partner is too active. People who meet recently do not often want to kiss the tongue right away... Watch your partner's gestures. If he keeps interrupting kissing when you try to kiss him in French, he may just not like kisses like that.

Don't use your tongue too much, especially when you first kiss. Never put your tongue in your partner's mouth if you don't know each other well. Many people feel uncomfortable when there is "too much tongue" in a kiss.

Be more natural when kissing, do not freeze like a statue, straining and remembering what you read about the kissing technique, nature itself will tell you how to behave in this situation. Also, do not stop there, any partner will love it if you thank him for the lessons and tell him that you enjoy kissing him.

Don't forget about your partner. This is when you kiss just for your own pleasure, absolutely not paying attention to whether your actions are pleasant to your partner. It is necessary to take into account the tastes and feelings of the girl and feel them.

How to be perfect in a kiss
Practice and practice again. At any free minute, morning, afternoon, evening, night, at every meeting, after meals, before going to bed, and after waking up. All comes with experience. The best way to learn to kiss is through your own imagination and, of course, feelings for your partner. Your fantasy can sometimes do such that you do not even immediately realize that these passionate kisses are not an amazing reality, but just your imagination.

So sit back and relax. Imagine in front of you the object of your adoration. Imagine how you approach her, run your hand through her hair, how you begin to kiss gently. The main thing is to put more emotions and feelings into such fantasies. The brighter the picture is, the better for you, all it costs is to go up to your beloved, hug her tightly from behind, throw back her hair and kiss her gently. When a girl feels hot man's breath on her neck, strong hugs, nibbles and kisses - she's just ready to melt in your arms!

When we start getting baptized, we do not just manipulate our hands, but perform an important religious ceremony. John Chrysostom spoke about the incorrect laying on of the cross: "The demons rejoice at this frantic waving." The power of the sign of the cross cannot be overemphasized. The Lives of the Saints are replete with examples when, once putting on the cross, a person got rid of demonic wiles.

What can not be done with the sign of the Cross

  1. Wave your arms strongly - this method is good for getting rid of flies, in the church everything should be "good looking and in order."
  2. To connect your fingers in a pinch - you do not salt borscht, but turn to the Almighty.
  3. To knock your fingers on your forehead in a big way - grace is not hammered into your head, but comes down from heaven.
  4. Do not touch the shoulders, but cross in front of the face.

How to be baptized correctly

Orthodox Christians are baptized with the right hand. Fold your thumb, forefinger, and middle finger together. This is a sign of faith in the Holy Trinity. Press your pinky and ring fingers into the palm of your hand. This shows the dual nature of God's son - divine (the son of God) and human (he took torment to atone for our sins).

  1. Touching your forehead will illuminate your mind.
  2. Up to the abdomen (below the solar plexus and above the navel) - this will illuminate the senses.
  3. To the right shoulder, and then to the left shoulder - this will illuminate the deeds of your hands.
  4. Repeat inaudibly: "In the name of the Father (forehead) and Son (belly) and Holy Spirit (shoulders), amen."

Put your hand down, bow down. Bow is evidence of humility before the Almighty. It is important to know that you need to be baptized slowly, with appropriate reverence.

When to be baptized

  1. Approaching something holy - if on your way a temple or monastery, when you enter a church, you kiss an icon or a cross.
  2. When you pray.
  3. After waking up in the morning (thanks for the new day) and before going to bed in the evening (we ask for blessings for the coming sleep).
  4. Before you eat (thanks for your daily bread).
  5. As necessary (in doubt, in sorrow, in joy, etc.).

As you know how to be baptized correctly, remember to teach it to your children as early as possible. If they are still too small, baptize them yourself until they grow up.

The sign of the cross is a visible evidence of our faith, so it must be performed carefully and with reverence.
To find out whether a person is Orthodox before you or not, you just need to ask him to be baptized, and by how he does it and whether he will do it at all, everything will become clear. Remember the gospel: "Faithful in little and faithful in many things" (Luke 16:10).

The power of the Sign of the Cross is extraordinarily great. In the Lives of the Saints, there are stories about how demonic spells dissipated after the overshadowing of the Cross. Therefore, those who are baptized carelessly, fussy, and inattentively, simply delight the demons.

How to overshadow yourself with the Sign of the Cross?

1) You need to put three fingers of your right hand (thumb, index and middle) together, which symbolizes the three faces of the Holy Trinity - God the Father, God the Son and God the Holy Spirit. By connecting these fingers together, we testify to the unity of the Holy Inseparable Trinity.

2) The other two fingers (the little finger and the ring finger) are tightly bent to the palm, thus symbolizing the two natures of the Lord Jesus Christ: the Divine and the human.
3) First, folded fingers are placed on the forehead to sanctify the mind; then on the stomach (but not below) - to sanctify the inner abilities (will, mind and feelings); after that - on the right, and then on the left shoulder - to sanctify our bodily strength, because the shoulder symbolizes activity ("lend a shoulder" - to provide help).

4) Only after lowering our hands, we make a bow in the waist so as not to "break the Cross". It is a common mistake to bow at the same time as the Sign of the Cross. This should not be done.
The bow after the Sign of the Cross is performed because we have just depicted on ourselves (overshadowed ourselves) the Calvary Cross, and we worship it.

The sign of the cross accompanies the believer everywhere. The sign of the cross should be overshadowed at the beginning of prayer, during prayer and after it ends. We cross ourselves, getting out of bed and going to bed, going out into the street and entering the Temple, kissing icons and holy relics; before eating, we baptize ourselves and sign the food with the Sign of the Cross. We are baptized, starting a new business and ending it. It is necessary to be baptized in all important cases of life: in danger, in sorrow, in joy. Mothers, sending their children from home, give their maternal blessing, overshadowing the child with the Sign of the Cross and surrendering their child to God's cover. Cross of christ it sanctifies everything and everyone, and therefore the image of it to the believers on themselves is salutary and soulful.

An Orthodox baptized person should always wear the cross!

From the first centuries of Christianity, every believer wears the Cross on his chest, fulfilling the words of the Savior: "Whoever wants to follow Me, deny yourself, and take up your cross, and follow Me." (Mark 8:34).
The meaning of wearing a cross is revealed in the words of the Apostle Paul: “I have been crucified with Christ” (Gal. 2:19). The consecrated pectoral cross is a symbol of faith and a sign of belonging to the Church of Christ. The cross protects from temptation and evil. Anyone who does not want to wear the cross himself rejects the help of God.
The pectoral cross can be any: from ordinary metal, from silver, gold, from wood. Also, it is not important to have a cross on a chain or on a string - just to hold on tightly. The main thing is that you wear it. It is desirable that the Cross be consecrated in the Church. On the back of Orthodox crosses, according to tradition, an inscription is made "Bless and save".

You cannot wear a pectoral cross and signs of the zodiac (or any amulets, amulets, etc.) on the same chain - because the pectoral cross is a sign of belonging to the Church of Christ, and signs of the zodiac, amulets, amulets are evidence of adherence to various superstitions (you should not wear them at all) - all this is from the evil one.

It is necessary to wear an Orthodox cross on the body, under clothes, without showing it off. Until the 18th century, only Bishops had the right to wear the Cross over clothing, and later - Priests. Anyone who dares to be like them commits the sin of self-sanctification.

Kiss is a kind of romantic game for girls and guys. She has a special place in relationships. After all, with the help of a kiss, you can say a lot to your partner. And how can you not like kissing?

Indeed, during this caress, feelings literally overwhelm you. It would seem that a kiss is so common and banal, but if you think about it, many questions arise. How should you kiss your tongue? How to kiss lips correctly? How to kiss without a tongue?

Today we will quickly teach you how to correctly, and most importantly, beautifully kiss with a guy or a girl.

There are many types of kissing, and they all have their pros and cons.

Here we have collected the most popular and the most interesting ones.

  • Inato. This is a very gentle and romantic kiss on the lips. It is distinguished by its smoothness and lightness. The main rule is that you should not touch your partner's teeth and you need to pay attention to every millimeter of your beloved's mouth.
  • Playful kiss. A characteristic feature of this affection is the gentle biting of a guy on the lips of his girlfriend, and at this time she warms up passion in him, moving her tongues in his mouth.
  • A gentle kiss. The youngest and only mature couples should start with it. Gentle touches of the lips and the first, timid movements of the tongue make him especially romantic.
  • A passionate kiss. This is a whole series of many kisses from the neck and chest to the inner thighs. He is able to excite secret desires in both partners and create a storm of emotions.
  • Kiss in French. One of the most famous and popular types of weasel. The most important thing about it is the contact between languages, it can be stroking or nibbling, the choice is yours.

How to learn to kiss?

How to learn to kiss without a partner?

Most girls and guys are very worried about their first kiss. After all, the first time we do not know what exactly to do and what to expect, so a lot of awkwardness can arise.

So if you want everything to go well the first time, here are some tips on the basics of kissing.

It is worth thinking carefully about what exactly bothers you in this matter. By putting things in order in your head, you can easily cope with this task. But first come on Let's figure out what might scare you.

  1. You don't know how to do it. In this case, everything is extremely simple. For a start, you should learn the kissing technique, practice a little, and that's it. Remember that no one is immediately born a master of kissing and that this skill can be easily developed if desired.
  2. You doubt your partner. If the person with whom you are to kiss does not make you sympathetic or there is something in him that repels you, then you should not rush into it. Perhaps you just don't know him enough or he just doesn't suit you. In this matter, the main thing is to listen to your heart so that in the end you don't have to regret anything.
  3. You haven't done this before. There is nothing strange about this. We all do something for the first time. The first kiss is something that everyone has to go through. So take it easy and try to enjoy this moment.
  4. Kiss technique. This is exactly what its quality directly depends on. To develop a master of kissing in yourself, it is enough to read descriptions of one type or another and simply put your knowledge into practice. It is clear that you will not experiment with your partner right away, for this you can use any soft, but sufficiently well-shaped vegetable or fruit, for example, a tomato or a peach. First you need to give it at least a slight resemblance to the lips of a loved one or beloved and start practicing.

How to learn to kiss without a tongue?

A kiss without a tongue carries lightness and tenderness. So during training, do not act too decisively and harshly.

If you practice this type of kiss without a partner, on vegetables or fruits, make sure that they do not deform and juice does not escape from them.

To properly kiss the tongue, in addition to the tips above, you can use a couple more.

  • Try different tongue movement techniques. This will not only give confidence to the movements, but with constant training will make the tongue more flexible.
  • Ball exercise. Try putting a small ball in your mouth, such as a ping-pong ball, and push it out with your tongue. In the beginning, you may not be able to succeed, but after a couple of minutes you will notice progress. This will help in improving your tongue movement technique.

How to learn to kiss the tongue with a partner?

If you've already gotten to workout with a girl or boyfriend, you should start with the simplest and smoothest movements. You do not need to randomly move your tongue in different directions or push it too far.

There should be a measure in everything. And after a few attempts, you will feel more confident.

What else should you pay attention to when kissing?

Here are a couple of other nuances, paying attention to which, you can avoid inconvenience.

  1. It is worth taking care of the freshness of your breath. Even for the most in love guy or girl, this can completely discourage any attraction to you.
  2. It is worth taking care of the condition of the skin of the face and lips. This is especially true for the autumn-winter period, when the skin can be chapped and dry.
  3. Do not freeze in one position. This can be very embarrassing for your partner, especially if he, like you, is new to this business.
  4. The main thing is sincerity. Your kiss should give your partner a sense of how you feel about them and what they mean to you.
  5. It is worth tilting your head slightly. Otherwise, you will run into your partner's noses.

Kissing techniques

Kiss with the tongue (or in French)

  • It is worth starting with light touches to your partner's lips.
  • Then it is worth making it clear to your loved one that you are ready by opening your mouth slightly.
  • After penetrating your tongue into his mouth, you should start with gentle strokes.
  • During a kiss, you should not open your lips, they should interact with each other.
  • No need to hurry. It is worth doing everything smoothly and gently.

Kiss passionately

  • Lean slightly towards the girl or guy and touch his lips.
  • In this case, it is worth performing circular movements with the tongue, and then holding it along the inside of the lips.
  • Then you need to start slowly sucking in the lips of your partner, gradually increasing the pace.

It is not worth while during caresses to focus on the technique and literally try to bring it to life. You need to trust yourself and your feelings, then you will definitely succeed.

The most common mistakes:

  • do not open your mouth too much;
  • try to be more gentle, and not bite into your loved one;
  • watch out for salivation;
  • if you have to kiss with someone, then it is better not to use bright lipstick;
  • don't be too active or too passive.

How old can you kiss?

This is very individual. For some, the first kiss can happen in kindergarten, and for someone in high school. If you haven't found a suitable partner yet, don't rush. So, if a guy or a girl does not know how to kiss at the age of 14-16, there is nothing to worry about.

It is worth remembering that learning how to kiss properly takes time, so don't be upset if you don't succeed the first time.