How to quickly dry jeans with an iron. How to quickly dry jeans at home, or what will speed up the drying process. How to dry jeans at home

It happens that jeans are completely wet, and you need to put them on after a couple of hours. At such a moment, it is worth using the most effective methods to quickly dry the item.

Popular ways to quickly dry jeans

You won't be able to completely dry your jeans in 10 minutes. If they are completely wet, it will take longer. There are common methods that involve using a hair dryer or iron. It is important to follow some recommendations to quickly get the desired effect.

Using popular household appliances - iron, hair dryer

There are several methods for blow drying:

  1. Aweigh. The jeans are turned inside out and secured with clothespins. Turn on the hairdryer and run it around the entire perimeter of the product. Pay special attention to the area where the seams, pockets, and fly are located. Keep the hair dryer at a distance of at least 20 cm from the item.
  2. Inflating. The product is laid out on the table. Tuck up the bottom of the pant leg and waistband. Secure this position with needles so that the fabric does not unravel. A hairdryer is inserted into the pant leg and turned on. It is worth turning your trouser legs inside out periodically.

Blow drying will take about an hour. Another method is to use an iron. It is necessary to place the towel on the surface so that it absorbs all the moisture. Jeans are laid out on top. The last layer will be the sheet. It is needed to absorb steam. Do not set the iron to high temperature, otherwise you may damage the fabric. Avoid using steam. Just iron the item gently and slowly, turning it over regularly. Finishing the procedure, Special attention Focus on areas with denser tissue. Wait a while before putting on your jeans. Otherwise your knees will swell.

Drying denim trousers quickly using a radiator

Most have heating only in the winter season, which imposes restrictions on drying; it is not available all year round.

Important! Use this method carefully. Jeans may shrink several times in size.

The product is turned inside out and wrapped around the battery. It is recommended to change sides and turn the item inside out every 20 minutes.

Dry your jeans after washing at home with a towel or cotton rag.

Another method for drying jeans is to use a towel or rag. It is important to follow the instructions to do everything correctly and dry the item effectively.

Instructions for instantly drying jeans with a towel

A dry towel is laid out on the surface. The product is placed on top. They begin to roll everything into a tight bundle, as happens when squeezing things out. The action must be repeated several times. The towel will gradually become wet, so change it to a dry one every time. Complete drying will not be achieved, but the situation can be significantly improved.

Original ways to quickly dry jeans in 5 minutes

In addition to those listed, there are very original ways. They are non-standard, but they allow you to make things much drier.

In a hot oven

It is a fire hazard. Therefore, it is important to act carefully. The jeans are placed on a cabinet door or rack inside the oven. The equipment is preheated to 100 degrees. The item is folded so that “wrinkles” do not form. The closet door opens slightly and jeans are placed on them. Turn them over every 10 minutes to ensure even drying.

Attention! Make sure the oven is completely clean before using this method. No grease or food smell.

On myself

If the item is not completely wet, but only slightly damp, you can dry it by putting it on yourself. This will avoid the formation of wrinkles and everything will dry quickly enough. But if the product is thoroughly wet, this method will not work.

How to dry wet jeans in 5 minutes in a strong draft

The process with a draft differs in its speed. Sometimes 30 minutes is enough. But you can use the method only in warm, sunny weather. You should act in this order:

  1. The jeans are turned inside out.
  2. Hang them on the balcony or in the room. In the latter case, you need to open the window wide.
  3. To ensure everything dries evenly, turn the item regularly.

Compliance with safety rules when quickly drying jeans after washing (in the oven, using household electrical appliances)

Some of the proposed methods are particularly dangerous. Therefore, it is important to follow safety rules. The oven must be in full working order; do not close the door completely. When using the iron, do not set the temperature to maximum. The hairdryer may burn out when drying. Therefore, it is important to carefully monitor all actions taken.

Knowing how to dry your pants quickly will help you avoid some unpleasant situations. Quite often it is not possible to change clothes that are dirty for another, clean one. This could also be due to many reasons. Therefore, knowing how to quickly dry wet things will be useful for everyone.


Before you begin the quick drying procedure, you should not expect that only the wrung out washing machine the thing, as if by a wave of a magic wand, will become dry. It will take at least 5 minutes to put your trousers in order. Much will also depend on the type of fabric. If you need to dry light cotton pants, sometimes it’s enough to just take them outside. If it’s hot summer outside, then within 10 minutes they will be completely dry. When it comes to thicker material, such as denim, it will take more time. Synthetic and woolen items quickly lose moisture, but material such as silk, on the contrary, takes a long time to dry.

It will take at least 5 minutes to put your trousers in order.

If you look at the problem from the perspective of a science such as physics, the drying process is the transition of the liquid state of water into a vapor state under the influence of high temperature and air currents. There is also surface tension. With its help, the material (fabric) is wetted and moisture is retained in it. Jets of air together with heat accelerate the process of vaporization due to the fact that under their influence the surface tension weakens.


Before quickly drying jeans or any other item after washing, you should keep in mind that all procedures performed may adversely affect the condition of the fabric. As a result, if you make a mistake, you can completely ruin the clothing, making it unusable, or shorten the service life of the product. It is for these reasons that it is recommended that trousers, regardless of the type of fabric, dry naturally.

Please note that some materials cannot be washed in a washing machine, much less use the spin mode. Therefore, before using one of the recommended methods, you need to make sure that the product will withstand all upcoming “tests”. All characteristics of the fabric are located on the label.

If the fabric allows, then after washing you need to set the maximum spin speed. The centrifuge will remove excess water from the fibers as much as possible, and the items will be almost dry after washing. Additionally, you can use the “easy ironing” function if it is provided by the manufacturer of the automatic washing machine.

If the item has been washed by hand, most of the water will remain in the fibers of the trouser fabric. To remove excess liquid, you need to use two towels. Hand-washed and hand-wrung trousers are placed between them and the whole thing is rolled up. When dry towels have absorbed excess moisture, you can replace them with new ones. To speed up the process of transferring liquid from a wet body to a dry body, you can place a weight on top of the roll.

At this stage, the drying process does not end. These were just preparatory activities, but the most important part is yet to come.

A washed and partially dehydrated item of clothing can be dried using a handy product - a hair dryer. To do this, you need to hang the trousers on a clothesline or fasten them to a trempel and blow them with warm air. This method will be effective for thin summer trousers, but, for example, jeans will not dry very quickly.

You will need to dry your jeans with a hairdryer for at least 30 minutes.

In this case, you can use the same hairdryer, but the air stream needs to be directed slightly differently. Jeans that have been previously wrung out in a centrifuge or using towels must be laid out on a flat surface. The waistband of the trousers must be secured so that it remains closed and does not move. To do this, you can take a plastic bottle, fill it with water and screw the waistband of your pants onto it. The edge (hole) of one of the legs will also have to be closed, for example, by placing a book on it. A stream of warm air from a hairdryer is directed into the trouser leg that remains free. The pants should bulge. After 5-6 minutes, it is recommended to turn off the hair dryer, turn the trousers inside out and do everything in the same order again. When the trouser legs of the product are dry, all that remains to dry is the waistband. You should be aware that it will take at least 30 minutes for a denim item that has previously been wrung out in a washing machine to completely dry.

3 Iron drying

People started drying things with an iron long before hair dryers began to appear in their homes. The principle of the procedure is the effect of high temperature of the device on the product. But due to the fact that the drying method is contact, if you do not adhere to certain rules, you can ruin your trousers.

Before you begin quickly drying clothes, you should place dry clothes on the ironing board. terry towel. It will absorb excess moisture.

Initially, the product is turned inside out and placed on an ironing board. Another little trick with this drying method is to use gauze or other thin fabric. Ironing through gauze will make it possible to avoid thermal damage to the fibers, as a result of which there will be no burns or unsightly shine on the trousers. When the back side is dry, turn the product right side out and continue to get rid of excess moisture.

To prevent the product from losing its shape, you should not put on trousers immediately after drying with an iron. It is recommended to hang them on a clothesline, preferably outside, and allow them to “cool”. Otherwise, if you put on your pants right away, your knees will stretch out on them.

Denim is a dense material that takes a long time to dry after washing. Especially in the off-season, when the batteries have already been turned off, and it is damp and cool at home and outside. How to speed up the drying process of denim pants? There are several ways.

High-quality spin

You need to understand that you won’t be able to make wet jeans dry in 5 minutes, or even 10. Drying will take at least 2 hours, and you need to start with a high-quality spin.

When washing in an automatic machine, 2 methods are used:

  1. Turn on the extra spin mode.
  2. The washed trousers are carefully folded crosswise several times and placed in an old pillowcase along with a pair of small terry towels (dry) of the corresponding color. The pillowcase is tied so that it fits tightly to the clothes, placed in the drum and the maximum spin speed is selected.

If the jeans were washed by hand, after rinsing, water is removed from them from the waistband to the bottom of the pants, and then proceed as follows:

  1. The pants are shaken and smoothed along the entire length by hand.
  2. The table is covered with oilcloth. Place a folded cotton sheet, flannel or large terry towel on top of it.
  3. Jeans are laid on top of natural fabric. Take 2 extra diapers or small towels and tuck them into your pant legs.
  4. The jeans are folded in half and rolled into a cloth lying on the table. The bundle is periodically squeezed with your hands.
  5. When the material is saturated with water, the jeans are unrolled, the towels are removed from the legs and the procedure is repeated again, replacing the wet textiles with dry ones.

After a thorough spin, drying the jeans naturally will take about 5-6 hours.

The fastest drying methods

If denim trousers need to be dried as quickly as possible, use household electrical appliances.

Automatic or stand-alone machine dryer

If you turn it on for 2.5 hours, the jeans will dry completely, but they will be overdried and very wrinkled. It will take a lot of effort to smooth them out. The recommended time for drying denim in a washing machine is 1.5 hours. The trousers will be slightly damp, but without wrinkles or creases.

You can wear slightly damp trousers from the dryer. The moisture from them will evaporate in a quarter of an hour.


Ironing is done as follows:

  1. Well-wrung trousers are turned inside out and placed on an ironing board covered with water-absorbing fabric.
  2. Using an iron heated to maximum with the steam function turned off, iron the jeans from the inside out on both sides, and then hang them on the back of a chair for 5 minutes to cool.
  3. Wet litter is replaced with dry litter. The trousers are returned to the ironing board and the process is repeated.
  4. The cooled item is turned inside out and ironed several times through gauze or thin cotton cloth. Particular attention is paid to the seams and waistband.


If the denim fabric has a high percentage of stretch, it is better to replace the iron with a hairdryer. The more powerful the device, the faster the result will be achieved. There are two ways to quickly dry jeans with a hairdryer:

  1. The product turned inside out is hung by bottom part trouser legs on hangers with clips. Holding the device at a distance of 10 cm, blow hot air first from the inside and then from the front.
  2. Having laid out the jeans on the ironing board, first direct a hot stream of air inside the item, and then dry it from the outside, turning it over.

Do not press the hair dryer close to the fabric. If water gets into the device, it will burn.

Gentle methods

An iron and hair dryer can make the product wearable in no time. But it is not recommended to abuse them. The trousers will quickly become deformed and will look worn out.

Do you have a few hours left? It is better to use one of the more gentle drying methods. In 3-4 hours, the moisture from the jeans will evaporate if you do the following:

  • Place the product on a floor-mounted electric dryer and turn it over periodically. This is the safest method for denim of any composition.
  • Hang your pants, inside out, on the hot central heating radiator. To make the water drain faster, it is recommended to change the position of your trousers every half hour.
  • If the house is no longer heated, use a heater. Jeans are secured on hangers with clips and hung above the device. Is there no such possibility? You can place your trousers on a cotton pad next to the heater. To ensure uniform evaporation of moisture, the product must be turned over every 30 minutes.

A fan and air conditioner will remove moisture from denim in 4-5 hours. The device is placed approximately 30 cm from the vertically hung item and turned on. It’s great if the device has a function for supplying warm air.

What not to do

The desire to remove moisture from jeans as quickly as possible can lead to huge troubles. The following experiments are strongly discouraged:

  • Trying to dry jeans in the microwave. The zipper and fittings on them are made of metal. Any rivet on the surface will cause sparks and fire.
  • Hang your pants on the slightly open door of a gas oven or place them inside an electric oven. If you get distracted, at best, scorch marks will appear on the denim and the fittings will melt.
  • Place trousers directly on the heater, especially with open spiral, very dangerous. A short circuit or fire may occur.

Thus, the drying of jeans can be significantly accelerated by using special-purpose devices and life hacks. They are used both individually and in combination, focusing on the composition of the fabric and their capabilities.

Over the past 50 years, jeans have become so firmly established in our lives that they have become an integral part of a person’s wardrobe. Worn by women, men and children, everyone has a favorite pair.

Jeans are such a universal thing that they are appropriate in many situations: going to the movies with a friend, going out of town to nature, and even going to work (in the absence of a strict dress code).

As a rule, a beloved couple ends up in a bowl of dirty laundry at the most inopportune moment. So what should you do if your jeans washing machine, but you need to leave in a few hours?

Of course, a reasonable option would be to choose a different set of clothes, but this is not always possible. Therefore, it is useful to know how to dry jeans quickly and how long it will take.

If it just so happens that your favorite pair is in the wash, we try to speed up this process as much as possible. Select the fast mode with spin and ironing functions, if available.

With the manual method, there will be more hassle, because not everyone can squeeze out all the excess moisture from washing by hand. A little trick will come to the rescue here: use a terry towel to get rid of excess water.

Jeans must be wrapped in a towel or sheet and a weight placed on top. The fabric should be saturated with moisture. If there is too much water, the procedure should be repeated several times, changing towels.

After this, we proceed to drying jeans at home using one of the following methods:

  • drying
  • drying with
  • oven drying

Drying jeans with a hairdryer

If you have a couple of hours before leaving home, you can use a hairdryer. Jeans must be turned inside out and hung in such a way that they can be approached from any side.

The hair dryer should be kept at a distance of approximately 30-50 cm from your pants (exactly how much depends on the power of the device). If the distance is not enough, you may hear the characteristic smell of scorched fabric, but if everything is in order, there will be no smell.

Set the hair dryer to maximum power and start heating the fabric with hot air.

Particular attention should be paid to compacted areas of clothing - pockets, waistbands and seams.

Don’t forget to periodically direct the air flow inside the trousers. After about an hour of drying, you should turn the jeans inside out and continue processing from the front side.

This method is the most gentle of the emergency ones, and therefore, using it, jeans dry for at least an hour. You should not choose this method if there are less than 30 minutes left before leaving home.

How to quickly dry jeans if there is no hair dryer in the house or it is broken? An alternative to a hairdryer is drying with an iron. This method is more aggressive, but takes slightly less time.

When working with an iron, you should turn the item inside out. For best result You can use pieces of cotton material and iron your pants through it.

During the process, do not forget to change the damp cloth for a dry one to speed up the drying process of the pants. As in the previous method, special attention should be paid to the pockets, seams and waistband of the jeans.

Advice! You can achieve better results if you let your pants dry on a radiator or heater before drying with an iron. Remember to turn the item over periodically to ensure even drying.

Towards the end of drying with an iron, the jeans should be turned right side out and ironed until completely dry.

Please note that this method is not suitable for jeans made from thin or stretch fabric. Drying in this manner may reduce the elasticity of the material.

The oven can also handle wet jeans. This method is great when you don’t have much time before leaving the house, but in addition to drying your jeans, you need to do something else, for example, or do your styling. But you should remember that it is not the safest, so you should follow a number of rules and recommendations.

  1. During the process, the pants will need to be turned over every 10 minutes. It is recommended to set a timer or alarm on your phone so you don't miss a moment. Such an omission can not only destroy the fabric, but also lead to a fire. Therefore, the method requires special care and caution.

Rules for drying jeans

Regardless of whether you dry your jeans with a hairdryer, iron or oven, you should remember that the impact high temperatures does not pass through the fabric without leaving a trace.

Now you know how to quickly dry jeans, but the most the right option drying is drying naturally. To preserve the brightness of the colors, after washing, jeans should be dried on the wrong side, secured to a clothesline with clothespins.

A pleasant addition would be drying on outdoors, say, on a balcony or in the courtyard of a private house.

Use the methods described only when absolutely necessary, and your favorite things will delight you again and again!