Congratulations on Anesthesiologist's Day are short. World Anesthesiologist Day. Happy birthday greetings to the doctor

Comic congratulations anesthesiologist

Pain knows how to pacify
They don’t argue with him, they just remain silent,
Every moment is precious.
He knows how to convince
In the correctness of actions,
If you still want to live,
Then lie still.
I'll send you congratulations
I'm in an envelope for him
I don't want to meet something
Believe it or not...

Serious congratulations to the anesthesiologist

“Anesthesia is the only means by which the doctor gets rid of the patient’s advice during an operation.” Dear friend! We, your comrades and friends, and maybe future patients, hope that you will not follow this advice, and will do anesthesia for its direct purpose: to control pain during surgery and other procedures. To ensure our comfortable state, you use medicinal substances for anesthesia, and then monitor our condition. Don’t forget that you, as an anesthesiologist, are fully responsible for our comfort and safety during surgery.
Therefore, we wish you a firm hand and clarity of mind. We won't pour any more.

Congratulations in verse to an anesthesiologist

And he decides the fate of many -
Whose life can he save?
Can be very lonely
Even though he lives among the crowd...
We sincerely congratulate you,
We want to support you with our hearts,
We wish you love and happiness,
And the same strength as at twenty-five.

Short congratulations to the anesthesiologist

Dear..., congratulations on your holiday! Even if the difficult decisions you sometimes have to make lead you to success. We wish you iron health and endless happiness - you deserve it.

Short congratulations to the anesthesiologist

Dear..., congratulations on your holiday! Even if the difficult decisions you sometimes have to make lead you to success. We wish you iron health and endless happiness - you deserve it.

Congratulations in prose to an anesthesiologist

Dear..., You often have to make difficult decisions on which people's lives depend. On the one hand, it is an honor, on the other, it is an overwhelming responsibility. I wish you had that person with whom you could share the load. And let a bright streak come in your life - happy and wide.

Congratulations in prose to an anesthesiologist

Dear..., You often have to make difficult decisions on which people's lives depend. On the one hand, it is an honor, on the other, it is an overwhelming responsibility. I wish you had that person with whom you could share the load. And let a bright streak come in your life - happy and wide.

Happy Anesthesiologist's Day! Nobody likes being sick and enduring pain, and there’s no question of having to undergo surgery without anesthesia! It’s good that there are anesthesiologists in the world who can relieve pain and help the patient recover from good mood! Thank you for your work, for saving people! I wish you happiness and many years to come! Nobody likes to get sick, but if pain comes, everyone is ready to swallow the bitterest medicine! But there are cases when medicines do not help and then it is the turn of the anesthesiologist, in whose work, as in the work of a sapper, there is no room for error! On Anesthesiologist Day, I would like to warmly congratulate you, wish you happiness and a peaceful, glorious flow of work! Every day at work you fight a cunning, cruel enemy - pain. And invariably, come out a winner, and every patient sees their savior in your face! On Anesthesiologist Day, please accept my congratulations and wishes of all the best - from success and achievements at work to happiness in your personal life! Happy Anesthesiologist's Day! You can overcome any pain and provide the patient with peace, even if it’s a sweet tooth, even during surgery! On this holiday, you deserve congratulations and the highest praise! So be happy and may your dreams come true! Your duty as a doctor is to select the remedy and dosage, to make sure that the patient wakes up on time and nothing threatens his health... The work of an anesthesiologist is not easy, but it is absolutely necessary for modern medicine! Congratulating you on professional holiday, I want to say thank you on behalf of all patients and wish you happiness! They say that the soul hurts the most, but if you happen to end up on a surgeon’s table, the first thing you think about is your mortal body! Then the doctor comes to the rescue, lets you breathe in a mask... and all that remains is to sleep, and then wake up and rush to get better! Happy Anesthesiologist's Day! Happiness and long, strong years! On Anesthesiologist Day, please accept my warm congratulations from the bottom of my heart! Your work is incredibly important and very complex... If you need to send a sick person to the kingdom of Morpheus, you select the drug and dose, and then... the person wakes up and is almost healthy! Today I want to wish you many years and great happiness, good health and the fulfillment of all your desires! A person’s life is in your hands, in your hands is the opportunity to alleviate his torment... Congratulations on Anesthesiologist’s Day! Your work allows you to carry out operations and difficult treatment without unnecessary suffering, thank you! On this day, let me wish you long years, good health and bright happiness! In the old days, in order not to feel pain, patients could only rely on a suspicious herbal decoction, or even worse, on a sure blow to the head, therefore, our century, in which there are anesthesiologists, is truly golden! And today, on Anesthesiologist’s Day, I congratulate you, say thank you for the dozens of saved patients and wish you great happiness! Anesthesiologists are not just doctors, they relieve pain, often saving the lives of patients! On your professional holiday, on Anesthesiologist's Day, I warmly, from the bottom of my heart, congratulate you and wish you many years, love and all-encompassing happiness! Today is World Anesthesiologist Day. The day of those who relieve people from excruciating suffering and pain helps people recover with a positive mood. Thank you for your work! Long and prosperous years of life, family happiness and success at work. I wish you faith, I wish you love and respect from grateful patients, so that you don’t want to change your profession and never think about trouble. Let your work bring you joy, and let the best people gather around you. Happy Anesthesiologist's Day!

More than 160 years have passed since medicine found one of the most important components to save human lives. This component - anesthesia - is now constantly used during surgical operations and even during a visit to the dentist. There are three types of anesthesia - general, local and spinal.

It all began in 1846 - on October 16 of this year, dentist Thomas Morton performed, for the first time in the world, an operation under ether anesthesia. Since then, October 16 has been recognized throughout the world as Anesthesiologist Day.

Thanks to Thomas Morton's discovery, thousands of human lives were saved. Every day, anesthesiologists take part in operations, the outcome of which depends, among other things, on their skill and ability. Experienced, knowledgeable anesthesiologists are specialists worth their weight in gold, in no way inferior to cardiac surgeons or psychiatrists.

Show congratulations

Today is World Anesthesiologist Day. The day of those who relieve people from excruciating suffering and pain helps people recover with a positive mood. Thank you for your work! Long and prosperous years of life, family happiness and success at work.


I wish you faith, I wish you love and respect from grateful patients, so that you don’t want to change your profession and never think about trouble. Let your work bring you joy, and let the best people gather around you. Happy Anesthesiologist's Day!


Every novice doctor can put a person into deep sleep, but only a true professional can make him return from there. Therefore, we proudly congratulate our anesthesiologists on their holiday. We wish you an excellent “white” reputation, as well as grateful and healthy patients.

On October 16, the management of medical institutions, medical staff and patients congratulate anesthesiologists on their professional holiday. For this case we chose best congratulations Happy Anesthesiologist's Day in poetry and prose.

You are indispensable in any operation,
It’s not in vain that it’s your day today, anesthesiologist!
The whole team is sincerely proud of you,
You are extremely valuable to the entire hospital!

May you be blessed with kindness on this day,
Let them surround you with care and attention.
God grant that the clouds do not gather over you,
And let mutual understanding reign in the family!

For anesthesiologists
We raise our glasses,
Happiness and luck
We wish you with all our hearts!

Operating table –
This is your everyday life.
And today is a holiday!
May everyone be healthy!

Your colleagues and friends will be pleased to receive congratulations on World Anesthesiologist Day in verse.

You help destroy pain
During the operation any
Or do you give it completely to Morpheus,
So that the patient's torment stops!

You are a great master in anesthesia,
So may your day be filled with happiness everywhere.
Waiting impatiently, giving you a dream,
May everyone on Earth be healthy!

Every anesthesiologist
He knows that his work is not easy.
Operation without pain
Only anesthesia will provide.

Today we congratulate
The most unique doctors.
We wish them only success
Have a long and happy day!

Pain always comes at the wrong time,
The pain is sometimes rapid, severe,
But how God comes to our aid
Anesthesiologist's hand!

May the Almighty protect you
From losses, losses and all ailments,
We wish you more happiness in life,
Peace, kindness, love all around!

You can congratulate Happy Anesthesiologist's Day by sending an SMS or an email.

Anesthesiologist, today is your holiday.
We are happy to congratulate you on this day!
We wish you success in your work and good luck,
We sing a song of praise in your honor.

Your duty is to protect the patient from pain,
Relieve suffering, provide peace.
And there is no more responsible role,
You are, after all, the very first hero.

Only one doctor
Given such a role -
Remove in an instant
The person is in pain.
We are sincerely for this
Thank you,
Health, money, happiness
We want to wish you!

Congratulations on Anesthesiologist's Day in prose

Nobody likes to be sick, but if a person is in pain, he is ready to take the bitterest medicine. But there are cases when medicines do not help, and then it is the turn of the anesthesiologist, in whose work, like in the work of a sapper, there is no room for error. On Anesthesiologist Day, I would like to warmly congratulate you on your professional holiday and wish you happiness and health!

Happy holiday! We wish you to always correctly calculate the dose, helping the patient not to feel pain and return to consciousness as a healthy person! May your skillful hands be blessed, and may your conscience always be clear!

Happy World Anesthesiologist Day. I wish you to be the best of all anesthesiology professionals, I wish you a happy, long, varied, interesting, wealthy life without any pain or discomfort. I wish you health and strong confidence in yourself, in your strengths, in your business, in your positions.

Every novice doctor can put a person into deep sleep, but only a true professional can make him return from there. Therefore, we proudly congratulate our anesthesiologists on their holiday. We wish you an excellent “white” reputation, as well as grateful and healthy patients.

I wish you faith, I wish you love and respect from grateful patients, so that you don’t want to change your profession and never think about trouble. Let your work bring you joy, and let the best people gather around you. Happy Anesthesiologist's Day!

You, like a good guardian angel, always protect patients from pain and suffering. Therefore, may your life be smooth, without problems and troubles, may your patients be grateful, good luck in all your affairs and endeavors, may your work and home be interesting - your cup full. You deserve only the best, so let only the best be present in your life. Happy holiday!

Happy World Anesthesiologist Day. I wish you to work perfectly and gloriously, without a single mistake, without any incident, I wish you to forget from time to time in bright dreams and drown in sweet moments of happiness. Let every day pass successfully, without pain, but with feelings of joy and love.

Today is World Anesthesiologist Day. The day of those who relieve people from excruciating suffering and pain helps people recover with a positive mood. Thank you for your work! Long and prosperous years of life, family happiness and success at work.

Congratulations to people of a very important profession, anesthesiologists throughout the country. I would like to wish you success in your difficult, practically jewelry work. I always wish you accurate calculations of anesthesia, so that your patients come out of the magical sleep that you give them during operations with a smile. I wish health and strength to you, your loved ones and your patients. Happy Anesthesiologist Day!

We wish all anesthesiologists that only good, bright, and the best things come into life, which will make it even more beautiful! Good luck, prosperity, happiness and always go to work with a smile!

Happy professional holiday to all anesthesiologists. You are the ones who make operations possible and you save lives just as much, if not more, than many other doctors. Thank you for your work and dedication to it. Be successful both in everyday life and in professional life.