Is it possible to play a wedding on a religious holiday. Wedding during Lent: can I sign? In which month is it better to get married or in which month is it better to get married

Most newlyweds are very careful in choosing a wedding date. Checking for this with all kinds of calendars, and even. But is it true that the date of the wedding affects married life and is it possible to sign for the post?

You will not find an unequivocal answer to this question. Since there are many different opinions. Whom to trust and how to protect yourself from troubles in married life? Using many different resources and conducting thorough research, we have prepared answers to your questions for you.

Post wedding: pros and cons

In the minds of Ukrainians and the entire Orthodox world, the opinion has grown that a fasting wedding is a great sin and will bring misfortune to the young. But why did this opinion arise? It is worth returning to the origins to understand what fasting is.

In Orthodoxy, fasting is considered a time to cleanse a person's soul and prepare for a big church holiday. At this time, people not only limit their diet by eating lean dishes, but also cleanse the soul. During fasting, you should devote time to God, go to Church, and refrain from noisy festivals and concerts. Already married couples are also prohibited from having an intimate relationship during the fast. This is the main reason for the prohibition against marrying in fasting.

However, the prohibition applies only to the wedding ceremony. Not a single Orthodox priest will agree to marry the young during Lent without a good reason (if the groom leaves for the war). But it is quite possible to carry out an official list during the post. Many couples sign in advance, and after the end of the fast they loudly celebrate the wedding together with family and friends.

What days does the Church prohibit marriage

The Orthodox Church does not hold wedding ceremonies on Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday. Marrying in Lent, as mentioned earlier, is impossible. This rule applies especially strictly to Great and Nativity Lent, as well as to the Dormition and Peter Lent. Also, weddings are prohibited during major Orthodox and temple holidays, Christmastide and Good Friday. On all other days, you can safely get married.

If you or your close believers, it is better not to violate church rules. You can always postpone the holiday to a more favorable time. However, if there is an urgent need to get married urgently, then perhaps the best option would be to sign, and after the end of the post, get married and have a wedding.

What happens if you get married in fasting

The wedding during the fast was overgrown with a huge number of myths and superstitions, which are already difficult to distinguish from the truth. It is believed that those who marry during the fast will not see a happy family life. However, these are only fictions to make people take the Church more seriously and follow religious precepts.

If you do decide to celebrate in Lent, we advise you to consider a few simple rules that will help you avoid embarrassment in front of guests. On the festive table, there must be lenten dishes in case one of the guests is fasting. Try to avoid or limit the amount of alcohol consumed during the banquet.

The advantages of getting married during Lent are low prices and lack of excitement. You will be able to book your favorite restaurant or photographer services without unnecessary rush and much cheaper.

The answer to the question of whether it is possible to play a wedding in fasting is very simple. It only depends on your desires and personal choice. One thing is certain, mutual love cannot be destroyed simply by an unsuccessfully chosen day. She is much stronger than all superstitions.

Do weddings play during Orthodox Lent? This is exactly what one of the most popular questions on wedding portals sounds like. It often happens that future newlyweds, most often far from the church and the Orthodox faith, have already managed to set a wedding date, order a photo and video shooting, rent a hall, send out invitations ... and then suddenly a grandmother, living in another city, exclaims during a telephone conversation : “What are you doing! Is it possible to play a wedding in fasting ?! " Having laughed at first at the superstitious old woman, after a while the groom and the bride begin to secretly torment the Internet from each other in order to find out, because there is no smoke without fire. They are quite understandable, because marriage is a very crucial step, and no one wants to start a married life with some wrong, rash actions.

Why don't they play weddings in Lent? Is this a strict church institution or a popular custom, or maybe just a superstition that has no serious basis? As always in doubtful cases, this question should be asked not to a friend or neighbor, but to an Orthodox priest. Let's find out what they answer this question.

Do weddings play fast - weddings in the Orthodox Church

Oddly enough, but if we ask different priests the question - Is it possible to play a wedding in fasting?, We can hear a variety of answers. Some priests believe that it is possible to marry in the Orthodox fast if certain conditions are met, others that it is absolutely impossible. In only one thing they agree in a hundred percent of cases: you cannot get married during fasting. The ban on weddings during Orthodox fasting is so strict that it does not fall directly within the competence of the priest. In those special cases, when the fasting wedding is a matter of life and death (for example, the bridegroom is going to the army), the request is submitted to the name of the ruling bishop, and only he can give permission to the priest to conduct the sacrament of the wedding during fasting. But these are really exceptional cases.

As for the decision whether to play the wedding in fasting (meaning the painting in the registry office and the celebration) or not, here, perhaps, it is worth listening to your conscience, since there are no clear church instructions on this matter. In any case, if the decision “for” has already been made, then the priests recommend observing an important rule: there should be both modest and lean dishes on the table so that your fasting relatives do not feel awkward. But if there is a possibility, then it is better not to play a wedding in fasting.

Restrictions on holding a wedding in Orthodox fasting

In order not to get into a mess when setting the date of the wedding, it is better to look at the Orthodox calendar before that, which lists all Orthodox posts.

Weddings do not play in Great, Christmas, Assumption and Petrov fasts, as well as on the following days: on Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays, on the eve of the great and twelve church holidays, on the eve of temple holidays (check in the church), on the eve and on the days of the Exaltation of the Honorable and The Life-giving Cross of the Lord (September 26 and 27) and the Beheading of John the Baptist (September 10 and 11).

In addition to these church fasts, weddings are not played during festive periods: Christmastide (January 7-19) and Holy Week (the week after Easter). But there is no reason for grief: the rest of the time you will be happily married in any church. Of course, you can violate this church prescription, but is it worth starting your family life with violations, especially if you are religious people or you have religious parents whom you do not want to upset? After all, the really urgent need to play a wedding while fasting occurs very rarely.

A wedding is an exciting and very important event, so many future newlyweds attach particular importance to the date of this event: some look to make this day auspicious according to the lunar calendar, while others make sure that the wedding in 2017 does not fall on Lent. In this article we will talk about the second case.

Is it possible to play a wedding during an Orthodox fast? Unfortunately, this issue is not really important for every couple, but our ancestors getting married did not even think to set a wedding date for the days on which, according to the church charter, the wedding cannot be played. They did this because they simply did not have the concept of secular marriage or civil marriage, and the wedding was always played on the same day as the wedding. In our time, everything has become much more complicated, and sometimes young people themselves do not fully understand what kind of relationship they are in, what can we say about adhering to strict church canons? But those who are going to get married in 2018, and at the same time do not want to start their family life by violating Orthodox rules, should definitely not set a wedding date for the post.

Is a wedding possible during Lent

If it is important for young people to adhere to the church charter and traditions of their ancestors, then they definitely should not play a wedding on Great Lent before Easter. After all, fasting before Easter - and spiritual improvement, therefore, a cheerful and noisy celebration, which from time immemorial has been a wedding, in this period is completely inappropriate. Particular attention should be paid to ensure that the date of the wedding does not fall on Holy Week of Orthodox fasting - can a Christian go down the aisle on days when the crucifixion and death of the Son of God is remembered? There are no weddings in the preparatory weeks for Great Lent. In 2018, this period covers almost the entire March and April. In addition, Orthodox Christians do not play a wedding in 2018:

  1. Petrov (June 12 - July 11),
  2. Uspensky (August 14 - 27),
  3. Rozhdestvensky (November 28 - January 6).
  4. It is impossible in 2018 to appoint a wedding for such periods: Bright (Easter) week (April 1 - 8),
  5. Christmastide (January 7 - 19),
  6. as well as every Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday.

For those who are interested in whether it is possible to play a wedding in fasting, it will be useful to know that the strict fast days in the Orthodox Church are also the feasts of the Exaltation of the Holy and Life-giving Cross of the Lord (September 27) and the Beheading of the Head of the Baptist and the Prophet John the Baptist (September 11). Weddings in churches are not performed on the eve of these days.

Why is it impossible to play the wedding in the post of 2018?

These Orthodox Christians always complicate everything - the newlyweds will be indignant. Why can't we set a 2017 wedding day for fasting? The reason lies not only in the prohibition of amusement and entertainment, which undoubtedly is any wedding, but also for another reason. The fact is that during fasting and fasting days, the Orthodox Church recommends refraining from marital relations, which, of course, will be completely impossible for those who have just married. Even those newlyweds who have been living together for several years are advised by priests to refrain from relationships during fasting, since, according to church canons, such cohabitation is a sin of fornication, and not to play a wedding during the fast of 2018, but to postpone it to a more suitable date. Such abstinence, they say, can simultaneously become a test of feelings and a kind of sacrifice to God. In order to learn more about suitable wedding dates and fasts in 2018, you should buy an Orthodox wedding calendar.

The beginning of the fast before Easter in 2018 - February 19

  1. Holiday date of Easter in 2018 - 08 April
  2. The date of celebration of Bright Easter Easter in 2019 is April 28

In ancient times, agriculture was considered almost the only way to ensure the well-being of the family. For most of the year, the population of Russia was busy building the harvest, and then harvesting it. In the fall, there came a period when the work became much less. For this reason, this time of the year has become very popular for matchmaking, as well as wedding celebrations. Thanks to this factor, autumn received a special characteristic, and it was called "wedding time".

Autumn is the time for weddings

In Russia, weddings were played not only in the fall, but the reasons for the popularity of this time of year as the times of celebrations are due to the usual everyday features of the life of the Russian people. The life of people of that time was closely connected with church traditions, which everyone had to accept, as well as with some everyday nuances. The ability to arrange festivities in the spring, for example, was an overwhelming task for ordinary villagers. All material resources and own forces were directed to preparation for the main business - the beginning of agricultural work.

Wealthy and wealthy representatives of the Russian people played weddings at any time of the year, but autumn has always been a priority. Traditionally, the time for weddings opened simultaneously with the celebration of Krasnaya Gorka on the first Sunday after Easter and ended on the last days of November. For modern newlyweds, the desire to celebrate a wedding in the fall is due to other reasons that are not related to seasonal work or other factors that played a major role in the old days.

Modern benefits of autumn as a wedding season:

  • it is difficult to collect guests in the summer due to the vacation period;
  • nature in autumn is distinguished by its special beauty and richness of colors;
  • most vegetables and fruits ripen in the fall.

It's time for weddings in Russia according to the church calendar

Traditionally, the time for weddings in Russia began with the day of Simeon the Stylite, which was celebrated on September 14, and ended at the end of November, simultaneously with the beginning of fasting. Among the existing temple holidays, special days stood out when it was not only recommended, but even considered a good omen to play a wedding. The most favorable periods for weddings and weddings are Autumn Carnivore, Winter Carnivore and early summer.

Autumn carnivore

The auspicious period for weddings, which starts from 28 August and ends on 28 November, is called "Autumn Meat Eater". The point of its beginning is the Dormition, and the end is the Nativity Fast. The most important holiday for girls during the Autumn meat-eater period is Pokrov (October 14). According to custom, on the eve of this day it was necessary to ask the Most Holy Theotokos to meet with her betrothed. The weddings played on this day are the happiest.

Second Autumn is a holiday traditionally celebrated on September 21st. On the one hand, this day is long-awaited by the completion of work, harvesting, on the other hand, it is the best time to celebrate weddings. The more common name for this holiday is the Nativity of the Virgin. She is the main helper of women and mothers, so marriages made on this day are the strongest.

Winter carnivore

Winter carnivore is the time for weddings, which begins a few days after Christmas and ends with Maslenitsa. In Russia, these few weeks were called "wedding". There are no church holidays at this time, so the parents of unmarried and unmarried children actively wooed their children, and also played noisy weddings. The time for celebrations began immediately after the end of Christmastide. Until January 19, the Church does not hold wedding ceremonies.

In February, the choice of the wedding date should be treated with caution. Maslenitsa week begins on the 16th, and Great Lent begins on February 23rd. Marriages are best done before this period. The most popular holiday is Valentine's Day (February 14). On this day, millions of couples tie the knot. According to church traditions, it is recommended to get married before February 16. The marriages entered into during this period are happy and promise the newlyweds a calm life in peace and understanding.

It is not recommended to celebrate weddings in December. This is due to the Nativity Fast. According to legend, the families created during this period are doomed to failure. In the old days, the wedding ceremony was an obligatory tradition. Fasting prohibits wedding festivities, weddings, and also imposes significant restrictions on the festive table. December is the busiest month for church prohibitions.

Spring-summer time

The next wedding season opens on the first Sunday after Easter. Traditionally, this period is called the spring-summer season of weddings and festivities. Weddings continued to take place right up to Trinity. This tradition is popular among modern newlyweds as well. According to statistics, the holiday has been characterized as a wedding boom for many years.

In the old days, it was believed that marriages concluded on Krasnaya Gorka receive support from above. According to popular beliefs, young families created on this day will definitely be happy and strong. Krasnaya Gorka lasts one week. The period got its name due to the tradition of celebrating spring with mass events uniting all the inhabitants of the village. For celebrations in Russia, the highest points of villages and villages were chosen. The main attention during the festivities was paid to unmarried girls and boys. During the celebrations, would-be grooms proposed to their brides.

The girls wore their most beautiful dresses and jewelry, trying in every way to attract the attention of their chosen ones. It was believed that a young man who, during the celebration of Krasnaya Gorka, doused a girl with water, must come to her in the near future to woo her. All unmarried beauties expected such an act from the gentlemen.

Summer is a difficult time for newlyweds. At this time, it is difficult to choose a suitable wedding date. May is the main unfavorable month for weddings. In June and July, Trinity Week, Petrov and Apostolic Lent practically replace each other. If you manage to choose the date of the wedding outside of church holidays and falls on the desired day of the week, then special attention should be paid to ancient signs. According to legend, June promises a sweet life, and July is compared to a sweet and sour berry.

What days do not play weddings and get married

According to the church calendar, some dates are undesirable for weddings. Previously, it was forbidden to carry out a wedding on important church holidays, the period of fasting, as well as some specific days of the week. The first two nuances have survived to this day, and significant changes have occurred with the days of the week suitable for weddings. In Russia, for example, it was impossible to play weddings on Wednesdays or Fridays. The modern traditional days for painting are Friday and Saturday.

Periods when you cannot play weddings and get married:

  • maslenitsa week ("to marry on Maslenitsa - to become related with trouble");
  • the month of May (“to marry in May - to suffer all your life, not to see happiness”);
  • the period of fasting (Uspensky, Veliky, Rozhdestvensky, Petrov);
  • the Christmastide period;
  • tuesday, Thursday any time of the year;
  • September 11 and 27 (days of the beheading of John the Baptist and the Exaltation of the Holy Cross).

- key events in the fate of every person. Both celebrations have one common goal - to unite a man and a woman in a conjugal union. But there are several significant differences between the ceremonies.

First of all, they concern believers. It is important for them to know whether it is possible to register a marriage during Lent, and if not, then when is it better to create a solid Orthodox family?

Is it possible to register a marriage in fasting?

Registries do not adhere to church calendars. They have their own work schedule, which they strictly follow. You can get married or get married in a public institution, regardless of fast days.

It is rather the choice of the person himself, whether he wants to have fun and celebrate during the "bright sorrow" (as priests sometimes call fasting). The Church regards marriage, contracted as an official basis for starting a family life.

Even if the ceremony in the registry office was not followed by a wedding. Moreover, the father will agree to marry the married couple only after they provide.

This is done in order to avoid deception, conflicts, and also to make sure that the couple's decision to become spouses is serious. But the so-called "" in Orthodoxy is considered fornication. Such a pair of priests even.

So, we found out that formal marriage and church wedding are interconnected. Now, what are their differences. The main one is that there are dates in the church calendar when it is impossible to get married.

The sacrament of marriage in the church is not performed on such days:

  • tuesday and Thursday all year round. They precede Wednesday and Friday, the days when all Orthodox Christians are fasting;
  • saturday. This day is the eve of the Resurrection, which is considered the Little Easter in Orthodoxy;
  • September 11 and 27, as well as one day before these dates. The fact is that this is the time of the strictest one-day fast in honor of the Beheading of John the Baptist and the Exaltation of the Cross of the Lord;
  • in the days preceding the twelve festivities;
  • during Easter, as well as during the week after it, which is called Easter week;
  • on the eve of patronal holidays. In churches they are celebrated at different times. You need to check the dates with the priest of the church in which the wedding is planned;
  • days of continuous weeks;
  • but the most important thing is that it is impossible to formalize an alliance in the church during fasts: Velikiy, Petrov, Rozhdestvensky and Uspensky.

This limitation is due to the fact that all kinds of celebrations, celebrations and feasts are inappropriate during fasting. After all, first of all, a person must think about how he lives, think about his neighbor, help him. In addition, family life presupposes marital intimacy, which will be impossible for those who are fasting.

There are special circumstances in connection with which one can get married during the fast. But they just have to be exceptional. For example, if the groom is going to.

For such cases, a bishop's blessing is requested. Only after the permission received from the Bishop will the priest be allowed to conduct the sacrament.

Conclusion - fast days are not meant for a wedding. Exceptions are made only in the rarest, even unique, cases.

To understand why you shouldn't get married in fasting, you need to get to know its essence better.


One of the most important posts for Christians. A period of spiritual cleansing and prayer. Fasting lasts 48 days and is considered preparation for the most important Orthodox holiday - Easter..

According to church canons, it is necessary to fast, confess and receive communion at this time. Naturally, there can be no talk of any festivities or weddings.

The decision as to whether to register a marriage union in the registry office during the days of Great Lent should be made by the future newlyweds. Also, they themselves will have to decide how to hold the celebration.

If, after all, there is a desire to adhere to Orthodox rules, then it is better to postpone the wedding date to days when there is no fasting. In the absence of such an opportunity, registration and the holiday itself should be carried out as modestly as possible.

When inviting people to the wedding, you need to take into account that among them there will be those who observe the fast and those who do not. Therefore, the table should contain lean and non-fasting (non-fasting) dishes.

Petrov (Apostolic)

There is no exact date for this post. It depends on when Easter and Trinity were celebrated in the current year. The beginning is a week after Trinity or 50 days after the Easter celebration.

It always ends on July 12 - on the day of the Apostles Peter and Paul (hence two more names - Peter and Paul and Apostolic). Due to such mobility of dates, it can be very short - 8 days and long - up to 42 days.

Weddings are not held, but it is quite possible to formalize relations in the registry office. But, as in any fast, according to the church tradition, it is advisable to avoid luxurious ceremonies and entertainment events. And it is better to postpone the wedding to a date without fasting.

The Peter and Paul post is not so strict in terms of food. It is allowed to eat fish on all days, excluding Wednesdays and Fridays. If, nevertheless, unbelieving relatives insist on a wedding feast after the civil registration of marriage, then guests can also enjoy fish dishes.


Fasting prepares parishioners of Orthodox churches for the great holiday - the Dormition of the Most Holy Theotokos. The post has clearly set dates - from 14 to 27 August. Dedicated to the assumption (death) of the Mother of God.

It is similar in severity to Lent. Therefore, the marriage with the wedding will have to be postponed. But no one bothers to register a marriage in the registry office. On the contrary, by the end of the Dormition Lent, the bride and groom will already have a marriage certificate in their arms, which is necessary for the sacrament of the wedding.

At the same time, you can continue to fast, refrain from amusements, which will be a sacrifice pleasing to God. Thus, the newlyweds will prepare for the feast of the Assumption, and then for their own main event in their lives - the wedding.


This is the last long fast of the year. Its duration is 40 days. Starts in late autumn - 28.11, ends on 7.01... It is associated with an important event - Christmas.

Living without feasts and merriments, praying and fasting, a person tries to cleanse himself from sins and meet the Infant Jesus with a pure heart.

As in the case of Great Lent, church officials do not prohibit the civil registration of the union in the pre-Christmas time, but they also do not carry out the Sacrament of Marriage.

No one prohibits registration of a family union at the registry office on Christmas Eve. Only witnesses who also adhere to Orthodox traditions can be invited to it. They will understand why a lavish celebration is out of place. It is better to send invitations to the rest of your friends and relatives. They will need to indicate the date and place of the wedding, as well as the address of the restaurant or cafe in which the festive events will take place.

Continuous weeks

Week is an Church Slavonic term. Indicates the week from Sunday to Saturday. It is called solid due to the fact that during this week on Wednesday and Friday you can eat modest, non-fast food.

Unlike the four main fasts of Orthodoxy, the celebration of the Sacrament of Marriage during the days of continuous weeks is possible, but not desirable.

The Orthodox calendar has several such weeks:

  • christmastide... Festive period from the day of the Nativity of Christ until 18.02;
  • Publican and Pharisee... It marks the preparation for the pre-Easter fast. Begins two weeks before it;
  • cheese week... The last seven days before Lent. It is called so because at this time it is no longer possible to eat meat, but the ban does not apply to cheese and any dairy products;
  • troitskaya... The week following the day of the Holy Trinity.

The dates of all moving continuous weeks must be specified in the Orthodox calendar and, if possible, the wedding must be planned outside these days.

Registration of marriage during Orthodox holidays

You can register a marriage at the registry office during any Orthodox holidays, if they are not set as a public holiday. According to church rules, everything is different.

Great Christian holidays cannot be combined with weddings. The days on which they fall have a different, special purpose.

Therefore, it is better not to schedule the ceremony for the period on the eve and on the days of the twelve major holidays of Orthodoxy. Their dates can be found on any church calendar.

But there are several other holidays when the wedding is not only not prohibited, but even considered auspicious. Among them are the days of veneration of the Kazan Icon of the Mother of God (21.07 and 4.11), the Iberian Icon of the Mother of God - 26.10 and Nikolai Veshny (Mir Lycia) - 22.05.

Most of the holidays of the Christian church fall on different dates each year. Before deciding on the day of the ceremony, you need to carefully study the calendar, which indicates fasting, continuous weeks and great holidays.

The task can be simplified - special wedding calendars are posted on Orthodox sites, which indicate the exact dates when the sacred Sacrament can be performed.

Is it possible to get married during Lent?

As already mentioned, weddings are not allowed during fasting. Choosing a time to unite in marriage before God is not an easy task. You need to know a lot of orthodox nuances.

There are several tips to help you choose the date of the event:

  • winter... At this time of year, it is advisable to plan the ceremony for the period from Epiphany to the beginning of Maslenitsa;
  • spring... Krasnaya Gorka is one of the most common wedding dates since the days of Ancient Rus. The first Sunday after Easter has long been considered the best day for a wedding after fasting for many days;
  • summer... You can get married between two posts - Petrovsky and Uspensky;
  • fall... After the Assumption and before the Nativity Fast, any date allowed by the church is chosen.

Regarding whether it is possible to get married in fasting, the answer is no. But to register a marriage in the nearest registry office is not prohibited. It is easy to do this at any time when there is a free date in the schedule of the institution.

If both a wedding and a wedding are planned for one day, then the choice of the date must be approached more than responsibly. The church has its own limitations in this regard, which must be taken into account, respected and followed.

All girls dream of a wedding. White dress, veil, flowers, camera flashes, attention from all sides and sighs of admiration. But when it really comes time to get married, many people wonder whether it is worth getting married? After all, this is not a cheap pleasure, and common sense argues with the heart, they say, it is more logical to spend money on a trip or buy something for an apartment. Technique, for example. And the wedding ... This day will pass and everything will be forgotten, the wedding dress will take up half a closet and it is not clear where to put it. And the groom insists just to sign and go on a honeymoon. What to do?

You can argue for a long time about how impractical it is to spend so much money on some kind of ritual. We can also say that it is stupid to spend money on guests who should be invited out of a sense of duty rather than of their own accord. But in fact, the wedding ritual contains the power that can keep the family in difficult times! And this does not at all depend on whether you believe in customs, omens or not.

So what is the power behind a wedding ritual? Perhaps we should start with the blessing of the parents. When the parents of the bride and groom bless this marriage, the newlyweds have access to the generic power of both parties. What does it mean? And the fact that their family will be protected by their own ancestors. The generic force is the most powerful, possessing healing energy. (You can read more about this in the article ""). Therefore, if one of the parents is against the wedding, then it will be much more difficult for a newly baked family to remain united in difficult times. And there will certainly be crises in relationships; more than one marriage has not done without it.

Further, it should be said that the more guests from a pure heart wish the newlyweds happiness, love, procreation, the more blissful energy the young will receive. After all, wishes are not empty words, but words endowed with power. It is not for nothing that spouses, when faced with difficulties in conceiving a child or financial problems, go and collect blessings. The more people sincerely wish them what they want, the more likely it will happen.

Finally, the event itself is powerful. A woman on this day feels herself the happiest in the world, the most beautiful and desirable for her husband. He looks at her admiringly, carries her in his arms, circles in dances. He holds her hand, gently helping her out of the car, and gently kisses her in front of all those close to her. He takes an oath to her and repeats the words of love in her ear. All this will be imprinted in the memory of the bride for many, many years. And in moments of the same crises, when she will be offended by her husband, when the family is on the verge of disintegration, this day will come up before her eyes again and again. And along with the memories, the feelings that she experienced that day will wash over. She will remember all the good that was between them. And this good will give her hope and give her strength.

Time will pass and the turning point in the family will pass, the crisis will recede, but it is the wedding that was once played that will help her believe in the best and be patient.

Believe me, wearing a white dress is not a waste of money, as modern girls believe. This is a ritual that makes sense. And besides, this is her dream, a little girl who has the right to be fulfilled. Otherwise, all other children's dreams can be buried in adult logical reasoning "should-not".

Therefore, if you think whether it is worth playing a wedding, do not hesitate - it is worth it!