Happy New Year! New Year's greetings for teachers from students and parents Congratulations to the New Year from high school students

To make the holiday beloved from childhood a success, they stock up not only with gifts. Happy New Year greetings in short verses will create a warm atmosphere, program happiness and good luck for the future. New Year's greetings on the upcoming New Year 2017, if you believe the eastern calendar, have a sacred meaning. Anything conceived and spoken from the heart in the minutes before the chimes will surely come true. That is why you will have to appease the Fiery Rooster, the lord of the future 365 days, with beautiful words.

Happy New Year greetings

When the clock strikes twelve
Fireworks will light up in the sky
We need to say goodbye to the past
In the hearts of all, happiness is just waiting!
And let the Rooster on bright wings
Brings good luck and success
Let love become a reality for everyone
Like New Year's white snow!

The Fire Rooster is a symbol of the upcoming new year 2017, it is also the embodiment of wealth, generosity, passion. You can succumb to him only by remembering the sense of proportion.
But you shouldn't skimp on. Comic, sincere and deep, and for adults - there is a poem for everyone.

A joke from a woman to a loved one:

I'm melting from champagne
And pliable like silk.
Happy New Year!
Let everythnig will be alright!
From a man:
New year will come soon
I won't catch up with him.
But I tell you stubbornly:
Congratulations and love!

Close people:

Fire Rooster ... It will be bright,
All problems will suddenly disappear.
May love, health be a gift to you
There will be many, many more years!

To friends and colleagues:

Christmas tree fragrant smell,
Mandarin aroma ...
Snow lies in the pine paws -
Everyone will be happy
Let the weeks fly by again
Gather in the palm -
We wish you happiness, faith,
Let the fire burn in your soul!


Santa Claus, Santa Claus,
Do not give you bitter tears!
You'd better give a lot
Tangerines and love!

For colleagues:

The year has passed - thank God
Let success lie ahead
Let there be many smiles
Money, joy for everyone!


I will wish only beautiful things in the New Year -
Good luck in everything, inspiration, victories!
Let only red fall out always,
Live without tears, without losses and without troubles!

In the New Year, everyone to the top
I wish you the mood
As a gift from the Rooster
May there be peace, patience.
A string of all worries
Change you for joy
May happiness pleases all year
As sweet as oranges!

Fluffy white christmas snow
It brings confidence, success,
Love, unions - all without parting,
Let the Rooster fulfill all desires!

Joy to adults, like children,
Given by the best grandfather in the world!
Let everyone in life find
A lot of happiness in the New Year!

Lukomorye has a green oak
It is still worth 300 years
And this year, definitely
I wish you to live without troubles!

The Fire Rooster rushes
He has in store for you in the New Year
Anything that doesn't burn doesn't beat
Everything that everyone is looking forward to!
Here is love and adventure
And the salary is like in the movies!
Respect, inspiration,
Chic, wealth - everything is given!

While everyone gathered at the tree,
Let's wish you happiness and love,
Let it be New Year, as if a song -
In which will come true what they could wish!

May the Fire Rooster in the year
Brings you delicious food
Good loyal friends
"5 stars" hotels by the seas,
Working days - so that interest
Yours was driving the world progress,
So that love is so hot
But do not cut it off the shoulder!
I wish you happiness and children!
Eh, New Year, go quickly!

Happy New Year's greetings in short verses will bring only the best! These are material goods, like wealth, and happiness. Someone has a favorite job, bright feelings, creating a hearth ...

The Fire Rooster is also a symbol of a strong friendly family, which also pays special attention to rest. Everything will go well in all areas. The main thing is not to forget about beautiful wishes. On the last day of the outgoing year, they have a special, magical power!

Students, their dads and moms
Happy New Year!
We prophesy all the blessings of the earth to you,
We'll make your wishes soon!
Let the children study by five
Olympiads are won
Walk in the fresh air
Don't forget on weekends!
Let comfort reign in the family
Mutual respect!
And miracles await you in life,
Great achievements!

Dear children! In the New Year, I wish you sincere friendship, joy and happiness in every day, diligence and good luck in conquering new heights. Incredible discoveries, amazing adventures, laughter and fun. Believe in yourself, follow your dream and stay true to it!

Winter gives us joyful days
A glorious holiday is coming at this hour.
My diligent disciples,
Happy New Year to you!
I wish you fives,
Try to reach heights in everything
And at home to help mom, dad,
Studying just fine for a whole year!

Dear and dear students and parents! I sincerely wish you a Happy New Year! Let him bring warmth, comfort, understanding and peace to every home! Let the angel keep from troubles, and the evil bypasses! Kindness, luck, creative victories and mood!

Dear students and dear parents! I am pleased to wish you a Happy New Year. Let the outgoing year carry away all your worries and worries, and the new one will bring new achievements in study and life. May you, my dear students, have new achievements and successes, a lot of joy and fun. And to you, parents - patience, wisdom and prosperity. I wish you happiness, smiles and joy in the coming year. Happy New Year!

Happy New Year to my students and your parents! May the most intimate good wishes come true on New Year's midnight! I wish pupils to make a dream, and parents - to be support and support for their child in its realization! Thank you all for mutual cooperation for the benefit of our country!

My dear students! I wish you to meet this New Year in a good mood and spend this holiday joyfully. Be sure to make a wish that will definitely come true. May New Year's Eve be a miracle for you. I wish you become even smarter and do not know defeats on your way. I am waiting for you after the holidays with renewed vigor!

My dear, most beloved and funniest students! Let me wish you a Happy New Year! May he bring you many new victories, strength and inspiration for new achievements! We wish your families health and well-being to every home! And never stop at the achieved result!

My dear students, I wish that next year will bring fresh thoughts, give you new strength, give you bright emotions, inspiration for further difficult studies. I wish you good studies, high grades, and most importantly - the desire to absorb knowledge in the new year.

Dear students and parents! Thank you for your great mood, support and understanding last year. I would like to wish you new knowledge and interesting discoveries, peace, love and mutual assistance in the coming New Year! Patience and hard work, because the path to success is always hard work! Happy Holidays!

Over the past year, we have traveled with you an exciting and not always easy path through the vastness of knowledge. And in the New Year we will continue it. Therefore, I wish you all a good rest on vacation and gain strength, because the granite of science is waiting for us. Happy New Year!

My dear and beloved kids! Happy New Year! I wish you a lot of fun, joy and health! Let everything in life be excellent and the most unforgettable moments and meetings await ahead! Goodness and prosperity!

My dear students! On the threshold of the New Year, I wish you striving upward, to new heights of success! Be responsive to other people's requests. Only in this way will you become real people. May you find good luck, good mood, luck under the New Year tree in the morning!

We are all entering the New Year together and, dear parents, I want to wish you to remain wise, strong and free enough so that you have the opportunity to devote time to your children! And to you, my beloved students, I wish you strength and wisdom in order to overcome all difficulties on the path of growing up and become happy and free in the future from all small circumstances!

Children and parents Happy New Year, we wish you good luck!
I wish you health, happiness and joy in addition.
Walk confidently along the intended path,
We wish you happiness and joy to find.
Achieve everything with labor and pressure,
Never go astray.
And may it accompany you all,
His Majesty, Glorious Success.

My dear students! My talented, unique, loved ones! Happy New Year! I hope that it will be happy and fruitful for you! I wish you the very best of these 365 days! But most importantly, do not forget that the accumulation of knowledge is not the most important thing in life! Be yourself, be children! Live with an open heart! Grow healthy and kind!

Beloved children, I wish you all a Happy New Year, a holiday that each of you associates with a miracle and a fairy tale! I wish you to carry this state through the whole year and may this holiday always bring you memories of childhood and magic!

With all my heart I wish you creative success
In study, in life, in every beginning!
May knowledge protect you like armor,
Well, let the skills be multifaceted!
Try, do not be lazy, achieve the goal,
After all, the doors are all open in front of you!
I wish you to succeed in the New Year,
Well, knowledge will not be forgotten!

On the most long-awaited holiday of the year - New Year 2017, each of us will feel as if magic comes close, envelops people, houses, cities with its invisible threads and turns the seemingly simple event of changing one date to another into a real miracle. And the most pleasant thing is that it is so easy to join it, only once letting it into your heart and leaving it there. As soon as someone is "infected" with the New Year's mood, he immediately turns into a mini-Grandfather Frost, able to give everyone and everyone a piece of his warmth.

What should be the wish for a Happy New Year 2017

How can you cheer yourself up and relatives, children, friends and work colleagues? Of course, through cool and funny wishes for the New Year 2017, coming from the heart!

Not every one of us is endowed with everything that he wants. Often, fate disposes of our lives in such a way that, by giving one thing, it takes something else in return. This is the law of world balance, but many people continue to desire what they lack for happiness no matter what. Those who are close to us, for sure, know about our desires, even if we do not talk about it. And it is so nice to hear from a person close to you in prose or poetry - a sincere wish and what you really lack.

Short wishes in prose for the New Year 2017

Only those who themselves have a kind and pure heart can sincerely wish for something special. And as is known from modern research, our most sincere thoughts necessarily affect our destiny. Therefore, when coming up with short New Year's wishes, do it from the heart, and not for show. Only in this case your words will be heard not only by the recipient of the congratulations, but also by the whole universe.

Wishes in verse Happy New Year 2017 - the year of the Rooster

It should be noted that New Year's wishes are the most memorable for the whole year, and this is all because he himself is a special event, saturated with the smell of magic and tangerines, with a presentiment of upcoming changes for the better and new life. Through a sincere wish to close and beloved people, as well as to those who are still just unfamiliar people for you, we not only influence the lives of these people, but also our own. Everyone has long known how good thoughts have a positive effect on our body, and the desire to wish someone a Happy New Year will surely provoke in our brain not a dozen positive emotions, without which there is now nothing.

First of all, short wishes in verse or prose Happy New Year of the Rooster 2017 is another way to express your feelings, thoughts and tell the person to whom these words are addressed about your attitude and disposition. You should not neglect such an excellent way to strengthen pleasant relationships with loved ones, even with just unfamiliar people. Kindness always returns to the one who gives it.

Also see: cool for the New Year 2017 - Rooster.

Guys, Happy New Year to you!
Have a great rest!
Returning to class from vacation,
Start the year with fives!

Impossible never
Let there be no tasks
May the year of hard work
Luggage will replenish knowledge!

Happy New Year! Let more often
Dreams come true
The days go by brighter at school
Give more kindness.

Let the estimates be higher
And the classes are easy
Santa Claus let you hear.
Happy holiday, students!

My beloved students! I wish you brightly and in a good mood to celebrate the New Year, have a great vacation and achieve new heights, new victories and new knowledge with renewed vigor. I wish everyone to receive their desired gift and have time to think of the most cherished, that which he dreams of with all his heart. May your tiny but individual miracle be fulfilled for each of you on this festive night. Happy New Year!

Happy New Year to you guys
With new happiness and goodness!
Let it be okay in studies
The house is joyful and warm.

I wish you new knowledge,
Always be on top.
Be a know-it-all without an edge
True to your dream!

I wish you all a new year
Step forward confidently.
To achieve important successes,
Wise, become more confident.

Let all troubles pass you by
Let friends be faithful.
More important victories to all of you,
So that all efforts are not in vain!

In the New Year, I wish you guys
Great achievements, great victories,
In studies, let luck help,
Every subject was given so easily!

And may miracles happen on this holiday,
Good luck will break into houses without knocking
All your desires will come true
And this winter will be happy!

We wish you to celebrate the New Year,
Guys, excellent!
May Santa Claus congratulate you
By giving gifts in person.

Everyone have a good rest
Gain strength to study
And show the teachers
As far as you can.

We wish you success
And not to be afraid in life.
And may parents always
You are loved and proud!

Backpacks full of fives
In the coming year there will be
And everyday life will be easy
Adversity will forget you!

And let the holidays be a mess
Will give only joy
So that this wonderful winter
It didn't end any longer!

May the New Year, like a good magician,
Will fulfill desires
And your every future step
Fill with luck!

Happy New Year to you guys!
May he be generous and rich
Good grades
And for good omens!

I wish you wonderful weather
Health, strength and freedom,
I wish you joy, fun,
On vacation - wonderful idleness!

May this New Year be
Filled with happiness and goodness
May it come to you tonight
Suddenly magic is in your bright home!

There is a place in the world for miracles -
I want you to know about this!
May the New Year give you
Everything that you have dreamed of for a long time!

I wish all students:
Let Santa Claus help you
Study for only five
And to keep up with everything in the world.

May this New Year to you
Will bring more smiles
Let all plans come true
And it will surprise you with miracles!

The Year of the Rooster is knocking on your house -
A beautiful, bright, important bird.
May the whole year be fabulously lucky
And the Rooster will bite all the troubles.

May happiness be cried
Love, health overnight.
And with a light flap of bright wings
Fill life with goodness and peace.

Although he does not fly high,
But let it inspire you.
We will meet him with all the people
And together we say: "Happy New Year!"

Here is the Rooster, master of the year
Already came into its own.
I wish that the feeder
The whole year was full.

Let your money be stable
Chickens just don't bite
And successes and victories
They do not allow to relax.

Let the elegant and beautiful fiery Rooster bring you energy to achieve the highest goals, paint life with bright colors and warm your heart with the fire of love! May your family and friends be healthy and happy, and you drown in the sea of \u200b\u200bwealth and pleasure! I wish you peace and joy of the soul, strength of the body and clarity of mind! Beauty and adoration to you, warmth and understanding, happiness for the whole year and for life!

Happy New Year
And with all my heart I wish
The cockerel so as not to peck
And in business he accompanied,
He brought joy to your house,
I fenced off adversity,
Stuffed his pockets with happiness
Would drive away all bad weather
Gave love, wealth, passion!

I wish you in the year of the Rooster,
So that your life is easy
So that he brings a bag of money
So that the wallet burst!
Let the carriage be healthy
A million bright moments
Wonderful days, great luck,
Gentle hugs, hot feelings,
Many smiles, laughter, jokes,
Kindness at any time of the day,
A sea of \u200b\u200blove and strong friendship -
Let him give everything you need!

Beautiful Rooster is the symbol of this year,
Wealth, luck and income!
Let there be a golden grain in the house
And happiness with good will come to you in the bargain!
May the year of the Rooster be the year of joy
Let's leave the problems in the outgoing year!
Let the rooster carry good news
At any moment he will support, save!
May joy always warm your heart,
And the year that has come comes true!

The rooster comes from the east is not easy,
And fiery, successful and beautiful.
So let the year turn out like this -
Cheerful and lucky and happy!

Successful everyday life, wisdom and strength
Let the Rooster give not to the lazy
And to those who have taken a lot on themselves,
He knows how to be always hardworking!

Let bright colors splash on love,
Will paint everything around, and the heart too,
And life, like a new holiday, will blossom
And the whole year will be so good!

I wish that the Cockerel
Filled your wallet
Warmed your house with warmth,
So that things go on the rise,
Difficulties so as not to meet
We lived all year - feasted,
Didn't get sick, didn't get old,
And they had success in everything!

Hello hello
New Year!
The rooster's turn has come.
Let your "Ku-ka-re-ku!"
He will dispel sadness, longing.
Let him give wings for flight
There are no golden eggs.
Combat will raise the spirit
Let us have a Fire Rooster.

Hello Fire Rooster,
You are our best friend now
May your year be happy
May luck love us
Let the laughter pour in millet,
Joy enters our house.

The rooster is already jumping up and down!
He, taking the Monkey under his arm,
Health, happiness to everyone.
He will give us money, save us from troubles.
Joy and peace, success, luck,
Excitement, victories, mood,
Fun and patience!
He will sing a song about love for us,
Everyone will find luck with him.