What arrows are suitable for the impending century. How to make arrows for different eye shapes. General techniques for competent makeup

Currently, thanks to various types of makeup, you can transform any type of eye, correct it, hide its imperfections and highlight the virtues. If you have an open, movable eyelid, almond-shaped eyes or an eyebrow area, you are lucky because you can experiment with any kind of make-up.

But what about those women who have a fit and eye shape that need correction? Many women are tormented by the fact that they have an impending “heavy” eyelid and cannot normally make up their eyes and draw clear arrows.

Having learned how to draw arrows correctly for the impending century, having mastered the subtleties and nuances of such a make-up, you will be able to make your eyes open, light and delightful.

Hanging eyelid - can it be considered a highlight in appearance?

Many women who have such an eyelid experience difficulties while applying arrows, because the usual technique does not work, it hides behind the skin and is lost in folds. The fold above the moving part of the eye does not allow normal makeup. But do not despair, in this case you need to learn how to draw arrows correctly. It is equally important to choose the right colors for the shadows.

Knowing the subtleties and handling the brush well, even eyes with a heavy eyelid can be made beautiful and bright, they will emphasize the image, and add some zest to it. The arrows will raise the corner, add coquetry to the look, make the shape of the eye more beautiful.

Makeup, how to apply arrows on the overhanging eyelid? Basic requirements and general techniques

Any make-up requires correction, disadvantages must be hidden, and advantages, on the contrary, should be emphasized. Those who have an overhanging “hood” should be given expressiveness to their eyes and visually hide the plaque of tired eyes. For this, various cosmetics, products are used, the subtleties of makeup are used. They will visually raise the corner of the eye and hide the overhang, the look will be open and clear.

To draw beautiful arrows, you need to know the basic techniques of visage.

  1. Eyebrow Care. Eyebrows should have the correct shape. Strongly thick or thin they do not need to be done. A suitable option is a raised, elongated straight line without creases, the upper edge is raised. If the eyebrows are short, the line that extends the eyebrow should always be done with a cosmetic pencil for correction;
  2. Makeup applied with eyes open.. So, the result of the efforts will be visible, because when the eye is closed, the effect of the shadows and arrows looks different.

Arrows for eyes with an overhanging eyelid, the basic rules when applying them:

How to draw beautiful arrows for the impending century, the algorithm of sequential actions

First you need to apply a base on the face, it will not let the shadows slide down, it will facilitate the process of visage and shading. To do this, you can use a brush, the product is applied to the entire surface of the eyelid, from the edge of the eyelashes to the edge itself, a thin layer. Bruises under the eyes are removed with a special corrector.

It is necessary to note the lower edge with the eye open, draw with the dark color of the shadows. The boundaries that are obtained between the shades must be shaded with upward movements. The middle part of the “hood” is painted with shades of a lighter shade compared to the previous 2 tones. Feathering is done to the outer corner.

Under the eyebrow are the shadows of the lightest color. The moving part is painted with light shadows, so the relief and depth are added. Only the upper eyelid is drawn with a pencil.

The arrow is drawn from the middle, made thicker to the outer corner and led up. Shadows are used for the bottom. Draw a contour starting from the middle and ending with the outer edge.

Mascara should be lengthening with a twisting effect.

How to make arrows for narrow eyes with overhanging eyelids, step by step instructions with photos

For narrow eyes, such arrows will help to make the look more open, hide the effect of fatigue and swelling.

How arrows are made for small eyes with an overhanging eyelid, an increase in the shape of the eye

A line is drawn above the movable part above the fold, connected to the lower part, while it should go up, the letter V is obtained.

Dark shadows are needed, a line is drawn from the middle to the outer edge, drawn first at the bottom, then above the moving part. They will visually make eyes larger. The bottom line is straight.

Then, using a brush, matte shadows fall on the moving part. They paint over the space above the eyebrow and around the eye, then they will look feathery. Then cilia are painted, wrapped away from the nose.

Some makeup features

Simple arrows will be covered with a hood. They need to be painted differently. First, a line is drawn that extends the lower eyelid. It is displayed along the contour of the upper and goes to the middle of the eye. Then you need to draw it along the fold of the upper eye, it will be the outer side of the arrow itself.

The angle is painted over, then you can put shadows on it. The wide arrow will be hidden in the fold, the main thing is to choose the right angle and the place where it will bend.

The arrows during a difficult century are made expressive, wide, the fixed part is shaded, a haze is made. If they are thin, the impression is that there are more folds on it. The pencil must be sharpened well before drawing them.

Do not think that heavy eyelids are a disadvantage. If you look at it on the other hand, then they have sexuality, a languid look, seduction. Even Marilyn Monroe had such eyes.

Any face requires personal care, it must emphasize the pros and hide the cons. If you follow all the subtleties and rules of the technique of drawing, then such eyelids will become a highlight in appearance.

A few days of practice and you will draw them with “eyes closed”, always look beautiful, well-groomed and confident.

Therefore, the question "how to make arrows" becomes even more relevant. Today in our material all types of arrows for any shape of the eyes!


Of all the variations, men like either the effect of his absence or the arrows. To seduce the gentlemen with the cat's spectacular gaze, you need to know how to do it. It is not difficult, the main thing is to learn the theory and train, then you are guaranteed success!

READ ALSO - How to paint older women

To figure out which arrows work best for you, need to determine your eye shape.

How to make arrows for close-set eyes

Kristen Bell and closely set eyes

For this shape of the eyes you need a special arrow that will visually expand the distance between them. Draw a thin line starting from the middle of the eye, going far beyond the outer corner. Gently draw a thin arrow from the bottom. Between the two tails of the arrows you need to draw a line with a light pencil. It is also necessary to brighten the inner corner of the eye and the lower mucosa.

Arrow shape for close set eyes

How to make arrows for the eyes with the corners down

   Katie Holmes and Sarah Michelle Gellar of the owner of the "sad" eyes with lowered corners

The arrow for this form should visually raise the outer corner of the eye. There is no classic rule that the tail of the arrow should be a continuation of the mucosa. The tail of your arrow needs to be raised higher. The arrow itself must begin to be drawn from the middle of the eye, namely in the place where it begins to fall.

Arrow shape for lowered corners of the eyes

Hands for deep-set eyes

Megan Fox and Anna Paquin have deep-set eyes

Deep-set eyes should be made visible so that they do not get lost on the face. To do this, make a thin arrow along the upper line of eyelash growth and slightly draw a line upward, approaching the outer edge. The tail of the arrow does not have to be massive. To highlight the eyes, bring the bottom line of eyelash growth brighter.

Right arrow for deep-set eyes

How to make arrows for the amygdala

Aishwarya Rai and Angelina Jolie are perfect in everything, even in the shape of eyes

The owners of this eye shape are real lucky ones. They can wear absolutely any arrow, and their eyes will look great. Try trendy 60s trendy arrows. Their feature is that the line starts almost from the inner corner of the eye and expands greatly closer to the outer corner. Start to draw a line from the beginning of the eye, gradually thickening it as you approach the outer corner. Separately outline the tail of the arrow (it should be a continuation of the bottom line of the eyelash growth), and connect the tail and the main arrow.

Beautiful arrows for the amygdala

Eyes Arrows Overhanging Eyelids

   Jennifer Lawrence and Blake Lively Eyewear

With an open eye, the upper fold of the eyelid closes the movable eyelid, and the usual arrow simply will not be visible. Therefore, with the impending century, you need to draw a very special arrow. Draw a line only with the eye open, otherwise you will not understand how the arrow will look. Draw the tail of the arrow, as a continuation of the lower line of eyelash growth, and do not immediately make it sharp, but bring a couple of millimeters in the form of a straight line along the upper eyelid. Then draw the line of eyelash growth, stepping back a little from the inner edge of the eye. And connect the line and the tail. With the eye closed, the arrow will be of an unusual “broken” shape, but with the eye open, a beautiful bend and a tail of the arrow will be visible, it will not hide in the warehouse of the upper eyelid.

Arrow photo tutorial for the impending century

We draw arrows for convex eyes

Christina Ricci and Nicole Richie - Actresses with a convex shape of the eyes

Convex eyes always seem too big and round. Our task is to visually reduce and lengthen their shape a little. To do this, make a wide arrow in the style of the 60s(see above)  and bring the lower eyelid and mucous membrane.

An example of evening makeup with an arrow for convex eyes

Do not worry if nothing works out the first time. In the ability to draw arrows, the main thing is practice, and you need to train as often as possible. First, draw with pencils, then you can buy eyeliner in the form of a felt-tip pen with a felt tip, and only then you will be ready to master gel, cream and other types of eyeliners. After a while, you will fill your hand so that you can draw perfect arrows with the most uncomfortable brushes and the most liquid eyeliners!

Girls who have an overhanging eyelid always have difficulty making up. After looking at the lessons or a photo of makeup that was performed on a classic section of the eyes, with an open, rounded eyelid and applying it on oneself, many girls do not get the result they wanted. It's all about the overhanging upper eyelid.

In no case can this be considered a fault! You just need to consider some features when doing makeup. Let us tell you a secret, girls with a classic section of the eye without an impending eyelid also experience difficulties in make-up, because this art needs to be learned and not everyone, even with perfect eyes, can do beautiful makeup.

The owners of the impending century use the arrows especially. And in vain! After all, arrows are just perfect for eyes with an impending eyelid. They raise the corner, make the look flirty, improve the shape of the eyes and are simply magnificent. Site today site   will show how you can draw arrows for the impending century in a detailed photo tutorial.  We hope you enjoy and use our version of the arrow.

So, the arrow on the impending century can be drawn either very thin and almost invisible, it will simply emphasize the contour of the eyes and eyelashes. But you really want to draw a spectacular and noticeable arrow, which is what we are going to do now.

Arrows for the impending century

We have eyes with such an overhang. As you can see, the upper part presses on the eye, overloading and making the look a little gloomy. Put the primer on your eyelids or just powder it with loose powder.

We outline the future location and set the direction of the arrow. She must continue the line of the lower eyelid. This will allow you to raise the corner of the eye, make the eyes open.

Draw a line with an eyeliner in the very corner of the eye. Draw a line with an open eye. It is very important! So we can lay the arrow exactly in the place that is visible with open eyes and the overhanging eyelid does not close it.

We outline the contours by connecting the tip of the arrow with the middle of the eye, bringing the smooth rounded line to the pupil. Yes, the arrow will be thick and the thickness and shape will depend on the degree of overhang of the eyelid and be built according to an individual scheme.

We paint with a pencil the space between the drawn lines.

Approximately such a corner should turn out after painting. Now continue the arrow to the innermost corner. The widest part of the arrow should be on the outer corners of the eye and gradually and smoothly become thin. We also bring the waterline on the lower eyelid to the beginning of the iris. We cover the eyelid with light shadows and apply mascara, twist the cilia.

The second option arrows can be seen in the video. An arrow is drawn with a small loop at the top.

Video. Arrows for the impending century

Do you like makeup and arrow for the impending century, what secrets do you know? Share in the comments!

Love, but you have an impending eyelid, and it’s not always possible to draw them clear and beautiful? Owners of this form of the eyelid should always make a slightly different kind of arrows. So you can adjust the overhang, and not select it.

Features of the arrows for the impending century

In no case can a hanging eyelid be considered a drawback! This is a feature of the structure of the eye, your highlight. But makeup for the impending century (arrows, etc.) should be done, take it into account. This is necessary so that the eyelid does not visually weigh down.

If you do day makeup for the impending eyelids, the arrows are best painted thin. They will not “hide” in the fold and perfectly emphasize the beauty of your eyes. Dreaming of a bright and expressive look? Then you should make wide arrows for the impending century using special technology. The main feature of this type of arrows is that the angle of inclination, as well as the location of the bend, should be selected individually. Only in this way can you avoid the appearance of a “broken” arrow and its imprinting on the upper eyelid.

How to draw an arrow for the impending century?

In order for the arrow to turn out beautiful, before you start creating it, you should learn how to properly paint the overhanging eyelid. You will need light beige and brown shades. The first shade should be “put” on the entire eyelid, and the second shade should “lie” in the fold and on the outer third of the lower eyelid. This visually opens the eyes and emphasizes them.

You can draw arrows on the impending century both with clear and blurry edges. Do this by following this pattern:

When drawing an arrow on an impending eyelid, try to raise it up to the outer tip of the eyebrow. This will give the look freshness and make the shape of the eyes more correct.

The hanging eyelid is an age-related phenomenon. The skin on the face sags over time, loses elasticity: sagging skin and eyelids do not ignore. This is a natural problem inherent in both the male and female population of the planet, however, it is women that cause particular inconvenience. We will tell you how to make up for the impending century and enlargement of the eyes, a step-by-step photo will provide an opportunity to acquire basic knowledge of home makeup.

How to do general makeup to remove accent from the eyelids

To hide age changes, eye makeup alone will not be enough. Even if it is performed perfectly, not made up parts of the face will still give out your secret. Therefore if you want really disguise  overhanging eyelids, it is necessary to approach the creation of makeup comprehensively. Consider the main tricks that will make you more beautiful:

  • Create perfect face tone: it should be smooth, without visible transitions and borders.
  • If evening makeup, make it easy face contouring. How to do it right, step by step painted
  • Create perfect eyebrows. If you have crossed the 30 mark, do not use dark shadows to emphasize the eyebrows. Choose a tone for the eyebrow dye two levels lighter than the natural color. No sparkles  - they age the face and its individual parts. Comb both sides with a special brush.
  • Before starting makeup apply base substance  over the entire surface. It should be a little: it should be easy to shade.
  • Use matte shadows.: Mother of pearl is contraindicated for the impending century, as it has the ability to expose minor defects.
  • Eyelashes paint over  very well. Make sure that the roots of the eyelashes are in mascara - this will partially hide the overhanging eyelid.
  • If the makeup of the overhanging eyelids is very bright, while the eyes are visually enlarged, do not use bright lipstick. Leave your lips natural  or cover with a color similar to skin color.
  • Blush allowed  in a small amount.

Makeup, created to enlarge the eyes and conceal imperfections, is usually monotonous. Therefore, the separation of eye color in this case is not relevant.

Makeup techniques

As it has become traditional on our site, we will consider make up techniques for the impending century. You can find other types of makeup if you are interested in the topic of acquiring home makeup skills. For example, how to make oriental eyes, you can read here.

Traditional daytime makeup for the impending century

This type of makeup with an arrow can be safely called traditional.  Arrow is an indispensable attribute for visual eye correction. Look at the phototo understand how to make a simple make up. Read the instructions in additionto finally dot all the "and":

  1. Apply  forever base coverage.
  2. If desired add  light beige shadows, or leave the main part of the eyelid uncovered.
  3. Draw  arrow with an eyeliner as shown in the figure. If you have favorite tricks for playing arrows, use them.
  4. Make up  eyelashes, carefully staining the interciliary space.

This type of makeup refers to daytime options and is recommended for daily use.

If you prefer makeup without shadows, be sure to coat the main part of the eyelids with the basic tool of your choice. It can be a regular nourishing cream for the skin of the eyelids.

Two Arrow Makeup

Daytime makeup that is easy to use. He is beautiful corrects  the overhanging eyelid and visually lengthens the eyes. Recommended for use with their close landing.

Do the following:

  1. Apply  forever primer.
  2. The base of the century cover  matte shades in skin color.
  3. Apply  pale pink shadows on the outside of the eyelid from the middle. Leave the impression that the visual corner of the eye is free of makeup. This will win for you a few years.
  4. Use  a well-sharpened pencil to create the contour of the upper and lower eyelids.
  5. Print  two parallel thin arrows a few millimeters farther than a century.
  6. Paint over  eyelashes.

Recognized life-saving make-up for impending eyelids - smokey ice. It can be performed with blue or brown shades, however we   consider the classic black version. Use this type of makeup for an evening out.

  1. Apply  forever primer.
  2. Apply white shadows on the entire surface of the eyelids.
  3. As a second tone use  black or dark gray, graphite shadows. Apply them a little away from the inner corner of the eyes.
  4. Do  thick contours with a soft black pencil around the lower and upper eyelids. Create a small arrow.
  5. Blend  contours to create the effect of black haze.

How to draw an arrow for the impending century

If before that you did not encounter with drawing arrows for the impending century - it does not matter. Look at the picture: on it a line is schematically drawn showing the angle of the arrow for a century with an age defect. As you can see, there is nothing complicated: work out several times  before the final version and, over time, the habit that has become a habit will automatically appear when drawing arrows.

Look at a vivid example of how a girl with the right makeup  removed the overhanging eyelids and visually enlarged her eyes. The Smokey Ice used in this example significantly extended his eyes, putting them in their place. The look became deep and soulful.  Changes are possible, so practice, and very soon you will see an excellent result on your own.


Watch a video in which a famous beauty blogger talks about how to fix facial imperfections like an overhanging eyelid. In the video, the main ideas that modern makeup artists around the world adhere to in detail and competently set out.

To be beautiful at any age and with any known defects in the face and skin is not difficult. It is enough to find a couple of minutes to study the information presented and practice at home in front of a mirror to bring knowledge to life. We hope that the material telling you about eye makeup for the impending century and eye enlargement with step-by-step photos helped you.

Every woman knows that with the help of correctly applied makeup, you can adjust the expressiveness of the eyes, emphasize the dignity of the face and hide its imperfections.

For the fair sex, with almond-shaped eyes, a significant place under the eyebrows and moving eyelids, it is not difficult to make their appearance even more attractive, emphasizing it with decorative cosmetics. And the owner of “heavy eyelids” has to make a lot of efforts to look spectacular.

But, having learned the basic techniques for bringing arrows, you will learn to give your face an expression of lightness, making your look interesting, sincere and unique.

Hanging eyelid: flaw or chip?

Many beautiful ladies with impending centuries feel awkward. Simply, you will not solve the problem, because with this feature the eyelids are not visible behind the skin. A piece of fabric resembling a hood is located at the top of the movable eyelid, interfering with makeup.

And famous personalities, including singers and actresses, have a similar problem, but this does not give them a reason to stop their careers and despair. Makeup artists in such cases are advised to make a little effort, show creativity and skill, as the skillful use of colors can work wonders.

Why are the eyelids hanging?

Most often, an impending eyelid appears in women whose age has reached thirty-five years of age, although this feature is also found in young girls. The reason for the anomaly is the poor performance of muscle tissue around the eyeball or nationality.

Possible reasons:

  • maintaining an unhealthy lifestyle (bad habits, overwork, stressful situations);
  • insufficient body resistance to various external factors;
  • intense hormone emissions that occur during the initial period of menopause;
  • natural withering of the skin.

An alternative to correct the situation is the intervention of plastic surgery, but this method is an extreme measure. It is not accessible to everyone, and not always appropriate, because an experienced master makeup artist will help to stop worrying about this. This is especially true for girls and women of a certain nationality, for them cosmetic tricks become a real salvation and turn a slight imperfection in appearance into an individual and unique image.

What to look for?

When working on a face, be guided by the principles of highlighting virtues and hiding imperfections.

By hiding the overhanging eyelids with makeup, you will eliminate overwork in your eyes. To “open” the eyes, cosmetics and knowledge of secrets, which consist in visual raising the outer corner of the eyes, help. This in turn will hide the overhang and give the look expressiveness.

Do not consider this characteristic feature of your face a huge defect. Applying cosmetics requires some caution, confidence, and a significant amount of experience and training. Do not think that it is not difficult to perform makeup on a girl or woman who has a classic eye shape and no signs of overhanging eyelids. They also experience certain difficulties, since this type of art needs to be studied. Without skill and preparation, a girl even with perfect eyes is not able to perform beautiful, competent makeup.

Experienced makeup artists do not recommend a girl with an impending century problem to refuse arrows. According to them, arrows are the best option for such eyes. Raising the corner, they open the eyes, form the volume of the eyes, give the look individuality and charm.

Drawing arrows for the impending century

Draw arrows on the impending century is recommended thinly and almost imperceptibly, this will emphasize exclusively the contour of the eyes and eyelashes. For greater effect and expressiveness, the option of drawing a more noticeable arrow in thickness is proposed. The second option for applying arrows is to apply a small loop in the upper part.

Creating a unique image, to achieve the best result, do not forget about the methods of applying cosmetics.

The sequence of makeup with overhanging eyelids

  1. Start with. If you yourself can not determine their shape, you will be helped by cosmetologists in the salon. They will form them, observing the rules of makeup, depending on the type of your face, recommending subsequently constantly maintaining the shape obtained by the master. Eyebrows should not be too thick or thin. The best option is a little raised and elongated, without refractions. A correction pencil will help to give the desired shape to the eyebrows. Draw eyebrows and arrows with an ajar eye, and not closed, to see possible flaws and irregularities.
  2. Eyebrow care is as indispensable as it is for centuries. Consider the option of drawing the contour line with a pencil, which keeps the makeup intact all day. For some, there is the problem of bald spots in the eyebrows. In this case, shadows come to the rescue, helping to fill out the form and give the make-up the greatest natural look. To fix and hold all the hairs when applying eyebrows, use gel.
  3. Apply a base base on the eyelid, this will prevent the shadows from rolling. The base contributes to easier drawing and shading. Apply it with a special brush throughout the eyelid from bottom to top in a thin layer. The corrector will help mask the bags under the eyes.
  4. For the main tone, take matte shades in order to avoid creating an extra shine that enhances the image of the volume of the overhanging part of the eyelid. A good option would be light, not catchy tones (white, beige, pale brown). Without covering your eyes, outline the lower edge of your eyelid and blend this part of the skin with dark shadows. In the middle, apply a shadow on a tone or two lighter. Feather them, dimming to the outer edge of the eyelid. Feather any borders between different shades with soft upward movements.
  5. Under the eyebrow, apply the softest, pale shade, while tinting the moving eyelid with the light colors of the shadows. By brightening the area around the upper eyelid, you will come to it with a bulge and depth.
  6. Use a pencil exclusively for drawing the upper eyelid. Lead the arrow from its middle, thickening it to the outer edge and leading up. Using the shadows, draw the lower eyelid, drawing a contour from the middle of the eyelid to its outer edge.
  7. can twist cilia, which will give an age of expressiveness. An alternative may be eyelash curlers, with which first they give the necessary shape to the cilia, then make-up. Do not allow the carcass to spread out to avoid leaving traces under the eyes and do not overdo it so that the resulting volume gives the eyes expressiveness and charm.

Secrets and tricks of makeup artists

  • using the technique of creating a light haze, you will add expressiveness to the eyes by visually increasing them;
  • achieve maximum expression of the edge of the eyelash;
  • shade the shadows from the outer corner, keeping as close to the ciliary edge as possible;
  • when applying makeup, focus on a stable product, since an unstable product either leaves an imprint of a dense line under the eyebrow, or spreads over the surface of the moving eyelid.
  • with the help of a paint brush create soft color transitions, it depicts a fashionable smoky makeup.
  • draw the inner corners of the eyes with light shadows, the outer ones with dark ones.
  • using light shades to color the upper parts of the overhanging eyelids will help you make the image easier.
  • draw lower eyelids with rich dark colors.
  • avoid contrasts.

Possible mistakes

When making makeup, consider factors that will help you with the task:

  • drawing arrows, make sure that they do not lead down the outer corner of the eye;
  • when applying shadows, do not forget that when the eye is open, there is a possibility of missing some areas of the skin;
  • the direct location of the eyebrows increases the effect of overhanging eyelids, round - give the look a shy shade;
  • mother-of-pearl shades visually varnish the eyelids, more strongly indicating the problem;
  • large eyelids, painted with oil shadows, seem swollen;
  • apply pearlescent paint in the form of a thin line under the eyebrow, giving the look a laid-back expression;
  • shades of dark shades tend to roll so that this does not happen, treat the eyelid with a special base;
  • when using a variety of cosmetics, stick to the middle ground in the work, do not allow excesses;
  • do not use many colors for coloring the inner corner of the eye, the best option is to choose a matte or light shade, since in this case the image of proportions is violated;
  • beware of clear and sharp shapes, in which any imperfections become more noticeable.
  • shade each strip, smoothly changing shades with a pencil, refuse clear drawings;
  • do not draw arrows with liquid eyeliner, replace it with friable shadows or a pencil.

Heavy eyelids are not a panacea or pathology. With proper and competent makeup, they will give the eyes a languid shade.

Ignoring the rules for applying makeup, the woman herself denies herself a beautiful appearance and charm. Do not be lazy to master the simple methods of applying cosmetics, then each member of the fair sex will feel attractive and confident!

Not every girl will be able to boast of perfect facial features or perfect proportions. However, with the help of a well-made make-up, you can significantly adjust your appearance. Proper makeup will help to change the shape of the face or section of the eyes. To make the view more open, the owners of overhanging eyelids must master the technique of making perfect shooters.

What arrows are suitable for eyes with overhanging eyelids

The hanging eyelid cannot be called a lack of appearance. This structure of the eye can safely be considered its highlight. However, when making a make-up, this feature is definitely worth considering. This will help you look more interesting and attractive. Thanks to the competent execution of the arrows, you can avoid the visual weighting of your eyes.

If you plan to create a daily composition, it is better to make the arrows thin enough. They perfectly emphasize all the charm of your appearance. If you need to create a more vivid and expressive image, it is worthwhile to carry out sufficiently wide arrows using special technology.

In this case, the angle of inclination and the level of bending should be selected individually, focusing on the characteristic features of their appearance. Thanks to this, you can easily avoid a broken arrow.

Professional makeup artists argue that the implementation of clear boundaries in the make-up for the impending century is unacceptable. It is also not recommended to use liquid eyeliner. The best option is usually the use of pencils and loose shadows. Thanks to such cosmetics, you can use shading.

The only thing that the owners of this feature of appearance can afford are sharp arrows. However, professionals are advised to pay close attention to the shape of the eyebrows. It is very important that it be perfect. Thanks to this, it will be possible to distract attention from imperfections in appearance.

How to draw arrows if eyelids hang

To create a spectacular and beautiful arrow, you need to adhere to a certain sequence of actions:

  1. First, a primer should be applied to the eyelids. Instead of this tool, it is quite possible to use loose powder.
  2. Then mark the expected direction of the arrow. It must certainly be a continuation of the line of the lower eyelid. Thanks to this, you can visually make the angle of the eye higher, which will help to give the look openness.
  3. The line must be done with your eyes open. Thanks to this, it will be possible to draw the arrow exactly in that place, which will then be visible with open eyes.
  4. Now it should be noted the contours. To do this, connect the end of the line with the middle part of the eye and bring the smooth arrow to the pupil.
  5. The gaps between the marked lines should be painted over with a pencil.
  6. After that, the arrow can be continued to the inner corner of the eye. It is worth considering that the widest part of the line should be present in the outer corners, after which it gradually becomes thinner.
  7. In conclusion, you need to draw a line on the lower eyelid, reaching the beginning of the iris.
  8. Light shadows are applied on top of the eyelids, the eyelashes are dyed with mascara and slightly curled.

Video: eyelids for narrow eyes with overhanging eyelids

When performing makeup for eyes with overhanging eyelids, one must take into account this feature of their appearance. For this, the arrow is applied to the outer corner of the eye, slightly raising its end. Also, the line is performed on the lower eyelid. A more detailed makeup technique for the impending century is given in the video:

Step-by-step video on drawing arrows with a pencil

Owners of eyes with an impending eyelid are ideally suited by thin arrows that will help to make the look much wider and more expressive. In this case, the corner of the line should be displayed horizontally. Also important is the emphasis. A detailed sequence of drawing arrows is shown in the video:

Photo of makeup with arrows on impending century

Photos of successfully made eye makeup with an impending eyelid indicate that, thanks to the correct application of arrows, you can adjust this feature of your appearance and make your look more open and expressive. That is why it is so important to learn how to draw the most even and thin lines.

When making a make-up for eyes with an overhanging eyelid, it is very important to correctly apply the arrows. They should be extremely even and neat, because the integrity and harmony of your image directly depends on this.

The right makeup for the impending century will make your eyes open, visually enlarge your eyes. To create the desired effect will help beautiful arrows, properly selected shadows, good mascara. Special serums and bases capable of tightening the skin of the eyelids and removing swelling are capable of slightly tightening the skin.

Hanging eyelids: what is the cause of the problem

Excess skin on the upper and lower eyelids can occur due to age, excess weight, hormonal changes in the body. Swelling in the eye area occurs in representatives of certain nationalities, they can be inherited. Fighting the impending century is not worth it; modern cosmetics gently correct the deficiency and add charm to the look.

Improve the situation will help skin care products. It is useful to make cold lotions that relieve swelling and tighten overhanging eyelids. Before morning make-up, the area around the eyes can be wiped with a piece of ice, it will not only remove excess swelling, but also revitalize the look. Tea bags or cucumber slices attached to the eyelids give a good effect. A more modern procedure is gel patches or special cooling masks with caffeine, collagen and ceramides. They moisturize, nourish and smooth the skin, remove swelling and swelling.

  Hanging eyelids - what to do?

Is it worth adjusting too heavy eyelids, the girl must decide for herself. Swollen eyes give the person a sleepy, tired expression, visually make him older. Professional makeup artists offer to fix the problem by slightly raising the outer corners of the eyes and carefully aligning the skin around. These simple tricks will make the look more open and emphasize the unusual cut. With certain skills, corrective makeup will take no more than 10 minutes. The layering of cosmetics ensures a noticeable effect and lasting result. Arrows and shadows will not need to be adjusted over a period of time; applied products will retain color saturation.

Cosmetics selection

Eye makeup with an impending eyelid requires special cosmetics. It is preferable to use professional brand products. These products have a particularly resistant texture, they are easy to apply, quickly fix on the skin and last for several hours without any problems. In the mini makeup bag of a beginner makeup artist you can include:

  • base under the shade;
  • powder for the eyes;
  • corrector;
  • wax or eyebrow pencil;
  • shades of 3 harmonious shades;
  • soft powder eyeliner pencil;
  • mascara;
  • makeup fixer;
  • moisturizing serum or eye cream.

Professional makeup artists recommend choosing matte texture products. However, they should not make the skin dull. It is advisable that the shadows and eyeliners do not contain mineral oils that adversely affect the condition of the skin and can provoke severe swelling.

For work, you will need convenient tools: tweezers with flat tips, latex applicators, brushes. You should stock up with micellar water and cotton buds for quick correction of failed lines. A step-by-step guide will help you understand how to apply makeup. You can search for it in fashion magazines or in the blogs of popular makeup artists. There are courses designed specifically for beginners. Having mastered the basic techniques, you can proceed to more daring experiments.

Apply cosmetics in front of a magnifying mirror in good natural or artificial light. It is important not to rush and perform all operations synchronously, then the eyes will be symmetrical.

Preparatory Activities

With eyelids lowered, makeup should be done very carefully. Correctly selected care products will help to fix cosmetics. First, the area around the eyes is cleaned with an alcohol-free tonic or floral hydrolyte. A mild preparation will remove excess sebaceous secretion, while maintaining natural moisture. A sealing serum or emulsion is driven into the skin. Her task is a light lifting effect. Sluggish skin takes on a tone, strengthens and smoothes.

The next stage is a concealer in a yellowish tint. It is preferable to use the drug in the form of a liquid cream. It is easily distributed and does not emphasize wrinkles. The concealer is neatly distributed under the eyes, after which it is driven in by the fingertips or latex sponge. A quality corrector perfectly masking bruises, redness, bursting vessels and other minor imperfections. The product is applied in thin layers until the skin under the eyes becomes perfectly smooth. In conclusion, it is powdered with a thin fan-shaped brush, not forgetting to brush away excess fixing powder. The best option is a translucent powder with a reflective effect, visually smoothing the skin.

The base in the form of a cream, paste or gel is applied to the upper eyelid. The foundation smoothes the skin, the shadows and eyeliner lie smoother and are fixed for several hours. In addition, this product makes the color of cosmetics more vibrant and saturated. The base slightly dries the skin, so you can apply it only after moisturizing serum.

Mandatory moment - eyebrow shaping. The heavy arches hanging over the eyes reinforce the negative impression of swollen eyelids, giving the face a sullen expression. The hairs at the bottom of the arc are gently removed with flat-tip forceps. Do not pluck too much, eyebrows should maintain a natural shape.

Casual makeup

Makeup on drooping eyelids involves applying shadows in a natural range. The lightest tone is applied to the eyebrow. A darker shade is applied from above, closer to the outer corner. With this color, you can gently draw the lower eyelid using a thin latex applicator. With an overhanging century, it is worth using the third, most saturated color. They allocate the outer part of the eye, slightly stretching the line beyond the contours of the eyelid.

A very important point - eyeliner. It more clearly indicates the cut of the eyes and distracts attention from heavy eyelids. Understanding which arrows are suitable for a particular make-up is easy. The daytime image implies thin lines of dark brown, graphite, soft black. Shiny textures are worth leaving for the evening. For convenience, the overhanging eyelid is slightly lifted with your fingers and lead a pencil from the center of the upper eyelid to the outer corner. No need to draw an uneven thick line. Arrows for the impending century are better to draw with short thin strokes, slightly facing each other. The line should lie as close to the roots of the eyelashes as possible.

On top of the arrow is applied another layer of eyeliner. Reception is repeated in the second eye. If desired, you can gently tint the lower eyelid. A line is drawn from the inner corner of the eye to the outer. Arrows for eyes with overhanging eyelids must be carefully shaded with a short brush or latex applicator. After grinding, the eyeliner will last much longer and will look more natural. In addition, such a procedure visually increases the incision and emphasizes the beautiful shade of the iris.

The arrows on the eyes are suitable even for very modest makeup. The thinner the lines, the more accurate and invisible the liner will be. Mascara with lengthening and volume effect will help to emphasize the incision. It is applied in 1 layer, leading the brush from the roots to the ends of the eyelashes and gently pressing it to fix the curl. Color is selected depending on the outfit, skin tone and eyes. For daytime makeup, gray, brown or purple gamma is suitable. The smaller the mascara on the lower eyelashes, the better. A clean comb or a children's toothbrush will help get rid of lumps.

Eyebrows will help tinted gel with a grayish-beige or brown palette. Hair dyes, holding the brush at an angle and leading it from the bottom up. This technique will visually open your eyes and distract attention from the overhanging eyelids.

Evening option

Makeup for Asian narrow eyes can be unusual and even outrageous. It is perfect for a party, theater premiere or other special occasions. The modest daily arrows for overhanging gas can be turned into luxurious broad lines with a soft powder pencil and a set of brushes.

The eyelids are drawn in the usual way. Then the lines thicken, gradually the entire moving eyelid is painted over with a pencil. In the outer corners of the eyes, the arrows slightly rise, starting from the middle of the lower eyelid a thin line is drawn, thickening to the outer corner. Pencil strokes are thoroughly rubbed, if necessary, you can put another layer. For such makeup, a liner of very dark colors is used: black, chocolate, burgundy, ink-violet.

You can fix the result with a fixing spray, which is sprayed on top of the shadows or pencil. In conclusion, the eyelashes are tinted with rich black voluminous mascara. Color options for the evening are not suitable. Lumps are removed with a clean brush. If your own eyelashes seem too thin and sparse, artificial beams can be attached in the corners of the eyes.

Bright, eye-catching eyes require perfectly defined eyebrows. They are let down with colorless wax, and then tinted with powdery shadows. Brunettes are suitable for gray-brown shades, blondes should try a dark ash or beige palette. Redheads will be decorated with ocher eyebrows. Colorless gel or regular hairspray can add natural shine to arcs. It is distributed in a very thin layer, the excess is removed with a clean cotton swab.

With an emphasis on the eyes, it is worth choosing a calmer lip color. In the evening, the tinted gloss or fashionable matte lipstick in beige and pink colors looks beautiful.

Errors novice makeup artist

The hanging eyelid needs special makeup techniques. There are products and methods that should be avoided, they are able to highlight the disadvantage. The main errors include

  1. Use pearlescent or shiny shades. Eyelids with an oily sheen will seem even more swollen, moreover, eyeliner does not fit well on such a texture.
  2. The arrow on the impending century goes down. Reception reduces the already small eyes, giving the face a dull expression. When drawing lines, you need to draw the pencil up, making sure that the strokes lie symmetrically.
  3. The use of too oily cosmetic products. They will be imprinted on the eyelid, with an accidental touch, smear and flow, making the makeup inaccurate.
  4. Neglecting eyebrow correction. Curves that are too thin will look strange, heavy and shaggy visually narrow your eyes.
  5. Multicolor makeup. On swollen eyelids, do not use too bright shades or contrasting combinations. The ideal choice is a restrained monochrome gamma with a predominance of medium and dark tones.

Hanging or swollen eyelids can be visually lifted with makeup. Suitable cosmetics will hide the flaw, give the face brightness and a peculiar charm. The arrows on small eyes, made in accordance with all the rules, will make the image vivid, indicate a beautiful cut, suitable for everyday wear or evening outings.

Not every girl will be able to draw perfect and clear arrows on the eyelids of her eyes. It is even more difficult to do this for the owners of overhanging eyelids. But still, the arrows for the eyes with overhanging eyelids are able to adjust the look, and create a magnificent make-up for any occasion.

Some features

Many believe that the impending eyelid is a rather noticeable drawback, but such an individual eye structure can be a real highlight. Visually, your eyelid should not weigh down the playful look.
  If you are thinking how to draw suitable arrows and do day makeup. Thin arrows should be preferred so that they do not disappear in the fold and harmoniously emphasize the beauty of your eyes.

Another option is wide and clear arrows. The place of their direct bend is selected exclusively individually, since it is very important to avoid an unpleasant effect when the phenomenon of a “broken” arrow appears.

If you have a desire to draw perfect arrows for the eyes with slightly overhanging eyelids, you need to choose the option that harmoniously emphasizes your attractiveness and expressiveness of your gaze.

Arrow selection

Which arrows are ideal for the impending century is a rather controversial question.
  The answer to it directly depends on individual characteristics - for some girls the overhang is not too pronounced, but for others it is all a real disaster.

Immediately before drawing hand-picked arrows, you must evenly apply a special base makeup product. Also remember that any arrow is applied to the eyelid from the outer corner of the eye to the overhanging edge.

Step by step arrow drawing for the impending century

Step 1.

  Carefully apply makeup base on your eyelids so that the arrows lie softer and last longer. You can also make a light interesting shade with the help of shadows that shade from the outer corner to the inner.

Step 2

So that the tail of the future arrow does not go beyond the place of the direct bend of the eyelid, it slightly falls below the level of the corner of the eye. Using a regular eyeliner, mark the beginning of a future arrow.

Step 3

If you are new to drawing arrows, it is best to outline their outline with a white makeup pencil. So you can draw the tail of the arrow just perfect.

Step 4

The secret to proper makeup for the impending eyelid is that the tail of the arrow should be an ideal extension of the lower eyelid, which goes directly to the tip of the eyebrow.

Step 5

Draw an arrow to begin with its tail. Gently duplicate the white line on the eyelid. You can use a liquid eyeliner, a special marker or a regular black pencil - this is a matter of taste and effect that you want to get as a result.

Step 6

Gently pull the corner to the approximately outlined middle of your eye.

Step 7

Next, the arrow must be lengthened. It is better to do this in the direction from the inner corner of the eye.

Step 8

The drawn outline of the arrow is filled with eyeliner so that there are no places where the shade of your skin is visible.

Step 9

At the last stage, add makeup with mascara.

Varieties of arrows for impending eyelids

The main thing is not to get confused when choosing the most relevant option for your eyes:

  • Popular Egyptian arrows, which can be seen in the photo, which shows the beautiful Cleopatra. Most successfully, this option, common in modern fashion, looks in evening make-up.
  • For a party or a rigorous evening event, you can use the technique of applying thick arrows. For example, when going to some store, such makeup looks very ridiculous.

  • If you are a subtle and creative nature, you should opt for the arrow-wings. When you look at such arrows from above, you might get the impression that this bird has spread its wide wings.
  • For daytime makeup, the most successful and appropriate option is a thin arrow. Makeup of this type is appropriate both in the office and at school. Of course, to make an ideal and clear line, you will need experience and certain skills, but such a choice of arrows is the most suitable for the impending eyelids.

The arrows for the impending century are able in several movements with a pencil or eyeliner to turn the flaw into an accent of the whole makeup.

Simple arrows for daily makeup

Your choice fell on the thin and ordinary arrow intermuscular type? She looks very neat, and also correctly and appropriately emphasizes the eyes. In addition, it is easily and quickly applied to the overhanging eyelid. The technique is simple:

  • Draw one thin line along the eyelash growth area.
  • Go outside the outer corner of the eye just a few millimeters.

This is a vivid example of makeup, which uses thin arrows a la eye. It is enough to train a few times so that you can easily get such an attractive make-up that looks perfect even with the impending century. Also, arrows of this nature are able to add a touch of romance to the image.

If you are interested in what other arrow options exist, you can see

Familiar classic

The classic arrow is not the best option for the impending century, because its tail breaks a little and with open eyes, makeup is simply invisible. But do not abandon the classics, as you can take advantage of the tricks of professional makeup artists.

Step-by-step video:

Lightly outline future arrows on the eyelids with open eyes. The main task is to create the effect of a continuous line that runs from the very base to the tail of the arrow. Paint over everything thoroughly, making the perfect smooth transition. It turns out a certain arrow-lightning. Of course, the first time to do such a make-up is rarely enough, but if you exercise regularly. You can easily create classic arrows for evening makeup.