Congratulate on the day of the border guard. Congratulations on the day of the border guard who served. Beautiful congratulations on the Day of the Border Guard in verse

The day of the border guard was first celebrated in the USSR. This is a professional holiday of the personnel of the Border Troops of the KGB of the Soviet Union. However, to this day in Russia and a number of other CIS countries, the holiday continues to be celebrated, but not everywhere on the same day.

the site has prepared for you the best congratulations for those who every day serve to protect the state on its borders. As you know, this work is far from easy. At the moment, Russia borders on eighteen countries of the world.

Congratulations on Border Guard Day

The border troops are not asleep,
Our border is protected from harm,
The enemy cannot penetrate through it,
And if he dares, he will get a cuff!

Happy border guard day, we congratulate you,
Our dear "border guards", we wish you happiness,
Let the bad weather pass you by
An earthly bow to you and greetings from us!

It happened so in history,
That how the lands were divided
The lines formed like a map -
How the patterns were laid
Border paths,
And the day is on guard
There is a line of border guards
To guard the border
Do not let the illegal aliens in
So that they do not go to the country without demand
Suspicious guests
Happy Holidays! Excellent
Border Service!

Read also:

Border guard day today,
Not just a holiday - it's a date
When we honor our heroes
Who serves and served once.
The country always needs protection
Can't do without your service,
After all, we are neighbors to many countries
And you are the guarantors of our friendship.
We praise you - sons of the Fatherland,
Ready at any moment,
Sparing neither strength nor life,
Duty to fulfill your service.
We are proud of you, we believe, we know
To cope with any task.
We sincerely congratulate you,
And God grant you health and good luck!

We breathe more calmly with you
We live more calmly with you.
And we don't hear the noise of firing
Neither dark night nor day.

Thank you, border guard.
For valor and sweet sleep.
We congratulate you beautifully -
We sing for you in unison.

The blue sky shines under the sun,
But from caps everywhere is green:
Today came those to whom fate
The elite of the troops are destined to remain.
Let them not look for cramols in our meetings,
And we will not betray our brotherhood!
Well! Happy Border Guard Day, buddy!
God forbid not to be called under the gun!

Not a step back - your homeland is behind.
Your gaze will not miss a beast or a bird,
Even though it's peaceful time on the street,
But you guard the border day and night.
You can be proud of your service
After all, you are a border guard, and our country
Lives calmly, even though the borders are open,
And may the war never begin.
To you, no matter what border you are,
Let the light of the distant stars illuminate the darkness
And gloomy clouds do not roam the sky
When you are on duty at the post.

Frowning eyebrows and gaze
The body is wearing a camouflage outfit -
There is a border guard at the junction of two countries
In any weather, until the post is over.

Why the enemy - not even a mouse can crawl,
Hence, the country is absolutely quiet.
We sleep well, peace of mind,
And the border guards are already difficult:

So I want to be with my family,
But the duty to the homeland is to serve
And on holidays, on weekdays, in heat, snowfall
(There are always many obstacles on the way).

Peace of mind and patience, guys.
Let the days of your service fly by
You will go home as soon as possible,
To connect with your own family.

We congratulate you on the day of the border guard
And we want to wish a peaceful sky
But the main thing is that protecting the country
You knew that your beloved would wait.
That birches have already blossomed at home
Lilac bloomed, soon apple blossom,
Hiding the longing of anticipation and tears
He hastens to convey his dear greetings to the region.
You once swore an oath to your homeland
Always keep the border under control.
Good luck, strength and patience, guys,
And let the guiding star shine.

So that your country sleeps peacefully
We need a faithful guard on the border,
Border guard, guard with dignity
You are always our distant border.
At dawn and deep at night
The border guard at the post is always -
Even on his holiday he protects us,
So that trouble does not happen to us!

Let the clouds over the border frown,
The wind is blowing strong, it is raining.
Military faces are impartial,
The intruder will not creep in here!
Congratulations on the holiday, guys!
What to say? You are just great!
Let everything be as it should be!
Happiness and luck, border guards!

How not to be proud of you,
How not to exalt?
When you're at the border
The country is sleeping peacefully.

I wish you calm dreams
And you (but not in the service!).
You deserve it
You need it too!

Congratulations to you today
The boundaries of our sentry.
On the day of the border guard, we wish
I wish you success in the military service.
To solve all problems
Peace to be on the border
Good health, good luck,
Perseverance, courage and strength!

Loyal border guard
Forever on duty
Protecting, boy,
Our beauty!

We wish you
On this glorious day
To go to service
It would not be lazy!

So that your favorite letter
Gentle wrote,
To war and grief
Didn't know at all!

Border guards - green caps, -
In your business, do not miss.
We should be grateful to you
You and in peacetime, as in war.
Your service is out of danger and risk:
At outposts along the border of the obelisk
They stand in a row like border posts.
But you do not want a different fate.
Closer to the night when it makes everyone sleepy
Sometimes you pay with your life for silence.
And we are calm for our homeland.

Happy Border Guard Day! "Green Berets"
Peace of Russia is honorably guarded.
The enemy won't pass when guys like that
The border is protected day and night.
And on a holiday this manly harsh
I want to congratulate you from the bottom of my heart.
Be lucky, loved and healthy.
And you faithfully serve your homeland.

congratulations on the day of the border guard

Serving at the border is not easy
It takes a lot of effort
To grow legally
To stop the contraband.
I wish you every success
Let in your career, in life
There will be a place of joy and laughter
Meet life with a smile on our lips!

Border guard, glory to you today,
It is quiet and light on the border.
We wish you, border guard,
To be lucky in life!
House and cottage, and rest in Egypt,
And his wife's tender, affectionate look,
To cope with business with success,
And I was glad to see faithful friends!

There is silence on the border
Peace of mind.
The whole country falls asleep
But not the one, the other,

What keeps the homeland, us,
Believing only the dog.
Even in the darkest hour
At his post.

Peace to the border guard
Can only dream.
We wish that ourselves
I could always be proud!

A keen ear and a keen eye, there is only a machine gun on the shoulder,
"Stop, shoot, who is coming?" - so protects the border.
Border guards celebrate their holiday today,
Everyone knows that the work of servicemen is not easy, not easy.
We sincerely wish you that your dreams come true,
To be only outwardly strict, but cheerful in life.
So that fate protects you from bad weather and trouble
So that health is strong, happiness to you, great love.

May solemn afternoon
I rejoice from the bottom of my heart:
We went out again today
Those who kept the frontiers
And who is bound by the border
And in this festive moment
There is no reason to doubt
In their strength and valor -
We lived without knowing indulgences
And without looking back ...
Brotherhood of Green Caps
Going to the parade again
And, as before, are united
Brothers, husbands and fathers -
Our glorious men!
Happy holiday to you, border guards!

You will not miss the smuggler
Illegal, rogue and terrorist
We sleep calmly when you are on duty
You protect your border and your homeland.

You are a border guard - a respected person
Honest, bold and generally correct,
On your holiday, we wish you
Always be healthy and true to yourself.

Congratulations on Border Guard Day!
We wish you a calm service!
So that violators do not spoil,
We were allowed to sit at a common table peacefully!
The border of the country is in good hands
After all, we know for sure an unknown fear.
And we wish you to live for many years,
Without grief, problems and all sorts of troubles.

Happy Border Guard Day
Congratulations today!
Good service and career
I sincerely wish!
It is your merit that the boundaries
Our locks!
The kind you should wear
Russia in your arms!

Today the holiday is celebrated
The country has green caps
Those who served and those who serve
Flasks are filled with fuel

To raise a toast for the border guards,
Who is the first on the path of the enemy
For die-hard fighters
That they always protect us.

May they walk on this day
Let it turn slightly.
Guys, I congratulate you
Happy border guard day, hurray!

My toast to us - to the border guards,
For our fighting brotherhood,
What protects from enemies
Our home state.

Yes, our service is hard
But we all serve according to the charter
And like on the edge of a knife
At the turn of the border post.

And on this warm May day
We must break the charter
Let's drink a little and pour some more
For the border guards of the country.

My favorite border guard
I congratulate you, my dear.
You defended the country perfectly
Served honestly - I know that.

But the border guards are in stock
It doesn't seem to happen at all
And if needed at the border
You will stand up for me.

And to protect the state
Great country, our beloved
You, remembering the fighting brotherhood,
Face your enemies with a bayonet fearlessly.

Put on your green cap
She suits you, my dear,
With friends, raise a glass
For the big and strong frontiers.


Your service is both dangerous and difficult
But civilians can't see it at all,
All because on the edge of the country
Our border guards serve honestly.

On the water, on land and in the mountains,
At outposts, in border districts
They guard our borders
And we should thank them.

You are one of those who serve at the border
And I know that the enemy is afraid of you.
You vigilantly look around there,
We are not welcome to uninvited guests.

Happy border guard day, I congratulate you
And I wish to return to civilian life on time.
You will be here for girls favorite
Steep and strong demobilization - border guard.


F we wish good luck to the border guards,
Excellent service, joys - countless,
After all, this means a lot in life,
To be able to save your energy.
We wish the border guards honor,
True to the Fatherland, to serve from the heart,
And all the destinies are tight turns
Pass with dignity and boldness.

FROM ynu border guard
Son, my blood, my glorious defender, my sun, I congratulate you on the day of the border guard and I wish that all your worries were only training, blank shots, so that tears in your eyes were only for joy, and the commanders became friends. So that you pay your debt to the Motherland with dignity and return home healthy and unharmed!

P about all the edges of native Russia,
In the mountains, taiga and sand,
You stand as an invisible shadow
Our border is locked!

Don't let the mouse slip past you,
The spy and the "spirit" will not pass there,
To keep all the nights calm
And the family front was strong!

M Ai solemn afternoon
I rejoice from the bottom of my heart:
We went out again today
Those who kept the frontiers
And who is bound by the border
And in this festive moment
There is no reason to doubt
In their strength and valor -
We lived without knowing indulgences
And without looking back ...
Brotherhood of Green Caps
Going to the parade again
And, as before, are united
Brothers, husbands and fathers -
Our glorious men!
Happy holiday to you, border guards!

B ratu border guard
Day of the border guard for you, brother, is like a second birthday. That is why I wish you a lot of fun and joy on this day, smiles of friends and girlfriends, jokes and entertainment. May this day not be overshadowed by any unpleasantness and stupidity, may there be no access to hatred in your life, and love illuminate your days and nights!

T fuck, brother, I wish
If you serve on the border,
So that, never losing heart,
Went to achieve the dream.

A wonderful brother, a brave guy,
A good, strong man -
I love and respect you
You are the authority for me.

R one uncle border guard
The idol of my whole life, an honorary border guard, and in combination, the best uncle in the world, I congratulate the border guard and I want our meetings to be only joyful, long and interesting conversations, easy and short partings, and necessary and timely help. For me, you are always an example to follow and an indicator of a real man!

Z and your courage and courage,
For many nights without sleep
For the fact that you honor the oath,
Congratulations! And the wine
Pour the glass more fully
To drink to the peace of the country
We congratulate you today,
For being faithful to the Motherland!

B ratu border guard
My dear brother, accept my sincere congratulations on the day of the border guard. I know and believe that you will always be able to protect the land of your native land from the enemy and will never offend the person you met on the way. I wish you the courage not to change this ever and to be a faithful support for those who love you and love you!

H your peace and peace protects,
On the border of an expensive land
A handyman in a green cap,
Who knows no mistake!
Let there be less risk
So that life is like a pussy
And good health,
To have enough for a feast!

H silence on the border
Peace of mind.
The whole country falls asleep
But not the one, the other,

What keeps the homeland, us,
Believing only the dog.
Even in the darkest hour
At his post.

Peace to the border guard
Can only dream.
We wish that ourselves
I could always be proud!

FROM ynu border guard
We congratulate the most beautiful son on the day of the border guard. May your sunrises be alarmed only by the singing of birds, may your night sky flash with bright stars of fireworks, may the sunsets not be formidable, and the days pass surrounded by your loved ones, relatives and friends. we trust you and are always waiting for you!

H and many miles along our border
The trail of the PCB lies in furrows,
There are guys in caps, clean faces,
Carrying out their service in a severe struggle!

We wish your service challenging,
To be healthy and not to be ill,
So that everything in life turns out as it should,
Our soldier would be alive!

AT black spouse border guard
My faithful and devoted friend, my gentle and restless lover, my only and unique husband, we congratulate you on the day of the border guard and may your green cap be the beacon in our house that agreed among the raging ocean of deception, lies and hatred!

ABOUT n border guard - strict, attentive, stern,
He will not let enemies cross the border,
Suddenly he shocks
So that it was not common for the bassists for the future.

We wish him peace,
May there be less confusion in life,
We know for sure - and down with obscurity -
As long as he is on duty, the border is safe!

L to the beloved border guard
Border Guard Day is a great occasion to remind your beloved man how dependent you are on him and how hard it is to spend a minute, hour, day without him. Darling, I am proud of my personal border guard and am ready to be under your protection all my life, confident in my safety!

P restraints - green caps, -
In your business, do not miss.
We should be doubly grateful to you:
You and in peacetime, as in war.
Your service is out of danger and risk:
At outposts along the border of the obelisk
They stand in a row like border posts.
But you do not want a different fate.
Closer to the night when it makes everyone sleepy
Sometimes you pay with your life for silence.
And we are calm for our Motherland:
In Russia you are on the edge!

TO when I send you to work,
Beloved husband, I am always worried.
You are a border guard, so serve, knowing
That the beloved family is waiting at home.

I wish you always good luck
In your righteous work,
Health - it means a lot in life,
So that our common home was a full bowl.

P ape border guard
The coolest dad, congratulating you on the day of the border guard, we wish you to always be in good physical shape, live easily and remember that we are proud of you - our own protector of the interests of a huge and wonderful family!

FROM a nice guy at the border
Protects the borders of the country
Crumpled letters warm pages
The border guard needs more life.
Don't worry, everything is calm at home
Greetings from your family
We all know you serve worthily
So, our friend, happy holiday to you!

Hkeen hearing and keen eyes, on the shoulder only a machine gun,
"Stop, I'm shooting, who's coming?" - so protects the border.
Border guards celebrate their holiday today,
Everyone knows that the work of servicemen is not easy, not easy.
We sincerely wish you that your dreams come true,
To be only outwardly strict, but cheerful in life.
So that fate protects you from bad weather and trouble
So that health is strong, happiness to you, great love.

D scold the border guard
My friend, accept my sincere congratulations on the day of the border guard, and I wish you the opportunity to enjoy life every day in all its diversity and beauty. Let all adversity forget about you, and love, happiness and health become your faithful companions. Be cheerful and cheerful, be generous and kind, and everything else will come by itself.

FROM On the day of the border guard, I wish my most faithful and devoted friend only calm and gentle nights, cloudless sunrises and picturesque sunsets. let your days pass in good worries and cares, and the best people will always be near!

FROM today, at the end of May
I look with envy at those
Who is at the forefront of the country
Was bound by friendship forever,
Who believes in a soldier's debt sacredly -
Nice and simple guys ...
Happy border guard day, guys!
Good luck and peaceful days!

Z but they keep order on the border of the state,
Border guards are always on the edge:
They do not need special solemn glory,
They just do their job.

Let them know that the homeland is proud
His sons and honors them.
We wish you good luck, victories, optimism,
Protect every meter of your relatives!

"P the limiter is my daddy "
The border guard is my dad,
I know for sure
Since childhood, I am proud of you
And I wish you

So that it is served well
And without incident,
To make every day come
Lots of luck!

On May 28, the day of the border guard is celebrated in our country. Congratulations on this day are accepted by both serving employees in the border troops and serving border guards. Border guards celebrate their day noisily and cheerfully. And vodka with songs and bathing in fountains - all this is an integral part of the festive festivities of border guards. So it was, so it will be this year. And in order to congratulate our friends and relatives who defended our homeland in the border troops, we have prepared for you beautiful, touching and funny congratulations on the Day of the border guard in verse.

Beautiful congratulations on the Day of the Border Guard in verse

Border guard day today,
Not just a holiday - it's a date
When we honor our heroes
Who serves and served once.
The country always needs protection
Can't do without your service,
After all, we are neighbors to many countries
And you are the guarantors of our friendship.
We praise you - sons of the Fatherland,
Ready at any moment,
Sparing neither strength nor life,
Duty to fulfill your service.
We are proud of you, we believe, we know
To cope with any task.
We sincerely congratulate you,
And God grant you health and good luck!

Happy Russian Border Service Day
We congratulate you honestly, from the bottom of our hearts,
Day of the most faithful, courageous, kind, necessary,
Day for real, true men!

May good luck always accompany you,
Service growth, health every day,
Well, of course, in addition to this -
Love of all people around you!

We congratulate you on the day of the border guard
And we want to wish a peaceful sky
But the main thing is that protecting the country
You knew that your beloved would wait.
That birches have already blossomed at home
Lilac bloomed, soon apple blossom,
Hiding the longing of anticipation and tears
He hastens to convey his dear greetings to the region.
You once swore an oath to your homeland
Always keep the border under control.
Good luck, strength and patience, guys,
And let the guiding star shine.

The border guard at the post -
This is a service to the Motherland,
Because this picture
Causes respect!
Congratulations to you today
Helmet from heart and soul,
Congratulations to you guys
Happy border day!
And we wish you very boldly
Serve good service,
And with dignity and honor
Serve in the army!

Today, those who serve at the border
Thank you so much!
Thank you for sleeping peacefully,
I thank heaven for you.
Thank you guys for the courage
The state appreciates faithful sons.
Today is a significant date for everyone
I hasten to congratulate you guys, hurry up!

Thank you, border guard!
The work is a severe excellent student!
For peaceful days, for peace,
Lives calmly with you!
May your spirit grow stronger over the years
So that the mischievous look does not go out!
See the joy in ordinary things!
Live on your lips with a smile! Happy holiday, vigilant defender!
The border guard is a brave border guard.
The whole country praises them today,
After all, the border is important to everyone.
You - a lot of health and success,
I wish you happiness and joyful laughter.
May it always - both in the cold and in the heat -
You will be able to do everything!

Be healthy and happy, border guard,
Brave and firm, and hold on to your friends!
After all, his work is unusual,
You protect a peaceful life
You cover the whole big country
With a heart just as kind and big.
And for such faithful service
We thank you from the bottom of our hearts!

Today the sun has lost its rays
When in the morning it ran through the dew.
Let only these red scouts
Sneaking through the control lane

Order and tranquility always reign
On the frontier entrusted to the Motherland,
And there are continuous lives of pleasure
With unlimited love in my soul!

You have served for a long time, gray hair on your temples,
But in your soul you are there, in the border troops.
And you will always remember your native outpost,
After all, there is never a former border guard!

I congratulate you on the day of the border guard.
Be happy, healthy, do not regret anything.
Honor and glory to you, dear border guard,
You are a real hero of your Motherland!

You honestly guarded the border from troubles
And he stood guard with his faithful dog.
You were a soldier and you remain a hero.
I wish you that you do not break
Sharp teeth of treacherous fate
So that there are no obstacles and troubles in life.
So that the sun always shines through the window.
And so that every day passes with a bang!

There are no former border guards at all,
Who guarded the border knows about it!
Congratulations on this glorious holiday,
You served in the border troops regularly!
Don't lose your skill, be always nimble
In civilian life, the border guard is the same brave warrior! You served honestly and with dignity
Borders defended countries
We wish you, border guard,
So that he never knew war.

The years of service have passed,
But this holiday is always yours
You carry the memories
About this service through the years!

You once served in a glorious past,
In the valiant border troops.
May fate multiply everything good
What have you carried on your shoulders.
You gave the country peace of mind regularly,
May peace always reign in the soul.
May everything in life be very glorious
Happiness may always be with you.

You deflected yours
You served at the border
And today I deserve
Congratulations for some thirty!

I want to wish you
In life, only positive
Always be on top
Let troubles pass by!

For being peaceful on native land,
For the fact that we are all healthy and alive,
For a clear sky overhead -
Thanks to the border guards!
You boldly performed the duty of a saint,
You are used to long nights without sleep,
We are proud of our army, country
And each serving border guard!

It was still quite green
When he went to the army!
Be a border defender
Your turn then came!
You served, demobilized,
And not a fighter for a long time!
But in my soul you will always be
The same brave border guard!
And so your holiday
Celebrate today!
For people like you - green,
Raise your glass!

You served as a border guard
And deserved this holiday!
Didn't get enough sleep, didn't finish,
He defended our border!
Let me congratulate you
And wishes to send.
Stay as brave
Don't give up on any problems!

Border guard day today,
We celebrate with the whole country.
You have served nobly,
We gave the debt to our native country!
To all young people now you are an example -
Guard the border steadily.
On behalf of the native power,
We want to wish you peace.

Funny congratulations on the Day of the border guard

The streets are crowded today
Caps can not calm the greens,
And even toddlers find it easy
The reason for this is to understand -
They walk in a cheerful crowd;
Their souls are full of holiday;
They wave from the windows of the school,
And from the tram window;
Step by step in a chased march,
And a good glass in hand ...
Perhaps someone started earlier;
But the border is locked!
I know, though not a border guard,
That it's time to congratulate
You and all the guys are great
Happy border guard day! Hooray!

You have been serving at the border for a long time
And you're not afraid of shooting, not a damn thing!
We wish you a fun holiday,
After all, being a border guard is so honorable!
Take a glass with pickled cucumber,
Which is green as your shoulder straps!
Happy Border Guard Day, be good at it!
And even if you suddenly run out of cartridges,
You will tear the enemy apart with your bare hands,
If he planned to encroach on his homeland!
Scare him with a hangover with your face!
Well, now - you have a happy rest!

What happened
That spring is raging again -
Caps covered with greens
Today is completely country!
Let them smile as usual
All those who did not serve at all
But every border guard knows:
Our holiday has not become obsolete!
We guard what is holy -
Beloved Motherland border!
Happy Border Guard Day, guys!
And ignore the ignorant!

Clouds go gloomy on the border,
You stand and freeze in the wind
Day and night, in heat and fierce cold
The border guard is always on duty!
Let the thought of home warm you
About your beautiful girl
The memory of the beloved hourly
Gently you hurt in your soul!
Be, border guard, you are cheerful,
Be kind, brave and happy
But my family, my native village
In distant lands, do not forget!

Serving conscientiously is not a trifle
How many days have you not drunk?
Today you can, after all,
Your holiday has come!
All the men on the border -
Outposts honor honor,
The motto is the same: “No passaran!
Strangers will not pass! "

The border is locked, but still,
Today is your holiday, hero!
After all, even a border guard can
Relax quite at times.

And for the dog, for the service
There is a festive bone today.
Owner - one hundred grams of magic
It's easier to live in the service.

We congratulate you, relatives,
We always wish you cheerfulness
So that our working days
The enemy has never broken!

And in the heat and in the bad weather,
In a crisis, in heat and in snow,
The border guards do not sleep
So that the enemy does not invade the country.
Happy holiday to you,
And all the best, with all my heart,
I certainly wish you
Reaching the peaks.
A sea of \u200b\u200bhappiness and health,
Peace in the home and family,
If your life is okay
We are calmer in the country!

Who's it worth?
Not different from the landscape?
This is a formidable guard
Our border service!

He is in the cold and in the heat
Vigilantly vigilant into other people's distances,
So that early in the morning
Suddenly we would not have been attacked.

Congratulations! Duty and honor
Guard your limits.
So that he doesn't dare to climb up to us
A vicious enemy for a vile deed.

Congratulations on Border Guard Day are short

May everything be calm at the border
And happiness is a hurricane in my soul,
We wish you to celebrate the holiday with dignity,
And may luck always await you ahead.

We dedicate to the defenders of the border
Today word congratulations.
And on this day we sincerely wish you
So that the service goes under a peaceful sky!
We wish your border service
Success, achievements and victories!
And also happiness in your personal life,
Well-being, health, long years.

Happy Border Guard Day, soldier,
Peaceful sky overhead!
May your region be rich in the world
Well, the war will pass by.
Happiness, health, luck, goodness
And always a quiet border.
May it always warm you
The thought of a peacefully sleeping capital!

We wish your service challenging,
To be healthy and not to be ill,
So that everything in life turns out as it should,
Our soldier would be alive!

Your service is both dangerous and difficult,
And from a citizen it is not visible at all!
But we know you are so great
Real brave soldiers!
To serve as a border guard is a class,
Congratulations on this day, we send you!
And we wish you health, prosperity,
And from the girls a lot of attention!

In the heat and cold, and in the blizzard
You stand on guard
And it will become in difficult times, the enemy
Your courage is a barrier!
On Border Guard Day for you
Let the sun shine brighter
Wish you happiness at this hour
You adults and children!

Whether in heaven, sea, land
Among deserts and foreign cities,
In the hot heat and in the cold cold,
And leaving your home for a long time -
There is such a hard service
There is such a duty to the Motherland.
I wish only friendship to grow stronger
And no one violated the borders!

Locked my border
If, dear, you serve!
What bird will fly by
A girl will dive past
I know for sure they are crazy!
Even flies don't fly
Over the border for a long time.
They go around in a friendly swarm,
The border guards know!
It's all the same to live a hunt!

Congratulations to the border guards,
Sons, husbands, fathers,
Who is strong, who is not afraid
Defend the peace of the border.
We wish that in the service,
The rear was strong, strength in friendship,
To have a peaceful life
And Russia flourished.

You carry out a proud service,
Keep the border of the country.
Your profession is in high esteem
And the features are very important.
How grateful you are
Can't even be expressed in words.
Border, it will be right to say
In safe and strong hands.

Always guard the border -
Your favorite challenge!
I want to wish you
Goodness, health and good luck!
Let the service pass easily
So that you smile more often!
Let there be everything that is needed in life
And all dreams will come true! Problems in the border service
I wish to close the bolt,
And in life, let it be purely personal
Love knows no boundaries
And happiness is at the feet of a faithful dog
Home guards the threshold!

Our border guard, don't be bored
We congratulate you!
Any let your sorrow
Leaves with May!

So that you are full every hour
A warlike spirit
And so that, as in the song: “Past us
A fly won't fly! "

Congratulations on Border Guard Day to your beloved guy

You stay at the border, and I will wait
Until the deadline, beloved defender!
You will understand - I love you with all my heart
And I look forward to returning strongly!

Health to you and soldier's luck,
For the service to go smoothly and smoothly,
So that there were fewer dashing misfortunes,
So that things are all right!

Let the heart beat with fate in unison
And let the wind give warmth
And the service will pass like a minute, like a dream,
Leaving good luck as a keepsake!

My beloved border guard,
I send congratulations to you now.
In him is my confession of love,
Sadness and thirst for anticipation
Wishes for the soul.
Read them quickly.

You are an excellent student in all matters,
My favorite border guard!
Brave, strong and brave
There is no other way to put it.
I'm glad to congratulate you
And what did you choose me!
Guard me from pain
Inspire with your love!

May my beloved keep you at the border
Faithful Angel of my sincere love!
And on every page of your life
Save your luck with care!

I congratulate you, my border guard,
Happy profession day! I wish
So that in his work the first was an excellent student,
So that fate pampered every day!

Border guard day in spring
And on the border with summer!
Let joy flow like a river
And happiness is a bright light!

Good luck may be with you
Always - day and night,
I'm proud of you, my hero,
I love you very much!

So that unkind surprises
The clouds did not thicken
The border guard needs a visa
Check and pass.

Anything can happen.
What if a bandit bursts in?
Border guard
Security guards.

The border guards are walking
Only not everyone has a holiday.
Protected daily
The whole border without interference.

We will raise a faceted glass
For the glorious staunch boys,
Let the soldier be green now
Will serve as the valor of the fathers.

Three cheers to glorious border guards!
After all, they observe their fast from evening to morning.
Beware of illegal immigrants, bark louder, my faithful dog,
We are resting today! Why? - ask a question ...
Because everyone can see it, and even a mile away
The border guard, though lying, is lying only at the post!
(Although the border guard will drink, he will drink strictly at the post!)

May your happiness
There will be no boundaries.
In the hands of not one
And a lot of tits!

Good and luck
Border each other
Let luck be
Your best friend.

Holiday guys
Meet yours properly.
You are Border Guard Day
Celebrate proudly!

Happy holiday, vigilant defender!
The border guard is a brave border guard.
The whole country praises them today,
After all, the border is important to everyone.
You - a lot of health and success,
I wish you happiness and joyful laughter.
May it always - both in the cold and in the heat -
You will be able to do everything!

How to protect a huge country from evil?
Hang the lock and nail the bars?
Alas, it is too big!
We cannot hide it in a box!

And so all the aspirations for peace
We put it on the border troops!
We're safe! Power is behind us!
After all, the border guard is stronger than any castle!

The day of the "border guard" has come,
We'll drink some wine
You are a sweet border guard
You are a professional, excellent student!
You pass through the outpost
You can't take your eyes off the border,
So that the enemies are not deceived,
They did not pry into our land!
On this glorious holiday of yours,
I wish dear
For fate to keep you
And health was strong,
And all the dreams came true
So that you become a general!

Guards stand along the border of the country,
They serve Russia and do not sleep at night.
Honestly, truly, they carry their burden with duty,
And they will perish, perhaps, in an unequal battle.

Admiring, we can only give honor,
On this day to congratulate you, read poems.
Make everyday life brighter so that they beat more expensive
In those minutes when the enemy decided to destroy.

You keep the peace.
We believe. Everyone is like a hero.
Sleep well, yes, country.
Always protected.
I won't wish you much
So that there is no alarm.
So that happiness shines on you,
So that you love the sea.

Although there are many jokes about border guards, everyone understands that you are on an important mission. Let your service be such that later there will be something to remember and something to tell in a noisy and cheerful company. Happy Border Guard Day, thank you for standing guard over our peace!